
#PastebinMonday 04/08/2024 Is the End of the Line Soon? Edition

Apr 8th, 2024
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  1. 'Sup, doods!
  3. I've been bad at getting sleep as of late, but it hasn't stopped me from being good at Tetris Attack. That includes broadcasting it and playing it at the same time. Now the tournament is at the final three, which includes myself alongside Yoschi and FFRPro, the two people I expect to consistently lose to. All in all, I can already consider this tournament a massive personal success. Will playing with house money free up my mind to play better? I guess only time will tell.
  5. I made a comment on one of my last streams about not playing Puzzle & Dragons. Well, doods, I did start playing Puzzle & Dragons not long after. I kinda remembered why I stopped playing it before, though. It's the same problem I had with The Battle Cats. Once the main campaign is done, the replayability is extremely lacking. This is an issue I've found with just about every mobile game I've ever played. Is that on purpose?
  7. In other news, I have decided precisely when I am going to see a proper doctor to figure out what ails me... next month. I don't know if I'm just depressed or I have some disorder on the spectrum that de-motivates me from doing anything social or productive. I do know that I've been motivated more recently to figure out what is wrong with me. Is that helping me win tournament matches? I'm not sure, doods, but even if I did have a clue, I have a feeling that the end of the line for my tournament action is coming soon.
  10. Today's (permanent) extra streaming goals (actual priority is in constant flux):
  12. Goal #1: Prepare a few things for the Endless tournament this weekend.
  13. Goal #2: schedule LPS videos for this week.
  14. Goal #3: schedule personal shorts for this week.
  15. Goal #4: schedule LPS videos for the rest of the month.
  16. Goal #5: schedule personal shorts through the 22nd.
  17. Goal #6: script and record footage for my Puzzle League tutorial series. I have some scripts left to touch up before feeling comfortable with moving on to recording gameplay. Then I will need to record my talking points and edit it all together. This will need to wait until after the Tetris Attack tournament is done.
  18. Goal #7: clean up my own stream layout. Most of the framework necessary for a semi-proper stream is done now thanks to streaming the process. Next objective is to make transitions and alerts.
  19. Goal #8: release the Puzzle League tutorial series YouTube shorts once a day until they're all done. I really do think I need to time the release of the series with a ramping up of my streaming schedule so that I can take advantage of whatever there is to gain from releasing the shorts.
  21. This week's schedule:
  22. Friday @ 9pm-1am EST – Friday Night Salt Mines – Preparing for My Real Final Match Edition, Doods!
  23. Saturdays and Sundays will have matches throughout March and April for the duration of the tournament. I will be streaming to Twitch during my own matches. Go watch at!
  26. That’s my life story for the week. Until next time, everyone, be decent to each other. Later, doods!
  28. --Cards
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