
You Wouldn't Pirate a Mackers

Sep 23rd, 2013
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  1. [23:53:23] * Med puts her coat back on. She had taken it off before going after the ship, and had sent McMillions off to find it - and the bird had just finished its mission only a short moment ago! It wasn't exactly cold out, but it was starting to get a little chilly as the sun head off to warm up other parts of the earth.
  2. [23:55:19] <Mackenzie> Squish squish squish. "So, does this seem like a good place?" Squish squish. "'The Little Mermaid', hm?" He's holding his Vulpix, who is still actively warmth-drying his clothes with fox fire, like a boss. She seems quite pleased to be in his arms and not in her ball. "I hope it isn't some cheap place..."
  3. [23:58:14] <Med> "It's probably tourist-y," Med remarks, letting McMillions rest on her shoulder.
  4. [00:00:14] <Mackenzie> "Well, we do technically fit the description. It's just a shame nobody else wanted to go. As if a little salt water killed anyone."
  5. [00:02:14] <Med> "Yeah..." Med sure says she agrees.
  6. [00:02:22] <Med> In her head, she is like, yess.
  7. [00:06:52] * Mackenzie automates entering and getting a seat, if that's alright
  8. [00:07:05] * Med sure o/~
  9. [00:08:19] * Mackenzie happens to end up at a small table in a largely-unoccupied area of the restaurant with a view of the ocean.
  10. [00:10:41] * Mackenzie sits down and sets Veronica down beside him. Plebe restaurants don't restrict having pokemon out at your table. Well neither to ritzy ones, but only ritzy people with ritzy pokemon go there, so there's no problem.
  11. [00:10:51] <Mackenzie> *do
  12. [00:14:33] * Med sits down too, after taking her coat off - an action that required much internal debate.
  13. [00:14:46] <Med> dining in a swimsuit is awkward, but so is dining in a raincoat!
  14. [00:15:41] <Mackenzie> "You know, I'm really glad we got to settle that dispute without conflict. I honestly didn't think hey would all attempt to escape."
  15. [00:15:54] <Mackenzie> *they
  16. [00:17:50] <Med> "Yeah, I guess so." obviously distracted Med is distracted.
  17. [00:18:09] * Med looks through the menu~
  18. [00:22:38] * Mackenzie starts flipping through the menu as well, obviously not paying attention to what's on them.
  19. [00:25:09] * Mackenzie sighs. "You know, Med, there's something that's been on my mind lately." He sets down his menu and looks right across the menu at Med.
  20. [00:25:20] <Med> "Huh?"
  21. [00:25:21] <Med> ohgod
  22. [00:25:27] <Med> ohgodohgodohgod
  23. [00:27:00] <Mackenzie> "Do you know anything about grooming pokemon properly? I imagine with how much you put into your own outfits, you'd have some form of comparable skill in making a pokemon presentable."
  24. [00:27:17] <Med> "... Huh?"
  25. [00:27:20] * Med blankstare
  26. [00:31:00] <Mackenzie> "Well, I owe my Veronica here something. Since the start of my time here, I've never actually used her for anything. I treated her more like a bauble of a pet than a pokemon. Granted I don't think she minds that too much, but when I used her in the gym battle, I realized that I've been wasting her potential. So I owe her some special treatment, certainly on top of trusting her more
  27. [00:31:00] <Mackenzie> often in battle."
  28. [00:34:36] <Med> "Oh. Uh... not especially. McMillions and Knives are my guardian pokemon, and I've only just recently gotten the rest."
  29. [00:35:39] <Med> "It's not like I haven't dressed them up before, but... fabric isn't exactly safe on Knives, and it messes up McMillion's feathers."
  30. [00:38:17] <Mackenzie> "Guardian pokemon? What do you mean by that? Obviously my pokemon protect me, but I also protect them much the same."
  31. [00:38:32] <Med> "They're from my parents."
  32. [00:38:42] <Med> "So they helped keep me safe when I was little."
