

Mar 10th, 2017
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  1. 10:05 PM - starman: hey we're gonna need to play tuesday, otherwise my team would have to pay up a sub for our match against paddie's team
  2. 10:06 PM - starman: and we don't have any really capable subs
  3. 10:14 PM - starman is now Away.
  4. 10:19 PM - BLANC charis: ok leme look
  5. 10:25 PM - BLANC charis: eh
  6. 10:25 PM - BLANC charis: we coulda won against shikiteam
  7. 10:25 PM - BLANC charis: lost 2-5
  8. 11:28 PM - starman is now Online.
  9. 11:31 PM - starman: ok, i already requested thursday but that was just to get it out of the way for the other team ;o
  10. 11:31 PM - BLANC charis: come to blanc mumble
  11. 11:31 PM - starman: ok
  12. 11:31 PM - BLANC charis: wanna talk to u about something
  13. 12:20 AM - starman is now Online.
  14. 12:40 AM - BLANC charis: thanks for ur advice tonite
  15. 12:40 AM - BLANC charis:
  16. 12:40 AM - starman: dude you have so many hearts now
  17. 12:40 AM - BLANC charis:
  18. 12:40 AM - starman: np np
  19. 12:40 AM - BLANC charis: those r my only 2
  20. 12:40 AM - starman:
  21. 12:40 AM - starman:
  22. 12:42 AM - BLANC charis:
  23. 12:42 AM - BLANC charis: here we go
  24. 12:42 AM - BLANC charis: fuckin great
  25. 12:43 AM - starman: got damn
  26. 12:43 AM - BLANC charis: im gonna say if u want to come and listen you can
  27. 12:43 AM - BLANC charis: on my behalf
  28. 12:43 AM - BLANC charis: up to you
  29. 12:43 AM - BLANC charis: itll obviously be incredibly awkward
  30. 12:43 AM - starman: i was gonna go 2 bed soon lol
  31. 12:43 AM - starman: is it
  32. 12:43 AM - starman: just you and hedge
  33. 12:43 AM - BLANC charis: like
  34. 12:43 AM - starman: and plan
  35. 12:43 AM - starman: or everyone
  36. 12:43 AM - BLANC charis: + whymeo + squid
  37. 12:43 AM - BLANC charis: hopefully
  38. 12:43 AM - starman: doesn't influence my decision to sleep just curious lol
  39. 12:43 AM - starman: i see
  40. 12:44 AM - BLANC charis: if you are dyin for sleep i wont be mad
  41. 12:44 AM - BLANC charis: ill leave it up to you to attend or not
  42. 12:44 AM - BLANC charis: you would help my case though, i suppose i should be honest
  43. 12:44 AM - BLANC charis: in that regard
  44. 12:44 AM - starman: well
  45. 12:45 AM - starman: as much as i'd like to do that for you i think the fact that i'm not on the team kind of makes my opinion irrelevant
  46. 12:45 AM - starman: at least to the rest of your team
  47. 12:45 AM - BLANC charis: well i disaagree
  48. 12:45 AM - BLANC charis: but like i said
  49. 12:45 AM - BLANC charis: its your choice bro
  50. 12:45 AM - BLANC charis: no guilt lol
  51. 12:45 AM - starman: aight, i'll sit out ;o
  52. 12:45 AM - starman: are you going to
  53. 12:45 AM - starman: argue against it
  54. 12:45 AM - BLANC charis: of course
  55. 12:45 AM - starman: alright
  56. 12:45 AM - BLANC charis: and if it happens i might leave the team
  57. 12:45 AM - BLANC charis: that type of shit isnt acceptable to me
  58. 12:45 AM - BLANC charis: just bein honest
  59. 12:45 AM - starman: i mean just tell them that then
  60. 12:45 AM - BLANC charis: nah i want to talk it out
  61. 12:46 AM - BLANC charis: instead of leading the conversation w/ an ultimatum
  62. 12:46 AM - BLANC charis: thats not a good idea
  63. 12:46 AM - starman: well ya
  64. 12:46 AM - starman: i meant before they make any decisions
  65. 12:46 AM - BLANC charis: i just
  66. 12:46 AM - BLANC charis: hold myself 2 a certain moral standard
