
RingMaster 04

Jun 10th, 2013
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  1. <Baku|Haku> We can al do it!
  2. * Usted es ahora conocido como RingMaster
  3. <NNin> :o
  4. <RingMaster> "Just...Realax...."
  5. <CHG> "I was hoping if you are willing to take a student underneath you Sir..."
  6. * NNin chills....
  7. * CHG gives a deep bow to NNin.
  8. <CHG> "?"
  9. * RingMaster pats CHG.
  10. <RingMaster> "You are going to play with us!"
  11. <NNin> Too late CHG, we are in murderworld again....
  12. <CHG> "That sound...its familiar..."
  13. * CHG shivers uncontrollably
  14. * RingMaster touches the back of CHG head. "Time to come out..."
  15. * CHG eyes became wide open
  16. <RingMaster> "And...A little petal over here..."
  17. * CHG bends over and scream
  18. * NNin es ahora conocido como Petal
  19. * Petal pulls CHG. "Heh, watch out."
  20. <CHG> ((Damn,,,you sure start of quite violently...DV right?))
  21. <Petal> (DV?)
  22. <RingMaster> "Come out! Dark Valkyrie!"
  23. <CHG> ((You will see NNin..))
  24. <CHG> *A Flash of Bright Light*
  25. * CHG es ahora conocido como DarkValkyrie
  26. * Notify: CHG is offline (
  27. * Petal looks at DV....
  28. * DarkValkyrie stands before all with her eyes closed
  29. <Petal> "Who?"
  30. <RingMaster> "Have you heard of the Valkyries petal...Power woan capable of deed worthy of the god.."
  31. <DarkValkyrie> A winged woman stand before Petal, armoured in dark colours and brandishing a sword and a shield in her hands...
  32. <ChronicEther> "I'll be back"
  33. <RingMaster> "I wanted another Harley to kill you, But I'll be more fun this way..."
  34. <Petal> "I think they are some kind of bar maid in Valhalla?"
  35. * ChronicEther el disappears
  36. * ChronicEther se ha marchado (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  37. <DarkValkyrie> ...This is the mark of anyones doom...((Basically Berserker mode...yikes))
  38. * DarkValkyrie eyes opens up wide and angry.
  39. * DarkValkyrie saw the RingMaster standing next to her.
  40. <RingMaster> "W-What....Oh! Yeah...It kill everything on her path"
  41. <RingMaster> *She kills
  42. * DarkValkyrie immediately elbows the RingMaster with the shied, before trying to stab.
  43. <DarkValkyrie> "DIE PUNY MORTALS!"
  44. * Petal steps back. "....."
  45. <DarkValkyrie> (yt)
  46. * RingMaster get's stabbed. "Ouch...Hey say it's the other one you want"
  47. <Petal> (I think group RP need no YT, but you need to time a post :o)
  48. <Petal> *timing
  49. * DarkValkyrie twists her sword and cut RingMaster's body into two.
  50. <Petal> "Sorry, I think I will be safer this way."
  51. <DarkValkyrie> ((My turn? whats the indication here usually?))
  52. * RingMaster 's blood spars all over Dark Valkyrie's body. "Aah...Haa...Haa.."
  53. <DarkValkyrie> Feeling that the laughter sounds like an Insult, the anger rose further. DarkValkyrie held RingMaster's Tongue and use her sword to skewer the head.
  54. <Petal> "I think he can survive that"
  55. * RingMaster 's body is death. The blood becomes a goo and goes behing Petal. In fact he stays bellow her dress. The goo forst a mouth and whistles.
  56. * Petal tries to moves away from it "What!?"
  57. <RingMaster> (Usuallypost and wait until some elses post or the reaction of the person)
  58. * DarkValkyrie stares angrily at Petal and charges to Her in a spiral with her shield.
  59. <RingMaster> (For isntance...I can post since NNin posted the reaction or the responce to my post)
  60. <Petal> (yep)
  61. * RingMaster 's goos laughs and clingues into Petal's leg.
