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Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. [~/hacking/lisp/slime] sudo pacman -Qm
  2. Password:
  3. 3delight 8.5.0-1
  4. a2jmidid 6-1
  5. aa3d 1.0-3
  6. aap 1.091-1
  7. aconnectgui 0.9.0rc2.1-1
  8. album 4.06-2
  9. alice 2.0.0-1
  10. alsa-tools 1.0.21-1
  11. alsaequal 0.4-1
  12. ams 2.0.1-1
  13. aoi 2.7.2-1
  14. aqsis 1.6.0-1
  15. archinfo 0.1-1
  16. argyllcms 1.0.4-1
  17. asciisec
  18. audacious-almond-themes 20090621-1
  19. aurscripts 1.0.7-1
  20. autoconf-archive 20091216-1
  21. autojump-git 20100103-1
  22. automysqlbackup 2.5-1
  23. avalon 0.2-1
  24. azenis-icon-theme 0.1.1-1
  25. basqet 0.1.2-1
  26. bass 1.2-9
  27. biniax2 1.30-3
  28. black-white-icon-theme 0.4-1
  29. blackwhite2-style-icon-theme 20080414-1
  30. blinkensisters 0.5.3-1
  31. blockout2 2.4-2
  32. bluegriffon-bin-20090114 0.1-1
  33. bmpanel-deconstruction-integration-theme 20091217-1
  34. bmpanel-themes 2.0.0-1
  35. brlcad 7.16.0-1
  36. btrfs-progs 0.19-4
  37. buc 0.5.2-1
  38. cabal2arch 0.6-1
  39. cabalgraph 0.1-2
  40. cairo-dfb 1.8.6-2
  41. cairo-dock-bzr 433-1
  42. cairo-dock-themes
  43. cal3d 0.11.0-3
  44. caps 0.4.4-1
  45. ccl-bin 1.4-1
  46. cclive 0.5.7-1
  47. ccss 0.5.0-3
  48. cdf 0.2-1
  49. cgprof 1.2-2
  50. chartsd 0.6-1
  51. chbg 1.5-3
  52. chicken 4.3.0-1
  53. chicken-base64 3.2-3
  54. chicken-check-errors 1.8.0-3
  55. chicken-defstruct 1.3-3
  56. chicken-doctype 1.2-3
  57. chicken-fast-loop 0.3-3
  58. chicken-foreigners 1.4-3
  59. chicken-http-client 0.1-3
  60. chicken-intarweb 0.3-3
  61. chicken-matchable 2.5-3
  62. chicken-md5 2.1-3
  63. chicken-message-digest 2.0.1-3
  64. chicken-miscmacros 2.7-3
  65. chicken-openssl 1.2.1-3
  66. chicken-setup-helper 1.1.4-3
  67. chicken-uri-common 0.10-3
  68. chicken-uri-generic 2.33-3
  69. chicken-x11-colors 1.0-3
  70. choosewm 0.1.3-1
  71. cl-alexandria-darcs 20090325-1
  72. cl-babel 0.3.0-1
  73. cl-base64 3.3.3-3
  74. cl-bordeaux-threads 0.6.0-1
  75. cl-cffi 0.10.5-1
  76. cl-chunga 1.1.0-1
  77. cl-fad 0.6.2-1
  78. cl-flexi-streams 1.0.7-6
  79. cl-hunchentoot 1.0.0-1
  80. cl-lift-darcs 20090809-2
  81. cl-md5 1.8-1
  82. cl-opengl-darcs 20090802-1
  83. cl-ppcre 2.0.3-1
  84. cl-ptester 2.1.2-1
  85. cl-rfc2388 0.1-1
  86. cl-split-sequence 20090814-2
  87. cl-ssl-cvs 20100104-1
  88. cl-trivial-features 0.5-1
  89. cl-trivial-gray-streams 20081102-1
  90. cl-usocket 0.4.1-4
  91. cl-who 0.11.1-4
  92. clalsadrv 1.2.2-4
  93. clojure 1.1.0-2
