
Forged Destiny [Book 1: Ch. 5]

Aug 23rd, 2018 (edited)
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  1. I was struggling to hit her, but if I managed it, I would hit hard – and I could take a beating too.
  3. So when her next attack came, the girl covering the distance in what felt like a fraction of a second… I dropped my guard and let her in. A blow hit my stomach, driving the wind from me as she spun and delivered a kick to the side of my head. When I fell back she kept the pressure on, unwilling to give up the momentum as she sought to bring me down. So close, my sword was just about useless, which was probably her plan.
  5. She didn't expect it when I dropped Crocea Mors entirely, nor when my arms wrapped around her in a bear hug, the girl too close to react.
  7. We struck the ground together, her gasping for breath as I fell on top of her, my armour adding quite a bit of extra weight. One of her knees hit my back but I ignored the pain, sitting up on her stomach and punching her in the face. I think it shocked more than just her. The crowd went silent, before erupting in violent cheers as I lifted my fist once more and delivered another powerful strike, dazing her slightly. She recovered quickly, however, bringing up her hands to block before launching a counter-attack herself, catching the side of my neck.
  9. I was losing aura still, 55% now and approaching the point of defeat, but my attacks were having an effect on her too. What I lacked in my ability to dodge and hit, I made up for with the sheer power behind my blows, and with her pinned beneath me actually hitting was a moot point anyway.
  11. —Forged Destiny [Book 1: Ch. 5]
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