  67. 12:46 AM - BLANC charis: and even if it is only videogames or whatever you want to say about it
  68. 12:47 AM - BLANC charis: this is extreme assholeness in my eyes
  69. 12:47 AM - BLANC charis: and im not gonna stand beside people who do stuff like that
  70. 12:47 AM - BLANC charis: so
  71. 12:47 AM - starman: well
  72. 12:47 AM - starman: imo it looks like they're saying
  73. 12:47 AM - starman: plan and you or crabf and whymeo
  74. 12:47 AM - starman: long term
  75. 12:47 AM - BLANC charis: like
  76. 12:48 AM - starman: it shouldn't have to be that decision
  77. 12:48 AM - BLANC charis: a really good compromise is like
  78. 12:48 AM - BLANC charis: idk next season he can play
  79. 12:48 AM - BLANC charis: plan finsihes the season
  80. 12:48 AM - BLANC charis: and fucking not even 3 matches from now
  81. 12:48 AM - BLANC charis: we can play with crabf
  82. 12:48 AM - BLANC charis: we fufil our commitment to plan
  83. 12:48 AM - BLANC charis: and nobody gets hurt
  84. 12:48 AM - starman: ya but then they'd argue why pick him up if you're just gonna cut him at the end of the season
  85. 12:48 AM - BLANC charis: because we will have fufilled our commitment
  86. 12:48 AM - BLANC charis: nobody ever once said shit to him about next season
  87. 12:49 AM - starman: fair enough
  88. 12:49 AM - starman: plus it's endseason and there will be roster shuffles for s25 after normal season ends anyway
  89. 12:49 AM - BLANC charis: im going to not like this
  90. 12:49 AM - BLANC charis: this is going to take some moral fiber
  91. 12:49 AM - BLANC charis: itll be me vs all 4 of them
  92. 12:49 AM - BLANC charis: and plan is jsut there listening
  93. 12:50 AM - starman: i mean
  94. 12:50 AM - starman: talk about it before you bring him in lol
  95. 12:50 AM - BLANC charis: no
  96. 12:50 AM - starman: why
  97. 12:50 AM - starman: to make it awkward
  98. 12:50 AM - starman: for the others
  99. 12:50 AM - BLANC charis: what do i say to him dude
  100. 12:50 AM - BLANC charis: 'hey we need to talk aabout the team' and he hasnt played a single match
  101. 12:50 AM - starman: lmao
  102. 12:50 AM - BLANC charis: hes obviously going to make some bullshit excuse
  103. 12:50 AM - BLANC charis: to not show up
  104. 12:51 AM - BLANC charis: then what happens next? he shows up for scrims and its 10x as awkward then
  105. 12:51 AM - BLANC charis: we need to gather everyone and just lay it on the table
  106. 12:51 AM - BLANC charis: thats how i see it
  107. 12:51 AM - BLANC charis: unless you see another way perhaps
  108. 12:51 AM - BLANC charis: im down to hear it
  109. 12:52 AM - starman: i mean how are you going to get him in mumble in the first place
  110. 12:52 AM - starman: imo you shouldn't talk about cutting someone while they're in mumble lol
  111. 12:52 AM - starman: that would just put him in a shitty spot
  112. 12:52 AM - starman: if you're going to argue against it
  113. 12:52 AM - BLANC charis: i honestly am not 100% certain on what the fuck to do
  114. 12:53 AM - BLANC charis: id rather go to sleep but these retards are going to make the choice without any of my input while i sleep
  115. 12:54 AM - BLANC charis: eveyrthing i can say without plan being there has been said
  116. 12:54 AM - starman: have you said it in mumble
  117. 12:54 AM - BLANC charis: they know how i feel
  118. 12:54 AM - starman: or just like... to hedge over steam messages
  119. 12:54 AM - BLANC charis: all in mumble pal
  120. 12:55 AM - starman: so literally nothing has changed since after scrims?
