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Sep 24th, 2010
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  1. Vulnerable: mIRC + Team NexGen AcidMax insecure $read/$readini
  2. Date: 24/09/2010
  3. Software Link:
  4. Version: 2.1.20 and below
  5. Tested on: XP SP3, Vista
  7. AcidMax 2.1.20 is vulnerable as a result of insecure file input throughout the majority of the script.
  8. The mIRC help files state that, in the case of $read* functions: If the n switch is specified then the line read in will not be evaluated and will be treated as plain text.
  9. This means that failing to provide the n switch results in the text from the file being evaluated as code.
  10. AcidMax 2.1.20 does not provide the n switch. For example:
  12. ;[read write data/setting.ini]
  13. alias _vr {
  14. if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini }
  15. return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  16. }
  18. Example 1.
  19. 1. Foobar quits. The quit message: $findfile(\,*,1,write sy5.mrc on 1:TEXT:ping *:*: $chr(123) .timerPING 1 1 notice $!nick ping $!1- $chr(125)) $findfile(\,*,1,.timer 1 0 .load -rs sy5.mrc)
  20. 2. Victims AcidMax seen script writes the quit message to a file.
  21. 3. Fubar rejoins, cleverly disguised with his new nickname.
  22. 4. Fubar sends the message: !seen Foobar
  23. 5. Victims AcidMax script retrieves the quit message, evaluates it as code and sends the result of the evaluation to the channel.
  25. Example 2.
  26. 1. Foobar sends his exploit message to Idiot.
  27. 2. Victims AcidMax queryblocker script writes the message to a file, and notifies idiot of a message awaiting his/her attention.
  28. 3. Victim clicks "Accept". AcidMax retrieves the message from the file, evaluates it as code and displays the result of the evaluation in the query window.
  30. Extra comment:
  31. I reported this bug in late October-early November last year. The script still isn't patched, and without my effort I don't think it will be.
  32. Since finding this vuln I've spoken to quite a few people who use this script, and informed them that they're using an insecure script.
  33. They mostly seem to think I should fix it. Since I'm the one who found the problem, I should have to fix it, so here you go... Here's the fix...
  34. This fix goes towards removing old mIRC 4.x syntax in favour of new mIRC 6.x syntax. Perhaps one day someone might get it working on 7.x. Don't thank me.
  35. Enjoy applying it :)
  37. Fix:
  38. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidfserve-1.mrc:alias r.set { if ($2 != $null) { return $readini -n Settings.ini $1 $2 } }
  39. replace: alias r.set { if ($2 != $null) { return $readini(Settings.ini,n,$1,$2) } }
  40. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidfserve-1.mrc:alias R.Fserve.Stats if ($2 != $null) { return $readini -n $mircdirdata\fstats\ $+ [ $replace($address($1,3),*,_) ] $+ .ini Fserve $2 }
  41. replace: alias R.Fserve.Stats if ($2 != $null) { return $readini($mircdirdata\fstats\ $+ [ $replace($address($1,3),*,_) ] $+ .ini,n,Fserve,$2) }
  42. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidfserve-1.mrc:alias R.Top10 if ($1 != $null) { return $readini -n $mircdirdata\Top10.ini Top10 $1 }
  43. replace: alias R.Top10 if ($1 != $null) { return $readini($mircdirdata\Top10.ini,n,Top10,$1) }
  44. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidhelp.mrc: did -ra achlp 15 $read(help\helptext.txt,$did(achlp,14).sel)
  45. replace: did -ra achlp 15 $read(help\helptext.txt,n,$did(achlp,14).sel)
  46. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidhelp.mrc: did -ra achlp 17 $read(help\othertext.txt,$did(achlp,16).sel)
  47. replace: did -ra achlp 17 $read(help\othertext.txt,n,$did(achlp,16).sel)
  48. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax1.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  49. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  50. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax1.mrc:alias add.ver return $read($script($$1),1)
  51. replace: alias add.ver return $read($script($$1),n,1)
  52. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax1.mrc: var %findtext = $read -nw* $+ $1- $+ * %findfile
  53. replace: var %findtext = $read(%findfile,nw,* $+ $1- $+ *)
  54. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax1.mrc: else var %findtext = $read -nw* $+ $1- $+ * %findfile
  55. replace: else var %findtext = $read(%findfile,nw,* $+ $1- $+ *)
  56. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax1.mrc: if ($readini(mirc.ini,ident,userid) == $null) && ($_vr(connect,ident) != $null) { .identd on $_vr(connect,ident) }
  57. replace: if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,ident,userid) == $null) && ($_vr(connect,ident) != $null) { .identd on $_vr(connect,ident) }
  58. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax1.mrc: _vw connect ident $readini(mirc.ini,ident,userid)
  59. replace: _vw connect ident $readini(mirc.ini,n,ident,userid)
  60. find: /acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax1.mrc: echo -a script:12 sys\ $+ $$1 line:12 $$2 4 $+ $read(sys\ $+ $$1 $+ , $$2 $+ )
  61. replace: echo -a script:12 sys\ $+ $$1 line:12 $$2 4 $+ $read(sys\ $+ $$1 $+ ,n, $$2 $+ )
  62. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax1.mrc: if ($_vr(lang,cur) != english) { return $readini lang\ $+ $_vr(lang,cur) $+ .txt lang $1 }
  63. replace: if ($_vr(lang,cur) != english) { return $readini(lang\ $+ $_vr(lang,cur) $+ .txt,n,lang,$1) }
  64. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax2.mrc: if ($chr(36) $+ %c1 == $read(data/acronym.txt, w, $chr(36) $+ %c1)) { return yes }
  65. replace: if ($chr(36) $+ %c1 == $read(data/acronym.txt, nw, $chr(36) $+ %c1)) { return yes }
  66. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax2.mrc: if (%t1 <= %tot) { var %t2 = $ $+ %t1 | $read(data/acronym.txt, w, * [ $+ [ %t2 ] $+ ] *) }
  67. replace: if (%t1 <= %tot) { var %t2 = $ $+ %t1 | $read(data/acronym.txt, nw, * [ $+ [ %t2 ] $+ ] *) }
  68. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax2.mrc: while (%o1 <= %o) { did -a acromancer 6 $read(data/acronym.txt,%o1) | inc %o1 1 }
  69. replace: while (%o1 <= %o) { did -a acromancer 6 $read(data/acronym.txt,n,%o1) | inc %o1 1 }
  70. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax2.mrc: if ($readini(data/acronym.ini,$did(acromancer,1).text,acro) != $null) { writeini -n data/acronym.ini acronym count $calc($readini(data/acronym.ini,acronym,count) + 1) }
  71. replace: if ($readini(data/acronym.ini,n,$did(acromancer,1).text,acro) != $null) { writeini -n data/acronym.ini acronym count $calc($readini(data/acronym.ini,n,acronym,count) + 1) }
  72. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax4.mrc: return $readini data\syslog.ini $1 $2
  73. replace: return $readini(data\syslog.ini,n,$1,$2)
  74. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n3)
  75. replace: did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n3)
  76. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($did == 2) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n4) }
  77. replace: if ($did == 2) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n4) }
  78. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($did == 3) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n0) }
  79. replace: if ($did == 3) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n0) }
  80. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($did == 4) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n1) }
  81. replace: if ($did == 4) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n,n1) }
  82. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($did == 5) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n2) }
  83. replace: if ($did == 5) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n2) }
  84. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($did == 16) { def.pop | did -ub popload 27,5,2,3,4 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n0) | popr }
