
Fines and Penalties

Sep 11th, 2017
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  1. Contains: Vore, oral vore, anal vore, multiple prey, digestion,
  5. Princess Celestia stood over the remains of her pet bird, the poor thing had burst into flame atop the fountain and the pets body was little more than a pile of smoldering ash by the time it hit the ground. Celestia’s faithful student Twilight Sparkle and her friends had seen it all and were silent, letting Celestia have a moment of peace for the parting of the dearly beloved pet, Philomena.
  7. “Oh stop fooling around Philomena, you’re scaring everypony!” Celestia said
  9. On command the pile of ash shifted and the air around it wavered with heat before licks of flame took it’s place. With the sound of a fire suddenly igniting a fully formed Philomena spread her wings and took flight, the fire doing nothing to birds red and orange hued down. The six ponies had went from morbid silence to awestruck wonder as Philomena circled overhead before landing on the outstretched limb of her owner.
  11. “Princess, I don’t get it! How? What happened?” Twilight asked
  13. “You see, Philomena is a phoenix. A magical bird that is said to have an infinitely long life span. However, every now and then the phoenix must renew itself and so, it sheds all of it’s feathers and bursts into flames only to raise fresh as a daisy from it’s own ashes,” Celestia explained, nuzzling the beak of her dear pet before leaning down to Fluttershy, one of Twilight’s friends and whispering “A tad melodramatic if you ask me,”
  15. “So, Philomena will be alright? You aren’t going to banish me, or throw me into a dungeon? You aren’t going to throw me in a dungeon in the place you banish me to?” Fluttershy asked
  17. “Of course not my little pony! What would give you that idea?” Celestia said, her horn lighting up with magic.
  19. “I...I guess I just have quite an imagination,” Fluttershy said, shooting Twilight a knowing look as the gentle grip of the princess’s magic began to lift her up
  21. Celestia sent Philomena back to the sky with a wave of her hoof and licked her lips. When Fluttershy looked back to the princess she was was greeted with a look into her open mouth before being crammed in head first, plunging her into darkness. Twilight gasped as she saw her mentor engulf her friends head with seeming ease and the resounding gulp that came after caught the attention of her friends.
  23. “Princess! What are you doing?!” Twilight shouted in shock
  25. Celestia answered with another thick glurk, her lips sliding over Fluttershy’s shoulders and pinning her fore hooves down. Fluttershy squirmed but her failure to break free from Celestia’s magic earlier left her with few options; she tried to spread her wings, she tried to call for help she tried to thrash her self about but another powerful swallow claimed her fore hooves. Fluttershy was frightened, surround by wet, tight muscle on all sides, as her barrel joined the rest of her in the throat the powerful contractions of the the princess’s hungry gullet squeezed the air from her lungs as she was pulled down into Celestia’s stomach.
  27. “Princess, please forgive her! Punish me instead! I will take her place!” Twilight pleaded, kneeling and putting her front hooves together.
  29. Celestia was not persuaded, lurching forward with each swallow, she gathered mounds of the soft little pegasus in her jaws before repeating the action. With little effort Princess Celestia closed her mouth around the hind hooves of her meal and with a few more swallows the her neck went from distended to slender and powerful her belly swelled out with the new meal.
  31. “Princess, how could you? She...she was my friend!” Twilight cried, looking at the struggling bulge of her friend.
  33. “Kidnapping a member of the royal family is a serious offense Twilight. So is being an accomplice…” Celestia said, her horn flaring to life once more.
  35. Twilight’s heart sank and fear took over her actions, Twilight’s own horn lit up and she pictured the safest place in the world in her mind until her sight went white with pain. In a flash of magical might Celestia’s magic formed a slicing arc through the air, hitting it’s mark and cutting Twilight’s horn off cleanly and in doing so cut her magical abilities off. Twilight screamed in pain and her four other friends came to her aid.
  37. “Darling, are you alright?” Rarity asked, cradling her friend.
  39. Twilight didn’t respond but was instead lifted by the magical will of Celestia. Celestia gathered up her pupil and opened her mouth once more, taking Twilight in rear first easily. Celestia’s cheeks bulged out with the plump rump and after softly chewing on the assets of her student Celestia took a thick swallow that claimed Twilight’s rear end and caused her throat to distend and bounce softly with the sizeable meal.