  121. 12:55 AM - BLANC charis: not really
  122. 12:55 AM - BLANC charis: not since me and you spoke on voice
  123. 12:55 AM - BLANC charis: nope
  124. 12:55 AM - BLANC charis: i really want to like
  125. 12:55 AM - BLANC charis: not leave this team but cutting plan in this context feels so awful n fucking vile to me dude
  126. 12:56 AM - BLANC charis: part of me just wants to tell hedge outright if you cut him im gone too but idk something about that feels wrong
  127. 12:56 AM - BLANC charis: im not sure if im prepared 2 like say that lol
  128. 12:56 AM - BLANC charis: but if i did it would avoid plan knowing at all that we considered thisa
  129. 12:56 AM - starman: ya
  130. 12:56 AM - starman: that's what i'm saying
  131. 12:57 AM - starman: and also if you all get in mumble and they tell him he's cut and then you start saying you're gonna leave too it'd just create a lot of dumb team drama
  132. 12:57 AM - starman: like dropping that on them would most likely catch them by surprise
  133. 12:57 AM - starman: seems like the kind of shit that could kill a team
  134. 12:57 AM - BLANC charis: me leaving would kill the team
  135. 12:57 AM - BLANC charis: this is such a fucked situation dude
  136. 12:57 AM - BLANC charis: they arent going to find aanother medic
  137. 12:58 AM - BLANC charis: much less likely another who wants to schedule
  138. 12:58 AM - BLANC charis: hedge doesnt want to schedule
  139. 12:58 AM - BLANC charis: but at the same time
  140. 12:58 AM - BLANC charis: idk it would just eat away at me if we treated plan like this and just said it was okay
  141. 12:58 AM - BLANC charis: id hold resentment that would just make me feel like a really bad person
  142. 12:59 AM - starman: Tbh unless they have a reason like
  143. 12:59 AM - starman: That they don't like playing with plan
  144. 1:00 AM - BLANC charis: they dont. its such autistic logic it fucking upsets me
  145. 1:00 AM - starman: Then it's stupid and it seems like they're just feeding off of each other
  146. 1:00 AM - BLANC charis: whymeo and naazara dont have a single legible reason as to why they want him
  147. 1:00 AM - BLANC charis: but THEY WANT HIM!! and so hedge is like 'well if they want him thats what my team memebers want xd'
  148. 1:00 AM - BLANC charis: despite nobody anywhere along the line having any justification for it
  149. 1:00 AM - starman: But why should it even be a choice
  150. 1:01 AM - starman: Why are they choosing between them in the first place
  151. 1:01 AM - BLANC charis: I DONT KNOW
  152. 1:01 AM - BLANC charis: it feels like fucking madness to me
  153. 1:01 AM - starman: When you already picked up someone who's just as alright
  154. 1:02 AM - starman: Like I haven't gotten their side on it but idk it just seems stupid and like
  155. 1:02 AM - starman: Power hungry or something lol
  156. 1:02 AM - starman: For me I've only cut people if they weren't showing up to scrims or if they were ruining the mumble environment
  157. 1:03 AM - starman: Not over some dude with slightly better dpm ringing
  158. 1:03 AM - starman is now Online.
  159. 1:03 AM - starman: Also like a lot of players do well in tryouts and stabilize to being average by the time they start scrimming with a team
  160. 1:15 AM - starman is now Away.
  161. 1:15 AM - BLANC charis: i just really
  162. 1:15 AM - starman is now Online.
  163. 1:15 AM - BLANC charis: think less of hedge as a person
  164. 1:15 AM - BLANC charis: for even considering this
  165. 1:16 AM - BLANC charis: its just morally reprehensible that he would even consider the idea
  166. 1:16 AM - BLANC charis: to me
  167. 1:16 AM - BLANC charis: if it were me i would squash the idea from square one
  168. 1:16 AM - BLANC charis: its fucking retarded we even need to discuss it
  169. 1:16 AM - BLANC charis: im so angry dude ugh
  170. 1:26 AM - BLANC charis: going to bed, sleep on it p
  171. 1:26 AM - BLANC charis: later. thanks for your advice bro
  172. 10:23 AM - starman is now Away.
  173. 10:40 AM - Your state is set to Offline.
  174. 10:40 AM - starman is now Offline.
  175. 10:40 AM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  176. 10:40 AM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  177. 10:40 AM - starman is now Away.
  178. 10:44 AM - Your state is set to Offline.
  179. 10:44 AM - starman is now Offline.
  180. 10:44 AM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  181. 10:50 AM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  182. 2:21 PM - starman is now Online.
  183. 2:21 PM - BLANC charis: hedge cut me
  184. 2:21 PM - BLANC charis: im gonna die
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