
Powerkiller The Interview

Sep 30th, 2015
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  1. 20:50 < Doom32> Yo PowerKiller people are asking me to ask you to join the andrius4669 irc
  2. 20:50 < PowerKiller> Fuck you
  3. 20:50 < Doom32> What?
  4. 20:51 < PowerKiller> Go and suck some dick
  5. 20:51 < PowerKiller> Without fucking my PPH
  6. 20:51 < Doom32> wtf is wrong with you
  7. 20:51 < Doom32> pph?
  8. 20:51 < PowerKiller> PeoplePerHour
  9. 20:51 < Doom32> Eh..
  10. 20:51 < PowerKiller> The idiots at andrius have fucked my PPH
  11. 20:51 < Doom32> what lol?
  12. 20:51 < Doom32> how
  13. 20:52 < PowerKiller> YOU DON'T KNOW
  14. 20:52 < PowerKiller> Fuck don't lie
  15. 20:52 < Doom32> No, i have no clue wtf a peopleperhouse is xDD
  16. 20:52 < PowerKiller> Hour
  17. 20:52 < PowerKiller> It's a freelance site
  18. 20:52 < PowerKiller> Go and ask unnamed
  19. 20:52 < PowerKiller> They fucked up
  20. 20:53 < Doom32> eh
  21. 20:53 < Doom32> they just told me to tell you to join their irc channel
  22. 20:53 < Doom32> I have nothing to do with your drama
  23. 20:53 < PowerKiller> Drama?
  24. 20:53 < PowerKiller> Tell them fuck you
  25. 20:53 < Doom32> seems like another case of drama
  26. 20:53 < Doom32> Nope
  27. 20:53 < Doom32> you can
  28. 20:53 < Doom32> btw
  29. 20:53 < Doom32> what do you do on peopleperhour
  30. 20:53 < Doom32> like what is it
  31. 20:53 < PowerKiller> My father is here
  32. 20:54 < PowerKiller> We are in a fiscal crisis
  33. 20:54 < PowerKiller> And they fucked up dad's PeoplePerHour
  34. 20:54 < PowerKiller> With shit endorsements
  35. 20:54 < PowerKiller> And Vagina pictures
  36. 20:54 < PowerKiller> And uh.. my fake profile
  37. 20:54 < Doom32> eh
  38. 20:54 < PowerKiller> Power K.
  39. 20:54 < Doom32> how did they get to your pph?
  40. 20:56 < Doom32> PowerKiller
  41. 20:56 < PowerKiller> I asked sniper570 for a endorsement
  42. 20:56 < PowerKiller> and they all got the site and fucked up
  44. 20:57 < Doom32> do you have screenshots to what they did???
  45. 20:57 < PowerKiller> I forgot to ask it in PM
  46. 20:58 < PowerKiller> I would like to do a lawsuit against them
  47. 20:58 < PowerKiller> Once I'm out of my fiscal crisis
  48. 20:59 < Doom32> how are you going to sue.. and what evidence do you have to prove said users to be guilty??
  49. 20:59 < PowerKiller> I have screenshots
  50. 20:59 < PowerKiller> Even IRC log
  51. 21:00 < Doom32> pm me?
  52. 21:00 < PowerKiller> and if FBI hacks up Andrius4669's VPS it'll show all logs lol
  53. 21:00 < PowerKiller> No I should've asked sniper570 in PM
  54. 21:00 < Doom32> isn't that out of their jurisdiction?
  55. 21:00 <~Papriko> screenshots
  56. 21:00 <~Papriko> that changes everything
  57. 21:01 <~Papriko> *coughPHOTOSHOPcough*
  58. 21:01 < Doom32> screenshots has nothing to do with it being within their jurisdiction
  59. 21:01 < PowerKiller> I have real logs
  60. 21:01 < PowerKiller> Real logs
  61. 21:01 <~Papriko> probably not that much better either
  62. 21:01 < PowerKiller> and if FBI hacks up VPS logs
  63. 21:01 < PowerKiller> It'll show 'em lol
  64. 21:01 < Doom32> Like I said.
  65. 21:02 < Doom32> Out of their jurisdiction.