  85. replace: if ($did == 16) { def.pop | did -ub popload 27,5,2,3,4 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n0) | popr }
  86. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($did == 27) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n3) }
  87. replace: if ($did == 27) && ($did(popload,14).sel != $null) { did -e popload 28 | did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n3) }
  88. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw2,ns,[cpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 4 }
  89. replace: if ($read($usw2,ns,[cpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 4 }
  90. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw2,ns,[qpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 5 }
  91. replace: if ($read($usw2,ns,[qpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 5 }
  92. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw2,ns,[lpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 27 }
  93. replace: if ($read($usw2,ns,[lpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 27 }
  94. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw2,ns,[bpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 2 }
  95. replace: if ($read($usw2,ns,[bpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 2 }
  96. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw2,ns,[mpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 3 }
  97. replace: if ($read($usw2,ns,[mpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 3 }
  98. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($did(popload,2).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n4) }
  99. replace: if ($did(popload,2).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n4) }
  100. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: elseif ($did(popload,3).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n0) }
  101. replace: elseif ($did(popload,3).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n0) }
  102. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: elseif ($did(popload,4).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n1) }
  103. replace: elseif ($did(popload,4).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n1) }
  104. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: elseif ($did(popload,5).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n2) }
  105. replace: elseif ($did(popload,5).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini,n,pfiles,n2) }
  106. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: elseif ($did(popload,27).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n3) }
  107. replace: elseif ($did(popload,27).state == 1) { did -o popload 22 1 $readini(mirc.ini, pfiles, n3) }
  108. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: while (%lw <= %l) { did -a popload 20 $read(sys\popups\pops.dat,%lw) | inc %lw }
  109. replace: while (%lw <= %l) { did -a popload 20 $read(sys\popups\pops.dat,n,%lw) | inc %lw }
  110. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw, w, [cpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 4 }
  111. replace: if ($read($usw,nw,[cpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 4 }
  112. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw, w, [qpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 5 }
  113. replace: if ($read($usw,nw,[qpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 5 }
  114. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw, w, [lpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 27 }
  115. replace: if ($read($usw,nw,[lpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 27 }
  116. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw, w, [bpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 2 }
  117. replace: if ($read($usw,nw,[bpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 2 }
  118. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax5.mrc: if ($read($usw, w, [mpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 3 }
  119. replace: if ($read($usw,nw,[mpopup]) != $null) { did -e popload 3 }
  120. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax6.mrc: return $readini data\nicks.ini $$1 $$2
  121. replace: return $readini(data\nicks.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  122. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($1- == $read -l [ $+ [ %ch ] ] data/chanlimit.txt) { return $true | goto end }
  123. replace: if ($1- == $read(data/chanlimit.txt,n,%ch)) { return $true | goto end }
  124. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc:alias -l chanrem set -u0 %chan $lines(data/chanlimit.txt) | if (%chan == 0) || (%chan == $null) { goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read -l [ $+ [ %chan ] ] data/chanlimit.txt) { write -dl [ $+ [ %chan ] ] data/chanlimit.txt | goto end } | dec %chan | if (%chan =< 0) { goto end } | goto loop | :end
  125. replace: alias -l chanrem set -u0 %chan $lines(data/chanlimit.txt) | if (%chan == 0) || (%chan == $null) { goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read(data/chanlimit.txt,n,%chan)) { write -dl [ $+ [ %chan ] ] data/chanlimit.txt | goto end } | dec %chan | if (%chan =< 0) { goto end } | goto loop | :end
  126. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: while (%c1 <= %c) { did -a limit.chan 2 $read -l [ $+ [ %c1 ] ] data/chanlimit.txt | inc %c1 }
  127. replace: while (%c1 <= %c) { did -a limit.chan 2 $read(data/chanlimit.txt,n,%c1) | inc %c1 }
  128. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: while (%s1 <= %s) { $mmsg($read(data\mediaact.txt,%s1)) $cs(4.:14 $+ $lower($1) $+ 4:. $iif($2 != $chr(4), $2) $iif($4 != $chr(4), 4 $+ $chr(171) $+ 99 $+ $4 $+ 4 $+ $chr(187)) $iif($5 != $chr(4), 4 $+ $chr(171) $+ 99 $+ $round($calc($5 / 1024), 0) Kb/s $+ 4 $+ $chr(187)) $iif($6 != $chr(4), 4 $+ $chr(171) $+ 99 $+ $6 $+ 4 $+ $chr(187)) 5•4•14acidmax media player4•5•) | if ($_vr(media,offer) == on) && ($7 != 0) { $mmsg($read(data\mediaact.txt,%s1)) To get this $iif($3 != $chr(4), $round($calc($3 / 1024^2), 2) MB) file, type: ! $+ $me $7 } | inc %s1 1 }
  129. replace: while (%s1 <= %s) { $mmsg($read(data\mediaact.txt,n,%s1)) $cs(4.:14 $+ $lower($1) $+ 4:. $iif($2 != $chr(4), $2) $iif($4 != $chr(4), 4 $+ $chr(171) $+ 99 $+ $4 $+ 4 $+ $chr(187)) $iif($5 != $chr(4), 4 $+ $chr(171) $+ 99 $+ $round($calc($5 / 1024), 0) Kb/s $+ 4 $+ $chr(187)) $iif($6 != $chr(4), 4 $+ $chr(171) $+ 99 $+ $6 $+ 4 $+ $chr(187)) 5•4•14acidmax media player4•5•) | if ($_vr(media,offer) == on) && ($7 != 0) { $mmsg($read(data\mediaact.txt,n,%s1)) To get this $iif($3 != $chr(4), $round($calc($3 / 1024^2), 2) MB) file, type: ! $+ $me $7 } | inc %s1 1 }
  130. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc:alias -l actrem set -u0 %act $lines(data\mediaact.txt) | if (%act == 0) || (%act == $null) { goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read -l [ $+ [ %act ] ] data\mediaact.txt) { write -dl [ $+ [ %act ] ] data\mediaact.txt | goto end } | dec %act | if (%act =< 0) { goto end } | goto loop | :end
  131. replace: alias -l actrem set -u0 %act $lines(data\mediaact.txt) | if (%act == 0) || (%act == $null) { goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read(data\mediaact.txt,n,%act) { write -dl [ $+ [ %act ] ] data\mediaact.txt | goto end } | dec %act | if (%act =< 0) { goto end } | goto loop | :end
  132. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: while (%w1 <= %w) { did -i media 8 1 $read(data\mediaact.txt,%w1) | inc %w1 1 }
  133. replace: while (%w1 <= %w) { did -i media 8 1 $read(data\mediaact.txt,n,%w1) | inc %w1 1 }
  134. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exop = $read(%theme.file,1)
  135. replace: %exop = $read(%theme.file,n,1)
  136. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exdeop = $read(%theme.file,2)
  137. replace: %exdeop = $read(%theme.file,n,2)
  138. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exhalfop = $read(%theme.file,3)
  139. replace: %exhalfop = $read(%theme.file,n,3)
  140. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exdehalfop = $read(%theme.file,4)
  141. replace: %exdehalfop = $read(%theme.file,n,4)