  33. [00:44:50] <Mackenzie> "Interesting..." He looks up. "I wonder when they'll take our order."
  34. [00:47:17] * Med looks for a waiter or waitress!
  35. [00:47:21] <Med> 1d6-1 lolperception
  36. [00:47:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, lolperception: 1 [1d6=2]
  37. [00:47:27] * Med doesnt see one! T_T
  38. [00:48:37] <Mackenzie> 1d6+1 so much better
  39. [00:48:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, so much better: 5 [1d6=4]
  40. [00:49:15] <Mackenzie> Huh, there's a waiter over at that otehr table nowhere near this one.
  41. [01:01:16] <Kraken> A muscley kid of high school age finally drags himself over to the table. He hardly seems a waiter, being dressed in a swimsuit and a tanktop, and constantly moves the hair from his eyes as he looks at you. "Sup dudebrah and dudebrah-ette?" He greets you each in turn with a nod but offers no follow up as to whether he's taking your order or if you're inclined to answer his 'sup.
  42. [01:05:56] * Mackenzie quirks an eyebrow. "I'll have the strawberry lemonade."
  43. [01:07:53] <Kraken> "Choice order, dude, it's hella sweet here! And for the dudebrah-ette?" His complete lack of interest in Mack should almost be visible to even those with as low Perception scores as these two, especially compared to his genuine expression of happiness as he turns to Med.
  44. [01:08:18] <Med> 3d6+6 but that's an intuition thing not a perception thing
  45. [01:08:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, but that's an intuition thing not a perception thing: 13 [3d6=3,1,3]
  46. [01:08:52] <Kraken> It COULD be, but a normal person knows what faces mean.
  47. [01:09:47] <Med> "Uh... a strawberry banana milkshake."
  48. [01:11:58] <Kraken> "Sweeeet, like literally, y'know? Trust me, it's really good!" He flashes her a broad smile. "I'll be back in a bit with those! Oh yeah, name's totally Zach." He nods and bounces off, probably to do something stupid before actually putting your orders in but who knows.
  49. [01:12:44] <Med> 1d6-1 fail to notice him do said stupid thing, and proceed to not be the person who knows
  50. [01:12:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, fail to notice him do said stupid thing, and proceed to not be the person who knows: 4 [1d6=5]
  51. [01:15:41] <Med> "Uh... Mackers..."
  52. [01:16:10] <Mackenzie> 1d6+2 realize that means him
  53. [01:16:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, realize that means him: 4 [1d6=2]
  54. [01:16:31] <Mackenzie> "Hm? What is it?"
  55. [01:17:08] <Med> 5d6+6+2 convince herself to be brave!
  56. [01:17:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, convince herself to be brave!: 18 [5d6=1,3,2,2,2]
  57. [01:25:59] * Med looks slightly nervous!
  58. [01:26:04] <Med> 5d6+6+2 TRY AGAIN, BUT THIS TIME WITH FEELING
  59. [01:26:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, TRY AGAIN, BUT THIS TIME WITH FEELING: 28 [5d6=4,3,1,6,6]
  60. [01:26:19] * Med MUSTERS UP COURAGE
  61. [01:26:46] <Med> "So, uh... do you have anyone?"
  63. [01:27:00] * Med counts it as a victory
  64. [01:31:35] <Mackenzie> "Huh?" He scratches his head. "Well, not really. People always say that an actor can get into a relationship with anyone they want, but apparently you have to be lazy for that to work, because none were interested in working around the schedule of work I've kept."
  65. [01:34:21] <Med> "I guess that's why they usually date other actors..." Med comments, thinking about the crazy life of a musician!
  66. [01:34:25] <Med> and how she wishes she could actually have it ._.
  67. [01:36:28] <Kraken> Depending on luck and/or perception, one or both of them may have noticed Zach about to walk back over before stopping, mouthing 'oh shit' to himself, and darting back towards the kitchen.
