

Sep 14th, 2019
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  1. UPDATE: 215646
  4. If a host has no mic connected and a client tries to speak, the game will crash. This is an issue in the latest UNREAL EDITOR build and will be fixed in the next update.
  5. Soul Anchor does not appear in the inventory after being collected.
  9. Added Adventure Mode!
  10. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Introducing Adventure Mode - A new game mode that allows players to re-roll individual worlds. You and your party can embark on an adventure through dynamically generated Earth, Rhom, and Yaesha, beginning at a single World Stone and ending once you’ve defeated their World Boss. Dungeon locations, points of interest, enemy spawns, and more may be different than what you’ve come to expect from the main campaign. Activated from the World Stone in Ward 13, simply choose “World Settings” and select the “Adventure Mode” option to pick the world you would like to roll. This will not replace your campaign progress and can be re-rolled freely without affecting your story. Any items found or traits gained along the way will be kept by your character. More content, including Corsus, will be added in the future!
  11. Dozens of system optimizations and stability fixes
  12. Lots of art tweaks, lighting passes, collision fixes
  13. DEVELOPER COMMENT: While this is the smallest section, it received the most amount of focus. We are always working on additional optimization and stability measures. For this update, we’ve done numerous passes on each area covering memory footprint, stability, lighting, collision, and a host of other fixes to help smooth out the gameplay experience.
  17. Fixed an issue with the Repulsor Banish description damage modifier showing the wrong info
  18. Adjusted interactive volumes on doors to prevent characters warping to the other side
  19. Players can no longer fight Ravager if they've already solved the Bell Puzzle
  20. Fixed a problem preventing status updates from showing on the Advanced Stats tab
  21. Minions can no longer trigger melee effects
  22. Blink Token can no longer avoid scripted "instakill" damage
  23. Fixed a soft lock if certain mods were used at the end of a melee attack
  24. "Untouchable" achievement is now unlockable in multiplayer
  25. Fixed an issue preventing simplified Chinese from showing up properly
  26. Told Ace she REALLY needs to stick around in Ward 13 (hopefully she listens this time)
  27. Empty weapons should begin auto reloading after using a Mod
  28. Switching weapons right before activating a mod will no longer activate the new weapon mod
  29. DEVELOPER COMMENT: In addition to optimizations, many smaller bugs have been addressed.
  33. Stamina no longer depletes when navigating through Ward 13
  34. Changed DELETE CHARACTER button to a HOLD
  35. Added additional analog dead-zone settings for Gamepad (can be set all the way to 0)
  36. Reduced the time it takes for input to become active and to deactivate
  37. Added inverse X option for aiming
  38. Added a VOIP volume setting for PC
  39. Added ability to disable subtitles in audio menu
  40. Additional matchmaking optimizations
  41. Dragon Hearts can be used at full health (for use with Elder set)
  42. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Two of the biggest requests have been to make it harder to delete your character and giving more control over the controller dead-zone. We’ve addressed both and are working down the (huge) list of additional QOL features! A few additional fixes snuck into this update and we look forward to addressing more and more requests over time.
  46. General: Reduced Nightmare Mode enemy health scaling from 300% to 250%
  47. Wasteland Contaminator: Properly flagged as "elite" to allow Lumenite drops
  48. Nightmare: Fix to allow clearing array for selecting players if a player is knocked down
  49. Nightmare: Reduced Nightmare Boss base health from 2 million to 1.5 million
  50. Nightmare: Adjusted damage modifier in Nightmare Mode based on amount of players
  51. DEVELOPER COMMENT: General feedback has been that Nightmare Mode is a bit bullet spongey. We reduced the total amount of HP boost to help with this, but we know that with updated armors it will be less of an issue. We are working hard to update values across the board which work with new armors and item updates while still maintaining the challenge. Look for this to be worked on over the next few updates as we lay the groundwork for even harder difficulties (with rewards!).
  55. Hunting Rifle: Increased magazine size from 9 to 10
  56. Hunting Rifle: Increased total capacity from 45 to 50
  57. Hunting Rifle: Increased base crit chance from 5% to 10%
  58. Hunting Rifle: Added 5% weakspot bonus
  59. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Hunting Rifle is in a good spot, but we wanted to give it just a little bit more love and home in closer to its intended identity.
  60. Hunting Pistol: Increased base crit chance from 10% to 15%
  61. Hunting Pistol: Added minimum crit range 5m
  62. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Hunting Pistol is meant to be a very strong mid to long-range option, so we increased its critical chance while limiting the minimum crit range to 5m or farther. This allows even bigger hits at range and allows accuracy up close without becoming a single shot “shotgun”.
  63. Revolver: Increased impact scalar by 10%
  64. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The identity of the Revolver is massive staggering hits. It now has a bit more kick, but we are also monitoring the damage output and overall effectiveness of the weapon.
