Guest User

Fake spoofer by Tappingoz

a guest
Dec 2nd, 2018
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  1. @shift /0
  2. @shift /1
  3. @echo off
  4. set counter=3
  5. title Spufr V1.1 By tappink
  6. Color F1
  7. mode con: cols=71 lines=19
  9. :verify
  10. if exist "Assets\you.dll" (
  11. goto corrupted )
  12. goto verify2
  14. :verify2
  15. if exist "Assets\me.dll" (
  16. goto corrupted2 )
  17. goto verify3
  19. :verify3
  20. if exist "Assets\dark.dll" (
  21. goto darkness )
  22. goto login
  24. :login
  25. test&cls
  26. echo This spoofer will work for some people.
  27. echo.
  28. set usarr=cikoky123
  29. set /p   usr=Username:
  30. if %usr%==cikoky123 goto password
  31. goto badlogin
  33. :password
  34. cls
  35. echo This spoofer will work for some people.
  36. echo.
  37. echo Username: %usarr%
  38. echo.
  39. set /p   Passwort=Password:
  40. if %Passwort%==spufr goto menu
  41. goto badlogin
  43. :badlogin
  44. cls
  45. echo Your username or password is incorrect!
  46. echo.
  47. echo Please try again.
  48. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  49. cls
  50. echo Your username or password is incorrect!
  51. echo.
  52. echo Please try again..
  53. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  54. cls
  55. echo Your username or password is incorrect!
  56. echo.
  57. echo Please try again...
  58. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  59. goto login
  61. :menu
  62. test&cls
  63. echo Please select one of the options below:
  64. echo\
  65. echo 1. SpufrUnban                                      
  66. echo 2. Undo (This will restart your computer!)  
  67. echo 3. Exit spuFr
  68. echo 4. Credits                                
  69. echo\
  70. set /p   sel=Option:
  71. if %sel%==1 goto unban
  72. if %sel%==2 goto undo
  73. if %sel%==3 goto exit
  74. if %sel%==4 goto credits
  75. goto invalid
  77. :invalid
  78. cls
  79. echo You option is incorrect!
  80. echo.
  81. echo Please try again.
  82. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  83. cls
  84. echo Your username or password is incorrect!
  85. echo.
  86. echo Please try again..
  87. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  88. cls
  89. echo Your username or password is incorrect!
  90. echo.
  91. echo Please try again...
  92. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  93. goto menu
  95. :unban
  96. @echo off
  97. test&cls
  98. echo Killing any related processes...
  99. @taskkill /f /im "EpicGamesLauncher.exe" /t /fi "status eq running">nul
  100. @taskkill /f /im "FortniteLauncher.exe" /t /fi "status eq running">nul
  101. @taskkill /f /im "FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping_BE.exe" /t /fi "status eq running">nul
  102. @taskkill /f /im "FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe" /t /fi "status eq running">nul
  103. @taskkill /f /im "EasyAntiCheat.exe" /t /fi "status eq running">nul
  104. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  105. test&cls
  106. echo Cleaning traces and files...
  107. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  108. @reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epic Games" /f
  109. @RD /S /Q "%localappdata%\FortniteGame"
  110. @RD /S /Q "%localappdata%\EpicGamesLauncher"
  111. @RD /S /Q "%localappdata%\UnrealEngine"
  112. @RD /S /Q "%localappdata%\UnrealEngineLauncher"
  113. goto unban2
  115. :unban2
  116. test&cls
  117. echo Your HWID is being changed, please wait...
  118. echo\
  119. echo Old HWID:
  120. wmic diskdrive get serialnumber
  121. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  122. Assets\mapper.exe Assets\spoofer.sys
  123. ping /n 3 localhost >NUL
  124. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  125. echo\
  126. echo New HWID:
  127. wmic diskdrive get serialnumber
  128. @timeout /t 6 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  129. goto unban3
  131. :unban3
  132. test&cls
  133. echo Deleting identifiers.
  134. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  135. cls
  136. echo Deleting identifiers..
  137. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  138. cls
  139. echo Deleting identifiers...
  140. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  141. reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epic Games\Unreal Engine\Hardware Survey" /f >nul
  142. reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epic Games\Unreal Engine\Identifiers" /f >nul
  143. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  144. goto unban5
  146. :unban5
  147. cls
  148. echo The following command will change your volumeid!
  149. @timeout /t 3 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  150. cls
  151. echo This is permanent!
  152. @timeout /t 3 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  153. cls
  154. goto unban7
  156. :unban7
  157. echo It will not affect your files or drive but may cause
  158. echo drive based programs to not work properly!
  159. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  160. goto unban6
  162. :unban6
  163. echo.
  164. set /P c=Are you sure you want to continue[Y/N]?
  165. if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :unban11
  166. if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :unban8
  167. goto unban11
  169. :unban11
  170. test&cls
  171. echo Changing volumid.
  172. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  173. cls
  174. echo Changing volumid..
  175. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  176. cls
  177. echo Changing volumid...
  178. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  179. echo.
  180. Assets\Volumeid64 C: 9348-1283
  181. @timeout /t 3 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  182. goto unban8
  184. :unban8
  185. cls
  186. echo Resetting network.
  187. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  188. cls
  189. echo Resetting network..
