

May 1st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. "curse_ID":
  2. String
  3. Required
  4. A unique identifier for this curse.
  5. "display_name":
  6. String
  8. What the name of this curse should look like in game.
  9. "icon_path":
  10. String file location of an image file
  12. The icon that represents this curse. The expected image size is 50x50 pixels, cut into a diamond. A template png file for the cut out diamond can be found in the example mod's image folder.
  13. "max_rank":
  14. int, greater than or equal to 1
  16. The maximum rank that can be reached by this curse when levelling up. It should be noted that this number STARTS AT 0, meaning that a max rank of 1 will cause the curse to have 2 ranks, 0 and 1. A max rank of 2 will have 3 ranks total, and so on.
  17. "description":
  18. Array of Strings
  20. List of descriptions for each rank of the curse to be displayed by the UI. Supports BBCode. Should be enclosed with [center][/center] for formatting.
  21. "ui_color":
  22. String, a hex code
  23. Not Required. Will default to AAAAAA.
  24. The color representing this curse. Whenever the game creates particles for a curse, this field is used to give them the matching color.
  25. "trackers":
  26. Dictionary of String keys and numeric values
  27. Not Required. Will default to an empty dictionary.
  28. Set of internal data tracker names and their default/initial values.
  29. "checks":
  30. Array of Dictionaries
  31. Not Required
  32. List of checks this curse can generate and what triggers those checks to be raised. See the explanation of the checks field.
  33. "desire_drive_changes":
  34. Dictionary
  35. The keys of this dictionary should be the names of desires, one of "Ideals", "Growth", "Knowledge", "Autonomy", "Pleasure", "Material", "Triumph", "Success", "Community", "Relaxation".
  36. The values are numeric. The scale for desire drives goes from 0 to 2.5, with each 0.5 being a new step displayed in the UI.
  37. Not Required. Will default to an empty dictionary.
  38. Set of changes to an ally's desire drives that will happen on gaining this curse.
  39. "desire_current_changes":
  40. Dictionary
  41. The keys of this dictionary should be the names of desires, one of "Ideals", "Growth", "Knowledge", "Autonomy", "Pleasure", "Material", "Triumph", "Success", "Community", "Relaxation".
  42. The values are numeric. The scale for current desire values generally goes from 0 to 10.
  43. Not Required. Will default to an empty dictionary.
  44. Set of changes to an ally's current desire values that happen when empowering/weakening the curse. This also determines how close a curse is to being embraced/rejected when first gained.
  45. "requirements":
  46. Requirements Dictionary
  48. The set of requirements that must be satisfied in order for a curse to be gained by an ally at the end of a dungeon floor.
  49. "embrace_text":
  50. String
  51. Not Required, but expected
  52. The message that should appear in the desire manipulation menu when an ally fully embraces this curse. Supports the use of %ALLYNAME% as a wildcard, but not other wildcards. (will probably change this eventually)
  53. "tags":
  54. Array of Strings
  55. Not Required. Will default to no tags.
  56. A list of categorizations for this curse. Currently (ALMOST) entirely unused. Probably shouldn't be.
  57. "allow_in_shrine":
  58. bool
  59. Not Required. Will default to false.
  60. If this curse should ever be offered as the blessing inside a shrine.
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