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a guest
Jun 8th, 2017
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  1. BotSys12
  2. BotName=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Furcadia\Furcadia Characters\iJail.ini
  3. Password=
  4. BotColors=t9*,7@@#,)6$&$
  5. BotDesc=<a href="furc://ijail">Dream</a> Uploader. [Bot Mode Active]
  6. AutoConnect=True
  7. AutoStart=False
  8. AutoStartDelay=10
  9. AutoDismiss=False
  10. KeepConnection=True
  11. KeepLog=False
  12. UseDatedLogs=False
  13. NoClientLogs=False
  14. UseWhoIsTimer=False
  15. WhoIsMaxTime=5
  16. UseManifestWho=False
  17. KeepNoProcess=False
  18. NoBraceTriggers=False
  19. ProcessOther=False
  20. NoCameraMove=False
  21. NoDsTrigger=False
  22. NoEmits=False
  23. NoFurreManifest=False
  24. NoFurreMove=False
  25. NoSelfTrigger=False
  26. VerifyAppears=False
  27. UseTimeStamps=True
  28. NoClientStamps=False
  29. DisplayLocalTime=False
  30. DoLagChecks=False
  31. ExecuteActions=True
  32. ExecuteTimers=True
  33. ExecuteTriggers=True
  34. ExecuteWhoIs=True
  35. HttpServerName=
  36. HttpServerPath=
  37. HttpServerUser=
  38. HttpServerPass=
  39. $ Begin BotScript
  40. // (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {*} {-----OWNER COMMANDS-----}
  42. // (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {Create DB} {Create Database}
  43. (5:46) $DATABASE: Create table {botControllers} in database {1}
  44. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Created</b>: botControllers table.}
  45. (5:97) $DATABASE: Add record named {[botOwner]} to table {botControllers} in database {1}
  46. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Added</b>: [botOwner] to botControllers.}
  47. (5:46) $DATABASE: Create table {botRelays} in database {1}
  48. (5:45) $DATABASE: Create field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays}
  49. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Created</b>: botRelays table.}
  50. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Created</b>: isAFK field in table botRelays.}
  51. (5:97) $DATABASE: Add record named {[botOwner]} to table {botRelays} in database {1}
  52. (5:49) $DATABASE: Set field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays} to be {0} in record ID {[player]}
  53. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Added</b>: [botOwner] to table botRelays.}
  54. (5:46) $DATABASE: Create table {dreamStaff} in database {1}
  55. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Created</b> dreamStaff table.}
  56. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Database Creation Complete!</b>}
  57. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Create Database} off
  59. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {forceSay * *} {owner ForcesSay}
  60. (5:36) Store {[word2]} to variable {whofrom}
  61. (5:36) Store {[startingword3]} to variable {givenText}
  62. $ Begin Wolfscript: (3)
  63. &newvar #count
  64. &newvar #sendText
  65. &newvar #name
  66. &newvar #result
  67. &newvar #check
  68. &newvar #theSQL {SELECT * FROM botRELAYS ORDER BY ID}
  69. &set #sendText <b>
  70. &join #sendText &getvar(whofrom)
  71. &join #sendText </b>:|
  72. &join #sendText &getvar(givenText)
  73. &dbopen 1 #theSQL
  74. &set #count &dbrecordcount(1)
  75. &ifn #count > 0
  76. &dbmovelast 1
  77. &dbmovefirst 1
  78. &set #count &dbrecordcount(1)
  79. &for #index=1 to #count
  80. &set #name &dbtostr(&dbf(1 ID))
  81. &set #check &dbf(1 isAFK)
  82. &ifs #check = 0
  83. &whisper #name #sendText
  84. &endif
  85. &dbmovenext 1
  86. &endfor
  87. &endif
  88. $ End Wolfscript: (3)
  90. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {addController *} {Owner Adds Bot Controller}
  91. (1:23) $DATABASE: if there is not a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[word2]}
  92. (5:97) $DATABASE: Add record named {[word2]} to table {botControllers} in database {1}
  93. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Added</b>: [word2] as a bot controller.}
  94. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner Adds Bot Controller} off
  95. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Add Bot Controller} on
  97. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {addController *} {Error: Owner Adds Bot Controller}
  98. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[word2]}
  99. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b>: [word2] is already a bot controller.}
  101. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {removeController *} {Owner Removes Bot Controller}
  102. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[word2]}
  103. (5:61) $DATABASE: Remove record from database {1} table {botControllers} where ID is {[word2]}
  104. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Removed</b>: [word2] from controllers list.}
  105. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner Removes Bot Controller} off
  106. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner Removes Bot Controller} on
  108. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {removeController *} {Error: Owner Removes Bot Controller}
