
Piper Survival MC 1.12 60 Plugins server startup log.

Dec 17th, 2017
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  3. Starting minecraft server version 1.12
  4. Loading properties
  5. Default game type: SURVIVAL
  6. This server is running Paper version git-Paper-1166 (MC: 1.12) (Implementing API version 1.12-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  7. Server Ping Player Sample Count: 3
  8. Using 3 threads for Netty based IO
  9. Debug logging is disabled
  10. Generating keypair
  11. Using epoll channel type
  12. Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
  13. [TallNether] Loading TallNether v1.3.6
  14. [GroupManager] Loading GroupManager v2.0.1-b332
  15. [FastCraft+] Loading FastCraftPlus v0.27.2
  16. [AutoLapiz] Loading AutoLapiz v1.1.1
  17. [GhostBuster] Loading GhostBuster v0.1
  18. [CoreProtect] Loading CoreProtect v2.14.2
  19. [dynmap] Loading dynmap v2.6-SNAPSHOT-Dev201707061526
  20. [dynmap] version=git-Paper-1166 (MC: 1.12)
  21. [dynmap] Mod Support API available
  22. [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.7;dd00bb1
  23. [CaneBully] Loading CaneBully v1.0
  24. [ClearLag] Loading ClearLag v2.9.3
  25. [WorldBorder] Loading WorldBorder v1.8.6
  26. [Votifier] Loading Votifier v1.9
  27. [EnchantedFurnace] Loading EnchantedFurnace v1.6.9
  28. [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v4.4.0-SNAPSHOT-b380
  29. [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.5-b719
  30. [Zenchantments] Loading Zenchantments v1.5.0-SNAPSHOT
  31. [CS-CoreLib] Loading CS-CoreLib v1.5.16
  32. [mcMMO] Loading mcMMO v1.5.08-SNAPSHOT
  33. [Vault] Loading Vault v1.5.6-b49
  34. [GAListener] Loading GAListener v1.3.3
  35. [DecraftingTable] Loading DecraftingTable v0.3.1
  36. [MassiveCore] Loading MassiveCore v2.13.0-SNAPSHOT
  37. [GiantTrees] Loading GiantTrees v2.0.0-alpha.6
  38. [PerWorldInventory] Loading PerWorldInventory v1.10.0
  39. [LWC] Loading LWC v4.5.0-SNAPSHOT
  40. [HolographicDisplays] Loading HolographicDisplays v2.2.6
  41. [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v6.2.1;84bc322
  42. [SignLogger] Loading SignLogger v2.0.3
  43. [Slimefun] Loading Slimefun v4.1.9
  44. [Barrels] Loading Barrels v1.11
  45. [HorseTpWithMe] Loading HorseTpWithMe v2.0.6
  46. [RandomTeleport] Loading RandomTeleport v5.0.2
  47. [PlayerVaults] Loading PlayerVaults v3.6.0-SNAPSHOT-b207
  48. [MagicSpells] Loading MagicSpells v3.5-dev-1603090833
  49. [MagicSpellsShop] Loading MagicSpellsShop v1.5
  50. [SlimeXpansion] Loading SlimeXpansion v1.1.8
  51. [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.0.1-b501
  52. [PreciousStones] Loading PreciousStones v10.7.2
  53. [CrazyAuctions] Loading CrazyAuctions v1.2.3
  54. [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b501
  55. [SlimefunLuckyBlocks] Loading SlimefunLuckyBlocks v1.1
  56. [ExoticGarden] Loading ExoticGarden v1.6.3
  57. [RecipeManager] Loading RecipeManager v2.13.1
  58. [SoulJars] Loading SoulJars v1.0
  59. [MyPreciousStone] Loading MyPreciousStone v1.1.0
  60. [HolographicExtension] Loading HolographicExtension v1.6
  61. [Dynmap-Essentials] Loading Dynmap-Essentials v0.91-SNAPSHOT
  62. [ChestShop] Loading ChestShop v3.8.12
  63. [SlimefunOres] Loading SlimefunOres v1.4.6
  64. [SlimeCalculator] Loading SlimeCalculator v1.0.0
  65. [SlimeScrap] Loading SlimeScrap v1.2.2
  66. [Factions] Loading Factions v2.13.0-SNAPSHOT
  67. [EssentialsProtect] Loading EssentialsProtect v2.0.1-b501
  68. [EssentialsGeoIP] Loading EssentialsGeoIP v2.0.1-b501
  69. [EssentialsAntiBuild] Loading EssentialsAntiBuild v2.0.1-b501
  70. [LandValue] Loading LandValue v1.0.2
  71. [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b501
  72. [MyPet] Loading MyPet v2.3.0
  73. [Autorank] Loading Autorank v3.7.6
  74. [Jobs] Loading Jobs v4.0.0
  75. [SilkSpawners] Loading SilkSpawners v4.0.0
  76. [TallNether] Enabling TallNether v1.3.6
  77. [TallNether] Everything is ready to go!
