Guest User


a guest
Sep 22nd, 2016
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  1. [en]
  2. MINUTES = Minutes
  3. SECONDS = Seconds
  4. LOGIN = Enter
  5. LOGOUT = Logout
  6. ENABLE = Enabled
  7. DISABLE = Disabled
  8. EXIT = Exit
  9. LANG_ES = Spanish
  10. LANG_EN = English
  11. NULL_FORM = Empty Space
  12. LOADING = Loading... %d%
  13. ACCOUNT_ONLINE = This account is already being used.
  14. ACCOUNT_CONNECTED = %s has connected.
  15. DONT_CHANGE_NICK = You can't change your name.
  16. INVALID_CHARACTER = Invalid special character on
  18. ERROR_USER = This user already exists.
  19. ERROR_NICK = This Nickname is already used.
  20. ERROR_REGISTER = Failed to create the account. Try again.
  21. ERROR_LOGIN = Incorrect user or password.
  22. ERROR_LOAD = Failed to load data, try again.
  23. ERROR_SAVE = Failed to save data.
  24. REGISTER_SUCCESS = Your account has been created successfully.
  25. SAVE_SUCCESS = Saved successfully.
  27. MAP_MENU = Current Map:
  28. PLAYERS_MENU = Online Players:
  29. WELCOME_MENU = \rWelcome to \y%s %s^n\wMade by: \r%s^n^n
  30. LOG_MENU = Login
  31. REG_MENU = Create Account
  32. INFO_MENU = Logeate puto
  34. ACCOUNT_MENU_TITLE = \r[ZEX] \yAccount Settings
  35. ACCOUNT_INFO = \yAccount: \w%s
  36. ACCOUNT_AUTOLOGIN = \r1. \wAutologin \y[\w%L\y]
  37. ACCOUNT_AUTOLOGIN_INFO = You have %L autologin on your account.
  38. ACCOUNT_LANG = \r2. \wLanguage \y[\w%L\y]
  39. ACCOUNT_LANG_INFO = You have changed your language to %s
  40. ACCOUNT_CHANGE_NICK = \r3. \wChange Name \y[\wAdmin\y]
  41. ACCOUNT_CHANGUE_NICK_INFO = Your name has been changed to %s
  42. ACCOUNT_CHANGE_PASS = \r4. \wChange password
  43. ACCOUNT_CHANGUE_PASS_INFO = Your password has been changed to %s
  45. ERROR_BAN_TIME = Player doesn't exist!
  46. ERROR_BAN_PLAYER = The maximum ban limit is 60 min, write 0 if you want to perma-ban.
  47. BAN_MSG_KICK = Your ban hasn't been removed yet.
  48. BAN_INFO = You have been banned - Check console.
  49. UNBAN_INFO = You have been unbanned - Check console.
  50. BAN_MSG_SERVER = %s has been banned by ADMIN %s - Reason: %s - Duration: %d %L
  52. BAN_INFO_MSG1 = %s have broken server's rules.
  53. BAN_INFO_MSG2 = so you were banned from this Server.
  55. BAN_INFO_MSG4 = Admin who banned you: %s
  56. BAN_INFO_MSG5 = Ban reason: %s
  57. BAN_INFO_MSG6 = Ban time: %d Minutes%s
  59. BAN_INFO_MSG8 = If you think it wasn't fair, present
  60. BAN_INFO_MSG9 = Your unban request.
  62. UNBAN_INFO_MSG1 = Your ban has been removed.
  63. UNBAN_INFO_MSG2 = To avoid being perma-banned.
  64. UNBAN_INFO_MSG3 = Read server's rules with /reglas or
  65. UNBAN_INFO_MSG4 = Visiting the forum:
  67. BAN_MENU_TITLE = \r%s \yAccount Banned!
  68. BAN_MENU_MSG1 = \wHello \y%s \wYou have been banned^nfor breaking a rule^nof the Server.
  69. BAN_MENU_MSG2 = \yAdmin: \w%s
  70. BAN_MENU_MSG3 = \yReason: \w%s
  71. BAN_MENU_MSG4 = \yTime left: \w%d %L
  72. BAN_MENU_PERMA = \rINFO: \wPerma-bans^naren't going to be removed^n
  73. BAN_MENU_NOPERMA = \rINFO: \wYou think your ban wasn't fair?^nVisit^nand make an unban request.^n
  75. INFO_MENU_TITLE = \wWelcome \r%s
  76. INFO_MENU_SPAM = \rRank: \y%d \w- \rExp: \y%d
  77. INFO_MENU_SPAM_2 = \rLast Connection: \y%s
  79. MAIN_MENU_TITLE = \r%s \yMenu
  80. MAIN_MENU_SUBTITLE_1 = \rChange Team:
  81. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_1 = \r1.\w Change to CT
  82. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_2 = \r2.\w Change to TT
  83. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_3 = \r3.\w Change to SPECT
  84. MAIN_MENU_SUBTITLE_2 = \rExtra Options:
  85. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_4 = \r4.\w Skins
  86. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_5 = \r5.\w Statistics
  87. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_6 = \r6.\w TOP 15
  88. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_7 = \r7.\w Account Settings
  91. HUD_RANK = Rank
  92. HUD_RANK_FULL = Maximum Rank
  93. HUD_EXP = Exp
  94. HUD_EXP_TOTAL = Remaining Exp.
  96. MSG_ROUND_TT = !yYou win !color%d !yexp !colorfor winning this round.
  97. MSG_ROUND_CT = !yYou win !color%d !yexp !colorfor winning this round.
  98. MSG_KNIFE_KILL = !yYou win !color%d !yexp for !colorkilling with knife.
  99. MSG_HS_KILL = !yYou win !color%d !yexp for !colorkilling with HS.
  100. MSG_KILL = !yYou win !color%d !yexp for !colorkilling.
  101. MSG_PLANTED = !yYou win !color%d !yexp for !colorplanting the bomb.
  102. MSG_DEFUSED = !yYou win !color%d !yexp for !colordefusing the bomb.
  103. MSG_UP_PLAYER = !yCongratulations, you were promoted to: !color%s
  104. MSG_UP_ALL = !color%s !ypromoted to the rank: !color%s
  106. MSG_SKIN_CURRENT = !yYou are already using this skin !color**
  107. MSG_SKIN_EQUIPED = !yYou chose: !color%s
  108. MSG_SKIN_ADMIN = !g ** You must be admin to wear this skin **
  110. [es]