  94. clojure-contrib-git 20100103-1
  95. clthreads 2.4.0-4
  96. clxclient 3.6.1-3
  97. cocos2d 0.3.0-2
  98. colortheme 20090716-1
  99. compojure-git 20100103-1
  100. couchapp-git 20100104-1
  101. couchdb 0.10.1-1
  102. counter-strike-2d
  103. cppcheck 1.39-1
  104. cpphs 1.9-1
  105. crawlr-git 20100103-1
  106. critterding 1.0_beta11-1
  107. crystalgimp 1.0-4
  108. csound5 5.10.1-1
  109. cutemaze 1.1.0-1
  110. darcs-benchmark 0.1-1
  111. darcs-beta
  112. darcs-graph 1.0-2
  113. darcs-monitor 0.3.6-2
  114. darcsstats-darcs 20100103-1
  115. dbus-explorer 0.5-1
  116. dbus-inspector 0.2.1-2
  117. dd_rhelp 0.1.2-4
  118. ddcxinfo-arch 0.8-2
  119. derive 0.1.4-1
  120. desktopcouch 0.6.1-2
  121. dirsize 0.6-1
  122. dirsync 1.0.11-2
  123. django-annoying-hg 21-1
  124. django-cms 2.0.0-1
  125. django-debug-toolbar-git 20100103-1
  126. django-extensions 0.4.1-1
  127. django-lint 0.12-1
  128. django-maintenancemode 0.9.2-1
  129. django-openid-auth 0.1-2
  130. django-registration 0.8-1
  131. django-sane-testing 0.5.6-2
  132. django-tagging-svn 170-1
  133. dzen2-xft-xpm-xinerama-svn 267-2
  134. eci-icc 2009-1
  135. eclipse-antlr-runtime 3.0.0-2
  136. eclipse-anyedittools
  137. eclipse-coloreditor-plugin 1.2.6-1
  138. eclipse-vs4e 0.9.12-1
  139. eclox 0.8.0-1
  140. electricsheep-svn 2.7-1
  141. elinks-git 0.13-1
  142. emacs-clojure-mode-git 20091229-1
  143. emacs-elib 1.0-3
  144. emacs-find-recursive 20010326-1
  145. emacs-ipython-mode 2927-1
  146. emacs-planner 3.42-2
  147. emacs-remember 2.0-2
  148. emacs-rudel-svn 661-1
  149. emacs-session 2.2a-2
  150. emacs-template 3.1c-1
  151. emacs-textile-mode 6-1
  152. emacs-versor 1.12-3
  153. emacs-wget 0.5.0-1
  154. emacs-xcscope 1.14-1
  155. emacs-yasnippet 0.6.1c-2
  156. emma 0.6-2
  157. emptyclip 1.0.3-3
  158. enemylines3 1.2-1
  159. erc-git 20100104-1
  160. extemp 0.7.1-1
  161. ffcast 20091226-1
  162. figlet-fonts 1.0-1
  163. file-rename-utils 1.7.2-1
  164. filezilla-tango-icons 0.1.2-1
  165. firefox-beautifier 0.2-4
  166. firefox-xmarks 3.3.2-1
  167. flatzebra 0.1.3-1
  168. fluxus-git 20091225-1
  169. fmodex 4.26.08-1
  170. fontconfig-ubuntu 2.6.0-8
  171. fprobe 1.1-1
  172. freetype2-ubuntu 2.3.11-2
  173. fripp-git 20100103-1
  174. fritzing 0.3.13b-1
  175. gbirthday-git 20100103-1
  176. gcc-gcj 4.3.3-1
  177. gdisk 0.5.1-1
  178. geh-git 20100103-1
  179. gentoo-bashrc 2008.0-2
  180. ghci-haskeline 0.1.1-2
  181. ghosd-darcs 20100103-1
  182. gist-git 20100103-1
  183. github-gem 0.3.4-2
