
adb logcat of baconthulhu

Dec 7th, 2019
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  1. --------- beginning of main
  2. 12-07 21:07:16.781 11307 11347 I OHRRPGCE: Saving in slot 0
  3. --------- beginning of system
  4. 12-07 21:07:17.646 907 4215 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 (has extras)} from uid 10052
  5. 12-07 21:07:17.647 1407 1407 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow:{2cd1807 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1920,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false
  6. 12-07 21:07:17.650 659 659 D QCOM PowerHAL: LAUNCH HINT: ON
  7. 12-07 21:07:17.652 659 659 D QCOM PowerHAL: Activity launch hint handled
  8. 12-07 21:07:17.679 907 4215 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_CA] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h659dp 420dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1794) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.1714}
  9. 12-07 21:07:17.708 907 4215 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config changes=20000480 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_CA] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h659dp 420dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1794) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.1714} for displayId=0
  10. 12-07 21:07:17.722 659 659 D QCOM PowerHAL: LAUNCH HINT: OFF
  11. 12-07 21:07:17.730 11307 11307 I libSDL : OpenGL context lost - sending SDL_ACTIVEEVENT
  12. 12-07 21:07:17.730 11307 11307 I SDL : libSDL: stopping accelerometer/gyroscope
  13. 12-07 21:07:17.730 11307 11307 V SDL : GLSurfaceView_SDL::onPause()
  14. 12-07 21:07:17.730 1708 1708 I AiAiSuggestUi: Clearing suggestions.
  15. 12-07 21:07:17.736 11307 11307 I SDL : libSDL: onWindowFocusChanged: false - sending onPause/onResume
  16. 12-07 21:07:17.741 907 949 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:0
  17. 12-07 21:07:17.745 907 1180 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004
  18. 12-07 21:07:17.745 907 1180 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=4, name='synaptics_dsxv26', size 1080x1920, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
  19. 12-07 21:07:17.786 504 711 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - com.hamsterrepublic.baconthulhu/com.hamsterrepublic.baconthulhu.MainActivity#0] dequeueBuffer: BufferQueue has no connected producer
  20. 12-07 21:07:17.787 1760 1760 W GoogleInputMethodService: onConfigurationChanged() : NewConfig = {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_CA] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h659dp 420dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1794) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.1756}
  21. 12-07 21:07:17.787 1760 1760 W KeyboardModeManager: reloadOrientationAwareData() : orientation = 1
  22. 12-07 21:07:17.788 11307 11347 I Adreno : DequeueBuffer: dequeueBuffer failed
  23. 12-07 21:07:17.796 11307 11347 I SDL : libSDL: DemoRenderer.onSurfaceDestroyed(): paused true mFirstTimeStart false
  24. 12-07 21:07:17.796 11307 11347 I libSDL : OpenGL context lost, waiting for new OpenGL context
  25. 12-07 21:07:17.818 1760 1760 W KeyboardModeManager: setInputView() : inputView = null
  26. 12-07 21:07:17.823 1760 1760 I GoogleInputMethodService: Apply keyboard theme: theme_stylesheet_googleblue_materiallight_assets:theme_package_metadata_google_blue_light.binarypb_port
  27. 12-07 21:07:17.850 1407 1407 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s > disable2<q i n >
  28. 12-07 21:07:17.856 1760 1760 I KeyboardViewUtil: systemKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000; userKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000.
  29. 12-07 21:07:17.861 2642 2642 W ThreadPoolDumper: Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small.
  30. 12-07 21:07:17.881 1760 1760 I DeviceStatusMonitor: onReceive() : Action = android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
  31. 12-07 21:07:17.882 1760 1760 I ConfigurationNotification: Get device mode by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:411
  32. 12-07 21:07:17.882 1760 1760 I chatty : uid=10112( identical 2 lines
  33. 12-07 21:07:17.882 1760 1760 I ConfigurationNotification: Get device mode by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:411
  34. 12-07 21:07:17.900 2642 3279 I MicroDataManager: isInitializing-false locale not changed-true model not changed-true
  35. 12-07 21:07:17.914 2642 3279 I StreamController: registerScope: nowcards-15-129751-b487
  36. 12-07 21:07:17.916 1407 1407 I OpaEnabledReceiver: Dispatching OPA eligble = true; AGSA = true; OPA enabled = true
  37. 12-07 21:07:17.916 1407 1407 I OpaLayout: Setting opa enabled to true
  38. 12-07 21:07:17.916 1407 1407 I OpaLayout: Setting opa enabled to true
  39. 12-07 21:07:17.924 2277 3662 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=36
  40. 12-07 21:07:17.990 2642 10035 W LocationOracle: No location history returned by ContextManager
  41. 12-07 21:07:17.992 1407 1407 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s > disable2<q i n >
  42. 12-07 21:07:17.997 2277 10289 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=30
  43. 12-07 21:07:17.999 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword detection immediately - false
  44. 12-07 21:07:18.004 2642 3279 I chatty : uid=10050( EventBus0 identical 1 line
  45. 12-07 21:07:18.012 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword detection immediately - false
  46. 12-07 21:07:18.028 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionWorker: #startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
  47. 12-07 21:07:18.033 2642 3279 I AudioController: Created new AudioSource
  48. 12-07 21:07:18.034 2642 9276 I MicroDataManager: isInitializedWithLatestParams-true
  49. 12-07 21:07:18.034 2642 9276 I MicroDataManager: isInitializing-false locale not changed-true model not changed-true
  50. 12-07 21:07:18.034 2642 9276 I MicroDataManager: Already initialized, obtaining the hotword data immediately.
  51. 12-07 21:07:18.035 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionWorker: onReady
  52. 12-07 21:07:18.037 2642 3372 I MicroRecognitionRunner: Starting detection.