  41. Rainbow Dash couldn’t take it anymore, having to watch one friend get devoured was already too much but two was the line, she raced to Twilight and grabbed her friends hooves; intent on pulling her from Celestia’s maw. Celestia felt Twilight slide back up her throat a few inches before quickly locking the little unicorn in her place with her magic. Celestia glared at Rainbow and waved her hoof.
  43. “I...won’” Rainbow Dash grunted, accentuating each word with a pull before her world was flipped upside down when something powerful slammed into her.
  45. Philomena had taken out Rainbow Dash, coming in from the side and sent the mare to the ground below before opening up it’s claws and gripping Rainbow Dash by one of her wings and by her throat. Philomena took to the sky once more with Rainbow Dash in tow and circled around behind Celestia before diving again. Celestia lifted her tail and widened her stance just in time for Philomena to shove a good portion of Rainbow Dash into her royal ponut. With another heavy swallow Twilight’s head had sunk past Celestia’s lips and her chin now rested on the princesses tongue.
  47. “Wha? What happened?” Twilight murmured gathering her thoughts and seeing the shocked look of her friends before noticing the framing of the mouth around her head.
  49. Just as Twilight’s lip quivered and she burst into tears Celestia closed her jaws, leaving her students fore hooves outside her mouth which began to glow with an light blue magic. Rarity had stepped in, clasping Twilight in her own magic she pulled back against Celestia and felt a few inches give before Celestia replied in kind. A struggle from her rear reminded Celestia of Rainbow Dash and she clenched to keep the pegasus steady while she dealt with Rarity.
  51. “Pinkie Pie, Applejack, what are you doing? Help me!” Rarity scolded, angling her head to get the best pull.
  53. “Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie answered reaching underneath her unicorn friend and tickling her.
  55. “Wha-Pinkie! Y-you idiot! I...I meant-i meant her! Save-” Rarity said in between fits of laughter.
  57. The tickling sensation broke Rarity’s concentration and her magic fizzled out as she fought off Pinkie’s playful assault. Celestia smiled before nonchalantly finishing her student off and relishing the feeling of a hearty pony sliding down her throat and swelling out her gut a little more. Wasting no time Celestia gripped Rainbow Dash’s hind legs and relaxed her muscles, feeling the struggling hit all the right spots, stimulating the princess as inch after inch of the multi-colored pegasus disappeared into her ass, the ring of flesh sliding over and conforming to all of her contours before Rainbow’s cutie mark disappeared and soon after her hooves, leaving just a twitching rainbow tail right underneath her other one.
  59. Celestia let the feisty pegasus sit and stew for the moment, the struggling excited her and served to whet her appetite. Pinkie had finally been rebuked from Rarity with a forceful push of her magic she threw the pink pony into the fountain but knew she was too late to do anything when a golden aura wrapped itself around her. Celestia licked the fresh drool from her lips and stuffed the screaming mare into her jaws and greedily swallowed her down, pausing only briefly when at the midpoint when a pleasurable kind of pain made her moan with her mouth full.
  61. Rainbow Dash was still putting up a fight and had managed to hit a sensitive spot with her thrashing inside of Celestia’s anal passage. Celestia huffed, her excitement mounting and if the thrashing kept up a orgasm for the princess was not far off. Inbetween swallows, Celestia moaned and stomped one of her back hooves, the muffled cries and screams coming from her throat and middle falling away while she edged closer, when suddenly with a wet slurp Rarity’s tail disappeared and Rainbow’s thrashing suddenly stopped.
  63. Celestia looked back at her flank, tugging experimentally on the rainbow tail still protruding from her royal pucker. Concentrating she could still feel a little movement but the pegasus had apparently exhausted herself while the three currently filling out her stomach were still crying out to be saved. The fire of arousal was subsiding, leaving a frustrated Celestia with an itch to scratch but all that sat before her was Applejack, stiff as a statue and Pinkie Pie who was shaking herself dry after crawling out of the fountain.
  65. “Ooh! Ooh ooh ooh! Princess can I be next!” Pinkie Pie said, bounding towards to Celestia.
  67. “Really?” Celestia said, surprised at the eagerness “You do know what you are asking for?”
  69. “Baby you know it! Now open wide and get yourself some pie!” Pinkie exclaimed, prying the princesses mouth open before Celestia’s magic grabbed hold of her.
