
Even enemies deserve protection at times.

Sep 23rd, 2018
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  1. [10:11] Abby pulls out her staff and her Rieka lines intensify. As she touches her staff to the ground, the temperature of the air began to rapidly drop.
  3. "I'm ready when you are."
  4. (Abbigail Anilis)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [10:12] Reunan reaches to his side and pulls free a plate of mythril, setting it into a small slot on his left arm like a shield, drawing his talwar and taking a defensive stance.
  9. "Then prepare yourself."
  10. (Reunan Volos)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [10:13] Gideon would appear from behind the tower. Looking towards the two as they sparred. Wondering what the outcome would be.
  15. He crossed his arms across his chest looking forward.
  16. (Gideon Ruger)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [10:15] Gideon rushes over to check Abby to see if she was alright
  20. (Gideon Ruger)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [10:16] Gideon Ruger whispers something.
  24. [10:16] Reunan gave no fucks and took most of the attacks head on, shrugging them off as he smacked the girl around a few times, a huge smash of his talwar at the ground beneath her knocking her over in the shockwave.
  26. "Getting stronger than before, are you still holding back?"
  27. (Reunan Volos)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [10:21] As Reunan rushed at her, he was met with a flood right to the damn face. She knew her attacks were growing more and more potent by the day. As the two danced around the battlefield, Abbigail had been casting various spots of ice across the ground, trying to cause Reunan to dash over them and slip, possibly giving her an edge in the match. It didn't seem to work though as he still easily powered through her attacks to beat her. In the end, a large shockwave was sent out that caused Abbigail to be sent sliding backwards, her body weakened from the battle. Suddenly, before she came to a full stop, she slipped on a patch of ice, as the young Oscuri fell backwards, her arm collided with a large rock that was protruding from the ground. A loud snapping sound was heard and a second later she cried out in pain.
  32. "Ahh my arm! Wh.. it hurts! My arm!" she shouted.
  34. "You broke my arm! Ahh make it stop, make it stop hurting! Please!" She looked at Gideon and then over at Reunan.
  35. (Abbigail Anilis)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. [10:25] Gideon rushed over to check on Abby....her screams of pain only at first incited worry for his younger sister...but when he saw that she was indeed injured he turned his attention over towards Reunan Reika flaring up with a great wave of power.
  40. " Damned wolf! What the hell did you do to my sister?"
  42. He looked towards him with an angered glare His power clearly aimed towards beatin the hell out of the Ookami. He took a step towards him grabbing his staff now.
  44. "I'll make you suffer wolf."
  45. (Gideon Ruger)
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [10:26] Gideon Ruger whispers something.
  49. [10:43] Reunan looks over at Abbigail beneath his helm and slowly shook his head as she goes on and overly dramatic slip and fall from a simple shockwave, at least she was trying to stand up.
  51. Then came the screaming and crying, and his head simply shaking as he walked away, in his mind Perseus's words rang clear. Sometimes helping people only hindered them further. Giddeon was there to help her, after all, and he had other things to do.
  52. (Reunan Volos)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [10:43] Reunan Volos says, "Deal with your sister's 'injury' if you're so worried about her."
  56. [10:44] Gideon would give chase if the wolf intended to run, There was more reasons than one that he would beat his ass.
  58. "No stand and fight, Or be struck down. "
  60. Ethereal chains would begin to form occultic magic swelled within Gideon's hands as he sent a wave of destructive power towards Gideon.
  62. The obvious ploy had worked to some degree but he wouldn't let his prey run away.
  63. (Gideon Ruger)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [10:45] Reunan just kept walking away, he was not dealing with this right now.
  67. (Reunan Volos)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [10:45] Abbigail continued to sit there groaning in pain as best she could, by now the layer of frost that had been left on the rock had faded. Still she continued her farce as she stood up.
  72. "Really, ah... Reunan? You're just going to ow... walk away after I get hurt?.. I though.. thought you were nicer than that.."
  74. Another groan of pain was released as she sat back down. She has even gone as far as conjuring water at the edge of her eyes to act as tears.
  75. (Abbigail Anilis)
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. [10:46] Gideon would give chase sending chains after the man
  79. (Gideon Ruger)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [10:49] Reunan would be pulled back towards Gideon his intentions clearly to harm him. He'd stare the weakling in the eye as he awaited to give him his punishment.
  83. (Gideon Ruger)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [10:54] Reunan pulses with exorcising power, breaking free of the chains with a single wipe of his hand, his sword once more being freed from his back mounted hooks with a loud and slow clattering of metal.
