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Feb 22nd, 2013
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  1. 23:58:14┼ Sonya made a Zelda dp after she saw mine
  2. 23:58:16┼ e-e
  3. 23:59:17YamYam Don't sweat it >_>
  4. 23:59:27YamYam Lots of people like Zelda
  5. 00:00:30YamYam Brb dinner
  6. 00:00:32┼ Yeah and you like to defend the enemy.
  7. 00:00:36┼ It's all about timing.
  8. 00:00:38┼ OKAY.
  9. 00:18:59YamYam Baccck.
  10. 00:19:12YamYam Oh wow. Sam. Don't. Ok. Just don't.
  11. 00:19:23YamYam Dontttttttttt even turn that around.
  12. 00:21:03YamYam I'm not going there with you. I like you. I have people i don't like just as you do. But I'm not gonna be bothered by every little thing they do. As long as they don't steal my stuff or slander me where I can see it. I DONT CARE
  13. 00:22:10YamYam Hell I had a spat with someone just a few days ago right on the forums but I ain't thinking about her after that. It's just a disagreement and I don't have time for drama shit
  14. 00:23:22YamYam So. Scuuuse me for being the voice of reason or suggesting that you just let that shit go cuz it's not worth making a big deal out of. -.-
  15. 00:36:00┼ e _e.
  16. 00:36:03┼ K.
  17. 00:36:18┼ Cause a big deal was being made.
  18. 00:36:42┼ I don't like her, and I am entitled to voice my opinion.
  19. 00:36:47┼ I don't need a lecture.
  20. 00:38:33┼ A friend would listen, not force his or her opinions on you.
  21. 00:40:02┼ I don't really need that from you so.
  22. 01:13:40YamYam I ain't forcing anything. I didn't know encouraging someone to get along was such a shitty thing to do.
  23. 01:15:00YamYam The only reason I even try to say anything to you is bc you're the only one that seems to be getting negativity because of it. I don't want you to get all "in trouble" with the gasr police anf shit
  24. 01:16:12YamYam At any rate. I'm not gonna say anything else. So you don't have worry about it anymore.
  25. 01:17:25YamYam Me being on the enemy's side and all. Cuz that's why I chat with you and not them. Cuz I'm a spy. And i secretly hate you and wanting you to stay out of trouble is one of my evil schemes
  26. 01:19:38YamYam And I'm naturally a sarcastic bitch so don't think im mad or anything cuz I'm being lippy. I'm just a little irked that you feel it's necessary to turn your frustration on me when all I'm doing is encouraging you to get along or least pay less attention to your haters
  27. 01:23:18┼ Ain't nobody saying all this extra.
  28. 01:24:14YamYam You don't have to spell it out to have that conclusion reached.
  29. 01:25:42YamYam Sides. ..
  30. 01:26:11YamYam You know you need at least one annoying friend who doesn't always agree with you
  31. 01:31:30┼ Didn't say you had to agree but I'm tired of the constant repeat.
  32. 01:32:14YamYam Ditto
  33. 01:32:33YamYam Anyways some scary shit happened in my chest yesterday
  34. 01:32:55YamYam Felt like mam's heart try to flee her chest cavity
  35. 01:33:09YamYam And I was laying down at the time
  36. 02:41:11┼
  37. 02:46:53nashy._. LAWL
  38. 02:47:38nashy._. oh
  39. 02:47:40nashy._. it didn't
  40. 02:47:41nashy._. refresh
  41. 02:47:45nashy._. that lawl was from something
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