
| Xenon Firmware Beta's | 3.55 | 4.82 |

Feb 1st, 2018
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  1. Here are the 3.55 and 4.82 CFW's as promised: Apologies the links will be re-uploaded ASAP!
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  3. 4.82 Beta Tested on CHECH-2103a - Rebug 4.81.2 > Xenon 4.82 installs fine from XMB - Comgenies worked fine.
  4. Multiman didnt run think possibly due to having it converted to MMcm cobra edition previously forgot to tweak back!
  6. Installed back to 4.81.2 from hdd perfectly from XMB
  7. Will be working on customisation / further updates soon after I upload it elsewhere and get it around a bit and more feedback on the Gameboot (need to research into designing such!
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  10. If anyone wants to test them for me you're more than welcome to pm the Fb page to let me know how it works!
  11. Soon I will update the FW and update the changelogs and info and such but right now its in beta stage as I just got into this side of coding and I'm already pretty choked up with ps1light / prodg etc and now the ps4 sdks hahaha! (YEAH I will be working on Ps4 at somepoint. I hope early enough to find something substantial for the scene before it is completaly pwned! XD)
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  13. Here are the features on both firmwares for Playstation 3
  15. 3.55 0.01 - 3.55 base ofw
  16. Patch LV0 LDRS to disable ECDSA checks in ALL LV0-loaders
  17. Patch LV0 appldr to disable lv2 memory protection
  18. patch LV1 to to allow mapping of any memory area (needed for LV2 Poke)
  19. LV2 to add LV1 Peek&poke syscalls
  20. LV2 Peek&poke syscalls
  21. Misc rogero patches
  22. hermes payload SC8 /app_home/redirection & embedded appmount
  23. Patch SPU PKG verifier to disable ECSDA check
  24. Patch SPP verifier to disable ECDSA check
  25. Patch SPU token processor to disable ECDSA checl
  26. VSH patched with rogero patches
  27. Patched to allow installation / running of unsigned/Debug packages
  28. Renabled Gameboot sound and animation on 3.00+
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  30. 4.82 V0.1a - Xenon Firmware - By ScriptedArts / OneKubbYT (Banned PSN) (same dude ^^)
  32. Check out my other work and information on PSX scene at>
  34. Tested on CHECH2103A on 4.81.2 Rebug, qa toggled / Patched with @esc0rtd3w's 4.82 Nor webkit exploit!
  35. Not hardware flashed.
  37. PATCH: XMB - Miscellaneous
  38. [3.xx/4.xx] --> Add "Install Package Files" icon to the XMB Game Category
  39. [3.xx/4.xx] --> Add "/app_home" icon to the XMB Game Category
  41. Patch LV0 / LV1 / LV2
  42. [3.xx/4.xx] LV0: --> Patch LV0 LDRS to disable ECDSA checks in ALL LV0-loaders
  43. [3.xx/4.xx] LV0: --> Patch LV0 appldr to disable lv2 memory protection
  44. [3.xx/4.xx] LV1: --> Patch LV1 for peek/poke support (unused lv1 calls 182 and 183)
  45. [3.xx/4.xx] LV1: --> Patch LV1 to allow mapping of any memory area (Needed for LV2 Poke)
  46. [3.xx/4.xx] LV1: --> Patch LV1 to remove LV2 protection
  47. [3.xx/4.xx] LV1: --> Patch LV1 to disable CoreOS Hash check. Product mode always on (downgrader)
  48. [3.xx/4.xx] LV2: --> Patch LV2 to add LV1 Peek&Poke system calls (LV1 peek/poke patch necessary)
  49. [3.xx/4.xx] LV2: --> Patch LV2 to add Peek&Poke system calls
  50. [3.xx/4.xx] LV2: --> Patch LV2 with misc ROGERO patches
  51. [3.xx/4.xx] LV2: --> Patch LV2 to implement hermes payload SC8 /app_home/ redirection & embedded app mount
  52. [3.xx/4.xx] ISO: --> Patch SPU PKG Verifier to disable ECDSA check for spkg files (spu_pkg_rvk_verifier.self)
  53. [3.xx/4.xx] ISO: --> Patch SPP Verifier to disable ECDSA check (spp_verifier.self)
  54. [3.xx/4.xx] ISO: --> Patch SPU Token Processor to disable ECDSA check (spu_token_processor.self)
  56. Patch advanced Remote Play
  57. Patch premo modules to enable Remote Play
  58. Patch game_ext_plugin module to enable Remote Play
  60. PATCH: Patch translations- fix typos, change strings, replace languages
  61. Fix a typo in the Italian localization of the sysconf plugin
  63. Patch VSH - Miscellaneous
  64. [3.xx/4.xx] --> Patch VSH with ROGERO patches
  65. [3.xx/4.xx] --> Patch to allow running of unsigned applications (3.xx/4.xx)
  67. Remove CINAVIA Copy Protection on HDD Content
  69. Re-enable GAMEBOOT sound and animation on 3.00+ MFW
  70. Patch game_ext_plugin.sprx to re-enable gameboot
  72. Enable FSELFs on CEX CFW / MFW or REBUG CFWs
  73. Patch self(s) to enable FSELFs on CEX
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  75. Link to download the Firmwares;
  77. This firmware is currently at beta 0.1 and therefore any underlying issues (to which I found none and will be mentioned above) should be related to me instantly. This is pretty much a base CFW atm, I was just making sure it was built and patched correctly an in working order. Afterwhich is when porting and adaptation shall come in to place! (Thus why im looking into the sdks, See if their are any major differences I can make. As their is Game and otherOS functionality, I am also interested in a complete overhual of the Operating system itself combining the power and usermodes but this is highly presumptious of me it depends on life and how good I get at designing and developing / and if I dont just jump to PS4 depending on how that goes.)
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  79. Make sure console is QA toggled for smoothest and safest install experiance! Descretion is advised this is untested as of yet!
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