  111. MINUTES = Minutos
  112. SECONDS = Segundos
  113. LOGIN = Entrar
  114. LOGOUT = Cerrar Sesion
  115. ENABLE = Activado
  116. DISABLE = Desactivado
  117. EXIT = Salir
  118. LANG_ES = Español
  119. LANG_EN = Ingles
  120. NULL_FORM = Campos Vacios
  121. LOADING = Cargando... %d%
  122. ACCOUNT_ONLINE = Esta Cuenta ya esta Siendo Usuada
  123. ACCOUNT_CONNECTED = %s se a conectado.
  124. DONT_CHANGE_NICK = No puedes cambiarte de nombre
  125. INVALID_CHARACTER = Caracter especial invalido en
  127. ERROR_USER = El Usuario ya existe.
  128. ERROR_NICK = El Nickname esta en uso.
  129. ERROR_REGISTER = Error al crear la cuenta. Intente nuevamente.
  130. ERROR_LOGIN = Usuario o Contraseña incorrecta.
  131. ERROR_LOAD = Error al cargar los datos, intente nuevamente.
  132. ERROR_SAVE = Error en el guardado de datos.
  133. REGISTER_SUCCESS = Tu cuenta ha sido creada correctamente.
  134. SAVE_SUCCESS = Datos guardados.
  136. MAP_MENU = Mapa Actual:
  137. WELCOME_MENU = \wBienvenido \r%s
  138. PLAYERS_MENU = Jugadores Online:
  139. WELCOME_MENU = \rBienvenido a \y%s %s^n\wHecho por: \r%s^n^n
  140. LOG_MENU = Ingresar
  141. REG_MENU = Crear Cuenta
  142. INFO_MENU = Logeate puto
  144. ACCOUNT_MENU_TITLE = \r[ZEX] \yOpciones de Cuenta
  145. ACCOUNT_INFO = \yCuenta: \w%s
  146. ACCOUNT_AUTOLOGIN = \r1. \wAutologeo \y[\w%L\y]
  147. ACCOUNT_AUTOLOGIN_INFO = Has %L el Autologueo a tu Cuenta.
  148. ACCOUNT_LANG = \r2. \wIdioma \y[\w%L\y]
  149. ACCOUNT_LANG_INFO = Tu idioma fue Cambiando a %s
  150. ACCOUNT_CHANGE_NICK = \r3. \wCambiar Nombre \y[\wAdmin\y]
  151. ACCOUNT_CHANGUE_NICK_INFO = Tu Nick fue Cambiado por %s
  152. ACCOUNT_CHANGE_PASS = \r4. \wCambiar Contraseña
  153. ACCOUNT_CHANGUE_PASS_INFO = Tu contraseña fue cambiada por %s
  155. ERROR_BAN_TIME = Player No Existe!
  156. ERROR_BAN_PLAYER = Maximo Tiempo de Ban es 60 Min, Escribe 0 Si quieres Ban Permanete.
  157. BAN_MSG_KICK = Tu Ban aun no ha sido removido
  158. BAN_INFO = Fuiste Baneado del Servidor - Mira tu Consola.
  159. UNBAN_INFO = Fuiste Desbaneado del Servidor - Mira tu Consola.
  160. BAN_MSG_SERVER = %s Fue Baneado por el Admin %s - Razon: %s - Tiempo: %d %L
  162. BAN_INFO_MSG1 = %s has incumplido una de la Reglas del Servidor
  163. BAN_INFO_MSG2 = como consecuencia se te ha Baneado del Servidor.
  165. BAN_INFO_MSG4 = Admin que Ejecuto el Baneo: %s
  166. BAN_INFO_MSG5 = Razon del Baneo: %s
  167. BAN_INFO_MSG6 = Tiempo de Baneo: %d Minuto%s
  168. BAN_INFO_MSG7 = NOTA:
  169. BAN_INFO_MSG8 = Si crees que tu ban fue injusto, puedes presentar
