

Mar 16th, 2017
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  1. I looked up a couple videos of Nioh and wow. I initially thought that the equipment system is really bad with its annoyingly huge amount of equipment drops (mostly useless stuff you just sell or take apart immediately) where getting good items is just pure RNG combined with the dumb crafting system (which is also mostly RNG), but watching these I have to say that it is just straight up the worst equipment system I've ever seen in a game.
  2. The good thing is that you can play the game properly without paying much attention to it at all (I sure as hell didn't, and neither did anyone that I know), but if you do it becomes apparent rather fast that the developers had absolutely no clue what they were doing. It seems that there is hardly any thought put into it at all. You get a lot of +% damage upgrades and so on that aren't immediately a huge deal, but if you go a bit deeper into it, the bonuses accumulate to absurd levels. It just breaks the game on a level I've hardly seen before. I'm pretty sure the developers just threw random shit everywhere without ever bothering to try where this stuff ends up at if you actually start playing around with it. The damage numbers go up so high that you can kill the highest HP bosses in the game in only a few hits. What is the point here?
  3. In general I don't really understand what the developers were going for with all of this stuff to begin with. It seems like they just went and replicated the autistic loot systems of games like Diablo 2 and Path of Exile in what is essentially a character action game with almost none of the care of those games put into it...
  4. Why?
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