
Session 12: Sudden Life Debts

May 9th, 2014
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  1. [2014-05-02 16:13:21] * GAPgm >> Connecting to Bronco Network
  2. [2014-05-02 16:13:44] * GAPgm >> Admin Longin
  3. [2014-05-02 16:13:55] * GAPgm >> Accessing
  4. [2014-05-02 16:13:59] * GAPgm >> ...
  5. [2014-05-02 16:15:51] <GAPgm> Over the rooftops of a dilapigated and (until recently) abandoned neighborhood near the edge of the city of New hourseleans the early morning sun saw witness to a miraculous event that had not occured in centuries, neith naturally or artifically.
  6. [2014-05-02 16:17:35] <GAPgm> With the fading light of the stars above and the rays of the newly rissen sun spilling over a recently cleaned roof of a partially sunk home a large barel shaped contraption detected a shift in a bed of freshly fertalized soil and shifted its nutrition intake slightly as needed.
  7. [2014-05-02 16:19:35] <GAPgm> Soil parting a single vivid green sprout blooms up and coils, a single leaf unfoalding to greet the sunrise.
  8. [2014-05-02 16:20:40] * GAPgm the sight was only witnessed by two nearby beings who watched with intrest from the same rooftop who mearly exchanged a smile and nods before making there exit to leave things be, for now.
  9. [2014-05-02 16:20:51] * GAPgm >> Signal interupted
  10. [2014-05-02 16:20:57] * GAPgm >>...
  11. [2014-05-02 16:21:08] * GAPgm >> Reconecting to network
  12. [2014-05-02 16:22:03] * GAPgm >> Connection to Bronco Network restablished
  13. [2014-05-02 16:22:52] * Flora_Bloom yawns as she slowly wakes up, stretching lightly and looking around
  14. [2014-05-02 16:24:32] * GAPgm Birds native to the banks of the Missipony river tweet outside the windows of the large two story home, the sounds of ponies wondering and working on the streets beyond this wet neighborhood have not grown loud enough to hear but the sun rises in the sky.
  15. [2014-05-02 16:25:25] * Thomas_OMalley sleeps, snoring softly in his bedroll.
  16. [2014-05-02 16:26:09] * Flora_Bloom smiles as she gets up, calmly trotting upstairs to work on her project
  17. [2014-05-02 16:27:15] * Heartmend goes over her impromptu clinic in the early morning light, checking what she may have missed to get it going
  18. [2014-05-02 16:27:43] * Sunshine sleeps in another room, curled into a small bundle of pony
  19. [2014-05-02 16:27:49] * Midnight_Bliss remains on the roof, haveing stayed up through the night as always
  20. [2014-05-02 16:28:57] * GAPgm swollen and in some cases mostly rotted floor boards creek as she makes her way to her "project" upstairs. The roof is as it was left save for the sight of something new resting just above the soil in the large bed of the C.A.N she and Thomas had left running overnight.
  21. [2014-05-02 16:30:20] * Flora_Bloom blinks as she adjusts her glasses, trotting to it and looking over the new edition
  22. [2014-05-02 16:30:24] <Flora_Bloom> to her garden*
  23. [2014-05-02 16:30:51] * Heartmend nods that the bare bones are in place, she head to their some what under stocked kitchen, looking to see what can do about breakfast
  24. [2014-05-02 16:31:02] * GAPgm Heartmends clinic currently consists of a downstairs room cleaned and dusted, drawrs and shelves that were still serviceable having been draged in to hold her limited equipment. The second hand rehab gear rests here, along with whatever ells she has in the way of medical supplies.
  25. [2014-05-02 16:32:50] * Midnight_Bliss lowers her night vision scoped rifle as the sun rose, turning her attention from the horizon down to the patio
  26. [2014-05-02 16:33:16] * GAPgm there in the center of the bed is a five inch tall sprout with two leaves growing from the soil, it bends and coils and has shoots of pink running through its green stalk and veins of the same color spider webbing through the leaves.
  27. [2014-05-02 16:34:20] * Flora_Bloom gasps happily as she looks up at it. She quickly starts to concentrait and focuses her magic towards it, hopeing to speed the growth of it
  28. [2014-05-02 16:34:26] * Sunshine gets up at once, grunting. "Why you little-?! ...oh." She blinks, realizing it was just a dream.
