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a guest
Dec 22nd, 2014
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text 5.29 KB | None | 0 0
  1. # Server options.
  2. buffer-limit 20
  3. escape-time 500
  4. exit-unattached 0
  5. focus-events 0
  6. message-limit 100
  7. quiet 0
  8. set-clipboard 1
  9. terminal-overrides "*256col*:colors=256,xterm*:XT:Ms=\E]52;%p1%s;%p2%s\007:Cs=\E]12;%p1%s\007:Cr=\E]112\007:Ss=\E[%p1%d q:Se=\E[2 q,screen*:XT"
  11. # Session options.
  12. assume-paste-time 1,
  13. base-index 0
  14. bell-action any
  15. bell-on-alert 0
  16. default-command ""
  17. default-shell _PATH_BSHELL
  18. default-terminal "screen"
  19. destroy-unattached 0
  20. detach-on-destroy 1
  21. display-panes-active-colour 1
  22. display-panes-colour 4
  23. display-panes-time 1000
  24. display-time 750
  25. history-limit 2000
  26. lock-after-time 0
  27. lock-command "lock -np"
  28. lock-server 1
  29. message-attr 0,
  30. message-bg 3,
  31. message-command-attr 0,
  32. message-command-bg 0,
  33. message-command-fg 3,
  34. message-command-style "bg=black,fg=yellow"
  35. message-fg 0,
  36. message-style "bg=yellow,fg=black"
  37. mouse-resize-pane 0
  38. mouse-select-pane 0
  39. mouse-select-window 0
  40. mouse-utf8 0
  41. pane-active-border-bg 8,
  42. pane-active-border-fg 2,
  43. pane-active-border-style "fg=green"
  44. pane-border-bg 8,
  45. pane-border-fg 8,
  46. pane-border-style "default"
  47. prefix C-b
  48. prefix2 KEYC_NONE,
  49. renumber-windows 0
  50. repeat-time 500
  51. set-remain-on-exit 0
  52. set-titles 0
  53. set-titles-string "#S:#I:#W - "#T""
  54. status 1
  55. status-attr 0,
  56. status-bg 2,
  57. status-fg 0,
  58. status-interval 15
  59. status-justify 0
  60. status-keys emacs
  61. status-left "[#S] "
  62. status-left-attr 0,
  63. status-left-bg 8,
  64. status-left-fg 8,
  65. status-left-length 10
  66. status-left-style "default"
  67. status-position 1
  68. status-right " "#{=22:pane_title}" %H:%M %d-%b-%y"
  69. status-right-attr 0,
  70. status-right-bg 8,
  71. status-right-fg 8,
  72. status-right-length 40
  73. status-right-style "default"
  74. status-style "bg=green,fg=black"
  75. status-utf8 0 # overridden in main()
  77. visual-activity 0
  78. visual-bell 0
  79. visual-silence 0
  80. word-separators " -_@"
  82. # Window options.
