
Ch 6: Part 4: The Throne of Abraxas: Session 104

Jan 14th, 2014
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  1. [16:28] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [16:29] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 6: Descent into Midnight~~~
  3. [16:29] <Kilarra> \Final Part: The Throne of Abraxas/
  4. [16:30] <Kilarra> -Session 104-
  5. [16:31] <Kilarra> After a night of rest, the party is in the midst of their final preparations for their assault on Allevrah's Fortress, the Throne of Abraxas. Therein, aside from the Drow Matron herself, lies the Master Glyph, and the final piece to be undone to prevent the Second Darkness she has endeavoured to invoke.
  6. [16:33] * Kilarra looks around the group after doing her morning preparations. "I think we should, first and foremost, go and see what the Chardas have managed. As well, it'll give me a better idea of how to direct our extra planar aid."
  7. [16:34] <Kilarra> Kjell looks at the information he had written on the back of the map. "Unfortunately, we're at a bit of a loss as to what specifically we will have to fight against, but I have an idea." He looks to ALuthyra, "I can turn you invisible again, and you can fly over the fortress. Your perception is the most keen of any of us, so I would trust it for this."
  8. [16:35] * Aluthyra smiles and nods. "I can manage that." She looks to Kilarra. "So, perhaps you and Kahree should go check on the Chadras, while Kjell and I scout the area?"
  9. [16:36] * Kilarra looks to Kjell, "I think, since this is going to be our last battle... hopefully anyways, we should pull out all the stops. We've been wind-walking around, but now that you know where the Charda village is, I think you should port us there. Not waste any time."
  10. [16:37] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, pulling out a scroll. "I can do just that. It will make carrying the offerings for your outsider assistance easier as well." He gestures to the pile of drow weapons and armour.
  11. [16:39] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Mind waking Kahree? I think we're all set to go otherwise."
  12. [16:40] * Aluthyra nods, moving over to Kahree's still-sleeping form. She pokes the ifrit's side.
  13. [16:40] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans, rolling over. "Yeah, yeah, give me a minute."
  14. [16:40] * Aluthyra nods, returning to Kilarra's side. A few minutes later, Kahree is up and ready, yawning as she approaches.
  15. [16:41] <Kilarra> Haiten Bhaq steps down from her altar and approaches the party on foot. "You are going to the final conflict with the dark elves, yes? I wish you luck."
  16. [16:44] * Kilarra smiles at the large genie, "Thank you. If our luck holds out, you might not be seeing us again."
  17. [16:44] <Aluthyra> Kahree smiles faintly. "Yeah... thanks for the help."
  18. [16:45] <Kilarra> Kjell brings out the scroll, then makes sure his comapnions are close enough together for it. Then poof! They arrive just south of the Rotstone towers.
  19. [16:47] <Kilarra> A few chardas milling about jump and drop into defensive postures at the appearance of the party, but relax when a few of them point out, mutting in Aquan and Undercommon, that these are the ones who fought the Blood Witch.
  20. [16:47] * Kilarra slips on her Bloodlink again and addresses the Charda in undercommon; "I would like to see Shaman Klirkit."
  21. [16:48] <Kilarra> A couple of the Chardas chitter at each other, after which a couple head into one of the towers and out of sight.
  22. [16:51] <Kilarra> Kjell looks to Aluthyra, "While Kilarra summons her assistance and speaks with the Shaman about the Chardas contributions, it would be a good time to get some information." He pulls out two potion bottles and passes them to her. "In case my own spell does not last long enough, you can take these as well to renew the invisibility."
  23. [16:53] * Aluthyra nods. "Of course." She looks between Kahree and Kjell. "While I am doing that, and Kilarra is with the Chadra, what shall the both of you do?"
  24. [16:54] <Kilarra> Kjell shrugs, "There's not really much I can do to prepare without knowing who or what we might face. Aside from the most general assumptions."
  25. [16:55] <Kilarra> Kjell looks to Kahree, wondering if she had any better ideas.
  26. [16:56] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "I can't really do anything in preparation... Not like there's a place to restock on equipment down here besides killing more drow."
