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- Zehra - Today at 20:43
- Servers need better security.
- Right now, doesn't take much to prevent anyone from joining them.
- MuffinTastic - Today at 20:44
- :thinking: do you mean there aren't many ways to prevent people from joining
- because it not taking much means it's easy lmao
- Zehra - Today at 20:56
- It's easy as hello world...
- You send 32 connections of 'client joining' and don't cancel them...
- Fills up the server slot for players...
- Even if you have a timeout value.
- 10 minutes of not being able to join could annoy some people.
- Doesn't take much to write something to keep the connections open.
- Servers should NOT permit 32 connections from a single IP...
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:00
- and most don't, the default is 3 connections max per ip
- Afrodude - Today at 21:00
- i didnt realize this was an issue
- Zehra - Today at 21:00
- Easy to bypass...
- If you have the right tools, you can easily load the servers.
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:00
- so you just dismantled your own argument
- nice
- Zehra - Today at 21:01
- I heard one person had 32 players from a single house joining a server.
- (Thought it was default.)
- But still, 3 connections is a bit too much.
- 10 different IPs and the server remains unable to join for anyone.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:02
- lol
- Coco - Today at 21:02
- are you implying there are people that do that
- so that its an issue
- Zehra - Today at 21:03
- Coco, I'm not sure if anyone has done it, but it certainly is possible.
- Coco - Today at 21:03
- oh
- Afrodude - Today at 21:03
- Coco - Today at 21:03
- so its not that much of an issue
- more of an hypothesis
- Zehra - Today at 21:03
- Maybe we'll see an outbreak of servers being unavailable.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:04
- so you basically are assuming its possible you dont actually know
- Zehra - Today at 21:04
- @Afrodude prevent the issue before someone abuses it.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:04
- and from that have decided theres a security problem
- but
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:04
- some dude would have to run like 3 proxies on the same computer just to do this
- Afrodude - Today at 21:04
- you dont know if there is an issue
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:04
- or 3 proxies and 4 computers
- that's way too much effort for a game like this
- that's just stupid lmao
- Afrodude - Today at 21:04
- this is hilarious
- Zehra - Today at 21:04
- Yeah, they would probably knock the servers offline instead of loading them.
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:05
- wrong
- Afrodude - Today at 21:05
- he completely made up a problem and decided that servers have bad security
- omg
- Zehra - Today at 21:05
- Well, it depends.
- It's possible.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:05
- you assume
- Zehra - Today at 21:06
- That is what counts...
- You decide if it is an issue or not.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:06
- uh
- its not a problem if its not a problem
- Zehra - Today at 21:06
- Here's your logic...
- Because someone hasn't done it = it is not an issue.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:06
- oh this oughta be good
- right
- exactly
- a non existent problem is not a problem
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:08
- yes it's POSSIBLE for someone to run twelve billiondy proxies across 10 computers on their local network and fill a server
- but who is gonna do that
- who
- <Sw>Sw~Fleischy@Sw - Today at 21:08
- gee I'd hate to let this breach of security go on and potentially disappoint the 50 people that still play this
- noom - Today at 21:08
- you could have come up with infinite number of problems like this
- Afrodude - Today at 21:08
- there is no breach of security
- he made it up
- Zehra - Today at 21:09
- Afrodude admits he doesn't believe something unless someone proves it.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:09
- what
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:09
- lol
- Zehra - Today at 21:09
- Gee, I wonder why this game is so buggy.
- noom - Today at 21:09
- ?
- Afrodude - Today at 21:09
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:09
- ??????????
- Afrodude - Today at 21:09
- Zehra - Today at 1:09 PM
- Afrodude admits he doesn't believe something unless someone proves it.
- Zehra - Today at 1:09 PM
- Gee, I wonder why this game is so buggy.