  62. <DarkValkyrie> (Oh...depends on it...and to make it easier I will also write one sentence at a time...just to make it easier for you both))
  63. * Petal was hit by the charging shield and sent away, though she can blocked it with her arms. "Arghh!" Petal is now on the ground.
  64. * RingMaster 's goo shows a tougue at Dark Valkyrie as it is on Petals hair.
  65. * DarkValkyrie stands tall before Petal, with her bloody sword gleaming and speaks in a loud and boomng voice. "DO YOU WISH TO MOCK ME FURTHER AND SUFFER A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH? OR Do You Wish To Surrender And I Will Make Your Death Quick And Painless..."
  66. <DarkValkyrie> *pointing the sword at Petal (sorry)
  67. * RingMaster 's goo forms a hand that shows the middle finger to DarkValkyrie. It then slides into her dress
  68. <Petal> "I choose the 3rd option." Petal answers, drawing and then fires at DarkValkyrie's face!
  69. <Petal> *drawing her pistol
  70. <DarkValkyrie> "Huh?" The DarkValKyrie tilts her head in confusion enough for the bullet to give a gashing wound in her cheek. She Screamed Angrily and covers her face. "WHAT SORCERY?!" She looked at Petal. "YOU SHALL PAY DEARLY!!"
  71. * Petal springs her foot to kick at DarkValkyrie's crotch while she's yelling.....
  72. <Petal> ...then rolls away
  73. * RingMaster slides away as the dirty snake it is. It keeps sliding until it reachs the mic both
  74. <DarkValkyrie> "URGH!" DarkValkyrie only gets more angrier and whatever remains of CHG's mercy that pulled her back is gone. She Swung her sword downwards where Petal was and leave a crater in her wake.
  75. <Petal> (wait a minute :P)
  76. <DarkValkyrie> (Take your time~)
  77. <RingMaster> A random harley picks up the snake. It puts it near the mic. A head popos out. It slowly regenerates.
  78. * Petal performs star kip up, kicking DarkValkyrie in her side! Before get back to her fet.
  79. <Petal> *feet
  80. <DarkValkyrie> (Star Kip up?)
  81. <Petal>
  82. <Petal> (Can see this movement in many movies.)
  83. * DarkValkyrie with her armour is the kick don't affect her much. She smashes her shield to where the Petal's stomach was and send her flying.
  84. * Petal uses her palm to block the attack, but it's still too heavy to send her back a metres. "Hngh!"
  85. * Petal lands on her feet, trying to regain a lost balance....
  86. * DarkValkyrie charges forward her eyes dead, and tries to cut one of Petals arm/hands off.
  87. <RingMaster> "Woohoo! It seems our little Valkyrie is dominating the fight quickly!"
  88. * Petal draws her sword and crash it against DarkValkyrie's. "Calm down.....!"
  89. <DarkValkyrie> ((You are such an evil evil man RingMaster....told your exploits to a new girl in the chat, Leony...she is eager to roleplay in as well))
  90. <RingMaster> (( :P ))
  91. <DarkValkyrie> ((Just a clash or does it lock?))
  92. <Petal> (Lock too)
  93. <DarkValkyrie> ((I made you genderless to her, so its your decision to decide...since welll its not specified))
  94. <RingMaster> ((Mmmh...It depends on what sells more. It's an androgenic entry. And looks DAMN GOOD on a tutu)
  95. <RingMaster> *entity
  96. <DarkValkyrie> ((LAG sorry))
  97. * Petal locks her sword against the dark girl's....
  98. <DarkValkyrie> With their swords interlocked, Dark Valkyrie shouted out, "WHY SHOULD I? YOU JUST HARMED A MESSENGER OF THE GODS! " Her swords pressed downwards creating cracks under Petal's Feet. "YOU HAVE BLASHEMISED US AND THEREFORE YOU MUST DIE!!!"
  99. <DarkValkyrie> ((Very Hammy, I know~ Can't wait for Baku to draw this character out!))
  100. <RingMaster> (:P)
  101. <RingMaster> (I'll do it on the job.