  78. [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v4.4.0-SNAPSHOT-b380
  79. [ProtocolLib] Started structure compiler thread.
  80. [mcMMO] Enabling mcMMO v1.5.08-SNAPSHOT
  81. [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
  82. [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  83. [Vault] [Permission] GroupManager found: Waiting
  84. [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  85. [Vault] [Chat] GroupManager found: Waiting
  86. [Vault] Enabled Version 1.5.6-b49
  87. [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v2.13.0-SNAPSHOT
  88. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] === ENABLE START ===
  89. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Loading Cachefile datas...
  90. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
  91. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Loading Registry datas...
  92. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Saving Cachefile...
  93. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Setup of IdUtil took 24ms.
  94. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsBasics set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+]
  95. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsBoard set to Minecraft 1.9.0+ [1_9_R1+]
  96. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsChat set to Minecraft 1.12.0+ [1_12_R1+]
  97. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsEntityDamageEvent set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+]
  98. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsEntityGet set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+]
  99. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsItemStackCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+]
  100. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsItemStackTooltip set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+]
  101. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsPermissions set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+]
  102. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsPlayerInventoryCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+]
  103. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin NmsSkullMeta set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+]
  104. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Integration Activated IntegrationLiabilityAreaEffectCloud
  105. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Integration Activated IntegrationVault
  106. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default
  107. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default
  108. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinActual set to Default
  109. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default
  110. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default
  111. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default
  112. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default
  113. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinKick set to Default
  114. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinLog set to Default
  115. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default
  116. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default
  117. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinModification set to Default
  118. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default
  119. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default
  120. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default
  121. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default
  122. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default
  123. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default
  124. [MassiveCore 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1290ms) ===
  125. [GiantTrees] Enabling GiantTrees v2.0.0-alpha.6
  126. [LWC] Enabling LWC v4.5.0-SNAPSHOT
  127. [LWC] Connecting to SQLite
  128. **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
  129. Preparing level "piper"
  130. [GiantTrees] Attaching giant tree populator to world "piper"
  131. [TallNether Success] The world 'piper_nether' will have a 256-block high nether!
  132. Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 2138374464889032671)
  133. Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 2138374464889032671)
  134. Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 2138374464889032671)
  135. [GroupManager] Enabling GroupManager v2.0.1-b332
  136. GroupManager - INFO - World Found: creative
  137. GroupManager - INFO - World Found: piper
  138. GroupManager - INFO - Superperms support enabled.
  139. GroupManager - INFO - Scheduled Data Saving is set for every 5 minutes!
  140. GroupManager - INFO - Backups will be retained for 48 hours!
  141. GroupManager version 2.0.1-b332 is enabled!
  142. [Vault][Permission] GroupManager hooked.
  143. [Vault][Chat] GroupManager - Chat hooked.
  144. [FastCraft+] Enabling FastCraftPlus v0.27.2
  145. [AutoLapiz] Enabling AutoLapiz v1.1.1
  146. [GhostBuster] Enabling GhostBuster v0.1
  147. [CoreProtect] Enabling CoreProtect v2.14.2
  148. [CoreProtect] CoreProtect has been successfully enabled!
  149. [CoreProtect] Using SQLite for data storage.
  150. [dynmap] Enabling dynmap v2.6-SNAPSHOT-Dev201707061526
  151. [dynmap] Using GroupManager 2.0.1-b332 for access control
  152. [dynmap] Mod Support processing completed
  153. [dynmap] Loaded 30 shaders.
  154. [dynmap] Loaded 82 perspectives.
  155. [dynmap] Loaded 14 lightings.
  156. [dynmap] version 2.6-SNAPSHOT-Dev201707061526 is enabled - core version 2.6-SNAPSHOT-Dev201707061522
  157. [dynmap] Loaded 2 maps of world 'piper'.
  158. [dynmap] Radius render for world 'piper' restored
  159. [dynmap] Loaded 1 maps of world 'piper_nether'.