  29. [2014-05-02 16:38:15] * GAPgm Heartmend suprisingly finds a small parcel of food left on a counter with a note
  30. [2014-05-02 16:39:39] * Sunshine grooms herself preparing for the day, leaving her room back in full fabulosity. "Good morning everypony."
  31. [2014-05-02 16:40:39] * GAPgm the Plant grows an extra few inches, the pink streaks and veins glowing brightly. Behind the plant the large drum shaped container of the CAN's machiner growns as it attempts to keep up, maintaining what the plant needs during its excelerated growth. When it is all said and done the plant now stands nearly a foot tall, the pink still glowing.
  32. [2014-05-02 16:41:31] * Heartmend with some amusement, looks over the note, then to the parcel as she reads the note
  33. [2014-05-02 16:42:13] * Flora_Bloom pants slowly, looking proudly at the plant. "Good good. I'll have to keep this up daily." She syas happily before looking to Midnight_Bliss. "Good morning."
  34. [2014-05-02 16:42:35] * Sunshine looks around for the ponies who are awake.
  35. [2014-05-02 16:44:08] * Midnight_Bliss hopped down from her perch "Morning" she said looking around. "I report two shadowy figures were seen on the roof, both vanished as the sun rose, I could not see more"
  36. [2014-05-02 16:44:30] * Flora_Bloom blinks. "Pony sized?"
  37. [2014-05-02 16:44:56] <GAPgm> the note reads: "Miss Textbook, the items you ordered were left here last evening after repeated nocks were not answered. Hope this is alright as the door was left unlocked. might want to see to some of this property damange". The bag contains a dozen eggs, five apples, 5 carrots, and 4 cans of cram.
  38. [2014-05-02 16:45:44] * Midnight_Bliss she nods "Yes, Pony Sized"
  39. [2014-05-02 16:45:57] * Thomas_OMalley continues to sleep.
  40. [2014-05-02 16:45:58] * GAPgm finds Thomas asleep, as well as textbook in a nearby room, Heartmend is in the kitchen looking at a bag of fresh produce.
  41. [2014-05-02 16:46:55] * Flora_Bloom nods. "That's odd." She sighs and wipes some sweat from her brow. She moves down towards Thomas's room to wake him
  42. [2014-05-02 16:48:25] * Sunshine trots to Heartmend. "Good morning." She peeks at the package. "Did you get anything interesting?"
  43. [2014-05-02 16:50:08] * Midnight_Bliss checks her weapons and bags
  44. [2014-05-02 16:52:17] * Heartmend sets the note down, then thinks a bit to herself 'well this is so food that Textbook asked to be sent' then looks up as Sunshine trots in to the kitchen "Oh this is not mine." as she hoofs over the note "I was looking around to make us some breakfast, I hope theres more. Or I'll have to make do with this." as she points aforehoof to the parcel
  45. [2014-05-02 16:54:51] * GAPgm finds Thomas asleep, led to his claimed room by the sound of his snoring.
  46. [2014-05-02 16:55:35] <Sunshine> "Well, we should tell her, in that case." Sunshine trots to Textbook, nudging her gently. "Good morning~ there is a beautiful day outside just waiting for you~"
  47. [2014-05-02 16:55:47] * Heartmend gives a smile "But cram apple carrot omelettes do suond good me, what do you think Sunshine would Miss Textbook be mad if I did that?
  48. [2014-05-02 16:55:51] <Heartmend> "*
  49. [2014-05-02 16:57:14] * GAPgm twists in her sleep, stretching slightly under a blanket she had manged to procure at some point, sighing she half opens her eyes and glances up, "humm, oh, ok then". Yawning she snuggles up a bit more under the covers before standing.
  50. [2014-05-02 16:58:00] * GAPgm tilting her ear at this she trots to the door, blanket still over her as she calls to the kitchen, "actually that sounds lovely thank you!"
  51. [2014-05-02 16:58:03] * Flora_Bloom shakes Thomas Lightly. "Our plant grew Thomas!"
  52. [2014-05-02 16:58:37] * Midnight_Bliss slings her bags over her flank again and steps inside with the others
  53. [2014-05-02 16:59:36] * Heartmend nods at that as she turns to the stove and food as she makes the omelettes
  54. [2014-05-02 16:59:38] * Thomas_OMalley snorts and mutters "I know not what you mean, dis mare, she be my sister..." The batpony resumes his snoring.