  170. BAN_INFO_MSG9 = tu solicitud de Desbaneo.
  172. UNBAN_INFO_MSG1 = Se te ha Removido el Baneo a tu cuenta,
  173. UNBAN_INFO_MSG2 = Para evitar que tu cuenta sea Baneada de forma Permanete.
  174. UNBAN_INFO_MSG3 = Lee las Reglas en el Servidor con /reglas o
  175. UNBAN_INFO_MSG4 = entrado al foro:
  177. BAN_MENU_TITLE = \r%s \yCuenta Baneada!
  178. BAN_MENU_MSG1 = \wHola \y%s \wFuiste Baneado^npor romper alguna regla^ndel Servidor
  179. BAN_MENU_MSG2 = \yAdmin: \w%s
  180. BAN_MENU_MSG3 = \yRazon: \w%s
  181. BAN_MENU_MSG4 = \yTiempo Restante: \w%d %L
  182. BAN_MENU_PERMA = \rINFO: \wLos baneos Permanentes^nNo seran Retirados^n
  183. BAN_MENU_NOPERMA = \rINFO: \wCrees que tu Ban fui Injusto?^nEntra a^ny Solicita tu Desban.^n
  185. INFO_MENU_TITLE = \wBienvenido \r%s
  186. INFO_MENU_SPAM = \rRango: \y%d \w- \rExp: \y%d
  187. INFO_MENU_SPAM_2 = \rUltima Conexion: \y%s
  189. MAIN_MENU_TITLE = \r%s \yMenu Opciones
  190. MAIN_MENU_SUBTITLE_1 = \rCambiar de Equipo:
  191. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_1 = \r1.\w Cambiar a CT
  192. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_2 = \r2.\w Cambiar a TT
  193. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_3 = \r3.\w Cambiar a SPECT
  194. MAIN_MENU_SUBTITLE_2 = \rOpciones Extras:
  195. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_4 = \r4.\w Skins
  196. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_5 = \r5.\w Ver mi Estadisticas
  197. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_6 = \r6.\w Ver Top 15
  198. MAIN_MENU_ITEM_7 = \r7.\w Opciones de Cuenta
  200. HUD_RANK = Rango
  201. HUD_RANK_FULL = Rango Maximo
  202. HUD_EXP = Exp
  203. HUD_EXP_TOTAL = Exp Rest.
  205. MSG_ROUND_TT = !yGanas !color%d !yde exp !colorpor ganar la ronda
  206. MSG_ROUND_CT = !yGanas !color%d !yde exp !colorpor ganar la ronda
  207. MSG_KNIFE_KILL = !yGanas !color%d !yde exp. por !colormatar con knife
  208. MSG_HS_KILL = !yGanas !color%d !yde exp. por !colormatar con HS
  209. MSG_KILL = !yGanas !color%d !yde exp. por !colormatar
  210. MSG_PLANTED = !yGanas !color%d !yde exp por !colorPlantar la bomba
  211. MSG_DEFUSED = !yGanas !color%d !yde exp por !colorDefusar la bomba
  212. MSG_UP_PLAYER = !yFelicidades, has subido al rango: !color%s
  213. MSG_UP_ALL = !color%s !ysubio al rango: !color%s
  215. MSG_SKIN_CURRENT = !yActualmente ya tienes este skin !color**
  216. MSG_SKIN_EQUIPED = !yElegiste: !color%s
  217. MSG_SKIN_ADMIN = !g ** Necesitas ser admin para este skin **
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