  68. [01:37:19] <Mackenzie> 1d6+2 I doubt luck has anything to do with it
  69. [01:37:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, I doubt luck has anything to do with it: 6 [1d6=4]
  70. [01:37:37] <Mackenzie> Wait, perception is just +1
  71. [01:37:55] <Kraken> All of these beach bums look the same to you.
  72. [01:38:44] <Med> 1d6-1 wait you mean someone is in the room other than mackers?
  73. [01:38:44] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, wait you mean someone is in the room other than mackers?: 4 [1d6=5]
  74. [01:39:09] <Kraken> At least one other person is in the room.
  75. [01:39:32] <Kraken> But who cares?
  76. [01:40:23] <Med> "So, uh... have... you... considered it, though?" she chooses her words very carefully!
  77. [01:41:40] <Mackenzie> 1d3
  78. [01:41:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 1d3: 1 [1d3=1]
  79. [01:45:23] <Mackenzie> "No, never. My work is a much higher priority, so I'd never give up acting jobs so some floozy actress could have her way with me to make another magazine scandal over."
  80. [01:46:51] * Med stare
  81. [01:49:05] <Mackenzie> "I've tried celebrity relationships before, but it's all so much drama. More drama than in movies."
  82. [01:50:55] <Med> "What about..." oh god this is painful to say
  83. [01:50:55] <Med> "With a..." ow her heart
  84. [01:50:55] <Med> "Non-celebrity?"
  85. [01:51:14] <Kraken> A heavy gait announces the return of our hero, Zach the waiter. He slaps down a glass before Mackenzie, a few drops escaping from what is quite obviously pure lemonade, no hint of a strawberry or anything red. "Sorry, dudebrahs! They messed something up in the kitchen but I fixed it for ya!"
  86. [01:52:51] <Kraken> He delicately places Med's strawberry banana milkshake before her with a wide grin, quite clearly the correct order. "Now can I get you an appetizer or something? Food? Or ju-"
  87. [01:52:54] <Kraken> A lump in the pocket of Med's still-soggy rain coat, assumed to be water or a gift from McMillions after returning with it in the unlikely event Med even noticed, suddenly stirs upon the arrival of the the strawberry banana milkshake, an audible sniffing filling the air. With a battle cry of "WOOO!" Batsy plunges her entire body into the milkshake, wallowing in it, followed by a slurping noise as the drink quickly disappears. The bat's tongue lashes out, cleaning every inch of the inside of the glass within seconds, leaving a sparkly clean empty glass, before giving out a loud belch and hopping out of the inside of the glass, shaking every inch of her being to remove any gobs of milkshake stuck to her fur, drenching the table, Med, her rain coat, and Mackenzie. Veronica nimbly dodges out of the way, an irritated "Vul!" coming out of her mouth in complaint, a complaint that falls on deaf ears as the bat lazily flies over to Med's shoulder, the remaining free one if McMillions is still perched, and falls back asleep as if nothing happened.
  88. [01:56:10] <Kraken> "Woah dude...that was crazy!...I'll uh...I'll see if I can get that taken off for you, act of nature, right? Oh, maybe some napkins too..." Zach disappears once more, to where no one knows.
  89. [01:56:38] * Med stare
  90. [01:56:47] <Mackenzie> "Um..."
  91. [01:57:05] * Med star
  92. [01:57:07] <Med> e
  93. [01:57:41] * Mackenzie pushes his untouched drink toward Med. "...Lemonade?"
  94. [01:58:36] <Kraken> There's only one straw of course. Assuming Mackenzie uses straws, the transitive property of where lips touch could work in Med's favor if she plays this right.
  95. [02:01:56] <Med> "You haven't answered my question yet." if she weren't cleverly wearing color contacts, her red eyes might be gloowwinnng because ~half-demons~
  96. [02:02:07] <Med> 1d100 unless they got lost IN THE SEA
  97. [02:02:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, unless they got lost IN THE SEA: 97 [1d100=97]
  98. [02:05:16] <Kraken> Med's eyes glow with the fervor of a thousand suns. But between their mutual perceptive skills, it can't be known where they're covered by any sort of contacts or if Mackenzie even notices that she doesn't actually have heterochromia.