  65. Sniper Rifle: Base crit increased from 10% to 20%
  66. Sniper Rifle: Increased ammo reserves from 25 to 27
  67. Sniper Rifle: Increased reload speed by 10%
  68. Sniper Rifle: Increased unscoped Sway by from 0.5 to 0.75
  69. Sniper Rifle: Reduced unscoped Sway delay by 90%
  70. Sniper Rifle: Reduced unscoped Sway blend-in time from 2.0 to 0.75
  71. Sniper Rifle: Drastically reduced scoped Sway
  72. Sniper Rifle: Decreased initial unscoped reticle size by 50%
  73. Sniper Rifle: Increased minimum unscoped reticle size from 1.0 to 1.5
  74. Sniper Rifle: Increased minimum unscoped reticle size while moving from 1.5 to 1.75
  75. Sniper Rifle: Increased post-firing unscoped reticle decay speed
  76. Sniper Rifle: Added minimum crit range of 12.5m
  77. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Sniper Rifle has also gone through many changes. We want to home in on the longer range and reduce the effectiveness up close. Pre-release we had a very inaccurate non-scoped reticle, but we knew it didn’t feel right, so we tightened it up. However, much like other long-range guns, it became another close-range shotgun which prevented us from buffing any of the stats without drastically reducing close range accuracy. We’ve made tons of buffs to the long-range functionality and doubled the crit chance while limiting the close-range effectiveness.
  78. Chicago Typewriter: Increased damage from 10 to 11
  79. Chicago Typewriter: Reduced initial reticle size
  80. Chicago Typewriter: Increased the per-shot reticle increment (shrinks faster)
  81. Chicago Typewriter: Reduced the minimum reticle size (gets more accurate)
  82. Chicago Typewriter: Reduced the decay speed (shrinks slower when not shooting but still in AIM)
  83. DEVELOPER COMMENT: All around buffs for the classiest of weapons. With the recent Assault Rifle buffs to accuracy / handling, the Typewriter was left behind. We’ve upped the damage, handling, and overall effectiveness to ensure its rightful place in your arsenal.
  84. Particle Accelerator: Increased base crit chance from 10% to 15%
  85. Particle Accelerator: Increased damage from 75 to 80
  86. Particle Accelerator: Increased fire rate from 1.4 to 1.45
  87. Particle Accelerator: Reduced post-shot decay delay from 1.4 to 1.3
  88. Particle Accelerator: Increased post-shot decay speed from 1.15 to 1.2
  89. Particle Accelerator: Reduced initial reticle size by 40%
  90. Particle Accelerator: Drastically reduced scoped Sway
  91. Particle Accelerator: Added minimum crit range of 7.5m
  92. Particle Accelerator Alt-Fire (Gravity Core): Now sucks more (many enemies can no longer run out of it)
  93. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Along with the Sniper Rifle buffs; we didn’t forget about the Particle Accelerator. It received many similar changes making it very effective at mid to long range. Additionally, we increased the suck-factor of the Gravity Core to reduce the chances of more agile enemies escaping.
  94. Devastator: Reduced initial spread to better match reticle
  95. Devastator: Decreased post-shot delay time before auto-reloading by 50%
  96. Devastator: Base crit chance increased from 5% to 10%
  97. Devastator: No longer has 5x chance to proc Bandit Armor on a single target
  98. Devastator: Each unique target hit has a chance to proc Bandit Armor
  99. Devastator: Added minimum crit range of 5m
  100. DEVELOPER COMMENT: We talked about the Devastator / Bandit interaction in a previous update and we finally addressed it. Instead of removing the infinite-shot scenario completely, we changed it to require multiple targets, so it isn’t the go-to boss weapon, but the multi-proc gameplay still exists. We also gave the Devastator a few buffs on handling and mid-range effectiveness.
  101. Defiler: Increased ideal range from 10m to 12.5m
  102. Defiler: Reduced reticle size from 2.0 to 1.5
  103. Defiler Alt-Fire (Radioactive Volley): Power Requirement reduced from 350 to 300
  104. DEVELOPER COMMENT: While having one of the most potent alt-fires in the game, the primary fire of the Defiler still fell behind many other sidearms. We’ve tightened up the spread and increased the effective range while also making the alt-fire power up slightly quicker.
  105. Eye of the Storm: Increased base crit chance from 5% to 10%
  106. Eye of the Storm: Added 5% weakspot bonus
  107. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since its little brother (the Hunting Rifle) got some love, we couldn’t leave Eye of the Storm out in the cold. A couple small damage increases to go along with the buffs from last update.
  108. Hive Cannon: Added 20 impact damage to projectile (which benefits from weakspot modifiers)
  109. Hive Cannon: Increased primary shot projectile size from 2 to 5 (better matches the VFX)
  110. Hive Cannon: Fixed description showing actual AOE range of primary fire
  111. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Hive Cannon couldn’t hit weakspots with its initial blast, so we fixed it! We also updated the size of the primary fire projectile. It should be much easier to hit targets!