- noom - Today at 21:10
- screenshot it(edited)
- pin it
- enjoy it
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:10
- ur so cool u can write scripts ahuhauhehuhue
- noom - Today at 21:10
- hackerman
- Afrodude - Today at 21:11
- bro i cant stop laughing someone help
- noom - Today at 21:11
- same
- <Sw>Sw~Fleischy@Sw - Today at 21:11
- kid u better stfu before i call up my boys and we pastebin your ass into eternity
- noom - Today at 21:11
- Afrodude admits he doesn't believe something unless someone proves it.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:11
- your gay ass*
- or was it dumb ass
- cant remember
- Zehra - Today at 21:11
- Meh.
- Someone could easily break this game.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:12
- wow thank you for being such a complete idiot
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:12
- define "break into"
- Afrodude - Today at 21:12
- made my day
- noom - Today at 21:12
- surely you can
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:12
- ah my bad i saw an "into" where there was none
- in any case, joining with 32 clients won't break a server
- it's just retarded
- Zehra - Today at 21:13
- Yes, it just loads the server...
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:13
- yep, and it wastes the time of the """attacker""" because people can just join other servers
- Zehra - Today at 21:13
- Who cares about breaking servers, if they are just loaded.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:13
- literally nobody would ever bother doing that
- Zehra - Today at 21:13
- Also means they have 'fake' player counts.
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:14
- it's not fake player counts
- fake player counts are when the server host directly sends false information to the server list
- there are real players there, they're just empty shells
- Zehra - Today at 21:14
- Yes.
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:14
- uhh
- Afrodude - Today at 21:15
- i still cant believe he implied i had anything to do with the game being "buggy"
- thats hilarious
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:16
- >Someone could easily break this game.
- >Who cares about breaking servers, if they are just loaded.
- :thinking:
- Zehra - Today at 21:16
- Different ways of messing the game.
- Meh, nothing happens, unless something actually happens.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:17
- right
- exactly
- why do you say that as though its not true
- seems very obvious
- noom - Today at 21:18
- Everything can be broken or messed with, unless it's something serious there is no reason to waste time on it(edited)
- Spring - Today at 21:18
- Why does all of this lowkey seem like a threat?(edited)
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:18
- it is a threat, he's writing a SCRIPT
- be very afraid
- Afrodude - Today at 21:19
- hes the only person thats ever even thought of doing that
- noom - Today at 21:19
- it's an attack at this stage
- Zehra - Today at 21:19
- It depends on who uses it and how.
- Spring - Today at 21:20
- “Maybe we'll see an outbreak of servers being unavailable.”
- Afrodude - Today at 21:20
- the answer is nobody
- ever
- Spring - Today at 21:20
- This seems like a passive aggressive threat to me
- Afrodude - Today at 21:20
- thats your who and how right there
- Spring - Today at 21:20
- What’s your deal oatmeal
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:20
- how else do you use this, other than filling servers
- there's literally no other way to use it
- you just fill servers
- Afrodude - Today at 21:20
- he also said hed write a script to do it and deleted the message
- Zehra - Today at 21:20
- I'll just work and record a video of a local test.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:20
- why
- noom - Today at 21:20
- why
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:21
- you're going to record yourself filling a local server?
- Zehra - Today at 21:21
- On second thought, I won't even bother.
- 👏1
- Coco - Today at 21:21
- so you just proved their point
- Zehra - Today at 21:21
- (Game never going to get fixed.)
- Afrodude - Today at 21:21
- lmfao
- noom - Today at 21:21
- :clap:
- Coco - Today at 21:21
- not even someone who suggested it happened isn't going to do it
- Afrodude - Today at 21:21
- noom - Today at 21:22
- problem solved
- Coco - Today at 21:22
- because its too much work for little to no benefit
- Afrodude - Today at 21:22
- "guys this is totally a problem someone will do this"
- "you know what even i cant be fucked to do this"
- unreal
- noom - Today at 21:22
- at least i had a good laugh
- Spring - Today at 21:23
- Well if we witness someone trying to connect many times to the same server we’ll know who it is
- Afrodude - Today at 21:24
- my day is so much better because of that holy shit
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:26
- it's rude to make fun of the dialed
- *disabled
- Zehra - Today at 21:26
- Someone could write a better system.
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:26
- >:(
- ok use my system
- Zehra - Today at 21:26
- Maybe we'll one day see a better server and client.