  102. <DarkValkyrie> ((Take your time~ I would rather see the RingMaster's Depiction first~ [grins])
  103. <Petal> "I have no idea..." Petal is pushed down by a powerful pressure.... "...what you are talking about!" She then skillfully slips aside from the sword lock, dropping her sword!
  104. * RingMaster smiles. Most of it has restore itself. "Yes! Our new champion Dark Valkyrie!" The crowd on the screens scream and cheer. "If you want to get here or get someone to fight please send it under the direction that shows on your screens. Just remember that if they are unaware of where they are it's easier for them to DIE"
  105. <Petal> Hoping that movement will destroy DV's balance...
  106. * DarkValkyrie strong sword swing slipped to the sides and crashed to the ground. With all her weight on to Petal in hopes to destroy her sword, she lost her balance by one step.
  107. * Petal sends a palm strike to DarkValkyrie's head. Before quickly grabs her arm, then twists it to disarm DV sword....
  108. <RingMaster> (My dog is closing a door O_O)
  109. <Petal> (Talent dog :o)
  110. <RingMaster> (It was hidding it's squaquy toy! Daaawww~)
  111. <RingMaster> (Anyway)
  112. <RingMaster> *squeecky
  113. <DarkValkyrie> ((Umm...ringmaster want to say anything?))
  114. <Petal> (I think as long as he interfere, we can go freely for a while.)
  115. * DarkValkyrie with her head rattled in her helmet by a powerfully charge Palm Strike, the DarkValkyrie was slightly Disoriented. But it was not enough to disarm her, as soon as Petal tried to twist her arm, she kick her off and slash her sword downward to Petal's Chest.
  116. * RingMaster is finally completle. "Aah..That's better. I like this repalcmets betst. Speaking of witch..."
  117. <Petal> *he doesn't
  118. <DarkValkyrie> ((Hmm? Did I do something wrongly?))
  119. * RingMaster grabs the Harley by the Throath "Why didn't you narrate earlier? You Harleys are so useless!"
  120. <DarkValkyrie> ((should I retract and modify my statement?))
  121. <Petal> (No. it's fine)
  122. * Petal steps back in time to dodge! But the sword cut her cloth and make some point of her breasts shown... Petal then counters with a sharp snap kick to DarkValkyrie's crotch!
  123. <Petal> Again :p
  124. <DarkValkyrie> Being Kicked once, you feel quite the Pain. Being Kicked twice...well its pretty unbearable to the already sore spot. "AARRRRGGHHHHH!" DarkValkyrie fell down on her knees with both her ands and arms covering the crotch. Looks like she is disabled for a while.
  125. <DarkValkyrie> (continued)
  126. * RingMaster chokes the Harley to death. "Now...Introducing our new Zako's"
  127. <RingMaster>
  128. <RingMaster>
  129. <RingMaster> As two woman take the corpse of the rpevious harley one gives a Puple like goo on a cup to ring Master "Thank you"
  130. <DarkValkyrie> ...With Tears in her eyes she stared angrily at Petal. With a deep intent to tear her apart limb by limb and then slowly torture her to death...Petal can feel shivers down her spine with the Stare.
  131. * Petal steps on DV's sword then kicks hard in her face, hoping to disarm her again! Before she follows with Chun Li's styled rapid foot! (nice zako.)
  132. <DarkValkyrie> ((Wowee~ Where is that From! Looks quite sexy for the guys on the site! Nice addition to your staff, RingMaster~)
  133. <RingMaster> (NNin's suggestion. They are from Go Hand game)
  134. <Petal> (They are a God Hand's circus zako. Drawn by excessm, one who made OneShota)
  135. <DarkValkyrie> (Go Hand?)
  136. <DarkValkyrie> (Nice!~)
  137. <Petal> (Rapid kick to the face. Sound hurt...)
  138. <DarkValkyrie> No matter how powerful anybeing is, being that vulnerable to any attacks, DarkValkyrie got the full brunt of the attack. Each kick dealing bluct damage to every part of her body, weakening her and to her face hurting her badly. Blood began to appear and bruises covers throughout.