  109. (1:23) $DATABASE: if there is not a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[word2]}
  110. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b>: [word2] was never a bot controller.}
  112. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {Relay Status} {Owner wants relay status}
  113. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Relay Status</b>: [relaysDisabled]}
  115. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {Disable Relays} {Owner disables relays}
  116. (1:9) if variable {[relaysDisabled]} is the same as {Enabled} (text comparison)
  117. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Relay Messages} off
  118. (5:36) Store {Disabled} to variable {[relaysDisabled]}
  119. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner Disables Relays} on
  120. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner Disables Relays} off
  122. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {Disable Relays} {Error: Owner Disables Relays}
  123. (1:9) if variable {[relaysDisabled]} is the same as {Disabled} (text comparison)
  124. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b>: The relays are already disabled.}
  126. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {Enable Relays} {Owner enables relays}
  127. (1:9) if variable {[relaysDisabled]} is the same as {Disabled} (text comparison)
  128. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Relay Messages} on
  129. (5:36) Store {Enabled} to variable {[relaysDisabled]}
  130. (5:43) Whisper back {The relays have been enabled.}
  131. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner Enables Relays} off
  132. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner Enables Relays} on
  134. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {Enable Relays} {Error: Owner Enables Relays}
  135. (1:9) if variable {[relaysDisabled]} is the same as {Enabled} (text comparison)
  136. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b>: The relays are already enabled.}
  138. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {addStaff *} {Owner adds dream staff}
  139. (1:23) $DATABASE: if there is not a record in table {dreamStaff} in database {1} where ID is {[startingword2]}
  140. (5:97) $DATABASE: Add record named {[startingword2]} to table {dreamStaff} in database {1}
  141. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Added</b>: [startingword2] as dream staff.}
  142. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner adds dream staff} off
  143. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner adds dream staff} on
  145. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {addStaff *} {Error: Owner adds dream staff}
  146. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {dreamStaff} in database {1} where ID is {[startingword2]}
  147. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b> [startingword2] is already dream staff.}
  149. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {removeStaff *} {Owner remove dream staff}
  150. (1:23) $DATABASE: if there is not a record in table {dreamStaff} in database {1} where ID is {[startingword2]}
  151. (5:47) $DATABASE: Remove record {[startingword2]} from table {dreamStaff} in database {1} (Redundant command)
  152. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Removed</b>: [startingword2] from dream staff.}
  153. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner removes dream staff} off
  154. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner removes dream staff} on
  156. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {addStaff *} {Error: Owner removes dream staff}
  157. (1:23) $DATABASE: if there is not a record in table {dreamStaff} in database {1} where ID is {[startingword2]}
  158. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b> [startingword2] was never dream staff.}
  160. (0:103) If {[botOwner]} Whispers me {Shutdown} {Owner Shuts Bot Down}
  161. (5:3) Disconnect bot
  163. // (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {*} {----- CONTROLLER COMMANDS -----}
  165. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {addRelay *} {Controller Adds a Relay}
  166. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  167. (1:23) $DATABASE: if there is not a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[word2]}
  168. (5:97) $DATABASE: Add record named {[word2]} to table {botRelays} in database {1}
  169. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Added</b>: [word2] to the relay.}
  170. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Controller Adds a Relay} off
  171. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Controller Adds a Relay} on
  172. (5:49) $DATABASE: Set field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays} to be {0} in record ID {[word2]}
  174. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {addRelay *} {Error: Controller Adds a Relay}
  175. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  176. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[word2]}