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:27
- we already have both
- B)
- Zehra - Today at 21:27
- Actually never going to happen.
- 😡1
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:27
- already done
- begone
- ape
- Zehra - Today at 21:28
- not completed.
- noom - Today at 21:28
- what do you consider as "completed"
- Zehra - Today at 21:28
- Same as many projects.
- noom - Today at 21:28
- ?
- Coco - Today at 21:29
- a game that has no non-existant problems
- Zehra - Today at 21:29
- :thinking:
- Let me know when you find it Coco.
- Coco - Today at 21:30
- no such thing
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:31
- ain't no game that hasn't not got no non-existant non-problems
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:31
- actually is pretty complete enough to play full games on
- maybe work to complete it instead of complaining about incomplete projects
- Zehra - Today at 21:31
- That's what afrodude needs to do.
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:32
- ????????????
- Afrodude - Today at 21:32
- what
- Zehra - Today at 21:32
- Actually do something.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:32
- wait
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:32
- .
- Afrodude - Today at 21:32
- wait
- noom - Today at 21:32
- wtf?
- Zehra - Today at 21:32
- Maybe if you could do something, we wouldn't be here.
- noom - Today at 21:32
- you're the one who started complaining about everything
- Afrodude - Today at 21:32
- wow
- like
- noom - Today at 21:32
- is he trolling
- Zehra - Today at 21:32
- I am complaining about his excuses for not doing anything.(edited)
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:33
- what excuses?????
- Afrodude - Today at 21:33
- ive been getting blamed for stuff i didnt do for years around here
- but this is next level
- Zehra - Today at 21:33
- Constantly switching the topic.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:33
- w h a t
- noom - Today at 21:33
- he didn't complain about everything like you did, so why should he be the one to do something ?? i'm confused(edited)
- <Sw>Sw~Fleischy@Sw - Today at 21:34
- its cause he black obv
- Zehra - Today at 21:34
- LOL everyone here says something stupid..
- Only when I do it, others complain.... hmmm...
- noom - Today at 21:34
- especially you
- Afrodude - Today at 21:34
- why should i have to do anything lol
- im so lost
- Zehra - Today at 21:35
- Get a map and find where you are.
- :p
- Afrodude - Today at 21:35
- bruh
- Coco - Today at 21:35
- everyone will get shit on if they say something stupid
- you are no exception
- noom - Today at 21:36
- he is very smart
- Coco - Today at 21:36
- muffin has explained the facts behind it and presented why its not necessarily something to be worried about or that is ruining the entire game for players
- Techno - Today at 21:36
- I just read through all of that, should I be dying of laughter or dying of idiocy?
- Spring - Today at 21:36
- Yes
- noom - Today at 21:36
- both
- asianguy - Today at 21:36
- both
- Zehra - Today at 21:36
- I suggest something might be an issue and I get afrodude complaining with blah, blah.
- MuffinTastic - Today at 21:36
- all three things
- Spring - Today at 21:37
- Why are you laying the blame at afrodude’s feet of all people
- Techno - Today at 21:37
- this isn't an issue
- this is a hypothetical that you thought of
- Zehra - Today at 21:37
- Muffin explained things, rather than afro making dumb comments.
- So it was reasonable.
- Techno - Today at 21:37
- im sure everyone can think of a hypothetical, it doesn't mean someone is going to do it
- Zehra - Today at 21:37
- Could have left it at that.
- noom - Today at 21:37
- what did afro did to u that ur attacking specifically him
- Techno - Today at 21:37
- who in the right mind would use proxies to fill up the server with just themselves
- it's a waste of time and there's no point to it
- Afrodude - Today at 21:37
- >complaining
- Zehra - Today at 21:38
- Afro does what he always does.
- Afrodude - Today at 21:38
- how is me calling you an idiot complaining
- Techno - Today at 21:38
- im commenting, or so you'd like to call it "complaining" on this stupid "issue" as well(edited)
- bash me also
- Afrodude - Today at 21:38
- Zehra - Today at 1:38 PM
- Afro does what he always does.