  112. Curse of the Jungle God Alt-Fire (Tentacle Shot): Added lifeleech on Tentacle hits
  113. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since we removed the interaction of minions and leech ember (and minions interacting with specific rings in general), we decided to make the Tentacle lifeleech an actual intended mechanic. We added an innate lifeleech to tentacle strikes in a more official capacity.
  114. Sporebloom: Increased damage from 160 to 200
  115. Sporebloom: Increased pellet count from 7 to 12 (less dmg loss on a single pellet miss)
  116. Sporebloom: Increased reticle size for better spread coverage
  117. Sporebloom: Increased ideal range from 800 to 1000
  118. Sporebloom: Reduced reload speed
  119. Sporebloom: Spore Shot projectile damage increased from 50 to 100
  120. DEVELOPER COMMENT: This is my bloomstick.
  121. Worldbreaker: AOE Blast now affects breakable objects
  122. DEVELOPER COMMENT: It made no sense that the “Worldbreaker” couldn’t break world objects. This was a drastic oversight and we are all ashamed. Now we are not!
  125. ITEMS
  126. Ring of the Admiral (NEW): 300% bonus incoming damage, +15% Ranged & Melee damage
  127. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Added a new ring for those that like to make things more challenging. While this is a best-in-slot ring for damage, it’s also a worst-in-slot (by a longshot) for defense. It’s a great choice for making Normal and Hard “faster” experiences because you chew through enemies, but it’s also solid in Nightmare because most things already one-shot you! Give it a try!
  128. The Ring of the Admiral can be purchased at Reggie for 2 (TWO!) scrap at the start of the game.
  129. Cleansing Jewel: When used with Elder Armor, cleansing applies to all allies
  130. Ring of Evasion: Added +1 iFrame (+4 total) & 10% Evade Speed
  131. Leech Ember: Slightly reduced Leech amount
  132. Soul Anchor: Added +5% dmg per summon (wearer).
  133. Soul Anchor: Duration from 40% to 50%
  134. Soul Anchor: Removed max stack
  135. DEVELOPER COMMENT: These trinket changes were to help support the armor rework. We have many additional item updates coming soon!
  138. ARMOR
  139. DEVELOPER COMMENT: We’ve been listening to the community regarding the desire for more build variety at all levels of play. We wanted to bring up all armors instead of reducing the effectiveness of the current “best” (Radiant!). This is our initial pass to help separate each armor and give them unique playstyles while also encouraging mix and matching. Each armor set now has an additional 1-piece flat bonus that does not scale. Armor Values have also been increased. We will be actively monitoring the builds and tune numbers up or down in the next update to bring them even closer together.