  55. [2014-05-02 17:00:06] * Flora_Bloom sighs as she picks Up Thomas and shakes him
  56. [2014-05-02 17:01:10] * Thomas_OMalley snorts and blinks. "Wha!" He flails a bit before waking up. "Oh, its you padron. Why you wake me up, Flora? Dat be dream be wonderful."
  57. [2014-05-02 17:02:16] * Sunshine takes her mystery book and opens it on the last page she read while the breakfast is being done
  58. [2014-05-02 17:02:25] * Flora_Bloom blinks. "To be honest Thomas from what I heard that dream you were getting freaky with your sister." She says. "But regardless, OUR PLANT GREW!"
  59. [2014-05-02 17:03:16] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Of course, mon ami. De machine was by my design and wit your magic."
  60. [2014-05-02 17:03:39] <Thomas_OMalley> "And I have no sister. I'm an only child, padron."
  61. [2014-05-02 17:04:32] * Flora_Bloom raises an eyebrow. "Then why... why would you." She shakes her head. "I grew it some, it was only a few inches but I speed it up with all I could and now it's a foot long!"
  62. [2014-05-02 17:06:39] * Midnight_Bliss takes a seat and pulls an MRE from her bag, quickly preparing it and starting her morning meal
  63. [2014-05-02 17:07:06] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Dat's good... is it gonna be a tree or just a little ting? And where's breakfast?"
  64. [2014-05-02 17:07:51] * GAPgm the beginings of breakfast waft about the house, the smell of eggs and fresh veg. Textbook can be heard dressing from her room.
  65. [2014-05-02 17:07:52] * Flora_Bloom shrugs. "Downstairs I think. But I'm not sure. We can talk about while we eat."
  66. [2014-05-02 17:08:04] * Heartmend cut up the apples and carrots as the pan heats up
  67. [2014-05-02 17:09:17] * Sunshine smirks and mutters. "That's all too convenient. No, she must not be the culprit."
  68. [2014-05-02 17:11:22] * GAPgm The sun rises further into the sky and breakfast is had, after a while textbook announces she is going into town to send out a few letters. Soon it will be time for Sunshines appointment with the loud pony from the bar to see the boat.
  69. [2014-05-02 17:13:11] * Flora_Bloom enjoies the food she eats as she starts to go back upstairs. "Does naypony need me for anything?"
  70. [2014-05-02 17:14:10] * Midnight_Bliss slides on her sunglasses to deal with the bright sunlight as she looks outside, waiting for her own meeting to approach
  71. [2014-05-02 17:14:49] * Heartmend sets herself to clean up after breakfast "No, not right now. You go have fun with that plant of yours."
  72. [2014-05-02 17:16:15] * Flora_Bloom chuckles lightly. "Thanks. I just need to study it."
  73. [2014-05-02 17:17:47] * Thomas_OMalley polishes off his breakfast before going upstairs to change into his mechanic's gear. "I be good, tank you Flora!"
  74. [2014-05-02 17:18:24] * Cap_Rat had considered to go normally, but the captain might be confused. "I suppose if you'd like to come and meet the captain, you are welcome. He is making a good deal for a ship, but we need to help him with a little something. You see, he was wronged by larcenous ponies who took it away from him. He was so fond of it, quite a shame that was. But if we gather 800 caps and help him, we can have his other boat at a sizable discount."
  75. [2014-05-02 17:19:16] * Cap_Rat clears his throat. "Whoa, whoa wait, that's all wrong." He shifts to the proper Cap_Rat speech.
  76. [2014-05-02 17:20:10] * Thomas_OMalley shouts down the stairs. "I'm a bit worried about dis other ship he got. I don't want dat to be a deathtrap."
  77. [2014-05-02 17:20:28] <Cap_Rat> "So, I met this captain, and he was in a lot of trouble. They stole his ship, can you believe that? So, he is going to get us his old one really cheap if we help him."
  78. [2014-05-02 17:20:35] * Cap_Rat nods to himself
  79. [2014-05-02 17:21:14] * Flora_Bloom is upstairs now, studying the plant
  80. [2014-05-02 17:21:23] <Cap_Rat> "Can't slip like that, nope." He turns to Thomas. "That's why you are coming along. No sense in getting through all this trouble for a crappy one."