  160. [dynmap] Loaded 2145 pending tile renders for world 'piper_nether'
  161. [dynmap] Loaded 1 maps of world 'piper_the_end'.
  162. [dynmap] Enabled
  163. [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.7;dd00bb1
  164. WEPIF: GroupManager detected! Using GroupManager for permissions.
  165. [WorldEdit] Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_12_R1 as the Bukkit adapter
  166. [CaneBully] Enabling CaneBully v1.0
  167. [ClearLag] Enabling ClearLag v2.9.3
  168. [ClearLag] Loading modules...
  169. [ClearLag] Modules enabed, loading config values
  170. [ClearLag] Modules have been loaded!
  171. [ClearLag] Clearlag is now enabled!
  172. [WorldBorder] Enabling WorldBorder v1.8.6
  173. [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Using elliptic/round border, knockback of 9.0 blocks, and timer delay of 80.
  174. [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Border-checking timed task started.
  175. [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "piper" has border radius 12500 at X: 0.0 Z: 0.0 (wrapping)
  176. [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "piper_nether" has border radius 5500 at X: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  177. [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "piper_the_end" has border radius 6500 at X: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  178. [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Successfully hooked into DynMap for the ability to display borders.
  179. [WorldBorder] For reference, the main world's spawn location is at X: -204.0 Y: 64.0 Z: 248.0
  180. [Votifier] Enabling Votifier v1.9
  181. [Votifier] Votifier enabled.
  182. [EnchantedFurnace] Enabling EnchantedFurnace v1.6.9
  183. [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v2.5-b719
  184. [Multiverse-Core] 3 - World(s) loaded.
  185. [Multiverse-Core] Version 2.5-b719 (API v20) Enabled - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
  186. [Zenchantments] Enabling Zenchantments v1.5.0-SNAPSHOT
  187. Zenchantments: Detected NMS version "v1_12_R1"
  188. [CS-CoreLib] Enabling CS-CoreLib v1.5.16
  189. [GAListener] Enabling GAListener v1.3.3
  190. [GAListener] GAListener v1.3.3 Enabled
  191. [DecraftingTable] Enabling DecraftingTable v0.3.1
  192. [DecraftingTable] Version checking and automatic downloads are disabled in the config!
  193. [PerWorldInventory] Enabling PerWorldInventory v1.10.0
  194. [03:41:21] [Server thread/WARN]: [PerWorldInventory] Could not save default.json to plugins/PerWorldInventory/default.json because default.json already exists.
  195. [PerWorldInventory] Registering listeners...
  196. [PerWorldInventory] Listeners registered!
  197. [PerWorldInventory] Registering commands...
  198. [PerWorldInventory] Commands registered!
  199. [PerWorldInventory] Vault found! Hooking into it...
  200. [PerWorldInventory] Hooked into Vault!
  201. [HolographicDisplays] Enabling HolographicDisplays v2.2.6
  202. [HolographicDisplays] Found ProtocolLib, using new version.
  203. [HolographicDisplays] Enabled player relative placeholders with ProtocolLib.
  204. [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v6.2.1;84bc322
  205. [WorldGuard] (piper) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  206. [WorldGuard] (piper) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  207. [WorldGuard] (piper) Lava fire is blocked.
  208. [WorldGuard] (piper) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  209. [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'piper'
  210. [WorldGuard] (piper_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  211. [WorldGuard] (piper_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  212. [WorldGuard] (piper_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
  213. [WorldGuard] (piper_nether) All fire spread is disabled.
  214. [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'piper_nether'
  215. [WorldGuard] (piper_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  216. [WorldGuard] (piper_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  217. [WorldGuard] (piper_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.
  218. [WorldGuard] (piper_the_end) All fire spread is disabled.
  219. [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'piper_the_end'
  220. [WorldGuard] Loading region data...
  221. [SignLogger] Enabling SignLogger v2.0.3
  222. [SignLogger] version [2.0.3] loaded
  223. [Slimefun] Enabling Slimefun v4.1.9
  224. [Slimefun] Loading Files...
  225. [Slimefun] Loading Config...
  226. [Slimefun] Loading Items...
  227. [Slimefun] Loading Researches...
  228. [Slimefun] Loading World Generators...
  229. [Slimefun - GEO] Registering Ore Gen: Oil
  230. [Slimefun - GEO] Registering Ore Gen: Nether Ice
  231. [Slimefun] Successfully hooked into WorldEdit!
  232. [Slimefun] Finished!
  233. [Barrels] Enabling Barrels v1.11
  234. [Barrels] Barrels v1.11 has been enabled!
