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Sep 18th, 2017
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  1. ~/gitrepos/redux-bees-things
  2. ➜ create-react-stack my-app
  3. create-react-stack INFO v0.1.0
  4. create-react-stack WARN Using yarn! If you wish to use npm instead, you will have to remove yarn: npm remove yarn -g (if you installed it with npm)
  5. create-react-stack INFO πŸ“‹ Please enter your order:
  6. ? Are you building a mobile project? ( No
  7. ? Use SSR? (server side rendering) No
  8. ? Use flow? ( No
  9. ? Use redux? ( Yes
  10. ? Use redux-persist? ( No
  11. ? What ESLint config should to be used? Enter the eslint-config-name oberon
  12. ? Use babel-polyfill? (adds IE support) ( Yes
  13. ? Use styled-components? ( Yes
  14. create-react-stack INFO 🍳 Cooking up a fresh new app...
  16. Creating a new React app in /Users/thomaszwarts/gitrepos/redux-bees-things/my-app.
  18. Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
  19. Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...
  21. yarn add v0.27.5
  22. info No lockfile found.
  23. [1/4] Resolving packages...
  24. [2/4] Fetching packages...
  25. [3/4] Linking dependencies...
  26. [4/4] Building fresh packages...
  27. success Saved lockfile.
  28. success Saved 913 new dependencies.
  29. β”œβ”€ abab@1.0.3
  30. β”œβ”€ abbrev@1.1.0
  31. β”œβ”€ accepts@1.3.4
  32. β”œβ”€ acorn-dynamic-import@2.0.2
  33. β”œβ”€ acorn-globals@3.1.0
  34. β”œβ”€ acorn-jsx@3.0.1
  35. β”œβ”€ acorn@4.0.13
  36. β”œβ”€ address@1.0.2
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  57. β”œβ”€ array-filter@0.0.1
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  382. β”œβ”€ forever-agent@0.6.1
  383. β”œβ”€ form-data@2.1.4
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  400. β”œβ”€ glob@7.1.2
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  403. β”œβ”€ globals@9.18.0
  404. β”œβ”€ globby@5.0.0
  405. β”œβ”€ got@5.7.1
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  418. β”œβ”€ hash.js@1.1.3
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  426. β”œβ”€ hpack.js@2.1.6
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  483. β”œβ”€ is-posix-bracket@0.1.1
  484. β”œβ”€ is-primitive@2.0.0
  485. β”œβ”€ is-promise@2.1.0
  486. β”œβ”€ is-redirect@1.0.0
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  511. β”œβ”€ jest-cli@20.0.4
  512. β”œβ”€ jest-config@20.0.4
  513. β”œβ”€ jest-diff@20.0.3
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  516. β”œβ”€ jest-environment-node@20.0.3
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  518. β”œβ”€ jest-jasmine2@20.0.4
  519. β”œβ”€ jest-matcher-utils@20.0.3
  520. β”œβ”€ jest-matchers@20.0.3
  521. β”œβ”€ jest-message-util@20.0.3
  522. β”œβ”€ jest-mock@20.0.3
  523. β”œβ”€ jest-regex-util@20.0.3
  524. β”œβ”€ jest-resolve-dependencies@20.0.3
  525. β”œβ”€ jest-resolve@20.0.4
  526. β”œβ”€ jest-runtime@20.0.4
  527. β”œβ”€ jest-snapshot@20.0.3
  528. β”œβ”€ jest-util@20.0.3
  529. β”œβ”€ jest-validate@20.0.3
  530. β”œβ”€ jest@20.0.4
  531. β”œβ”€ js-base64@2.3.2
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  533. β”œβ”€ js-yaml@3.10.0
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  577. β”œβ”€ lru-cache@4.1.1
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  635. β”œβ”€ obuf@1.1.1
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  771. β”œβ”€ repeating@2.0.1