  81. [2014-05-02 17:21:59] * Thomas_OMalley finishes slipping into his clothes. "You tink dere gonna be trouble?"
  82. [2014-05-02 17:22:18] * Midnight_Bliss looks back before looking up at the sun "I have 6 hours roughly before my meeting. One last mission with you would be... agreeable"
  83. [2014-05-02 17:24:18] <Cap_Rat> "I'd be ready if I were you. If we meet these other ponies, there sure will." He tilts his head. "Not too sure how much I trust this captain either."
  84. [2014-05-02 17:25:13] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Oh! I met for inspecting dis 800 cap ship."
  85. [2014-05-02 17:27:38] <Cap_Rat> "It's not bad, just in case." He shrugs.
  86. [2014-05-02 17:28:44] * Midnight_Bliss gives a salute "I'll have your back one last time"
  87. [2014-05-02 17:28:57] * Cap_Rat leads the group to the docks, exactly Whenever O'clock
  88. [2014-05-02 17:29:44] * Flora_Bloom glances around when she goes back downstairs. "Hello?"
  89. [2014-05-02 17:30:43] * Thomas_OMalley switches to his armor and his saddles, travelling with Cap_Rat to inspect the ship.
  90. [2014-05-02 17:31:54] * GAPgm can spots the group exiting the door as they leave.
  91. [2014-05-02 17:32:26] * Midnight_Bliss adjusts her flak vest and sunglasses, Recharger Rifle and grenade rifle holstered at her sides
  92. [2014-05-02 17:33:01] * Flora_Bloom follows along quickly
  93. [2014-05-02 17:36:09] * Heartmend asks "And this pony that where getting a craft from wants us to do what exactly for them?"
  94. [2014-05-02 17:36:17] * GAPgm the group arrive soon a exactly whenever o clock to a dock not to far away. a few ships remain teathred to the docks, one in paticular is being inspected from the dock by the loud pony from last night as well as the seller who still looks just as annoyed as before.
  95. [2014-05-02 17:38:24] * GAPgm the boat is sort of stubby, riding low in the water with a sort of cannopy covering it single deck on most sides, smoke stacks stick up from it. It looks nothing less than the unholy merger of a poorly painted fishing boat and a unusually flat toped beatle.
  96. [2014-05-02 17:41:07] * Midnight_Bliss looks the ship over "You sure this is worth 800? Think you'd be better off with a wooden plank and a bendy straw"
  97. [2014-05-02 17:41:17] * Thomas_OMalley sighs as he looks at the boat. "Dat looks like a death trap..." The batpony starts taking off his armor and putting on his coveralls.
  98. [2014-05-02 17:43:32] * Flora_Bloom blinks as she looks at it. "Oh my. Even if I got some nice plants I couldn't make this look too good."
  99. [2014-05-02 17:43:34] <Thomas_OMalley> Once the batpony has finished putting on his coveralls, he pulls out his toolkit. "Alright. Can you get me permission to inspect dat boat?"
  100. [2014-05-02 17:44:50] * Heartmend looks at the small craft "Well at lest its still afoat, thats a good thing."
  101. [2014-05-02 17:45:41] * GAPgm the loud pony is not to far off, his voice carrying across the dock as he points out flaws to the seller. Spoting the group he waves to them, recognizing Cap Rat. "Bully, theres just the chap now! Oie, over hear my fine fellow"
  102. [2014-05-02 17:45:42] * Cap_Rat tilts his head. "It needs to be cooler..."
  103. [2014-05-02 17:46:17] <Cap_Rat> "Hey captain!" He waves.
  104. [2014-05-02 17:46:57] <Cap_Rat> "I just need to know if it's work fixing." He mentions to Thomas_OMalley
  105. [2014-05-02 17:48:13] * GAPgm trots a bit closer, the pony behind him poping some pain medication for a apparent headache from listenting to the pony rant at him while they waited. "Greetings sir, rasp was it? no-rant? no-no, Rat was it not? Of course thats it, now who are these ponies you have with you, this the crew you have picked out?"
  106. [2014-05-02 17:50:03] <Heartmend> "Well we can patch up the hull if need be, and thats the most that we would have to worry about. The engine we can swap out if need be."
  107. [2014-05-02 17:50:59] * Heartmend then looks a bit longer at its water line
  108. [2014-05-02 17:51:39] * Thomas_OMalley bows slightly to the pair. "If you don't be mindin' I be goin' to look at dis ship."