  140. Adventure (Bonus): Increases the amount of scrap picked up by 10%
  141. Adventure: Total Armor value increased from 10 to 20
  142. Hunter (Sharpshooter): Reduced range requirement from 15m to 10m
  143. Hunter (Bonus): Weakspot damage is increased by 15%
  144. Hunter: Total Armor value increased from 19 to 35
  145. Ex-Cultist (Bonus): Mod Power is slowly generated over time
  146. Ex-Cultist: Total Armor value increased from 20 to 36
  147. Scrapper (Bonus): All stagger damage within Challenger range is increased by 20%
  148. Scrapper: Total Armor value increased from 36 to 60
  149. Bandit (Bonus): Ammo acquired on pick-up is increased by 25%
  150. Bandit: Total Armor value increased from 11 to 28
  151. Elder (Believer): Dragonhearts increases ally damage by 20% for 10 seconds (includes Minions)
  152. Elder (Bonus): Dragonheart heal allies for 50% (includes Minions)
  153. Elder (Bonus): Dragonheart heal now works on Liz/Liz and Root Mother (at reduced rate)
  154. Elder (Misc): Increased Range on Armor Skill/Bonus from 15 to 30m
  155. Elder: Total Armor value increased from 13 to 32
  156. Akari (Opportunist): Perfect Dodge increases Move, Firing, Melee, Reload, Evade Speed by 20% for 7s
  157. Akari (Bonus): Perfect Dodge increases ALL Crit Chance by 15% for 7s
  158. Akari: Total Armor value increased from 21 to 37
  159. Drifter (Bonus): Movement Speed while in Standing Aim is increased by 25%
  160. Drifter: Total Armor value increased from 28 to 45
  161. Slayer (Assassin): Assassin Armor Skill changed to multiplicative instead of additive (stronger)
  162. Slayer (Bonus): Reload Speed is increased by 10%
  163. Slayer: Total Armor value increased from 29 to 43
  164. Twisted (Bonus): Melee Hits steal health from enemies (original Leech Ember values)
  165. Twisted: Total Weight value increased from 33 to 55 (50 with Twisted Mask)
  166. Twisted: Total Armor value increased from 30 to 74 (62 with Twisted Mask)
  167. Osseous (Bloodlust): Ranged/Melee hits against same target increases damage to that target
  168. Osseous (Bonus): Fire Rate & Melee Speed increased by 5%
  169. Osseous: Total Armor value increased from 35 to 47
  170. Radiant (Bonus): Reduced recoil by 10%
  171. Radiant: Total Armor value increased from 51 to 62
  172. Void (Power Transfer - NEW): Gain a damage stack every 10s (3 max).
  173. Void (Power Transfer – NEW): Taking damage removes a damage stack and adds defensive stack (3 max).
  174. Void (Bonus): Slightly increases iFrames on evades (+2)
  175. Void: Total Armor value increased from 70 to 120
  176. Bomber Hat: Total Armor value increased from 2 to 10
  179. MODS
  180. Summons (Seed Caller, Beckon, Iron Sentinel, Tentacle Shot): Reduced to 2 charges per mod
  181. DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better facilitate summoner build, balance, and performance, we reduced all summon mod charges to 2 (each summon by the caster counts towards increased damage for them only while wearing Soul Anchor). This also helps with summons blocking the paths of enemies. In our next update, we will be looking at powering up the effectiveness and identity of the individual summons.
  182. Explosive Shot: Projectile damage increased from 60 to 130
  183. Explosive Shot: AOE damage increased from 120 to 170
  184. Explosive Shot: Increased range from 3.5m to 4.0m
  185. Explosive Shot: Increased minimum dropoff damage from 65% to 80%
  186. DEVELOPER COMMENT: In our ongoing endeavor to increase the effectiveness of each mod, we powered up Explosive Shot for those that really love AOE damage. Enjoy!
  187. Swarm: Fixed bug where projectile lifetime was limited to 12s
  188. Swarm: Fixed projectile duration to 20s (and not 12 or 25)
  189. DEVELOPER COMMENT: In the last update, we realized a bug (no pun intended) in the behavior of Swarm AFTER we submitted the update but before we finalized the update notes. We originally intended to increase the time and we mistakenly thought 25s would rectify the issue. We’ve since fixed the issue that forced Swarm to remain at 12s and capped it at 20.
  190. Mender's Aura: Nor works on Liz/Liz and Root Mother (at a reduced rate)
  191. DEVELOPER COMMENT: This is more of a Quality of Life change, but you can now heal NPCs in combat at a reduced rate by using Mender’s Aura.
  192. Iron Sentinel: Will no longer target enemies that it cannot see
  193. DEVELOPER COMMENT: If a turret loses line-of-sight on enemies and has no target, it will stop firing.
  196. MISC
  197. Wasteland Goodboy has been buffed from Goodboy to Very Goodboy
  198. DEVELOPER COMMENT: I mean, he is a very goodboy.
  200. ***********************************************************************************
  202. UPDATE: 214857
  205. Coop Scaling now caps at +3 levels of Host
  206. Enabled VOIP toggle on PC/CONSOLES
  207. Enabled Push-to-Talk option on PC by default (players must bind a key)
  208. Adjustments to help fill empty matchmaking sessions
  209. Added FOV slider for PC
  210. Adjusted right analog deadzone for PS4 controller (reduced by half)
  212. DEVELOPER COMMENT: While we work on additional coop adjustments, we wanted to better ensure that higher level players and lower level players could work together without drastically penalizing the lower level players. We've changed it so that if a lower level player hosts the game, the game will never be more than 3 levels above them even if their teammates are much higher. This will prevent the coop scaling from getting too high and thus overly penalizing someone just starting out.
  214. DEVELOPER COMMENT: We've also made a handful of other adjustments for general quality of life. Players can now access VOIP, bind a push-to-talk button, and disable it completely if they so choose.
  217. BUG FIXES
  218. Increased performance across Corsus
  219. Increased memory stability across extended play experiences (less crashes)
  220. Fixed traits not unlocking on client (Revivalist, Exploiter, Scavenger, Sleight of Hand, Suspicion, Will to Live)
  221. Fixed trapdoor that Ace kept falling through in Ward 13
  222. Fixed client being able to reroll hosts campaign
  223. Fixed an issue with Lost Gantry not properly handling restarts
  224. Fixed issue with certain bosses respawning post "Quest Complete"
  225. Fixed issue with clients loading into final boss room and being stuck at World Shard
  226. Fixed FOV on Archetype screen for Ultrawide Monitors/resolutions
  227. Added FOV lock when changing resolutions to maintain proper proportions/alignment (menus/reticles)
  228. Fixed user settings not saving when exiting out of main menu/application too fast
  229. Added support to unlock certain achievements that should have been attained
  230. Corrected values being shown for Scrap-based achievements/trophies
  231. Fixed bug with Undying King "Death Warmed Over" achievement/trophy
  232. Many general collision fixes/updates
  233. Added backup profile when joining game as client
  235. DEVELOPER COMMENT: In general, we are prioritizing performance, stability, and crashes. We've also fixed several bugs that have halted progression, side-dungeon completion, and affected achievement/trait unlocks.
