
Sarah's lines

Mar 12th, 2016
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  2. Intro (Memorial): I-I don't dislike my husband...that's why...ummm... ご主人のことは……きっ、嫌いじゃないぜ。だから、その……
  4. Home.
  5. Greetings:
  6. Morning greeting: Good morning, Husband!, I want to go on a morning walk, come with me!
  7. Afternoon: Are you taking a break? Come rest with me! おっ、ご主人も休憩か?だったらさ、俺とのんびりしようぜ?
  8. Night: -
  9. Early Morning: I'm not a good night owl, Come on, let's sleep early for tomorrow. 夜更かしはよくないぜ?ほらほら、明日のために早く寝ようぜ?
  11. Home 1: Huh?, What is it?, You want me to do something? んん?なんだよ、オレに何か用でもあるのか?
  12. Home 2: What is it? Is it fun to poke me? なんだよ~、オレなんかつついて楽しいのかよ~?
  13. Home 3: Hey, Husband, would you tell me what you think about me? なあご主人、オレのこと、どう思ってるのか教えてくれよ。
  14. Home 4: If you are going to poke me that much then I'll do it too!, Take this! (Consider revising) そんなにつっつくなら、オレもつっつき返してやる!えいえいー!
  15. Home <10 times: I'll get angry, stop nagging me! 構ってくれるのは嬉しいけどさ、しつこいのは無しだぜ。
  16. Profile: Yeah, you wanna see your status? Hmm...is this okay? (I still need to check this one.) うん!管理表の確認だな。えーと、これでいいのかな?
  17. Refresh: I can't be the only one having a break, you should rest too! オレだけ休憩なんて出来ないし、ご主人も休もうぜ?
  18. Organization: Alright, I will become my husband's strength! よーっし!オレがご主人の力になってやるぜ!
  19. Fusion: H-Hey...Did I...become a bit more cute? な、なあ、オレ、少しはかわいくなった?
  20. Limit Break: I'll become cuter for my husband! ご主人のために、もっと可愛くなってやるぜ!
  21. Job (Start): Ok, if it's just this it should be easy!
  22. Job (Finish): Request completed. Hey, hey, praise me!
  23. Meal: Thanks, husband!, I'll gladly eat it! ありがとなご主人、喜んでいただくぜ
  26. Outing.
  27. Begin: If you're going out I'll go with you! お出かけするなら、オレもついてくぜ
  28. End: Welcome! Hey, when's the next outing? おっかえりー!なあ、次はいつ出かけるんだ?
  29. Item Pickup: I found something, husband. ご主人!なんか見つけたぜ!
  30. Encounter: Alriiight!, come at me! よーし、かかってこーい!
  31. Start: Fufu, you're making a big mistake if you think you can beat me! ふふーん、オレに勝てると思ったら、大間違いだぜ。
  32. Victory: Fufu, did you understand our strength?
  33. Total Victory: That was a pretty good fight, right? Let's do it again! なかなかいい勝負だったぜ。なー、またやろうぜ。
  34. Defeat: No, it can't be...I'm sorry, husband.
  35. Attack: Eat this! これでも食らえ
  36. Skill: It's time to get serious! そろそろ本気で行くぜ
  37. Cheer (Attack): Thanks for cheering me, everyone! みんな、応援してくれてありがとな
  38. Hit: Gu-hu... くっ...
  39. Dammit... くそぉ…
  40. Crit. Hit: For husband...! ご主人のために…!
  42. Care.
  44. Begin: Eehh? I-I'ts fine by me. Uwaah! えぇっ!?オ、オレのことは別にいいからっ…うわあっ!
  46. Touch (Good) Affection < 30%: T-this is embarrassing...leave already... っは、恥ずかしいからっ…もういいって…
  47. Umm...thank you, Husband. ぁ…ありがとう、ご主人
  49. Touch (Good) Affection >= 30%: Could you fondle me a bit more? もっと触ってくれよ…な?
  50. I'm getting a warm and pleasant feeling. ご主人って、あったかくて気持ちいいよ
  52. Touch (Good) Affection >= 60%: Nnh...my chest is getting warmer. んっ…どんどん胸が熱くなるよ
  53. I'll end up loving you more... ご主人のこと…もっと、好きになっちゃう…
  55. Touch (Chest) Affection < 30%: Hey!, that place is forbidden! おおっと、ソコに触るのはダメだっての
  56. Even if you're my husband, I'll kill you! いくらご主人でも怒るぜ?
  58. Touch (Chest) Affection >= 30%: Hyan! S-stop already! きゃんっ!も、もうやめてくれよぉっ
  59. Uggh...You're so pervert... う~っ…ご主人のエッチ!
  61. Touch (Chest) Affection >= 60%: Hnn...j-just for a bit...alright? くっふぁっ…も、もう少しだけ…いいぜ?
  62. Being pervert with me...makes me a bit happy. エッチなのに…ちょっと、嬉しいかも…
  64. Touch (Bad): Noo! やぁんっ
  65. Where are you touching? どこ触ってるんだよ、ご主人!
  67. Idle: Heeey, don't you think it's terrible to leave me waiting? なーあ、放置するのって酷くないか?
  69. Hourly Notifications
  71. 01:00: I'll go ahead and sleep, you should do it too. オレは先に寝るけどさー、ご主人も、夜更かしはほどほどにな!
  72. 02:00: Mm...tomorrow...another day with husband...fuhehehe.
  73. 03:00: Zzz...zz...zz...I'm glad I met you...Husband... ご主人と会えて・・・ムニャムニャ・・・ほんとによかったぁ・・・
  74. 04:00: Zzz...I...will become cuter, you know? Zzz、オレ可愛くなるからさ……
  75. 05:00: Husband...you're so pervert...I told you not to do that...
  76. 06:00: Mmmmaahh!, I awoke great today too!
  77. 08:00: What's with you, husband? If you are still sleepy go wash your face!
  78. 09:00: Husband preparing breakfast at this hour, I'm so happy!
  79. 10:00: Hey, husband, tell me if you need any help! なあご主人、オレに手伝えることがあったら、言ってくれよな!
  80. 11:00: It's almost time for lunch, huh? What will it be today?
  81. 12:00: Mmmmm~! Husband, today's lunch was great!
  82. 13:00: Leaving lunch aside, why don't we rest? さーってと、ご主人も一緒に食休みしようぜ?
  83. 14:00: I-it's a bit embarrassing but I like cute sweets. は、恥ずかしいけどさ、かわいい系のお菓子が好きなんだ
  84. 15:00: Husband's so serious, I like that. ご主人ってほんと真面目だよなー。そういうの…好きだぜ?
  85. 16:00: Oh, you going to the shop? I'll go with you! / Oh, you going shopping? I'll go with you!
  86. 18:00: Alriiiiight, I'll help you with dinner today! よーっし!今日はオレも料理手伝うぜ!
  87. 23:00: I have to write about today on my diary. 今日のこと、ちゃんと日記に書いておかないと
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