  53. 12-07 21:07:18.039 2642 3372 E AudioSystem: AudioSystem::getInputBufferSize failed sampleRate 16000 format 0x1 channelMask 0x10
  54. 12-07 21:07:18.039 2642 3372 E AudioRecord: getMinFrameCount(): AudioSystem could not query the input buffer size for sampleRate 16000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x10; status -22
  55. 12-07 21:07:18.039 2642 3372 I InputStreamUtils: Using micInputStream
  56. 12-07 21:07:18.042 907 950 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +387ms due to Window{daa7d0f u0}
  57. 12-07 21:07:18.042 2642 3352 I MicrophoneInputStream: mic_starting SR : 16000 CC : 16 SO : 1999
  58. 12-07 21:07:18.045 1407 1419 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 59388(2261KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 7042KB/13MB, paused 45us total 121.267ms
  59. 12-07 21:07:18.048 11305 11342 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT from uid=10050 pid=2642
  60. 12-07 21:07:18.048 11305 11342 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT for uid=10050 => denied (404 us)
  61. 12-07 21:07:18.049 11305 11342 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD for uid=10050 => granted (192 us)
  62. --------- beginning of crash
  63. 12-07 21:07:18.050 11305 11342 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 in tid 11342 (Binder:11305_1), pid 11305 (audioserver)
  64. 12-07 21:07:18.086 11387 11387 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
  65. 12-07 21:07:18.086 818 818 I /system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 11342
  66. 12-07 21:07:18.087 11387 11387 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 11305 (target tid = 11342)
  67. 12-07 21:07:18.097 11387 11387 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  68. 12-07 21:07:18.097 11387 11387 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/sailfish/sailfish:10/QP1A.191005.007.A1/5908163:user/release-keys'
  69. 12-07 21:07:18.097 11387 11387 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
  70. 12-07 21:07:18.097 11387 11387 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
  71. 12-07 21:07:18.097 2039 2039 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_PENDING_INTENT pendingIntent=PendingIntent[],]
  72. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2019-12-07 21:07:18-0500
  73. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : pid: 11305, tid: 11342, name: Binder:11305_1 >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
  74. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : uid: 1041
  75. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
  76. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
  77. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : x0 ab4b105371f11461 x1 000000706c59ee60 x2 0000000000000000 x3 000000706c553000
  78. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : x4 0000006fe63f9f88 x5 0000006fe63f9930 x6 0000000000000000 x7 0000000000000000
  79. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : x8 000000706c59ee60 x9 000000706c5c2000 x10 0000000000000000 x11 0000000000000001
  80. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : x12 0000000000000009 x13 000000706c4f9fe9 x14 000000706c4f9fe9 x15 000000706c4f9fe9
  81. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : x16 000000706b3f39f8 x17 000000706c69a104 x18 0000006fe615e000 x19 000000706b3f5030
  82. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : x20 00000000000007cf x21 0000000000000000 x22 0000006feb181008 x23 0000000080000100
  83. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : x24 0000006fe63fc020 x25 000000706b3f1420 x26 000000706b3f1cb0 x27 0000006fe63fc020
  84. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : x28 000000706b3f1420 x29 0000006fe63f9440
  85. 12-07 21:07:18.098 11387 11387 F DEBUG : sp 0000006fe63f9380 lr 000000706b3a7c38 pc 000000706b3a7750
  86. 12-07 21:07:18.116 11387 11387 F DEBUG :
  87. 12-07 21:07:18.116 11387 11387 F DEBUG : backtrace:
  88. 12-07 21:07:18.116 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000020750 /system/lib64/ (android::audio_policy::Engine::getDeviceForInputSource(audio_source_t) const+296) (BuildId: 1dc48a7c8fa8197576c71f5f0e2d66ca)
  89. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #01 pc 000000000001d020 /system/lib64/ (android::audio_policy::Engine::getInputDeviceForAttributes(audio_attributes_t const&, android::sp<android::AudioPolicyMix>*) const+552) (BuildId: 1dc48a7c8fa8197576c71f5f0e2d66ca)
  90. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #02 pc 00000000000591c4 /system/lib64/ (android::AudioPolicyManager::getInputForAttr(audio_attributes_t const*, int*, int, audio_session_t, unsigned int, audio_config_base const*, audio_input_flags_t, int*, android::AudioPolicyInterface::input_type_t*, int*)+872) (BuildId: df55a099aac3f94ee097f2ca3fb63091)
  91. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #03 pc 000000000002c9f4 /system/lib64/ (android::AudioPolicyService::getInputForAttr(audio_attributes_t const*, int*, int, audio_session_t, int, unsigned int, android::String16 const&, audio_config_base const*, audio_input_flags_t, int*, int*)+572) (BuildId: 64d76d0a5b59b82065df1d83958e5d36)
  92. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #04 pc 000000000005ca18 /system/lib64/ (android::AudioSystem::getInputForAttr(audio_attributes_t const*, int*, int, audio_session_t, int, unsigned int, android::String16 const&, audio_config_base const*, audio_input_flags_t, int*, int*) [clone .cfi]+188) (BuildId: c5ea2e7456df8e815b6407f63e7f975a)
  93. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0000000000029e18 /system/lib64/ (android::AudioFlinger::createRecord(android::IAudioFlinger::CreateRecordInput const&, android::IAudioFlinger::CreateRecordOutput&, int*)+1600) (BuildId: c3baebbd233e12ef2225894d24a538d2)
  94. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0000000000080204 /system/lib64/ (android::BnAudioFlinger::onTransact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+8980) (BuildId: c5ea2e7456df8e815b6407f63e7f975a)
  95. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #07 pc 000000000004c68c /system/lib64/ (android::BBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+136) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  96. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #08 pc 0000000000058b3c /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int)+996) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  97. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #09 pc 00000000000586a4 /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+156) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  98. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #10 pc 0000000000058e00 /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+60) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  99. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #11 pc 000000000007f308 /system/lib64/ (android::PoolThread::threadLoop()+24) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  100. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00000000000135d4 /system/lib64/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+288) (BuildId: 519d0734bba3d4086a9088e9bcb201de)
  101. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #13 pc 00000000000e372c /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36) (BuildId: 5812256023147338b8a9538321d4c456)
  102. 12-07 21:07:18.117 11387 11387 F DEBUG : #14 pc 0000000000084004 /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: 5812256023147338b8a9538321d4c456)
  103. 12-07 21:07:18.101 2039 2039 I chatty : uid=10009 identical 1 line
  104. 12-07 21:07:18.115 2039 2039 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_PENDING_INTENT pendingIntent=PendingIntent[],]
  105. 12-07 21:07:18.125 2277 7504 I Icing : Usage reports ok 1, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0
  106. 12-07 21:07:18.163 2277 7504 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0
  107. 12-07 21:07:18.163 2039 11010 W ctxmgr : [AclManager] No 3 for (accnt=account#218470849#,, vrsn=19829037, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null , pid = 2039). Was: 2 for 1, account#218470849# [CONTEXT service_id=47 ]
  108. 12-07 21:07:18.217 907 1428 W NativeCrashListener: Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 11305
  109. 12-07 21:07:18.218 818 818 E /system/bin/tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_01
  110. 12-07 21:07:18.224 2642 3352 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord transaction error -32
  111. 12-07 21:07:18.224 2642 3352 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(119): AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -32
  112. 12-07 21:07:18.224 2642 3352 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord instance: initialization check failed with status -32.
  113. 12-07 21:07:18.224 2642 3829 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_error_callback: -32
  114. 12-07 21:07:18.224 2642 3829 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
  115. 12-07 21:07:18.226 907 986 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_01 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  116. 12-07 21:07:18.226 472 472 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_flinger' died
  117. 12-07 21:07:18.226 472 472 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_policy' died
  118. 12-07 21:07:18.226 472 472 I ServiceManager: service 'media.sound_trigger_hw' died
  119. 12-07 21:07:18.226 472 472 I ServiceManager: service 'media.aaudio' died
  120. 12-07 21:07:18.226 2931 2966 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
  121. 12-07 21:07:18.226 11307 11323 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
  122. 12-07 21:07:18.227 907 4505 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_error_callback: -32
  123. 12-07 21:07:18.227 907 4361 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
  124. 12-07 21:07:18.227 907 4505 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
  125. 12-07 21:07:18.227 1384 1403 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
  126. 12-07 21:07:18.227 907 1340 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_checkAudioFlinger: -32
  127. 12-07 21:07:18.227 907 1340 E AS.AudioService: Audioserver died.
  128. 12-07 21:07:18.227 11306 11331 I r_submix: adev_close()
  129. 12-07 21:07:18.227 1384 1484 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  130. 12-07 21:07:18.228 907 1747 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  131. 12-07 21:07:18.228 11307 11340 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_error_callback: -32
  132. 12-07 21:07:18.228 907 986 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
  133. 12-07 21:07:18.228 11307 11340 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
  134. 12-07 21:07:18.228 2642 3352 E Error code -20 when initializing native AudioRecord object.
  135. 12-07 21:07:18.228 2642 3352 E MicrophoneInputStream: Failed to initialize AudioRecord
  136. 12-07 21:07:18.229 2642 3372 I MicroRecognitionRunner: Detection finished
  137. 12-07 21:07:18.229 2642 3372 W ErrorReporter: reportError [type: 211, code: 524300, bug: 0]: Error reading from input stream
  138. 12-07 21:07:18.230 2642 9276 I MicroRecognitionRunner: Stopping hotword detection.
  139. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: onFatalError, processing error from engine(4)
  140. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: Error reading from input stream
  141. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  142. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  143. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  144. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  145. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  146. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  147. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  148. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  149. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  150. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  151. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  152. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: Caused by: Error code: 393237 | Error code: 393220 | AudioRecord failed to initialize.
  153. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  154. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  155. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  156. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  157. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
  158. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: ... 8 more
  159. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: Caused by: Error code: 393220 | AudioRecord failed to initialize.
