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Mar 26th, 2020
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  1. Loading asset C:\Users\roma\Documents\My Games\HotlineMiami\hotline.cfg from disk
  2. GL_sampler_objects extension not found. Sampler states will not work correctly. Using fallback for glGenSamplers.
  3. GL_sampler_objects extension not found. Sampler states will not work correctly. Using fallback for glBindSampler.
  4. CSplashScreen::Initialize
  5. Class 'PClassDescriptor' has resized from 144 bytes (in file) to 148 bytes (in runtime)
  6. Class 'PClassDescriptor' has resized from 144 bytes (in file) to 148 bytes (in runtime)
  7. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  8. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  9. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  10. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  11. Class 'PCgBindingFpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  12. Class 'PCgBindingGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  13. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  14. Class 'PShaderVertexProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  15. Class 'PShaderVertexProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  16. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  17. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  18. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  19. Class 'PCgBindingVpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  20. Class 'PMaterialSwitch' has resized from 8 bytes (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  21. Data member 'PMaterialSwitch::m_name' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  22. Data member 'PMaterialSwitch::m_value' has moved from 4 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 8 bytes (in runtime)
  23. Class 'PNodeContext' has resized from 8 bytes (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  24. Data member 'PNodeContext::m_packedSwitches' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  25. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  26. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  27. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  28. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  29. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 44 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  30. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has changed size from 16 bytes (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  31. Class 'PCgBindingFpGL' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  32. Class 'PCgBindingGL' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  33. Data member 'PCgBindingGL::m_streamsAndParameters' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  34. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgram' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  35. Class 'PShaderPass' has resized from 204 bytes (in file) to 208 bytes (in runtime)
  36. Class 'PShaderPassGL' has resized from 204 bytes (in file) to 208 bytes (in runtime)
  37. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_state' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  38. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_vertexParameterLocation' has moved from 108 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 112 bytes (in runtime)
  39. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_fragmentParameterLocation' has moved from 132 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 136 bytes (in runtime)
  40. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_vertexTexParameterLocation' has moved from 156 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 160 bytes (in runtime)
  41. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_fragmentTexParameterLocation' has moved from 180 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 184 bytes (in runtime)
  42. Class 'PShaderPassBase' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  43. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_vertexProgram' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  44. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_fragmentProgram' has moved from 4 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 8 bytes (in runtime)
  45. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_geometryProgram' has moved from 8 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  46. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_computeProgram' has moved from 12 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 16 bytes (in runtime)
  47. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_streamLocations' has moved from 16 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  48. Class 'PShaderComputeProgram' has resized from 1 bytes (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  49. Class 'PShaderGeometryProgram' has resized from 1 bytes (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  50. Class 'PShaderPassInfo' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 36 bytes (in runtime)
  51. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_vertexEntryPoint' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  52. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_vertexProfile' has moved from 16 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  53. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_fragmentEntryPoint' has moved from 4 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 8 bytes (in runtime)
  54. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_fragmentProfile' has moved from 20 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 24 bytes (in runtime)
  55. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_geometryEntryPoint' has moved from 8 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  56. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_geometryProfile' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  57. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_computeEntryPoint' has moved from 12 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 16 bytes (in runtime)
  58. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_computeProfile' has moved from 28 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  59. Class 'PShaderProgramBase' has resized from 1 bytes (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  60. Class 'PShaderProgramParamsAndStreamsGL' has resized from 16 bytes (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  61. Data member 'PShaderProgramParamsAndStreamsGL::m_streamDefinitions' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  62. Data member 'PShaderProgramParamsAndStreamsGL::m_parameterDefinitions' has moved from 8 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  63. Class 'PShaderVertexProgram' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  64. Class 'PShaderVertexProgramGL' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  65. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  66. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  67. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  68. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 44 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  69. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has changed size from 16 bytes (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  70. Class 'PCgBindingVpGL' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  71. Class 'PMaterialSwitch' has resized from 8 bytes (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  72. Data member 'PMaterialSwitch::m_name' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  73. Data member 'PMaterialSwitch::m_value' has moved from 4 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 8 bytes (in runtime)