  184. github-notifier-git 20100103-1
  185. glame 2.0.2-1
  186. glc 0.5.8-2
  187. gluplot 1.7-2
  188. gnaughty 1.2.0-1
  189. gnelib-svn 674-1
  190. gnome-art-ng 0.7.0-1
  191. gnome-color-chooser 0.2.5-1
  192. gnome-colors-icon-theme 5.5.1-1
  193. gnome-colors-icon-theme-extras 5.5.1-1
  194. gnome-common-git 20100103-1
  195. gnome-keyring-query 0.1-2
  196. gnome-theme-ellanna 1.3.1-2
  197. gnome-theme-step-into-freedom 1.5.1-1
  198. gompload 0.2-1
  199. google-chrome-dev
  200. gource 0.23-1
  201. gpick-svn 106-1
  202. grabc 1.1-3
  203. gridwars 9.3.2006-3
  204. gtk-clearlooks-compact 1.2-1
  205. gtk-clearlooks-zenburn 0.1.4-1
  206. gtk-css-engine 0.3.1-1
  207. gtk-deconstruction-integration-theme 20091217-1
  208. gtk-elegant-aurora-theme 1.2-1
  209. gtk-engine-nodoka 0.7.2-1
  210. gtk-murrina-black-theme 0.4-1
  211. gtk-murrine-arch-theme 0.4-2
  212. gtk-murrine-spacedust-theme 0.1-1
  213. gtk-theme-axis 20091019-2
  214. gtk-theme-clearlooks-darklime 0.1-1
  215. gtk-theme-darkway 1-2
  216. gtk-theme-murrine-colors 3.0-1
  217. gtk-theme-overglossed-black 0.3-1
  218. gtk-theme-shiki-colors 4.6-1
  219. gtk-theme-slickness-black 0.9-1
  220. gtk-theme-switch-ex 2.0.0-2
  221. gtk2-theme-dust 0.4.1-1
  222. gtk2-theme-dust-extras 0.4.1-1
  223. gtk2-theme-dyne 0.2-1
  224. gtk2-theme-fawn 0.3-1
  225. gtk2-theme-mira 0.5-2
  226. gtk2-theme-neutronium 0.5-1
  227. h5utils 1.12.1-2
  228. hask-home 2009.3.18-2
  229. haskell-action-permutations
  230. haskell-ansi-terminal 0.5.0-2
  231. haskell-binary
  232. haskell-boxes 0.1.1-1
  233. haskell-buster 2.51-3
  234. haskell-buster-gtk 2.0-2
  235. haskell-bzlib
  236. haskell-cabal-query 0.1-1
  237. haskell-cautious-file 0.1.5-1
  238. haskell-cgi 3001.1.7.1-2
  239. haskell-chalkboard 0.2-2
  240. haskell-chart 0.11-2
  241. haskell-colorize-haskell 1.0.0-1
  242. haskell-colour 2.3.1-1
  243. haskell-concurrentoutput 0.2-2
  244. haskell-configfile 1.0.5-1
  245. haskell-couchdb
  246. haskell-crypto 4.2.0-4
  247. haskell-csv 0.1.1-2
  248. haskell-curl 1.3.5-2
  249. haskell-data-accessor 0.2.1-1
  250. haskell-data-accessor-template
  251. haskell-dataenc
  252. haskell-datetime 0.1-2
  253. haskell-deepseq
  254. haskell-diff 0.1.2-2
  255. haskell-digest
  256. haskell-directory
  257. haskell-event-list 0.0.10-1
  258. haskell-explicit-exception 0.1.4-1
  259. haskell-feed 0.3.7-1
  260. haskell-fgl
  261. haskell-filestore 0.3.2-1
  262. haskell-findbin 0.0.2-2
  263. haskell-flow2dot 0.6.1-2
  264. haskell-ghc-paths
