

Aug 19th, 2016
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  1. strings:
  2. angle: '[player] подозревается [check]: попытался ударить несколько объектов одновременно. VL: [violations].'
  3. attackfrequency: '[player] подозревается [check]: атаки со слишком высокой скоростью. VL [violations].'
  4. ban: ban [player]
  5. ban-ip: ban-ip [ip]
  6. bautosign: '[player] failed [check]: failed autosign with [tags]. VL [violations].'
  7. bbfrequency: 'player подозревается [check]: пытался сломать слишком много блоков в пределах зоны видемости. VL: [violations]'
  8. bdirection: 'player подозревается [check]: пытался взаимодействовать с блоком из их линии визирования. VL: [violations].'
  9. bedleave: '[player] failed [check]: sends bed leave packets (was not in bed). VL [violations].'
  10. bpspeed: '[player] подозревается [check: попытался слишком быстро бросать зелья. VL: violations.'
  11. breach: '[player] подозревается [check]: превышал блок-взаимодействия с расстроянием. VL: [violations].'
  12. bspeed: '[player] подозревается [check]: пытался взаимодействовать слишком быстро. VL: [violations].'
  13. bvisible: '[player] подозревается [check]: пытался взаимодействовать с блоком из поля зрения. VL: [violations].'
  14. bwrong: '[player] подозревается [check]: сломал еще один блок, прежде чем его сломать. VL: [violations].'
  15. captcha: '[player] failed captcha repeatedly. VL [violations].'
  16. chatnormal: '[player] failed [check]: potentially annoying chat. VL [violations].'
  17. color: '[player] подозревается [check]: отправил цветное сообщения в чат. VL: [violations].'
  18. commands: '[player] подозревается [check]: пишет слишком много команд. VL: [violations].'
  19. combspeed: '[player] подозревается [check]: выполняет различные действия на очень высокой скорости. VL: [violations].'
  20. critical: '[player] failed [check]: tried to do a critical hit but wasn''t technically jumping [tags]. VL [violations].'
  21. drop: '[player] подозревается [check]: пытался выбросить больше предметов, чем разрешено. VL: [violations].'
  22. dropkick: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Dropping items too fast.
  23. fastbreak: '[player] подозревается [check]: пытался разбить блок ([blockid]) быстрее, чем это возможно. VL: [violations].'
  24. fastclick: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move items in their inventory too quickly. VL [violations].'
  25. fastconsume: '[player] failed [check]: consumes [food] [tags] too fast. VL [violations].'
  26. fastheal: '[player] failed [check]: regenerates health faster than usual (health [health]). VL [violations].'
  27. fastplace: '[player] failed [check]: tried to place too many blocks. VL [violations].'
  28. fdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to hit an entity out of line of sight. VL [violations].'
  29. flyshort: '[player] подозревается [check]: пытался двигаться неожиданно. VL: [violations].'
  30. flylong: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move from [locationfrom] to [locationto] over a distance of [distance] block(s). VL [violations].'
  31. freach: '[player] подозревается [check]: пытался атаковать объект вне досягаемости. VL: [violations].'
  32. fselfhit: '[player] failed [check]: tried to self-hit. VL [violations].'
  33. fspeed: '[player] failed [check]: tried to attack with too high a frequency. VL [violations].'
  34. gutenberg: '[player] failed [check]: created a book with too many pages. VL [violations].'
  35. godmode: '[player] failed [check]: avoided taking damage or lagging (health [health]). VL [violations].'
  36. improbable: '[player] failed [check]: meets the improbable more than expected. VL [violations].'
  37. instantbow: '[player] failed [check]: fires bow too fast. VL [violations].'
  38. instanteat: '[player] failed [check]: eats food [food] too fast. VL [violations].'
  39. keepalive: '[player] failed [check]: spams keep-alive packets (god/freecam?). VL [violations].'
  40. kick: kick [player]
  41. kickalive: ncp kick [player] Too many keep-alive packets.
  42. kickattackfrequency: ncp kick [player] Unlikely fast clicking.
  43. kickbedleave: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Go find a bed!
  44. kickbspeed: ncp kick [player] You interacted too fast!
  45. kickcaptcha: ncp kick [player] Enter the captcha!
  46. kickchat1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 You're still not allowed to spam!
  47. kickchat5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 You're not intended to spam!
  48. kickchatfast: ncp kick [player] You're not allowed to spam in chat!
  49. kickchatnormal: ncp kick [player] Too many chat messages, take a break.
  50. kickcommands: ncp tempkick [player] 1 You're not allowed to spam commands!
  51. kickfly: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Kicked for flying (or related)
  52. kickfrequency: ncp kick [player] You did something too fast!
  53. kickgod: ncp kick [player] God mode?
  54. kickinvaliddata: ncp kick [player] Invalid data.
  55. kickpackets: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Too many packets (extreme lag?)
  56. kickselfhit: ncp kick [player] You tried to hit yourself!
  57. kickwb: ncp kick [player] Block breaking out of sync!
  58. knockback: '[player] failed [check]: tried to do a knockback but wasn''t technically sprinting. VL [violations].'
  59. morepackets: '[player] failed [check]: sent too many moves ([packets] [tags]). VL [violations].'
  60. msgtempdenylogin: You are temporarily denied to join this server.
  61. munchhausen: '[player] failed [check]: almost made it off the pit. VL [violations].'
  62. nofall: '[player] failed [check]: tried to avoid fall damage. VL [violations].'
  63. chatfast: '[player] failed [check]: acted like spamming (IP: [ip]). VL [violations].'
  64. noswing: '[player] failed [check]: didn''t swing arm. VL [violations].'
  65. passable: '[player] failed [check]: moved into a block ([blockid]) from [locationfrom] to [locationto] distance [distance] . VL [violations].'
  66. relog: '[player] failed [check]: relogs too fast. VL [violations].'
  67. tellchatnormal: 'ncp tell [player] &cNCP: &eToo many messages, slow down...'
  68. tempkick1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 Wait a minute!
  69. tempkick5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 You have five minutes to think about it!
  70. vehicleenvelope: '[player] failed [check]: moved a vehicle too fast ([tags]). VL [violations].'
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