  139. <Petal> (Disarm the sword can bring sense back too? I guess)
  140. <DarkValkyrie> (continued) ((Yes, if you fully disarm her sword as well as her shield (both of them) then you can get CHG back))
  141. <RingMaster> (
  142. <DarkValkyrie> Her hands on both the sheild and the sword starts to loosen in the brunt of such merciless and brutal repeated attacks by Petal!
  143. <DarkValkyrie> ((I need to look up this God Hand game properly...a cricus themed level?))
  144. <Petal> Some kind
  145. * Petal finishes her assault by a hard kick to the chest, still placing her foot on the sword to lock it still. "Yahh!"
  146. <Petal> (
  147. <DarkValkyrie> "AHHHHH!" DarkValkyrie got Knocked backwards and Fell on the floor with a heavy thud, she held on to her sheid but her sword is gone! She will want the sword back badly, so you better make sure she doesn't or you will DIE.
  148. <DarkValkyrie> ((P.S. DK would be too disoriented and weakened to notice that she had lost the sword...the turn goes to you as she sat up on the ground)
  149. * Petal takes her advantage fast. She saw DarkValkyrie's power in a fight between some of those fantasy guys, and want to stay close to avoid magic! She rushs in and kick at her shield, obviously Petal want to disarm her!
  150. <DarkValkyrie> (Get her shield rather than following up with more attacks or kicking the sword away? Bad choice)
  151. <RingMaster> (Hang on a sec)
  152. <RingMaster> (I'll be back)
  153. <DarkValkyrie> (Wait...should I wait for you to type the counter?)
  154. <Petal> (Counter me)
  155. * rumpler (Mibbit@ ha entrado en #ryonani
  156. * rumpler se ha marchado (Client Quit)
  157. <DarkValkyrie> As Petal runs close and tried to kick the Shield away, she made a bad mistake. DarkValkyrie now noticing the loss of her sword grips the shield tight and uses it to push the Petal out of balance! Then she proceeded to punch her in the gut with all the remaining strength she can muster! She must Get that Sword!
  158. <Petal> (wait for RingMaster before post my turn)
  159. <DarkValkyrie> (sure~ watching that video right now)
  160. <DarkValkyrie> (Thats 15 minutes worth of wait!)
  161. <RingMaster> "Remember! Chi armor it's based around respiration. This could be bad news for our lovely Petal!"
  162. <Petal> "Arghh!" Petal focused on disarm too much and got shoved. Before she can react, Petal a hard punch straight in her gut! She is forced to double over!
  163. <Petal> *Petal got a hard punch
  164. <RingMaster> "Och! That gotta hurt. I hope we get a little trpphy likt last time!"
  165. * RingMaster pushes a button showing the death of the last Petal that entered Poisoned by Herley Quin.
  166. * DarkValkyrie takes this chance to do a special attack of her own. She flies toward Petal and sat on her shoulder, giving her a brief smell of her panty. Using her momentum she do a flips and throw Petal right next to where the sword is on her stomach!
  167. <DarkValkyrie> ((I need to write better Ryona and fetish description [snickers]..maybe more chatlogs to share?))
  168. <Petal> Petal's sight is blinded by a silk panty, before she is tossed and land on the sand floor. "Hnghh!!"She then(I will find one if able)
  169. <Petal> She then hears her own sound from the screen.... and see herself dying from poison... (done)
  170. <DarkValkyrie> (Whut? Did I miss anything? Another petal dying by poison? Or just a possible depiction if she lost? I am confused badly)
  171. <Petal> (I did a short RP with Baku, And the Petal I used die by poison)
  172. <Petal> (RingMaster recorded the fight I see...)