  74. Class 'PNodeContext' has resized from 8 bytes (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  75. Data member 'PNodeContext::m_packedSwitches' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  76. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  77. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  78. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  79. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  80. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 44 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  81. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has changed size from 16 bytes (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  82. Class 'PCgBindingFpGL' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  83. Class 'PCgBindingGL' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  84. Data member 'PCgBindingGL::m_streamsAndParameters' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  85. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgram' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  86. Class 'PShaderPass' has resized from 204 bytes (in file) to 208 bytes (in runtime)
  87. Class 'PShaderPassGL' has resized from 204 bytes (in file) to 208 bytes (in runtime)
  88. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_state' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  89. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_vertexParameterLocation' has moved from 108 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 112 bytes (in runtime)
  90. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_fragmentParameterLocation' has moved from 132 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 136 bytes (in runtime)
  91. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_vertexTexParameterLocation' has moved from 156 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 160 bytes (in runtime)
  92. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_fragmentTexParameterLocation' has moved from 180 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 184 bytes (in runtime)
  93. Class 'PShaderPassBase' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  94. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_vertexProgram' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  95. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_fragmentProgram' has moved from 4 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 8 bytes (in runtime)
  96. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_geometryProgram' has moved from 8 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  97. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_computeProgram' has moved from 12 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 16 bytes (in runtime)
  98. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_streamLocations' has moved from 16 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  99. Class 'PShaderComputeProgram' has resized from 1 bytes (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  100. Class 'PShaderGeometryProgram' has resized from 1 bytes (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  101. Class 'PShaderPassInfo' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 36 bytes (in runtime)
  102. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_vertexEntryPoint' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  103. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_vertexProfile' has moved from 16 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  104. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_fragmentEntryPoint' has moved from 4 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 8 bytes (in runtime)
  105. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_fragmentProfile' has moved from 20 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 24 bytes (in runtime)
  106. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_geometryEntryPoint' has moved from 8 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  107. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_geometryProfile' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  108. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_computeEntryPoint' has moved from 12 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 16 bytes (in runtime)
  109. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_computeProfile' has moved from 28 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  110. Class 'PShaderProgramBase' has resized from 1 bytes (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  111. Class 'PShaderProgramParamsAndStreamsGL' has resized from 16 bytes (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  112. Data member 'PShaderProgramParamsAndStreamsGL::m_streamDefinitions' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  113. Data member 'PShaderProgramParamsAndStreamsGL::m_parameterDefinitions' has moved from 8 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  114. Class 'PShaderVertexProgram' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  115. Class 'PShaderVertexProgramGL' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  116. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  117. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  118. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  119. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 44 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  120. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has changed size from 16 bytes (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  121. Class 'PCgBindingVpGL' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  122. Class 'PMaterialSwitch' has resized from 8 bytes (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  123. Data member 'PMaterialSwitch::m_name' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  124. Data member 'PMaterialSwitch::m_value' has moved from 4 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 8 bytes (in runtime)
  125. Class 'PNodeContext' has resized from 8 bytes (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  126. Data member 'PNodeContext::m_packedSwitches' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  127. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  128. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  129. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  130. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  131. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 44 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  132. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has changed size from 16 bytes (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  133. Class 'PCgBindingFpGL' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  134. Class 'PCgBindingGL' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  135. Data member 'PCgBindingGL::m_streamsAndParameters' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  136. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgram' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  137. Class 'PShaderPass' has resized from 204 bytes (in file) to 208 bytes (in runtime)