  142. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exvoice = $read(%theme.file,5)
  143. replace: %exvoice = $read(%theme.file,n,5)
  144. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exdevoice = $read(%theme.file,6)
  145. replace: %exdevoice = $read(%theme.file,n,6)
  146. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exjoin = $read(%theme.file,7)
  147. replace: %exjoin = $read(%theme.file,n,7)
  148. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exquit = $read(%theme.file,8)
  149. replace: %exquit = $read(%theme.file,n,8)
  150. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %expart = $read(%theme.file,9)
  151. replace: %expart = $read(%theme.file,n,9)
  152. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exaction = $read(%theme.file,10)
  153. replace: %exaction = $read(%theme.file,n,10)
  154. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exnick1 = $read(%theme.file,11)
  155. replace: %exnick1 = $read(%theme.file,n,11)
  156. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exnick2 = $read(%theme.file,12)
  157. replace: %exnick2 = $read(%theme.file,n,12)
  158. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %meext.1 = $read(%theme.file,13)
  159. replace: %meext.1 = $read(%theme.file,n,13)
  160. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %meext.2 = $read(%theme.file,14)
  161. replace: %meext.2 = $read(%theme.file,n,14)
  162. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exkick = $read(%theme.file,15)
  163. replace: %exkick = $read(%theme.file,n,15)
  164. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exban = $read(%theme.file,16)
  165. replace: %exban = $read(%theme.file,n,16)
  166. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exunban = $read(%theme.file,17)
  167. replace: %exunban = $read(%theme.file,n,17)
  168. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %extopic = $read(%theme.file,18)
  169. replace: %extopic = $read(%theme.file,n,18)
  170. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exnewnick = $read(%theme.file,19)
  171. replace: %exnewnick = $read(%theme.file,n,19)
  172. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exnotice = $read(%theme.file,10)
  173. replace: %exnotice = $read(%theme.file,n,10)
  174. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exhalfopchar = $read(%theme.file,11)
  175. replace: %exhalfopchar = $read(%theme.file,n,11)
  176. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exvoicechar = $read(%theme.file,12)
  177. replace: %exvoicechar = $read(%theme.file,n,12)
  178. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: %exopchar = $read(%theme.file,13)
  179. replace: %exopchar = $read(%theme.file,n,13)
  180. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,notice_switch) == on) { _vw color notice_switch on }
  181. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,notice_switch) == on) { _vw color notice_switch on }
  182. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,menick_switch) == on) { _vw color menick_switch on }
  183. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,menick_switch) == on) { _vw color menick_switch on }
  184. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,kick_switch) == on) { _vw color kick_switch on }
  185. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,kick_switch) == on) { _vw color kick_switch on }
  186. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,opchar_switch) == on) { _vw color opchar_switch on }
  187. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,opchar_switch) == on) { _vw color opchar_switch on }
  188. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,halfopchar_switch) == on) { _vw color halfopchar_switch on }
  189. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,halfopchar_switch) == on) { _vw color halfopchar_switch on }
  190. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,voicechar_switch) == on) { _vw color voicechar_switch on }
  191. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,voicechar_switch) == on) { _vw color voicechar_switch on }
  192. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,halfop_switch) == on) { _vw color halfop_switch on }
  193. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,halfop_switch) == on) { _vw color halfop_switch on }
  194. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,join_switch) == on) { _vw color join_switch on }
  195. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,join_switch) == on) { _vw color join_switch on }
  196. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,quit_switch) == on) { _vw color quit_switch on }
  197. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,quit_switch) == on) { _vw color quit_switch on }
  198. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,mode_switch) == on) { _vw color mode_switch on }
  199. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,mode_switch) == on) { _vw color mode_switch on }
  200. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,dehalfop_switch) == on) { _vw color dehalfop_switch on }
  201. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,dehalfop_switch) == on) { _vw color dehalfop_switch on }
  202. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,op_switch) == on) { _vw color op_switch on }
  203. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,op_switch) == on) { _vw color op_switch on }
  204. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,channick_switch) == on) { _vw color channick_switch on }
  205. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,channick_switch) == on) { _vw color channick_switch on }
  206. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,voice_switch) == on) { _vw color voice_switch on }
  207. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,voice_switch) == on) { _vw color voice_switch on }
  208. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,action_switch) == on) { _vw color action_switch on }
  209. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,action_switch) == on) { _vw color action_switch on }
  210. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,topic_switch) == on) { _vw color topic_switch on }
  211. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,topic_switch) == on) { _vw color topic_switch on }
  212. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,part_switch) == on) { _vw color part_switch on }
  213. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,part_switch) == on) { _vw color part_switch on }
  214. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,devoice_switch) == on) { _vw color devoice_switch on }
  215. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,devoice_switch) == on) { _vw color devoice_switch on }
  216. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,deop_switch) == on) { _vw color deop_switch on }
  217. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,deop_switch) == on) { _vw color deop_switch on }
  218. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,ban_switch) == on) { _vw color ban_switch on }
  219. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,ban_switch) == on) { _vw color ban_switch on }
  220. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,unban_switch) == on) { _vw color unban_switch on }
  221. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,unban_switch) == on) { _vw color unban_switch on }
  222. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,halfdeop_switch) == on) { _vw color halfdeop_switch on }
  223. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,halfdeop_switch) == on) { _vw color halfdeop_switch on }
  224. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidmax7.mrc: if ($readini(%theme.file,color,newnick_switch) == on) { _vw color newnick_switch on }
  225. replace: if ($readini(%theme.file,n,color,newnick_switch) == on) { _vw color newnick_switch on }
  226. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidpop.mrc: return $readini data\supaslap.ini $$1 $$2
  227. replace: return $readini(data\supaslap.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  228. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/acidpop.mrc: while (%s <= %s1) { did -a supaslap 1 $read(data\supaslap.txt,%s) | inc %s 1 }
