
summoner notes notes notes

Sep 28th, 2019
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  1. so this class is a sort of pet class, which uses gemstones and stuff to connect to a.. not "eidolon" but i'll use some term. "servant"? i dunno. anyways, gems are a main focus because this is steven universe now
  2. it's like a half-caster, but you can sort of "bind" spell slots to empower your eidolon or whatever. or, maybe i should make it a full-caster? it'd get a very small spells known amount. hey, what if it only got like 10 spells known or something, but *every* slot level your chosen pet thing gives you a new spell known? i think that could be fun. yeah let's try a full-caster.
  3. so, the empowering of your pet thing makes it like Actually Good:tm: because without it it's sort of like A Blank Clay Blob That Just Sort of Hits. maybe you can also spend a slot while it's empowered to make it Do A Cool Thing:tm: which further explains why you have like negative spells known?
  4. subclasses... there's a lot of ways i could go about this, i'm gonna have to look at what ISN'T really covered by 5e for those. different concepts:
  5. - since gemstones, the most obvious choice would be something based on gemstones or geology, but if i do that i'm gonna go with fictional fantasy gems because that means much less restrictions. still, this one also feels the weakest, i think, because it's sort of just Similar In Name Only for the most part. it also doesn't help explain... how your character exists???
  6. - guilds are possible but are a bit bland, since conclaves, schools, and circles are all sorta these.
  7. - creature type... could work, but i don't really like that. i enjoy the idea that some summoners will have a pet that has some sort of "preferred" forms (maybe only fiend-like ones, or something) while others will have blobs that are free to just amalgamate into whatever the FUCK they want
  8. -
  10. so here's a concept. not an original one but
  11. what if your pet is basically a sapient flesh lightsaber?
  12. yeah so basically, it's a part of your soul oh my FUCKING GOD I'M BEING INFLUENCED BY AN ***UNDERTALE COMIC DUB I SAW YESTERDAY*** but WHAtEver it works
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