
Conceal, don't feel.

Apr 11th, 2018
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  1. Covet: He held his hand out to her, giving her a smile, just glad she wasn't mad at him for earlier still, even though she totally should be. He walked up the steps and used his key to unlock the door, since people were a lot better about that these days. Walking in her looked around not seeing anyone else just yet. "I think if we hurry we'll have enough time before everyone wants to talk."
  2. Alexithymiaa: (Oh she is. Maybe not "mad" but still pissed.)
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Taking his hand, she walked up to the house with him, stepping inside and glancing around since she hadnt been there in a while. "Is all of your stuff contained to your room?" She asked, heading for the staircase to go upstairs.-
  4. Covet: "Yep, It'd be rude to have it all out where everyone else would have to deal with it." He said heading up the stairs behind her. "I don't even really have that much."
  5. Smokeless has joined the chat
  6. Covet has left the chat
  7. Covet has joined the chat
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  9. Alexithymiaa: "I guess I just havent lived in a shared space in a while." She said with a shrug, reaching the second floor of the house and making her way to Felix's room. Pushing the door open, she stepped inside, examining the few things actually left in the bedroom. "We could easily make room for your things."-
  10. Covet has left the chat
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  12. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: "I guess I just havent lived in a shared space in a while." She said with a shrug, reaching the second floor of the house and making her way to Felix's room. Pushing the door open, she stepped inside, examining the few things actually left in the bedroom. "We could easily make room for your things."-
  13. Covet: "That could be." Felix said as he looked around, "are you sure. I mean, besides the bed. I know that's going to be sold off. We have your bed anyways and you already have the guest room bed too. We're pretty set on beds." He said with a chuckle. "But yeah, I guess everything else isn't too bad, We might be able to find enough space in the office for my desk and the couch, provided we can shift things about.
  14. Covet: *."
  15. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I'm positive." She walked across the room to his desk, clipping one end of the tape measure to it and stretching it across the length of the surface so she could read out the numbers. "Four feet, eight inches long. That should fit, I think. If you want, we can put your couch in the art room?" She asked as she spun around to look at him. // Adam pulled his truck into the driveway fresh from the gym, climbing out and making his way up to the house to let himself in. He knew Felix was already there because he saw his Jeep out front, walking quickly to the stairs to run up to the second floor two steps at a time.-
  17. Covet: Felix pulled out his phone and started saving hte information in a note. "That could work too, If there's space. If not, no biggie I'm sure someone will take it." He said with a shrug as they went about getting the rest of the measurements for his things.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "I'm sure there is space." She walked over to the couch, stretching the tape measure across it. "Five feet three inches." Whirling around, she walked over to him, juggling the tape measure in her hands. "You're sure you're okay with this, right?" // Adam walked by his bedroom, stopping when he saw Felix's door open and popping his head in. "Hey... I'm just going to rinse off in the shower and then we can sit down, okay?" He said before stepping out and headinginto the bathroom to shower.-
  19. Tsaaq: Hayley stared at her reflection in her full body mirror and sighed. She turned on her music, that wasn't at a volume that is was disrupting but was still audible. ((WHOOOO IS THAT GIRL I SEE?)) Hera came up behind her, admiring herself in the mirror. Hayley shook her head as she went to crouch down and pick up the kitty. She saw Adam pass and go towards the bathroom. "Hey-" She greeted.
  20. Covet has left the chat
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  22. Covet: [Reposts please!!]
  23. Tsaaq: Hayley stared at her reflection in her full body mirror and sighed. She turned on her music, that wasn't at a volume that is was disrupting but was still audible. ((WHOOOO IS THAT GIRL I SEE?)) Hera came up behind her, admiring herself in the mirror. Hayley shook her head as she went to crouch down and pick up the kitty. She saw Adam pass and go towards the bathroom. "Hey-" She greeted. ((repost))
  24. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: "I'm sure there is space." She walked over to the couch, stretching the tape measure across it. "Five feet three inches." Whirling around, she walked over to him, juggling the tape measure in her hands. "You're sure you're okay with this, right?" // Adam walked by his bedroom, stopping when he saw Felix's door open and popping his head in. "Hey... I'm just going to rinse off in the shower and then we can sit down, okay?" He said before stepping out and headinginto the bathroom to shower.-
  25. Covet: "Yeah, of course I'm okay with it. Why wouldn't I be okay with it?" He asked, "It's really not that much different than now. Except all of my things will be in one place instead of two." Felix said then turned around to nod at Adam. " Sure thing man, We'll be in here." He told him then looked back at Steph, "Think I could just donate the bed or something? That way whoever moves in next won't have to sleep on the floor like I did?"
