
Insomnia 17

Jul 11th, 2017
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  1. app based sum. not very accurate cause slang and that. toon = 잠 못드는 밤 17화
  3. Ch starts with FMC going how she can relate to what MC was saying. He goes how it would have been a lot harder, how it's okay now since it's over and he's fine about it, and she tells him 'thanks'. He asks what is she thanking him for and she goes 'for everything'(not sure). She then goes how it's her first time, how it was the first time smbdy talked to her like this. She goes how MC knows what kind of girl she is. How everybody thinks of her as a man eating slut(not sure but smth like it) and MC gives her a 'oh no. nobody thinks that..' but he thinks that if she said smth like that to him he has to play nice and comfort her. She then tells him that it's okay, he doesn't have to be nice to her that way, how she's aware of it herself, and some tiny handwriting that goes how that's a fact that guys talk about it(not sure). How those guys are not interested in a heartfelt conversation and just want to satisfy their desires and needs with her and thanks MC again cause he is the first guy to talk to her like this. She asks MC how before when he asked if she knew the stalker, and she tells him how that guy was her boyfriend. Goes how it's the first time she speaks about it and wonders where she might start from.
  5. Thoughts how she was in her 3rd year of HS when she first glimpsed her mother's hidden secret. How she was living alone with her mom since she can remember. Smbdy calls her 'Hye-Jin, Kim Hye-Jin!' and she goes 'Ah ..Seon Kyung-ah and Seo Jeon-ah' (not sure about the names) and they ask her if she wants to eat tteokbokki together, but she tells them sorry that today is her mother's bday and she has to go home early but to go next time. Thoughts how FMC did not remember her father and how her mom never talked to her about him. How it was difficult and hard but strangely she was really happy. Then she wonders if her mom will like the present.
  7. Thoughts how that happiness did not last for long. FMC comes home and goes 'tadaima!' and hears moans and goes 'what are these sounds?' and thinks that she saw her mother's secret that day. She hears her mom saying how she doesn't thinks so and how it won't(prbly fmc coming back) and tells the guy to finish faster and how they need to end it by the time FMC comes home(here app tl goes 'our daughter' not sure) and guy moans and tells her 'good for you' and FMC goes '' and drops the gift.
  9. Thoughts how the shock of it made her leave the house. How the conditions outside were too harsh for a young girl like her, how it was a repetition of being cold and hungry. How she never had a part time job before and here she servers a customer. Then how she cooks food for another. Then how she movie tickets and that. Thoughts how she did all kinds of part time jobs and how there weren't many places that hired HS students.
  11. Back to the present and MC goes how it must have been hard for her. She goes how it was hard to to this routine for HS student. How later on her body weakened and she had to take pills everyday. Next MC asks her about the time she met stalker guy and she tells him that that happened years after.
  13. Thoughts how it was hard to live solely on part time jobs. How she found a flier that hired women and thoughts how she did smth she shouldn't have done that time.
  15. Karaoke bar and the guy goes how the service here is the best and asks her what's her name again and he goes 'it's Hye-Jin Lee' and she gets praises and money for her great service from him. Thoughts how she thought about wanting to quit the job but the easy money she made prevented it from doing so.
  17. Back to MC and her and she tells him how she was enjoying doing what she did and made easy money and how she finally understood why her mom did what she did since it was fun. She then tells MC that the reason that she was enjoying it more than everything else was the sex. Thoughts how she found it ecstatic to have her body filled and churned. Then she asks MC if her telling him all of this doesn't it make her look like a complete pervert, which he tells her that it's not with an awkward smile.
  19. Thoughts how the joy of the pleasure did not last for long, and here she tells the guy at the bar not to do this and no. Thoughts how some unreasonable request from customers and the violence she experienced, and here the guy slaps her and goes smth like: you slutty whore where do you think you are / or are.
  21. Two new guys and one of them goes how it's the first time going to a place like this and he's surprised, and the other goes how it shows on his face. Then how one should go to these places where you get to sleep with girls. Next is more insults to FMC from the guy that slapped her. Guy in black shirt hears smth and wonder's what's going on. Black shirt enters the room and calls the guy who hit her a trashy bastard and how he dares hit a girl. Then stalker boy offering her his hand and asking if she's okay. Then FMC thinking how in this place that turned like hell she met him. Tbc...
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