  265. haskell-glut
  266. haskell-happstack-data 0.4.1-1
  267. haskell-happstack-server 0.4.1-1
  268. haskell-happstack-util 0.4.1-1
  269. haskell-haskell-lexer 1.0-2
  270. haskell-haskell-src-exts 1.1.4-1
  271. haskell-haxml 1.13.3-2
  272. haskell-hgal-darcs 20100103-1
  273. haskell-hieroglyph 3.85-1
  274. haskell-highlighting-kate 0.2.5-1
  275. haskell-hinotify 0.2-2
  276. haskell-hmarkup 3000.0.1-2
  277. haskell-hsemail 1.3-2
  278. haskell-hslogger 1.0.7-2
  279. haskell-hstringtemplate 0.6.2-1
  280. haskell-ifelse 0.85-2
  281. haskell-ipprint 0.3-2
  282. haskell-ix-shapable 0.1.0-2
  283. haskell-json 0.4.3-2
  284. haskell-lazysmallcheck 0.3-3
  285. haskell-maybet 0.1.2-2
  286. haskell-missingh
  287. haskell-monoid-transformer 0.0.2-1
  288. haskell-nano-md5 0.1.2-2
  289. haskell-non-negative 0.0.5-2
  290. haskell-opengl
  291. haskell-pandoc 1.2.1-2
  292. haskell-parallel
  293. haskell-parsec 3.0.1-1
  294. haskell-pcre-light 0.3.1-2
  295. haskell-process
  296. haskell-puremd5
  297. haskell-readline
  298. haskell-recaptcha 0.1-2
  299. haskell-sendfile 0.6.1-1
  300. haskell-sha 1.4.0-1
  301. haskell-smtpclient 1.0.1-2
  302. haskell-split 0.1.1-2
  303. haskell-stb-image 0.1.3-2
  304. haskell-strict-concurrency 0.2.1-2
  305. haskell-syb-with-class 0.5.1-2
  306. haskell-tabular
  307. haskell-tar
  308. haskell-testpack 1.0.2-2
  309. haskell-texmath 0.1.1-1
  310. haskell-text
  311. haskell-time
  312. haskell-transformers
  313. haskell-typecompose-darcs 20100103-1
  314. haskell-uniplate
  315. haskell-unix-compat
  316. haskell-url 2.1-2
  317. haskell-utility-ht
  318. haskell-vacuum 1.0.0-1
  319. haskell-vacuum-cairo 0.4.1-2
  320. haskell-vacuum-opengl 0.0.1-1
  321. haskell-value-supply 0.5-2
  322. haskell-visual-graphrewrite 0.3.2-2
  323. haskell-x11-darcs 20091224-1
  324. haskell-x11-xshape 0.1.0-1
  325. haskell-xml 1.3.4-2
  326. haskell-zip-archive
  327. haste 0.1.1-1
  328. hawknl 1.68-2
  329. hdf5 1.8.4-2
  330. highlight 2.13-1
  331. hscolour 1.15-1
  332. htags 1.0.1-2
  333. htop-svn 167-1
  334. httplib2 0.5.0-1
  335. httsquash 0.6a-1
  336. hwd 5.5.2-1
  337. indywiki
  338. inkscape-svn 22598-1
  339. innotop 1.7.2-1
  340. insanerzshooter-svn 31-4
  341. iron
  342. ix 0.4-1
  343. jaaa 0.4.2-2
  344. japa 0.4.0-2
  345. jdee
  346. jessyink 1.3.0-1
  347. jikes 1.22-3
  348. jkiwi 0.9.5-2
  349. kernel26-ck
  350. kernel26-ck-headers
  351. kforge 0.17-1
  352. l-echo 0.4.3_r108-2
  353. lash 0.6.0~rc2-2
  354. latex-xft-fonts 0.1-1
