
TheRetroGamerNY, Hater of Christ

Sep 2nd, 2017
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  1. → Glitterbee has joined
  2. ⓘ Lord, we ask blessings for all those who work to help and protect us. May they maintain their desire to serve in our military, emergency services and medical facilities. Keep them safe and keep thier families secure. Amen
  3. [CancelBot]
  4. BibleBot is online. Serving acv akjv amp apo asv avot bbe bom dict dar dou greek heb hebrew hnv jps kjv kjv+ litv nasb niv nkjv quran rot rsv strongs web ylt yng vulgate. We also translate. In channel !help
  5. ⓘ BibleBot set mode +v Glitterbee
  6. +Glitterbee
  7. As a child of God, we have rooted out another sinner!
  8. Raven`X, hater of Christ's teachings.
  9. Repent, sinner, and ye shall receive forgiveness.
  10. ← tomatobodhi has quit (Quit: Mutter:
  11. @THERetroGamerNY
  12. Friend of yours, Raven`X ?
  13. @THERetroGamerNY
  14. But Lania has been told, repeatedly, to not come in here. Surely such an intelligent person can obey simple rules?
  15. +Glitterbee
  16. THERetroGamerNY: Repent, sinner.
  17. Christ commands us to forgive our brothers seventy times seven times.
  18. Ignoring THERetroGamerNY!*@*
  19. +Glitterbee
  20. This is the true rule -- not what some corrupt operator in #christiandebate has crafted!
  21. ⓘ QRT set mode +b *!*b93bdc96@
  22. × You have been kicked by QRT (Glitterbee)
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