
OSRS Ground Items (RL plugin) filter list 2021

Dec 26th, 2020
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  1. Acorn, Adamant axe, Adamant battleaxe, Adamant boots, Adamant chainbody, Adamant dagger, Adamant dart, Adamant full helm, Adamant javelin, Adamant kiteshield, Adamant knife, Adamant platelegs, Adamant plateskirt, Adamant scimitar, Adamant spear, Adamant sq shield, Adamant sword, Adamant warhammer, Air rune, Air talisman, Amethyst arrow, Amulet of magic, Amulet of strength, Anti-dragon shield, Apple tree seed, Arrow shaft, Asgarnian seed, Ashes, Babydragon bones, Ball of wool, Barley seed, Barrel, Basket, Bat bones, Bear fur, Beer, Beer glass, Belladonna seed, Big bones, Big fishing net, Black 2h sword, Black axe, Black battleaxe, Black bead, Black boots, Black chainbody, Black full helm, Black kiteshield, Black knife, Black longsword, Black mace, Black med helm, Black platebody, Black platelegs, Black plateskirt, Black robe, Black scimitar, Black sword, Black warhammer, Blue wizard hat, Body rune, Body talisman, Bone bolts, Bones, Bowl, Box trap, Bread, Bread dough, Broad arrows, Broad bolts, Broken arrow, Bronze 2h sword, Bronze arrow, Bronze axe, Bronze bar, Bronze bolts, Bronze boots, Bronze dagger, Bronze dart, Bronze full helm, Bronze halberd, Bronze javelin, Bronze kiteshield, Bronze knife, Bronze longsword, Bronze mace, Bronze med helm, Bronze pickaxe, Bronze platebody, Bronze platelegs, Bronze plateskirt, Bronze scimitar, Bronze spear, Bronze sq shield, Bronze sword, Bronze warhammer, Bucket, Bucket of water, Burnt bread, Burnt bones, Burnt meat, Burnt fish, Buttons, Cabbage, Cabbage seed, Cactus seed, Cadava berries, Cadavaberry seed, Cake tin, Calcite, Calquat fruit, Caviar, Chaos talisman, Cheese, Chef's hat, Chisel, Clay, Climbing boots, Coif, Cooked meat, Copper ore, Cosmic talisman, Cowhide, Crossbow, Crossbow string, Crushed gem, Cup of tea, Curry tree seed, Dagannoth hide, Dark fishing bait, Diamond bolts (e), Diamond dragon bolts (e), Doogle leaves, Dragon arrow, Dragon javelin, Dragonstone bolts (e), Dragonstone dragon bolts (e), Dwellberry seed, Earth rune, Earth talisman, Edible seaweed, Egg, Empty cup, Empty fishbowl, Empty light orb, Empty oyster, Empty plant pot, Empty sack, Enchanted gem, Ensouled abyssal head, Ensouled aviansie head, Ensouled bear head, Ensouled bloodveld head, Ensouled chaos druid head, Ensouled dagannoth head, Ensouled demon head, Ensouled dog head, Ensouled dragon head, Ensouled elf head, Ensouled giant head, Ensouled goblin head, Ensouled horror head, Ensouled imp head, Ensouled kalphite head, Ensouled minotaur head, Ensouled monkey head, Ensouled ogre head, Ensouled scorpion head, Ensouled troll head, Ensouled tzhaar head, Ensouled unicorn head, Eye of newt, Feather, Fire rune, Fire talisman, Fish offcuts, Fishing bait, Flier, Fungicide spray 0, Fur, Gnomeball, Goblin book, Goblin mail, Gold bar, Gold ring, Gorak claws, Grain, Granite (500g), Granite (2kg), Granite (5kg), Green firelighter, Grey wolf fur, Grimy guam leaf, Grimy marrentill, Guam leaf, Guam seed, Guam tar, Hammer, Hammerstone seed, Hardleather body, Harpoon, Harralander seed, Harralander tar, Hunter kit, Impling jar, Iron arrow, Iron axe, Iron battleaxe, Iron bolts, Iron boots, Iron chainbody, Iron dagger, Iron dart, Iron full helm, Iron halberd, Iron javelin, Iron kiteshield, Iron knife, Iron longsword, Iron mace, Iron med helm, Iron ore, Iron pickaxe, Iron platebody, Iron