  173. <RingMaster> (Yep~ Also did something more evil to her~)
  174. <RingMaster> (I think I have the log on my Paste Bin. Hang on)
  175. <DarkValkyrie> (Fight first that will come later)
  176. <RingMaster> (
  177. <RingMaster> (I think i'll save this one too)
  178. * daman077c ( ha entrado en #ryonani
  179. * DarkValkyrie DarkValkyrie loomed over Petal. Picking up the sword in hand regenerated her strength, eventhough her mortal body is still hurt. She kicked the Petal upwards and stand over her with the Sword held up high pinting downwards. (cont.)
  180. <DarkValkyrie> *pointing
  181. * DarkValkyrie looks at the pitiful mortal with contempt and about to plunge it down to her. She says with a calm but commanding voice, "Petal, you have been a worhty opponent and for that I will grant you your last words. I will make your death as quick as possible."
  182. <Petal> "Come on... CHG." Petal looks back and speak softly, but mentions another girl. "You don't want to do this....."
  183. <DarkValkyrie> There was a glimmer in her eyes as it changed temporarily back to Hazelnut colour. The sound of her friend's voice pulled her back for a bit. With the sword still pointing downward, DarkValkyrie whispers, " that you?"
  184. <RingMaster> "Sorry...The only way to leave murderworld is by beating the game..."
  185. <DarkValkyrie> ((Its only temporary the power of the DarkValkyrie and blood lust will overrun her and kill Petal eventually, this will only work just once)
  186. <Petal> "Yes, it's me.... now be easy and...." Petal speaks softly and raises, seeing a halt of movement "STAY CLAM!" (cont.)
  187. <RingMaster> "Now...You want her to talk abot how weak you were by not killing her? Alter the tale so the glory is hers?"
  188. * Idoro ( ha entrado en #ryonani
  189. * Notify: Idoro is online (
  190. * ChanServ da OP a Idoro
  191. <Idoro> RARRRGH
  192. <DarkValkyrie> ((Whats wrong Idoro?))
  193. <Idoro> I HAVE RETURNED
  194. * Petal tackles and use DV's armor weight to knock her down. And quickly roll at DV's head, wrapping her legs around DV's neck, and tighten the choke!
  195. <Idoro>
  196. <Petal> (Suddenly music for more exciting.)
  197. <DarkValkyrie> ((A comeback with such sure got love there NNin)
  198. * weediscool (~Fizzil@ ha entrado en #ryonani
  199. <Petal> (people comes)
  200. <weediscool> i CoME
  201. <Idoro> :O
  202. <weediscool> hi folks
  203. <DarkValkyrie> "AAAUUURRGGH!!" Petal knocked DV down to the floor. DV's eyes change colour back and starts to growl...but it was too late. Petal rolled out of her view into her blind spot and choke her with her murderous thighs! "EEERRRrrrkkk..."
  204. <Idoro> Hiya!
  205. <Petal> (Sup?)
  206. * Idoro watches the fight with interest, sipping tea.
  207. <DarkValkyrie> (continue)
  208. <DarkValkyrie> DarkValkyrie immediately tries to stuggle fast but its too late. Her attempts to slam her with the shield did not occur to her and she starts to flail her swords around dramatically out of panic...this is the end.
  209. <DarkValkyrie> (yt)
  210. <DarkValkyrie> (oops.....I really should not use 'yt')
  211. * Petal saw the chance and spring to kick both armaments away! "Come back, CHG!"
  212. <DarkValkyrie> (permission to continue the strangle hold? I doubt she would be weak enough by now...we can pretend that this last for more than just a few seconds and just finish this?)
  213. <Petal> (Maybe we can pretend, because I posted it XD)
  214. <RingMaster> "She isn't ready yet...The power has to currpt her further..." Ring Master nods. The two Zako take out electric whips and jump out of the both "We have a little damague control to make folk!"
  215. <DarkValkyrie> (sure. why not~)
  216. <Petal> "!!" Petal gasps when she saw the two circus girls! "So he doesn't let us...." She draws a pistol and aims, but her injury slow her down a bit....
  217. <DarkValkyrie> With both armnaments kicked out of the way after being choked to near unconciousness, CHG came back to the battle field in her notmal clothes and panting for air.
