
Fitness - 13

Dec 30th, 2019
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

~ Fitness ~

피트니스 --- Publisher Link

By Ko Son-Jak / 고손작 --- Jiho / 지호 & Eun Son / 은손

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Lee Hyunsoo (MC) Personal Trainer Single
Song Sangmi (FMC) Office Worker (?) Single
Ha Doonjoon (FB) Personal Trainer Single
Kim Seonju (Boss) Gym's Manager Single
Jin Miso (BH) [N/A] Single

(TLN: Changed Milf for Boss)

Chapter 13

MC's Apartment MC x Mom x FMom x FMC

FMC is surprised to see her mother with MC and calls their name.. MC, Mom and FMom are startled by FMC walking inside the living room in this kind of outfit..
Mom asks her what she's doing here and how she's in the wrong house, FMom tells her to hurry and to get dressed. FMC finally notices her outfit, lets out a scream, tries to cover her private part and run inside MC's bedroom.

FMC's Apartment FMC x FMom

FMC is preparing herself to go to work, FMom looks at her and asks what happened last night and to explain her in detail because MC wasn't aware she was in his room. FMC tells her how they'll talk about it later because she's already 2 hours late and has to hurry.
Be fore leaving she tells to her mother how she's late because she didn't wake her up, FMom is raging asking how could she woke her up if she wasn't even knowing where she slept.

FMC tells her she doesn't know but it's still her fault.. before running away (lol).


Gym Center MC x Boss

Everyone is working hard inside the Gym aside MC who looks totally dispirited.. He's on a bench thinking about what happened last night and if the sexual act he did with FMC was just a dream..

Boss is lazily leaning over her desk looking at the gym members working out.. MC comes over and asks her what happened last night. She doesn't answer him and point her finger at him asking if he know that when you're at a drinking party it's inappropriate to end wasted after few drinks and to lean over the table during all the party.

Awkward silent, before him reiterating his previous question, she doesn't answer him once again and praises his new hairstyle. She tells him how he's looking so much better like this and to never go back to his previous haircut again.

Gym Center BH x FB x Boss x MC

BH is entering inside the center, she walks towards the reception counter.. FB is seated on a bench doing 'seated bicep curl dumbbell', he notices BH coming over him.
He looks at her thinking how she finally understood that no matters how cold he's acting with her, she can't forget his amazing taste that easily, he thinks how she's like every other women and will always begs him for more.

He's laughing inside, waiting for BH to start the conversation.. Bad luck she passes over him without paying him the slightest attention, he's surprised about this and wonders what's going on.

She stops in front of the reception counter and tells to Boss how she still have 1 session of private tutoring with FB but doesn't want do be trained by him anymore. She asks if it's okay for her to change of personal trainer and if it's possible she wonders if it's possible to change for MC.

Boss is very pleased to see BH asking for an hour of personal training with MC and tells her how it's alright. MC gives her his best smile and asks her if she can wait for him him inside the counselling room. She tells her how it's okay and walks towards the private room.
Boss is nudging MC and tells him while lowering her voice if he's aware of what'll happen to him if he can't make BH re-register to private lesson, she says how it's his lucky day and to not fuck this chance or he might lose his job.

Counselling Room MC x BH

They're siting next to each other on the couch.. MC is looking at the planning FB did her and tells how it's useless to work like this, because choosing a split workout isn't the best if you aren't searching to grow more muscle..
She's moving closer to him and even rubs her legs against him ,asking what's the most adapted training for her. He looks at what she's doing and wonders if she's making a move on him. She looks closely at him to notices every change in his expression.

MC stands up because it's not the time for this kind of thing, she asks him if she doesn't have to give him her result of InBody, he tells her how he doesn't need those test and if she could stand up and follow him for a bit.

She's now standing in the middle of the room, MC explains how the result given by InBody mean nothing and how it's more accurate to do those test personally. He asks her to stay still and to open wide her arms.

He places himself behind her puts his hands around her waist, he tells her how she has a pretty good balance and doesn't any form of subcutaneous fat. He smiles saying how she shouldn't follow those crappy program and should focus on core strengthening workout.

(TLN: InBody '인바디' is the global leader in the body composition analysis industry with world class technological advancements. In 1996, Dr. Cha founded InBody CO., Ltd. in Seoul, Korea to produce and introduce the InBody and its revolutionary methods. The InBody features Direct Segmental Multi—Frequency Bio-electrical impedance Analysis and Uses an Eight—Point Tactile Electrode Method, which can precisely measure individual body compositions. If you're interested in what they're doing: Website. I searched a bit about this company and they're proposing 'Diet Plan' and ' Personal Training' in South Korea, a lot of idols are following their course etc.. But there is also a lot of people complaining about this company and at how inaccurate their service are.. I guess author belongs to the later.)

(TLN²: The area of the body, which is commonly referred to as the 'core', is your midsection and it involves all your muscles in that area including the front, back and sides. The core includes the traverse abdominis, erector spinae, obliques and your lower lats. These muscles work as stabilizers for the entire body.)

Gym Center BH x MC x FB

MC is asking BH to go on all four on the yoga mat, he puts his hand on her back before asking her to take a deep breath.. FB looks at them like an idiot while he's still playing with his dumbbell.

MC tells her how now they'll stimulate the core of her body and to prepare herself.. FB is staring at them while doing dumbbell side lateral raise.. He's in awe in front MC's muscle and wonders since when this anchovy is so bulky.
He's startled by where MC is placing his hand (near BH's chest) and hits his crotch area with the dumbbell.. He lets out a weird scream before grabbing family jewels.

After their training session, BH thanks MC for his good work. He wishes her a safe return and slightly bows his head.. He looks at the hour and wonders if he should go home too..

Street MC x BH x MC

MC is leaving the gym center when he suddenly receives a text from FMC, asking him if he already left the work because she's near the gym center and wanted to have a chat with him.
He looks at the message and wonders what kind of talk she wants to have with him and how it sounds suspicious.. He prepares himself to answer her when he suddenly notices a sport car parking right in front of him.

It's BH, she greets him and asks him if he's going home and proposes to give him a ride. He gently refuses her offer but BH doesn't take a no for an answer and says how she wanted to repay him for teaching her so well today and how he shouldn't refuse her thanks (it's his job smh).

He ponders about it for a moment (maybe thinking about Boss' threat) before accepting her request. He goes in while thanking her.

BH starts the engine and drives the car away in front of FMC's eyes..

To be continued..
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