platelegs, Iron plateskirt, Iron scimitar, Iron spear, Iron sq shield, Iron sword, Iron warhammer, Jangerberry seed, Javelin shaft, Jogre bones, Jug, Jug of bad wine, Jug of water, Jug of wine, Jute seed, Kebab, Keg, Keg of beer, King worm, Krandorian seed, Law rune, Leaping salmon, Leaping sturgeon, Leaping trout, Leather body, Leather boots, Leather chaps, Leather cowl, Leather gloves, Leather vambraces, Light orb, Lizardman fang, Lobster pot, Lockpick, Locust meat, Logs, Longbow, Magic comp bow, Maple logs, Maple longbow, Maple roots, Maple shortbow, Marigold seed, Marrentill seed, Marrentill tar, Mind rune, Mind talisman, Mithril 2h sword, Mithril arrow, Mithril axe, Mithril battleaxe, Mithril bolts, Mithril boots, Mithril chainbody, Mithril dagger, Mithril dart, Mithril full helm, Mithril javelin, Mithril kiteshield, Mithril knife, Mithril longsword, Mithril med helm, Mithril pickaxe, Mithril platebody, Mithril platelegs, Mithril plateskirt, Mithril scimitar, Mithril spear, Mithril sq shield, Mithril sword, Mithril thrownaxe, Mithril warhammer, Monkey bones, Monkey corpse, Mud rune, Mushroom spore, Nail beast nails, Nasturtium seed, Nasturtiums, Needle, Noose wand, Oak longbow, Oak roots, Oak shortbow, Ogre arrow, Old boot, Onion seed, Opal bolt tips, Orange tree seed, Oyster, Oyster pearls, Pearl bolt tips, Pie dish, Pigeon cage, Pineapple seed, Poison ivy seed, Polished buttons, Pot, Pot of flour, Potato seed, Potion, Pottery scarab, Pottery statuette, Pyrophosphite Raw anchovies, Raw beef, Raw bird meat, Raw chicken, Raw herring, Raw lobster, Raw mackerel, Raw pike, Raw rainbow fish, Raw rat meat, Raw salmon, Raw sardine, Raw shrimps, Raw swordfish, Raw trout, Raw tuna, Raw yak meat, Red bead, Red firelighter, Red flowers, Redberry seed, Redwood logs, Roe, Rosemary seed, Rotten apple, Rotten food, Ruby bolts (e), Ruby dragon bolts (e), Rune arrow, Rune dart, Rune essence, Rune javelin heads, Rune javelin, Rune knife, Rusty sword, Salmon, Sandstone (1kg), Sandstone (2kg), Sandstone (5kg), Sandstone (10kg), Seaweed, Security book, Serum 207 (3), Shears, Shortbow, Shrimps, Silk, Small fishing net, Smoke rune, Spinach roll, Staff, Steam rune, Steel 2h sword, Steel arrow, Steel axe, Steel bolts, Steel boots, Steel chainbody, Steel dagger, Steel dart, Steel full helm, Steel kiteshield, Steel knife, Steel longsword, Steel mace, Steel pickaxe, Steel platebody, Steel platelegs, Steel plateskirt, Steel scimitar, Steel spear, Steel sq shield, Steel sword, Steel warhammer, Stone ball, Stone scarab, Stone seal, Stone statuette, Strange fruit, Strawberry seed, Studded body, Studded chaps, Suqah hide, Suqah tooth, Swamp tar, Swamp toad, Sweetcorn seed, Tarromin tar, Teak seed, Teasing stick, Tiara, Tile, Tin ore, Tinderbox, Tomato seed, Torch, Training arrows, Training bow, Training shield, Training sword, Trout, Twigs, Unholy symbol, Unicorn horn, Unicorn horn dust, Unlit torch, Unpowered symbol, Unstrung emblem, Vampyre dust, Vial, Volcanic sulphur, Water rune, Water talisman, Watering can, Watermelon, Waterskin(0), Weapon poison, Weeds, White bead, White flowers, Whiteberry seed, Wildblood seed, Willow comp bow, Willow logs, Willow longbow, Willow roots, Willow sapling, Willow shortbow, Woad seed, Wolf bones, Wooden shield, Xerician fabric, Yak-hide, Yanillian seed, Yellow bead, Yellow flowers, Yew comp bow, Yew longbow, Yew roots, Yew shortbow
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