  235. [HorseTpWithMe] Enabling HorseTpWithMe v2.0.6
  236. [HorseTpWithMe] HorseTpWithMe v2.0.6 is Enabled and working
  237. [RandomTeleport] Enabling RandomTeleport v5.0.2
  238. [RandomTeleport] [Updater] Auto-Update is disabled! If you would like to have RandomTP update itself automatically, please enable it in the config.
  239. [PlayerVaults] Enabling PlayerVaults v3.6.0-SNAPSHOT-b207
  240. [MagicSpells] Enabling MagicSpells v3.5-dev-1603090833
  241. [MagicSpells] This MagicSpells version is not fully compatible with this server version.
  242. [MagicSpells] Some features have been disabled.
  243. [MagicSpells] See for more information.
  244. [MagicSpells] ProtocolLib found: some compatibility re-enabled
  245. [MagicSpells] Initializing permissions
  246. [MagicSpells] Loading predefined items...
  247. [MagicSpells] ...389 predefined items loaded
  248. [MagicSpells] Loading variables...
  249. [MagicSpells] ...3 variables loaded
  250. [MagicSpells] Loading spells...
  251. [MagicSpells] ...spells loaded: 1141
  252. [MagicSpells] Finalizing perms...
  253. [MagicSpells] ...done
  254. [MagicSpells] Initializing spells...
  255. [MagicSpells] ...done
  256. [MagicSpells] Loading online player spellbooks...
  257. [MagicSpells] ...done
  258. [MagicSpells] Initializing passive manager...
  259. [MagicSpells] ...done
  260. [MagicSpells] Enabling mana bars...
  261. [MagicSpells] ...done
  262. [MagicSpells] Loading cast listeners...
  263. [MagicSpells] ...done
  264. [MagicSpells] MagicSpells loading complete!
  265. [MagicSpellsShop] Enabling MagicSpellsShop v1.5
  266. [MagicSpellsShop] MagicSpellsShop config loaded.
  267. [SlimeXpansion] Enabling SlimeXpansion v1.1.8
  268. [Slimefun - GEO] Registering Ore Gen: Thorium
  269. [SlimeXpansion] SlimeXpansion has been enabled!
  270. [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.0.1-b501
  271. [Essentials] Using 1.8.3+ BlockStateMeta provider as mob spawner provider.
  272. [Essentials] Using Reflection based provider as spawn egg provider.
  273. [Essentials] Using 1.9+ BasePotionData provider as potion meta provider.
  274. Using locale en
  275. [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
  276. [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
  277. [Essentials] Using Vault based permissions (GroupManager)
  278. [PreciousStones] Enabling PreciousStones v10.7.2
  279. [PreciousStones] Version 10.7.2 loaded
  280. [PreciousStones] SQLite Connection successful
  281. [CrazyAuctions] Enabling CrazyAuctions v1.2.3
  282. [Crazy Auctions]: Your server is running v1.2.3 and the newest is v1.2.4.
  283. [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b501
  284. [SlimefunLuckyBlocks] Enabling SlimefunLuckyBlocks v1.1
  285. [ExoticGarden] Enabling ExoticGarden v1.6.3
  286. [RecipeManager] Enabling RecipeManager v2.13.1
  287. [SoulJars] Enabling SoulJars v1.0
  288. [MyPreciousStone] Enabling MyPreciousStone v1.1.0
  289. [MyPreciousStone] MyPreciousStone version 1.1.0 is Enabled
  290. [HolographicExtension] Enabling HolographicExtension v1.6
  291. [HolographicExtension] Found ProtocolLib, using new version.
  292. [HolographicExtension] Enabled player relative placeholders with ProtocolLib.
  293. [Dynmap-Essentials] Enabling Dynmap-Essentials v0.91-SNAPSHOT
  294. [Dynmap-Essentials] initializing
  295. [Dynmap-Essentials] version 0.91-SNAPSHOT is activated
  296. [ChestShop] Enabling ChestShop v3.8.12
  297. creating table 'items'
  298. executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `items` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `code` VARCHAR NOT NULL , UNIQUE (`code`))
  299. [03:41:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: WARNING: you seem to not be using the Xerial SQLite driver. See ORMLite docs on SQLite:
  300. creating table 'accounts'
  301. creating index 'accounts_shortName_idx' for table 'accounts
  302. executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounts` (`lastSeenName` VARCHAR NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR NOT NULL , `shortName` VARCHAR NOT NULL , `uuid` VARCHAR NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`name`) )
  303. executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `accounts_shortName_idx` ON `accounts` ( `shortName` )
  304. [ChestShop] LWC version 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT loaded.
