

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. Avebi -
  2. im better than all of u and ur all trash i have 1200 wins
  3. Spikeatk#0000 -
  4. Nope
  5. Avebi -
  6. someones jealous thats okay
  7. Paralyzed#4511 -
  8. username?
  9. Avebi -
  10. i dont share it with people from tfm sorry ur all too bad for me
  11. Paralyzed#4511 -
  12. nah im finna check fortnite tracker thats all
  13. Flyguysorry#3152 -
  14. lol
  15. Spikeatk#0000 -
  16. Lmao it's cuz u don't have that many wins
  17. Paralyzed#4511 -
  18. ?
  19. Spikeatk#0000 -
  20. @Avebi
  21. Avebi -
  22. yes i do
  23. ur just jealous
  24. Spikeatk#0000 -
  25. Lmao I couldn't care less but I literally know nobody with over 500 wins so I doubt u have 1.2k
  26. Avebi -
  27. well then u must have nob friends
  28. Spikeatk#0000 -
  29. :joy::joy::joy: nah ur nob
  30. Avebi -
  31. emojis wont hide ur jealousy
  32. i get invested in every game i play look how far i went in tfm i get to be in this amazing server with the best people in the game
  33. Spikeatk#0000 -
  34. :skull::skull: that's bs. And if u really have that many wins then you'll share ur name. O but you won't cuz u don't have that many wins :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:
  35. Paralyzed#4511 -
  36. desperately searches for accounts with 1200 wins to pretend they own it
  37. Avebi -
  38. i wont because i value my privacy i dont want fanboys from tfm running after me
  39. were not arguing i understand some people are jealous
  40. Spikeatk#0000 -
  41. Ikr para
  43. Paralyzed#4511 -
  44. :joy: :joy: :scream:
  45. Spikeatk#0000 -
  46. Nigga wants to act like he's the shit then plays it off as jealousy when we call him out :joy::joy::joy: gtfo
  47. Avebi -
  48. well its better than pretending to laugh about it while ur dying inside cause u want to be as good as me
  49. Spikeatk#0000 -
  50. I'm not pretending i am cuz i don't wish to be good at that shit game :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: i play it cuz there's nothing better
  51. Stu ur not helping
  52. Avebi -
  53. u said u got over 200 wins that takes time
  54. dont call the game shit if u spent so much time on it
  55. jealous boy
  56. Flyguysorry#3152 -
  57. Lol stuc
  58. Spikeatk#0000 -
  59. It is shit tho
  60. And I know it's shit cuz I have time on it
  61. Avebi -
  62. then quit playing it cause u will never be as good as me
  63. Stuckerrs -
  64. :joy: :joy:
  65. Spikeatk#0000 -
  66. Nigga but ur shit :joy::joy::joy::joy:
  67. Avebi -
  68. dont worry im used to noobs insulting me cause of how good i am
  69. its a normal reaction
  70. Spikeatk#0000 -
  71. Lmao wtever ninja wannabe
  72. Avebi -
  73. ur probably my wannabe but u dont know my name soooooo
  74. since when are babies allowed in this chat u look like u were 2
  75. @Stuckerrs
  76. Spikeatk#0000 -
  77. Nigga I couldn't care less about someone who pretends to be good at a game that is actual shit :joy::joy: gtfo of my server with that bs :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::facepalm::skin-tone-3:‍♂️:facepalm::skin-tone-3:‍♂️
  78. Avebi -
  79. damn someones angry
  80. actual shit game that u spent 500h on
  81. Stuckerrs -
  82. anyone up for lua
  83. Spikeatk#0000 -
  84. Yea like I said. Ik it's shit bcuz i have 500hrs on it :skull::skull::skull:
  85. Stuckerrs -
  86. inb4 that gets deleted aswell
  87. Spikeatk#0000 -
  88. I would join but I'm banned :joy:
  89. Avebi -
  90. id ban u for using emojis in every message
  91. Spikeatk#0000 -
  92. Do it pussy
  93. O wait u can't but guess what
  94. Avebi -
  95. lmao he mad
  96. Stuckerrs -
  97. spike is L I T :fire: :fire:
  98. tf lol did you actuallyy remove avebi
  99. for trolling
  100. haha wtf lmao
  101. Spikeatk#0000 -
  102. Ye
  103. Stuckerrs -
  104. thats gold
  105. the dude doesnt even have fortnite and managed to trigger everyone
  106. Spikeatk#0000 -
  107. He trolls more than I do
  108. Soon he'll be birdy
  109. Stuckerrs -
  110. nah avebi is a great dude lol
  111. Spikeatk#0000 -
  112. Stu ik he doesn't have 4t :joy::joy:
  113. Stuckerrs -
  114. so why feed the troll lol
  115. Paralyzed#4511 -
  116. wtf
  117. Spikeatk#0000 -
  118. Invite him
  119. Paralyzed#4511 -
  120. spike you're retarded
  121. Spikeatk#0000 -
  122. Kkkkkkkk
  123. How?
  124. Paralyzed#4511 -
  125. you didnt realize h was trolling smh
  126. Spikeatk#0000 -
  127. R U DUMB
  128. "Stu ik he doesn't have 4t"
  129. Stuckerrs -
  130. he just is bad with trolls
  131. Spikeatk#0000 -
  132. I just wanted to see how far he would go u dumb cunt :joy::joy::joy:
  133. Stuckerrs -
  134. you are practically siaves at that point
  135. Spikeatk#0000 -
  136. kkkkkkk
  137. Stuckerrs -
  138. takes shit super serious > acts like it was a joke > starts ddosing people and then freaks out at the person some more when he stopped ddosing the person and his internet is back on
  139. thats kinda what siaves does on a regular basis
  140. Spikeatk#0000 -
  141. Ok but u already know I troll trolls
  142. Stuckerrs -
  143. he practically didnt llike you too much apparently since you are easy to provoke apparently
  144. Spikeatk#0000 -
  145. I did the same shit to u :joy::joy:
  146. Stuckerrs -
  147. you troll trolls the siaves way
  148. you practically have a heavy argument > ddos the person out of anger and frustration and then when the person is ddos'd you go kkkkkkkkkkkkk i got him good !!!!!!!
  149. Spikeatk#0000 -
  150. The difference is I wasn't angry and I don't ddos???
  151. Stuckerrs -
  152. no instead you remove when you get too frustrated
  153. and cant handle rthe argument anymore
  154. Spikeatk#0000 -
  155. Ur giving me aids
  156. Stuckerrs -
  157. couldve changed topics, couldve done a lot of things
  158. but lets decide to kick the dude
  159. Spikeatk#0000 -
  160. I just said I wasn't angry or frustrated but ight
  161. Stuckerrs -
  162. ye but you're convincing nobody lol
  163. he didnt like you too much because you were easily provoked
  164. Spikeatk#0000 -
  165. kkkkkk good 4 u lmao I don't suck up to any of u and none of u know me
  166. Stuckerrs -
  167. > and then you get this stuff again
  168. Spikeatk#0000 -
  169. So don't try to tell me how I am :joy::joy::joy:
  170. Stuckerrs -
  171. nvm ill afk and get a very :fire: :fire: :100: hot latté caramel
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