  239. Radiant Tomb total spawns and intensity reduced
  241. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The most notoriously difficulty encounter in the game, Radiant Tomb has been re-tuned to be fairer to the player and reducing the need for a very specific loadout.
  245. Repeater Pistol: Reduced max spread
  246. Repeater Pistol: Reduced spread per shot
  247. Repeater Pistol: Increased decay speed (faster reticle contraction)
  249. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Repeater Pistol ended up falling off a bit due to its accuracy. We improved the overall handling without making any damage changes.
  250. Hunting Pistol: Added +2 ammo to reserve
  251. Hunting Pistol: Reduced initial spread
  252. Hunting Pistol: Increased decay speed
  253. Hunting Pistol: Reduced penalty for moving
  254. Hunting Pistol: Increased reload speed by 10% (faster)
  256. DEVELOPER COMMENT: While an incredibly powerful weapon, the Hunting Pistol suffered from a smaller ammo reserve (less total damage) and had an abnormally high moving penalty for being a single-shot weapon (which is already somewhat of a penalty). The Hunting Pistol is now much more accurate - both stationary and moving - and reloads faster between shots.
  257. Hunting Rifle: Reduced spread penalty for moving
  258. Hunting Rifle: Increased initial aim decay speed and post-shot decay speed
  259. Hunting Rifle: Reduced spread per shot
  261. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Hunting Rifle has always been considered the baseline for all other weapon balancing. However, even with pin-point accuracy while stationary, the initial spread was too great which prevented quick reaction shots. Additionally, the per-shot spread was a tad too high making it much harder to quickly pick off targets than desired.
  262. Coachgun: Increased ideal range from 800 to 900
  263. Coachgun: Added +4 shells to reserves
  265. DEVELOPER COMMENT: To further separate the Coachgun from the Shotgun, we've increased the ideal range. The tighter focus, reduced drop-off, and incredible burst combined with the longer range makes the benefits of the Coachgun a bit more obvious. Additionally, we added +4 shells to the reserve ammo pool to bring the total damage in line with other longguns.
  266. Assault Rifle: Added +4 bullets to reserves
  267. Assault Rifle: Reduced initial spread
  268. Assault Rifle: Reduced auto-fire spread curve
  269. Assault Rifle: Increased decay speed
  271. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Assault Rifle, while highly damaging, has always suffered from too much weapon spread too quickly. We've lessened the spread curve and the maximum amount of spread to bring it closer to our vision of an Assault Rifle. It also gained +4 ammo in the clip.
  272. Crossbow: Changed reticle behavior
  273. Crossbow: Changed reticle graphic
  275. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Crossbow suffered from using the projectile reticle so we changed it to use a normal static reticle. While we still have many adjustments planned, we felt this was a solid interim solution.
  276. Eye of the Storm: Increased initial decay
  277. Eye of the Storm: Reduced initial spread
  278. Eye of the Storm: Reduced spread per shot
  279. Eye of the Storm: Added 1 extra ammo per clip (+3 total)
  281. DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the Hunting Rifle adjustments, we wanted to also update the Eye of the Storm (which is basically a lightning Hunting Rifle). It received similar handling adjustments as well as gained additional ammo.
  282. Beam Rifle: Reduced initial damage from 16 to 14 (max ramp-up is still the same)
  283. Beam Rifle: Reduced reload speed by 20%
  285. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Widely considered the most powerful weapon in the game, we wanted to bring the Beam Rifle closer to the other longguns. The initial damage was reduced by 2 requiring slightly longer DPS time to reach maximum potential. We also significantly increased the time it takes to reload so that maintaining the beam for as long as possible is the best way to maximize its potential. While it still does similar (slightly more) total DPS than the Assault Rifle, the AR always deals a constant / reliable amount of damage whereas the Beam requires a longer commitment but has a higher top-end.
  286. Hive Cannon: Added +2 hive grenades per clip (5 shots total)
  287. Hive Cannon: Reduced reload speed by 10%
  288. Hive Cannon: Hive Shot Mod DOT damage increased from 80 to 150
  289. Hive Cannon: Hive Shot Mod power requirement increased from 350 to 600
  290. Hive Cannon: Hive Shot Mod charges reduced from 5 to 3
  292. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Hive Cannon is just a fun weapon. We wanted to make it more fun. We reduced the total number of Hive Shot charges and gave them to the primary shot (less reloading). We also increased the reload, while also dramatically buffing the damage of the Hive Shot DOT. As a trade-off, we increased the mod buildup requirement.
