
Exalted - Old World Heroes

Dec 21st, 2020
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  1. Ormadur, the City at the End, rose high into the sky, multiple layers of city stacked upon each other, a veritable layer cake of civilization. Ormadur was founded as a last refuge for people against the ravaging hoards of raksha beyond the outer walls of the city. The outer walls are constantly guarded, the city's military constantly on watch for invasion forces. This situation had been going on for generations, the jade-clad warriors protecting the city from monsters and the citizens living a safe life, if not entirely comfortable. But now the attacks have become more frequent, but they have not breached the walls. Two of the city's mighty warstriders, giant behemoths of jade and machinery, have taken to the field even, denoting how much of a threat the raksha have been. But that's not what has the city's nobility most concerned. The Old World Heroes, heroes robed in gold or silver, have begun appearing once more, threatening to throw off the balance of the city in a manner that has not been seen in lifetimes. Whether they will be save the city or doom it remains yet to be seen.
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  5. Old World Heroes takes place in a spin-off Exalted-type scenario. The citizens of Ormadur believe the city to be the last city in existance, surrounded by a perpetual fog from which no visitors besides raksha or the occasional beastfolk cross through. Lunars in the party will know that some Elder Lunars have founded villages or mini-civilizations of humans and beastfolk from which to live thier own lives, to wage their own war against the raksha, and to search out for the treasures of the Old World, manses and tombs of heroes past. Solars have begun to appear in Ormadur, threatening to throw the entire balance of the city off. Luanrs from outside Ormadur, sometimes appearing as normal humans or as beastfolk, have begun to migrate to Ormadur, in some cases curious about these new arrivals, and sometimes drawn by the Bond, following it wherever it ends.
  6. PCs will be Solar or Lunar characters using standard chargen rules. Everything listed in here is considered to be common knowledge, and players will be given extra knowledge based on skills or background. Anyone from the city will have to come up with a reason why they have the Manse background, as that would require leaving the city to find one.
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  10. Ormadur is a city divided up into seven layers. The bottom layer (called the Seventh Layer) houses the military as well as the power source of the city, whatever that may be. The next layer houses the lower class as well as common industry (industry that doesn't need more educated people) for the city. Above that, the Fifth Layer, houses the aerial units for the military, as well as some more industry (the kind that requires some level of education to perform). The Fourth and Third Layers house the middle class and an assortment of small businesses that make life comfortable, like shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. The Second Layer has the upper class, with their palatial homes. The First Layer houses the nobility and their castle, from which they run the city. The support pillars that hold up the city contain elevators that allow for transit between the layers. The Fifth through Seventh layers are all the same size, and they have shutters that can be closed to protect the citizens inside from raksha attacks. The layers above that get progressively smaller and don't have shutters, which allows for more sunlight to reach the citizens. Oddly enough, this means that the lower class are the most protected from invasion, flanked on both sides vertically by military and with exterior walls.
  12. Outside the city are fields that feed the city... somehow. Machines roll around and tend to the plants, and sorcerers tend to those machines as well as check the land to make sure it's still in good condition. Wide roads go between the fields, which the machines use, as well as the military to move between the outer walls and the city itself. The outer walls are guarded 24/7, with magitek lights that seem to be able to push away the fog, which is handy so that the city gets some sort of warning when the raksha are approaching.
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