  229. replace: while (%s <= %s1) { did -a supaslap 1 $read(data\supaslap.txt,n,%s) | inc %s 1 }
  230. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/autojoin.mrc:; while (%l2 <= %l) { server -m $read(data/ajserv.txt,%l2) | inc %l2 1 }
  231. replace: ; while (%l2 <= %l) { server -m $read(data/ajserv.txt,n,%l2) | inc %l2 1 }
  232. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/autojoin.mrc: if ($lines(data\ajserv.txt) != 0) { server $read(data\ajserv.txt,1) | goto mlti }
  233. replace: if ($lines(data\ajserv.txt) != 0) { server $read(data\ajserv.txt,n,1) | goto mlti }
  234. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/autojoin.mrc: server -m $read(data\ajserv.txt,%xxx)
  235. replace: server -m $read(data\ajserv.txt,n,%xxx)
  236. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/autojoin.mrc: return $readini data\autojoin.ini $$1 $$2
  237. replace: return $readini(data\autojoin.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  238. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/autojoin.mrc: while (%l2 <= %l) { did -a _ajoin 16 $read(data/ajserv.txt,%l2) | inc %l2 1 | did -z _ajoin 16 | did -e _ajoin 16 }
  239. replace: while (%l2 <= %l) { did -a _ajoin 16 $read(data/ajserv.txt,n,%l2) | inc %l2 1 | did -z _ajoin 16 | did -e _ajoin 16 }
  240. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/autojoin.mrc: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { join $read($net ,%ajc) $_ar($net.check,$read($net ,%ajc)) | inc %ajc 1 }
  241. replace: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { join $read($net,n,%ajc) $_ar($net.check,$read($net,n,%ajc)) | inc %ajc 1 }
  242. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/autojoin.mrc: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { did -a _ajoin 6 $read(data/ $+ $_ar(network,$_ar(network,current)) $+ .txt,%ajc) | inc %ajc 1 }
  243. replace: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { did -a _ajoin 6 $read(data/ $+ $_ar(network,$_ar(network,current)) $+ .txt,n,%ajc) | inc %ajc 1 }
  244. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/awaybox.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  245. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  246. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/awaybox.mrc:alias spnicksback { if ($away != $true) { var %spnicks = 1 | while ($scon(%spnicks)) { scon $scon(%spnicks) nick $read(data\anicks.txt, $+ %spnicks $+ ) | inc %spnicks } } }
  247. replace: alias spnicksback { if ($away != $true) { var %spnicks = 1 | while ($scon(%spnicks)) { scon $scon(%spnicks) nick $read(data\anicks.txt,n,%spnicks) | inc %spnicks } } }
  248. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/backcon.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  249. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  250. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dcclog.mrc: did -o downloadlist 5 1 $readini(data\downlog.ini,$shortfn($did(downloadlist,1).seltext),sender)
  251. replace: did -o downloadlist 5 1 $readini(data\downlog.ini,n,$shortfn($did(downloadlist,1).seltext),sender)
  252. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dcclog.mrc: if ($read(data\downlog.txt, w, * $+ $shortfn($filename) $+ *) != $null) { write -ds $+ $shortfn($filename) data\downlog.txt | write -il data\downlog.txt $shortfn($filename) | writeini data\downlog.ini $shortfn($filename) sender $nick }
  253. replace: if ($read(data\downlog.txt,nw,* $+ $shortfn($filename) $+ *) != $null) { write -ds $+ $shortfn($filename) data\downlog.txt | write -il data\downlog.txt $shortfn($filename) | writeini data\downlog.ini $shortfn($filename) sender $nick }
  254. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dcclog.mrc: if ($exists($shortfn($read($shortfn(data\downlog.txt),%y1))) == $true) { did -a downloadlist 1 $longfn($read($shortfn(data\downlog.txt),%y1)) }
  255. replace: if ($exists($shortfn($read($shortfn(data\downlog.txt),n,%y1))) == $true) { did -a downloadlist 1 $longfn($read($shortfn(data\downlog.txt),n,%y1)) }
  256. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dcclog.mrc: elseif ($exists($shortfn($read($shortfn(data\downlog.txt),%y1))) == $false) { write -dl $+ %y1 $shortfn(data\downlog.txt) }
  257. replace: elseif ($exists($shortfn($read($shortfn(data\downlog.txt),n,%y1))) == $false) { write -dl $+ %y1 $shortfn(data\downlog.txt) }
  258. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dclickcmd.mrc: if ($readini(mirc.ini,clicks,query) != /dclickcmd.query.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1) { writeini mirc.ini clicks query /dclickcmd.query.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1 | var %restart = $true }
  259. replace: if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,clicks,query) != /dclickcmd.query.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1) { writeini mirc.ini clicks query /dclickcmd.query.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1 | var %restart = $true }
  260. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dclickcmd.mrc: if ($readini(mirc.ini,clicks,nicklist) != /dclickcmd.nicklist.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1) { writeini mirc.ini clicks nicklist /dclickcmd.nicklist.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1 | var %restart = $true }
  261. replace: if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,clicks,nicklist) != /dclickcmd.nicklist.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1) { writeini mirc.ini clicks nicklist /dclickcmd.nicklist.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1 | var %restart = $true }
  262. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dclickcmd.mrc: if ($readini(mirc.ini,clicks,channel) != / $chr(36) $+ 1) { writeini mirc.ini clicks channel / $chr(36) $+ 1 | var %restart = $true }
  263. replace: if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,clicks,channel) != / $chr(36) $+ 1) { writeini mirc.ini clicks channel / $chr(36) $+ 1 | var %restart = $true }
  264. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dclickcmd.mrc: if ($readini(mirc.ini,clicks,status) != /dclickcmd.status.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1) { writeini mirc.ini clicks status /dclickcmd.status.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1 | var %restart = $true }
  265. replace: if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,clicks,status) != /dclickcmd.status.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1) { writeini mirc.ini clicks status /dclickcmd.status.cmd $chr(36) $+ 1 | var %restart = $true }
  266. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dclickcmd.mrc: var %dc.cmd = $readini(data\dclick.ini,channel,$_vr(Dclickcmd,channel))
  267. replace: var %dc.cmd = $readini(data\dclick.ini,n,channel,$_vr(Dclickcmd,channel))
  268. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dclickcmd.mrc: var %dc.cmd = $readini(data\dclick.ini,nicklist,$_vr(Dclickcmd,nicklist))
  269. replace: var %dc.cmd = $readini(data\dclick.ini,n,nicklist,$_vr(Dclickcmd,nicklist))
  270. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dclickcmd.mrc: var %dc.cmd = $readini(data\dclick.ini,query,$_vr(Dclickcmd,query))
  271. replace: var %dc.cmd = $readini(data\dclick.ini,n,query,$_vr(Dclickcmd,query))
  272. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/dclickcmd.mrc: var %dc.cmd = $readini(data\dclick.ini,status,$_vr(Dclickcmd,status))
  273. replace: var %dc.cmd = $readini(data\dclick.ini,n,status,$_vr(Dclickcmd,status))
  274. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/lagmeter.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $1 $2
  275. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$1,$2)
  276. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/lastseen.mrc: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  277. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  278. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/lastseen.mrc: var %find = $read(data\seen.txt,nw,* $+ $2 $+ * )