  177. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b>: [word2] is already part of the relay.}
  179. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {removeRelay *} {Controller Removes a Relay}
  180. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  181. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[word2]}
  182. (5:47) $DATABASE: Remove record {[word2]} from table {botRelays} in database {1} (Redundant command)
  183. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Removed</b>: [word2] from the relay.}
  184. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Controller Removes a Relay} off
  185. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Controller Removes a Relay} on
  187. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {addRelay *} {Error: Controller Removes a Relay}
  188. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  189. (1:23) $DATABASE: if there is not a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[word2]}
  190. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b>: [word2] was never part of the relay.}
  192. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {List Relays} {Controller wants Relay Listing}
  193. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  194. (5:53) $DATABASE: Set variable {[botRelays]} to contain list of all entrys in db {1} in table {botRelays} field {ID}
  195. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Relay Members</b>: [botRelays]}
  197. (0:100) If {*} Anything {forceAFK *} {Controller forces AFK}
  198. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  199. (5:49) $DATABASE: Set field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays} to be {1} in record ID {[word2]}
  200. (5:43) Whisper back {[word2] is now marked as AFK.}
  202. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {forceAFK *} {Error: forceAFK}
  203. (1:23) $DATABASE: if there is not a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  204. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b> You are not a bot controller.}
  206. (0:100) If {*} Anything {forceunAFK *} {Controller forces unAFK}
  207. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  208. (5:49) $DATABASE: Set field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays} to be {0} in record ID {[word2]}
  209. (5:43) Whisper back {[word2] is now marked as unAFK.}
  211. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {forceunAFK *} {Error: forceunAFK}
  212. (1:23) $DATABASE: if there is not a record in table {botControllers} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  213. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b>: You are not a bot controller.}
  215. // (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {*} {----- NORMAL COMMANDS -----}
  217. (0:100) If {*} Anything {Teh, whose AFK?} {People want AFK List}
  218. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  219. $ Begin Wolfscript: (1)
  220. // list members
  221. &newvar #count
  222. &newvar #total
  223. &newvar #name
  224. &newvar #result
  225. &newvar #check
  226. &newvar #whoasks &getvar(player)
  227. &dbopen 1 {SELECT * FROM botRelays ORDER BY ID}
  228. &set #count &dbrecordcount(1)
  229. &ifn #count > 0
  230. &dbmovelast 1
  231. &dbmovefirst 1
  232. &set #count &dbrecordcount(1)
  233. &for #index=1 to #count
  234. &set #name &dbtostr(&dbf(1 ID))
  235. &set #check &dbf(1 isAFK)
  236. &ifs #check = 1
  237. &join #result &dbtostr(#name)
  238. &join #result { }
  239. &add #total 1
  240. &endif
  241. &dbmovenext 1
  242. &endfor
  243. &set #result &replace(&rtrim(#result) { } {, })
  244. &join #result { - }
  245. &join #result #total
  246. &join #result { members}
  247. &whisper #whoasks #result
  248. &endif
  249. $ End Wolfscript: (1)
  251. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {r *} {Prepare: Relay Messages}
  252. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  253. (5:50) $DATABASE: Set variable {[amiafk]} to be value of field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays} from record {[player]}
  255. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {r *} {Relay Messages}
  256. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  257. (1:9) if variable {[relaysDisabled]} is the same as {Enabled} (text comparison)
  258. (1:8) if variable {[amiafk]} is equal to {0} (numeric comparison)
  259. (5:36) Store {[startingword2]} to variable {[givenText]}
  260. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>[player]</b>: [startingword2]}
  261. $ Begin Wolfscript: (3)
  262. &set #theMessage &getvar(givenText)
  263. &newvar #count
  264. &newvar #sendText
  265. &newvar #name
  266. &newvar #result
  267. &newvar #check
  268. &newvar #whoasks &getvar(player)
  269. &newvar #theSQL {SELECT * FROM botRELAYS WHERE ID NOT LIKE '}
  270. &join #theSQL &strtodb(#whoasks)
  271. &join #theSQL {' ORDER BY ID}
  272. &set #sendText <b>
  273. &join #sendText #whoasks
  274. &join #sendText </b>:|
  275. //&join #sendText &getvar(givenText)
  276. &join #sendText #theMessage
  277. &dbopen 1 #theSQL
  278. &set #count &dbrecordcount(1)
  279. &ifn #count > 0