  160. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  161. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  162. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: at
  163. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 W ErrorProcessor: ... 12 more
  164. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 I RecognitionAudioControl: #internalShutdownAudio [requestId: -497040651043210509]
  165. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 I RecognitionAudioControl: #internalShutdownAudio [keepAudioOpen: false, forced: true]
  166. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 I RecognitionAudioControl: #actualShutdownAudio
  167. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 I AudioController: #shutdown [requestId=-497040651043210509]
  168. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 I AudioController: internalShutdown
  169. 12-07 21:07:18.233 2642 3372 E AudioSource: Stop listening is called on already closed AudioSource
  170. 12-07 21:07:18.239 2642 3279 I MicroDetector: Keeping mic open: false
  171. 12-07 21:07:18.239 2642 3279 I RecognitionAudioControl: #shutdownAudio [requestId: -497040651043210509, keepAudioOpen: false, forced: true]
  172. 12-07 21:07:18.239 2642 3279 I RecognitionAudioControl: audioState already in STATE_IDLE.
  173. 12-07 21:07:18.239 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionWorker: #onError(false)
  174. 12-07 21:07:18.240 2642 3291 E DeviceStateChecker: DeviceStateChecker cancelled
  175. 12-07 21:07:18.241 907 2004 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770819856 duration=0
  176. 12-07 21:07:18.244 907 2004 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838241 duration=0
  177. 12-07 21:07:18.255 647 647 I NanohubHidlAdapter: Sending msg of type 0, size 10 to app 0x476f6f676c00100b
  178. 12-07 21:07:18.260 907 2970 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10050 pkg code 79 time=1575770808513 duration=0
  179. 12-07 21:07:18.261 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [NanoMinion] received MSG Type 0x70, Version 1, 6 bytes
  180. 12-07 21:07:18.262 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] request.flush
  181. 12-07 21:07:18.264 907 966 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to
  182. 12-07 21:07:18.264 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] send to host, reason=3, sampleSize=5, transitionSize=0
  183. 12-07 21:07:18.267 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [NanoMinion] sent MSG Type 0x72, Version 0, 75 bytes, MessageId 88
  184. 12-07 21:07:18.272 907 966 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
  185. 12-07 21:07:18.286 2039 2039 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_PENDING_INTENT pendingIntent=PendingIntent[],]
  186. 12-07 21:07:18.293 2039 2039 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_PENDING_INTENT pendingIntent=PendingIntent[],]
  187. 12-07 21:07:18.315 11395 11395 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  188. 12-07 21:07:18.320 11395 11395 I ServiceManagement: Removing namespace from process name to audio@2.0-service.
  189. 12-07 21:07:18.320 11395 11395 I audiohalservice: Registration complete for
  190. 12-07 21:07:18.321 11395 11395 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  191. 12-07 21:07:18.322 2039 11390 I PlaceInferenceEngine: [anon] Changed inference mode: 0
  192. 12-07 21:07:18.327 11395 11395 I audiohalservice: Registration complete for
  193. 12-07 21:07:18.328 11395 11395 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  194. 12-07 21:07:18.331 11395 11395 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  195. 12-07 21:07:18.332 2039 11390 I PlaceInferenceEngine: [account#218470849] Changed inference mode: 0
  196. 12-07 21:07:18.332 11395 11395 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_open: Enter
  197. 12-07 21:07:18.332 11395 11395 I sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Enter
  198. 12-07 21:07:18.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  199. 12-07 21:07:18.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  200. 12-07 21:07:18.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  201. 12-07 21:07:18.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  202. 12-07 21:07:18.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  203. 12-07 21:07:18.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  204. 12-07 21:07:18.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  205. 12-07 21:07:18.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  206. 12-07 21:07:18.349 2039 11010 I ctxmgr : [ProducerStatusImpl] updateStateForNewContextData: inactive, contextName=7 [CONTEXT service_id=47 ]
  207. 12-07 21:07:18.389 907 2970 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838244 duration=0
  208. 12-07 21:07:18.405 907 2521 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838389 duration=0
  209. 12-07 21:07:18.464 907 2970 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10050 pkg code 79 time=1575770838261 duration=0
  210. 12-07 21:07:18.465 907 2970 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10050 pkg code 79 time=1575770838464 duration=0
  211. 12-07 21:07:18.469 907 2521 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838405 duration=0
  212. 12-07 21:07:18.477 907 2004 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838469 duration=0
  213. 12-07 21:07:18.483 647 647 I NanohubHidlAdapter: Sending msg of type 0, size 10 to app 0x476f6f676c00100b
  214. 12-07 21:07:18.487 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [NanoMinion] received MSG Type 0x70, Version 1, 6 bytes
  215. 12-07 21:07:18.488 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] request.flush
  216. 12-07 21:07:18.491 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] send to host, reason=3, sampleSize=0, transitionSize=0
  217. 12-07 21:07:18.494 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [NanoMinion] sent MSG Type 0x72, Version 0, 2 bytes, MessageId 89
  218. 12-07 21:07:18.500 2039 11390 I Places : ?: PlacesBleScanner start() with priority 2
  219. 12-07 21:07:18.503 2039 11390 I PlaceInferenceEngine: [anon] Changed inference mode: 1
  220. 12-07 21:07:18.503 2039 11390 I PlaceInferenceEngine: [account#218470849] Changed inference mode: 1
  221. 12-07 21:07:18.514 907 2970 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838477 duration=0
  222. 12-07 21:07:18.517 2039 11390 I Places : Converted 23 out of 23 WiFi scans
  223. 12-07 21:07:18.520 907 2970 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838514 duration=0
  224. 12-07 21:07:18.522 11393 11393 I FastMixerState: sMaxFastTracks = 8
  225. 12-07 21:07:18.524 907 2521 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838520 duration=0
  226. 12-07 21:07:18.525 11393 11393 V MediaUtils: physMem: 3948359680
  227. 12-07 21:07:18.525 11393 11393 V MediaUtils: requested limit: 536870912
  228. 12-07 21:07:18.525 11393 11393 I libc : malloc_limit: Allocation limit enabled, max size 536870912 bytes
  229. 12-07 21:07:18.525 2039 11390 I PlaceInferenceEngine: [account#218470849] Changed inference mode: 1
  230. 12-07 21:07:18.526 2039 11390 I PlaceInferenceEngine: [anon] Changed inference mode: 1
  231. 12-07 21:07:18.526 907 2970 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838524 duration=0
  232. 12-07 21:07:18.526 11393 11393 I audioserver: ServiceManager: 0x78638dfdc0
  233. 12-07 21:07:18.529 907 2970 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838526 duration=0
  234. 12-07 21:07:18.530 473 473 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
  235. 12-07 21:07:18.533 11393 11393 I AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
  236. 12-07 21:07:18.534 11393 11393 E APM::Serializer: deserialize: Could not parse /odm/etc/audio_policy_configuration.xml document.
  237. 12-07 21:07:18.543 647 647 I NanohubHidlAdapter: Sending msg of type 0, size 10 to app 0x476f6f676c00100b
  238. 12-07 21:07:18.548 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [NanoMinion] received MSG Type 0x70, Version 1, 6 bytes
  239. 12-07 21:07:18.548 11393 11393 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Config: parse: Could not parse document /vendor/etc/audio_policy_engine_configuration.xml
  240. 12-07 21:07:18.548 11393 11393 W APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Base: loadAudioPolicyEngineConfig: No configuration found, using default matching phone experience.
  241. 12-07 21:07:18.548 11393 11393 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Config: parseLegacyVolumeFile: Could not parse document /odm/etc/audio_policy_configuration.xml
  242. 12-07 21:07:18.552 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] request.flush
  243. 12-07 21:07:18.554 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] send to host, reason=3, sampleSize=0, transitionSize=0
  244. 12-07 21:07:18.556 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [NanoMinion] sent MSG Type 0x72, Version 0, 2 bytes, MessageId 90
  245. 12-07 21:07:18.559 2039 2039 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=ZERO_POWER, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 1 filters, 0 clients, callingClientName=Places]
  246. 12-07 21:07:18.560 2039 11412 I PlaceInferenceEngine: No beacon scan available - ignoring candidates.