  26. Alexithymiaa: -She turned around to look at Adam, sending him a nod before returning her attention to Felix. "I don't know, I just wanted to make sure this wasnt my idea you're just going along with for my sake. And Im sure donating your bed will be greatly appreciated." She smiled up at him, lifting her arms to loop around his neck and kissing his lips. // Adam sent Hayley a wave on his way into the bathroom, doing a quick shower thing just to rinse off after going to the gym. Toweling his body off, he stepped out of the bathroom, half running to his bedroom because he didnt bring any clothes with him and he wanted to be dressed.-
  27. Tsaaq: She blinked awkwardly and just stood in her door with with Hera in tow, giving her head scratches as she watched Adam run past again. She rose her eyebrows and just sort of waited cause she had no idea what he was doing.
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  29. Covet: "No, not at all. It's kind of just a new adventure for us, but not so new, because we've practically been living together anyways." Felix said. "I can be cool with that. It's not like it's anything impressive. Just some wood and a matress. Some hipster kid will like it." Hearing the fast shower that Adam took, he was impressed, "I wonder if he even got wet in there."
  30. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "I'm enjoying our adventures. Let me just make myself clear though, just because I'm currently caught up in this doesnt mean that I'm not still annoyed with your big mouth. Understood?" She asked as she eyed him, pointing her finger at his face. "I'm sure Adam will be ready to talk in a minute then." // Jumping into his boxers and a pair of sweats with a t-shirt, Adam combed his fingers through his wet hair before turning out of his bedroom and stopping outside Hayley's bedroom door. "Are you ready to talk?"-
  31. Tsaaq: Hayley looked up and nodded her head. "Yeah." She replied as she stepped out of her bedroom, still carrying Hera. "Kelsey kind of told Coach about what happened at practice yesterday but she was super vague." Hayley told him in a dropped whisper.
  32. Smokeless: Dori pulled up to the house and sighed some. She got out of her car and slowly made her way up to the door. she opened it and looked around for a moment. she made her way towards the kitchen because she was rather thirsty. She really wasn't paying attention to her surroundings and just focused on getting a glass of water. Her feet scuffing against the floor as she was in deep thought. She was wondering who she should talk to. She came to and didn't realize she was already in the kitchen. she grabbed a glass and filled it with tap water sipping it slowly.
  33. Covet: Felix was smiling then it dropped as he let out a sigh, Thankful that he could hear Adam and Hayley coming. "Yeah, I got it." He said putting his phone away, moving the couch around before sitting on the bed, that way they could all sit together.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Good." She turned and walked over to the bed, taking a seat down beside Felix and reaching over to take his hand, lacing her fingers with his. "I guess it's now or never..." // Adam raised his brows as he listened to Hayley. "Wow. Well... okay then. I guess we all sort of feel the same way then. Come on." He walked over to Felix's room, giving a knock on the door frame. "Are y'all ready to talk?" He asked as he stepped just inside the room, looking at the two.-
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  37. Smokeless: [wb]
  38. Covet: [thanks x.x IMVU hates me tonight.]
  39. Smokeless: [yw ]
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  41. Tsaaq: She shrugged as she went to lean dramatically and look into Felix's room. "Yeah I guess so." Hayley said to Adam. She stepped into the room with him and looked around curiously because she hadn't been in the room in question since Harper lived there.
  42. Smokeless: Dori finished her water and made her way towards her room. She would sleep on it for sure. She stopped though at the foot of the stair when she heard voices.
  43. Covet has joined the chat
  44. Tsaaq: She shrugged as she went to lean dramatically and look into Felix's room. "Yeah I guess so." Hayley said to Adam. She stepped into the room with him and looked around curiously because she hadn't been in the room in question since Harper lived there. ((repost))
  45. Smokeless: Smokeless: Dori finished her water and made her way towards her room. She would sleep on it for sure. She stopped though at the foot of the stair when she heard voices.
