Bay12 NetBattlers Lore Dump

Oct 27th, 2021
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  1. The island of Kythera was known as the city of wisdom in ancient times and was an important part of ancient netsociety. In modern times Kythera is a Mediterranean tourist destination, known for its extensive ancient ruins and visited by millions every year. Despite the ancient ruins being an Achaean Historic Site and guarded by rangers, opportunistic treasure hunters and looters search them for treasures. NetOps scout for artifacts while Navis snoop for ancient data in millennia-old servers. The ultimate goal is the recovery of the Wisdom of Kythera, a legendary artifact with supposedly supernatural powers. Yet even if it possesses none of the abilities it is said to have, whoever discovers it first is certain to become rich beyond their wildest dreams. Yet looters are not the only ones searching for the Wisdom of Kythera, as the megacorporation Volos Dynamiká Proïónta moved to the island years ago and is willing and capable of using every single underhanded tactic to get their hands on it. With so many searching for the Wisdom it is inevitable that someday it will be found. Yet is it wise to dig up what was hidden so many centuries ago?
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  5. Achaea:
  6. The country which Kythera is a part of.
  8. Aegina:
  9. Once a minor village in the northwest of Kythera, a few years ago most of the village was acquired by the VDP and the few remaining inhabitants evacuated due to archaeological concerns. The village has since been demolished and become a major digsite, though little is known about it as the megacorp shipped in foreign archaeologists and protects the site heavily with their own guards. The nearby Glaucus Sarpedon Manufacturing Complex has produced specialized equipment for the dig but nobody knows what for exactly.
  11. Antikythera:
  12. Given than the ruins of old Kythera lie on the northern side of the island, opposite from the modern city, they are usually referred to as Antikythera. Even after generations of excavations most of the ruins remain buried aside from the occasional wall or column sticking out. A large portion of the recovered ruins is opened to tourists and visitors, such as the restored Temple of Semele Sofóteros. The rest of the recovered ruins are either still being studied or slowly prepared for the public. Little is known about the destruction of the ancient city but according to ancient legends it was razed by Ionian refugees in retribution.
  14. Antikytheran Necropolis:
  15. The major burial grounds of the ancient Kytherans, located on the northern foothils of Mount Cyllene. What escaped the destruction of Antikythera was plundered and vandalized in the following centuries and so very little remains. This does not deter opportunists, who are drawn in by rumours of hidden tunnels or secret networks. The necropolis thus has a small detachment of Kytheran Rangers stationed to protect what little remains.
  17. Cos:
  18. A small collection of rocky islands to the southwest of Kythera. As one of the few remaining nesting grounds of the slender-billed gull it is inhabited by a small research team studying the birds to figure out how to breed them in captivity.
  20. Dia:
  21. A modest village in the southwest of Kythera. While it is mostly agricultural, in recent times it has become home to retirees who want to live somewhere quieter than the city. This has naturally attracted businesses and so the village is slowly growing and expanding, prompting concerns that it will become infested with tourists like the city. Ever since VDP headquarters was constructed, the inhabitants have complained that it is an eyesore.
  23. Glaucus Sarpedon Manufacturing Complex:
  24. Nestled in the foothills of Mount Cyllene on the northwest section of the island, Glaucus Sarpedon Manufacturing Complex host the only factories VDP has opened on the island. They are slick, modern facilities that are used mostly for marketing and demonstrations than actually manufacturing anything. Due to heavy automation it employs more custodial staff than technicians. Due to a rash of vandalism and graffiti by locals left unemployed by VDP's predatory practices, it is heavily protected with barbed wire and security robots. With the demolition of Aegina the complex has begun producing specialized equipment for the digs but few Kytherans are employed in positions with any responsibility.
  26. Kythera (City):
  27. Kythera is both an Achaean island and name of the only city on the island. Located on the southern size of the island, it is not an especially large city but is well known due to the nearby Antikythera ruins and the headquarters of the VDP corporation.
  29. Kythera (Island):
  30. Kythera is both an Achaean island and name of the only city on the island.
  32. Kythera National Airport:
  33. Located east of the city, KNA is a small but busy airport. It cannot handle large jetliners but it still receives thousands of visitors each day, including many international flights from other countries in the Mediterranean. To handle such a high number of passengers it is heavily automated with all sorts of scanners and conveyor belts. Despite all of the money invested in it, city hall is debating moving the airport somewhere else on the island so that the Paralía District can be expanded even further east.
  35. Marvos:
  36. A well-sized village in the eastern part of the island. Its most notable landmark is headquarters of the Kytheran Rangers, who patrol the island to try and protect the ancient ruins. It is also well serviced by the trams and so the locals visit its beaches to avoid the crush of tourists, though that is changing as Marvos is being 'discovered' by travel writers. As most locals have fond childhood memories of Marvos, the intrusion is seen as especially onerous and so the complaints about tourists are even louder than usual.
