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Jul 23rd, 2012
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  1. -Hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening
  2. As well as a mouthwash, Hydrogen Peroxide is a great teeth whitener! In fact in almost every household you will find hydrogen peroxide in a cupboard or under a sink! It is a commonly used chemical and a lot of people do not know how good it is for fresher breathe, whiter teeth and all round good oral health.
  3. Since I have brought hydrogen Peroxide into my day to day lifestyle I have noticed a significant change in my teeth colour. Every week my teeth get whiter and I notice a change!
  4. About hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening
  5. The safest way to get whiter teeth and better oral health is to buy hydrogen peroxide from your local drugstore, chemist or pharmacy. In these places they should sell hydrogen peroxide solution. Make sure it only has 3% hydrogen peroxide concentrate as any more could be potentially harmful. Most drugstores only sell it with 3% concentrate anyway but you are better to check to play it safe. As you may already know hydrogen peroxide is a good cleaning agent. And it is very effective when used as a mouthwash. It has many oral uses!
  7. -Hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening – how to use it correctly.
  8. I find that this is the best method for Hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening. First of rinse your mouth out with normal tap water to clear your mouth of any left-over food, grime or debris. Make sure you have rinsed thoroughly before starting the next step.
  9. Next you are going to measure out a few tablespoons of the hydrogen peroxide solution into a cup. Now rinse the hydrogen peroxide solution around your mouth constantly for between half a minute and a minute. If you do not want to go to the hassle of measuring it into a cup then a small swish from the bottle is acceptable in this case. Almost immediately the hydrogen peroxide should foam and bubble quite rapidly in your mouth. Do not worry when this happens as this is a chemical reaction which takes place when the hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with the contaminants in your mouth. It is very important to not use too much hydrogen peroxide as it foams and will expand in mass and will be hard to contain in your mouth.
  10. The foaming in your mouth will penetrate all areas in your mouth and all around your teeth. The foaming will also help to remove bad bacteria which can eventually cause gum disease, bad breathe and tooth decay. The instructions on the bottle of the hydrogen peroxide solution do not explain the process thoroughly enough.
  11. After flushing your mouth with the hydrogen peroxide you should then rinse your mouth out well with tap water. Now brush your teeth for 2 minutes as usual and you will notice a massive impact in the freshness of your breathe! Keep repeating this for the next week or so and if you do not notice much of a difference try increasing the time you swish it around by 10 to 20 seconds more.
  13. -Conclusion on hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening
  14. I think whiter teeth are easier achieved through hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening.
  15. The fact that you notice an immediate difference is just enough for me to be tempted. And after a week your oral health will be a lot better. Hydrogen peroxide solution does not get very much publicity or as much recognition as it should! It has been tried and proven to be one of the best liquids for your oral health and all round whiter and healthier teeth. I personally recommend it because ever since I have started using it I have noticed a massive difference in the colour of my teeth. My teeth used to have a yellow glow but now they are probably the whitest I can ever remember them! I really hope that you decide to try hydrogen peroxide for all round good oral health. You will notice a massive change and you will be shocked how much it will affect you. If you are sceptical about trying it then give it ago for a week or two and test it out for yourself, I guarantee you will like the change!
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