  109. [2014-05-02 17:52:56] <Cap_Rat> "Let my friend take a look. We just need to make sure the ship is good and we can take care of that deal." He gestures to Thomas
  110. [2014-05-02 17:53:17] * Midnight_Bliss looks the ship over, her sunglasses blocking her expression
  111. [2014-05-02 17:53:43] * Flora_Bloom looks around, trying to look as official as she could
  112. [2014-05-02 17:54:07] * GAPgm the loud pony waves a hoof, "Of cour of course, I am curious myself at its shape. Some times these things are just a bit rough on the outside but I dont know about this one...", glancing back to it a moment he turns back to Thomas, "Oh, before you dash off the Names Bellows by the by, Posh Bellows"
  113. [2014-05-02 17:55:14] * Thomas_OMalley smiles and nods to Posh. "Ah, pleasure to meet you padron. I be Thomas O'Malley. If you excuse me, I be best gettin' to work."
  114. [2014-05-02 17:55:46] * GAPgm steps asside for Thomas to go about assesing the ship.
  115. [2014-05-02 17:56:08] * Thomas_OMalley takes to the air, flying around it once before heading inside to take a look.
  116. [2014-05-02 17:56:09] * Midnight_Bliss freezes in place, looking to the pony before looking up to whisper a silent thank you to Princess Luna. "Posh Bellows? My name is Midnight Bliss, I had a meeting planned with you this evening but this just saves me a lot of time"
  117. [2014-05-02 17:56:09] * Heartmend smiles to Posh Bellows "And just how did you come across this... fine craft? I hope you did not have to kill somepony?
  118. [2014-05-02 17:56:22] <Cap_Rat> "These are Flora, Midnight and Heartmend." He smiles. "It's a good crew."
  119. [2014-05-02 17:57:25] * Flora_Bloom bows lightly. "I am the resident Navigator and Survival specalist."
  120. [2014-05-02 17:58:36] * GAPgm nods to each of them in kind as they are introduced. winking knowningly to Midnight he chuckles, "Ah, my reputation precedes me as always it seems. Fortune smiles upon you indeed". Looking to Heartmend he shakes his head, "Just unfortuante surcumstances and ill fate my dear", then to Flora, "ALways useful along for a good advencture!"
  121. [2014-05-02 18:00:10] * Midnight_Bliss Midnight steps up "I seek information on the Reclamators, and how to reach or contact them. A pony I am in dire need to reach may have gone there way "
  122. [2014-05-02 18:00:12] <GAPgm> *Adventure
  123. [2014-05-02 18:01:27] * Heartmend steps on bored the boat "I'll give Thomas a hoof looking over this."
  124. [2014-05-02 18:01:47] * Thomas_OMalley starts with the outside of the boat, flying around it trying to spot any obvious problems.
  125. [2014-05-02 18:01:52] * GAPgm scratches his chin, "The Reclomators you say? why yes I have had several incounters with the group. Mostly just water logged scavengers of the depths miss, If'in your looking to contact them I have some sway with them and could get you in touch if you like"
  126. [2014-05-02 18:03:33] * GAPgm the boat is moastly covered with the poorly painted cannopy, a few sing marks and scratches coat its outside. While stained, dented here and there, and generally a poor sight to look at it appears to be undamaged in any meaningful way.
  127. [2014-05-02 18:04:07] * Midnight_Bliss nods quickly "Please, I have no idea how much of a headstart my... friend has on me, It's a matter of life or death." she said before his name rung another bell "Also, I should inform you, a group based out of the Rusty Hull Tavern has placed a bounty on your head for the amount of 350 caps"
  128. [2014-05-02 18:06:36] * GAPgm Posh bellows blinks, shaking his head, "Woah, slow down there miss. what was that just now?"
  129. [2014-05-02 18:07:37] * Cap_Rat raises an eyebrow.
  130. [2014-05-02 18:07:39] * Thomas_OMalley flies under the canopy, taking a look at the decking. He gives it a visual inspection before walking over it, checking for any signs of weakness, whether it be from rot or rust.
  131. [2014-05-02 18:08:01] * Midnight_Bliss looked at Posh and lowered her sunglasses a bit "In repayment for your information and contacting the Reclamators, I'm warning you of a bounty on your head. I hacked a terminal in their main office and your name is on their list"
  132. [2014-05-02 18:10:08] * GAPgm Thomas sees the scantly adorned deck with its few trimmings, the engines look passable but underpowered for a vessle this large. He also sees the reason for its low position in the water as the inside of the cannopy appears to be almost comeptely reinforced and armored.