  38. Mount Cyllene:
  39. The remains of the extinct volcano that formed the island. In ancient times worshippers would make sacrifices on its top to be nearer to the gods. In modern days it is criss-crossed by plenty of well-marked hiking trails, though many have been temporarily closed down due to concerns about looters. To compensate groups are regularly escorted to the peak of Cyllene to take in the view. While not a very large mountain it is dotted with fissures and caves and so leaving the trails can be dangerous. Since it was also a sacred place for the ancient Achaeans it is dotted with many shrines and tombs and so is regularly patrolled by Kytheran Rangers to protect Achaea's ancient heritage.
  41. Pirate's Fort:
  42. Located on a spur on the western edge of Kythera, Pirate's Fort was intermediately used for millennium due to its superb defensive location. As its name suggests, it was last used by pirates centuries ago before being torn down and abandoned. Despite its obvious age it hasn't gotten much attention by archaeologists aside from a few quick surveys. Its defensive location makes lugging equipment a pain and the fort was extensively renovated in the Middle Ages, removing most traces of its earlier inhabitation. As the worn out joke goes, anything made after 0 CE is too modern for the professors of Kythera University.
  44. Sardis:
  45. A small island to the northwest of Kythera. It is mostly inhabited by fishermen and so its small population fluctuates significantly with the seasons.
  47. Sideros:
  48. A minor village in the north of Kythera, known mostly for agriculture. Due to its proximity to Antikythera, farmers often dig up artifacts with their plows and so the machines have their programs tweaked to avoid damaging or reburying them.
  50. Temple of Semele Sofóteros:
  51. Semele was a titan who gave birth to the Achaean gods and so was worshipped as a mother goddess. On Kythera she was revered as a creative force and a grand temple was erected above the ancient city. It was looted in the destruction of Antikythera but the structure remained mostly intact and so was eventually restored. Located next to the Museum of Ancient Achaea, the restored temple is visited by millions of tourists each year who learn about ancient Achaean religion and marvel at the leonine goddess's giant cult statue. The University has mumbled about revisiting the site with modern archaeological techniques, but interrupting the flow of tourists is unlikely to sit well with anyone and so no serious plans have been created.
  53. Mikrí Thera:
  54. A small island to the southeast of Kythera. Only 17 people live on the island, as most of it is rocky and barren.
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  58. Anasynkrótisi Services:
  59. Being a megacorp, VDP is large enough that it requires an entire division to handle janitorial services and basic maintenance. Anasynkrótisi Services employs the highest number of local Kytherans in a transparent attempt to meet quotas. As a result it employs large numbers of poorly paid workers, giving them little respect and replacing them whenever they ask for better hours or more pay.
  61. Volos Dynamiká Proïónta Corporation:
  62. The only Achaean company that truly deserves the title of megacorp, though several others come close. VDP's primary focus is the manufacturing of electronics, which means that they are involved in the manufacturing of almost everything. Few people realize how much VDP electronics they use in their day to day lives, as only PETs and similar devices are branded with their logo.
  64. Twenty-five years ago VDP moved their headquarters to Kythera and have since warped the politics of the city. Local manufacturing has come underneath the thumb of the megacorp and the council either bends over backwards to keep them happy or becomes deadlocked by councilpersons bought out by VDP. Technically the megacorp has brought jobs to the island, but all of the well-paying and respected positions are filled with foreign workers. If local Kytherans are employed it is usually for long hours and low pay in easily replaced jobs. Despite numerous promises to the contrary, VDP has bought out local businesses and either laid off most of their workforce or pressured them into quitting. Many technically-minded Kytherans have left the island to seek work abroad but some instead plunder the ruins of Antikythera to make ends meet.
  66. Initial concerns about VDP development have risen once again with the demolition of Aegina and construction in Eleusis Cliffs and the roads leading to VDP headquarters are covered by signs and protesters, but security keep them far away from any executives or VIPs.
  68. Volos Dynamiká Proïónta Manufacturing:
  69. The division of VDP that actually produces electronics and so is the largest and most profitable section of the company. Despite the megacorp's headquarters being on the island, VDP Manufacturing still operates almost entirely on the mainland. The Glaucus Sarpedon Manufacturing Complex hosts the few factories on Kythera and what locals work there are janitors and custodial staff. Even if they don't want to produce anything on the island, VDP Manufacturing does not want others to either in case it damages the megacorp's reputation. They thus have been busy buying up local factories and moving production to their off-island facilities. Workers are given the choice of uprooting their lives or quitting to stay with friends and family, which entitles them to less compensation than if they were laid off.
  71. VDPsoft:
  72. The division of VDP that handles software. While not as large as its manufacturing it still brings in trillions of zenny in revenue and is an important foundation for the megacorp's operations. VDPsoft programs are optimized to work with VDP electronics but will run on any hardware. The move of VDP headquarters to Kythera has seen many local businesses bought out and, after promises to the contrary, merged into VDPsoft operations. Despite extensive layoffs this also brought many mavericks into the company's employment and so it has become the leakiest division of the megacorp as employees smuggle out corporate data or intentionally ignore breaches and poor security.
