
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 11

Nov 24th, 2014
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  1. >The walk home was quiet and uneventful
  2. >For once, you were thankful for it
  3. >Most of the vagrants had left the streets in search of warmer places
  4. >Those that were left were either too fucked up to move or warming themselves in front of dumpster fires
  5. >Walking in through the door, you notice that the house is completely dark
  6. >And also a lot cleaner than you left it
  7. >Celestia must have been up again
  8. >You waltz over to the kitchen and strip off your jacket, the wounds on your upper body stinging from the movement
  9. >You barely suppress a hiss of pain as you stow your piece into your pocket
  10. >Lot of fucking good it did you this time
  11. >Opening the cupboard from memory, you grope around in the darkness until your fingers settle around the neck of a bottle
  12. >In an instant, you screw off the cap and start emptying the whiskey into your mouth
  13. >With no regard for taste, you drink and drink, until you're halfway through
  14. >Fuck, you really needed that
  15. >Holding the bottle in one hand, you walk up the staircase to your bedroom, the reassuring weight of the gun comforting you every step of the way
  16. >It's not paranoia if you have a reason to be on edge, right?
  17. >You open the door slowly, the unoiled hinges giving a loud creak
  18. >In the darkness of your bedroom, you finally relax and put the gun down on the nightstand
  19. >Locking the door behind you, you take a deep pull of the whiskey, the cheap taste and burning sensation taking your thoughts off the beating
  20. >You strip yourself down to your drawers and head off towards the bathroom
  21. >Might as well see how bad you look
  22. >Also you really need to take a leak
  23. >You feel completely fine, until the sparse rays of light coming in through your bedroom window show movement in your bed
  24. >Shit
  25. >Shit
  26. >Shit
  27. >You bolt towards the night stand and grab your gun firmly, take off the safety, aim it towards the lump on your bed, and stop to think
  28. >Why'd anyone break into your house just to sleep in your bed?
  29. >You flick the safety back on and slowly inch towards the shape on your bed, heart rate beginning to calm down
  30. >Turning on the lamp beside the bed, you see that it is the intruder from before
  31. >Fucking Celestia
  32. >You take a deep drag from your bottle as she begins to wake up
  33. >''Mmpfh, just- just five minutes more.''
  34. ''Celestia?''
  35. >Your voice is barely above a whisper, but doesn't seem to go unheard
  36. >''Fuh- five minutes more, Luna.''
  37. ''Hey, come on. What are you doing in my bed?''
  38. >You shake her as gently as you can and she finally jolts awake
  39. >''Oh, mmh, sorry Anon, I thought you weren't coming home-''
  40. >Her eyes widen and her voice rises in volume as she looks at your bandaged face
  41. >''Oh my God Anon! What happened to you?''
  42. >You shrug and try to play it off
  43. ''Long story, C. Had a bit of a scuffle.''
  44. >''A scuffle? A scuffle?!''
  45. >She looks completely shocked, all traces of sleep gone
  46. ''Yeah.''
  47. >''Anon, that's not a scuffle, that's-''
  48. ''I'm okay. Why are you in my bed?''
  49. >''You look like you've been through a meat grinder and you're telling me you're okay?''
  50. ''Is it that bad?''
  51. >''What the hell happened to you?''
  52. ''Scuffle. Why are you in my bed?''
  53. >You take another drag from your bottle, feeling anger boil up again
  54. >''I thought I'd just take a short nap after cleaning the house since you weren't around and, well, here I am.''
  55. >She gives a sheepish smile, but grows serious in an instant
  56. >''But what happened to you? You look terrible!''
  57. ''Look, I just got into a bit of a fight, okay? I just need some rest, and I'll be fine.''
  58. >She looks almost sad now, and her voice is little more than a murmur
  59. >''You have no idea what you look like, do you?''
  60. >Shit
  61. >That doesn't sound good
  62. >Not good at all
  63. >You storm into the bathroom and flick the lamp on, the sharp light burning your retinas
  64. >You steel yourself with a drag from your bottle, and look into the mirror
  65. >Oh God
  66. >That can't be you
  67. >But it's got to be you
  68. >Celestia is hovering anxiously in the doorway, clearly uncomfortable
  69. >Methodically, you retrieve a first aid kit from the medicine cabinet
  70. >With as few looks into the mirror as possible, you start stripping the bandages and plasters off your face
  71. >Caked blood mixes with fresh in the sink for every dressing removed
  72. >After removing the last bandage from your face, you strip off your shirt and get to work taking off the bandages criss-crossing your torso
  73. >Ugly purple bruises and ruptured tissue peeks out from underneath every bloodstained piece of cloth
  74. >Your work finally done, you look into the mirror
  75. ''Jesus Christ…''
  76. >Your face is a blood-caked mass of bruises and cuts, a particularly large one going from just below your left eye towards your mouth, nothing but makeshift stitching holding it together
  77. ''Jesus fucking Christ…''
  78. >You touch your face as if to affirm that you are the mangled mass of meat in the mirror, and you wince despite yourself when your shaking hand passes over the larger cuts
  79. >''Anon, can I help you?''