- i love it
- sigged
- Coco - Today at 21:39
- zehra does what he always does too, complain about idiotic things
- <Sw>Sw~Fleischy@Sw - Today at 21:40
- me too
- Zehra - Today at 21:40
- Lets just all leave it at that.
- argo@on-the-dole - Today at 21:40
- dude the servers can easily be overloaded!!
- Coco - Today at 21:40
- you and afro have good synergy
- argo@on-the-dole - Today at 21:40
- o-oh there's an option in server files to limit connections by IP
- oh
- noom - Today at 21:40
- he has a script
- Afrodude - Today at 21:40
- im astounded
- argo@on-the-dole - Today at 21:41
- The potential for servers to be downed may exist but has never caused an issue, thus noone paid attention to it
- Techno - Today at 21:41
- let's just drop this subject, no need to argue on this
- Zehra - Today at 21:41
- This is getting out of hand, so let us just leave it at that.
- argo@on-the-dole - Today at 21:41
- this may seem "risky" but it really isn't cause there's not much at stake here that can't be fixed
- Afrodude - Today at 21:41
- thanks for the content homie
- Coco - Today at 21:42
- discord memes are the best memes
- flush out irc
- Zehra - Today at 21:42
- Thanks for the explaination @argo@on-the-dole
- Afrodude - Today at 21:42
- what
- i literallly said
- the same shit
- Zehra - Today at 21:42
- I'll next time make sure to check an issue is actually an issue before posting.
- noom - Today at 21:42
- that's what we said
- the first time
- Afrodude - Today at 21:42
- what
- argo@on-the-dole - Today at 21:42
- That is what they said
- noom - Today at 21:42
- wtf?
- argo@on-the-dole - Today at 21:42
- I did read back
- Afrodude - Today at 21:42
- hes trolling
- ok
- noom - Today at 21:43
- enough
- Zehra - Today at 21:43
- Agreed.(edited)
- Coco - Today at 21:45
- :pizza:
- 🌭2
- 🥑1
- Techno - Today at 21:47
- Would anyone like to play aos with me? :heart:
- Coco - Today at 21:47
- why would anyone play that buggy game
- Techno - Today at 21:48
- :/
- noom - Today at 21:48
- me
- Techno - Today at 21:48
- coco pls don't lol
- Afrodude - Today at 21:48
- yeah dude im not playing that shit too many security issues
- asianguy - Today at 21:48
- agreed
- Techno - Today at 21:48
- afro
- Afrodude - Today at 21:48
- probably my fault
- Coco - Today at 21:48
- wtf afro why didn't u fix them
- its ur duty
- Techno - Today at 21:48
- asianguy - Today at 21:48
- he has to prove it first man
- then he believes it
- Techno - Today at 21:48
- guys stop
- someone play with me
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:49
- ironic autism is still autism
- Afrodude - Today at 21:49
- nah bro someones gonna fill up all the servers
- asianguy - Today at 21:49
- sometimes i wonder why this game is so buggy
- Afrodude - Today at 21:49
- we cant play with this very real and comprehensive issue
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:49
- it's because I made it
- Techno - Today at 21:49
- can you guys stop
- we dropped this
- Coco - Today at 21:50
- once a meme has been born, it has to complete its life cycle
- asianguy - Today at 21:50
- yup
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:50
- you guys are killing it faster than it was born
- Afrodude - Today at 21:50
- you know me techno
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:50
- stale meme
- asianguy - Today at 21:50
- it was born a long time ago
- Afrodude - Today at 21:50
- as they say afro does what he always does
- Techno - Today at 21:50
- I do know you
- :frowning:
- 10se1ucgo - Today at 21:50
- tragic
- Zehra - Today at 21:53
- Shocking new report - All players quit AoS in rage of massive security breaches...
- <Sw>Sw~Fleischy@Sw - Today at 21:53
- thank god
- Zehra - Today at 21:53
- Players are advised to delete the email accounts they registered with and to change ISPs.
- Spring - Today at 21:53
- If you are this much of a threat perhaps we should just ban you
- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- asianguy - Today at 21:54
- oof
- Zehra - Today at 21:54
- :p
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