  305. [ChestShop] Vault loaded! Found an economy plugin!
  306. [SlimefunOres] Enabling SlimefunOres v1.4.6
  307. [SlimefunOres] SlimefunOres 1.4.6 has been enabled!
  308. [SlimeCalculator] Enabling SlimeCalculator v1.0.0
  309. [SlimeCalculator] SlimeCalculator v1.0.0 has been enabled!
  310. [SlimeScrap] Enabling SlimeScrap v1.2.2
  311. [SlimeScrap] SlimeScrap v1.2.2 has been enabled!
  312. [Factions] Enabling Factions v2.13.0-SNAPSHOT
  313. [Factions 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] === ENABLE START ===
  314. [Factions 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Integration Activated IntegrationV19
  315. [Factions 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Integration Activated IntegrationLwc
  316. [Factions 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Integration Activated IntegrationSpigot
  317. [Factions 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Integration Activated IntegrationWorldGuard
  318. [Factions 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] Mixin PowerMixin set to Default
  319. [Factions 2.13.0-SNAPSHOT] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 645ms) ===
  320. [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.0.1-b501
  321. [EssentialsGeoIP] Enabling EssentialsGeoIP v2.0.1-b501
  322. [EssentialsGeoIP] This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from
  323. [EssentialsAntiBuild] Enabling EssentialsAntiBuild v2.0.1-b501
  324. [LandValue] Enabling LandValue v1.0.2
  325. [LandValue] Loading config.yml
  326. [LandValue] Factions plugin found! Faction support enabled.
  327. [LandValue] Vault plugin found! Vault support enabled.
  328. [LandValue] Opted-out of metrics
  329. [LandValue] has been enabled.
  330. [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b501
  331. Level: INFO
  332. [MyPet] Enabling MyPet v2.3.0
  333. [MyPet] MagicSpells (3.5-dev-1603090833) hook activated.
  334. [MyPet] mcMMO (1.5.08-SNAPSHOT) hook activated.
  335. [MyPet] ProtocolLib (4.4.0-SNAPSHOT-b380) hook activated.
  336. [MyPet] Vault (1.5.6-b49) hook activated.
  337. [MyPet] WorldGuard (6.2.1;84bc322) hook activated.
  338. [MyPet] Compat mode for v1_12_R1 loaded.
  339. [MyPet] --- Loading WorldGroups ---------------------------
  340. [MyPet] added 'piper_nether' to 'default'
  341. [MyPet] added 'piper_the_end' to 'default'
  342. [MyPet] added 'piper' to 'default'
  343. [MyPet] added 'Creative' to 'nopets'
  344. [MyPet] -------------------------------------------------
  345. [MyPet] version 2.3.0-b1156 ENABLED
  346. [Autorank] Enabling Autorank v3.7.6
  347. [Autorank] Simple config file loaded
  348. [Autorank] Advanced config file loaded
  349. [Autorank] Settings config file loaded
  350. [Autorank] Internal properties file loaded
  351. [Autorank] Backup data file loaded (backup-data.yml)
  352. [Autorank] Loaded stored uuids.
  353. [Autorank] Loaded playerdata.
  354. [Autorank] No stats plugin found! Most requirements cannot be used!
  355. [Autorank] Loaded libraries and dependencies
  356. [Autorank] Interval check every 15 minutes.
  357. [Autorank] Total data file loaded
  358. [Autorank] Daily data file loaded
  359. [Autorank] Weekly data file loaded
  360. [Autorank] Monthly data file loaded
  361. [Autorank] Language file loaded (lang.yml)
  362. [Autorank] Using timings of: autorank
  363. [Autorank] Autorank 3.7.6 has been enabled!
  364. [Jobs] Enabling Jobs v4.0.0
  365. [Jobs] Loaded 26 titles!
  366. [Jobs] Loaded 0 restricted areas!
  367. [Jobs] Loaded 49 protected blocks timers!
  368. [Jobs] Loaded 641 custom item names!
  369. [Jobs] Loaded 41 custom entity names!
  370. [Jobs] Loaded 27 custom enchant names!
  371. [Jobs] Loaded 16 custom color names!
  372. [Jobs] 4 shop items loaded!
  373. [Jobs] Loaded 10 jobs!
  374. [Jobs] Explorer job manager registered!