  27. [16:59] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "And most of what we have procured will be going towards hiring the services of a couple of Ghaeles. Not that the drow equipment was even as good as what we were able to procure in Iadara thanks to the Queen's generosity."
  28. [16:59] <Kilarra> After a few minutes, Klirkit returns. "Greetings Upland Priestess."
  29. [17:00] * Kilarra nods to the Charda shaman, "Greetings. The Blood Witch's magic glyphs have been destroyed save the one in her fortress, which we intend to assail this day. How fare your ilk?"
  30. [17:01] * Aluthyra and Kahree slip on their bloodlink amulets, not wanting to miss out on the details.
  31. [17:02] <Kilarra> Klirkit nods, "Our messengers should be returning within the hour, and if the other tribes saw fit, hopefully each will be bringing warriors."
  32. [17:04] * Kilarra nods, gesturing to Aluthyra, "My companion will be flying over the Blood Witch's fortress to discern her own forces. Our current guess is that you will occupy the bulk of her forces, while we strike at the Witch herself. As well, I shall be calling two servants of my Goddess to aid your warriors, both as fighters and healers."
  33. [17:04] <Kilarra> Klirkit looks pleased at the prospect, "I saw the power of your Goddess when you slew the Troglodyte. I hope her other servants are as powerful."
  34. [17:07] * Kilarra nods and bends down, using a crossbow bolt to draw a summoning circle in the mud for her purposes.
  35. [17:08] <Kilarra> Kjell casts his spell on ALuthyra, causing her to vanish. "Go. With luck, when you return, we will be ready to make use of what you see."
  36. [17:08] * Aluthyra nods, heading out for the Blood Witch's fortress.
  37. [17:15] <Kilarra> Flying out over the Caltherium, almost directly south of the only gap in the hilly perimeter of Rotstone Hollows is a small island, two miles long at most, and made of inhospitable upthrust wedges of sharp rock. At the north end is a single, massive stone structure that looks like an unholy temple, while the southern end of the island houses several small stone bunkers.
  38. [17:15] <Kilarra> In addition, the drow have now taken to the air above the Throne of Abraxas, with a half dozen dire-bat-riding drow circling the perimeter.
  39. [17:19] * Aluthyra frowns, flying to avoid the bats as she descends to take a closer look at the stone bunkers.
  40. [17:19] <Kilarra> A squat stone building stands here, a structure that seems to have been magically raised up from the surrounding stone. The top of the building is open, a twenty-foot-wide bay lined with perches for enormous bats. A single doorway faces east and a pathway leads up into the interior of the stalagmite forest that covers the island beyond.
  41. [17:21] <Kilarra> For about a mile north of the first bunker, a few others can be seen along a road leading to a two-mild long bridge over a lake of black blood on the island, connected to the entrance of the temple itself.
  42. [17:21] <Kilarra> From what Aluthyra can discern at a quick glance, each bunker seems to house two-dozen drow and their mounts, and a handful of driders each. There are four in total
  43. [17:22] * Aluthyra frowns. Quite a few drow. With a shake of her head, she moves towards the cathedral.
  44. [17:24] <Kilarra> As she approaches the bridge leading to the Unholy temple...
  45. [17:25] <Kilarra> A large lake of glossy black water fills a crater-shaped valley at the island’s heart. A thirty-foot-wide bridge of stone rises over the water, supported every forty feet by stone pilings carved with images of snakes.
  46. [17:28] <Kilarra> The edges of the bridge angle down sharply and there are no railings. As though it was specifically designed to push those heading up the bridge off or to the side, and into the lake below
  47. [17:28] * Aluthyra keeps moving, following above the bridge, looking for an entrance to the cathedral already open...
  48. [17:29] <Kilarra> The bridge ends at a level landing, flat and even but for the slopes where ripples in the black blood below lap at the stone. A great stone gate, nearly twenty feet wide and at least as tall, is carved out of the giant cliff. Each door bears a hideous symbol of a demonic face surrounded by a coil of snakes and with two snake tails descending from the mouth.
  49. [17:29] <Kilarra> The entire cliffside itself continues this serpentine motif, with hundreds, perhaps thousands of stone-carved snakes winding out like entwined sunbursts from the door as far as the eye can see.