  772. β”œβ”€ request@2.81.0
  773. β”œβ”€ require-directory@2.1.1
  774. β”œβ”€ require-from-string@1.2.1
  775. β”œβ”€ require-main-filename@1.0.1
  776. β”œβ”€ require-uncached@1.0.3
  777. β”œβ”€ requires-port@1.0.0
  778. β”œβ”€ resolve-dir@1.0.1
  779. β”œβ”€ resolve-from@1.0.1
  780. β”œβ”€ resolve@1.4.0
  781. β”œβ”€ restore-cursor@2.0.0
  782. β”œβ”€ resumer@0.0.0
  783. β”œβ”€ right-align@0.1.3
  784. β”œβ”€ rimraf@2.6.2
  785. β”œβ”€ ripemd160@2.0.1
  786. β”œβ”€ run-async@2.3.0
  787. β”œβ”€ rx-lite-aggregates@4.0.8
  788. β”œβ”€ rx-lite@4.0.8
  789. β”œβ”€ safe-buffer@5.1.1
  790. β”œβ”€ sane@1.6.0
  791. β”œβ”€ sax@1.2.4
  792. β”œβ”€ schema-utils@0.3.0
  793. β”œβ”€ select-hose@2.0.0
  794. β”œβ”€ selfsigned@1.10.1
  795. β”œβ”€ semver-diff@2.1.0
  796. β”œβ”€ semver@5.4.1
  797. β”œβ”€ send@0.15.4
  798. β”œβ”€ serve-index@1.9.0
  799. β”œβ”€ serve-static@1.12.4
  800. β”œβ”€ serviceworker-cache-polyfill@4.0.0
  801. β”œβ”€ set-blocking@2.0.0
  802. β”œβ”€ set-immediate-shim@1.0.1
  803. β”œβ”€ setimmediate@1.0.5
  804. β”œβ”€ setprototypeof@1.0.3
  805. β”œβ”€ settle-promise@1.0.0
  806. β”œβ”€ sha.js@2.4.8
  807. β”œβ”€ shebang-command@1.2.0
  808. β”œβ”€ shebang-regex@1.0.0
  809. β”œβ”€ shell-quote@1.6.1
  810. β”œβ”€ shellwords@0.1.1
  811. β”œβ”€ signal-exit@3.0.2
  812. β”œβ”€ slash@1.0.0
  813. β”œβ”€ slice-ansi@0.0.4
  814. β”œβ”€ slide@1.1.6
  815. β”œβ”€ sntp@1.0.9
  816. β”œβ”€ sockjs-client@1.1.4
  817. β”œβ”€ sockjs@0.3.18
  818. β”œβ”€ sort-keys@1.1.2
  819. β”œβ”€ source-list-map@0.1.8
  820. β”œβ”€ source-map-support@0.4.18
  821. β”œβ”€ source-map@0.5.7
  822. β”œβ”€ spdx-correct@1.0.2
  823. β”œβ”€ spdx-expression-parse@1.0.4
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  826. β”œβ”€ spdy@3.4.7
  827. β”œβ”€ sprintf-js@1.0.3
  828. β”œβ”€ sshpk@1.13.1
  829. β”œβ”€ statuses@1.3.1
  830. β”œβ”€ stream-browserify@2.0.1
  831. β”œβ”€ stream-http@2.7.2
  832. β”œβ”€ strict-uri-encode@1.1.0
  833. β”œβ”€ string_decoder@0.10.31
  834. β”œβ”€ string-length@1.0.1
  835. β”œβ”€ string-width@1.0.2
  836. β”œβ”€ string.prototype.trim@1.1.2
  837. β”œβ”€ stringstream@0.0.5
  838. β”œβ”€ strip-ansi@3.0.1
  839. β”œβ”€ strip-bom@2.0.0
  840. β”œβ”€ strip-eof@1.0.0
  841. β”œβ”€ strip-indent@1.0.1
  842. β”œβ”€ strip-json-comments@2.0.1
  843. β”œβ”€ style-loader@0.18.2
  844. β”œβ”€ supports-color@3.2.3
  845. β”œβ”€ svgo@0.7.2
  846. β”œβ”€ sw-precache-webpack-plugin@0.11.4
  847. β”œβ”€ sw-precache@5.2.0
  848. β”œβ”€ sw-toolbox@3.6.0
  849. β”œβ”€ symbol-tree@3.2.2
  850. β”œβ”€ table@4.0.1
  851. β”œβ”€ tapable@0.2.8
  852. β”œβ”€ tape@4.8.0
  853. β”œβ”€ tar-pack@3.4.0
  854. β”œβ”€ tar@2.2.1
  855. β”œβ”€ test-exclude@4.1.1
  856. β”œβ”€ text-table@0.2.0
  857. β”œβ”€ throat@3.2.0
  858. β”œβ”€ through@2.3.8
  859. β”œβ”€ thunky@0.1.0
  860. β”œβ”€ time-stamp@2.0.0
  861. β”œβ”€ timed-out@3.1.3
  862. β”œβ”€ timers-browserify@2.0.4
  863. β”œβ”€ tmp@0.0.31
  864. β”œβ”€ tmpl@1.0.4
  865. β”œβ”€ to-arraybuffer@1.0.1
  866. β”œβ”€ to-fast-properties@1.0.3
  867. β”œβ”€ toposort@1.0.3
  868. β”œβ”€ tough-cookie@2.3.2
  869. β”œβ”€ tr46@0.0.3
  870. β”œβ”€ trim-newlines@1.0.0
  871. β”œβ”€ trim-right@1.0.1
  872. β”œβ”€ tryit@1.0.3
  873. β”œβ”€ tty-browserify@0.0.0
  874. β”œβ”€ tunnel-agent@0.6.0