  83. aggressive-resize 0
  84. allow-rename 1
  85. alternate-screen 1
  86. automatic-rename 1
  87. automatic-rename-format "#{?pane_in_mode,[tmux],#{pane_current_command}}#{?pane_dead,[dead],}"
  88. c0-change-trigger 250,
  89. c0-change-interval 100,
  90. clock-mode-colour 4
  91. clock-mode-style 1
  92. force-height 0
  93. force-width 0
  94. main-pane-height 24
  95. main-pane-width 80
  96. mode-attr 0,
  97. mode-bg 3,
  98. mode-fg 0,
  99. mode-keys emacs
  100. mode-mouse 0
  101. mode-style "bg=yellow,fg=black"
  102. monitor-activity 0
  103. monitor-silence 0
  104. other-pane-height 0
  105. other-pane-width 0
  106. pane-base-index 0
  107. remain-on-exit 0
  108. synchronize-panes 0
  109. utf8 0 # overridden in main()
  112. # XXX: not sure how to transcribe these
  113. window-status-activity-attr GRID_ATTR_REVERSE,
  114. window-status-activity-bg 8,
  115. window-status-activity-fg 8,
  116. window-status-activity-style "reverse"
  117. window-status-attr 0,
  118. window-status-bell-attr GRID_ATTR_REVERSE,
  119. window-status-bell-bg 8,
  120. window-status-bell-fg 8,
  121. window-status-bell-style "reverse"
  122. window-status-bg 8,
  123. window-status-current-attr 0,
  124. window-status-current-bg 8,
  125. window-status-current-fg 8,
  126. window-status-current-format "#I:#W#F"
  127. window-status-current-style "default"
  128. window-status-fg 8,
  129. window-status-format "#I:#W#F"
  130. window-status-last-attr 0,
  131. window-status-last-bg 8,
  132. window-status-last-fg 8,
  133. window-status-last-style "default"
  134. window-status-separator " "
  135. window-status-style "default"
  137. wrap-search 1
  138. xterm-keys 0
  140. bind C-b send-prefix
  141. bind C-o rotate-window
  142. bind C-z suspend-client
  143. bind Space next-layout
  144. bind ! break-pane
  145. bind '"' split-window
  146. bind '#' list-buffers
  147. bind '$' command-prompt -I'#S' "rename-session '%%'"
  148. bind % split-window -h
  149. bind & confirm-before -p"kill-window #W? (y/n)" kill-window
  150. bind "'" command-prompt -pindex "select-window -t ':%%'"
  151. bind ( switch-client -p
  152. bind ) switch-client -n
  153. bind , command-prompt -I'#W' "rename-window '%%'"
  154. bind - delete-buffer
  155. bind . command-prompt "move-window -t '%%'"
  156. bind 0 select-window -t:0
  157. bind 1 select-window -t:1
  158. bind 2 select-window -t:2
  159. bind 3 select-window -t:3
  160. bind 4 select-window -t:4
  161. bind 5 select-window -t:5
  162. bind 6 select-window -t:6
  163. bind 7 select-window -t:7
  164. bind 8 select-window -t:8
  165. bind 9 select-window -t:9
  166. bind : command-prompt
  167. bind \; last-pane
  168. bind = choose-buffer
  169. bind ? list-keys
  170. bind D choose-client
  171. bind L switch-client -l
  172. bind [ copy-mode
  173. bind ] paste-buffer
  174. bind c new-window
  175. bind d detach-client
  176. bind f command-prompt "find-window '%%'"
  177. bind i display-message
  178. bind l last-window
  179. bind n next-window
  180. bind o select-pane -t:.+
  181. bind p previous-window
  182. bind q display-panes
  183. bind r refresh-client
  184. bind s choose-tree
  185. bind t clock-mode
  186. bind w choose-window
  187. bind x confirm-before -p"kill-pane #P? (y/n)" kill-pane
  188. bind z resize-pane -Z
  189. bind { swap-pane -U
  190. bind } swap-pane -D
  191. bind '~' show-messages
  192. bind PPage copy-mode -u
  193. bind -r Up select-pane -U
  194. bind -r Down select-pane -D
  195. bind -r Left select-pane -L
  196. bind -r Right select-pane -R
  197. bind M-1 select-layout even-horizontal
  198. bind M-2 select-layout even-vertical
  199. bind M-3 select-layout main-horizontal
  200. bind M-4 select-layout main-vertical
  201. bind M-5 select-layout tiled
  202. bind M-n next-window -a
  203. bind M-o rotate-window -D
  204. bind M-p previous-window -a
  205. bind -r M-Up resize-pane -U 5
  206. bind -r M-Down resize-pane -D 5
  207. bind -r M-Left resize-pane -L 5
  208. bind -r M-Right resize-pane -R 5
  209. bind -r C-Up resize-pane -U
  210. bind -r C-Down resize-pane -D
  211. bind -r C-Left resize-pane -L
  212. bind -r C-Right resize-pane -R
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