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  76. Argyris Business Park:
  77. Kythera University focuses mostly on archaeology and the humanities but it also has a competent selection of technical programs to meet the needs of modern net society. Argyris Business Park was founded on the west end of the city to support new businesses and develop industries that weren't dependent on tourism. The park was quickly filled up by Kytherans wanting to do more than wait on tourists all day, though most companies only enjoyed modest success. With the arrival of VDP, most businesses were bought out or moved to friendlier locations as the megacorp sucked up support from city hall. Argyris is virtually a ghost town now and council members are debating how to rezone it and whether or not it should be merged into the adjacent Néos District.
  79. Central District:
  80. The heart of the city, located more or less in the centre. Holding the historical town hall, now a civic museum, the modern city hall, transit hub and other important buildings, the district is frequented by tourists and locals alike. It is easy to access from all across the city and has good food, good drinks, and plenty of entertainment and shopping. As such it is largely closed to vehicles for most of the year, due to heavy foot traffic.
  82. Eleusis Cliffs:
  83. Located west of the city, Eleusis Cliffs was once a nature reserve and nesting grounds of the slender-billed gull, an endangered seabird found on only a few Mediterranean islands. Locals were concerned that development of the Néos District would destroy the gull's habitat but despite numerous protests accomplished construction proceeded as planned. The slender-billed gull no longer nests on the island and so Eleusis Cliffs is being turned into beach homes for VDP executives. Rumours that the megacorp sent out agents to speed the demise of the seabirds is commonly found in BBSs, especially in Aegina Square.
  85. Néos District:
  86. After VDP decided to relocate to Kythera they began constructing their new headquarters in rural land west of the city. In the generation since they bought up all of the farms and the area has been extensively developed to meet the needs of the company's executives, managers and workers, thus why it has been named the Néos District. VDP Headquarters towers over the district as the tallest building on the island, while upscale and modern housing is gated off from visitors and patrolled by private security. Despite being well-serviced by roads, buses and a tram-line the district still feels like an entirely different world due to the large number of foreigners brought in by the company's move. Few Kytherans live in the Néos District and those employed there have few reasons to remain after work given how little respect they are given by the other employees.
  88. Papadopoulos District:
  89. When Kythera University was founded it lay beyond the borders of the city but since then it has been swallowed up by development and is now within city limits. The Papadopoulos District sits in the northeast and is mostly residential but there is a notable slant towards cheap housing, fattening food, and other services for the student body. Riding the trams late at night is often an experience due to the drunken students returning home after spending hours boozing it up in the city centre. The Papadopoulos District also has many small start ups and software companies, where office space is cheaper than in Argyris, though only a fraction of what there was before. VDP's arrival saw most of them bought out and merged into VDPsoft, usually with most of the workers laid off and only the cheapest employees retained.
  91. Paralía District:
  92. Kythera's beaches aren't the best in Achaea but they are still excellent and visited by the millions of tourists who travel to the island. The Paralía District lies to the southeast and is packed with hotels, restaurants and shops to service the needs of tourists enjoying the Mediterranean waters. Antikythera artifacts are openly and secretively sold in the Paralía District, though many are recreations and forgeries passed off as the real thing. Even the legitimate artifacts are usually stolen from the island's ruins but few tourists care. It is an open secret that the Undernet's servers are hidden in the Paralía District but so far the police have been unable to find out exactly where.
  94. Thomas Katsaros operates his food truck mostly as a hobby but he still has a permit to operate in the Paralía District. While it helps maintain his cover, he does so mostly for the compliments he receives for his cooking.
  96. Port Proóthisi:
  97. The major harbour for both the island and city of Kythera and so it is a busy place, as ferries, cargo vessels and similar ships are always coming and going. It is easily accessible by tram and Kythera's major roadways radiate off of it like spokes on a wheel. While it is starting to show its age, the port's facilities are reasonably clean and well-maintained. The western end of the port has plenty of apartments and low-income housing, while the eastern end blends into the Paralía District as it services the stream of tourists visiting the island. With VDP buying up and closing down local industries, Port Proóthisi is getting crowded as locals seek employment or move somewhere cheaper to live.
  99. Samaras Heights:
  100. Even with the arrival of VDP, Samaras Heights still contains the wealthiest and nicest homes in Kythera. Located on the foothills of Mount Cyllene north of the city, it has excellent views and regular breezes that keep it cooler in the summer. Its many parks are a popular destination for picnickers and it is also the starting point for many hiking trails up the mountain. Needless to say, the locals complain about the tourists even if they aren't as numerous as in other sections of the city.
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  104. Aegina Square:
  105. Every village on the island has its own square for its inhabitants. Aegina's was disconnected before it was demolished by VDP but since then an unknown group of hacktivists have brought it back online. Its BBSs are primarily focused on documenting the shady doings of VDP and its outrages against the people of Kythera, but it naturally attracts those with a more general anti-capitalist streak. Due to attacks by thugs and waves of viruses, only the entrance which hosts the BBSs is open to the public. Getting access to the central portion of the square and its vendors requires proof that one is against VDP. Most do so by stealing important data from the megacorp, such as reports on acquisitions or the progress of its archaeological digs. Viruses in Aegina Square are upgraded versions of the local types, but its small size means that Navis in over their heads can always make a quick dash to safety.