  133. [2014-05-02 18:10:48] * Thomas_OMalley gives a low whistle before going below the deck.
  134. [2014-05-02 18:11:21] * Cap_Rat smiles
  135. [2014-05-02 18:12:04] * GAPgm finds there is no "bellow deck" proper, just a hatch to a small cubbord sized hole where the engine and its tanks reside. The ship seems to be serviceable and more than sturdy, but will probably not have much get up and go.
  136. [2014-05-02 18:13:21] * GAPgm Posh blinks again before coughing and chuckling, "Umm... of course, thank you miss. And only the 350 caps? I dare say my reputation should keep most away for such a scant ammount. still this warrents some investigation on my part upon my arrival home after this trip".
  137. [2014-05-02 18:14:06] * Thomas_OMalley seals the hatch after looking inside, heading back to the dock. "I be stayin' off de river in any storms in dis boat, but she be sturdy and sound."
  138. [2014-05-02 18:14:41] * Midnight_Bliss nods and gives a salute "I look forward to the information and contacts you can give me
  139. [2014-05-02 18:14:43] <Midnight_Bliss> "
  140. [2014-05-02 18:16:00] * GAPgm Posh nods, "Of course, would be glad to do so as soon as this mess with my boat is sorted out", looking to Cap Rat he nods to the rest, "I assume you informed them of our arrangment?"
  141. [2014-05-02 18:16:45] * Midnight_Bliss adjusts her weaponry a bit more interested in their current mission now "Very glad I decided to tag along"
  142. [2014-05-02 18:19:04] * Heartmend looks about the craft "It seem sound to me. What do you say Thomas?"
  143. [2014-05-02 18:20:18] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "She be sound. She not be quick, but dat be good. Too much and she'd swamp herself."
  144. [2014-05-02 18:20:28] <Cap_Rat> "Hey captain! You really look like an important guy. It's just awful that they would put a price on your head, no? You can't pay that with caps..." He looks at the captain and to the group, seeming outraged.
  145. [2014-05-02 18:24:35] * GAPgm nods, "Right... well again to recap this ship is far from perfect but its just a vessle to go and retreave my actual ship from those who took it from me. If you are all inclinde to do that and have the remainder of the caps neccisary to purchase this one you can keep her at no further cost, Ill even personally escort your friend here to the reclimators for an introduction".
  146. [2014-05-02 18:26:02] * Midnight_Bliss nods "I'll retrieve your ship personally if neccesary"
  147. [2014-05-02 18:26:14] * Cap_Rat shakes his head.
  148. [2014-05-02 18:27:26] <Cap_Rat> "No, no. We can't! What if something happens to him? We need to make sure captain is safe! There are assassins after him."
  149. [2014-05-02 18:28:06] <Cap_Rat> "Somepony needs to do something about that." He looks at Flora and Thomas.
  150. [2014-05-02 18:28:11] * GAPgm Posh blinks, a very "wut" look on his face
  151. [2014-05-02 18:28:14] * Thomas_OMalley looks over at Cap_Rat. "What do you suggest, den? Dat we take him wit us?"
  152. [2014-05-02 18:30:44] * Heartmend clambers back onto the dock "Well this looks fine for what you ask of us. But how big is this ship of yours. Becuse, I don't think we have e'nuff pnies to work both craft?"
  153. [2014-05-02 18:31:10] <Cap_Rat> "But after that, what then? I suggest we figure out who is after him and make sure they won't be trouble. I wouldn't want anything to happen with captain Posh." He looks seriously to him. "Right, captain?"
  154. [2014-05-02 18:31:56] <Midnight_Bliss> "Theres a group, they work out of a back room at The Rusty Hull tavern"
  155. [2014-05-02 18:32:33] |<-- Flora_Bloom has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  156. [2014-05-02 18:33:20] -->| Flora_Bloom ( has joined #CryMeARiver
  157. [2014-05-02 18:33:55] * GAPgm Posh nods, "Right well that sounds like a solid lead... as for crew I just have to get my ship back to port and I think I could manage it myself..."