  218. * DarkValkyrie es ahora conocido como CHG
  219. * Notify: CHG is online (
  220. * CHG starts wheezing a bit. "..what...the...hell...happened?" Strange enough the bruises and cuts on her seemed to disappear together with DarkValkyrie.
  221. <RingMaster> Booth girls see that CHG is back. One of them grabs her and drags her to the mic both. The other snaps her whip at Petal's face.
  222. * Petal dodges the whip! "Damn!" and side steps to find and opening..... She doens't notice that CHG is dragged yet...
  223. * CHG was held by one of the booth girl and got helplessly dragged away...both her arms are held, so she can't reach for the handgun in her backpocket. CHG shouts out to Petal for help!
  224. <RingMaster> The Zako elbows CHG on the head so she shuts up. The other swing her whip diagonally. This is a faint of course since she will use this as a distraction to attack her side with the whip.
  225. * Petal is distracted by CHG. "CHG?"
  226. <Petal> And that make the whip connects to Petal's side! "Arrrr!" she fells both zap and pain, falling to one knee....
  227. <CHG> "Owwieee..." CHG says as she got hit in the head. "That frigging hurt!" She struggles and starts to panic when she saw Petal gotten whipped! "LANG!" Why is she so weakened?
  228. <Petal> (Because of you >:o lol)
  229. * Idoro sips more tea. "Oooh, looks like they're in trouble."
  230. <RingMaster> The zako laughs. Before Petal can react she tries to entagle the whip on Petal's neck. If she succed the whip will zap her. The other Zako just keeps elbowing CHG. "Stay quite!" she screams
  231. <CHG> (Well blame amnesia...she don't remember beating you up...thats DarkValkyrie)
  232. * Misael ( ha entrado en #ryonani
  233. <Misael> DOA5 is already here..... TAKING ALL REQUESTS
  234. * Petal ducks even lower to dodge the whip! And in that position, she focuses her remaining energy, and sprints with surprising speed! She manages to get close with circus girl in white! "Got you!" and place a pistol to her lower belly, readying to fire it!
  235. <Petal> (Hm, DOA5 Ultimate?)
  236. <Misael> (Just DOA)
  237. <Misael> (Just DOA5)
  238. <CHG> After getting elbowed, CHG whimpers...there is nothing she can do to help Petal Lang...and she don't know how to summon the Valkyrie powers either...stangely she felt to weak to do that! So she just resigned over to....NO She have to fight back! CHG catches the Zako's elbow and tried to hold it down.
  239. <Petal> (Maybe Ayane in her classic vs. someone you want?)
  240. <Misael> (Works for me)
  241. <RingMaster> The circus girl smiles. "You should have fired!" The elbows Petal on the head aiming to grabs her head and knee her on the stomach. "W-What? Just go to the both you bitch!" Said the zako in red as she thrw CHG aside. She was pissded and she was the stronger of the two.
  242. * Petal is too weak from previous battle and fire too slow. She was stunned by the counter attack! And then a hard knee dives in her belly! "Ooff!" Petal gasps, dropping her pistol...
  243. <CHG> "Argh!" With a weak scream CHG got thrown to the side and fell flat on the floor. Peering through her glasses, she saw that the Red one corners and about to beatup on NNin together!
  244. * Idoro watches the battle unfold, taking note of Petal taking damage. A shadowy figure stirs behind him and moves out to watch the fight as well...
  245. * Petal grabs both of the white zako's arms, trying to push them away.
  246. <Idoro> "Hm? Oh, #6. Enjoying the fight?" He sets his tea on the table.
  247. <CHG> (That is what you mean, right? go back to both to the petal?)
  248. <RingMaster> The white Zako takes the pistol off Petal's hand. "This is not good. You can't even use this. here..." The white zako hits petal with the gun on the head.
  249. <RingMaster> Red Zako has enough of CHG and takes out her whip "Fine! I'll draf you death body there!" she entagles it around CHG neck and turns up the electricity
  250. * Petal is whips hard on her head, she falls on her stomach.... panting...
