
Caulce meets Kasteu

Nov 4th, 2015
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  1. <gallantDelinquent> Sup 'ombre, sorry for contacting you out of t'e blue
  2. <avariceIncarnate_> E'
  3. <avariceIncarnate_> W'os t'is?
  4. <gallantDelinquent> Sorta wanted to ask you somet'ing.
  5. <gallantDelinquent> Just some troll, w'o else?
  6. <avariceIncarnate_> 'ow did you get t'is 'andle?
  7. <gallantDelinquent> I got your 'andle from a friend
  8. <avariceIncarnate_> A friend.
  9. <avariceIncarnate_> Ent'os probably.
  10. <avariceIncarnate_> W'at do you need, per'
  11. <avariceIncarnate_> aps we can strike a deal.
  12. <gallantDelinquent> Said you 'ad some experience wit' stealing ships.
  13. <avariceIncarnate_> So I do.
  14. <gallantDelinquent> And I need a route off Alternia before some fucker culls my ass.
  15. <avariceIncarnate_> Mmm.
  16. <gallantDelinquent> So I figured you'd 'ave some first'and experience on 'ow to get your 'ands on one of t'ose.
  17. <avariceIncarnate_> 'mm.
  18. <avariceIncarnate_> It's somew'at difficult.
  19. <avariceIncarnate_> I ended up stealing the coordinates of a 'angar from a violetblood.
  20. <avariceIncarnate_> It could still be in operation, t'oug' i wouldn't be suprised if the 'ole lot of them were culled for t'eir failure.
  21. <avariceIncarnate_> ((mabye brb))
  22. <gallantDelinquent> ((mmkay))
  23. <gallantDelinquent> I'll c'eck it out, see w'at I can find first.
  24. <gallantDelinquent> You know w'ere I could find it?
  25. <avariceIncarnate_> I'd like to tell you...
  26. <avariceIncarnate_> But I do have expenses.
  27. <avariceIncarnate_> I need you to assist me wit' somet'ing before I send the coordinates of the
  28. <avariceIncarnate_> 'angar.
  29. <gallantDelinquent> Seems fair enoug'.
  30. <gallantDelinquent> W'at do ya' need?
  31. <avariceIncarnate_> T'e s'ip you're going to steal 'as some large autoturrets on it, mounted on t'e inside as a defence against boarding parties.
  32. <avariceIncarnate_> I want you to drop those off at t'ese coordinates.
  33. * avariceIncarnate_ has sent you ethnoscoordinates.txt
  34. <avariceIncarnate_> T'ey're of a business partner's 'ouse.
  35. <avariceIncarnate_> 'er survival is necessary for me.
  36. * Procyon (~procyona@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:d426:20fc:32f8:2a7c) has joined
  37. <gallantDelinquent> Good enoug', enoug' said.
  38. <gallantDelinquent> I'll get it done then.
  39. <gallantDelinquent> 'Ow 'ard can it be?
  40. <avariceIncarnate_> Very.
  41. <avariceIncarnate_> I recommend getting alot of psi batteries.
  42. <avariceIncarnate_> Also, once onboard, go to t'ese coordinates.
  43. * avariceIncarnate_ has sent the file earthcoordinates.txt
  44. <avariceIncarnate_> We can meet up t'ere.
  45. <avariceIncarnate_> It'll be good to see a friendly face.
  46. <gallantDelinquent> Mmkay, sounds like a plan t'en.
  47. <avariceIncarnate_> See you on Terra.
  48. * avariceIncarnate_ 'as concluded business.
  49. <gallantDelinquent> Seeya t'en.
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