  875. β”œβ”€ tweetnacl@0.14.5
  876. β”œβ”€ type-check@0.3.2
  877. β”œβ”€ type-is@1.6.15
  878. β”œβ”€ typedarray@0.0.6
  879. β”œβ”€ ua-parser-js@0.7.14
  880. β”œβ”€ uglify-js@2.8.29
  881. β”œβ”€ uglify-to-browserify@1.0.2
  882. β”œβ”€ uglifyjs-webpack-plugin@0.4.6
  883. β”œβ”€ uid-number@0.0.6
  884. β”œβ”€ uniq@1.0.1
  885. β”œβ”€ uniqid@4.1.1
  886. β”œβ”€ uniqs@2.0.0
  887. β”œβ”€ universalify@0.1.1
  888. β”œβ”€ unpipe@1.0.0
  889. β”œβ”€ unzip-response@1.0.2
  890. β”œβ”€ update-notifier@1.0.3
  891. β”œβ”€ upper-case@1.1.3
  892. β”œβ”€ urijs@1.18.12
  893. β”œβ”€ url-loader@0.5.9
  894. β”œβ”€ url-parse-lax@1.0.0
  895. β”œβ”€ url-parse@1.1.9
  896. β”œβ”€ url@0.11.0
  897. β”œβ”€ util-deprecate@1.0.2
  898. β”œβ”€ util@0.10.3
  899. β”œβ”€ utila@0.3.3
  900. β”œβ”€ utils-merge@1.0.0
  901. β”œβ”€ uuid@2.0.3
  902. β”œβ”€ validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1
  903. β”œβ”€ vary@1.1.1
  904. β”œβ”€ vendors@1.0.1
  905. β”œβ”€ verror@1.10.0
  906. β”œβ”€ vm-browserify@0.0.4
  907. β”œβ”€ walker@1.0.7
  908. β”œβ”€ watch@0.10.0
  909. β”œβ”€ watchpack@1.4.0
  910. β”œβ”€ wbuf@1.7.2
  911. β”œβ”€ webidl-conversions@4.0.2
  912. β”œβ”€ webpack-dev-middleware@1.12.0
  913. β”œβ”€ webpack-dev-server@2.7.1
  914. β”œβ”€ webpack-manifest-plugin@1.2.1
  915. β”œβ”€ webpack-sources@1.0.1
  916. β”œβ”€ webpack@3.5.1
  917. β”œβ”€ websocket-driver@0.7.0
  918. β”œβ”€ websocket-extensions@0.1.2
  919. β”œβ”€ whatwg-encoding@1.0.1
  920. β”œβ”€ whatwg-fetch@2.0.3
  921. β”œβ”€ whatwg-url@4.8.0
  922. β”œβ”€ whet.extend@0.9.9
  923. β”œβ”€ which-module@1.0.0
  924. β”œβ”€ which@1.3.0
  925. β”œβ”€ wide-align@1.1.2
  926. β”œβ”€ widest-line@1.0.0
  927. β”œβ”€ window-size@0.1.0
  928. β”œβ”€ wordwrap@0.0.2
  929. β”œβ”€ worker-farm@1.5.0
  930. β”œβ”€ wrap-ansi@2.1.0
  931. β”œβ”€ wrappy@1.0.2
  932. β”œβ”€ write-file-atomic@1.3.4
  933. β”œβ”€ write@0.2.1
  934. β”œβ”€ xdg-basedir@2.0.0
  935. β”œβ”€ xml-char-classes@1.0.0
  936. β”œβ”€ xml-name-validator@2.0.1
  937. β”œβ”€ xtend@4.0.1
  938. β”œβ”€ y18n@3.2.1
  939. β”œβ”€ yallist@2.1.2
  940. β”œβ”€ yargs-parser@5.0.0
  941. └─ yargs@7.1.0
  942. Done in 20.24s.
  944. Success! Created my-app at /Users/thomaszwarts/gitrepos/redux-bees-things/my-app
  945. Inside that directory, you can run several commands:
  947. yarn start
  948. Starts the development server.
  950. yarn build
  951. Bundles the app into static files for production.
  953. yarn test
  954. Starts the test runner.
  956. yarn eject
  957. Removes this tool and copies build dependencies, configuration files
  958. and scripts into the app directory. If you do this, you can’t go back!
  960. We suggest that you begin by typing:
  962. cd my-app
  963. yarn start
  965. Happy hacking!
  966. create-react-stack WARN You indicated that you wanted to use babel-polyfill instead of the default polyfill. This requires ejecting from create-react-app, it will prompt you now.
  968. > my-app@0.1.0 eject /Users/thomaszwarts/gitrepos/redux-bees-things/my-app
  969. > react-scripts eject
  971. ? Are you sure you want to eject? This action is permanent. Yes
  972. Ejecting...
  974. Copying files into /Users/thomaszwarts/gitrepos/redux-bees-things/my-app
  975. Adding /config/env.js to the project