  99. [02:05:28] <Kraken> *whether, not where
  100. [02:05:47] <Med> well
  101. [02:05:51] <Med> its kind of hard to see your own eyes
  102. [02:05:53] <Med> so med has an excuse :c
  103. [02:06:37] <Mackenzie> What do I roll for remembering the question through the interruption? Focus?
  104. [02:06:47] <Kraken> Sounds appropriate.
  105. [02:06:55] <Mackenzie> 1d6+2 Not that it matters.
  106. [02:06:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, Not that it matters.: 3 [1d6=1]
  107. [02:07:36] <Kraken> Words were spoken, that much you're sure. Maybe an upward inflection, but that's so hard to recall.
  108. [02:07:50] <Mackenzie> "...What was the question again?"
  109. [02:08:10] <Med> '-' (Both eyes were colored red)
  110. [02:08:23] <Med> contacts are probably burned under that there glowing
  111. [02:08:27] <Med> even if they were there
  112. [02:08:33] <Kraken> Possibly more like '-' (Left was blue right was red)
  113. [02:08:34] <Med> quantumcontacts are really advanced technology where did med even get those!
  114. [02:08:42] <Med> '-' you mean (Left was green right was red)
  115. [02:09:05] <Kraken> I don't know, you're the one with fashion education.
  116. [02:12:43] <Med> "If you were interested in a... dating a... you know... non-celebrity."
  117. [02:26:32] <Mackenzie> "Well sure. Up until now, I've just been so surrounded by my work that I seldom had time to spend with 'non-celebrities' long enough to give them an autograph or something. So I've more or less just been mired up in a pool of hapless, self-centered wretches with sufficiently dolled-up faces."
  118. [02:28:19] <Kraken> One such self-centered wretch returns, tossing a paper napkin at Mackenzie as he places a second milkshake in front of Med. It's quite clearly a chocolate milkshake but he offers no realization or explanation as he carefully hands two cloth napkins to the girl. "There anything else I can get you two?"
  119. [02:28:49] <Med> 1d6-1 didn't i order a chocolate milkshake?
  120. [02:28:52] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, didn't i order a chocolate milkshake?: 1 [1d6=2]
  121. [02:28:55] * Med is pretty sure she did.
  122. [02:29:01] <Kraken> You totally did.
  123. [02:32:55] * Med begins cleaning herself up. it's a good thing she's wearing a swimsuit and not, say, some fancy dress that costs half her paycheck!
  124. [02:38:35] * Med also gives Mackers a napkin, since he probably needs one too.
  125. [02:38:52] * Med presuming the paper napkin is completely insufficient
  126. [02:41:44] * Mackenzie sighs and begins cleaning himself up. Milkshake probably doesn't stain. Not sure if should bother rolling.
  127. [02:42:36] <Med> 3d6-1 fashion ed: help save mackenzie's outfit!
  128. [02:42:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, fashion ed: help save mackenzie's outfit!: 11 [3d6=2,4,6]
  129. [02:42:46] <Kraken> Zach stares between the two of you with a cocky grin, waiting on an answer.
  130. [02:48:05] * Mackenzie seems to be ignoring the manbrother at the moment.
  131. [02:55:52] <Kraken> He gives one of those cocky self-laughs people are so fond off when they don't realize they're being the proverbial worst and slaps down the bill before thumping away. It's totally a bill, not a check. Why would it be a check, he isn't paying you. It quite clearly lists one strawberry lemonade, one lemonade, and two strawberry banana milkshakes.
