
mermaid 38

Dec 18th, 2017
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  1. app tl. not that accurate.
  3. seems like pinky wants to go "home" and tells her "guys" to take care of work for her and is met with slightly opposition cause of work. prbly tells them to sell it all(idk wm here). fmc asks cunt about the things he told her and if it was all bs or that and he denies being all like that and how his love was real(notsure). pinky's guys try to stop her but she tells them to clean up and then look over fmc. fmc tells her to wait and then how pinky was about to just go away without even listening to her, and how she still has stuff to tell her. fmc then calls her a bad sister, who makes a fool out of her and doesn't trust her. how she cheated on her with cunt(scheming and maybe fucking ..) but she is still her sister and doesn't wanna break up like that. ex's fuckboy asks her why at home and prbly planned to go out. then she asks if he dont want to but he denies it asap. moans and how she's too tight. she tells him to stop calling her senior and to call her su-ah. moans, too tight again and how he'll cum. pinky agrees to stay on land with fmc cause it's too dangerous for her alone when fmc asked if she will. how she will not lie to fmc again. fmc asks if she will trust in her and how then... and asks her if she fucked with cunt. pinky is all 'what' and fmc tells her that cunt has her marking on him. tbc...
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