  293. Particle Accelerator: Adjusted reticle size to better represent accuracy
  295. DEVELOPER COMMENT: While we have a handful of changes in the works, we wanted to first adjust the accuracy of the reticle to better represent where the shots will land. Many more tweaks to PA coming soon!
  296. Defiler: Reduced initial spread
  297. Defiler: Increased Radioactive Volley fire rate from 1.1 to 1.2s
  299. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Defiler didn't really need much. We adjusted the initial spread by a small margin so players could better enjoy its secretly good range (for a Shotgun). We also removed a tiny bit of lag on firing Radioactive Volley back to back.
  300. Curse of the Jungle God: Increased fire rate from 3.0 to 3.5
  301. Curse of the Jungle God: Reduced damage from 32 to 28
  302. Curse of the Jungle God: Decreased reload speed by 5%
  304. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Curse of the Jungle God felt a little too slow for our tastes, so we sped up the fire rate and made minor adjustments to both damage and reload speed. Overall, it is a more efficient weapon.
  305. Devastator: Changed reticle behavior
  306. Devastator: Changed reticle graphic
  308. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Like the Crossbow, the Devastator had major issues with the projectile reticle so we changed it to use a normal static reticle. There are many adjustments planning (we see you BANDIT ARMOR USERS)... but for now, this should feel much better.
  309. Repulsor: Reduced initial spread by 40%
  310. Repulsor: Increased Spread Decay (faster post-shot)
  311. Repulsor: Increased post-banish debuff duration by 25%
  312. Repulsor: Reduced banish time from 8 to 4 (less waiting - quality of life)
  313. Repulsor: Reduced friendly banish time from 4 to 2
  314. Repulsor: Reduced Banish Charges from 8 to 5
  316. DEVELOPER COMMENT: For the final boss weapon, this felt a tad underwhelming. The goal of the Repulsor was to be a well-rounded tool that can fit on any team. By reducing the initial spread and increasing the post-shot decay speed, we've made it more reliable as a primary option. Additionally, we increased the debuff to 4 seconds so that players can easily unload all 5 shells into a post-banished enemy. The Banish time was reduced to reduce the waiting and halved against friendlies, because every team has "that guy" on it. To adjust for the upped effectiveness (as well as higher +20 scaling) we reduced the total Banish charges from 8 to 5.
  320. Hunter Sharpshooter: Now increases ALL ranged DMG at 15m+
  322. DEVELOPER COMMENT: We've removed the Weakspot requirement because not every enemy has a Weakspot and because it already has a pretty strict range requirement. We will monitor the change and adjust both range and damage value accordingly.
  323. Ex-Cultist Blood Pact: No longer requires Critical hits for mod power generation
  324. Ex-Cultist Blood Pact: Reduced max generation from 50% to 40% to compensate for no crits
  326. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Like Hunter armor, we removed the additional requirement to gain the Ex-Cultist armor bonus. In conjunction with the reduced Spirit value, the Ex-Cultist armor should be more appealing end-game as a mod-generation option.
  327. Scrapper Challenger: Damage increased from 15% to 25%
  328. Scrapper Challenger: Range increased from 2.5m to 5m
  330. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The range requirement has been made more forgiving and the damage bonus has been increased significantly. We will monitor the change and see if players find the Scrapper armor more appealing as a close-range set.
  331. Akari Opportunist: Changed perfect dodge to grant 100% MELEE crit chance
  332. Akari Opportunity: Added Melee Speed buff on perfect dodge
  333. Akari Opportunist: Removed Melee damage buff on perfect dodge
  335. DEVELOPER COMMENT: We fixed a bug that was granting players ALL crit chance when perfect dodging. We also removed the raw melee damage buff and replaced it with melee speed to better facilitate an in-close melee style. Most notably, any perfect dodge (even with only one piece) will grant 100% crit chance (which is still a 50% minimum damage increase).
  336. Elder Believer: Changed to allow Dragon Hearts to heal allies
  337. Elder Believer: Range increased to 15m
  339. DEVELOPER COMMENT: We've changed how this set works. The original benefit (chance to not use a Dragon Heart) was not as appealing as we had hoped (especially for a full armor set). We swapped the effect with the Mender's Charm so that Dragon Hearts now heal teammates. This makes the Elder Armor an excellent support option.
  340. Twisted Armor: Health regen increased
  342. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Players asked for it, we obliged. Enjoy having lots of health.
  346. Catalyst buff maximum reverted from 15% to 20%
  348. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since we have removed the interaction between Catalyst and Devouring Loop, Catalyst has been reverted to its pre-nerf state.
  349. Rapid Strikes attack speed buff reduced from 20% to 15% (to allow Akari Armor Buff)
  351. DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better allow the Akari Armor buff to be meaningful, we reduced the Rapid Strikes bonus.