  247. 12-07 21:07:18.561 11395 11406 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  248. 12-07 21:07:18.566 907 2521 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10050 pkg code 79 time=1575770838465 duration=0
  249. 12-07 21:07:18.566 11395 11406 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open: enter
  250. 12-07 21:07:18.567 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  251. 12-07 21:07:18.567 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  252. 12-07 21:07:18.567 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  253. 12-07 21:07:18.567 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  254. 12-07 21:07:18.567 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  255. 12-07 21:07:18.567 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  256. 12-07 21:07:18.567 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  257. 12-07 21:07:18.567 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  258. 12-07 21:07:18.569 2039 2039 I BeaconBle: ZERO_POWER is disabled.
  259. 12-07 21:07:18.569 2039 2039 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients
  260. 12-07 21:07:18.570 907 2521 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838529 duration=0
  261. 12-07 21:07:18.579 907 2521 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838570 duration=0
  262. 12-07 21:07:18.588 907 2970 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838579 duration=0
  263. 12-07 21:07:18.590 907 2521 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10050 pkg code 79 time=1575770838566 duration=0
  264. 12-07 21:07:18.596 907 2521 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10050 pkg code 79 time=1575770838590 duration=0
  265. 12-07 21:07:18.729 907 1340 E AS.AudioService: Audioserver started.
  266. 12-07 21:07:18.742 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword detection immediately - false
  267. 12-07 21:07:18.746 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionWorker: #startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
  268. 12-07 21:07:18.749 2642 3279 I AudioController: Created new AudioSource
  269. 12-07 21:07:18.751 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionWorker: onReady
  270. 12-07 21:07:18.751 2642 9276 I MicroDataManager: isInitializedWithLatestParams-true
  271. 12-07 21:07:18.751 2642 9276 I MicroDataManager: isInitializing-false locale not changed-true model not changed-true
  272. 12-07 21:07:18.752 2642 9276 I MicroDataManager: Already initialized, obtaining the hotword data immediately.
  273. 12-07 21:07:18.754 2642 3288 I MicroRecognitionRunner: Starting detection.
  274. 12-07 21:07:18.833 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  275. 12-07 21:07:18.833 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  276. 12-07 21:07:18.833 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  277. 12-07 21:07:18.833 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  278. 12-07 21:07:18.833 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  279. 12-07 21:07:18.833 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  280. 12-07 21:07:18.833 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  281. 12-07 21:07:18.833 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  282. 12-07 21:07:18.854 2039 11412 I PlaceInferenceEngine: No beacon scan available - ignoring candidates.
  283. 12-07 21:07:18.918 659 659 D QCOM PowerHAL: LAUNCH HINT: ON
  284. 12-07 21:07:18.919 659 659 D QCOM PowerHAL: Activity launch hint handled
  285. 12-07 21:07:18.953 907 2970 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_CA] ldltr sw411dp w683dp h387dp 420dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1794, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.1757}
  286. 12-07 21:07:18.968 907 2970 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config changes=20000480 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_CA] ldltr sw411dp w683dp h387dp 420dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1794, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.1757} for displayId=0
  287. 12-07 21:07:18.975 659 659 D QCOM PowerHAL: LAUNCH HINT: OFF
  288. 12-07 21:07:18.988 907 907 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
  289. 12-07 21:07:18.989 907 950 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
  290. 12-07 21:07:18.996 907 949 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:0
  291. 12-07 21:07:19.007 907 1180 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004
  292. 12-07 21:07:19.007 907 1180 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=4, name='synaptics_dsxv26', size 1080x1920, orientation 1, mode 1, display id 0
  293. 12-07 21:07:19.037 1407 1407 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s > disable2<q i n >
  294. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11307 11307 V SDL : GLSurfaceView_SDL::onResume()
  295. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11307 11307 I SDL : libSDL: DemoGLSurfaceView.onResume(): mRenderer.mGlSurfaceCreated false mRenderer.mPaused false
  296. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  297. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  298. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  299. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  300. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  301. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  302. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  303. 12-07 21:07:19.067 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  304. 12-07 21:07:19.085 1760 1760 W GoogleInputMethodService: onConfigurationChanged() : NewConfig = {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_CA] ldltr sw411dp w683dp h387dp 420dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1794, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.1799}
  305. 12-07 21:07:19.085 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword detection immediately - false
  306. 12-07 21:07:19.085 1760 1760 W KeyboardModeManager: reloadOrientationAwareData() : orientation = 2
  307. 12-07 21:07:19.086 2642 3279 I MicroDetector: Keeping mic open: false
  308. 12-07 21:07:19.086 2642 3279 I RecognitionAudioControl: #shutdownAudio [requestId: -7855906169013013591, keepAudioOpen: false, forced: true]
  309. 12-07 21:07:19.086 2642 3279 I RecognitionAudioControl: #internalShutdownAudio [requestId: -7855906169013013591]
  310. 12-07 21:07:19.086 2642 3279 I RecognitionAudioControl: #internalShutdownAudio [keepAudioOpen: false, forced: true]
  311. 12-07 21:07:19.086 2642 3279 I RecognitionAudioControl: #actualShutdownAudio
  312. 12-07 21:07:19.086 2642 3279 I AudioController: #shutdown [requestId=-7855906169013013591]
  313. 12-07 21:07:19.086 2642 9276 I AudioController: internalShutdown
  314. 12-07 21:07:19.087 2642 11013 I MicroRecognitionRunner: Stopping hotword detection.
  315. 12-07 21:07:19.087 2642 3291 E DeviceStateChecker: DeviceStateChecker cancelled
  316. 12-07 21:07:19.104 11307 11307 I SDL : libSDL: onWindowFocusChanged: true - sending onPause/onResume
  317. 12-07 21:07:19.107 1760 1760 W KeyboardModeManager: setInputView() : inputView = null
  318. 12-07 21:07:19.120 1760 1760 I GoogleInputMethodService: Apply keyboard theme: theme_stylesheet_googleblue_materiallight_assets:theme_package_metadata_google_blue_light.binarypb_land
  319. 12-07 21:07:19.120 1708 1708 I AiAiSuggestUi: Clearing suggestions.
  320. 12-07 21:07:19.134 2642 3352 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[11621214651897766] from persistence.
  321. 12-07 21:07:19.148 2642 3279 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached.
  322. 12-07 21:07:19.154 2642 3279 I StreamController: cleanUpControllerScope(nowcards-15-129751-b487)
  323. 12-07 21:07:19.159 2642 2642 I StreamRenderer: cleanUpRendererScope(nowcards-15-129751-b487)
  324. 12-07 21:07:19.166 1760 1760 I KeyboardViewUtil: systemKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000; userKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000.
  325. 12-07 21:07:19.174 2642 3279 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword detection immediately - false
  326. 12-07 21:07:19.189 1407 1407 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s > disable2<q i n >
  327. 12-07 21:07:19.193 1760 1760 I DeviceStatusMonitor: onReceive() : Action = android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
  328. 12-07 21:07:19.193 1760 1760 I ConfigurationNotification: Get device mode by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:411
  329. 12-07 21:07:19.193 1760 1760 I chatty : uid=10112( identical 2 lines
  330. 12-07 21:07:19.193 1760 1760 I ConfigurationNotification: Get device mode by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:411
  331. 12-07 21:07:19.203 1407 1407 I OpaEnabledReceiver: Dispatching OPA eligble = true; AGSA = true; OPA enabled = true
  332. 12-07 21:07:19.203 1407 1407 I OpaLayout: Setting opa enabled to true
  333. 12-07 21:07:19.215 907 950 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +284ms due to Window{724f2b9 u0 NavigationBar0}
  334. 12-07 21:07:19.203 1407 1407 I OpaLayout: Setting opa enabled to true
  335. 12-07 21:07:19.228 907 1747 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  336. 12-07 21:07:19.228 1384 1484 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  337. 12-07 21:07:19.240 2642 2642 W PhoneWindow: Previously focused view reported id 2131431501 during save, but can't be found during restore.