  107. Beach Square:
  108. As the net counterpart to the Paralía District, the Beach Square is designed in an exaggerated Achaean style in blue and white. Being full of foreign Navis you can hear all sorts of languages being spoken and an international selection of data and chips on offer. The local BBSs are mostly full of advertising and international news instead of interesting discussion and useful tips. The square itself has heavy security but the shops and hotels which connect to it are more questionable. Viruses from all over the world lurk in these side-sections but are generally on the weaker side. Due to the crowds, local Navis generally avoid Beach Square unless they want to check international news or the foreign vendors.
  110. Civic Square:
  111. The central hub of the network for both the island and city of Kythera. Local and foreign Navis intermingle in it and its BBSs are full of interesting discussion, helpful tips, and local news. Vendors can be found all over the square, and if their selection is not as broad as in Beach Square the prices are also more affordable. Security is high and the local viruses are weak and easily busted. Even if one ends up in trouble, help is rarely far away. As such it is the safest part of the net on Kythera. Its design is blue and white with a more subdued Achaean style, as befitting its local duties.
  113. KNA Servers:
  114. The heavy automation of the Kythera National Airport requires plenty of servers and programs to manage everything. Incoming and outgoing Navis also need to go through customs and their data searched for illegal data and contraband. The KNA Servers are thus pleasantly styled in orange and white, with an aerial motif combined with Achaean symbols. Security is not as high as it should be and so many viruses lurk in the corners of the servers. Despite the high volume of international traffic, most of the viruses are of the local types.
  116. Kythera Memorial Servers:
  117. Hosted in the Central District, the memorial servers stores obituaries for humans, pets and Navis alike. It is styled in plain textures and sombre colours out of respect for the dead and deleted. The local viruses take the form of ghosts, zombies and other spooks and prefer to ambush Navis instead of making direct attacks. This contributes to the maze-like layout of the servers but plans to reformat and reorganize them are still being developed. At night it is said that one can find the spirits of the dead and deleted in the memorial servers and so children and teenagers dare each other to stay up late and visit them to prove their bravery.
  119. Kytheran Undernet:
  120. While it is connected to the mainland servers by fibre optics, Kythera also hosts its own Undernet. The physical servers are somewhere in the Paralía District and so visiting it requires knowing the passwords needed to travel through several back alley ports or being guided by a Navi who does. Thanks to the Undernet's booming trade in Antikytheran artifacts it is stylized similar to ancient depictions of Hades, with plenty of skulls and snakes in red and black.
  122. The Undernet is divided into three sections:
  123. The front-end, for visitors. While the vendors have plenty on offer, everyone knows that the prices are jacked up for the tourists and even after haggling them down you still probably overpaid.
  124. The back-end, for regulars and locals. Shops have more reasonable prices and the Undernet's BBS is located here.
  125. Tartarus, where dangerous viruses flourish due to the Undernet's minimal security. Not only are the viruses especially strong they also inflict many harmful effects and shape the netterrain to their advantage. The upper reaches of Tartarus are well-mapped by rare chip hunters but its depths are rarely seen due to the risks involved. Regular and Undernet BBSs are full of rumours about treasure or monsters lurking in the bottom level of Tartarus but as far as anyone is aware, no one has ever reached it.
  127. Marvos Square:
  128. As the village holds the headquarters for the Kytheran Rangers, the netsquare is divided into two sections. One for the locals and one for the Rangers and their Navis. Looters have setup backdoors and listening devices to keep track of Ranger movements and so the net around Marvos Square has become a tangled maze. The green and brown colouring and nature-inspired styling only adds to the sense of being lost in the woods, but as long as one stays to the main paths one can travel to and from the square without much trouble. Local viruses are either large and aggressive or small and cowardly, but dangerous in a swarm. Being nature aligned, fire-based battlechips are a must if exploring Marvos Square.
  130. Néos Square:
  131. This square is little more than a gathering point for workers and visitors to VDP's central servers, so that they only have to maintain a singular access point to the wider web. Its colours are grey and black and its styling is picked out of a corporate catalogue, as nobody has any interest in personalizing its look. The main thoroughfare is well protected by VDP security but the outlying connections are sparsely protected and so host more dangerous viruses. They are a mixture of local and international viruses that focus on harassing Navis from afar as they go about their business.
  133. Proóthisi Square:
  134. As most of the tourists are directed towards Beach Square, Proóthisi Square is mostly occupied by local Navis. It is coloured white and red and is nautically styled, though in a plain way befitting its status as a working port. Security is moderate and so viruses are more dangerous than in the rest of the city's netscape. Being appropriately aquatic in nature and composed of a mix of foreign and local types, viruses in Proóthisi Square generally appear with a big splash and attack surprised Navis. Electric-based battlechips can easily fry fishy foes and so local vendors always carry a few for battered visitors.
  136. Semele Square:
  137. The Museum of Ancient Achaea hosts its own network to educate visitors on ancient netsociety. Semele Square is coloured green and yellow and stylized after Antikytheran pottery. Its most prominent feature is a recreation of an Antikytheran Server Cube, which runs on modern hardware to accommodate a high volume of Navis. Security is not as high as it could be but the opportunity to fight ancient virus types is a draw for many visitors. These ancient, low-poly viruses are aggressive and melee-orientated but operate individually. The high number of visitors prevents them from gathering in large and dangerous groups.