  355. leptonica 1.63-1
  356. lib32-alsa-oss 1.0.17-1
  357. lib32-flac 1.2.1-2
  358. lib32-gconf 2.28.0-1
  359. lib32-gnome-keyring 2.28.2-1
  360. lib32-libidl2 0.8.13-1
  361. lib32-libogg 1.1.4-1
  362. lib32-libsndfile 1.0.20-3
  363. lib32-libvorbis 1.2.3-1
  364. lib32-orbit2 2.14.17-1
  365. libaio 0.3.107-1
  366. libdbusmenu 0.1.7-1
  367. libdiscid 0.2.2-2
  368. libindicate 0.2.3-1
  369. libircclient 1.3-2
  370. libjpeg6 6b-8
  371. libmatheval 1.1.7-1
  372. libpipi-svn 4081-1
  373. libpsychrometric 1.0-1
  374. libpthread-stubs 0.3-3
  375. libvisual-projectm-alsa 2.0.1-1
  376. libvterm 0.99.7-1
  377. libxft-ubuntu 2.1.14-2
  378. lightgreymodded-gtk-theme 0.0.1-1
  379. lightyears 1.3a-2
  380. log4c 1.2.1-1
  381. lscabal 0.1-2
  382. lunar-git 20091224-1
  383. lv2 3.0-3
  384. lv2fil 2.0-3
  385. lxappearance-svn 2216-1
  386. maatkit 4334-1
  387. mailcrypt 3.5.8-2
  388. marsyas 0.3.2-2
  389. mcity-themes 2.6-1
  390. mcp-plugins 0.4.0-1
  391. megazeux-svn 1574-1
  392. meliae-icon-theme 0.7-1
  393. meliae-icons 0.7-1
  394. memaker 1.5-3
  395. mercurial-paste 17-1
  396. meshlab 1.2.2-2
  397. mkcabal 0.4.2-2
  398. morla 0.16-1
  399. mpd-dynamic 1.093170-1
  400. mtop 0.6.6-1
  401. mupdf-darcs 20100103-1
  402. musiql 0.0.20080602-2
  403. mysql-backup 2.6-1
  404. mysqlcc 0.9.8-5
  405. narcissu-bin 1-4
  406. nautilus-pastebin 0.3.0-1
  407. ncftp-fs 2.4.3-1
  408. ncmpcpp-git 20100103-1
  409. netpipe 3.7.1-1
  410. netrek-client-cow 3.2.8-2
  411. nettle 2.0-1
  412. nimbus 0.1.4-2
  413. nitrogen-git 20100103-1
  414. nodoka-theme-gnome 0.3.90-2
  415. nvidia-ck-beta 195.30-2
  416. nvidia-utils-beta 195.30-2
  417. offlineimap-idle-git 20100103-1
  418. ompload 20091030-1
  419. ompluad-git 20100103-1
  420. onscripter 20090331-1
  421. opencascade 6.3.0-7
  422. opendis-cpp 2.5-1
  423. openeuclide 0.5-1
  424. opengtl 0.9.11-1
  425. oxygen-cursor-theme-extra 0.0.20080707svn8248491ubuntu1-1
  426. oxygen-molecule-theme 2.1-2
  427. oxygencursors-debian 0.0.20080707svn8248491debian-1
  428. oxygenrefit2-icon-theme 2.3.0-2
  429. oxygenrefit2-icon-theme-black-version 2.0-1
  430. oxygenrefit2-icon-theme-white-version 2.0-1
  431. paisley 0.1-1
  432. pango-dfb 1.24.2-1
  433. paredit 21-3
  434. pcmanx-gtk2-svn 497-1
  435. peg 0.1.4-1
  436. perl-algorithm-c3 0.08-2
  437. perl-audio-mpd 1.093170-1
  438. perl-audio-mpd-common 1.093190-1
  439. perl-b-hooks-endofscope 0.08-1
  440. perl-class-c3 0.21-1
  441. perl-class-factory-util 1.7-1
  442. perl-class-mop 0.94-1