  132. [02:58:02] <Med> 1d6-1 don't notice the extras
  133. [02:58:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, don't notice the extras: 5 [1d6=6]
  134. [02:58:28] <Med> 4d6+6+2 pay the price of a chocolate milkshake anyway, as remembered from the menu
  135. [02:58:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, pay the price of a chocolate milkshake anyway, as remembered from the menu: 12 [4d6=1,1,1,1]
  136. [02:58:33] <Med> those 1s
  137. [02:59:53] <Kraken> You don't actually recall reading the price of a chocolate milkshake. That could be a success or a failure.
  138. [03:06:31] <Med> also
  139. [03:06:34] <Med> i crit succeeded the notice check
  140. [03:06:39] <Med> so that means i do notice the extras?!
  141. [03:06:41] <Med> "Hey... wait..."
  142. [03:06:48] <Med> "We didn't get four drinks!"
  143. [03:07:24] <Kraken> That's not how crits work in this system unfortunately. But DC 5 for one digit arithmetic seems pretty high.
  144. [21:59:36] <Med> "We only ordered half of this!"
  145. [22:01:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Zach is about to leave when you say that, he turns around and blinks. "Half?"
  146. [22:01:30] <Med> who's zach
  147. [22:01:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> was it zach
  148. [22:01:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> I forget his name
  149. [22:01:57] <Mackenzie> "Four drinks? We were lucky to get any drinks at all! This clearly is not going to stand." He drinks a bunch of his lemonade which he originally was going to decline to drink, out of spite. Also he hasn't noticed the waiter noticing them yet.
  150. [22:02:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> No yeah it was Zach
  151. [22:07:37] <Med> 1d6-1 does she?!
  152. [22:07:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, does she?!: 2 [1d6=3]
  153. [22:07:47] <Med> sure
  154. [22:08:57] <Med> "Yeah! We only got one drink each - not two!"
  155. [22:12:19] <Kraken> Zach tugs at the collar of his tanktop, because they're known for being so very restrictive like that. He reaches back for the bill and reads over it carefully. "Woah, man, that's so weird! It was...probably the system...yeah, you know, computers messing things up! I'll fix it for you." Flashing a final cocky smile, he bounces off towards some dark abyss to fuck up in some new way.
  156. [22:13:04] <Mackenzie> "Are you considering what I'm considering?"
  157. [22:13:25] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Zach approaches the counter where the machine you enter orders into is
  158. [22:14:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Another waiter, almost identical to Zach except with brown hair, is entering something into the machine. He presses one of the menu items and it gets entered twice, then frowns and tries to clear the second one and clears the whole order.
  159. [22:15:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He punches the machine.
  160. [22:15:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It explodes.
  161. [22:15:11] <Med> "What's that?"
  162. [22:15:15] <Med> 3d6+6 try to figure it out using aura magic
  163. [22:15:16] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, try to figure it out using aura magic: 17 [3d6=2,5,4]
  164. [22:15:42] <Mackenzie> He's pondering leaving before he has a chance to come back.
  165. [22:15:54] <Mackenzie> Before zach comes back, rather
  166. [22:16:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That is to say, he punches right through the screen, revealing webs of circuitry and wires beneath, which all give off a few sparks before the whole machine blows up in Zach #2's face
  167. [22:16:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Naturally, shrapnel blankets the whole restaurant
  168. [22:18:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 6d12+45+20 Fire Type Selfdestruct on everyone in the restaurant! Oh noooooo. Veronica sees this coming annnnnd...
  169. [22:18:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Fire Type Selfdestruct on everyone in the restaurant! Oh noooooo. Veronica sees this coming annnnnd...: 102 [6d12=7,12,1,11,1,5]
  170. [22:20:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d6+3 Intercept!
  171. [22:20:52] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Intercept!: 6 [3d6=1,1,1]
  172. [22:21:07] <Med> those 1s
  173. [22:21:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She's not fast enough! She sees that and...
