
Rōnins make their own fate.

May 22nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. "If fate is a millstone, then we are the grist. There is nothing we can do. So I wish for strength. If I cannot protect them from the wheel, then give me a strong blade, and enough strength... to shatter fate."
  2. ____________________________________________
  4. Six stood in the Ishtar Sink of Venus; some Guardians, others Lightbearers, all looking forward as a Spire fired a beam of light.
  6. Before them was a vault door.
  8. It was that beam which struck the door, lighting up a lock that hadn't been there a second prior. Pulled out of the infinite, no doubt, another one of the Vex's time schemes to keep them away.
  10. "How long has it been since we all got together like this?"
  12. It was a Warlock who spoke, the smirk he wore apparent even with the helmet he wore hiding it. Kiser, dressed in garments of gold and white, the flaming armband on his arm just as bright as he.
  14. "Too long," answered Panda, his accent underlined by a hint of metallic tones. "If I'd have known this is why we were meeting up though... I wouldn't have minded making it a bit little longer."
  16. "And miss out on the loot? Oh, gamer..." Marie walked forward, her Ghost in hand, summoning forth a sparrow for their descent. She wasted no time in hopping on, somehow defying gravity as she quickly lifted off the ground and floated ahead. "No wonder you still can't do this!"
  18. "This is bigger than loot," retorted Jershel, eyeing the gate as it finished opening. He already shone with the power of the Void, his finger twitching toward the bow he could pull from within. "This is about shootin' the shit out of some Vex, and showin' them why they shouldn't mess with the Last City."
  20. "Yeaaaaaah," said Fran, sauntering forward in fur-clad armor. He glanced toward his friends and somehow, they knew he had a cheesy grin on his face despite his helmet. "But also, loot."
  22. They all mumbled in agreement. From behind them, the sixth walked forward, exhaling as the gate retracted, and the Vault of Glass opened up to them. Fool stared at the path both familiar and foreign, old wounds aching and a smile creeping up on his face.
  24. "But be it for loot or a show of force, six rōnins gather again. And every time we do... magic happens."
  26. He summoned his sparrow; the others did the same, pulling beside Marie as *something* called to them from within. An old foe, an ancient being, looking to test their mettle once more.
  28. "Let's show them what happens when we do," he said. "Let's show them...
  30. That Rōnins make their own fate."
  32. Six sped forward.
  33. Six descended.
  34. And it was on thag day, in an infinite amount of timelimes, six... dared to challenge the Vault of Glass.
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