  338. 12-07 21:07:19.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  339. 12-07 21:07:19.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  340. 12-07 21:07:19.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  341. 12-07 21:07:19.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  342. 12-07 21:07:19.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  343. 12-07 21:07:19.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  344. 12-07 21:07:19.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  345. 12-07 21:07:19.333 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  346. 12-07 21:07:19.439 907 949 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
  347. 12-07 21:07:19.568 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  348. 12-07 21:07:19.568 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  349. 12-07 21:07:19.568 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  350. 12-07 21:07:19.568 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  351. 12-07 21:07:19.568 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  352. 12-07 21:07:19.568 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  353. 12-07 21:07:19.568 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  354. 12-07 21:07:19.569 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  355. 12-07 21:07:19.834 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  356. 12-07 21:07:19.834 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  357. 12-07 21:07:19.834 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  358. 12-07 21:07:19.834 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  359. 12-07 21:07:19.834 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  360. 12-07 21:07:19.834 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  361. 12-07 21:07:19.834 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  362. 12-07 21:07:19.834 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  363. 12-07 21:07:20.069 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  364. 12-07 21:07:20.069 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  365. 12-07 21:07:20.069 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  366. 12-07 21:07:20.069 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  367. 12-07 21:07:20.069 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  368. 12-07 21:07:20.069 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  369. 12-07 21:07:20.069 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  370. 12-07 21:07:20.069 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  371. 12-07 21:07:20.228 907 1747 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  372. 12-07 21:07:20.228 1384 1484 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  373. 12-07 21:07:20.334 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  374. 12-07 21:07:20.334 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  375. 12-07 21:07:20.334 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  376. 12-07 21:07:20.334 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  377. 12-07 21:07:20.335 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  378. 12-07 21:07:20.335 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  379. 12-07 21:07:20.335 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  380. 12-07 21:07:20.335 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  381. 12-07 21:07:20.570 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  382. 12-07 21:07:20.570 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  383. 12-07 21:07:20.570 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  384. 12-07 21:07:20.570 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  385. 12-07 21:07:20.571 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  386. 12-07 21:07:20.572 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  387. 12-07 21:07:20.572 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  388. 12-07 21:07:20.572 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  389. 12-07 21:07:20.835 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  390. 12-07 21:07:20.835 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  391. 12-07 21:07:20.835 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  392. 12-07 21:07:20.836 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  393. 12-07 21:07:20.836 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  394. 12-07 21:07:20.836 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  395. 12-07 21:07:20.836 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  396. 12-07 21:07:20.836 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  397. 12-07 21:07:21.073 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  398. 12-07 21:07:21.073 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  399. 12-07 21:07:21.073 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  400. 12-07 21:07:21.073 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  401. 12-07 21:07:21.073 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  402. 12-07 21:07:21.074 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  403. 12-07 21:07:21.074 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  404. 12-07 21:07:21.074 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  405. 12-07 21:07:21.229 1384 1484 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  406. 12-07 21:07:21.230 907 1747 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  407. 12-07 21:07:21.336 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  408. 12-07 21:07:21.337 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  409. 12-07 21:07:21.337 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  410. 12-07 21:07:21.337 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  411. 12-07 21:07:21.337 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  412. 12-07 21:07:21.337 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  413. 12-07 21:07:21.337 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  414. 12-07 21:07:21.337 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  415. 12-07 21:07:21.535 907 949 I system_server: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 56041(2902KB) AllocSpace objects, 14(1224KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 18MB/32MB, paused 707us total 315.056ms
  416. 12-07 21:07:21.569 907 926 W System : A resource failed to call release.
  417. 12-07 21:07:21.572 907 926 I chatty : uid=1000(system) FinalizerDaemon identical 1 line
  418. 12-07 21:07:21.573 907 926 W System : A resource failed to call release.
  419. 12-07 21:07:21.574 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  420. 12-07 21:07:21.574 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  421. 12-07 21:07:21.574 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  422. 12-07 21:07:21.574 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  423. 12-07 21:07:21.574 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  424. 12-07 21:07:21.575 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  425. 12-07 21:07:21.575 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  426. 12-07 21:07:21.575 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  427. 12-07 21:07:21.838 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  428. 12-07 21:07:21.838 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  429. 12-07 21:07:21.838 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  430. 12-07 21:07:21.839 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  431. 12-07 21:07:21.839 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  432. 12-07 21:07:21.839 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  433. 12-07 21:07:21.839 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  434. 12-07 21:07:21.839 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  435. 12-07 21:07:22.075 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  436. 12-07 21:07:22.076 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  437. 12-07 21:07:22.076 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  438. 12-07 21:07:22.076 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  439. 12-07 21:07:22.076 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  440. 12-07 21:07:22.076 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  441. 12-07 21:07:22.076 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  442. 12-07 21:07:22.077 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  443. 12-07 21:07:22.231 1384 1484 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  444. 12-07 21:07:22.231 907 1747 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  445. 12-07 21:07:22.340 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  446. 12-07 21:07:22.340 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  447. 12-07 21:07:22.340 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  448. 12-07 21:07:22.340 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  449. 12-07 21:07:22.340 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  450. 12-07 21:07:22.341 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  451. 12-07 21:07:22.341 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  452. 12-07 21:07:22.341 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  453. 12-07 21:07:22.577 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  454. 12-07 21:07:22.577 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  455. 12-07 21:07:22.578 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  456. 12-07 21:07:22.578 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  457. 12-07 21:07:22.578 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  458. 12-07 21:07:22.578 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  459. 12-07 21:07:22.578 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  460. 12-07 21:07:22.578 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  461. 12-07 21:07:22.841 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  462. 12-07 21:07:22.842 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  463. 12-07 21:07:22.842 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  464. 12-07 21:07:22.842 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  465. 12-07 21:07:22.842 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  466. 12-07 21:07:22.843 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  467. 12-07 21:07:22.843 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  468. 12-07 21:07:22.843 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  469. 12-07 21:07:23.079 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  470. 12-07 21:07:23.079 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  471. 12-07 21:07:23.079 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  472. 12-07 21:07:23.079 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  473. 12-07 21:07:23.079 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  474. 12-07 21:07:23.079 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  475. 12-07 21:07:23.079 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  476. 12-07 21:07:23.079 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  477. 12-07 21:07:23.232 1384 1484 W ServiceManager: Service media.audio_policy didn't start. Returning NULL
  478. 12-07 21:07:23.232 1384 1484 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService not published, waiting...
  479. 12-07 21:07:23.232 907 1747 W ServiceManager: Service media.audio_policy didn't start. Returning NULL
  480. 12-07 21:07:23.232 907 1747 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService not published, waiting...
  481. 12-07 21:07:23.343 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  482. 12-07 21:07:23.344 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  483. 12-07 21:07:23.344 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  484. 12-07 21:07:23.344 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  485. 12-07 21:07:23.344 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  486. 12-07 21:07:23.344 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  487. 12-07 21:07:23.344 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  488. 12-07 21:07:23.345 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  489. 12-07 21:07:23.345 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: primary sound card not found
  490. 12-07 21:07:23.345 11395 11395 E sound_trigger_hw: stdev_open: ERROR. platform init failed
  491. 12-07 21:07:23.345 11395 11395 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_open: Exit status -19
  492. 12-07 21:07:23.345 11395 11395 E SoundTriggerHw: couldn't open sound trigger hw device in sound_trigger.primary (No such device)
  493. 12-07 21:07:23.353 11395 11395 I audiohalservice: Registration complete for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
  494. 12-07 21:07:23.359 11395 11395 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  495. 12-07 21:07:23.368 11395 11395 I BTAudioProviderA2dpSoftware: A2dpSoftwareAudioProvider - size of audio buffer 7168 byte(s)
  496. 12-07 21:07:23.376 11395 11395 E /vendor/bin/hw/ Failed to get IAshmemDeviceService.