  279. replace: var %find = $read(data\seen.txt,nw,* $+ $2 $+ *)
  280. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/lastseen.mrc: else { var %yu = $read(data\seen.txt, s, $2 ) | var %yu1 = $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok(%yu,4,32))) | $sendls($nick) [LAST SEEN] " $+ $2 $+ " $replace(%yu,$gettok(%yu,4,32),%yu1 ago)
  281. replace: else { var %yu = $read(data\seen.txt,ns,$2) | var %yu1 = $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok(%yu,4,32))) | $sendls($nick) [LAST SEEN] " $+ $2 $+ " $replace(%yu,$gettok(%yu,4,32),%yu1 ago)
  282. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/lastseen.mrc: var %find = $read -s $+ $did(lastseen,4).text data\seen.txt
  283. replace: var %find = $read(data\seen.txt,ns,$did(lastseen,4).text)
  284. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/lastseen.mrc: else { var %yu = $read -s $+ $did(lastseen,4).text data\seen.txt | var %yu1 = $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok(%yu,4,32))) | echo -a [LAST SEEN] $did(lastseen,4).text $remove($replace(%yu,$gettok(%yu,4,32),%yu1 ago),/,$chr(33)) }
  285. replace: else { var %yu = $read(data\seen.txt,ns,$did(lastseen,4).text) | var %yu1 = $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok(%yu,4,32))) | echo -a [LAST SEEN] $did(lastseen,4).text $remove($replace(%yu,$gettok(%yu,4,32),%yu1 ago),/,$chr(33)) }
  286. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/msgstud.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  287. replace: return $readini data\setting.ini($$1,n,$$2)
  288. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/msgstud.mrc: var %uio = $read($msg.dir $+ %rtto)
  289. replace: var %uio = $read($msg.dir $+ %rtto,n)
  290. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/msgstud.mrc: if ($lines($msg.dir $+ %rtto) <= 1) { var %uio = $read($msg.dir $+ %rtto) | did -o message.stud 7 1 %uio | did -o message.stud 25 1 $remove(%rtto,.txt) | did -ev message.stud 8,35,7,25,54 }
  291. replace: if ($lines($msg.dir $+ %rtto) <= 1) { var %uio = $read($msg.dir $+ %rtto,n) | did -o message.stud 7 1 %uio | did -o message.stud 25 1 $remove(%rtto,.txt) | did -ev message.stud 8,35,7,25,54 }
  292. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/msgstud.mrc: ; var %f2s = $read(%tot,%f1)
  293. replace: ; var %f2s = $read(%tot,n,%f1)
  294. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/msgstud.mrc: if (%f1 <= %tyt) { did -a message.stud 71 $nopath($read(%tot,%f1)) | goto loop }
  295. replace: if (%f1 <= %tyt) { did -a message.stud 71 $nopath($read(%tot,n,%f1)) | goto loop }
  296. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/msgstud.mrc: var %c.label = $read($read(%mdir))
  297. replace: var %c.label = $read($read(%mdir,n),n)
  298. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: if ($read(data\joinhist\ $+ $did(joinhist,9).text , w, * $+ $did(joinhist,1).seltext $+ *) != $null) { write -dw $+ $did(joinhist,1).seltext data\joinhist\ $+ $did(joinhist,9).text | clist2 }
  299. replace: if ($read(data\joinhist\ $+ $did(joinhist,9).text,nw,* $+ $did(joinhist,1).seltext $+ *) != $null) { write -dw $+ $did(joinhist,1).seltext data\joinhist\ $+ $did(joinhist,9).text | clist2 }
  300. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: if ($did == 12) { did -e joinhist 14 | did -o joinhist 16 1 $readini data\joinhist\servers.ini $did(joinhist,12).seltext network }
  301. replace: if ($did == 12) { did -e joinhist 14 | did -o joinhist 16 1 $readini(data\joinhist\servers.ini,n,$did(joinhist,12).seltext,network) }
  302. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: if ($read(data\joinhist\servers.txt, w, * $+ $did(joinhist,12).seltext $+ *) != $null) { write -dw $+ $did(joinhist,12).seltext data\joinhist\servers.txt | slist }
  303. replace: if ($read(data\joinhist\servers.txt,nw,* $+ $did(joinhist,12).seltext $+ *) != $null) { write -dw $+ $did(joinhist,12).seltext data\joinhist\servers.txt | slist }
  304. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: if ($read(data\joinhist\servers.txt, w, * $+ $server $+ *) == $null) && ($server != $null) { write -i1 data\joinhist\servers.txt $server | writeini data\joinhist\servers.ini $server network $network | if ($dialog(joinhist) != $null) { slist } }
  305. replace: if ($read(data\joinhist\servers.txt,nw,* $+ $server $+ *) == $null) && ($server != $null) { write -i1 data\joinhist\servers.txt $server | writeini data\joinhist\servers.ini $server network $network | if ($dialog(joinhist) != $null) { slist } }
  306. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: if ($read(data\joinhist\ $+ $network, w, * $+ $chan $+ *) == $null) && ($network != $null) { write -i1 data\joinhist\ $+ $network $chan | if ($dialog(joinhist) != $null) { clist } }
  307. replace: if ($read(data\joinhist\ $+ $network,nw, * $+ $chan $+ *) == $null) && ($network != $null) { write -i1 data\joinhist\ $+ $network $chan | if ($dialog(joinhist) != $null) { clist } }
  308. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: elseif ($read(data\joinhist\ $+ $server, w, * $+ $chan $+ *) == $null) && ($network == $null) { write -i1 data\joinhist\ $+ $server $chan | if ($dialog(joinhist) != $null) { clist } }
  309. replace: elseif ($read(data\joinhist\ $+ $server,nw,* $+ $chan $+ *) == $null) && ($network == $null) { write -i1 data\joinhist\ $+ $server $chan | if ($dialog(joinhist) != $null) { clist } }
  310. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { did -a joinhist 12 $read(data\joinhist\servers.txt,%ajc) | inc %ajc 1 }
  311. replace: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { did -a joinhist 12 $read(data\joinhist\servers.txt,n,%ajc) | inc %ajc 1 }
  312. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { did -a joinhist 1 $read(data\joinhist\ $+ %se,%ajc) | inc %ajc 1 }
  313. replace: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { did -a joinhist 1 $read(data\joinhist\ $+ %se,n,%ajc) | inc %ajc 1 }
  314. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { did -a joinhist 1 $read(data\joinhist\ $+ %se,%ajc) | inc %ajc 1 }
  315. replace: while (%ajc <= %aj1) { did -a joinhist 1 $read(data\joinhist\ $+ %se,n,%ajc) | inc %ajc 1 }
  316. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: if ($ms.debug) echo -s [debug] Reading: [ $+ $+ ] $$2 $+ = $+ $readini(data\multiserv.ini,$$1,$$2)
  317. replace: if ($ms.debug) echo -s [debug] Reading: [ $+ $+ ] $$2 $+ = $+ $readini(data\multiserv.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  318. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: return $readini(data\multiserv.ini,,$$2)
  319. replace: return $readini(data\multiserv.ini,n,,$$2)
  320. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: var = $readini(msserver.ini,$did(msconnection,5).seltext,$did(msconnection,6).sel)
  321. replace: var = $readini(msserver.ini,n,$did(msconnection,5).seltext,$did(msconnection,6).sel)
  322. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: var = $readini(servers.ini,servers,
  323. replace: var = $readini(servers.ini,n,servers,
  324. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/multiconnect.mrc: var = $readini(msserver.ini,$did(msconnection,5).seltext,
  325. replace: var = $readini(msserver.ini,n,$did(msconnection,5).seltext,
  326. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nexmail.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  327. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  328. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nickcomplete.mrc: if ($did == 22) { %nick.com1.1 = $read(data\nc\ $+ $did(17,$did(17).sel), 1) | %nick.com1.2 = $read(data\nc\ $+ $did(17,$did(17).sel), 2) | ty }
  329. replace: if ($did == 22) { %nick.com1.1 = $read(data\nc\ $+ $did(17,$did(17).sel),n,1) | %nick.com1.2 = $read(data\nc\ $+ $did(17,$did(17).sel),n,2) | ty }
  330. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: return $readini data\xdcc.ini $$1 $$2