  46. Covet: "Sure, what's on your guys' mind?" Felix asked them getting himself comfortable as he asked the question casually. "Anyone have any specific concerns?"
  47. Alexithymiaa: -Steph swallowed as she watched Adam and Hayley come into the room, pursing her lips and keeping quiet. // Adam walked in further and had a seat down on the couch, his eyes set on Felix in front of him. "Well... what happened over Spring break has really been eating at me. I don't like how things went down, and overall we did the wrong thing by not calling someone. Which is why... I really want to tell someone now."-
  48. Tsaaq: Hayley extended her free hand as she peeked into Felix open drawer. She took her sweet ass time making her way to the couch. She walked toward the cubby crate wall and tilted her head. She blinked slowly as she forced herself to take a seat next to Adam. "Why did you guys listen to Brad?" She asked in a monotone, putting Hera in her lap. She looked at Felix specifically cause she already asked Adam tbh.
  49. Smokeless: Dori bit her lower lip and could kind of make out what was being said. Curiousity was getting the best of her. She looked up the steps and then at her bedroom door. She sighed and decided it prbably be best she mind her own business but her feet were already tip toing gentely up the steps just close enough to sort of hear right? IT wouldn't hurt anyone.
  50. Covet: "Honestly? Because I wanted to make sure that Brad didn't bury the guy where I intened to take Steph camping. The place we set up is in this kind of enclosed area with lots of trees and plants, that opens up right to the beach. It'd be the perfect place to hide a body, and I could see him going right for it, if he had seen it. So, I made sure he went to the other end of the beach." Felix said with a shrug. "Who are you wanting to tell exactly? I'm not sure if there is someone we could tell at this point and have them look into it at all."
  51. Covet: *intended
  52. Alexithymiaa: -Steph quickly turned her head to stare at Felix because he hadnt told her any of that before and she didnt realize he did it to sort of protect her. She snapped her attention back to Adam, jumping in hastily. "What? No... you can't tell anyone. Do you have any idea what would happen to you guys if you told someone? You might not have killed the guy, but you're technically an accessory to murder." // Adam sighed, sweeping his hand back through his damp hair. "I can understand that. At least your answer is better than mine. But-" He cut his words when Steph started talking, giving a small shrug. "It doesnt matter what charges they would have against us. What we did was wrong and someone needs to know before they end up finding his body on their own. They're going to be able to narrow it down to us because it's on the school's timeshare property. Don't you think it looks better if we come forward ourselves rather than have to be confronted about it? I think we should talk to administration about this...."-
  53. Tsaaq: "Ideally that's really sweet and nice but, as far as being practical? That was a horrible reason because now you're involved in the dumbness of one guy when we should've just called somebody and ignored him and not buried anyone." Hayley sighed as she slouched in her spot in the cushion. "We should tell the dean or something but say it was Brad's idea because it's his fault." She suggested. "Somebody's bound to find Javier eventually... What are we supposed to just let this sit and do nothing?" Hayley asked Steph.
  54. Smokeless: Dori's eyes widen when she heard the conversation. She jogged down the steps as silently as she could and went straight to her room. The door slightly slamming behind her. she turned and locked it going straight to her bed and hiding under the covers. She was trying to register what she had just heard. She took in a deep breath and squinted her eyes closed.-
  55. Covet: "Accessory to Murder? But was he murdered? I thought it was just an accident?" Felix said confused. "Might not have been the best idea, but Brad was sure going to make sure it happened this rate who knows, maybe the Mexican Authorities would just write it off as cartel drama. That's what they normally do when they find bodies on the border." Felix wtf this is not helpful. "I dont know if throwing anyone under the bus is necessary, but if we tell the Administration and they do nothing? Then what do we do?"
