
FEF: Marks of Royalty: Odette stats

Aug 28th, 2019
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  1. Name: Odette
  2. Class: Light Trainee>Huntress>Battlemage
  3. Character Skill: Trailblazer
  4. Affinity: Anima
  6. Personal Fault:
  7. -Potion Toxicity: Odette suffers from a rare inherited condition that sharply increases her blood toxicity the more tonics and other performance enhancing potions she inbibes. [Any Temporary Buffing Item Odette consumes or has used on her will cause her to become poisoned from 1-4 turns, determined by the roll of a d4 when said item is used. This poison can stack multiple times, with the duration rolled for the latest stack overriding all others.]
  9. Personal Skills:
  10. /The She-wolf: Odette's vicious reputation back home wasn't earned for nothing... [If Odette is at or over 50% HP at the start of combat, She gains +2 AS for it's duration]
  11. //Wild Hunt: Odette's killing instincts are at their sharpest while stalking through the untamed wilderness. [Odette has +10 crit while on Forest tiles]
  12. ///Hunt or be hunted: There is no greater moment than facing down man or monster in single combat, both of you knowing that only the better hunter will walk away alive... [When neither Odette nor her opponent have any allies adjacent, she gains +10 Hit and Evade]
  14. Class Special: N/A > Flush Quarry
  15. Preferred Stats: Magic, Luck > Skill, Resistance
  16. Weapon Profs: Light (E) > Bow (D), Light (D)
  18. Total Level: 1
  19. Level/Tier: 1/Trainee
  21. Initial Stats: (330%)
  22. HP: 16 (+2*2) (70%)
  23. STR: 0 (50%)
  24. MAG: 4 (60%)
  25. SKL: 3 (50%)
  26. LCK: 3 (10%)
  27. DEF: 1 (10%)
  28. RES: 4 (10%)
  29. SPD: 4 (+2) (70%)
  31. CON: 4
  32. AID: 3
  33. MOV: 4
  35. Level up tracker:
  36. -Character creation: +4 HP, +2 SPD
  37. -Level 1: +HP, SKL, SPD
  39. Current Stats:
  40. HP: 21 (70%)
  41. STR: 0 (50%)
  42. MAG: 4 (60%)
  43. SKL: 4 (50%)
  44. LCK: 3 (10%)
  45. DEF: 1 (10%)
  46. RES: 4 (10%)
  47. SPD: 7 (70%)
  49. CON: 4
  50. AID: 3
  51. MOV: 4
  53. Inventory:
  54. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  55. Flash Judg(E) 1-2 3 4 2 85 40/40 [E]
  56. +20 Evade against designated targets
  57. Vulnerary (3/3)
  59. Battle stats (Flash):
  60. AT: 7
  61. Hit: 94
  62. AS: 7 (+2 with PS 1)
  63. Eva: 17 (+4 with PS 1)
  64. Crt: 4
  65. DG: 3
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