  443. perl-data-optlist 0.104-1
  444. perl-datetime-format-builder 0.7901-1
  445. perl-datetime-format-pg 0.16004-1
  446. perl-datetime-format-strptime 1.1000-1
  447. perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.02-1
  448. perl-find-lib 1.01-1
  449. perl-getopt-euclid 0.2.1-1
  450. perl-goo-canvas 0.06-1
  451. perl-gtk2-imageview 0.05-2
  452. perl-moose 0.93-1
  453. perl-moosex-has-sugar 0.0405-1
  454. perl-moosex-semiaffordanceaccessor 0.05-1
  455. perl-moosex-types 0.20-1
  456. perl-mro-compat 0.11-1
  457. perl-namespace-autoclean 0.09-1
  458. perl-namespace-clean 0.11-1
  459. perl-params-util 1.00-1
  460. perl-proc-daemon 0.03-1
  461. perl-readonly 1.03-2
  462. perl-scope-guard 0.03-1
  463. perl-sub-exporter 0.982-1
  464. perl-sub-install 0.925-1
  465. perl-sub-name 0.04-1
  466. perl-task-weaken 1.03-1
  467. perl-try-tiny 0.02-1
  468. perl-variable-magic 0.38-1
  469. pg_top 3.6.2-1
  470. pgsql-backup 0.9.7-1
  471. phun 5.28-4
  472. plr
  473. postgresql-autodoc 1.40-2
  474. processing 1.0.9-1
  475. proggyfonts 0.1-4
  476. progressquest 6.2-4
  477. projectm-libvisual-alsa 2.0.1-1
  478. pydf 8-1
  479. pygraphviz 0.99.1-1
  480. pygresql 4.0-1
  481. pysqlitegui 0.0.8RC0-3
  482. python-anyjson 0.2.1-1
  483. python-couchdb-svn 199-1
  484. python-cyrano 0.1-1
  485. python-enthought-mayavi 3.3.0-1
  486. python-enthought-traits 3.2.0-1
  487. python-enthought-utils 3.3.0-1
  488. python-ipdb 0.1-1
  489. python-keyring 0.2-1
  490. python-nautilus 0.5.1-2
  491. python-oauth-svn 1134-2
  492. python-openid 2.2.4-2
  493. python-pmw 1.3.2-2
  494. python-restkit 0.8.3-1
  495. python-routes 1.10.3-1
  496. python-snooze-git 20100103-1
  497. python-urljr 1.0.1-1
  498. qamix 0.0.7e-4
  499. quack 0.37-2
  500. ralsa 20091225-1
  501. randomsound 0.2-1
  502. ratpoison-xft 20091224-1
  503. rawdog 2.12-1
  504. rawtherapee 2.4.1-1
  505. rdup 1.0.2-1
  506. referencer-hg 900-1
  507. remember-git 20100104-1
  508. retrogamelib 0.2-1
  509. retroshare 0.4.14.rc1-1
  510. rss-glx-gnome 0.9.0-1
  511. rtorrent-color 0.8.6-5
  512. rubber-darcs 20100103-1
  513. ruby-json_pure 1.1.3-1
  514. ruby1.8 1.8.7_p248-1
  515. run_bin32_gtk 0.1-1
  516. savage2
  517. scanmem 0.07-2
  518. scidavis 0.2.3-3
  519. screen-vs 4.0.3-4
  520. screenlets-clock-ninjja-slim-theme 0.1-1
  521. sdl-skk 0.5-1
  522. seekwatcher-hg 104-1
  523. sfxr-sdl 1.1-2
  524. shellsql 0.7.7-1
  525. shotwell-svn 1045-1
  526. shutter-bzr 741-1
  527. sig2dot 0.35-1
  528. simple-icon-theme 2.1-1