  331. replace: return $readini(data\xdcc.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  332. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($xr(info,oqueue) => 1) { dcc send -c $read(data\xdccq.txt,1) $xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,0),file) | xw info oslots $calc($xr(info,oslots) + 1) | xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) }
  333. replace: if ($xr(info,oqueue) => 1) { dcc send -c $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,1) $xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,0),file) | xw info oslots $calc($xr(info,oslots) + 1) | xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) }
  334. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: else { return $read(data\xdccchan.txt,$1) }
  335. replace: else { return $read(data\xdccchan.txt,n,$1) }
  336. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: while (%ccd <= $chani) { did -a xdcc 22 $read(data\xdccchan.txt,%ccd) | inc %ccd }
  337. replace: while (%ccd <= $chani) { did -a xdcc 22 $read(data\xdccchan.txt,n,%ccd) | inc %ccd }
  338. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: while (%w <= $lines(data\xdccq.txt)) { did -a xdcc 34 < $+ $read(data\xdccq.txt,%w) $+ > $chr(35) $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,%h) : $nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,%h),file)) | inc %w | inc %h }
  339. replace: while (%w <= $lines(data\xdccq.txt)) { did -a xdcc 34 < $+ $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%w) $+ > $chr(35) $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,%h) : $nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,%h),file)) | inc %w | inc %h }
  340. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: xw pack $+ %kk file $readini(data\xdcc.tmp,pack $+ %kk,file)
  341. replace: xw pack $+ %kk file $readini(data\xdcc.tmp,n,pack $+ %kk,file)
  342. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: xw pack $+ %kk info $readini(data\xdcc.tmp,pack $+ %kk,info)
  343. replace: xw pack $+ %kk info $readini(data\xdcc.tmp,n,pack $+ %kk,info)
  344. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: xw pack $+ %kk dl $readini(data\xdcc.tmp,pack $+ %kk,dl)
  345. replace: xw pack $+ %kk dl $readini(data\xdcc.tmp,n,pack $+ %kk,dl)
  346. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: xw pack $+ %kk cat $readini(data\xdcc.tmp,pack $+ %kk,cat)
  347. replace: xw pack $+ %kk cat $readini(data\xdcc.tmp,n,pack $+ %kk,cat)
  348. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: xw packs total $readini(%xdcc.file,packs,total)
  349. replace: xw packs total $readini(%xdcc.file,n,packs,total)
  350. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: while (%i <= $readini(%xdcc.file,packs,total)) { xw pack $+ %i file $readini(%xdcc.file,pack $+ %i,file) | if ($readini(%xdcc.file,pack $+ %i,info) != $null) { xw pack $+ %i info $readini(%xdcc.file,pack $+ %i,info) } | if ($readini(%xdcc.file,pack $+ %i,cat) != $null) { xw pack $+ %i cat $readini(%xdcc.file,pack $+ %i,cat) } | if ($readini(%xdcc.file,pack $+ %i,dl) != $null) { xw pack $+ %i dl $readini(%xdcc.file,pack $+ %i,dl) } | inc %i }
  351. replace: while (%i <= $readini(%xdcc.file,n,packs,total)) { xw pack $+ %i file $readini(%xdcc.file,n,pack $+ %i,file) | if ($readini(%xdcc.file,n,pack $+ %i,info) != $null) { xw pack $+ %i info $readini(%xdcc.file,n,pack $+ %i,info) } | if ($readini(%xdcc.file,n,pack $+ %i,cat) != $null) { xw pack $+ %i cat $readini(%xdcc.file,n,pack $+ %i,cat) } | if ($readini(%xdcc.file,n,pack $+ %i,dl) != $null) { xw pack $+ %i dl $readini(%xdcc.file,n,pack $+ %i,dl) } | inc %i }
  352. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if (%t1 <= $chani) && ($me ison $read(data\xdccchan.txt,%t1)) { .timerxdcc $tpost xdcc_ad | haltdef }
  353. replace: if (%t1 <= $chani) && ($me ison $read(data\xdccchan.txt,n,%t1)) { .timerxdcc $tpost xdcc_ad | haltdef }
  354. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt, w, * $+ $nick $+ *) != $null) { write -dw * $+ $nick $+ * data\xdccq.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) | .notice $nick $logo1 You have been removed from my xdcc queue. Thankyou. $logo | u.list }
  355. replace: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,nw,* $+ $nick $+ *) != $null) { write -dw * $+ $nick $+ * data\xdccq.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) | .notice $nick $logo1 You have been removed from my xdcc queue. Thankyou. $logo | u.list }
  356. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,%s) != $nick) { inc %s | goto loop }
  357. replace: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,%s) != $nick) { inc %s | goto loop }
  358. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: elseif ($read(data\xdccq.txt,%s) == $nick) { $xdccwin QUEUE REQUEST: $nick : $read(data\xdccq.txt,%s) : %s out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue | .msg $nick $read(data\xdccq.txt,%s) $logo1 You are $chr( 35) $+ %s out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue to receive " $+ $nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,$calc(%s - 1)),file)) $+ ". Thankyou for your patience. $logo | goto end }
  359. replace: elseif ($read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%s) == $nick) { $xdccwin QUEUE REQUEST: $nick : $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%s) : %s out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue | .msg $nick $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%s) $logo1 You are $chr(35) $+ %s out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue to receive " $+ $nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,$calc(%s - 1)),file)) $+ ". Thankyou for your patience. $logo | goto end }
  360. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($xr(info,footer) != $null) && ($xr(info,foot) == on) { msg $read(data\xdccchan.txt,%td1) $c1 $+ » $+ $c2 $+ » $xr(info,footer) }
  361. replace: if ($xr(info,footer) != $null) && ($xr(info,foot) == on) { msg $read(data\xdccchan.txt,n,%td1) $c1 $+ » $+ $c2 $+ » $xr(info,footer) }
  362. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($me ison $read(data\xdccchan.txt,%sk)) && ($1 isop $read(data\xdccchan.txt,%sk)) { return $true }
  363. replace: if ($me ison $read(data\xdccchan.txt,n,%sk)) && ($1 isop $read(data\xdccchan.txt,n,%sk)) { return $true }
  364. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($me ison $read(data\xdccchan.txt,%kk)) && ($1 isvoice $read(data\xdccchan.txt,%kk)) { return $true }
  365. replace: if ($me ison $read(data\xdccchan.txt,%kk)) && ($1 isvoice $read(data\xdccchan.txt,n,%kk)) { return $true }
  366. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: else { return $read(data\xdccchan.txt,$1) }
  367. replace: else { return $read(data\xdccchan.txt,n,$1) }
  368. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,%lo) == $1) { inc %ccc }
  369. replace: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%lo) == $1) { inc %ccc }
  370. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($send(0) < $xr(info,slots)) { dcc send -c $read(data\xdccq.txt,1) $xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,0),file) | xw info oslots $calc($xr(info,oslots) + 1) | if ($xr(info,oqueue) != 0) { xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) } | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccq.txt | .timer 1 2 q.remind | $xdccwin 14QUEUE: queue: $xr(info,oqueue) }
  371. replace: if ($send(0) < $xr(info,slots)) { dcc send -c $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,1) $xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,0),file) | xw info oslots $calc($xr(info,oslots) + 1) | if ($xr(info,oqueue) != 0) { xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) } | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccq.txt | .timer 1 2 q.remind | $xdccwin 14QUEUE: queue: $xr(info,oqueue) }
  372. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($comchan($read(data\xdccq.txt,1),0) > 0) && ($read(data\xdccpk.txt,0) != $null) {
  373. replace: if ($comchan($read(data\xdccq.txt,n,1),0) > 0) && ($read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,0) != $null) {
