
Text Adventure Chapter 73 Log

Aug 23rd, 2014
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  1. >It was more than a fair price for all the damage done when that stallion attacked you.
  2. [You give the barmaid 1 medium gem.]
  3. “That cover it?”
  4. >She weighs it in her hoof carefully.
  5. >”...Yeah, this is a pretty big chunk. Might even buy us a new table. Just don’t start any more fights, got it?”
  6. “Got it.”
  7. >She finally retreats back to her post as a few other barmaids begin to clean up the wood and glass, and Redheart turns back to you with a relieved look on her face.
  8. >”That was close…”
  9. “...I love you so much right now.”
  10. >Redheart blushes a bit.
  11. >”Ditto, but next time, use your hands to throw, ‘kay?”
  12. >You both laugh a little bit, letting the returning peace sink back into the mood.
  13. >”You’re okay, right?”
  14. “I’m a little winged, but I’ll be fine. Oh, and here.”
  15. [You give Redheart 5 bits.]
  16. >She looks at you incredulously as you give her the gold.
  17. >”What’s this?”
  18. “Well, you schooled me pretty bad, one shot or not.”
  19. >Iron will gives you another pat on the shoulder.
  20. >”This guy’s made of steel, if the fight with the princess tells us anything. Now, you’re so tough, why don’t you try to beat the champion of arm-wrestlin’?”
  21. >Gable beans him in the gut.
  22. >”You still owe me that rematch. Let’s go find another table.”
  23. >”Winner challenges you, Doc!”
  24. >They retreat to one of the vacant table to continue their bets, and at that point Berry and Pinkie catch your attention.
  25. >The Pink waves while chugging another pint-glass of liquor, while Berry falls of off the stool, using her rum flask to steady her self.
  26. >”’Eeey, why didn’t ya jush’... kick him in the nads?”
  27. “Guys never do that to each other. ...You okay?”
  28. >”Oooh, don’t be turnin’ thish around on me, where’ve YOU been, huh!? It’s like been … uh..”
  29. >Pinkie catches her breath from finishing off her glass, now sporting a very goofy smile and muzzle stains.
  30. >”Daysh, totally, we were partying an’ partyiiiin… and w-wow-we were…”
  31. >Berry takes this time to try to blatantly look up under your robe as Pinkie speaks.
  32. >”..Wonderin’ where you were!”
  33. >Redheart looks very worriedly at her two smashed friends.
  34. >”Berry, I expected this of you, but how did you drag our little party pony into this?”
  35. >And you’re just sitting here, laughing internally.
  36. “Pinkie, how many fingers am I holding up?”
  37. >You hold up two.
  38. >Before she can answer, you end up having to pry Berry out from under your robe.
  39. “What are you doing, exactly?”
  40. >”I’m hidin’... from the clothesh monster. Y-you gotta take ‘em off, or they’ll eat you up!”
  41. >Pinkie starts giggling, which quickly turns into loud and mad laughter, and Berry joins in because of it.
  42. >These two are getting some attention drawn now.
  43. >”I think you two have had enough, don’t you think?”
  44. >They didn’t even hear Redheart speaking from their hazy chuckling.
  45. >You see AJ now talking with Spike, the former having just got off the bull with a sack of bits across her back.
  46. >Gable and Iron Will are doing their thing, and Gable seems to be winning this time around.
  47. >It is currently 7:40 P.M.
  48. >What would you like to do?
  52. [COMMAND INVALID - Cannot fill MRP! Did you mean ‘Fill Magic Recombobulator?’]
  54. >These two being punch-drunk love gives you a devious idea.
  55. >You lean over to your lover and whisper in her ear.
  56. “Hey Red, watch this.”
  57. >You slowly begin to remove your phone as you speak to Pinkie and Berry.
  58. “You know guys, it’s not a party unless we’re dancing.”
  59. >Their laughter subsides and they look at you curiously, half-glazed over.
  60. “How about you two lovely ladies show us some of your dance moves?”
  61. >Pinkie gasps and jumps off of her chair, going over and trying to pick up Berry with her own legs wobbling.
  62. >”C’mon, we gotta dansh, Ber-ber!”
  63. >”Iunnoah..”
  65. >Berry opens her eyes and stands herself up, starting to move her hips in a gyrating fashion.
  66. >”I’ll dansh for you, baby~”
  67. >Pinkie giggles and joins in, and the two begin to shuffle around like two old grandmas that just ate a bunch of hot sauce.
  68. >You hold up your phone and show Red as you pull up the video function, and begin to record the drunken spectacle.
  69. >Red covers her mouth with a hoof, trying her best not to laugh out loud.
  70. >”Ohhhahahaha… You’re not gonna show this to anypony else, right?”
  71. “Where’s the fun in that?”
  72. >Now there’s a little crowd of other tipsy stallions moving their chairs to get a good view of the two rockers, some even throwing some bits at their hooves.
  73. >”Yeeeah, shake it!”
  74. >”Look at those pink flanks, dude!”
  75. >”Where’s my sandwich?”
  76. >Pinkie gets tripped over by her own tail all of a sudden, and hangs onto Berry for balance, both of them cracking up.
  77. >”’Eey Ponkie, didn’t know you were… hangin’ out!”
  78. >They start laughing even more, and Pinkie pulls out another glass of cherry wine from… somewhere.
  79. >”I wanna toast! mm… Toasty frosting…”
  80. >Pinkie starts licking her lips in hunger, and the huge cartoonish tongue laps Berry’s cheek.
  81. >”Whooaa, whoa... you missed, Pinkie.”
  82. >”Huh?”
  83. >Berry suddenly pulls her over and kisses her.
  84. >Holy shit.
  85. >Pinkie’s not stopping.
  86. >Holy shit.
  87. >They’re making out!
  88. >And you’re getting it on video.
  89. >The stallions start going wild, and Redheart actively laughs, losing her sides so much she starts snorting.
  90. >Should you keep shooting the video, or save them from the embarrassment?
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