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  141. Ancient Achaea:
  142. A period occuring roughly between 1600 BCE and 1200 BCE, during the late carbon age. Far more is known about it than earlier periods of Achaea's history, due to a number of surviving sites and ruins such as Antikythera.
  144. Antikytheran Server Cube:
  145. Ancient net society servers are woefully under-powered compared to modern machines but they are robust and energy efficient. As long as they were properly powered down and protected against water, they can be rebooted and accessed even millennia after their creation. Antikythera server cubes are especially tough due to their integrated design but that also makes it impossible to take them apart and access their memory directly. Instead Navis must be sent to navigate the servers and retrieve their contents and data. Looters thus take power and port adapters, so that they can take historical data to sell on the Undernet.
  147. Carbon Age:
  148. While dividing civilizations based on the materials used has long fallen out of favour in academia, it is still commonly used in popular media. The carbon age is the middle of the traditional three age structure and marks the beginning of netsociety. Early carbon-based computers were very simple but eventually became sophisticated enough to support early Navis.
  150. Classical Achaea:
  151. A period occuring roughly between 800 BCE and 500 BCE, during the early silicon age. One of the most well known periods of Achaea.
  153. Cyllenian Mysteries:
  154. As its name suggests, little is known about the Cyllenian Mysteries. Important citizens of ancient Kythera were inducted into the cult for centuries little was known about it aside from the occasional references in the ancient records. Then, thirty years ago, a hall used by the cult was discovered on Mount Cyllene. While the decorations were damaged by age and animals, the hall also had a functional server cube. Most of its data was administrative minutiae, as even a mystery religion needs floors swept, but it also had some tantalizing records that suggested that the Wisdom of Kythera was not only real but regularly used by the cult. While the records never stated what the Wisdom was used for, these references were enough to create an entire generation of looters and treasure hunters.
  156. Daimon:
  157. The ancient Achaean term for Navi. While it is the root word for demon, originally it did not carry any negative connotations.
  159. Ionian War:
  160. A legendary war between the Achaeans and Ionians that is recounted through epic poetry. It was once assumed to be a real historical event that was later distorted, but now most historians believe that it was a silicon-age tale influenced by the ruins and stories of the Achaean carbon age. Ancient Kythera is mentioned only a few times, arguing against the war before ultimately supporting their Achaean brethren. Later legends state that Antikythera was razed by Ionian refugees who happened to sail by the city and discovered it was defenceless.
  162. Late Carbon Age Collapse:
  163. As the name implies, the transition between the late carbon age and the early silicon age was extremely disruptive and very few records survive from the period. Many cities in ancient Achaea were abandoned or destroyed and net society completely disappeared for several generations before servers were imported from the east. Some historians argue that the destruction of Kythera marks the beginning of the Carbon Age Collapse in Achaea but the chronology is ill-defined and it is entirely possible that the two events have no connection. The Late Carbon Age Collapse is traditionally dated to 1200 BCE and lasted for centuries in some areas.
  165. Menippe and Metioche:
  166. Twin Achaean goddess of the underworld. After the Titanomachy the gods drew lots to determine what they would rule. Being inseparable, the twins agreed to rule Hades side by side. Menippe and Metioche are generally depicted as beautiful but stern and adorned with the riches of the underworld. In later antiquity they became connected with the goddess Erichtho, forming a trinity associated with crossroads, the moon and magic.
  168. Semele:
  169. Semele was a titan who gave birth to the Achaean gods and so was worshipped as a mother goddess. In ancient Achaea she is depicted with the head of a lion and leonine legs, often standing guard over her offspring or protecting them against their vindictive father. On Kythera she was revered as a creative force, from whom wisdom and knowledge was born, and was also regarded as the city's patron and supporter.
  171. Silicon Age:
  172. While dividing civilizations based on the materials used has long fallen out of favour in academia, it is still commonly used in popular media. The silicon age is the last of the traditional three age structure and encompasses all modern-day computing.
  174. Wisdom of Kythera:
  175. A legendary artifact used in many myths. It was used to bring back deleted Navis, generate powerful battlechips, and defeat terrible virus. In modern times it was thought to be entirely fantastical, until an accidental discovery suggested that it was both real and regularly used by the Antikytherans. Even if history does not match up with mythology, if the Wisdom of Kythera still exists it would be an international treasure and priceless artifact. According to legends it was secreted away during the sack of Antikythera and hidden in Mount Cyllene.
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  179. Aetios Thymbraios:
  180. Current CEO of the Volos Dynamiká Proïónta Corporation and the man who engineered its relocation to Kythera, back when he was still Chief Operating Officer. Despite his age he is still in firm control of the megacorp and will only give it up when it's pried from his cold, dead hands. Micromanaging an entire mega corporation is impossible but he makes a valiant attempt at it, demanding regular reports and performing snap inspections. The years are catching up to him however and he has turned into a hunched over, old man with long grey hair. His gaze is still steely as ever and his mind sharp like a bear trap. His interest in the Wisdom of Kythera is obvious but he is close-lipped about his exact plans and motives, leaving others guessing as to what he would do once he has it.