  66. 21:02 < PowerKiller> lolwt
  67. 21:02 <~Papriko> sure, FBI will get involved for some indian kiddo arguing with random other kiddos from the internet
  68. 21:02 < PowerKiller> Oh right
  69. 21:02 < PowerKiller> Lol, no...
  70. 21:02 < PowerKiller> I PUT THAT "IF"
  71. 21:02 < andrius4669> except there are no logs. its not how irc servers work
  72. 21:02 < GoodOldJacob> lol wot
  73. 21:02 <~Papriko> and I took the "IF", shot it in the face, took it's brains, gave it a face and shot it in the face
  74. 21:03 < GoodOldJacob> Doom32 fuck you, ya wankaaahh
  75. 21:03 < Doom32> Papriko
  76. 21:03 < Doom32> I'm going to punch you in the face, in the face.
  77. 21:03 <~Papriko> NOOOOOOOO*ooooooooooo*
  78. 21:04 < Doom32> PowerKiller, I'm going to just put this out there, You will get no where with this "Lawsuit" you plan on having.
  79. 21:04 < Doom32> You would just be wasting yoru time.
  80. 21:04 < andrius4669> at least post screenshots. /me wasn't there when this shit hapened
  81. 21:04 < Doom32> yeah
  82. 21:05 < PowerKiller> I know..
  83. 21:05 < Doom32> fucking expose the people who did this to you
  84. 21:05 < PowerKiller> Expose?
  85. 21:05 < PowerKiller> PPH can btw prove that
  86. 21:05 < PowerKiller> They have all server information
  87. 21:05 < PowerKiller> All e-mail everything
  88. 21:05 < PowerKiller> andrius4669: Except tere are no logs?!
  89. 21:05 < Doom32> false emails probably lol
  90. 21:05 < PowerKiller> PPH requires activation
  91. 21:05 < Doom32> COOL
  92. 21:05 < andrius4669> well, show us screenshots at least, maybe we can know who did it
  93. 21:05 < Doom32> I'll just make a fake email
  94. 21:05 < GoodOldJacob> what is pph?
  95. 21:06 < PowerKiller> PeoplePerHour
  96. 21:06 < GoodOldJacob> what is peopleperhour?
  97. 21:06 < PowerKiller> Freelance community
  98. 21:06 --> unnamed47889 ( has joined #fanatic
  99. 21:07 < PowerKiller> faggots are everywhere
  100. 21:07 < PowerKiller> And also here
  101. 21:07 < GoodOldJacob> lol
  102. 21:07 < Doom32> so PowerKiller are you goign to show us the screenshots?
  103. 21:08 <~Papriko> yeah, fags everywhere
  104. 21:08 <~Papriko> ImQ009, he talks about you
  105. 21:09 < GoodOldJacob> ImQ009 ur such a fag!
  106. 21:09 < Doom32> PowerKiller
  107. 21:09 < Doom32> are you going to show screenshots
  108. 21:09 <~Papriko> fegit
  109. 21:10 < unnamed47889> faggots are everywhere sure seems legit
  110. 21:10 < GoodOldJacob> unnamed47889, fag
  111. 21:10 < unnamed47889> thanks!
  112. 21:10 < Doom32> powerkiller
  113. 21:10 < Doom32> I wish you luck with your lawsuit that will never happen.
  114. 21:10 < GoodOldJacob> np :)
  115. 21:11 < unnamed47889> lawsuit? wuts goin on
  116. 21:11 < andrius4669> he gonna sue. based on nothing
  117. 21:11 < unnamed47889> like
  118. 21:11 < unnamed47889> file charges for "nothing"?
  119. 21:11 < andrius4669> I bet he didn't even screenshooted it
  120. 21:12 < Doom32> PowerKiller
  121. 21:12 < andrius4669> PowerKiller: imma ping u too
  122. 21:12 < Doom32> does your daddy know what trouble you caused him
  123. 21:12 < Doom32> is he going to change the marriage plans, and arrange another marriage to an ugly girl
  124. 21:14 < PowerKiller> G2G
  125. 21:14 < PowerKiller> Fk
  126. 21:15 < ImQ009> MEAN FUCKNUGGETS
  127. 21:15 <-- PowerKiller (PowerKiller@KN-435.ipk.193.116.IP) has quit (Connection closed)
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