  352. Spirit max reduced from 50% to 30% (to allow Ex-Cultist Armor Buff)
  354. DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better entice/reward players using the Ex-Cultist armor for mod generation, we reduced the overall bonus of Spirit. This should make Ex-Cultist the goto set for mod generation.
  358. Devouring Loop: No longer affected by Catalyst Trait
  360. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Devouring Loop was never meant to work with the Catalyst Trait as it is not a status effect but we thought it would be a cool/fun idea. Spoiler alert: We all make mistakes.
  361. Cleansing Jewel: Removed healing effect, added 50% status buildup resistance
  362. Mender's Charm: Gained old Elder Armor Skill (heal allies)
  363. Mender's Charm: Gained 25% additional self-healing (from Cleansing Jewel)
  365. DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the recent shift of Elder Armor bonus and Mender's Charm, we wanted to give each of these items a proper focus. Cleaning Jewel is now focused around status buildup and cleansing, while Mender's Charm is all about healing.
  366. Soul Anchor: Adds +1 max simultaneous summoned abilities
  368. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Due to the change in how summons work, we wanted to allow players the opportunity to still have more summons than the base game would allow so we added functionality to the Soul Anchor. This does not add additional charges, but it does allow you to have more than the "max" out at any one time.
  372. Adrenaline: Melee speed buff reduced from 15% to 10%
  374. DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better allow the Akari Armor buff to be meaningful, we reduced the Adrenaline buff so that melee speeds didn't get out of hand.
  378. General: Mods now properly scale with Weapon Level
  379. General: Certain Mods also scale effect based on other factors (player health, triage, etc)
  380. General: Limited amount of maximum "same type" summons (dupes will kill older summons)
  381. General: Added "max allowed simultaneous" summon value to summon description
  383. DEVELOPER COMMENT: We've converted all Mods to properly scale with weapon level. Typically they start lower than their original base but scale higher - thus, you get a bigger benefit out of slotting them in higher-leveled weapons. We've also made a change to how summons work so that there is a cap on simultaneous instances. If the max is reached and a new summon is activated, it will destroy the oldest. The max simultaneous can be increased with Soul Anchor.
  384. Iron Sentinel: Properly targets/shoots Ghasts and Root Frog
  386. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Basically, just a bug fix.
  387. Rattle Weed: Power requirement increased from 750 to 1000
  388. Rattle Weed: Reduced initial aggro generation pulse
  389. Rattle Weed: Enemies can now be pulled off Rattle Weed if they take enough damage
  390. Rattle Weed: Enabled constant "pulsing" aggro generation to pull enemies spawned after cast
  391. Rattle Weed: Casting a 2nd Rattle Weed while first is out will remove the 1st
  392. Rattle Weed: When expired/killed, drops aggro immediately (originally was still active for 5s)
  393. Rattle Weed: Now affected by Soul Anchor for +1 max simultaneous summons
  395. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Rattle Weed has always been "too good" in a game that has a lot of enemies that you are expected to deal with. We didn't want to change the core concept of the mod, but we did want to reduce how overpowered it was. We increased the buildup so it takes just a bit longer to fill. We reduced the initial aggro "pulse" by a significant amount so it didn't lock enemies on it until death (this allows you to pull enemies off now with damage). We also added a constant "pulse" that will pull newly spawned enemies towards it assuming you do not already have too much aggro. Additionally, when a second Rattle Weed is summoned, the first one is immediately killed. Previously, it would stick around for 5s and hold aggro which made it even more effective than it should have been. Players can still summon 2 Rattle Weed if they use Soul Anchor.
  396. Veil of the Black Tear: Now unbreakable while active - duration scales with weapon level
  398. DEVELOPER COMMENT: No longer breakable while active, Veil of the Black Tear should now do the job we all thought it should be doing from the beginning.
  399. Swarm: Increased duration from 20s to 25s
  400. Swarm: Reduced charges to 1
  402. DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted to make Swarm a sort of "buddy" that followed you around and attacked anything dangerous. However, there is a bug (no pun intended) in this patch that keeps the duration to 12s. It's known and will be fixed in the next patch. However, look forward to double duration in the future. Putting this note here because we know players will see that it says 25s and is still only lasting half that duration.
  403. Breath of the Desert: Charges increased from 2 to 3
  405. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Reverted the reduction of charges. We want players to feel more like a caster with Breath of the Desert. With 3 charges, we may eventually need to adjust the damage. For now, rest assured that we will never again change the total charges of Breath of the Desert (unless we do).
  408. ENEMIES
  409. Shade/Shatter: Improved behavior across the board
  410. Undying King: Beam Rifle will properly stagger certain phases
  411. Undying King: No longer changes target mid attack
  412. Canker: Wave can no longer be killed via explosions
  413. Ixillis: Fixed issue with exploiting part of fight through wall
  414. Ixillis: Changed scream hit-reaction so as to no longer push players off bridge
  415. The Unclean One: Caskets no longer spawn enemies after the fight
  416. Kin-Caller: No longer slows game when killed during summon
  418. DEVELOPER COMMENT: General behavior and bug feedback. The goal is to clean up the rough edges and make the fights less exploitable and more consistent!