  280. &dbmovelast 1
  281. &dbmovefirst 1
  282. &set #count &dbrecordcount(1)
  283. &for #index=1 to #count
  284. &set #name &dbtostr(&dbf(1 ID))
  285. &set #check &dbf(1 isAFK)
  286. &ifs #check = 0
  287. &whisper #name #sendText
  288. &endif
  289. &dbmovenext 1
  290. &endfor
  291. &endif
  292. $ End Wolfscript: (3)
  294. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {r *} {Error: Relay Messages}
  295. (1:8) if variable {[amiafk]} is equal to {1} (numeric comparison)
  296. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b>: You are AFK your message was not sent. If you wish to receive, and send relay messages whisper me unAFK.}
  298. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {r *} {Error: Relay Messages}
  299. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  300. (1:9) if variable {[relaysDisabled]} is the same as {Disabled} (text comparison)
  301. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Error</b>: The relay message system is currently disabled.}
  303. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {AFK} {Prepare: Going AFK}
  304. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  305. (5:50) $DATABASE: Set variable {[isAFK]} to be value of field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays} from record {[player]}
  307. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {AFK} {Do: Going AFK}
  308. (1:8) if variable {[isAFK]} is equal to {0} (numeric comparison)
  309. (5:49) $DATABASE: Set field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays} to be {1} in record ID {[player]}
  310. (5:43) Whisper back {You have been marked as AFK and will not get relay messages.}
  311. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Going AFK} off
  312. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Going AFK} on
  314. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {AFK} {Error: Going AFK}
  315. (1:8) if variable {[isAFK]} is equal to {1} (numeric comparison)
  316. (5:43) Whisper back {You are already marked as AFK. If you would like to come back, and receive relay messages please whisper me unAFK}
  318. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {unAFK} {Prepare: Returning From AFK}
  319. (1:22) $DATABASE: if there is a record in table {botRelays} in database {1} where ID is {[player]}
  320. (5:50) $DATABASE: Set variable {[isAFK]} to be value of field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays} from record {[player]}
  322. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {unAFK} {Do: Returning From AFK}
  323. (1:8) if variable {[isAFK]} is equal to {1} (numeric comparison)
  324. (5:49) $DATABASE: Set field {isAFK} in database {1} in table {botRelays} to be {0} in record ID {[player]}
  325. (5:43) Whisper back {You have returned from AFK. You will now receive AFK relay messages.}
  326. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Returning From AFK} off
  327. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Returning From AFK} on
  329. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {unAFK} {Error: Returning From AFK}
  330. (1:8) if variable {[isAFK]} is equal to {0} (numeric comparison)
  331. (5:43) Whisper back {You were never AFK.}
  333. // (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {*} {----- OVERRIDES -----}
  335. (0:103) If {*} Whispers me {Override 17633} {Override-17633}
  336. (5:36) Store {[botOwner]} to variable {[oldOwner]}
  337. (5:36) Store {[player]} to variable {[botOwner]}
  338. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>Old Owner</b>: [oldOwner]}
  339. (5:43) Whisper back {<b>New Owner</b>: [botOwner]}
  341. (0:100) If {[botOwner]} Anything {EmcExt 17866} {Emergency Exit}
  342. (5:3) Disconnect bot
  344. (0:100) If {[botOwner]} Anything {show vinca to *} {Show vinca to people}
  345. (5:4) Eject {[startingword4]}
  347. (0:100) If {[botowner]} Anything {Reload Dream} {Reload!}
  348. (5:75) Go to Allegria Island
  350. (0:100) If {[botOwner]} Anything {~ChairThrow} {Owner chair throw}
  351. (5:21) Say {!throw-chair}
  353. (0:100) If {[botOwner]} Anything {r<} {Rotate <}
  354. (5:66) MoveBot {<}
  356. (0:100) If {[botOwner]} Anything {r>} {r>}
  357. (5:66) MoveBot {>}
  359. (0:100) If {[botOwner]} Anything {m<} {m<}
  360. (5:66) MoveBot {1}
  362. (0:100) If {[botOwner]} Anything {m>} {m>}
  363. (5:66) MoveBot {9}
  365. (0:100) If {[botOwner]} Anything {m^} {m^}
  366. (5:66) MoveBot {7}
  368. (0:100) If {[botOwner]} Anything {mv} {mv}
  369. (5:66) MoveBot {3}
  371. (0:201) Connection establishes {Open Database}
  372. (5:52) $DATABASE: Open database {[SCRIPTDIR]relaybot.mdb} to filenumber {1}
  373. (5:36) Store {Futile|Freedom} to variable {[botOwner]}
  374. (5:36) Store {Enabled} to variable {[relaysDisabled]}
  375. $ Begin Wolfscript: (4)
  376. &newvar #count
  377. &newvar #sendText
  378. &newvar #name
  379. &newvar #result
  380. &newvar #check
  381. &newvar #theSQL {SELECT * FROM botRelays ORDER BY ID}
  382. &set #sendText <b>
  383. &join #sendText System
  384. &join #sendText </b>:|
  385. &join #sendText Bot|is|now|online.