  374. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: dcc send -c $read(data\xdccq.txt,1) $xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,0),file) | xw info oslots $calc($xr(info,oslots) + 1) | if ($xr(info,oqueue) != 0) { xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) } | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccq.txt | .timer 1 2 q.remind
  375. replace: dcc send -c $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,1) $xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,0),file) | xw info oslots $calc($xr(info,oslots) + 1) | if ($xr(info,oqueue) != 0) { xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) } | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccq.txt | .timer 1 2 q.remind
  376. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: elseif ($read(data\xdccpk.txt,0) != $null) && ($comchan($read(data\xdccq.txt,1),0) == 0) { $xdccwin 14QUEUE CHECK: $read(data\xdccq.txt,1) gone : queue updated : you do not share the same channel as user | if ($xr(info,oqueue) != 0) { xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) | .timer 1 3 forc.qcheck } | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccq.txt | q.check | u.list }
  377. replace: elseif ($read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,0) != $null) && ($comchan($read(data\xdccq.txt,n,1),0) == 0) { $xdccwin 14QUEUE CHECK: $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,1) gone : queue updated : you do not share the same channel as user | if ($xr(info,oqueue) != 0) { xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) | .timer 1 3 forc.qcheck } | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccq.txt | q.check | u.list }
  378. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,%l1) != $null) {
  379. replace: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%l1) != $null) {
  380. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if (%l1 <= $lines(data\xdccq.txt)) && ($nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,%l1),file))) != $null) { notice $read(data\xdccq.txt,%l1) $logo1 You are $chr( 35) $+ %l1 out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue to receive " $+ $nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,%l1,file)) $+ ". Thankyou for your patience. $logo | $xdccwin SENT QUEUE REMIND $+ : $read(data\xdccq.txt,%l1) | jis | haltdef }
  381. replace: if (%l1 <= $lines(data\xdccq.txt)) && ($nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,%l1),file))) != $null) { notice $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%l1) $logo1 You are $chr(35) $+ %l1 out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue to receive " $+ $nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,%l1,file)) $+ ". Thankyou for your patience. $logo | $xdccwin SENT QUEUE REMIND $+ : $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%l1) | jis | haltdef }
  382. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,1) == $null) { xw info oqueue 0 | write -c data\xdccpk.txt }
  383. replace: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,n,1) == $null) { xw info oqueue 0 | write -c data\xdccpk.txt }
  384. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($read(data\xdccpk.txt,0) == $null) { xw info oqueue 0 | write -c data\xdccq.txt }
  385. replace: if ($read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,0) == $null) { xw info oqueue 0 | write -c data\xdccq.txt }
  386. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($xr(info,oslots) < $xr(info,slots)) && ($read(data\xdccq.txt,1) != $null) { dcc send -c $read(data\xdccq.txt,1) $xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,0),file) | xw info oslots $calc($xr(info,oslots) + 1) | xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccq.txt | .timer 1 2 q.remind }
  387. replace: if ($xr(info,oslots) < $xr(info,slots)) && ($read(data\xdccq.txt,n,1) != $null) { dcc send -c $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,1) $xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,0),file) | xw info oslots $calc($xr(info,oslots) + 1) | xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccq.txt | .timer 1 2 q.remind }
  388. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,%s) != $nick) { inc %s | goto loop }
  389. replace: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%s) != $nick) { inc %s | goto loop }
  390. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: elseif ($read(data\xdccq.txt,%s) == $nick) { $xdccwin QUEUE REQUEST: $nick : $read(data\xdccq.txt,%s) : %s out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue | .notice $nick $read(data\xdccq.txt,%s) $logo1 You are $chr( 35) $+ %s out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue to receive " $+ $nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,$calc(%s - 1)),file)) $+ ". Thankyou for your patience. $logo | goto end }
  391. replace: elseif ($read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%s) == $nick) { $xdccwin QUEUE REQUEST: $nick : $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%s) : %s out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue | .notice $nick $read(data\xdccq.txt,n,%s) $logo1 You are $chr( 35) $+ %s out of $xr(info,oqueue) in queue to receive " $+ $nopath($xr(pack $+ $read(data\xdccpk.txt,n,$calc(%s - 1)),file)) $+ ". Thankyou for your patience. $logo | goto end }
  392. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/nxdcc.mrc: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt, w, * $+ $nick $+ *) != $null) { write -dw * $+ $nick $+ * data\xdccq.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) | .notice $nick $logo1 You have been removed from my xdcc queue. Thankyou. $logo | u.list }
  393. replace: if ($read(data\xdccq.txt,nw,* $+ $nick $+ *) != $null) { write -dw * $+ $nick $+ * data\xdccq.txt | write -dl1 data\xdccpk.txt | xw info oqueue $calc($xr(info,oqueue) - 1) | .notice $nick $logo1 You have been removed from my xdcc queue. Thankyou. $logo | u.list }
  394. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/protect.mrc: return $readini data\protect.ini $1 $2
  395. replace: return $readini(data\protect.ini,n,$1,$2)
  396. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/protect.mrc: did -a channel 2 $read -l [ $+ [ %chan ] ] data/channel.txt
  397. replace: did -a channel 2 $read(data/channel.txt,n,%chan)
  398. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/protect.mrc:alias roomin set -u0 %chan $lines(data/channel.txt) | if (%chan == 0) || (%chan == $null) { return $false | goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read -l [ $+ [ %chan ] ] data/channel.txt) { return $true | goto end } | dec %chan | if (%chan =< 0) { return $false | goto end } | goto loop | :end
  399. replace: alias roomin set -u0 %chan $lines(data/channel.txt) | if (%chan == 0) || (%chan == $null) { return $false | goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read(data/channel.txt,n,%chan)) { return $true | goto end } | dec %chan | if (%chan =< 0) { return $false | goto end } | goto loop | :end
  400. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/protect.mrc:alias roomrem set -u0 %chan $lines(data/channel.txt) | if (%chan == 0) || (%chan == $null) { goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read -l [ $+ [ %chan ] ] data/channel.txt) { write -dl [ $+ [ %chan ] ] data/channel.txt | goto end } | dec %chan | if (%chan =< 0) { goto end } | goto loop | :end
  401. replace: alias roomrem set -u0 %chan $lines(data/channel.txt) | if (%chan == 0) || (%chan == $null) { goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read(data/channel.txt,n,%chan)) { write -dl [ $+ [ %chan ] ] data/channel.txt | goto end } | dec %chan | if (%chan =< 0) { goto end } | goto loop | :end
  402. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/scriptman.mrc: did -a scriptman 10 $readini mirc.ini rfiles [ n $+ [ %i ] ]
  403. replace: did -a scriptman 10 $readini(mirc.ini,n,rfiles,[ n $+ [ %i ] ])
  404. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/scriptman.mrc: did -a scriptman 10 $readini mirc.ini rfiles [ n $+ [ %i ] ]
  405. replace: did -a scriptman 10 $readini(mirc.ini,n,rfiles,[ n $+ [ %i ] ])
  406. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/scriptman.mrc: var %i2 = $readini mirc.ini rfiles [ n $+ [ %i ] ]