  71. “Very well, but I will not be consuming you normally, Pinkie. Say hello to Rainbow Dash when you see her,” Celestia said.
  73. Pinkie was brought face to face with the tender ring of flesh and immediately dragged her long wet tongue across it, shocking the princess and disrupting her magic. Pinkie got to her hind hooves began eating the princess’s ass, running her tongue all the way up to the space right under her tail before going back down to run it across the round mound. Celestia bit her lip and lowered herself to give Pinkie easier access, her gurgling belly spreading out and squishing the ponies within making them cry out all over again.
  75. “Oooh, did a certain somepony enjoy a blue speed demon? How was she, Princess?” Pinkie asked before taking the anal ring fully in her mouth and sucking on it while her tongue dipped into it’s center
  77. “She...she was-” Celestia tried to get out before moaning and feeling her muscles clench “Not as good as you..”
  79. Pinkie made a appreciative sound before letting go of Celestia’s ring with a satisfying pop and stuffing her muzzle into it right after. With a soft squish Pinkie pushed herself into Celestia’s ass making Celestia tremble with need for release. Celestia looked right at Applejack, the shocked earth pony had seen it all but had done nothing to help the criminals in her gut escape nor did assist in their capture. Wanting something to fill her throat just as Pinkie’s head was filling her ass Celestia grabbed Applejack with her magic and forcefully pulled the farmer to her open maw.
  81. “Huh, what?! I didn’t do nothin! What are you doing?” Applejack cried out before her hat was swept away.
  83. “I’ll figure that out later, right now though…” Celestia let her words trail off before opening up her drooling jaws.
  85. Just as Pinkie’s head was fully accepted with a soft slorp Applejack’s head was swallowed with a wet gulp. Pinkie didn’t stop there, wiggling her hooves in under her head she stretched Celestia’s hole and stretched it wide enough to lurch herself into the quivering canal past her shoulders before letting the clenching ring of the anus consumer her with a wet slap. Celestia felt the burn of the anal stretch and gasped involuntarily with her throat full of struggling earth pony and spit causing her to retch and cough up her meal onto the ground in front of her while her orgasm hit with the combined feeling of a good stretch and the way Pinkie pushed Dash deeper and took her spot in her rectum.
  87. Celestia pinned Applejack and bite into the spit soaked mare, making Applejack cry out as the teeth sunk painfully into her coat but just falling short of breaking the skin. Celestia rode out her orgasm, moaning into the struggling earth pony while her muscles spasmed and wave after wave of pleasure surged through her body with each inch that Pinkie Pie disappeared into her anus. Celestia’s orgasm slowed only when Pinkie’s hind hooves were sucked into her ass, even surrounded by clenching muscles she could still feel the pink pony thrumming with activity that made her muscles clench from the sensitivity of post-orgasmic bliss.
  89. Celestia let Applejack go and scooped up the mares rear in her jaws, her lips wrapping over the apple rump and her mouth squeezing over the strong, thick muscles of Applejack’s toned thighs; her bottom jaws trapping the hind legs underneath her meal before tossing her head back and with a jerking gulp sank Applejack down her throat, much in the same way she swallowed down Twilight. Applejack tried to pull herself out, grabbing the bottom of Celestia’s jaw for leverage before her hooves slipped and another swallow brought her in past her waist.
  91. Celestia used her magic, to stuff Applejack down, immobilizing her front hooves and pushing in time with her hungry gulps and after a few minutes of all Applejack could see was the fountain before darkness surrounded her and all she heard was the wet swallows of the princess and the tightness of the throat, the heat of the princess’s body and then the wet, cramped space of the stomach as she slide over what she was sure was Rarity’s crying form.
  93. Celestia burped, and rolled to her side, letting her bloated belly spread out while she concentrated on the moving mass that was Pinkie moving, making her way to her belly to join her friends and taking Rainbow Dash with her. It was hours before the only noise that could be heard from Celestia’s belly was the soft gurgling of the organ, processing the little ponies inside it, breaking them down and adding them to her royal figure . The white gut softened and sloshed from side to side while the guards transported their engorged princess back to Canterlot. Celestia slept during the trip, happy she dealt with that band of impromptu ne'er do wells and Philomena perched herself upon her owner's soft belly and nestled in for a nice nap.
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