  497. 12-07 21:07:23.377 11395 11395 I BTAudioProviderHearingAid: HearingAidAudioProvider - size of audio buffer 3584 byte(s)
  498. 12-07 21:07:23.377 11395 11395 E /vendor/bin/hw/ Failed to get IAshmemDeviceService.
  499. 12-07 21:07:23.385 11395 11395 I audiohalservice: Registration complete for
  500. 12-07 21:07:23.387 473 473 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0::IBluetoothAudioOffload/default in either framework or device manifest.
  501. 12-07 21:07:23.390 11395 11395 E audiohalservice: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0::IBluetoothAudioOffload/default.
  502. 12-07 21:07:23.390 11395 11395 W audiohalservice: Could not register Bluetooth audio offload 1.0
  503. 12-07 21:07:23.580 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  504. 12-07 21:07:23.580 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  505. 12-07 21:07:23.580 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  506. 12-07 21:07:23.580 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  507. 12-07 21:07:23.580 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  508. 12-07 21:07:23.580 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  509. 12-07 21:07:23.580 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  510. 12-07 21:07:23.581 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  511. 12-07 21:07:23.581 11395 11406 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to find correct sound card, aborting.
  512. 12-07 21:07:23.581 11395 11406 E msm8974_platform: platform_init: invalid sound card number (-1), bailing out
  513. 12-07 21:07:23.581 11395 11406 E audio_hw_primary: adev_open: Failed to init platform data, aborting.
  514. 12-07 21:07:23.581 11395 11406 E DevicesFactoryHAL: loadAudioInterface couldn't open audio hw device in audio.primary (Invalid argument)
  515. 12-07 21:07:23.582 11393 11393 E AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() error -19 loading module primary
  516. 12-07 21:07:23.583 11393 11393 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: could not open HW module primary
  517. 12-07 21:07:23.608 11393 11393 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
  518. 12-07 21:07:23.610 11393 11393 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface, handle 10
  519. 12-07 21:07:23.610 11393 11393 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: initialize: Input device list is empty!
  520. 12-07 21:07:23.613 11395 11406 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  521. 12-07 21:07:23.613 2642 3288 E AudioSystem: AudioSystem::getInputBufferSize failed sampleRate 16000 format 0x1 channelMask 0x10
  522. 12-07 21:07:23.614 2642 3288 E AudioRecord: getMinFrameCount(): AudioSystem could not query the input buffer size for sampleRate 16000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x10; status -22
  523. 12-07 21:07:23.614 2642 3288 I InputStreamUtils: Using micInputStream
  524. 12-07 21:07:23.616 11393 11421 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=1000 => granted (2484 us)
  525. 12-07 21:07:23.616 2642 3352 I MicrophoneInputStream: mic_starting SR : 16000 CC : 16 SO : 1999
  526. 12-07 21:07:23.623 11395 11406 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function set_master_volume: Function not implemented
  527. 12-07 21:07:23.629 11393 11393 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface, handle 18
  528. 12-07 21:07:23.630 11393 11393 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: initialize: Input device list is empty!
  529. 12-07 21:07:23.634 11395 11406 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  530. 12-07 21:07:23.636 11393 11424 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  531. 12-07 21:07:23.640 11395 11406 I r_submix: adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
  532. 12-07 21:07:23.643 11395 11406 I r_submix: adev_init_check()
  533. 12-07 21:07:23.644 11395 11406 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function set_master_volume: Function not implemented
  534. 12-07 21:07:23.645 11395 11395 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function set_master_mute: Function not implemented
  535. 12-07 21:07:23.645 11393 11393 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface, handle 26
  536. 12-07 21:07:23.646 11393 11421 D AudioFlinger: isLowRamDevice:false totalMemory:3948359680 mClientSharedHeapSize:16777216
  537. 12-07 21:07:23.647 11395 11395 D r_submix: adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
  538. 12-07 21:07:23.647 11395 11395 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
  539. 12-07 21:07:23.647 11395 11395 D r_submix: now using address 0 for route 9
  540. 12-07 21:07:23.654 11393 11429 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x78639a7a80 tid=11429 ready to run
  541. 12-07 21:07:23.655 11395 11395 I r_submix: in_standby()
  542. 12-07 21:07:23.658 11393 11429 W AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
  543. 12-07 21:07:23.659 11395 11395 I r_submix: in_standby()
  544. 12-07 21:07:23.661 11393 11429 W AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
  545. 12-07 21:07:23.663 11395 11395 D r_submix: adev_close_input_stream()
  546. 12-07 21:07:23.663 11395 11395 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
  547. 12-07 21:07:23.663 11395 11395 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
  548. 12-07 21:07:23.666 11395 11406 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  549. 12-07 21:07:23.670 11395 11395 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function set_master_volume: Function not implemented
  550. 12-07 21:07:23.671 11395 11395 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function set_master_mute: Function not implemented
  551. 12-07 21:07:23.672 11393 11393 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded bluetooth audio interface, handle 34
  552. 12-07 21:07:23.672 11393 11393 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: device type:0x1,@: is unreachable
  553. 12-07 21:07:23.673 11393 11393 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: device type:0x2,@: is unreachable
  554. 12-07 21:07:23.673 11393 11393 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: device type:0x10000,@: is unreachable
  555. 12-07 21:07:23.673 11393 11393 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: device type:0x80000004,@: is unreachable
  556. 12-07 21:07:23.673 11393 11393 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: device type:0x80000080,@: is unreachable
  557. 12-07 21:07:23.673 11393 11393 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: device type:0x80000040,@: is unreachable
  558. 12-07 21:07:23.673 11393 11393 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: Default device type:0x2,@: is unreachable
  559. 12-07 21:07:23.673 11393 11393 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: Failed to open primary output
  560. 12-07 21:07:23.690 11393 11393 I SoundTriggerHalHidl: getProperties res implementor
  561. 12-07 21:07:23.690 11393 11393 I SoundTriggerHalHidl: getProperties ret -19
  562. 12-07 21:07:23.690 11393 11393 E SoundTriggerHwService: could not read implementation properties
  563. 12-07 21:07:23.735 11393 11420 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_ROUTING for uid=1000 => granted (1125 us)
  564. 12-07 21:07:23.739 11393 11393 W APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Base: setPhoneState() setting same state 0
  565. 12-07 21:07:23.739 11393 11393 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: setPhoneState() invalid or same state 0
  566. 12-07 21:07:23.812 907 1340 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_setMasterBalance: -19
  567. 12-07 21:07:23.814 907 1340 E AS.AudioService: setMasterBalance failed for 0.000000
  568. 12-07 21:07:23.818 11393 11432 I AudioFlinger: systemReady
  569. 12-07 21:07:24.243 907 2506 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770838588 duration=0
  570. 12-07 21:07:24.252 907 1230 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770844243 duration=0
  571. 12-07 21:07:24.260 647 647 I NanohubHidlAdapter: Sending msg of type 0, size 10 to app 0x476f6f676c00100b
  572. 12-07 21:07:24.265 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [NanoMinion] received MSG Type 0x70, Version 1, 6 bytes
  573. 12-07 21:07:24.267 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] request.flush
  574. 12-07 21:07:24.269 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] send to host, reason=3, sampleSize=2, transitionSize=0
  575. 12-07 21:07:24.272 660 848 I nanohub : osLog: [NanoMinion] sent MSG Type 0x72, Version 0, 33 bytes, MessageId 91
  576. 12-07 21:07:24.280 2039 11390 I Places : ?: PlacesBleScanner stop()
  577. 12-07 21:07:24.284 2039 2039 I BeaconBle: ZERO_POWER is disabled.