  50. [17:31] <Kilarra> Aluthyra can see twelve Vrocks and three Glabrezu's standing amidst the door. As she approaches, the Glabrezu's look directly at her.
  51. [17:33] <Kilarra> Aside from staring at Aluthyra, the Glabrezu's stand almost statue still, and do not move to attack. The Vrocks seem oblivious, screeching and crowing at each other.
  52. [17:36] * Aluthyra blinks, slowly moving back. Do they...? She tests if it's a coincidence, moving back and watching their eyes.
  53. [17:36] <Kilarra> The glabrezus still don't move, but they follower her with their gaze.
  54. [17:39] * Aluthyra frowns, flapping her wings to take her leave. Best not stick around if she's been spotted.
  55. [17:41] <Kilarra> As Aluthyra makes her departure, she is not pursued, but Kjell's spel does wear off before she can return all the way to Rotstone Towers
  56. [17:42] * Aluthyra continues, making her way towards her companions...
  57. [17:44] <Kilarra> As ALuthyra passes over the shore of the Caltherium, she can spy the spiny forms of Chardas swimming in it. Many of them are heading in the direction of Rotstone. As she flies over land, she can see that more still are already on their way there.
  58. [17:45] * Aluthyra smiles lightly. With their help, the victor may be clear.
  59. [17:46] * Kilarra is waiting with Klirkit for Aluthyra to return with information they can use. She can spy three dozen Charda warriors already assembled now.
  60. [17:46] <Kilarra> Kjell waves at Aluthyra as he spies her approach, "It seems at least some of the messengers got through."
  61. [17:48] <Kilarra> Kjell gestures to the Chardas already assembled
  62. [17:50] * Aluthyra nods. "Indeed. And I was able to search a decent portion of the fortress." She looks to her companions. "Just under five score drow soldiers set up in defense." She sighs. "About half have dire bat mounts, and the ground forces are assisted by about as many driders as bats." She looks to Klirkit. "Those are their defenses for your people and our allies to fight."
  63. [17:50] * Kilarra waves to Aluthyra as well, her summonign circles now finished and waiting.
  64. [17:51] * Aluthyra sighs. "I did not look far into the Cathedral, where I assume the glyph resides along with Allevrah, but there were a dozen vrocks, along with three large, scaled demons. Pincers like crabs, and great horns upon them... I am not sure what form of demon they are."
  65. [17:51] * Aluthyra adds, "The demons guard a bridge that enters the Cathedral. It would be best to not get on the bridge until after the demons are dead, otherwise we risk falling into the black blood."
  66. [17:52] <Kilarra> Klirkit nods. "More warriors are coming I have been told. We should have a dozen dozen at least."
  67. [17:55] * Kilarra nods, "So the Chardas engage the drow forces, while we attack the Temple. That would keep them from sending reinforcements to close us in... should we start with the Chardas and then break off towards the temple, or attack simultaneously?"
  68. [17:56] * Aluthyra nods. "I would say attack with the Charda. Assuming we have the time, it would be better to advance knowing both that they are safe and that the drow will not flank us."
  69. [17:58] <Kilarra> Kjell chimes in, "Those demons you saw sound like Glabrezu. They're telepathic and highly perceptive. Did they see you?"
  70. [17:59] * Aluthyra nods. "Yes, they did. I didn't get further because of that-- I thought it best to leave."
  71. [18:00] <Kilarra> Kjell sighs, "Then it seems we have lost the element of surprise inadvetently. Not that they weren't already preparing for a presumed attack with the other glyphs gone."
  72. [18:02] * Kilarra nods, "Alright then, let's call up the... well, I suppose the CHardas are the cavalry. That would make the Ghaele's... screw it, I don't know any good war metaphors." She lays her hands on the pair of summoning circles.
  73. [18:04] * Kilarra notes, "This will take about ten minutes. I send the desire for aid to Calistria, and she basically has to ask for volunteers. Consider what's at stake, it shouldn't be too hard, but it's a fair bit of magic to work with."
  74. [18:04] <Aluthyra> Kahree snickers.
