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a guest
Oct 25th, 2016
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  1. [00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogetherANewReignBeta/MyDediServer/Master/
  2. [00:00:00]: Starting Up
  3. [00:00:00]: Version: 194321
  4. [00:00:00]: Current time: Tue Oct 25 12:37:30 2016
  6. [00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 194321 WIN32
  7. [00:00:00]: Build Date: 1448
  8. [00:00:00]: Parsing command line
  9. [00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -console -cluster MyDediServer -shard Master -backup_logs
  10. [00:00:00]: [WARNING] -console has been deprecated: Use the [MISC] / console_enabled setting instead.[WARNING] -backup_logs has been deprecated and replaced with -backup_log_count
  12. [00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform
  13. [00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler
  14. [00:00:00]: ....Done
  15. [00:00:00]: ....Done
  16. [00:00:00]: Fixing DPI
  17. [00:00:00]: ...Done
  18. [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (3340)
  19. [00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
  20. [00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:4.38
  21. [00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
  22. [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
  23. [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
  24. [00:00:00]: Authorized application C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is enabled in the firewall.
  25. [00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized
  26. [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogetherANewReignBeta/MyDediServer/blocklist.txt (Success)
  27. [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'ConsoleInput' (8352)
  28. [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogetherANewReignBeta/MyDediServer/adminlist.txt (Success)
  29. [00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogetherANewReignBeta/MyDediServer/whitelist.txt (Failure)
  30. [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogetherANewReignBeta/MyDediServer/cluster_token.txt
  31. [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogetherANewReignBeta/MyDediServer/cluster_token.txt
  32. [00:00:00]: HardwareStats:
  33. OS
  34. name Microsoft Windows 10 Education
  35. version 10.0.14393
  36. architecture 64-bit
  37. platformSpecific SP 0.0
  38. CPU
  39. numCores 3
  40. features SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE41,SSE42,AVX
  41. name AMD FX(tm)-6350 Six-Core Processor
  42. manufacturer AuthenticAMD
  43. clockSpeed 3900
  44. RAM
  45. megsOfRam 16384
  46. GPU
  47. name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
  48. driverDate 20161001000000.000000-000
  49. megsOfRam 2048
  50. refreshRate 60
  51. videoModeDescription 1360 x 768 x 4294967296 colors
  52. driverVersion
  54. [00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
  55. [00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay
  56. [00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
  57. [00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay
  58. [00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
  59. [00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.
  60. [00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
  61. [00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying
  62. [00:00:00]: LOADING LUA
  63. [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
  64. [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
  65. [00:00:00]: running main.lua
  67. [00:00:00]: loaded modindex
  68. [00:00:00]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
  70. [00:00:00]: DownloadMods(0)
  71. [00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.
  72. [00:00:01]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS
  73. [00:00:01]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
  74. [00:00:01]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history_staging
  75. [00:00:01]: bloom_enabled false
  76. [00:00:01]: loaded saveindex
  77. [00:00:01]: OnFilesLoaded()
  78. [00:00:01]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
  79. [00:00:02]: Load FE
  80. [00:00:03]: Load FE: done
  81. [00:00:03]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
  82. [00:00:03]: Reset() returning
  83. [00:00:04]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
  84. [00:00:04]: Received (KU_rAcG5ZNQ) from TokenPurpose
  85. [00:00:04]: Starting Dedicated Server Game
  86. [00:00:04]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
  87. [00:00:04]: About to start a server with the following settings:
  88. [00:00:04]: Dedicated: true
  89. [00:00:04]: Online: true
  90. [00:00:04]: Passworded: false
  91. [00:00:04]: ServerPort: 11000
  92. [00:00:04]: SteamAuthPort: 8768
  93. [00:00:04]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27018
  94. [00:00:04]: ClanID: false
  95. [00:00:04]: ClanOnly: false
  96. [00:00:04]: ClanAdmin: false
  97. [00:00:04]: LanOnly: false
  98. [00:00:04]: FriendsOnly: false
  99. [00:00:04]: EnableAutosaver: true
  100. [00:00:04]: PVP: false
  101. [00:00:04]: MaxPlayers: 9
  102. [00:00:04]: GameMode: endless
  103. [00:00:04]: OverridenDNS:
  104. [00:00:04]: PauseWhenEmpty: true
  105. [00:00:04]: VoteEnabled: false
  106. [00:00:04]: InternetBroadcasting: true
  107. [00:00:04]: Intent: endless
  108. [00:00:04]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 11000 is open in the firewall.
  109. [00:00:04]: Online Server Started on port: 11000
  110. [00:00:04]: Collecting garbage...