  578. 12-07 21:07:24.284 2039 2039 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients
  579. 12-07 21:07:24.284 2039 2039 I BeaconBle: Places requested to stop scan
  580. 12-07 21:07:24.284 2039 2039 I BeaconBle: Scan canceled successfully.
  581. 12-07 21:07:24.292 2039 11390 I PlaceInferenceEngine: [anon] Changed inference mode: 0
  582. 12-07 21:07:24.292 2039 11390 I PlaceInferenceEngine: [account#218470849] Changed inference mode: 0
  583. 12-07 21:07:24.303 907 1230 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10009 pkg code 79 time=1575770844252 duration=0
  584. 12-07 21:07:24.336 2039 2039 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_PENDING_INTENT pendingIntent=PendingIntent[],]
  585. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: Handler (aere) {b6cf5dd} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  586. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (aere) {b6cf5dd} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  587. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(
  588. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(
  589. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(
  590. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at aere.sendMessageAtTime(Unknown Source:3)
  591. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(
  592. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at
  593. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at bbyn.execute(Unknown Source:2)
  594. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at aapo.execute(Unknown Source:9)
  595. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at auwh.a( (120400-282600551):1)
  596. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at auww.a( (120400-282600551):5)
  597. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at auxd.a( (120400-282600551):34)
  598. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at auwy.a( (120400-282600551):2)
  599. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at ryg.a( (120400-282600551):3)
  600. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at ryg.a( (120400-282600551):2)
  601. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at agev.a(Unknown Source:2)
  602. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at rwu.a(Unknown Source:11)
  603. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at aaov.a( (120400-282600551):6)
  604. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at cmw.onTransact( (120400-282600551):4)
  605. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(
  606. 12-07 21:07:24.341 2039 3715 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  607. 12-07 21:07:24.462 2642 2671 W FeedDoodleHeaderRndr: finalize() without destroy() f90cd66
  608. 12-07 21:07:24.643 11393 11424 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT from uid=10050 pid=2642
  609. 12-07 21:07:24.643 11393 11424 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT for uid=10050 => denied (1161 us)
  610. 12-07 21:07:24.650 11393 11424 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD for uid=10050 => granted (1108 us)
  611. 12-07 21:07:24.651 11393 11424 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 in tid 11424 (Binder:11393_4), pid 11393 (audioserver)
  612. 12-07 21:07:24.761 11435 11435 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
  613. 12-07 21:07:24.764 818 818 I /system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 11424
  614. 12-07 21:07:24.767 11435 11435 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 11393 (target tid = 11424)
  615. 12-07 21:07:24.785 11435 11435 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  616. 12-07 21:07:24.786 11435 11435 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/sailfish/sailfish:10/QP1A.191005.007.A1/5908163:user/release-keys'
  617. 12-07 21:07:24.786 11435 11435 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
  618. 12-07 21:07:24.786 11435 11435 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
  619. 12-07 21:07:24.788 11435 11435 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2019-12-07 21:07:24-0500
  620. 12-07 21:07:24.788 11435 11435 F DEBUG : pid: 11393, tid: 11424, name: Binder:11393_4 >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
  621. 12-07 21:07:24.789 11435 11435 F DEBUG : uid: 1041
  622. 12-07 21:07:24.789 11435 11435 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
  623. 12-07 21:07:24.789 11435 11435 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
  624. 12-07 21:07:24.789 11435 11435 F DEBUG : x0 ab4b105371f11461 x1 00000078e47cce60 x2 0000000000000000 x3 00000078e4781000
  625. 12-07 21:07:24.789 11435 11435 F DEBUG : x4 000000785a60bf88 x5 000000785a60b930 x6 0000000000000000 x7 0000000000000000
  626. 12-07 21:07:24.789 11435 11435 F DEBUG : x8 00000078e47cce60 x9 00000078e4802000 x10 0000000000000000 x11 0000000000000001
  627. 12-07 21:07:24.789 11435 11435 F DEBUG : x12 0000000000000009 x13 00000078e4727fe9 x14 00000078e4727fe9 x15 00000078e4727fe9
  628. 12-07 21:07:24.790 11435 11435 F DEBUG : x16 00000078e51399f8 x17 00000078e5e13104 x18 00000078596f6000 x19 00000078e513b030
  629. 12-07 21:07:24.790 11435 11435 F DEBUG : x20 00000000000007cf x21 0000000000000000 x22 0000007863900008 x23 0000000080000100
  630. 12-07 21:07:24.790 11435 11435 F DEBUG : x24 000000785a60e020 x25 00000078e5137420 x26 00000078e5137cb0 x27 000000785a60e020
  631. 12-07 21:07:24.790 11435 11435 F DEBUG : x28 00000078e5137420 x29 000000785a60b440
  632. 12-07 21:07:24.790 11435 11435 F DEBUG : sp 000000785a60b380 lr 00000078e50edc38 pc 00000078e50ed750
  633. 12-07 21:07:24.826 11435 11435 F DEBUG :
  634. 12-07 21:07:24.826 11435 11435 F DEBUG : backtrace:
  635. 12-07 21:07:24.826 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000020750 /system/lib64/ (android::audio_policy::Engine::getDeviceForInputSource(audio_source_t) const+296) (BuildId: 1dc48a7c8fa8197576c71f5f0e2d66ca)
  636. 12-07 21:07:24.826 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #01 pc 000000000001d020 /system/lib64/ (android::audio_policy::Engine::getInputDeviceForAttributes(audio_attributes_t const&, android::sp<android::AudioPolicyMix>*) const+552) (BuildId: 1dc48a7c8fa8197576c71f5f0e2d66ca)
  637. 12-07 21:07:24.826 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #02 pc 00000000000591c4 /system/lib64/ (android::AudioPolicyManager::getInputForAttr(audio_attributes_t const*, int*, int, audio_session_t, unsigned int, audio_config_base const*, audio_input_flags_t, int*, android::AudioPolicyInterface::input_type_t*, int*)+872) (BuildId: df55a099aac3f94ee097f2ca3fb63091)
  638. 12-07 21:07:24.826 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #03 pc 000000000002c9f4 /system/lib64/ (android::AudioPolicyService::getInputForAttr(audio_attributes_t const*, int*, int, audio_session_t, int, unsigned int, android::String16 const&, audio_config_base const*, audio_input_flags_t, int*, int*)+572) (BuildId: 64d76d0a5b59b82065df1d83958e5d36)
  639. 12-07 21:07:24.826 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #04 pc 000000000005ca18 /system/lib64/ (android::AudioSystem::getInputForAttr(audio_attributes_t const*, int*, int, audio_session_t, int, unsigned int, android::String16 const&, audio_config_base const*, audio_input_flags_t, int*, int*) [clone .cfi]+188) (BuildId: c5ea2e7456df8e815b6407f63e7f975a)
  640. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0000000000029e18 /system/lib64/ (android::AudioFlinger::createRecord(android::IAudioFlinger::CreateRecordInput const&, android::IAudioFlinger::CreateRecordOutput&, int*)+1600) (BuildId: c3baebbd233e12ef2225894d24a538d2)
  641. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0000000000080204 /system/lib64/ (android::BnAudioFlinger::onTransact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+8980) (BuildId: c5ea2e7456df8e815b6407f63e7f975a)
  642. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #07 pc 000000000004c68c /system/lib64/ (android::BBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+136) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  643. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #08 pc 0000000000058b3c /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int)+996) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  644. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #09 pc 00000000000586a4 /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+156) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  645. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #10 pc 0000000000058e00 /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+60) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  646. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #11 pc 000000000007f308 /system/lib64/ (android::PoolThread::threadLoop()+24) (BuildId: bee06b7e2c4579b1ef34fab865761fc1)
  647. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00000000000135d4 /system/lib64/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+288) (BuildId: 519d0734bba3d4086a9088e9bcb201de)
  648. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #13 pc 00000000000e372c /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36) (BuildId: 5812256023147338b8a9538321d4c456)
  649. 12-07 21:07:24.827 11435 11435 F DEBUG : #14 pc 0000000000084004 /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: 5812256023147338b8a9538321d4c456)
  650. 12-07 21:07:24.997 907 1428 W NativeCrashListener: Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 11393
  651. 12-07 21:07:24.997 11435 11435 E crash_dump64: AM data write failed: Broken pipe
  652. 12-07 21:07:24.998 818 818 E /system/bin/tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_02
  653. 12-07 21:07:25.011 2642 3352 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord transaction error -32
  654. 12-07 21:07:25.011 907 2506 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_error_callback: -32
  655. 12-07 21:07:25.011 2642 3352 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(119): AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -32
  656. 12-07 21:07:25.011 907 2882 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
  657. 12-07 21:07:25.011 907 2506 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
  658. 12-07 21:07:25.012 11395 11404 I r_submix: adev_close()
  659. 12-07 21:07:25.012 2642 3352 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord instance: initialization check failed with status -32.