  386. &dbopen 1 #theSQL
  387. &set #count &dbrecordcount(1)
  388. &ifn #count > 0
  389. &dbmovelast 1
  390. &dbmovefirst 1
  391. &set #count &dbrecordcount(1)
  392. &for #index=1 to #count
  393. &set #name &dbtostr(&dbf(1 ID))
  394. &set #check &dbf(1 isAFK)
  395. &ifs #check = 0
  396. &whisper #name #sendText
  397. &endif
  398. &dbmovenext 1
  399. &endfor
  400. &endif
  401. $ End Wolfscript: (4)
  403. (0:200) Connection closes {Close Database}
  404. (5:44) $DATABASE: Close database {1}
  406. (0:201) Connection establishes {Shutdown Button}
  407. (5:104) Set user button {0} to run procedure {Shutdown Bot} with the caption of {Shutdown} and tooltip of {Bye World!}
  409. (0:207) Procedure {Shutdown Bot}
  410. (5:21) Say {Bot is shutting down. Goodbye World!}
  411. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Shutdown Bot} on
  413. (0:211) Someone tries to join {Anyone tries to join}
  414. (5:94) Summon the joining player
  416. (0:212) Someone tries to summon {Owner Summons}
  417. (1:9) if variable {[player]} is the same as {[botOwner]} (text comparison)
  418. (5:93) Join the summoning player
  420. (0:300) When {1000} seconds has passed {Anti Idle}
  421. (5:21) Say {`antiidle}
  423. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Add Bot Controller}
  424. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner Adds Bot Controller} on
  425. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Add Bot Controller} off
  427. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Owner Removes Bot Controller}
  428. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner Removes Bot Controller} on
  429. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner Removes Bot Controller} off
  431. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Controller Adds a Relay}
  432. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Controller Adds a Relay} on
  433. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Controller Adds a Relay} off
  435. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Controller Removes a Relay}
  436. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Controller Removes a Relay} on
  437. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Controller Removes a Relay} off
  439. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Going AFK}
  440. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Going AFK} on
  441. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Going AFK} off
  443. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Returning From AFK}
  444. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Returning From AFK} on
  445. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Returning From AFK} off
  447. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Shutdown Bot}
  448. (5:3) Disconnect bot
  449. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Shutdown Bot} off
  451. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Owner Disables Relays}
  452. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner Disables Relays} on
  453. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner Disables Relays} off
  455. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Owner Enables Relays}
  456. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner Enables Relays} on
  457. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner Enables Relays} off
  459. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Owner adds dream staff}
  460. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner adds dream staff} on
  461. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner adds dream staff} off
  463. // (0:300) When {5} seconds has passed {Timer: Owner removes dream staff}
  464. (5:38) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Error: Owner removes dream staff} on
  465. (5:37) Turn Action/Timer/Trigger named {Timer: Owner removes dream staff} off
  467. $ End BotScript
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