  174. [22:21:23] <Mackenzie> its k, i has feecher for dat
  175. [22:21:49] <Mackenzie> I think
  176. [22:22:35] <Mackenzie> Never mind, the thing i had in mind does nothing in this instance
  177. [22:22:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> There's a blinding flash of light before the ceiling collapses from the stress of EXPLOSION and the ceiling lands on you two
  178. [22:22:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Both of you
  179. [22:22:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> make
  180. [22:22:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> body
  181. [22:22:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> checks
  182. [22:22:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (which is 3d6 + body stat)
  183. [22:23:00] <Med> 3d6 ok
  184. [22:23:00] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, ok: 15 [3d6=3,6,6]
  185. [22:23:06] <Mackenzie> 3d6+2
  186. [22:23:07] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 3d6+2: 18 [3d6=5,6,5]
  187. [22:25:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Neither of you are insta-KOed by that, and instead you take a flat 40 damage as if you got hit by a dragon rage. The restaurant, whatever it was, is in complete ruins, and you're both somewhat covered in rubble, although you're not BURIED. You can get out. There are people who are knocked out from the explosion, covered in rubble, some people trying to help others out, and just LOTS
  188. [22:25:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> OF DUST everywhere, so it's hard to see anything.
  189. [22:26:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu>
  190. [22:28:13] <Med> ohgod what just happened?!
  191. [22:28:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Neither of you can see Veronica, wherever she went
  192. [22:28:22] * Med looks to see if her woobat and mcmillions are still ok ;-;
  193. [22:29:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The woobat is knocked out in your pocket. McMillions...
  194. [22:29:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll me perception
  195. [22:29:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mack too, fo rthat matter
  196. [22:29:53] <Med> 1d6-1
  197. [22:29:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, 1d6-1: 0 [1d6=1]
  198. [22:30:12] * Mackenzie breaks free from le rubble. "Med? Veronica? What's going on?"
  199. [22:30:14] <Mackenzie> 1d6+2
  200. [22:30:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 1d6+2: 5 [1d6=3]
  201. [22:31:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Med, McMillions is GONE, you don't know where she is!
  202. [22:31:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mack, however, notices there's a pile of rubble, a particularly big one near you two, that there's some SLIGHT movement in, and an occasional sound
  203. [22:32:23] <Med> whereisshewhereisshe
  204. [22:33:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d6+2 McMillions intercepted as well
  205. [22:33:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, McMillions intercepted as well: 11 [3d6=6,2,1]
  206. [22:35:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Veronica blocked all the damage to Mack (and was able to ignore it due to evolving) but McMillions took the full brunt of the damage to Med :/
  207. [22:35:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Selfdestruct damage, that is
  208. [22:35:18] <Med> so 102?
  209. [22:35:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> minus defense, of course
  210. [22:36:03] <Med> i dotn think that's reduced by any type stuff
  211. [22:36:03] <Med> so
  212. [22:36:36] * Med is at 29/77, McMillions is at -34/63
  213. [22:37:01] * Mackenzie lets out Carl. "Carl! It's an emergency! Clear out this dust and help search for survivors!" Technically Veronica would have taken no damage because you said it was Fire type. Anyway, Mack skims the nearby rubble real quick and finds the moving pile, heading over there ASAP and removing the stuffs.
  214. [22:37:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Yep. Anyway! Mack, going to investigate the moving pile?
  215. [22:38:53] * Med continues looking for McMillions.
  216. [22:39:05] * Med is probably panicking. it's probably spilling out because of aura magic.
  217. [22:40:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Carl nods and takes to the air! Carl has Power 5, which means he can pretty reasonably dig out survivors! He sets to work on that immediately, aiding a nearby pair of guests in getting dug out! MEANWHILE Mack starts clearing that pile from before, and quickly finds Veronica in it! She's evolved into a fine Ninetales, seemingly unhurt by the pile of debris that landed on her, but
  218. [22:40:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> she's got her mouth on something and is trying to pull it out of the rubble.