  75. [18:05] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and looks to the Chardas. "I have another idea. The chardas are small, but they have numbers. But if I could make a few of them bigger it would create a few more potent warriors around which the smaller ones could group.
  76. [18:05] <Kilarra> "
  77. [18:06] <Kilarra> Kjell smirks, "I thought of it last night and came prepared for the possibility of working with the smaller humanoids."
  78. [18:06] <Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow. "How many can you cast it on?"
  79. [18:07] <Kilarra> Kjell considers, "With one casting I could get... fourteen of them. If there are a dozen dozen, like Klirkit said, that would be more than enough for one enlarged Charda to a squad."
  80. [18:09] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Nice."
  81. [18:09] <Kilarra> Kjell notes, "There is the matter of duration though. So, if I may, I think I have a suitable plan."
  82. [18:09] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, waiting for Kjell to mention his plan.
  83. [18:09] * Kilarra keeps an ear cocked as well while channeling the magic for her summonings
  84. [18:12] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "So, if those demons saw Aluthyra, who Allevrah is already familiar with, then she knows we're coming. So, in order to make the best use of the duration of my spell, we should amass at the shore of the Caltherium. Then I can enlarge the Chardas, all of whom can swim in the Black Blood without consequence. Then, once they're across, along with the Ghaele's, who can fly, I teleport the four of us across to join them and engag
  85. [18:13] <Kilarra> -I teleport the four of us across to join them and engage some of the drow personally. Once we've taken out a squad to even things out, we make for the temple."
  86. [18:14] <Kilarra> Kjell notes, "If we take the time to try and stomp out -all- of those drow with the Chardas, it will be much more likely that Allevrah will be able to redirect or conjure more defenses for the temple proper. If we leave the Chardas there engaging them, its a distraction and prevents them from changing position to stop us."
  87. [18:15] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Sounds like a plan. And then we kick Allevrah's ass."
  88. [18:16] * Kilarra nods, "We can cross that bridge when we get to it. Hopefully with her little army engaged and nowhere to go, we can corner her. Undoubtedly she'll have kept some reserves, and that illusionist from Bhaq's temple is still out there somewhere."
  89. [18:19] <Kilarra> After a few more minutes, Kilarra's summoning circles glow wit ha brilliant yellow light. Inside of each one appears a single Ghaele. One of them is someone the party has met before. Jezelle smiles at them, "I see you've been keeping busy."
  90. [18:20] * Kilarra blinks in surprise, "Jezelle? That's... surprising."
  91. [18:21] <Kilarra> Jezelle nods, "I heard the call and felt that if I came with, it might save you some time explaining things." She gestures to the other Ghaele, "I already told her what was going on."
  92. [18:21] * Kilarra nods, "Definitely helpful."
  93. [18:22] <Kilarra> Kjell gestures to the pile of drow gear, "Well, although you know what's at stake, we have this drow equipment as an offering as well."
  94. [18:23] <Kilarra> Jezelle smiles, "Thank you. While it is a noble cause, I think you'll agree that working for free sucks." She smiles, "Although most likely we'll just donate it to a worthwhile cause once we're finished her anyways, but we appreciate it nonetheless."
  95. [18:23] <Kilarra> *here
  96. [18:24] * Kilarra nods and smiles at the Ghaele's, then gestures to the Chardas, "We mainly called you here to help these folks out. They were under the heel of the drow down here, and having joined with us. We felt it was noble of them to offer, self interest aside, but I would have felt bad if they suffered huge casualties."
  97. [18:25] <Kilarra> Jezelle smiles, "Right. So, what are we going to be doing?"
  98. [18:25] <Aluthyra> Kahree looks to Kjell to explain his plan again.
  99. [18:26] <Kilarra> Kjell recaps the plan for the benefit of the Ghaele's. By the time explanations and summonings were all finished, a dozen dozen Charda warriors have assembled, including the Unblinking Scales. Exactly as Klirkit had expected.
  100. [18:29] <Kilarra> Jezelle and her friend shift into orbs of light, hovering along with the party as they begin the march to the Caltherium. The final battle was waiting for them
  101. [18:29] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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