  158. [2014-05-02 18:34:54] * Heartmend nods at that
  159. [2014-05-02 18:36:19] <Cap_Rat> "We need to pay this tavern a visit." He says, resolute.
  160. [2014-05-02 18:36:49] |<-- Heartmend has left (Connection closed)
  161. [2014-05-02 18:36:59] * Flora_Bloom nods. "I agree."
  162. [2014-05-02 18:37:37] -->| Heartmend (rwocjanescf@Pony-953.ivv.104.97.IP) has joined #CryMeARiver
  163. [2014-05-02 18:39:01] * Thomas_OMalley blinks. "Well den... suppose I better change out of dese clothes..." The batpony starts taking off the coveralls.
  164. [2014-05-02 18:40:03] * Midnight_Bliss looks to them I wish to prioritise our employers boat over raiding the Tavern"
  165. [2014-05-02 18:40:18] * GAPgm looks between them all, "Alright... so I should take it your interested then? Pardon me but this news about the price on my head seems to have taken this in a direction i was unprepared for"
  166. [2014-05-02 18:40:20] * Flora_Bloom nods and trots out with Thomas. "So where exactly are we going?"
  167. [2014-05-02 18:40:52] <Cap_Rat> "You wish to risk his life?!" He looks at Midnight_Bliss in disbelief
  168. [2014-05-02 18:42:03] * Thomas_OMalley looks back to Flora_Bloom. "A tavern, I tink?" The batpony starts putting on his armor.
  169. [2014-05-02 18:42:21] * Cap_Rat shakes his head. "If something happens to him, what then? He can't even tell you anything."
  170. [2014-05-02 18:42:38] * Flora_Bloom nods. "Well I'll try to come along, I need to check on my flower." She says trotting off.
  171. [2014-05-02 18:42:54] * Midnight_Bliss looks at them "His life was at risk before we arrived, Those that occupy that room seem to have been all off on other work. Two of them at least are gone the way of the Reclamators. He says the townsfolk respect him enough not to pounce on him and the bounty was posted on a private terminal so its meant for only a few along with a few other names"
  172. [2014-05-02 18:43:48] <Midnight_Bliss> "His was also the lowest bounty on the list, If he has a place to hide then there should be no worries"
  173. [2014-05-02 18:44:14] =-= Flora_Bloom is now known as The_Blossom
  174. [2014-05-02 18:44:43] <Cap_Rat> "That's not good either. It means some thugs might come for easy caps. If he was so respected they wouldn't want to kill him."
  175. [2014-05-02 18:45:12] * Cap_Rat looks at the alleys and rooftops. "It's a ticking clock, who knows when they will show up..."
  176. [2014-05-02 18:45:19] * GAPgm harumphs, "And posh bellows is not one to hide"
  177. [2014-05-02 18:45:48] * Thomas_OMalley finishes putting on his equipment. "So... where we goin? Up de river, or what?"
  178. [2014-05-02 18:46:07] <Cap_Rat> "When we are done, you won't need to." He says with a nod.
  179. [2014-05-02 18:47:58] <Cap_Rat> "The tavern. Lead the way, Midnight." He steps forward. "The faster we are done with it, the faster you get your information."
  180. [2014-05-02 18:48:33] * The_Blossom stays to the shadows, trying to follow as secretively as she can
  181. [2014-05-02 18:49:09] * Midnight_Bliss sighs and nods "Very well, it seems this is our chosen course of action" she says, flapping her wings and taking flight, leading them towards the tavern
  182. [2014-05-02 18:52:35] * Thomas_OMalley follows behind, letting his recharger rifles charge up. "So you really tink dere gonna be trouble at dis Tavern?"
  183. [2014-05-02 18:53:30] * Midnight_Bliss looks back "I was there yesterday, Only a card playing pony with a gun beneath a table, and a griffin bartender with a sawed off shotgun"
  184. [2014-05-02 18:54:58] <Cap_Rat> "I think we are good." He grins
  185. [2014-05-02 18:55:37] * GAPgm looks at them go, "Alright... well ill just conclude some buisness here then. Till next we meet. I dare say that your firend there Miss Bliss knows where to find me later this evening".
  186. [2014-05-02 18:56:51] * Heartmend her ears perk up at the mention of a tavern "We all could use a little brake. And where did Flora run off to?"
  187. [2014-05-02 18:55:54] * GAPgm >> Signal Interupted
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