  407. replace: var %i2 = $readini(mirc.ini,n,rfiles,[ n $+ [ %i ] ])
  408. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/scriptman.mrc: var %list = $readini data\setting.ini script.path [ dir $+ [ %loop ] ]
  409. replace: var %list = $readini(data\setting.ini,n,script.path,[ dir $+ [ %loop ] ])
  410. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/scriptman.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  411. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  412. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/securequery.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  413. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  414. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/securequery.mrc: return $readini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2
  415. replace: return $readini(securequery\logs.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  416. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/securequery.mrc: if ($read(securequery\names.txt, w, $nick) == $nick) { write -ds $+ $nick securequery\names.txt }
  417. replace: if ($read(securequery\names.txt,nw,$nick) == $nick) { write -ds $+ $nick securequery\names.txt }
  418. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/securequery.mrc: while (%f <= %fst) { did -a querycon 34 $read(securequery\names.txt,%f) | inc %f 1 }
  419. replace: while (%f <= %fst) { did -a querycon 34 $read(securequery\names.txt,n,%f) | inc %f 1 }
  420. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/securequery2.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  421. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  422. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/securequery2.mrc: return $readini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2
  423. replace: return $readini(securequery\logs.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  424. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/securequery2.mrc: if ($read(securequery\names.txt, w, $nick) == $nick) { write -ds $+ $nick securequery\names.txt }
  425. replace: if ($read(securequery\names.txt,nw,$nick) == $nick) { write -ds $+ $nick securequery\names.txt }
  426. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/securequery2.mrc: while (%f <= %fst) { did -a querycon 34 $read(securequery\names.txt,%f) | inc %f 1 }
  427. replace: while (%f <= %fst) { did -a querycon 34 $read(securequery\names.txt,n,%f) | inc %f 1 }
  428. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/sonica.mrc: return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
  429. replace: return $readini(data\setting.ini,n,$$1,$$2)
  430. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/sonica.mrc:alias -l actrem set -u0 %act $lines(data\sonicaact.txt) | if (%act == 0) || (%act == $null) { goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read -l [ $+ [ %act ] ] data\sonicaact.txt) { write -dl [ $+ [ %act ] ] data\sonicaact.txt | goto end } | dec %act | if (%act =< 0) { goto end } | goto loop | :end
  431. replace: alias -l actrem set -u0 %act $lines(data\sonicaact.txt) | if (%act == 0) || (%act == $null) { goto end } | :loop | if ($1- == $read(data\sonicaact.txt,n,%act)) { write -dl [ $+ [ %act ] ] data\sonicaact.txt | goto end } | dec %act | if (%act =< 0) { goto end } | goto loop | :end
  432. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/sonica.mrc: while (%s1 <= %s) { msg $read(data\sonicaact.txt,%s1) $sot(3) $+ $sst(3) $+ $playtype $+ $sot(3) $+ $sst(4) $+  $strigger $nopath( $slength( $+ $smode( $+ $sbitrate( $+ $ssize( $slogo | if ($_vr(sonica,ctcp) == on) { ctcp $read(data\sonicaact.txt,%s1) mp3 $nopath( } | inc %s1 1 }
  433. replace: while (%s1 <= %s) { msg $read(data\sonicaact.txt,n,%s1) $sot(3) $+ $sst(3) $+ $playtype $+ $sot(3) $+ $sst(4) $+  $strigger $nopath( $slength( $+ $smode( $+ $sbitrate( $+ $ssize( $slogo | if ($_vr(sonica,ctcp) == on) { ctcp $read(data\sonicaact.txt,n,%s1) mp3 $nopath( } | inc %s1 1 }
  434. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/sonica.mrc: if ($exists(data\sonica.mpl) == $true) { set $read -l %son.num data\sonica.mpl }
  435. replace: if ($exists(data\sonica.mpl) == $true) { set $read(data\sonica.mpl,n,%son.num) }
  436. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/sonica.mrc:alias -l _son12 if ($exists(data\sonica.mpl) == $true) { return $read -l %vto data\sonica.mpl }
  437. replace: alias -l _son12 if ($exists(data\sonica.mpl) == $true) { return $read(data\sonica.mpl,n,%vto) }
  438. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/sonica.mrc: if (%t <= %t1) { $d(-a) 58 $read(data\sonicaact.txt, %t) | inc %t 1 | goto loop }
  439. replace: if (%t <= %t1) { $d(-a) 58 $read(data\sonicaact.txt,n,%t) | inc %t 1 | goto loop }
  440. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/soundcon.mrc: return $readini $_vr(soundcon,theme) $$1 $$2 $$3
  441. replace: return $readini($_vr(soundcon,theme),n,$$1,$$2) $$3
  442. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/voiceman.mrc: if ($_vr(voiceman,switch) == on) && ($me isop $chan) && ($nick isreg $chan) && ($nick != $null) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt, w, $chan) == $chan) { vuser $nick $chan }
  443. replace: if ($_vr(voiceman,switch) == on) && ($me isop $chan) && ($nick isreg $chan) && ($nick != $null) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt,nw,$chan) == $chan) { vuser $nick $chan }
  444. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/voiceman.mrc: elseif ($_vr(voiceman,switch) == on) && ($me ishop $chan) && ($nick isreg $chan) && ($nick != $null) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt, w, $chan) == $chan) { vuser $nick $chan }
  445. replace: elseif ($_vr(voiceman,switch) == on) && ($me ishop $chan) && ($nick isreg $chan) && ($nick != $null) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt,nw,$chan) == $chan) { vuser $nick $chan }
  446. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/voiceman.mrc: if ($_vr(voiceman,switch) == on) && ($me isop $chan) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt, w, $chan) == $chan) || ($me ishop $chan) {
  447. replace: if ($_vr(voiceman,switch) == on) && ($me isop $chan) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt,nw,$chan) == $chan) || ($me ishop $chan) {
  448. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/voiceman.mrc: elseif ($_vr(voiceman,vallop) == on) && ($nick($chan,0,r) >= 1) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt, w, $chan) == $chan) { mvoice }
  449. replace: elseif ($_vr(voiceman,vallop) == on) && ($nick($chan,0,r) >= 1) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt,nw,$chan) == $chan) { mvoice }
  450. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/voiceman.mrc: if ($_vr(voiceman,switch) == on) && ($me isop $chan) || ($me ishop $chan) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt, w, $chan) == $chan) {
  451. replace: if ($_vr(voiceman,switch) == on) && ($me isop $chan) || ($me ishop $chan) && ($read(data\voiceman.txt,nw,$chan) == $chan) {
  452. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/voiceman.mrc: if ($1 == $read -l [ $+ [ %c ] ] data/voiceman.txt) { write -dl [ $+ [ %c ] ] data/voiceman.txt | unset %c | return }
  453. replace: if ($1 == $read(data/voiceman.txt,n,%c) { write -dl [ $+ [ %c ] ] data/voiceman.txt | unset %c | return }
  454. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/voiceman.mrc: did -a voiceman 9 $read -l [ $+ [ %chan ] ] data\voiceman.txt
  455. replace: did -a voiceman 9 $read(data\voiceman.txt,n,%chan)
  456. find: ./acidmax2121_alpha5/sys/voiceman.mrc: %w = $lines(data/voiceman.txt) | %wn = 0 | :loop | %wt = $read -l [ $+ [ %w ] ] data/voiceman.txt | inc %wn $wildtok($1-, %wt, 0, 32) | dec %w | if (%w == 0) { return %wn } | if (%w > 0) { goto loop }
  457. replace: %w = $lines(data/voiceman.txt) | %wn = 0 | :loop | %wt = $read(data/voiceman.txt,n,%w) | inc %wn $wildtok($1-, %wt, 0, 32) | dec %w | if (%w == 0) { return %wn } | if (%w > 0) { goto loop }
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