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- Coco Creature Count
- Number of creatures
- considering:
- - 48 cards left in deck
- - 23 creatures in deck
- - 2 creatures out of deck
- 6
- 5
- 4 - 2
- 3 - 7
- 2 - 8
- 1 - 4
- 0 - 2
- 24 total.
- considering:
- - full 60 cards
- 6
- 5
- 4 - l
- 3 - ll
- 2 - l
- 1 - l
- 0 -
- How many cards drawn until 4 lands:
- Markers are number of creatures drawn
- Considering 4 turns have passed.
- Always going first.
- m is mulligan.
- 20 - 9
- 19 -
- 18 -
- 17 - 7
- 16 - 9mm7
- 15 - 6 7
- 14 - 5 7
- 13 - 6mm
- 12 - 6 6 5m 6 5
- 11 - 3 5m 4 3 3 5
- 10 - 6 3 3 4 3 3m 4 3 2 3
- 9 - 1m 2m
- Number of creatures
- assuming 4 lands on 4th turn
- assuming 19 creatures left
- assuming 2 legendaries is 1
- 24 creatures total
- always go first
- no mulligan
- 6
- 5
- 4 - l
- 3 - lllllll
- 2 - llllllllllllllllll
- 1 - lllllll
- 0 - l
- Number of creatures
- assuming 4 mana on 4th turn
- assuming 4 creatures drawn on 4th turn
- assuming 1 of those creatures be a dork on 4th turn
- assuming not wanting to get another dork
- thusly assuming 17 creatures left
- assuming 2 legendaries of same name is 1
- assuming 50 cards left in deck
- assuming 24 creatures total
- assuming always go first
- assuming no mulligans
- (l is 1, x is 10)
- 6 -
- 5 -
- 4 - llllll
- 3 - xxll
- 2 - xxxllll
- 1 - xxxxl
- 0 - llllllll
- Assuming 26 creatures in deck
- Assuming 19 creatures left in deck to coco
- Assuming 3 copies of 1 legendary creature
- Assuming 2 copies of another legendary creature
- 6 -
- 5 - llll
- 4 - lllll
- 3 - xxx
- 2 - xxxxxl
- 1 - xxllllll
- 0 - ll
- Times multiple legendaries lowered the count to 0 or 1 creatures: ll
- How many turns does it take to get to 4 lands and how many creatures (including dorks) does one draw from a 21 land 26 creature deck.
- D is number of dorks
- L is number of multiple Legendaries
- M is number of mulligans
- Assume 3 copies of 1 legendary creature and 2 copies of another legendary creature
- Always go second
- Lands - Dorks|Mulligans|Dupelicate legendaries|Non-dork, Non-duplicate Legendary Creatures
- 10 - DL10,DDD2,DDL6,6,
- 9 - DDDL4,8,
- 8 - DL6,D5,DDDL3,
- 7 - DM5,5,DD6,DL6,D6,6,
- 6 - D6,D4,6,D5,D6,D5,DDMM3,DD4,D5,4,D5,8,M5,D4,
- 5 - DDM4,D4,DM3,DD4,L3,DL4,6,D5,D5,D5,
- 4 - D5,D5,6,D4,DD4,D3,DD4,6,7,DM3,4,
- 3 - D4,M3,DDD2,4,D3,DD2,D4,3,4,D4,5,5,4,D3,DD2,D5,DD4,M2,D2,
- 2 - 3,M2,D3,3,3,4,M4,5,DD2,D2,3,
- 1 - 3,1,2,M2,3,M3,2,DD1,D1,DM1,1,DL,D3,MMM1,D1,0,3,D1,
- 0 - 2,M1,1,D2,2,3,3m,D1,D2,1,2,D1,3,2,1,
- How many turns does it take to get to 4 lands with a green mana source and how many creatures does one draw from a 22 land 23 creature deck. No dorks.
- C is number of colourless lands before getting access to WWG
- M is number of mulligans
- Assume 6 colourless sources
- Always go second
- 10+ - CCC8,6,CCM8,C8,CC11,M10,C5,
- 9 - 7,M8,M7,
- 8 - CC5,5,M4,
- 7 - 7,CC4,5,C6,M6,5,M4,CCC6,5,CC7,
- 6 - 7,6,CC6,6,6,7,
- 5 - 4,MM5,7,5,4,5,3,
- 4 - 1,C3,C5,CC3,3,M4.M4,
- 3 - 1,3,4,C4,C4,4,4,3,M2,3,4,
- 2 - 4,CC2,3,MM2,4,CC4,M3,4,M2,3,C2,2,4,
- 1 - 1,4,2,CC1,1,1,3,3,3,M3,3,CCM2,1,4,2,2,
- 0 - 3,1,1,MM0,3,2,3,1,2,2,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,2,1,1,2,2,M2,M2,
- Same criteria as above, but numbers are now displaying how many lands had in opening hand.
- Criteria guide:
- Number of cards drawn - colourless lands gotten until getting WWG|mulligans|number of coloured lands in starting hand|colourless lands in starting hand
- 10+ - MM1,CCCM1C,
- 9 -
- 8 - 2,
- 7 - CCM1CC,
- 6 - 2,CCC1C,2C,
- 5 - M2,3,
- 4 - M2,M2,CCM1C,M2C,2C,
- 3 - 2C,3,
- 2 - 3,3,3,M3,CC1C,3C,C2C,2,
- 1 - 3,3,2C,3,CM2C,2C,
- 0 - 2CC,3C,4,3C,4,
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