  88. "Your sister needs you, yet you choose to attack a soldier of Crafthold, a friend and ally of Eiphraem Kang. Gideon of Dawn, half-dead of Azrael. You are hereby banished from the city limits of Crafthold for breaking it's laws of interfering upon an honorable duel where no injuries were dealt of my actions."
  90. His stony aura takes on a marbled hue as his exorcising energy begins to surge.
  92. "Begone soulless creation of a dead god."
  93. (Reunan Volos)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [10:58] Abbigail closed her eyes momentarily as the two began to prepare to fight. As she opened them, a thick layer of ice formed over her left arm, a grunt of pain was heard as she got to her feet, and using her free hand to support the added weight of her left, she moved out of the way of the battle. She was using the ice to look like a brace that would secure her arm and keep it from hurting as much.
  97. (Abbigail Anilis)
  98. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. [10:58] Gideon's eyes looked towards the wolf he saw him as nothing more than that a rabid animal who dared to attack his sister...even if it was a ploy hyping himself up to attack him was still enjoyable.
  102. Chains made from pure reika would begin to swirl about him, The sounds of metal clashing and grinding against each other was something that would distract any person who listened to it.
  104. It was almost absurd how loud the chains of Reika were dense and covered in malignant occultism the Oscuri would leer towards the wolf.
  106. " Banish me? You're the one who dared to fight her knowing how young she was. It is you will be put down wolf. "
  108. He prepared himself. To attack.
  109. (Gideon Ruger)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [11:09] Gideon ethereal chains doused in the Oscuri's reika would begin to charge towards the wolf, The rattling of chains making each step he took numbered confusing his mind with illusions. The more he focused in on the sounds of the metallic grinding the more the sensation got stuck in his mind.
  114. The chins whipped lashed and over all punished the Ookami until he was beaten to a pulp right before their eyes. Blasting him with various manners of attacks bullets of darkness , Reika and gravity would pelt the Ookami till he fell to the ground yet again.
  116. Gideon's assault of magical blasts and chain lashes would continued horridly, He didn't feint to pretend he was angry yet in the end he held the boy up towards himself, Wrapped in chains and shackled down. He threw him into a nearby dirt mound leaving him on his back side.
  118. "If you're what Crafthold calls defense its no wonder Gehenna defeated you so readily like the rumors stated. Don't speak about banishing me when YOU'RE the one who hurt Abbigail. This is your punishment and just out of respect for Crafthold I'll leave you intact."
  120. Of course his true intentions were still left to be assumed. But Gideon paused his attacks for now rescinding his aura to check on Abbigail's well being.
  123. (Gideon Ruger)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [11:28] Reunan first struck outwards with the same slamming shockwave of force he had knocked Abbigail over with, double checking his allotted impact with the blow, there was no way he could have brought a broken arm with the strike at the angle he had gone. His eyes then moved to remain On Gideon's abilities.
  128. How many people relied on such simplistic tactics? How similar in fighting styles everyone seemed to be, predictability was something he had come to know. Everything was pointless, the boy had so much more power than himself. But he lacked true heart, attacking a self proclaimed enemy before tending to what was played out to be a serious injury.
  130. He slowly reduced his output of mana to almost nothing, a sphere of golden energy protecting himself as he ensured Gideon's spells were targeted at him, far from Abbigail, a small patch of marbled stone growing beneath the girl to protect her from any misguided spells. As the sphere faded and the assault continued, he leaned into the spells with a slightly pained howl of frustration, meeting the power head on beneath the full plate armor and mythril 'shield' attached to his prosthetic arm.
  132. All the mana he had compiled was bottled within ready to burst as the chains wrapped themselves around him. The armor's many dents and warping belying the true injuries beneath it. Stone skin cracked in places, revealing pale flesh beneath, but lacking in lasting harm.
  134. "I am the weakest of those who protect this town, but even I hold more respect to the law than your wordsmithing!"
  136. His power burst forth, flowing from him like a supernova, a feeling washing over all that seemed to express protection, that their lives mattered more than his that he might resort to giving freely. Though this was not the case that was needed, for the bettermentof Abbigail's feigned injuries, he would need to remove himself from the equation.
  138. The shackles shattered into a cloud of dispersing energy as he rolled with a primal burst of speed onto all fours, muscles overflowing with the back surge of power like a wild beast. His limbs tensed and shook a moment before, like a packet of gunpowder set aflame, burst into action. A small crater of dirt and disheveled stone left in his wake as he launched himself with a growl first to the top of the nearby tower, then across the river to land beside the bridge. Yet again he was attacked, yet again he escaped, and yet again he was tested by those without the strength to defeat him in full. That honor lied solely with his internal thoughts. Death comes for all in the end, fighting is pointless. Yet fight on he did, he had to for everyone else's sake.
  139. (Reunan Volos)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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