  529. simplygrey-icon-theme 0.51-4
  530. smile 1.0-1
  531. smokikon-icon-theme 0.9-1
  532. smooth-icon-theme 0.1-1
  533. socnetv-svn 456-1
  534. sparklet 0.9.7-1
  535. spindown 0.4.0-1
  536. spring
  537. spring-1944 1.07-1
  538. sq 0.5.0-1
  539. sqliteman-svn 508-1
  540. squashfs-tools-lzma 4.0-1
  541. srgb-icc 4-1
  542. stuffkeeper-git 20100103-1
  543. supercat 0.5.5-1
  544. sushi 1.0.1-1
  545. switchconf 0.0.8-2
  546. synergy-plus-gui-svn 20091112-1
  547. tabbed 0.2-1
  548. tailor 0.9.35-1
  549. teecomp 0.5.2-1
  550. terminal-screensaver 0.8.2-1
  551. toilet 0.1-6
  552. torchat
  553. tpu 0.2-4
  554. ttf-alba 1-4
  555. tw 0.1.3-1
  556. twf-unofficial 0.4-1
  557. ultimate-gnome-icon-theme 0.5.1-1
  558. unetbootin 377-3
  559. unicap 0.9.7-1
  560. updcheck 0.7.1-1
  561. urxvtcd 2-2
  562. usf-svn 376-1
  563. vacuummagic 0.13a-1
  564. vils 1.1-1
  565. vim-cabal 1.1-1
  566. vim-colortest 0.1-1
  567. vim-deveiate 0.2-2
  568. vim-dirdiff 1.1.2-1
  569. vim-eclipse 1.0.2-2
  570. vim-emacs 20010816-2
  571. vim-latexsuite-svn 1079-1
  572. vim-nextcs 0.0.1-1
  573. vim-nightshimmer 1.0-1
  574. vim-paster 1.2-1
  575. vim-tasklist 1.0.1-5
  576. vim-tutticolori 1.0-1
  577. vimclojure 2.1.2-3
  578. vimperator-hg 4187-1
  579. vimprobable-git 20100103-1
  580. violet 0.21.1-1
  581. vips 7.20.4-1
  582. virtualenv 1.4.3-1
  583. visualvm 1.2-1
  584. vm 8.0.14-1
  585. vspcplay 1.3-2
  586. vtk 5.4.2-3
  587. wapiti 2.1.0-1
  588. whaw-darcs 20100103-1
  589. whichwayisup 0.7.9-5
  590. wily 0.13.42-1
  591. wordgen-git 20100103-1
  592. xbindkeys_config 0.1.3-2
  593. xcompmgr-git 20100103-1
  594. xcursor-chrome-glass 1.0-1
  595. xcursor-drop-plus 1.1-1
  596. xcursor-lucid-blacksilver 1.0-3
  597. xcursor-neutralplus 1.2-2
  598. xcursor-neutralplus-inv 1.0-1
  599. xdg-settings 1-1
  600. xflux 20090419-1
  601. xmobar-darcs 20100103-1
  602. xmonad-darcs 20091210-1
  603. xmonad-log-applet 1.0-3
  604. xmonad-utils-darcs 20100103-1
  605. xmountains 2.8-1
  606. xoscope 2.0-1
  607. xpaint
  608. xscreensaver-goban 1.1-2
  609. xscreensaver-passkeys 5.10-1
  610. xtrans-git 20100103-1
  611. yaourt-abs
  612. yum-metadata-parser 1.1.2-2
  613. zebedee 2.4.1A-1
  614. zgrviewer 0.8.2-1
  615. zita-resample 0.1.0-1
  616. zita-resampler 0.1.0-1
  617. zsdxdemo-en 1.0-2
  618. zsh-lovers 0.8.3-1
  619. zsh-netcfg 2.0-1
  620. zsh-yaourt 0.2.1-1
  621. zshdb-git 20100103-1
  622. ztail 1.0-2
  623. zygrib 3.7.1-1
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