  80. >You want to tell her to fuck off
  81. >You want to tell her to go back to the couch and leave you alone with what's left of your visage
  82. >You want to yell at her, snap at her, do anything to make her leave you alone
  83. >But you can't
  84. >Something about the worried, almost motherly look in her eyes reminds you that she had nothing to do with this
  85. >You sigh, and slump down on the toilet, taking a long pull from the bottle
  86. ''You any good with a first aid kit?''
  88. >You barely mask a hiss of pain as Celestia gently cleans the cuts on your face for what seems like the umpteenth time
  89. >She notices your discomfort and pats your head gently, still not taking her eyes off the wounds on your face
  90. >Despite her initial reaction, she was more than happy to help, and from the pocket mirror in your hand you can see that she's doing a mighty fine job of it
  91. >Looking at you now, with the dried blood on your face mostly gone, you don't look exactly as fucked as you did at first
  92. >It's still going to leave a couple of ugly scars, but you are nowhere near the mincemeat monstrosity you saw before
  93. >''I know it hurts, Anon, but I have to clean these.''
  94. ''I know.''
  95. >''The last thing you want is these getting infected.''
  96. ''I know. Thanks.''
  97. >You reply morosely and take another swig from your bottle
  98. >''No problem. Now-''
  99. >She gestures towards the dark bruises marring your chest and stomach
  100. >''There's not much I can do about those, and I really think you should go to the clinic.''
  101. >She shakes her head and sucks in a deep breath
  102. >''Why you didn't go there from the beginning is beyond me, but at the very least, you should make sure you don't have any broken ribs.''
  103. >You chuckle mirthlessly
  104. ''Do you have any idea how much they charge? It's daylight robbery, that's what it is.''
  105. >''Yeah, but-''
  106. >She sighs and hugs you gently
  107. >''Just, be careful, okay? I might already have lost my sister. I don't want to lose anyone else.''
  108. >She mutters quietly into your neck
  109. >At this point you notice that her night gown isn't covering much
  110. >Her skin is incredibly soft, almost shimmering with a pearly sheen
  111. >Her hair shells like a summer day, and you feel light-headed for a moment
  112. >Whether it's the drink getting to you or the blood rushing to your rapidly-growing erection you don't know
  113. >But it feels good all the same
  114. >She slowly breaks the embrace, chuckles nervously, and fiddles with her hair
  115. >''Now, I think it's time to stitch those up.''
  116. >She brings out a needle and thread from the first aid kit, and draws closer again
  117. ''No, no need, I'm fine, thanks.''
  118. >You reply a bit too quickly, not taking your eyes off the shining needle in her hand
  119. >''Anon, are you scared of needles?''
  120. ''N-no!''
  121. >''Well if you say so.''
  122. >Her mischievous smile might be the scariest thing you've seen in a long tim
  123. >''Now hold still…''
  124. >Oh God fuck no
  126. >''See, now that wasn't so bad, was it?''
  127. >Celestia gently rubs your hair while chuckling softly
  128. >Meanwhile, you're doing everything you can to keep from hyperventilating
  129. ''I don't see what's so funny.''
  130. >''It's nothing.''
  131. >Her expression says something else entirely
  132. ''No, please, enlighten me. I'm sure I'll see the humor in the situation.''
  133. >Your sarcastic tone suggests otherwise
  134. >In your defense, you don't find needles particularly fun
  135. >''Well, it's just-''
  136. >She shrugs, still smiling
  137. >''You walk in with your face completely busted and don't care at all, but when I pull out a needle you're practically screaming.''
  138. ''Still don't see it.''
  139. >''Sorry, it's stupid.''
  140. >You shrug, not really knowing what to say
  141. >''It's just, well, it's kind of cute.''
  142. >Her eyes fly open and she definitely looks slightly panicked over the direction the conversation
  143. >''Oh, uh, I mean…''
  144. >You give her your cutest grin
  145. ''Thanks. You too.''
  146. >Her face reminds you of a tomato
  147. >''Oh, uh. Well, I-''
  148. >You stand up, slightly unsteady, and give her a smile
  149. ''It's okay. Whatever you want to say, say it now.''
  150. >''Oh, I just-''
  151. ''You know I won't judge you.''
  152. >''Well, I'm just, just really tired, okay?''
  153. >You grin
  154. ''Aren't we all?''
  155. >You move closer to her and put your arm around her waist
  156. >The moment of truth
  157. ''But, you know, the house gets awfully cold this time of year.''
  158. >''I, I don't-''
  159. >You lean in and whisper into her ear
  160. ''And if you feel like warming me up, I wouldn't have anything against it.''
  161. >You grin and take another swig
  162. ''Nothing against it at all.''
  163. >''Oh, uh, well Anon, I must say I'm quite tired.''
  164. ''So am I.''
  165. >''And, well, it simply wouldn't be proper to do… anything. I hope you understand.''
  166. >Despite her fading blush, she looks awfully businesslike
  167. >You grin and nuzzle her hair
  168. ''Yeah, I hear you. But I wouldn't complain.''
  169. >''Well, Anon, as wonderful as this has been, I simply must get going now.''
  170. >You give her a final squeeze and release her from your grip, your hand falling slackly on your side
  171. >''Good night, Anon.''
  172. >She pulls the night gown tight around herself and storms off towards the couch downstairs
  173. ''Yeah, nighty-night.''
  174. >You chuckle to yourself and empty the bottle into your awaiting mouth while admiring her hips
  175. >Shiieet
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