  182. Aetios's Navi is Athetos.EXE, who is just as driven as his operator. Even if he is no longer cutting age technology he is still a powerful Navi that is worthy of respect.
  184. Agarthi Laconia:
  185. Head of VDPsoft, the megacorp's software division. While average in height, her pale, pink eyes and complete baldness help her to stand out among the other board members. She has brought many employees with her to Kythera and can manage the rest through the fibre optic cable connecting the island to the mainland. Memos and emails are carried back and forth by company Navis, though she is still forced to make trips to review projects in person due to security concerns. Agarthi frequently complains about these as she much prefers to get her work done in her office or spacious mansion. Her goal of expanding VDPsoft to rival or overshadow VDP Manufacturing has made her and Eirini fierce, though polite rivals.
  187. Agarthi's Navi is MoleWoman.EXE, who is complacent at times but just as driven as her operator and the two work well together.
  189. Eirini Attica:
  190. As head of Volos Dynamiká Proïónta Manufacturing, Eirini is the third most important person in the megacorp. She is tall with dark skin and a full head of curly black hair. She has striking blue eyes, though one is fake. Eirini enjoys unnerving people by taking it out her false and playing with it. The previous head of manufacturing fully opposed the move to Kythera and she is similarly dismissive of the island as well, considering the locals to be uneducated boors. Of course she considers most people to be uneducated boors but even so she spends most of her time away from the island, overseeing operations, but frequently sails in for board meetings. Due to VDPsoft's ambitions, Eirini butts heads with Agarthi but so far their rivalry is polite and restrained.
  192. Eirini's Navi is QueenWoman.EXE, who is cool and aloof and pointedly questions her operator's commands before performing them anyways.
  194. Nikolas Spyridon:
  195. As Chief Operating Officer of VDP, Nikolas oversees day to day operations and is the second most powerful person in the megacorp. However Aetios keeps on poking his nose into his business, which Nikolas barely tolerates. Despite being only a few years younger he is in much better shape, with a broad physique and greying hair. He makes every excuse he can to get out of the office and avoid Aetios but is still forced to work closely with the man. Being a gruff, no-nonsense kind of man he does his best to keep the heads of the division focused on the tasks at hand instead of squabbling among themselves or angling for favours. He is thus more than a little disappointed in his son.
  197. Nikolas's Navi is Quill.EXE, who is more circumspect but just as efficient and dedicated to his work.
  199. Spyros Spyridon:
  200. Head of Anasynkrótisi Services, a division of VDP. He is tall and pale, with oiled back hair and too much makeup to try and hide a chronic acne problem. Being relatively young and having secured his position only because of his father, Spyros is too eager to please and hides his lack of self confidence by being a petty tyrant. His influence seems bigger than the size of Anasynkrótisi Services would suggest and many believe that he is responsible for coordinating the thugs and HeelNavis that work for VDP's interests. Spyros could become a valued member of the board if he could shape up and fix his attitude, but he could also be a convenient scapegoat that nobody will miss.
  202. Spyros's Navi is Boomerang.EXE, who is just as unprincipled as he is but more relaxed about it. Because of Spyros's insecurities he often yells at Boomerang, who generally just ignores the shouting and does whatever shady things need to be done.
  204. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. Adam Pteleus:
  207. The current mayor of Kythera and tepid supporter of VDP. As unpopular as the megacorp is it can throw plenty of money at local elections and support councilpersons favourable to them. After a series of dysfunctional councils, Adam was elected on the promise of making city hall run smoothly again. While he has fulfilled his promise it did require toadying to VDP and so his popularity is dropping. Locals commonly joke that his polling numbers drop at the same rate that his hairline recedes and his waistline expands. He only cares about his political career and so being crushed between VDP's power and the voter's demands is giving him plenty of stress and sleepless nights.
  209. Adam's Navi is QuorumWoman.EXE, a stickler for rules and procedures.
  211. Charalampos Papoutsis:
  212. Current head of Kythera University's classics department and thus the man ultimately responsible for the numerous excavations on the island. He was an amateur wrestler in his youth and still works out extensively, giving him an impressive physique despite his age. Since he is also a giant of a man with olive skin the students are all intimidated of Charalampos and step lightly around him. Unfortunately academic politics are not the only thing he has to worry about, as VDP has refused to allow any observers at their dig at Aegina. While he has thoroughly vetted the results it is aparent to him that the megacorporation is hiding something and is determined to figure out whatever it might be.
  214. Charalampos's Navi is MarbleMan.EXE, an adonis of a Navi who has not given up his wrestling career.
  216. Dimitra Tenes:
  217. Former mayor of Aegina, but after her village was demolished she moved to Dia and is officially retired. Most people assume that she's somehow responsible for the re-connection of Aegina Square, even if it is just handing over back-up data, as she spoke out against VDP numerous times before and during her tenure as mayor. Being a little old lady who loves to garden, the BBSs often host rumours of her dealing with VDP thugs through creative means. These are just rumours however.
