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Nov 17th, 2017
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  1. 2017-11-16 19:53:49 [English] ((Fergus Smyth)) Megaphone <O: LSPD, pull over and turn your engine off.
  2. 2017-11-16 19:54:40 ADVERT: Robert's Exclusive Cars | Looking for your dream car? Come by our showroom or browse online at
  3. 2017-11-16 19:54:43 You are not near any toll gates.
  4. 2017-11-16 19:54:47 * Fergus Smyth unbuckles their seatbelt. *
  5. 2017-11-16 19:54:47 * Fergus Smyth reaches for his waist to draw a handgun, flicking the safety off. *
  6. 2017-11-16 19:54:47 Walking style successfully set to: 128
  7. 2017-11-16 19:54:55 ★ Zack Wilson throws hands in the air
  8. 2017-11-16 19:55:04 [English] Nathaniel Warren shouts: Off the bike, slowly, hands visible!
  9. 2017-11-16 19:55:06 Fergus Smyth: (( you'd be on the ground now, please get off the bike ))
  10. 2017-11-16 19:55:25 [English] Fergus Smyth shouts: Hands up!
  11. 2017-11-16 19:55:34 ★ Zack Wilson puts hand in air
  12. 2017-11-16 19:55:40 [RADIO] This is dispatch, we've got an emergency report from Dave ( ), over.
  13. 2017-11-16 19:55:40 [RADIO] Situation: 'Reckless driver heading to BoTS, its their towtruck, plates were T01 something.', over.
  14. 2017-11-16 19:55:40 [RADIO] Location: 'Harbor Rd in Willowfield, Los Santos', out.
  15. 2017-11-16 19:55:42 [English] Fergus Smyth shouts: Hands behind your head!
  16. 2017-11-16 19:55:47 [English] Nathaniel Warren says: Covering
  17. 2017-11-16 19:55:52 ADVERT: [LOOKING] To buy any new cars, or old ferrari's/Lambo and so on, C/S. |
  18. 2017-11-16 19:55:52 ★ Zack Wilson interlocks fingers behind head
  19. 2017-11-16 19:55:58 ADVERT: [BUYING] Any 2016-2017 good car with a great topspeed/acceleration, Max Budget 60 grands, C/S. |
  20. 2017-11-16 19:55:58 [English] Fergus Smyth shouts: On the ground now!
  21. 2017-11-16 19:56:09 ADVERT: [Looking]for a fast and modern car with high topspeed/acceleration,in the range 35 grands.Sms me if you have offers |
  22. 2017-11-16 19:56:14 [English] Fergus Smyth shouts: And hands behind your head again!
  23. 2017-11-16 19:56:26 ★ Zack Wilson places hands on the back of his head
  24. 2017-11-16 19:56:50 ★ Fergus Smyth crouches onto Zack, holstering his handgun and in one swoop motion he pulls out...
  25. 2017-11-16 19:56:54 ★ ...a pair of handcuffs. ((Fergus Smyth))
  26. 2017-11-16 19:57:05 ★ Fergus Smyth begins to lock them onto Zack's wrists.
  27. 2017-11-16 19:57:10 ★ resistance? ((Fergus Smyth))
  28. 2017-11-16 19:57:15 ★ none. ((Zack Wilson))
  29. 2017-11-16 19:57:29 ★ Fergus Smyth locks the cuffs in, ratcheting them into place.
  30. 2017-11-16 19:57:31 You restrained Zack Wilson.
  31. 2017-11-16 19:57:36 The 'Red' unit (LSPD) no longer requires assistance. Resume normal patrol.
  32. 2017-11-16 19:57:42 [English] Nathaniel Warren says: Where's the key at?
  33. 2017-11-16 19:57:56 [English] Zack Wilson says: I ain't sayin nothin without a lawyer
  34. 2017-11-16 19:58:01 [English] Fergus Smyth says: Ahem.
  35. 2017-11-16 19:58:03 [English] Fergus Smyth says: You have the right to remain silent.
  36. 2017-11-16 19:58:03 [English] Fergus Smyth says: Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law.
  37. 2017-11-16 19:58:03 [English] Fergus Smyth says: You have the right to an attorney.
  38. 2017-11-16 19:58:03 [English] Fergus Smyth says: If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
  39. 2017-11-16 19:58:03 [English] Nathaniel Warren says: Haha
  40. 2017-11-16 19:58:13 [English] Fergus Smyth says: Do you understand your rights?
  41. 2017-11-16 19:58:17 [English] Zack Wilson says: Yes.
  42. 2017-11-16 19:58:22 [English] Nathaniel Warren says: This one's gonna be fun
  43. 2017-11-16 19:58:24 [English] Fergus Smyth says: Heh he said something without his lawyer.
  44. 2017-11-16 19:58:30 [English] Fergus Smyth says: I'm kiddin'.
  45. 2017-11-16 19:58:32 [English] Nathaniel Warren says: " I know my rights " annoying guy
  46. 2017-11-16 19:58:40 [English] Zack Wilson says: I have a knife in my waistband officer.
  47. 2017-11-16 19:58:41 [English] Fergus Smyth says: Dude come on let's just get the arrest done.
  48. 2017-11-16 19:58:45 [English] Zack Wilson says: Just a heads up.
  49. 2017-11-16 19:58:46 [English] Fergus Smyth says: Thank you for informing me.
  50. 2017-11-16 19:58:54 ★ Nathaniel Warren nods.
  51. 2017-11-16 19:58:59 ★ Fergus Smyth pulls Zack up with him, maneuvering him over to the grey police car.
  52. 2017-11-16 19:59:09 [English] Nathaniel Warren says: Gonna need his keys please.
  53. 2017-11-16 19:59:17 [English] Zack Wilson says: Right pocket.
  54. 2017-11-16 19:59:18 [English] [DEPARTMENT] Nathaniel Warren says: PD to BoTS, come in please.
  55. 2017-11-16 19:59:18 [English] Nathaniel Warren [RADIO] says: PD to BoTS, come in please.
  56. 2017-11-16 19:59:19 [English] Fergus Smyth says: As soon as I get them I'll give them.
  57. 2017-11-16 19:59:26 Fergus Smyth: (( come with me please ))
  58. 2017-11-16 19:59:30 ★ Nathaniel Warren reaches inside Zack's right pocket after patting it down.
  59. 2017-11-16 19:59:34 ★ do I feel the keys? ((Nathaniel Warren))
  60. 2017-11-16 19:59:40 ★ yes ((Zack Wilson))
  61. 2017-11-16 19:59:41 [English] [DEPARTMENT] Diego Morales says: BoTs to PD, go ahead.
  62. 2017-11-16 19:59:52 ★ Nathaniel Warren reaches in the pocket and pulls out the keys to the Kawasaki
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