  660. 12-07 21:07:25.012 1384 1988 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
  661. 12-07 21:07:25.012 472 472 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_flinger' died
  662. 12-07 21:07:25.012 472 472 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_policy' died
  663. 12-07 21:07:25.012 472 472 I ServiceManager: service 'media.sound_trigger_hw' died
  664. 12-07 21:07:25.012 472 472 I ServiceManager: service 'media.aaudio' died
  665. 12-07 21:07:25.013 1384 1484 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  666. 12-07 21:07:25.013 907 1747 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  667. 12-07 21:07:25.013 907 1340 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_checkAudioFlinger: -32
  668. 12-07 21:07:25.013 907 1340 E AS.AudioService: Audioserver died.
  669. 12-07 21:07:25.013 2642 3829 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_error_callback: -32
  670. 12-07 21:07:25.013 2642 3829 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
  671. 12-07 21:07:25.014 2642 3352 E Error code -20 when initializing native AudioRecord object.
  672. 12-07 21:07:25.015 2642 3352 E MicrophoneInputStream: Failed to initialize AudioRecord
  673. 12-07 21:07:25.019 907 986 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_02 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  674. 12-07 21:07:25.023 907 986 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
  675. 12-07 21:07:25.024 2642 9276 E AudioSource: Stop listening is called on already closed AudioSource
  676. 12-07 21:07:25.033 2642 3288 I MicroRecognitionRunner: Detection finished
  677. 12-07 21:07:25.058 907 966 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to
  678. 12-07 21:07:25.059 907 966 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
  679. 12-07 21:07:25.147 11440 11440 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  680. 12-07 21:07:25.156 11440 11440 I ServiceManagement: Removing namespace from process name to audio@2.0-service.
  681. 12-07 21:07:25.157 11440 11440 I audiohalservice: Registration complete for
  682. 12-07 21:07:25.158 11440 11440 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  683. 12-07 21:07:25.165 11440 11440 I audiohalservice: Registration complete for
  684. 12-07 21:07:25.166 11440 11440 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  685. 12-07 21:07:25.169 11440 11440 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  686. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_open: Enter
  687. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 I sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Enter
  688. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  689. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  690. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  691. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  692. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  693. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  694. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  695. 12-07 21:07:25.171 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  696. 12-07 21:07:25.174 11439 11439 I FastMixerState: sMaxFastTracks = 8
  697. 12-07 21:07:25.176 11439 11439 V MediaUtils: physMem: 3948359680
  698. 12-07 21:07:25.176 11439 11439 V MediaUtils: requested limit: 536870912
  699. 12-07 21:07:25.177 11439 11439 I libc : malloc_limit: Allocation limit enabled, max size 536870912 bytes
  700. 12-07 21:07:25.177 11439 11439 I audioserver: ServiceManager: 0x752d81adc0
  701. 12-07 21:07:25.180 473 473 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
  702. 12-07 21:07:25.184 11439 11439 I AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
  703. 12-07 21:07:25.186 11439 11439 E APM::Serializer: deserialize: Could not parse /odm/etc/audio_policy_configuration.xml document.
  704. 12-07 21:07:25.206 11439 11439 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Config: parse: Could not parse document /vendor/etc/audio_policy_engine_configuration.xml
  705. 12-07 21:07:25.206 11439 11439 W APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Base: loadAudioPolicyEngineConfig: No configuration found, using default matching phone experience.
  706. 12-07 21:07:25.206 11439 11439 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Config: parseLegacyVolumeFile: Could not parse document /odm/etc/audio_policy_configuration.xml
  707. 12-07 21:07:25.226 11440 11446 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  708. 12-07 21:07:25.234 11440 11446 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open: enter
  709. 12-07 21:07:25.235 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  710. 12-07 21:07:25.235 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  711. 12-07 21:07:25.235 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  712. 12-07 21:07:25.235 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  713. 12-07 21:07:25.235 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  714. 12-07 21:07:25.235 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  715. 12-07 21:07:25.235 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  716. 12-07 21:07:25.235 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  717. 12-07 21:07:25.516 907 1340 E AS.AudioService: Audioserver started.
  718. 12-07 21:07:25.672 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  719. 12-07 21:07:25.672 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  720. 12-07 21:07:25.673 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  721. 12-07 21:07:25.673 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  722. 12-07 21:07:25.673 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  723. 12-07 21:07:25.673 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  724. 12-07 21:07:25.673 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  725. 12-07 21:07:25.673 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  726. 12-07 21:07:25.736 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  727. 12-07 21:07:25.736 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  728. 12-07 21:07:25.736 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  729. 12-07 21:07:25.736 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  730. 12-07 21:07:25.736 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  731. 12-07 21:07:25.736 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  732. 12-07 21:07:25.737 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  733. 12-07 21:07:25.737 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  734. 12-07 21:07:26.014 1384 1484 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  735. 12-07 21:07:26.014 907 1747 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'media.audio_policy' on '/dev/binder'...
  736. 12-07 21:07:26.174 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  737. 12-07 21:07:26.174 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  738. 12-07 21:07:26.174 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  739. 12-07 21:07:26.175 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  740. 12-07 21:07:26.175 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  741. 12-07 21:07:26.175 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  742. 12-07 21:07:26.175 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  743. 12-07 21:07:26.175 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  744. 12-07 21:07:26.237 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  745. 12-07 21:07:26.238 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  746. 12-07 21:07:26.238 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  747. 12-07 21:07:26.238 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  748. 12-07 21:07:26.238 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  749. 12-07 21:07:26.238 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  750. 12-07 21:07:26.239 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  751. 12-07 21:07:26.239 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
  752. 12-07 21:07:26.676 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 0
  753. 12-07 21:07:26.676 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 1
  754. 12-07 21:07:26.677 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 2
  755. 12-07 21:07:26.677 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 3
  756. 12-07 21:07:26.677 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 4
  757. 12-07 21:07:26.677 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 5
  758. 12-07 21:07:26.677 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 6
  759. 12-07 21:07:26.677 11440 11440 E sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_init: Unable to open the mixer card 7
  760. 12-07 21:07:26.740 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 0
  761. 12-07 21:07:26.740 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 1
  762. 12-07 21:07:26.740 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 2
  763. 12-07 21:07:26.740 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 3
  764. 12-07 21:07:26.740 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 4
  765. 12-07 21:07:26.740 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 5
  766. 12-07 21:07:26.741 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 6
  767. 12-07 21:07:26.741 11440 11446 E audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_get_snd_card_num: Unable to open the mixer card: 7
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