  219. Katerina Xanthopoulos:
  220. Commander of the Kytheran Rangers and the woman responsible for protecting the numerous ruins on the island. She is a short, tanned woman whose uniform is usually muddy and ill-kept from her work. Most of her funding comes from the Achaean government but recently the Kytheran council has increased her budget to try and clamp down on looting. Even so she remains critical of Mayor Pteleus and VDP's actions. While she is gung-ho and eager to bring people to justice, she knows better than to go after the megacorp without ironclad proof of their misdeeds. Besides, trying to stop people from plundering Kythera's ancient heritage is a full-time job.
  222. Katerina's Navi is Epilektoi.EXE, who is just as dedicated to enforcing the law but is more concerned with following its exact letter.
  224. Thomas (Tom) Katsaros:
  225. Older brother of Tyra and Titania. His parents were a couple of punks and he did not shape up so much as figure out how to do things better. Tom is a tall man with short brown hair, who looks sharp in a suit but prefers to wear casual clothing and is often seen in a stained apron. He is the face of his and Titania's '''treasure hunting''' operation, selling artifacts and data and laundering zenny. To cover operations he runs a food truck, offering Achaean staples as well as tourist favourites like gyro burgers. It gives him an excuse to travel across the island for fresh ingredients or customers and he's not the first nor last food truck to setup somewhere they shouldn't be. While not especially responsible he is upbeat and rarely lets problems bring him down. Under pressure he tends to react without much thought, which frequently lands him and his sister into trouble.
  227. Tom's Navi is OctoWoman.EXE, who protects deals from Navi punks and assists him with cooking, especially seafood dishes.
  229. Titania (Ti) Katsaros:
  230. Twin sister of Tyra and younger sibling of Thomas. Her parents were a couple of punks and she did not shape up so much as figure out how to do things better. Ti is a short woman with brown hair, who wears glasses and favours a simple wardrobe. She is very interested in history and so handles the technical side of her and Thomas's '''treasure hunting''' operation, decoding data and cleaning it up for sale. While not the best at coding her extensive knowledge of ancient Achaea helps her recover degraded data. She sometimes helps Thomas with his cooking but generally hides in the back of the food truck to remotely assist operations. Ti focuses on the details and is very responsible, though she lacks the self-confidence of her older brother. As such she can crumble in a crisis but usually manages to keep her cool and work quickly to resolve problems.
  232. Ti's Navi is TrustyFriend.EXE who assists her with decoding and cleaning, though he is a little too easygoing at times.
  234. Tyra Katsaros:
  235. Twin sister of Tyra and younger sibling of Thomas. Her parents were a couple of punks but she shaped up and matured into a responsible adult. Being more technically minded she taught herself coding and developed some minor programs to sell. After travelling to the mainland to seek gainful employment she drifted out of contact with her siblings and hasn't been heard from since. She did always disapprove of Thomas and Titania's operations.
  237. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  239. GlareMan.EXE:
  240. A HeelNavi who could not be more stereotypical if he tried. He has a fluorescent, colour-shifting mohawk and plenty of spikes on his outfit, matching his abrasive and aggressive personality. He uses his element of light to dazzle his foes and leave behind graffiti on the net. Originally he lead a small gang of punks in the Proóthisi Square, but after Aegina Square was brought back online he suddenly gained a lot more followers and has been harassing the Navis operating the square. It is an open secret that he is being funded by the VDP but nothing can be traced back to the megacorp. When he isn't trying to shut down Aegina Square he is often seen lurking in the Beach Square, trying to gain access to the Undernet to cement his punk status. GlareMan acts as if he's an independent Navi but has let enough slip to prove that he has an operator, though nobody knows who that is.
  242. OctoWoman.EXE:
  243. Navi of Thomas Katsaros, whose design is obviously influenced by the octopuses that live around the coast of Kythera. Her tentacles and bulbous head are reddish in colour while her body is a subdued blue. A bulky bruiser, she makes sure that data is safely carried to clients and that deals aren't interrupted by punks or viruses. OctoWoman is friendly once you get to know her but she is very territorial and so it takes time to earn her trust. Unsurprisingly her element is that of octopuses and she prefers to use them to bind foes so that she can run up and pummel them. She and Tom get along very well and she enjoys operating the machinery in the food truck, especially when tasked with preparing seafood.
  245. Palamnaios.EXE:
  246. An independent Navi that operates in Kythera's networks, mostly in the Undernet but he can occasionally be encountered in other places hunting for useful battlechips. He is very reserved about his past but otherwise amicable, open to discussions and swapping battlechips. Palamnaios wears robes of dark blue and purple and is seemingly unarmed, but the waters of the Styx flow from his hands, dulling the senses and draining one's vigour. Because of this and his mysterious past, many believe that he is some kind of vrykolakas, despite the fact that he displays absolutely none of the signs of one.