  111. [00:00:04]: lua_gc took 0.01 seconds
  112. [00:00:04]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
  113. [00:00:04]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
  114. [00:00:04]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
  115. [00:00:04]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
  116. [00:00:04]: ~SimLuaProxy()
  117. [00:00:04]: lua_close took 0.03 seconds
  118. [00:00:04]: ReleaseAll
  119. [00:00:04]: ReleaseAll Finished
  120. [00:00:04]: cGame::StartPlaying
  121. [00:00:04]: LOADING LUA
  122. [00:00:04]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
  123. [00:00:04]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
  124. [00:00:04]: running main.lua
  126. [00:00:04]: loaded modindex
  127. [00:00:04]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
  129. [00:00:04]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS
  130. [00:00:04]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
  131. [00:00:04]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history_staging
  132. [00:00:04]: bloom_enabled false
  133. [00:00:04]: loaded saveindex
  134. [00:00:04]: OnFilesLoaded()
  135. [00:00:04]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
  136. [00:00:04]: Unload FE
  137. [00:00:04]: Unload FE done
  138. [00:00:05]: LOAD BE
  139. [00:00:06]: LOAD BE: done
  140. [00:00:06]: Loading world: session/3F525B450D342065/0000000459
  141. [00:00:07]: Save file is at version 4.3
  142. [00:00:07]: Begin Session: 3F525B450D342065
  143. [00:00:07]: saving to server_temp/server_save
  144. [00:00:07]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
  145. [00:00:08]: Loading Nav Grid
  146. [00:00:08]: setting summerlength 15
  147. [00:00:08]: setting isnightmaredawn false
  148. [00:00:08]: setting elapseddaysinseason 13
  149. [00:00:08]: setting isfullmoon false
  150. [00:00:08]: setting moisture 1620.0877685547
  151. [00:00:08]: setting springlength 20
  152. [00:00:08]: setting isnightmarewild false
  153. [00:00:08]: setting moonphase quarter
  154. [00:00:08]: setting precipitationrate 0
  155. [00:00:08]: setting iswet false
  156. [00:00:08]: setting isnewmoon false
  157. [00:00:08]: setting iswinter false
  158. [00:00:08]: setting israining false
  159. [00:00:08]: setting isnightmarewarn false
  160. [00:00:08]: setting precipitation none
  161. [00:00:08]: setting cavephase dusk
  162. [00:00:08]: setting moistureceil 11430.700195313
  163. [00:00:08]: setting isday false
  164. [00:00:08]: setting iscaveday false
  165. [00:00:08]: setting season summer
  166. [00:00:08]: setting timeinphase 0.090156979031033
  167. [00:00:08]: setting temperature 73.875326903479
  168. [00:00:08]: setting isnightmarecalm false
  169. [00:00:08]: setting isnight false
  170. [00:00:08]: setting isdusk true
  171. [00:00:08]: setting iscavedusk true
  172. [00:00:08]: setting isautumn false
  173. [00:00:08]: setting issnowing false
  174. [00:00:08]: setting iswaxingmoon false
  175. [00:00:08]: setting pop 0.12506048794916
  176. [00:00:08]: setting snowlevel 0
  177. [00:00:08]: setting issnowcovered false
  178. [00:00:08]: setting autumnlength 20
  179. [00:00:08]: setting phase dusk
  180. [00:00:08]: setting nightmaretime 0
  181. [00:00:08]: setting winterlength 15
  182. [00:00:08]: setting isspring false
  183. [00:00:08]: setting nightmarephase none
  184. [00:00:08]: setting remainingdaysinseason 2
  185. [00:00:08]: setting cycles 418
  186. [00:00:08]: setting iscavenight false
  187. [00:00:08]: setting nightmaretimeinphase 0
  188. [00:00:08]: setting wetness 0
  189. [00:00:08]: setting time 0.64190443356832
  190. [00:00:08]: setting issummer true
  191. [00:00:14]: Reconstructing topology
  192. [00:00:14]: ...Sorting points
  193. [00:00:14]: ...Sorting edges
  194. [00:00:14]: ...Connecting nodes
  195. [00:00:14]: ...Validating connections
  196. [00:00:14]: ...Housekeeping
  197. [00:00:14]: ...Done!
  198. [00:00:14]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
  199. [00:00:14]: About to start a shard with these settings:
  200. [00:00:14]: ShardName: [SHDMASTER]
  201. [00:00:14]: ShardID: 1
  202. [00:00:14]: ShardRole: MASTER
  203. [00:00:14]: MasterHost: (null)
  204. [00:00:14]: MasterBind:
  205. [00:00:14]: MasterPort: 10889
  206. [00:00:14]: [Shard] Starting master server
  207. [00:00:14]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10889 is open in the firewall.