  138. Class 'PShaderPassGL' has resized from 204 bytes (in file) to 208 bytes (in runtime)
  139. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_state' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  140. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_vertexParameterLocation' has moved from 108 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 112 bytes (in runtime)
  141. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_fragmentParameterLocation' has moved from 132 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 136 bytes (in runtime)
  142. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_vertexTexParameterLocation' has moved from 156 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 160 bytes (in runtime)
  143. Data member 'PShaderPassGL::m_fragmentTexParameterLocation' has moved from 180 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 184 bytes (in runtime)
  144. Class 'PShaderPassBase' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  145. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_vertexProgram' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  146. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_fragmentProgram' has moved from 4 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 8 bytes (in runtime)
  147. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_geometryProgram' has moved from 8 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  148. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_computeProgram' has moved from 12 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 16 bytes (in runtime)
  149. Data member 'PShaderPassBase::m_streamLocations' has moved from 16 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  150. Class 'PShaderComputeProgram' has resized from 1 bytes (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  151. Class 'PShaderGeometryProgram' has resized from 1 bytes (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  152. Class 'PShaderPassInfo' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 36 bytes (in runtime)
  153. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_vertexEntryPoint' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  154. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_vertexProfile' has moved from 16 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  155. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_fragmentEntryPoint' has moved from 4 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 8 bytes (in runtime)
  156. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_fragmentProfile' has moved from 20 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 24 bytes (in runtime)
  157. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_geometryEntryPoint' has moved from 8 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  158. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_geometryProfile' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  159. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_computeEntryPoint' has moved from 12 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 16 bytes (in runtime)
  160. Data member 'PShaderPassInfo::m_computeProfile' has moved from 28 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  161. Class 'PShaderProgramBase' has resized from 1 bytes (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  162. Class 'PShaderProgramParamsAndStreamsGL' has resized from 16 bytes (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  163. Data member 'PShaderProgramParamsAndStreamsGL::m_streamDefinitions' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  164. Data member 'PShaderProgramParamsAndStreamsGL::m_parameterDefinitions' has moved from 8 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 12 bytes (in runtime)
  165. Class 'PShaderVertexProgram' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  166. Class 'PShaderVertexProgramGL' has resized from 60 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  167. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has moved from 0 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 4 bytes (in runtime)
  168. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  169. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 24 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  170. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 44 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  171. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has changed size from 16 bytes (in file) to 20 bytes (in runtime)
  172. Class 'PCgBindingVpGL' has resized from 24 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  173. Class 'PClassDescriptor' has resized from 144 bytes (in file) to 148 bytes (in runtime)
  174. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  175. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  176. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  177. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  178. Class 'PCgBindingFpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  179. Class 'PCgBindingGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  180. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  181. Class 'PShaderVertexProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  182. Class 'PShaderVertexProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  183. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  184. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  185. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  186. Class 'PCgBindingVpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  187. Class 'PClassDescriptor' has resized from 144 bytes (in file) to 148 bytes (in runtime)
  188. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  189. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  190. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  191. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  192. Class 'PCgBindingFpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  193. Class 'PCgBindingGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  194. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  195. Class 'PShaderVertexProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  196. Class 'PShaderVertexProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  197. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  198. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  199. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  200. Class 'PCgBindingVpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  201. Class 'PClassDescriptor' has resized from 144 bytes (in file) to 148 bytes (in runtime)
