Guest User


a guest
Apr 19th, 2022
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  1. Kits:
  2. Pyro:
  3. item: FLINT_AND_STEEL
  4. permission: none
  5. rarity: RARE
  6. value: 3000
  7. helmet: AIR
  8. chestplate: 'LEATHER_CHESTPLATE : enchant:PROTECTION_FIRE:5'
  9. leggings: AIR
  10. boots: AIR
  11. items:
  12. - 'FLINT_AND_STEEL : 1'
  13. - 'LAVA_BUCKET : 2'
  14. executed-commands: []
  15. description:
  16. - '&7Set everyone on fire and'
  17. - '&7watch them burn while'
  18. - '&7you laugh and swim in lava'
  19. Hunter:
  20. item: BOW
  21. permission: none
  22. rarity: COMMON
  23. value: 1000
  24. helmet: LEATHER_HELMET
  25. chestplate: AIR
  26. leggings: LEATHER_LEGGINGS
  27. boots: AIR
  28. items:
  29. - 'BOW : 1'
  30. - 'ARROW : 8'
  31. - 'COOKED_BEEF : 2'
  32. executed-commands: []
  33. description:
  34. - '&7Receive a normal bow and have the instant'
  35. - '&7ability of knocking other players'
  36. - '&7when the game starts'
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