  208. [00:00:14]: [Shard] Shard server started on port: 10889
  209. [00:00:14]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 3F525B450D342065
  210. [00:00:14]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
  211. [00:00:15]: Reset() returning
  212. [00:00:15]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(8768, 11000, 27018)
  213. [00:00:17]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success
  214. [00:00:17]: New incoming connection|55096 <6699673404126096843>
  215. [00:00:17]: Client connected from|55096 <6699673404126096843>
  216. [00:00:17]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_vy40BeXQ^DontStarveTogether^8sWQ/ZezRl6PBPPai8XRJa8OKcJlXHMCucjn9T94GgM= for <6699673404126096843>
  217. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[4] <-> 3878968799[4] (inactive)
  218. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[8] <-> 3878968799[8] (inactive)
  219. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[3] <-> 3878968799[3] (inactive)
  220. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[1] <-> 3878968799[1] (inactive)
  221. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[6] <-> 3878968799[6] (inactive)
  222. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[7] <-> 3878968799[7] (inactive)
  223. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[10] <-> 3878968799[10] (inactive)
  224. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[9] <-> 3878968799[9] (inactive)
  225. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[2] <-> 3878968799[2] (inactive)
  226. [00:00:18]: Validating portal[5] <-> 3878968799[5] (inactive)
  227. [00:00:18]: Sim paused
  228. [00:00:18]: Client authenticated: (KU_vy40BeXQ) Sana <3
  229. [00:00:19]: [Shard] Slave Caves(3878968799) connected: [LAN]
  230. [00:00:19]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198078239625'
  231. [00:00:19]: [Shard] Slave Caves(3878968799) ready!
  232. [00:00:19]: World 3878968799 is now connected
  233. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[4] <-> 3878968799[4] (active)
  234. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[8] <-> 3878968799[8] (active)
  235. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[3] <-> 3878968799[3] (active)
  236. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[1] <-> 3878968799[1] (active)
  237. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[6] <-> 3878968799[6] (active)
  238. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[7] <-> 3878968799[7] (active)
  239. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[10] <-> 3878968799[10] (active)
  240. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[9] <-> 3878968799[9] (active)
  241. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[2] <-> 3878968799[2] (active)
  242. [00:00:19]: Validating portal[5] <-> 3878968799[5] (active)
  243. [00:01:07]: New incoming connection|55403 <7602195549831755440>
  244. [00:01:07]: Client connected from [LAN]|55403 <7602195549831755440>
  245. [00:01:07]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_rAcG5ZNQ^DontStarveTogether^VBCxyPtEkSmDiEalpybz0EO0J5cz37pyx8S+g7qbEyw= for <7602195549831755440>
  246. [00:01:07]: Client authenticated: (KU_rAcG5ZNQ) MissPetite
  247. [00:01:08]: [Steam] Authenticated host '76561198083342924'
  248. [00:01:08]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_rAcG5ZNQ)
  249. [00:01:08]: [Shard] Forwarding player to Caves(3878968799)
  250. [00:01:08]: [Shard] Begin migration #1 for (KU_rAcG5ZNQ)
  251. [00:01:08]: [Shard] #1 [SHDMASTER](1) -> Caves(3878968799)
  252. [00:01:08]: Sim unpaused
  253. [00:01:08]: CloseConnectionWithReason: ID_DST_SHARD_SILENT_DISCONNECT
  254. [00:01:08]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198083342924'
  255. [00:01:08]: [Shard] (KU_rAcG5ZNQ) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1)
  256. [00:01:13]: [Shard] Completed migration #1 for player (KU_rAcG5ZNQ)
  257. [00:01:13]: [Shard] Writing save location file for (KU_rAcG5ZNQ)
  258. [00:02:22]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198078239625'
  259. [00:02:22]: [Shard] Received a ID_SHD_D2M_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED message for an unknown player (KU_vy40BeXQ).
  260. [00:02:56]: [Shard] (KU_rAcG5ZNQ) disconnected from Caves(3878968799)
  261. [00:02:56]: Sim paused
  262. [00:05:04]: Serializing world: session/3F525B450D342065/0000000460
  263. [00:05:04]: Truncating to snapshot #460...
  264. [00:05:04]: - session/3F525B450D342065/0000000454
  265. [00:05:04]: 1 file(s) removed
  266. [00:05:04]: [Shard] Stopping shard mode
  267. [00:05:04]: Collecting garbage...
  268. [00:05:05]: lua_gc took 0.24 seconds
  269. [00:05:05]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
  270. [00:05:05]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
  271. [00:05:05]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
  272. [00:05:05]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
  273. [00:05:05]: ~SimLuaProxy()
  274. [00:05:05]: lua_close took 0.40 seconds
  275. [00:05:05]: Manager - ORPHANED UNKNOWN RESOURCES:
  276. [00:05:05]: shaders/ui_yuv.ksh - 1
  277. [00:05:05]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() complete
  278. [00:05:05]: HttpClient2 discarded 1 callbacks.
  279. [00:05:05]: Shutting down
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