  375. [03:41:48] [Jobs-DatabaseSaveTask/INFO]: [Jobs] Started database save task.
  376. [03:41:48] [Jobs-BufferedPaymentThread/INFO]: [Jobs] Started buffered payment thread.
  377. [Jobs] Loaded 0 schedulers!
  378. [Jobs] Preloaded 2 players data in 0.0
  379. [Jobs] mcMMO was found - Enabling capabilities.
  380. [Jobs] MyPet detected
  381. [Jobs] WorldGuard detected.
  382. [Jobs] loaded 176 block protection entries. 0
  383. [Jobs] Loading explorer data
  384. [Jobs] Loaded explorer data
  385. [Jobs] Plugin has been enabled succesfully.
  386. [SilkSpawners] Enabling SilkSpawners v4.0.0
  387. [SilkSpawners] WorldGuard was found and support is enabled
  388. [SilkSpawners] Loading support for v1_12_R1
  389. [SilkSpawners] AutoUpdater is disabled due to config setting.
  390. [SilkSpawners] BarAPI is disabled due to config setting.
  391. Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  392. Done (32.977s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  393. Starting GS4 status listener
  394. Timings Reset
  395. [CS-CoreLib - Protection] Loaded Protection Module "WorldGuard"
  396. [CS-CoreLib - Protection] Loaded Protection Module "Factions"
  397. [CS-CoreLib - Protection] Loaded Protection Module "LWC"
  398. [CS-CoreLib - Protection] Loaded Protection Module "PreciousStones"
  399. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/INFO]: [GAListener] Connection established!
  400. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/INFO]: [GAListener] Loading queued votes
  401. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/INFO]: [GAListener] Loaded 0 queued votes
  402. ###################### - Slimefun - ######################
  403. Successfully loaded 807 Items (231 Researches)
  404. ( 462 Items from Slimefun, 345 Items from Addons )
  405. ##########################################################
  406. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World "piper"
  407. [Slimefun] This may take a long time...
  408. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 8% done ("piper")
  409. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 16% done ("piper")
  410. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 21% done ("piper")
  411. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 32% done ("piper")
  412. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 39% done ("piper")
  413. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 50% done ("piper")
  414. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 55% done ("piper")
  415. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 63% done ("piper")
  416. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 74% done ("piper")
  417. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 82% done ("piper")
  418. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 92% done ("piper")
  419. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - 5752ms)
  420. [Slimefun] Loaded a total of 464226 Blocks for World "piper"
  421. [Slimefun] Avg: 0.012ms/Block
  422. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World "piper_nether"
  423. [Slimefun] This may take a long time...
  424. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - 0ms)
  425. [Slimefun] Loaded a total of 0 Blocks for World "piper_nether"
  426. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World "piper_the_end"
  427. [Slimefun] This may take a long time...
  428. [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - 0ms)
  429. [Slimefun] Loaded a total of 0 Blocks for World "piper_the_end"
  430. [PlayerVaults] ** Vaults have already been converted to UUIDs. If this is incorrect, shutdown your server and rename the plugins/PlayerVaults/uuidvaults directory.
  431. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 15/INFO]: [PreciousStones] (piper) fields: 22
  432. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 15/INFO]: [PreciousStones] (piper) cuboids: 39
  433. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 15/INFO]: [PreciousStones] (piper_nether) cuboids: 2
  434. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 15/INFO]: [PreciousStones] (piper_the_end) cuboids: 3
  435. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 17/INFO]: CrazyAuctions: 1.2.4 now available.
  436. [RecipeManager] Parsed 0 recipe books.
  437. [RecipeManager] Loading all recipes...
  438. [RecipeManager] Parsed 28 recipes from 1 files without errors, elapsed time 0.046 seconds.
  439. [RecipeManager] All done in 0.049 seconds, 28 recipes processed.
  440. [Jobs] Successfully linked with Vault.
  441. GroupManager - INFO - Bukkit Permissions Updated!
  442. [Dynmap Render Thread/INFO]: [dynmap] Loading default resource pack
  443. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [Slimefun - GitHub] Retrieving 'contributors.json' from GitHub...
  444. [SlimeScrap] Caching Items...
  445. [SlimeScrap] Done Caching - 9ms
  446. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9/INFO]: [Autorank] Config files have been correctly setup!
  447. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [Slimefun - GitHub] Retrieving 'repo.json' from GitHub...
  448. [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [Slimefun - GitHub] Retrieving 'lines_of_code.json' from GitHub...
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