  976. Adding /config/paths.js to the project
  977. Adding /config/polyfills.js to the project
  978. Adding /config/ to the project
  979. Adding /config/ to the project
  980. Adding /config/webpackDevServer.config.js to the project
  981. Adding /config/jest/cssTransform.js to the project
  982. Adding /config/jest/fileTransform.js to the project
  983. Adding /scripts/build.js to the project
  984. Adding /scripts/start.js to the project
  985. Adding /scripts/test.js to the project
  987. Updating the dependencies
  988. Removing react-scripts from dependencies
  989. Adding autoprefixer to dependencies
  990. Adding babel-core to dependencies
  991. Adding babel-eslint to dependencies
  992. Adding babel-jest to dependencies
  993. Adding babel-loader to dependencies
  994. Adding babel-preset-react-app to dependencies
  995. Adding babel-runtime to dependencies
  996. Adding case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  997. Adding chalk to dependencies
  998. Adding css-loader to dependencies
  999. Adding dotenv to dependencies
  1000. Adding eslint to dependencies
  1001. Adding eslint-config-react-app to dependencies
  1002. Adding eslint-loader to dependencies
  1003. Adding eslint-plugin-flowtype to dependencies
  1004. Adding eslint-plugin-import to dependencies
  1005. Adding eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y to dependencies
  1006. Adding eslint-plugin-react to dependencies
  1007. Adding extract-text-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  1008. Adding file-loader to dependencies
  1009. Adding fs-extra to dependencies
  1010. Adding html-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  1011. Adding jest to dependencies
  1012. Adding object-assign to dependencies
  1013. Adding postcss-flexbugs-fixes to dependencies
  1014. Adding postcss-loader to dependencies
  1015. Adding promise to dependencies
  1016. Adding react-dev-utils to dependencies
  1017. Adding style-loader to dependencies
  1018. Adding sw-precache-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  1019. Adding url-loader to dependencies
  1020. Adding webpack to dependencies
  1021. Adding webpack-dev-server to dependencies
  1022. Adding webpack-manifest-plugin to dependencies
  1023. Adding whatwg-fetch to dependencies
  1025. Updating the scripts
  1026. Replacing "react-scripts start" with "node scripts/start.js"
  1027. Replacing "react-scripts build" with "node scripts/build.js"
  1028. Replacing "react-scripts test" with "node scripts/test.js"
  1030. Configuring package.json
  1031. Adding Jest configuration
  1032. Adding Babel preset
  1033. Adding ESLint configuration
  1035. Ejected successfully!
  1037. Please consider sharing why you ejected in this survey:
  1039. Compiled with warnings.
  1041. ./src/createStore.js
  1042. Line 3: 'composeEnhancers' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars
  1043. Line 6: 'store' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars
  1045. Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning.
  1046. To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.
  1048. ^C%
  1049. gitrepos/redux-bees-things/my-app is πŸ“¦ v0.1.0 via β¬’ v7.0.0 took 2m 22s
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