  219. [22:41:48] <Mackenzie> 1d6+1 notice that veronica has evolved
  220. [22:41:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, notice that veronica has evolved: 3 [1d6=2]
  221. [22:42:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It's actually not that hard! she totally still has that hat from the ref pic However, what's harder to notice is whatever she's trying to pull out. You have no idea what she's doing with that
  222. [22:44:24] <Mackenzie> "Veronica, you're..." He reaches into his pocket. Nope, no fire stone. "How did..." He actually pays attention for a second. "What do you have there?" He goes over and helps her free the thing!
  223. [22:44:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll me an athletics check, and add your Power capability in addition to your normal modifier
  224. [22:45:28] <Mackenzie> 3d6+2+7
  225. [22:45:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 3d6+2+7: 22 [3d6=6,4,3]
  226. [22:45:35] * Med needs a Knives, so... she releases him!
  227. [22:45:40] * Med explains the situation to him frantically
  228. [22:46:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> With your help, Veronica has a much easier time pulling McMillions out of the rubble! Veronica totally shielded her from the ceiling cave-in
  229. [22:48:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Knives nods and sniffs for McMillions...and is just in time to point out that Mack and Veronica pulled her out of the rubble with one of his knived fingers!
  230. [22:49:16] <Mackenzie> "...Oh, it's... Med, over here!" He picks up the bird and uh... is aware that it's totally KO'd
  231. [22:49:39] <Med> btw that did four injuries to mcmillions
  232. [22:50:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Carl is busy busting a family of four out of the rubble, the parents managed to shield both of the children and are badly hurt (but still breathing). He's moving on to a couple that went here on a date.
  233. [22:51:04] * Med runsovertomcmillionstoseeifshe'sokohgod
  234. [22:53:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She's in absolutely terrible condition, but she's still breathing!
  235. [22:55:17] <Med> i forget, can potions be used on KO'd pokemons?
  236. [22:55:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Eh I don't remember, but I'll say they can totally be used to stabilize KO'd pokemon, they just won't wake up right away or anything
  237. [22:56:49] * Med uses a super potion on her then!
  238. [22:57:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (btw, Batsy got KO'd from the ceiling falling on her, she didn't take the selfdestruct damage since McMillions covered for both of you. She's actually above 0 and just got KO'd from the shock of it)
  239. [22:57:48] <Mackenzie> "Med, we need to... Damn, what do we do?"
  240. [22:57:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (and also because she was sleeping to begin with)
  241. [22:57:55] <Med> (any damage taken?)
  242. [22:58:05] <Mackenzie> 1d6+2 focus to remain on task with helping peoples?
  243. [22:58:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, focus to remain on task with helping peoples?: 5 [1d6=3]
  244. [22:58:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (just 40, like what Med and Mack took)
  245. [22:58:12] <Med> (ok)
  246. [22:58:36] <Med> that's still enough to deal 2 injuries!
  247. [22:59:32] * Mackenzie didn't even take half his health in damage, fuck yeah
  248. [22:59:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Knives is going in to assist Carl in digging people out of the rubble, and Mack's able to clearly see the two of them and can totally join in if he wants. Veronica's already hopping to assist as well
  249. [22:59:50] * Mackenzie still got below 50% though :(
  250. [23:00:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And also, someone that wasn't completely buried actually thought to call an ambulance!
  251. [23:00:48] * Med puts the wounded McMillions back in her pokeball, and goes to help Knives because Knives.
  252. [23:01:11] * Mackenzie hops on the assistance train~
  253. [23:01:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Which is arriving about now! Soooo, if you guys waaaant, we can jump to after you're done helping people get out.
  254. [23:01:32] <Mackenzie> Sure
  255. [23:02:51] * Med is probably like, trembling afterward and stuff.
  256. [23:03:35] <Mackenzie> "Are you alright, Med? I'm fine... Just like acting out a scene... Only it hurts more."