  190. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  191. cls
  192. echo Resetting network...
  193. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  194. echo.
  195. netsh winsock reset
  196. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  197. netsh int ip reset
  198. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  199. ipconfig /release
  200. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  201. ipconfig /renew
  202. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  203. ipconfig /flushdns
  204. @timeout /t 3 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  205. goto picasko
  207. :picasko
  208. test&cls
  209. set /P c=You Have Reinstalled Windows[Y/N]?
  210. if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :unban20
  211. if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :unban20
  213. :unban20
  214. test&cls
  215. echo Opening GameSpoofer
  216. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  217. cls
  218. echo Opening GameSpoofer
  219. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  220. cls
  221. echo Opening GameSpoofer
  222. start Assets\hardware.exe
  223. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  224. goto kokotko
  226. :kokotko
  227. test&cls
  228. echo Wait.
  229. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  230. cls
  231. echo Wait..
  232. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  233. cls
  234. echo Wait...
  235. goto picusko
  237. :picusko
  238. test&cls
  239. echo Opening loop3.unrealengine
  240. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  241. cls
  242. echo Opening loop3.unrealengine
  243. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  244. cls
  245. echo Opening loop3.unrealengine
  246. start Assets\loop3.unrealengine.bat
  247. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  248. goto groto
  250. :groto
  251. test&cls
  252. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  253. cls
  254. echo Waiting!
  255. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  256. cls
  257. echo Waiting?
  258. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  259. cls
  260. echo Waiting.
  261. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  262. goto loopyyyy
  264. :loopyyyy
  265. test&cls
  266. echo Opening LoopRenew
  267. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  268. cls
  269. echo Opening LoopRenew
  270. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  271. cls
  272. echo Opening LoopRenew
  273. start Assets\LoopRenew.exe
  274. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  275. goto wejting
  277. :wejting
  278. test&cls
  279. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  280. cls
  281. echo Waiting!
  282. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  283. cls
  284. echo Waiting?
  285. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  286. cls
  287. echo Waiting.
  288. goto jaj
  290. :jaj
  291. test&cls
  292. echo Opening VirtualPC 5.2
  293. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  294. cls
  295. echo Opening VirtualPC 5.2
  296. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  297. cls
  298. echo Opening
  299. start Assets\VirtualPC.exe
  300. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  301. goto oke
  303. :oke
  304. test&cls
  305. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  306. cls
  307. echo Waiting!
  308. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  309. cls
  310. echo Waiting?
  311. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  312. cls
  313. echo Waiting.
  314. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  315. goto majoko
  317. :majoko
  318. test&cls
  319. set /P c=You Have Installed TMAC?[Y/N]?
  320. if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :tmac
  321. if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :tmacsetup
  323. :tmacsetup
  324. test&cls
  325. echo Opening TmacInstaller
  326. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  327. cls
  328. echo Opening TmacInstaller
  329. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  330. cls
  331. echo Opening TmacInstaller
  332. start Assets\TMACv6.0.7_Setup.exe
  333. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  334. goto mmmm
  336. :mmmm
  337. test&cls
  338. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  339. cls
  340. echo Waiting!
  341. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  342. cls
  343. echo Waiting?
  344. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  345. cls
  346. echo Waiting..
  347. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  348. cls
  349. echo Waiting...
  350. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  351. cls
  352. echo Waiting....
  353. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  354. goto unbanfinish
  356. :tmac
  357. test&cls
  358. echo Opening TMAC
  359. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  360. cls
  361. echo Opening TMAC.
  362. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  363. cls
  364. echo Opening TMAC..
  365. start Assets/TMAC.exe
  366. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  367. goto ayay
  369. :ayay
  370. test&cls
  371. @timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  372. cls
  373. echo Waiting!
  374. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  375. cls
  376. echo Waiting?
  377. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  378. cls
  379. echo Waiting.
  380. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  381. cls
  382. echo Waiting..
  383. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  384. goto unbanfinish
  386. :unbanfinish
  387. test&cls
  388. echo Finished!.
  389. @timeout /t 4 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  390. goto menu
  392. :checkhwid
  393. test&cls
  394. echo Current HWID:
  395. echo\
  396. wmic diskdrive get serialnumber
  397. echo\
  398. echo\
  399. @timeout /t 7
  400. goto menu
  403. :credits
  404. test&cls
  405. echo Credits To:
  406. echo\              
  407. echo\
  408. echo\                          This spoofer created by Retrastion
  409. echo\                                    
  410. echo\                  
  411. echo\                  This spoofer is edited by Tapping :)
  412. echo\                                    
  413. echo\                 
  414. echo\         
  415. echo\         
  416. echo\                              
  417. @timeout /t 7
  418. goto menu
  420. :undo
  421. cls
  422. echo Un-Spoofing...
  423. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  424. shutdown -r -f -t 6
  425. cls
  426. echo Please Wait... 5
  427. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  428. cls
  429. echo Please Wait... 4
  430. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  431. cls
  432. echo Please Wait... 3
  433. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  434. cls
  435. echo Please Wait... 2
  436. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  437. cls
  438. echo Please Wait... 1
  439. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  440. cls
  441. echo Please Wait... 0
  442. @timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1 /nobreak
  443. exit
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