  251. <Idoro> "Or are you simply here to see how well your enemy is fighting?"
  252. <RingMaster> The white zako stoms Petal Stomach with her High heel. "Like that bitch!"
  253. * CHG Screams in severe Pain! Electricity is surging throughout her entire body penetrating deep to her insides! Agony reaches everywhere from the ends of her fingers to the ends of her toe. She starts losing bladder control and pees on the spot. Is she about to die here?!
  254. <Misael> (Genius of the day:
  255. * Petal was kicked to flip on her back. before she got stomp! "Hnghh!" Petal spills a saliva!
  256. <RingMaster> (XD!!!)
  257. <Idoro> ((What does CHG look like? :o))
  258. <RingMaster> The Red zako laughs as CHG drops to the floor. "Die already!"
  259. * Idoro chuckles. "The way things are going, you may not have a chance to face her again."
  260. <CHG> ([grins] What anime is that? [trying to hold a chuckle]))
  261. * Petal moves her hands to grab a foot, that driving a heel deep in her belly....
  262. <Petal> (She look like CHG)
  263. <Petal> (o_o)
  264. <RingMaster> The White Zako drives her foot further into Petal's Belly "Can't brehte can you bitch?" Ha Ha Ha!"
  265. <CHG> In the deep threat of death, CHG starts to shine in a very Bright Light! The whip around her snaps and the light is very blinding!
  266. <Idoro> ((>_>))
  267. <RingMaster> "W-what? The Ring Master said she didn't have any power left!" The red zako walks backwards in fear. The white Zako is distracted "The Fuck..."
  268. * CHG es ahora conocido como Valkyrie
  269. * Notify: CHG is offline (
  270. <Valkyrie> Out of the blinding light, Valkyrie quickly flies to the Red Circus Girl and Elbow her deep in her guts.
  271. <RingMaster> "Uuugh....Aah...Goddam bitch!" The takes out seven knofes and thros them at Valkyrie.
  272. * RingMaster goes near Idoro "Say...Enjoying the show?"
  273. * Petal feels a weaker push. She then grab white zako's standing foot and pulls it to destroy her balance!
  274. <Idoro> Pearl Soldier #6 begins to step in front of the RingMaster, but Idoro holds up his hand for her to stop. "Oh yes. Very much so. It makes for delightful afternoon entertainment."
  275. <RingMaster> The zako is unbalanced. In fact with the high heels she uses she falls back.
  276. <RingMaster> "That's nice to hear...Say how strong is your soilder?" Asked Ringmaster with a wide smile.
  277. * Petal quickly crawls to mount on the white, before sending a hard punch to the face and dazes the zako!
  278. * Valkyrie deflected the most of the knives with her shield while slicing down the rest that didn't. She flies quickly behind the Zako with her shield at ready!
  279. <Idoro> "Number 6?"
  280. <Idoro> "She is exceptionally skilled.. she would probably be able to defeat a Petal in 1-on-1 combat."
  281. <RingMaster> The white Zako moaned in pain "Fuck you bitch!" She rises her knee aiming at Petal's crotch. The red Zako flips backards evading Valkyrie's attack
  282. * RingMaster smiles "I see, She might become one of our best stars....Too bad we are behind schuttle here...."
  283. <Valkyrie> ((Methinks thats a challenge for you NNin from Idoro! unless if you have a second petal for rescue and reinfocement!))
  284. <Petal> (I think we can have a chance...)
  285. * Idoro smirks. "Mm.. too bad indeed!"
  286. <Idoro> #6 eyes the RingMaster wearily, hands on her hips. "...."
  287. * Valkyrie smiled. It is just as predicted. During the flip, she got a quick leg sweep from Valkyrie and immediately saw the shield about to slam her where she fell
  288. * Petal catchs the thigh of white zako and stops most of impact. And she returns with hard fish to the chest! "Stop calling me bitch!"