  248. Rapier.EXE:
  249. An mysterious Navi that has recently appeared in Kythera's networks, searching for something. Her face is covered by an opera mask and she has a stylish outfit in red, black and white, complete with a short cape and similar flourishes. No one knows who her operator is but she seems very interested in the workings of VDP and the HeelNavis they employ. She is taciturn and does not make friends but doesn't hesitate to save others from viruses or punks either. Naturally her element is the same as her namesake and so her blade is lightning fast, making her a fearsome opponent. Naturally her calling card is a red rose, as befitting her stylish ensemble. Rapier can be rarely encountered in all public net spaces, with a slight bias towards the Aegina and Néos squares.
  251. TrustyFriend.EXE:
  252. Navi of Titania Katsaros and named after a character in an ancient Achaean play. Unlike his namesake he isn't especially wise and tends to be too easygoing, prompting Ti to yell at him. He has a beak and sharp eyes and his black body contrasts with the stylized white toga he wears. TrustyFriend carries a torch for 'enlightenment' and it gives off feathers instead of sparks. Unsurprisingly his element is that of birds and he uses them to support his allies and harass his enemies. Being a poor virus buster and Navi battle he is a bit of a coward, though he would say that he's simply being pragmatic. While he often complains that his netop is too uptight, he enjoys working with Ti and shares the same interest in history though he is fuzzier on the details.
  254. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. Battlechips:
  257. Special programs that provide important effects and abilities in battle. Some battlechips are mass produced while others are scavenged from viruses. The strongest battlechips are custom made or come from the strongest viruses, but for everyday use the mass produced kind are more than adequate.
  259. HeelNavi:
  260. Taken from a wrestling term, HeelNavis are punks, neverdowells, and troublemakers. They are a colourful, rough and tumble lot and do not respond well to authority, so it should be no surprise that many are independent Navis. Those with NetOps tend to be the most troublesome however, as the pair egg each other on.
  262. Independent Navi:
  263. A Navi without an operator. Navis are capable of making their own decisions and operating independently, but most prefer working with a NetOp for numerous reasons. Navis who operate independently are uncommon but unexceptional and are regularly seen prowling the internet.
  265. Jack In:
  266. The process of connecting to a network from a PET and uploading a Navi. Wireless connections are too unreliable to upload battlechips, let alone an entire Navi, and so this process requires physically attaching a jack to a port to make the connection.
  268. Prog:
  269. Also known as Mr. Progs or Program-kun, Progs are simple AI that handle everyday tasks and operate electronic devices. They are invariably cheerful and helpful, even those in the Undernet who have been taught how to swear. They maintain networks, act as security, provide various services and do basic troubleshooting, but anything more complex requires the assistance of a Navi.
  271. Mystery Data:
  272. Valuable and unclaimed data that may contain battlechips, NaviCust Programs, zenny, or something else. Mystery data can be dropped by viruses or simply found floating around the internet. While it is possible to make a living by scrounging for mystery data, it requires fighting powerful viruses in poorly secured servers and so only a few exceptional Navis and NetOps do so.
  274. Navi:
  275. Short for internet navigator and sometimes known as NetNavis. Due to the number and strength of viruses that infest servers they are required to fully interact with the internet and netsociety. While Navis are mass produced most people prefer to personalize and tinker to make them their own. Navis have humanlike intelligence and so can operate independently, though they are at their best when they have a close bond with their NetOp.
  277. Navi Customer (NaviCust):
  278. An add-on for a PET that allows the customization of Navis with Navi Customizer Programs. Navi Customizers have a limited amount of space for programs but this may be increased through compression functions and additional memory.
  280. Navi Customizer Program (NCP):
  281. Programs which run on a NaviCust to improve a Navi and grant them additional skills and abilities.
  283. NetOp:
  284. Short for network operator. Anyone who uses a Navi is a NetOp, though the term is usually reserved for those who are serious operators and not just casually browsing the internet.
  286. PET:
  287. Short for PErsonal Terminal. Handheld devices with a variety of functions, most importantly holding a Navi and supporting them with battlechips and NCPs.
  289. Synchronization:
  290. A state where a Navi and their NetOp act and react as if they were one, greatly increasing the Navi's abilities. However it also places great strain on the NetOp and can result in psychosomatic injuries that correspond with those inflicted on their Navi during this state. As synchronization only seems to occur in stressful situations it is poorly understood despite records of its occurring throughout history. Since it requires a strong bond between a NetOp and Navi, it is theorized that a Navi which is a perfect reflection of their NetOp would be able to achieve perfect synchronization.
  292. Viruses:
  293. Harmful programs that take on a variety of shapes and attack Progs and Navis alike. Only extensive downtime and maintenance can prevent viruses can spawning, though they can also travel over the internet or be intentionally created. Virus busting is thus taught to schoolchildren as part of basic internet safety and battlechips are widely sold for protection. If regularly deleted by security Progs or Navis viruses are little more than a nuisance, but they can become quite dangerous if given the chance to fester and grow. NetOps should be always be careful when exploring unknown servers, as they might be unable to deal with the viruses infecting it.
  295. Zenny (Ƶ):
  296. The global currency, used in almost every country in the world. Being an entirely electronic currency, zenny is primarily handled through PETs or bank and credit cards.
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