
Quirk Hack

Oct 24th, 2018
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  1. Quirk Name: Hack
  2. Quirk type: emitter
  3. Quirk Description: The user's hands and forearms are tinted in a black coloration, it's almost like they have tattoos that usually take the form of flames while the entire forearm and part of the arms (including hands and nails) are completely pitch black colored. The coloration by itself is nothing unusual besides looking like a really hardcore inkjob. However once the user enters in contact with anything that isn't organic in nature (although there have been a few exceptions) the ink leaves his body and penetrates whatever he is holding, once his quirk has fully effected whatever he is holding the item becomes pitch black. His quirk always has the same effect upon the things that he touches, enhancement of the material that depends on wielder's will.
  4. For example, if the user grabs a hold of a sword and his quirk is in full effect, the sword may be impossibly sharp.
  5. If the user grabs a hold of a lead pipe, he can make it indestructible.
  6. If the user grabs a hold of a pistol, it's bullets can penetrate a tank's outer shell.
  7. If the user touches and old computer he can will it to be as potent as a high end PC.
  8. The possibilities are nigh endless and usually end up being funneled towards menial tasks and self improvement.
  10. Weaknesses: The main weakness is that the hacking only exists as long as the user is touching it. The big challenge is to see how long he can keep the hacking active after he has relinquished contact, right now the duration is about a minute ~ minute and a half which can prove to be deadly if given to someone more powerful than him.
  12. His quirk doesn't affect anything that isn't in contact with his hands.
  14. The quirk isn't instant, for it to fully effect something it takes a moment. For Example to fully encompass a baseball bat it takes him about 20 seconds. To hack a pistol it takes him about 40 seconds. It both depends on the complexity of the thing he is hacking into and size. For example it would take him considerable amounts of time to hack into a tank, but not as much to hack into a canon.
  16. Hacking into things doesn't take much from his body, but keeping complex things hacked does take it's toll on his body.
  18. The hacking doesn't improve the user's skills in battle, so to fully utilize the quirk they need to work their body to the absolute peak of human physique.
  20. edit: I think I can tweek the character a bit to make him a little bit stronger without actually having him be overpowered. The nerfs are usually regarding how long it takes for the quirk to take full effect on certain objects like simple blunt/sharp objects like swords, knives, baseball bats, lead pipes and etc can be affected instantly while things like pistols can take about 10 seconds to be fully effected. One gimmick that I like to apply is the fact that the more derelict the thing he is enhancing is the easier it is to enhance, rusty swords can become 'perfect' faster than actual sharp brand new swords.
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