  56. Alexithymiaa: "Uh, yeah, that's exactly what we're supposed to do. Even if you told them it was Brad's idea, they still went along with it. No one is going to care who came up with the stupid idea in the first place. And they might do nothing, but do you really want to chance it if they arrest you guys?" She asked, looking between Adam and Felix. "The fact of the matter is that we dont know what happened to him. What if he was murdered and you guys covered it up? You can't go to admin about this..." // Adam took a deep breath, trying to listen to all points because that was his whole reasoning for having this pow wow. "I hear you. I understand the concerns y'all have. Don't you think it's better to at least try though? I know I personally can't sleep at night knowing what we did and the fact that, that poor man is buried on the beach in Mexico and no one knows what happened to him...."-
  57. Tsaaq: Hayley stared at Felix blankly. "This was a horrible idea." She rambled grimly as she directed her gaze to the floor.
  58. Smokeless: Dori laided there and she was frozen under the covers. she hugged her pillow tightly and tried to fall asleep
  59. Smokeless: [im very tired]
  60. Covet: Felix reached up and adjusted his beanie before rubbing the back of his neck. "I mean.. you got to do, what you need to. I really don't feel like they'd pin that much on us. At the most, improper disposal of a body? If we're honest about it I'm sure they'll see that we didn't mean any ill intent. Just dumb college kids doing dumb shit on spring break. They literally write movies about this kind of shit. And at the end of the day since it was Brad's dumbass idea... make him pay for any fines or fees that we end up getting." Felix said as if there was an easy solution, acting all cavalier.
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  62. Alexithymiaa: "Are you kidding me?" She asked, her eyes bouncing from one face to another. "This isnt something theyre just going to chalk up to a bunch of kids being dumb. This is so much more serious than that." She paused, taking a deep steadying breath. "No, I dont think its better to at least try. Because what the movies dont tell you is that people go to jail for shit like this." She chewed on the inside of her cheek, letting out a huff before shoving up from the bed, walking passed the couch and out Felix's bedroom door. She stormed through the common area, pushing her hands up through her hair. // "Well I'm unclear about how the laws will carry over since we crossed international borders. It's something I can read up on and get back to you about if it's a concern you have. Regardless, I really think-" He stopped when Steph went off, settling into silence to listen to her before she stormed out of the room. "Sorry..."-
  63. Tsaaq: Hayley looked between the three of them. "They said it in Bully." She finally spoke up in a small voice. Her eyes followed Steph as she got up and left the room all together. She began to pout as she glanced between Felix and Adam. "This is was productive." Hayley said in a monotone as she stroked Hera like she was her security blankie.
  64. Covet: "I thought they always ended up in shitty situations in the movies because they didn't go to the proper authorities?" Felix furrowed his brow as he watched Steph get up, " Look... the way I see it.. It's already been done... nothing is going to change that. So... if we have to admit and own up to it, so be it.. if we're keeping it a secret, I'm cool with that too. Just.. give me a heads up before you make any solid decisions." He said then made his way out to where Steph was. "Hey, look, you weren't directly involved. You didn't see us do anything, and you have complete deniability. So...try to just put this out of mind and let me deal with it... kay?" He asked her tucking her hair behind her ear.
  65. Alexithymiaa: -Steph frowned as she looked at him, shaking her head. "I'm not concerned about plausible deniability. I'm concerned about them throwing you guys in jail because of a stupid mistake because goody two shoes is losing sleep over this." She exhaled deeply, giving him a half shrug because she didnt have a choice. "I just want to go home. Just... finish talking and I'll meet you in the car..." She pulled away from him, turning to walk down the steps so she could make her way out of the house. // Adam nodded to Felix's words, shifting his glance to Hayley. "That didnt really go like I planned..." He said in a small voice, pushing up from Felix's couch. Come on, let's get you into bed." He started out of the room, making his way to Hayley's so he could get her all tucked in.-
  66. Tsaaq: Hayley pursed her lips, not wanting to speak. She stood to her feet and trailed behind him with her head down. "What are you going to do?" She asked him as she put Hera down once they were in the room and began to undress with a gloomy expression.
  67. Covet: Felix followed Steph out because he'd said what he wanted to say to them. "Never a dull day in paradise." He mumbled as they walked downstairs to take off.
  68. Alexithymiaa: "Sleep on it." He replied glumly, waiting for her to be dressed for bed before going to fetch Lady from his room so they could do the sleeps.-
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