  419. Nightmare: Breakout requirement reduced by 30% (was 10% of 1mil base, now 3.5% of 2mil base)
  420. Nightmare: Breakout phase timer variance (15-30s) removed - now 30s flat
  421. Nightmare: Vulnerable phase increased from 5s to 7s
  422. Nightmare: No longer faces away when broken out
  423. Nightmare: No longer changes target after starting an attack
  424. Nightmare: Health doubled (... we're serious.)
  425. Nightmare: Should no longer be fightable immediately after being defeated
  427. DEVELOPER COMMENT: Some players found the Nightmare breakout phase to be tedious so we reduced the breakout threshold and increased the total health (by double). This is so that players can more consistently get to the "fun" part of the fight which is seeing massive numbers. We also reduced the variance of the breakout phase (for consistency) and increased the total amount of DPS time when broken. Also... some bug fixes.
  430. MISC
  431. Used the Control Rod to play fetch with Wasteland Goodboy
  433. DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Wasteland Goodboy has been an extremely good boy since launch day and we felt it only right that he got some quality play time. We've been working on setting up a play date with Earth Goodboy but have yet to find him.
  436. ***********************************************************************************
  438. UPDATE: 214415
  440. WEAPONS
  442. Increased Scar of the Jungle God bleed speed (same damage but faster).
  445. ITEMS
  447. Vengeance Idol buffed to 50% DMG below 25% health.
  448. Gaelnic Charm buffed from 50% to 300% mod generation on DMG taken.
  451. MODS
  453. Reduced Breath of the Desert Charges (3 to 2).
  454. Increased Breath of the Desert buildup requirement (500 to 750).
  455. Gravity Core DMG reduced (750 to 500).
  456. Gravity Core AOE DMG significantly reduced against friendlies.
  457. Gravity Core pull significantly reduced against friendlies.
  458. Gravity Core projectile time significantly increased.
  459. Gravity Core buildup requirement reduced (2000 to 1500).
  460. Tentacle Shot no longer hits friendlies.
  461. Increased Hunter's Mark buildup (750 to 1000).
  462. Certain mods should now properly target more enemies.
  465. ARMORS
  467. Removed the duration for Slayer Armor buff post reload.
  468. Set bonuses properly update on client without needing to reequip.
  471. TRAITS
  473. Reduced Catalyst buff (20% to 15%).
  476. ENEMIES
  478. Adjusted all Vyr Annointed weakspots (head) to be the correct size.
  479. Ixillis fix for secondary particle not showing up for non-host (client).
  480. Adjusted method for gaining additional ammo during Ixillis.
  481. Non-hitscan weapons (projectiles) can now deal weakspot DMG to Ixillis.
  482. Shade/Shatter will should no longer get pushed out of their dome.
  483. Projectiles used against Shade/Shatter dome will now DMG the dome.
  484. Shade no longer sticks in dome anim when Shatter is killed on startup.
  485. Fix for The Harrow alternate kill method.
  486. Nightmare no longer takes the same teammate every time.
  487. Nightmare Portals will no longer wait to appear.
  488. Certain Mods now properly attack Claviger's chest.
  493. Ace decided to sell higher quantities of Irons (less min/max variance).
  494. Many keybinding fixes.
  497. BUG FIXES
  499. Fix for inconsistent reviving where it would often cancel (YESSSS!)
  500. Spectators should now see proper death/grapple/interaction animations.
  501. Fix for dying after obtaining Mysterious Coin / Tarnished Ring.
  502. Fix for saves without progression keys (Howling Key, Guardian Heart, etc).
  503. Fuse box fixes!
  504. Added persistence component to bell handler.
  505. Bosses dying to DOT should no longer break the game.
  506. Fixes for enemies grappling Rattle Weed.
  507. Many additional trophy/achievement fixes.
  508. Hair color should no longer change color when equipping Hunter Shroud.
  509. Force Burst should no longer cause banished enemies to suspend in air.
  510. Ent scream longer instakills players using Mantle of Thorns (
  511. Added minion tag to Monolith spawns.
  512. Collision adjusted on Monlith tile to prevent players from falling through.
  513. Added save bool for Lost Gantry to prevent lock-out if player exits on death.
  514. Fix for certain elemental MOD damage types being considered Melee DMG.
  515. Totems in Shroud dungeon should now always properly summon Shroud.
  516. General art/collision fixes in many zones.
  519. TECH
  521. Set max players on unreal to 3.
  522. Matchmaking optimizations.
  527. Told the Wasteland Goodboy that he's a goodboy.
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