  202. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  203. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  204. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  205. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  206. Class 'PCgBindingFpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  207. Class 'PCgBindingGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  208. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  209. Class 'PShaderVertexProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  210. Class 'PShaderVertexProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  211. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  212. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  213. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  214. Class 'PCgBindingVpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  215. Class 'PClassDescriptor' has resized from 144 bytes (in file) to 148 bytes (in runtime)
  216. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  217. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  218. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  219. Data member 'PShaderFragmentProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  220. Class 'PCgBindingFpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  221. Class 'PCgBindingGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  222. Class 'PShaderFragmentProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  223. Class 'PShaderVertexProgram' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  224. Class 'PShaderVertexProgramGL' has resized from 76 bytes (in file) to 72 bytes (in runtime)
  225. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_binding' has changed size from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  226. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_source' has moved from 36 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 32 bytes (in runtime)
  227. Data member 'PShaderVertexProgramGL::m_paramsAndStreams' has moved from 56 bytes from the start of the class (in file) to 52 bytes (in runtime)
  228. Class 'PCgBindingVpGL' has resized from 32 bytes (in file) to 28 bytes (in runtime)
  229. CSplashScreen::Release
  230. Unloading cluster Assets/GL/splash.png
  231. Creating room 97
  232. Setting room 97
  233. Loading Room 97
  234. Loaded Room 97
  235. Creating room 171
  236. Setting room 171
  237. Loading Room 171
  238. Loaded Room 171
  239. Releasing room 97
  240. Creating room 93
  241. Setting room 93
  242. Loading Room 93
  243. Loaded Room 93
  244. Releasing room 171
  245. Creating room 1
  246. Loading asset HorseSteppin.ogg from disk
  247. Setting room 1
  248. Loading Room 1
  249. Creating surface 0 (453x319)
  250. Creating surface 1 (1920x1440)
  251. Creating surface 2 (1920x1440)
  252. Loaded Room 1
  253. Releasing room 93
  254. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/d/splDennatonPieces.ags
  255. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/d/splDennatonFlash.ags
  256. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/b/splBullet.ags
  257. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/s/splSplashShift.ags
  258. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/w/splWaveComing.ags
  259. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/d/splDennatonTitle.ags
  260. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/s/Splash.ags
  261. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/n/sprNoise.ags
  262. Creating room 76
  263. Setting room 76
  264. Loading Room 76
  265. Queue remove surface 0 (453x319)
  266. Queue remove surface 1 (1920x1440)
  267. Queue remove surface 2 (1920x1440)
  268. Creating surface 3 (453x255)
  269. Surface destructor -1
  270. Reusing surface 1 (1920x1440)
  271. Surface destructor -1
  272. Reusing surface 2 (1920x1440)
  273. Surface destructor -1
  274. Loaded Room 76
  275. Releasing room 1
  276. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/t/sprTitle.ags
  277. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/p/sprPalmTrees.ags
  278. Removing surface 0 (453x319)
  279. Creating room 1
  280. Setting room 1
  281. Loading Room 1
  282. Creating surface 0 (453x319)
  283. Surface destructor 3
  284. Queue remove surface 3 (453x255)
  285. Creating surface 4 (1920x1440)
  286. Surface destructor 1
  287. Queue remove surface 1 (1920x1440)
  288. Reusing surface 1 (1920x1440)
  289. Surface destructor 2
  290. Queue remove surface 2 (1920x1440)
  291. Loaded Room 1
  292. Releasing room 76
  293. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/a/sprApartment1.ags
  294. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/t/sprTrainstation.ags
  295. Removing surface 2 (1920x1440)
  296. Removing surface 3 (453x255)
  297. Creating room 125
  298. Setting room 125
  299. Loading Room 125
  300. Queue remove surface 0 (453x319)
  301. Creating surface 2 (453x255)
  302. Surface destructor -1
  303. Loaded Room 125
  304. Releasing room 1
  305. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/s/SingleSprites.ags
  306. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/f/furniture.ags
  307. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/p/player.ags
  308. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/b/bulletFx.ags
  309. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/t/sprTitle.ags
  310. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/p/sprPalmTrees.ags
  311. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/e/enemies.ags
  312. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/e/enemies3.ags
  313. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/e/enemies5.ags
  314. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/e/enemies2.ags
  315. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/b/sprBoss2ThrowKnife.ags
  316. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/e/enemies4.ags
  317. Removing surface 0 (453x319)
  318. Releasing room 125
  319. Surface destructor 4
  320. Queue remove surface 4 (1920x1440)
  321. Surface destructor 1
  322. Queue remove surface 1 (1920x1440)
  323. Surface destructor 2
  324. Queue remove surface 2 (453x255)
  325. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/savingAnimation.ags
  326. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/s/SingleSprites.ags
  327. Unloading cluster AssetScripts/w/sprWave.ags
  328. Queue remove surface 0
  329. Queue remove surface 1 (1920x1440)
  330. Queue remove surface 2 (453x255)
  331. Queue remove surface 3
  332. Queue remove surface 4 (1920x1440)
  333. Queue remove surface 5
  334. Queue remove surface 6
  335. Queue remove surface 7
  336. Queue remove surface 8
  337. Queue remove surface 9
  338. Queue remove surface 10
  339. Queue remove surface 11
  340. Queue remove surface 12
  341. Queue remove surface 13
  342. Queue remove surface 14
  343. Queue remove surface 15
  344. Queue remove surface 16
  345. Queue remove surface 17
  346. Queue remove surface 18
  347. Queue remove surface 19
  348. Queue remove surface 20
  349. Queue remove surface 21
  350. Queue remove surface 22
  351. Queue remove surface 23
  352. Queue remove surface 24
  353. Queue remove surface 25
  354. Queue remove surface 26
  355. Queue remove surface 27
  356. Queue remove surface 28
  357. Queue remove surface 29
  358. Queue remove surface 30
  359. Queue remove surface 31
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