  257. [23:05:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> There were 15 humans (and a few assorted pokemon) as guests in the restaurant, and 7 humans (and a few pokemon) working there. Of them, nobody died, and 10 were injured badly enough to have to be hospitalized (along with 5 Pokemon). The rest were only injured badly enough that they just had to be bandaged up by EMTs and didn't require serious treatment. McMillions is counted as
  258. [23:05:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> one of those 5 Pokemon
  259. [23:06:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Veronica is probably the only one in there who got out entirely unscathed, unfortunately
  260. [23:08:24] <Med> "I... I..." she's horrified!
  261. [23:11:31] <Med> and
  262. [23:11:33] <Med> trembling
  263. [23:11:33] <Med> and
  264. [23:11:39] * Mackenzie is sitting next to Veronica as well, stroking her back. Carl has been recalled during the transition of location.
  265. [23:12:28] <Mackenzie> "It's okay, Med. Thanks to Veronica, your pokemon is gonna make it."
  266. [23:12:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> There's a medical Chansey patting Med on the back reassuringly
  267. [23:14:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Zach and his suspiciously similar waiter friend are also in the ER, they're not going to die either, although they've had a good number of bones broken. Owwww.
  268. [23:14:41] <Mackenzie> Amazingly Zach 2 is keeping his arm
  269. [23:19:13] * Med is just kinda sitting there, covered in scratches and scrapes and other injuries, because bikinis are not very protective!
  270. [23:19:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> His arm is SHOT, he's not keeping it. D:
  271. [23:20:18] <Mackenzie> "..."
  272. [23:27:50] <Med> "I-it was so scary..." oh god is she going to cry?!
  273. [23:36:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> A nurse pops out about now
  274. [23:36:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (sorry I got distracted)
  275. [23:37:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Ah, miss...Mizou, was it? Your Murkrow is going to be all right, although they won't be in fighting shape for a while. Do you want to see them?"
  276. [23:40:03] <Med> "Y-yes please..."
  277. [23:42:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She pops open the door, where McMillions is on a bed, swathed in bandages, looking outside gloomily as per usual, although she doesn't' have rain to look out.
  278. [23:44:50] <Med> [H-how're you feeling?] she asks the bird :c
  279. [23:46:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> [Pretty sore. Perfect for a gloomy, dark, somewhat cloudy night. I wish it was still raining.]
  280. [23:48:16] * Med looks up the weather forecast on her phone!
  281. [23:49:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> No rain for the rest of the night or tomorrow, there'll be rain on Monday, though!
  282. [23:50:57] <Med> [Sorry... looks like it's not gonna rain until Monday...]
  283. [23:52:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> [Eh, just as well, I'll probably be feeling better by then anyway.]
  284. [23:52:28] <Med> [I hope so!]
  285. [23:56:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> [Oh well. Let's go home, then.]
  286. [23:57:50] <Med> "Does she have to stay overnight?"
  287. [23:57:53] * Mackenzie is sitting outside, and decides to talk to Veronica. "Veronica, how did you end up evolving? Did you even know I had a fire stone? I hoped to make it a surprise for how well you've done lately.
  288. [23:58:11] <Mackenzie> Outside the room Med is in, to clarify
  289. [00:00:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Veronica's tails twitch back and forth, before she paws at Mackenzie's coat pocket, then points at another pocket where Mackenzie might store something (like a wallet) with a visible bulge.
  290. [00:00:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The nurse smiles. "So long as you give her bed rest, she should be okay, yeah!"
  291. [00:01:16] <Med> "Okay!"
  292. [00:08:25] <Mackenzie> "I guess it was fairly apparent I had something else with me. Thank you for helping protect Med's pokemon, though. I'm not sure she would have made it, and had that happened, I don't think Med would be personally able to continue helping us for a while." He scratches his head, totally not his nervous reaction by the way. "Do you think we'll get a bonus for saving civilian lives?"
  293. [00:08:26] <Mackenzie> It's not readily discernible whether he's being sarcastic or actually expecting compensation.
  294. [00:10:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Veronica's tails swish as she gives a rather neutral sounding "Tales.", giving a dismissive wave with her head.
  295. [00:18:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> </session>
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