  289. * Bryanthunder ( ha entrado en #ryonani
  290. <Petal> *hard fist :P
  291. <Petal> Test
  292. <Valkyrie> (Test)
  293. <Petal> (Sadly, I must go now :( )
  294. <Idoro> ((Laters NNin!))
  295. <Idoro> ((Hard fish!))
  296. <Valkyrie> (How about if you fell unconcious and I will carry and fly your body out to safety?)
  297. <Petal> (Laters. Sorry for I can't stay, Baku. And Hard Fish...)
  298. <Petal> (Yes. Maybe that's a good idea)
  299. <Valkyrie> (So that your Petal and reputation can be kept and the story can go on)
  300. * Petal se ha marchado (Quit: Beddddd)
  301. <WilHiteWarrior>
  302. <WilHiteWarrior> (Oh man... okay... THIS is gonna take some getting used to...)
  303. <Valkyrie> (Hmmm...can anyone tell me what is hard fish to the chest means? Google tells me Nothing!)
  304. * PhantasiaMD ( ha entrado en #ryonani
  305. <Idoro> ((Phantasiaaaaaaa))
  306. <PhantasiaMD> ((Hello!))
  307. <Idoro> ((I got my net back! And I posted. :D))
  308. <Valkyrie> ((Hmmm?! Two Phantasia?))
  309. <PhantasiaMD> ((the other one should time out shortly))
  310. <RingMaster> ((Ok, Hang on))
  311. * RingMaster dissapears being Idoro. He leaves a card that says "Call me" but no number.
  312. <Valkyrie> ((Tell me RingMaster...its your insane mutt isn't it? [sweatdrop]))
  313. <Valkyrie> ((Take your time, I am still wide awake and available for long!))
  314. <RingMaster> White Zako managues to knock out petal when she is about to finish her off Ring Master waves his hand saying "No"
  315. <RingMaster> Red zako is hit by Valkyries attack. She falls back unconssious. Her foorehead bleedding open
  316. <RingMaster> (THERE! :P Now fish them Valkyrie!)
  317. <Idoro> ((lmao))
  318. <Valkyrie> ((Aww...I was hoping for a more epic description! I still don't know what is hard fish to the chest means!))
  319. <RingMaster> (Me neither. But I have to go to work soon :( ))
  320. <Valkyrie> After non-lethally knocking the Red one down, Valkyrie notices that Petal Lang got knocked out. "Damn!" She swore to her self. She Flew up to the Air and give a falling drop kick on the White Zako while she is stll occupied with Petal!
  321. * PhantasiaMD se ha marchado (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  322. * PhantasiaMD ( ha entrado en #ryonani
  323. <PhantasiaMD> (hmmm... laggy)
  324. <Valkyrie> ((Or flying kick...I just noticed what the difference are))
  325. <RingMaster> The white Zako screams in surprise and angish as she is ttacked from behind. She is not out yet and tries to attack Valkyrie with her whip. Swing it around trying to get Valkyrie down
  326. * Valkyrie easily sliced the whip into two and flew behind the white Zako. She used the butt of her sword to knock the Zako out.
  327. * Valkyrie easily sliced the whip into two and flew behind the white Zako. She used the butt of her sword to knock the Zako out.
  328. <Valkyrie> "You are DOWN!" She said fiercely while holding the Zako in place by her shoulder from behind!
  329. <RingMaster> The zako falls the the grounds. RingMaster smiles "Our champion the Valkyrie! Now...Slip their blood!"
  330. <RingMaster> The zako falls the the grounds. RingMaster smiles "Our champion the Valkyrie! Now...Slip their blood!"
  331. * Valkyrie looks up to the booth and shouted , "NO!"
  332. <Valkyrie> She picked Petal Lang up graciously and flew her away to safety before RingMaster could throw anything else at them
  333. <Valkyrie> Its over....
  334. * RingMaster laughs out loud. THe sinister laugh been heard all over the arena. "Too Bad!"
  335. * Idoro_Justice ( ha entrado en #ryonani
  336. <RingMaster> *The curtain closes...
  337. <RingMaster> "You'll have to come back here again..."
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